Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1917, p. 8

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TBM McHHTBT PUlHBSiIBB, MeHEHBY, XLC. & ; , J'-V; pp,v v . ? • / - • • • •"'• THAT Perhaps you have always thought you had to pay a tailor $35.00 to $40.00 for a suit that car­ ried a snappy appearance. That's a great mistake. OUR SNAPPY SUITS *18.00 to $35.00 are in many nobby patterns, and all of the different shades are here to seledi from. If you want the biggest value to be had inja suit come in and see this line. Each suit has that *today cut and fit" JOS. W. FREUND * ^ WEST McHENRY/lix.-. . . The Family Store! This store is the place where every member of the family can trade; It is filled with supplies for all WE CLOTHE THE FAMILY You will find here the cream of the market in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. We have Suits, Hats, Shoes, Shirts and Underwear for father and the boys. We have a splendid display of Dress Goods, Shoes, Gloves, Stockings, Waists, Under Garments for mother and the girls and we also clothe the little folks. The quality is high. The prices are right The store with the selection. F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. ILL. .....Oar Up-to-date Stock of..... Summer Furniture COMMANDS YOUR ATTENTION. We have ust stocked up with one of the biggest and mo& complete lines of Summer Furniture ever brought to McHenry and we feel that we are now in a position to supply your needs in this line in a remarkably short time. Is there anything in thi? list that you are in need of? Porch Swings Porch Chairs Porch Shades Lawn Swings Lawn Chairs Lawn Benches Hammocks Jacob Justen McHENRY, ILLINOIS i-. K fc? Spring and Summer in new colors and weaves lUM West McHenry, 111. Sport Voiles and Silks, novelty plaids and stripes in the newest creation for the smart dresser, up to 65e per yard * s A new line of Ladies' Collars in voiles, silks and georgetta crepes, plain and embroidered. Auto Veils and Caps Shirt Waists and MusUn Under­ wear. Shoes for the whole family at extremely low prices. New line of Men's Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Spring Ties, Hosiery, Etc. Made-to-order Suits Full line of pure, fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. 'Phone 63-R Goods delivered oo the Elgin board of trade sold at 86% cents per pound last Sat- urday. Measles are still quite prevalent in McHenry, new cases being reported nearly every day. Robert Green is an employe at the F. Schnabel studio. He duties Monday morning. Just to remind you of the Independ­ ence ball which is to be held at Stof fel's hall on Tuesday evening, July 3. Be a booster by doing everything within your power to make McHenry's Fourth of July celebration a Mrs. Samantha Button recently chased the Henry McOmber stead on Court street and is cupying same. , We are informed that the baseball park has been rented to B. J. Adams, who expects to harvest a hay crop therefrom soon. N. J. Justen and John J. Pitzen of McHenry township have been named to serve as grand jurors at the Sep­ tember term of court. Mrs. Jas. N. Sayler is substituting as mail carrier on the West McHenry route. Mr. Sayler will enjoy the an­ nual two weeks' vacation. .,i . ; » 1 ITEMS OF LOCAL WTERET AS PICKED UP BY PLAINDBALBP REPORTERS DURING What People are Doiaf In This Vil­ lage and the Other Short oc- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simon were given a real old-fashioned charivari at their home on Washington street on Monday Evening of this week. Butter is again being manufactured at the Griswold Lake creamery east of this village and some of our busi­ ness men are now being supplied from this source. Schroeder's five-piece orchestra of Woodstock has been engaged to fur­ nish the music for the Independence ball at Stoffel's hall on Tuesday even­ ing, July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting and family haje moved from the Carey flat on Main street to the Whiting homestead occupied by his father for many years. Our streets have received their annual coat of oil and, while same are just a bit sticky, that terrible dust nuisance has been done away with for a few months at least. Prof. A. E. Nye is now engaged in taking up the annual school census. The Plaindeaier hopes to be able to give its readers his report when the work is completed. The grounds of the Chapel Hill Country club at Howell's Villas have been placed into first-class condition for the season and lovers of the sport are seen on the course almost daily ADDITION,*], PERSONALS Wbe Coaie and G« Daring a Week •' Miss Edythe Leach, director of music and elocution, will hold her eighteenth commencement program at the high school auditorium, McHenry, Tuesday evening, June 26, at eight fifteen o'clock. Reports from Elgin are to the ef­ fect that Lloyd Howard, who was so severely injured in an automobile ac­ cident in that city on Tuesday even­ ing of last week, has an excellent •chance to recover. Mrs. Walter Warner of Woodstock will give a miscellaneous shower for Miss Mary Gibbs on Friday evening at her home. Many from this vicinity have been invited to attend and will be conveyed by auto. The crops thruout the entire local­ ity are looking fine and if they con­ tinue to do as well during the bal­ ance of • the growing season as they have shown thus far there will be a bumper crop to harvest this fall. Fishermen should bear in mind the law regarding fishing within one hundred feet of the dam. A penalty is attached and the fish warden or some other officer may present an ap­ pearance at an unexpected moment. Chicago trains were delayed on ac­ count of a derailment of three cars at Williams Bay this morning. Passen­ gers from this station, in order to keep their appointments, motored to Crystal Lake and took the train from that station. A number from this village took in the picnic given for the benefit of St. Peter's parish a^ Volo last Sunday. There was a large crowd in attendance and from current reports a neat sum was cleared, which has already gone into the church treasury. With an abundance of good gravel at our disposal there isn't any reason for such poor roads as now exist in this locality. Sections of the road be­ tween this village and Pistakee Bay are particularly bad and should have been attended to long ago. Mis8 Mata Dexter of Prescott, Ariz., F. W. Hart of Columbus University, N. Y., and Miss Buelah ^macost of Delavan, 111., spent the week end with Miss Nell Clemens. All were former­ ly teachers in Prescott,' Ariz., and the reunion was much enjoyed. Owing to the foct that ho more wooden cars will be allowed on that train, the buffet car has been taken off the Chicago passenger train. That's pretty tough on some of the fellows who hold forth up at the north end of the line. So far as the McHenry people are,concerned the car will not be missed. Mrs. J. W. Smith was a Chicago vis­ itor Wednesday. ^ Dr. C. H. Fegers % Chicago visitor last Friday. John Miller was a windy city pas­ senger this morning. Simon Stoffel boarded tile Chicago train this morning. Mr. and Mrs. R.' I. Overton wpre Chicago visitors today. Wm. Harnedy spent the week end With friends in Chicago. Misses Frances and Helen Wejteh Tuesday in Elgin. j Mary Gibbs spent the week end with Chicago relatives. Mrs. M. Knox of Terra Cotta Vis­ ited relatives here yesterday. Peter Thelen has returned from a veral weeks' stay in Chicago., Mrs. Geo. Meyers spent Monday, as the guest of her son at Elgin. Mrs. L. I. Edinger and son, Robert, Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. W. J. Walsh was a guest of Chi­ cago relatives Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Heimer and daughter, Elvera, passed today in the etropolitan city. Miss Lelah Ciaxton attended the mmencement exercises at Barring- ton Friday evening. Miss Anna Frisby passed Saturday and Sunday as the guest of friends in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. John Heisler of Crys­ tal Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Wm. Simes. Henry Simes of Crystal Lake was a Sunday guest in the home of his brother, William, here. Herbert Homuth and Addie Kam- pert of Barrington spent Sunday even­ ing at J. F. Claxton's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton and children of Solon were Sunday guests in the home of Wm. Simes. Miss Mary Meyers was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schuenemann in Waukegan. Dr. W. M. Joyce of Chicago was here Wednesday and performed opera­ tions at the office of Dr. D. G. Wells. Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, and Leo Heimer motored to Chicago Wednesday and will return tomorrow. Dr. R. G. Chamberlin passed the latter part of last and fore part of this week at hi4 farm near Muskegon, Mich. Mrs. Julia Bishop of Redingtor>> Neb., is spending a few weeks as the guest of relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chesnut and chil­ dren of Crystal Lake vistied in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mansfield of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home if Postmaster and Mrs. E. E. Basset t. Miss Emma Pint of Chicago passed the first of the week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Misses Helen, Catherine and John Freund spent Thursday in the home of their sister, Mrs. Nick Justen, at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Granger of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the former's'mother, Mrs. F.* K. Granger. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner of Woodstock were entertained in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. J. B. Frisby, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Judson and son, Clarence, and Misses Edna Tibbets and Jessie Cole of Hebron spent Sun­ day at J. F. Claxton's. Mrs. Mike Levelle and son, Maurice, of Rochelle, 111., spent a few days re­ cently as guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Buss. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock, son, Gordon, and daughter, Catherine, of Austin were callers at the home of Miss Ellen Doherty Sunday. Misses Mary Burke and Vera Doh­ erty and Quintin Walsh are spending the week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Burke, at Lake Defiance. Think It Over Several publishers have recently complained that some of the large concerns are supplying free printed stationery to their agents thruout the country. This of course bears the name of the agent as well as advertis­ ing matter of the doner. There is no way to prevent a manufacturer from giving this stationery to his agent. But, as an exchange remarks, "the merchant who uses stationery deco­ rated with gargling oil, axle grease or other advertising matter is to the printer what the mail order house is to the home merchant." $100 Reward, $100* Til readers of this paper will be pl«Mfd to learn that there is at l«ut one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's C&t&rrh Cure is taken internally »nd acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de­ stroying the foundation of the disease, ylvine the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting1 na­ ture in doing its work. The proprie­ tors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall't) Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list Of testimonials. Address: r. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drugftstib tic. Traveling Thru New Jersey Waited Freund, the blind bag puncher has just written friends from the state of New Jersey. He is still with the Koop & Lent circus and from the tone of his letters he is well sat­ isfied and doing well. He States that the show will again be on its way west ui a week or tmo. ' v " tempiii '• •«* • -v. v'*•" ' - v / . : r.S" •mtmSm""- " * - • ^ ^ - - * ' A { * Central OPERA HOUSE McHENRY THURSDAY. JUNE 21 Theo. Roberts and Anita King -IN- "Anton the Terrible ^SATURDAY. JUNE 23 ^ Sessue Hayakawa -IN- "Honorable Friend" . SUNDAY. JUNE 2* Marie Dora' . ; "The"Lash*^ WE FIT EYES Wlfl There is only one kind of glass, or lens, that your eyes require. Any other kind is apt to do them injury. We fit each eye separately by unerr­ ing tests that reveal every de­ fect. Our knowledge of the human eye is sufficient to in­ sure that you receive the glasses that you need. Let us examine your eyes There is no charge for advice and our charges for glasses are as small as the cost of the glasses and frames you require will permit. J. J. Schaefer, Op. D. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST PERMANENT OFFICE Centcrville McHENRY, ILL. Office Hours: 9;M a. m. to 6:M p. nv daily. Evenings and Sundays by appointment. 'Phone 86-W. DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bldg. Centerville McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 79-W PLUMBING AND HEATING BY Experienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER SHARON, WISCONSIN • Wednesday afid Friday 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday and Monday By appointment only DR. CHARLES R. TREAT WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 91a. m. to 5 p. m. Office in Spaulding Bldg. Phone No 73-R ALFORD H. POUSE Attorney-at-Law Weft McHenry, - - 111. Ladies' Aid Society The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church has "changed its day of meeting from Friday to Thursday. The next meeting of the society will take place on Thursday afternoon, June 28, at the home of Mrs. E. E. Bassett. This will be a work meet­ ing and every member is urged to come prepared. Kill Tarantula A large tarantula was discovered in a bunch of bananas at the F. A. Bohlander store on Tuesday morning of this week. The large spider was killed. We note by our exchanges that tarantulas are more numerous than ever this year and in a number of cases store employes have been bitten by these poisonous spiders. At Fort Benj. Harrison Geo. Stoffel and Lester Bacon, who joined the colors a few weeks ago, are now stationed at Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind., from which place the boys have recently written their McHenry friends. According to their letters both boys are well satisfied with army life. And He Never Said, Goodby Mat Edelstein Diamond, a cigar- maker employed at the Barbian Bros, factory during the past few weeks, failed to report for work Monday morning. Max has always maintained that the people in McHenry are too prejudiced. •iMjiMMMiiM JO,N OURJ-IBER-TY BANKING CLUB VOU CAN START WITH or more 4 ... Ypu SERVE YOUR COUNTRY when you come to our Bank and join our LIBERTY BANKING CLUB and invent in a LIBERTY LOAN WAR BOND and also make the SAFEST INVESTMENT in the world. And you do not have to draw one cent out of the bank. We will carry your bond for you until you can pay for it. You make easy payments each week and you will NEVER MISS THE MONEY. PICK OUT THE PLAN YOU WANT1 Gome in; get a LiBerty Banking Club Book free *• 5 Cent Plan GETS $50 LIBERTY BOND Put in: 5 cents the lit week 10 cents the 2nd week 15 cents the 3rd week Increase your deposit ONLY 5 CENTS a week for 50 weeks then you have $63.75 Enough to pay for your $50 U. S. Libertv Loan Bond and leaye you $13.75 to your credit in our bank. Bond delivered when $50 is paid in. $1.00 a Week Plan You put in only ONE DOLLAR a week for 50 weeks. We then deliver to you your $50 U. S. Liberty Loan Bond You can pqy us in 25 weeks or less time if you wish. Bond delivered when $50 is paid in. 10 Cent Plan GETS $100 LIBERTY Put ia: ^ It cents tfie week 20 cents the 2nd week 30 cents the 3rd week Increase your deposit OHLY It CENTS a week for 5$ weeks then you have $127.5# Enough to pay for your $10f U. S. Liberty Loan Bond and leave you $27.50 to your credit in our bank. Bond delivered when $100 is paid in. $2.00 a Week Plan 1 / You put in only TWO DOL­ LARS a week for 50 weeks. We then deliver to you your * ^ $100 U. S. Liberty Loan Bond you can pay up in 25 weeks or less time if you wish. Bond de­ livered when $100 is paid .in. We give our services to our Government free. We make no profit on Liberty Loan War Bonds .West Mdlenry State West McHenry, Illinois The only shade woven with 9 Ye®* tilator and each shade equipped with Safety Wind Divice, N. J. JUSTEN & SON WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS FURNITURE it UNDERTAKING t: PHONES: Re#., Office. W-W MEAT U It pays to be partic­ u l a r a b o u t t h e m e a t you eat. We invite you t o i n s p e c t o u r m e a t , because w^irant you to see for yourself that w e k e e p o n l j r n i c e , fresh cuts. Tough meat ruins tho stomach. Ve are look­ ing to the WELFARE of our customers. Ve knov t h a t o n l y b y s u c h practices shall ve PARK VELL ourselvoa* Schneider Bros* «• Weft McHenry J"

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