ill ii;"|i ji/i U.111, mmmmm jyi n^w and m to-now Van- > devitte | Comedy Drama with heart interest McHENRY, SUNDAY, JULY 1 / • p ^--ANNUAL APPEARANCE "OF HE BEVERIDGE PLAYERS SThe Show of Merit and Quality THE PLAY?*--• •- JAZZ BAND AND ORCHESTRA SPECIAL SCENERY! SHOW YOU AIL SEAT SALE AT PETEjSCH'S 4 ll<: • ki • i* ;oi:Cr; K!' • Jf. „* ,» . h' <.. ' : SjWSf'i' W'V THAT- % Snappy Appearance Perhaps you have "always thought you had to pay a tailor $35,00 to $40,00 for a suit that car ried a snappy appearance. That's a great mistake. OUR SNAPPY SUITS $18.40 to $35.00 are in many nobby! patterns, and all of the different shades are here to select from. If you want the bigge& value to be had in|a suit come in and see this line. Each suit has that "today cut and fit" JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. The Family Store! This store is the place where every member of the family can trade. It is filled with supplies for all WE CLOTHE THE FAMILY You will find here the cream of the market in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. We have Suits, Hats, Shoes, Shirts and Underwear for father and the boys. We have a splendid display of Dress Goods, Shoes, Gloves, Stockings, Waists, Under Garments for mother and the girls and we also clothe the little folks. The quality is high. The prices are right The store with the selection. F. A. Bohlander WI&T McHENRY, ILL. .....Our Up-to-date Stock of..... Summer Furniture • : COMMANDS YOUR ATTENTION. We have ust stocked up with one of the biggest and moft. complete lines of Summer Furniture ever brought to McHenry and we feel that we are now in a position, to supply your needs in this line in a remarkably short time. Is there anything in this list that you are in need of? Porch Swings .• Porch Chairs / Porch Shades Lawn Swings Lawn Chairs Lawn Benches Hammocks Jacob Justen ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST AS PICKED UP BT PLAINDEALB* REPORTERS DURING WEEK What People are Doing in This Vil lage and the Immediate Other Short Paragraphs Butter Market On the Elgin board of trade Saturday 36% cents per pound paid for butter. Plaindealer for last Advertise with The results. All except onevof the cottages at Howell's Villas have been rented for the season. The Chicago schools closed last Fri day and most of the resorters are now here for the summer. The hotels in McHenry, along the river and at the Bay did a good busi ness over the week end. Most of the business houses in Mc Henry will close their doors at next Wednesday, July 4. A fine time is assured those attend the Independence ball at Stof- fel's hall on Tuesday evening, July 3. The Plaindealer has been given a "tip" that a wholesale arrest for ille gal sale of liquor may be looked for at any time. A number of our Masons were guests of the St. Charles lodge last Saturday afternoon and evening. They made the trip via automobile and report a fine time. Ed. L. Hayes, chairman of the Mc Henry Fourth of July celebration, has bet a ne# hat that McHenry's cele bration will be better attended than the celebration at Woodstock. Will party who "found" gold watch and fob chain with initials C. F. N. engraved on same at Orchard Beach hotel last Sunday, June 24, return same to hotel and receive reward ? No questions asked. Arthur Sahs of Woodstock, well known to many of our youiig people, was united in marriage to Miss Maude Schwamb at St. Mary's rectory, Wood stock, on Wednesday morning of last week. , Tfcis is the time to look after the Canada thistles. Thistle Commis sioner Wm. Simes, is making the rounds and if you know of any thistles on your village or farm property we advise you to cut them. Quite a number of fishermen were out last Sunday and a number of good catches were made. Probably the largest catch of the day took place at Pistakee Bay, when a guest at the Oak Park hotel landed a twelve pound pickerel. The McHenry county assessors have all returned their books and the as sessment rolls will appear in the dif ferent publications of the county next week. The assessors of Dorr and Mc Henry townships were the last to make returns. Lewis Stoffel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoffel of this village, who is employed at the Oliver typewriter fac tory at Woodstock, has joined Com pany G, I. N. G., of that city. The company expects to be sent down to the Mexican border shortly. Martin A. Howell informed us Tuesday that he had just closed a deal for the rentirfg of a new home at Howell's Villas, which, accord ing to contract, must be up and ready for occupancy by July 10. This will make some contractor hustle. Earl McAndrews left Sunday morn ing for LeVerne, Minn., and on his return will bring with him Miss Gladys Kinney of that city as his bride. Particulars of the marriage, which is dated for Wednesday morn-; ing, June 27, will be given next A Canadian, who has served in the trenches of Europe during the past two years, paid McHenry a visit last week and, we are told, had many in teresting tales to tell. He is said to be recovering from injuries received in battle and expects to return to front soon. Raymond S. Howard awarded the contract for painting the Borden buildings in this village, in cluding the factory building, the large ice houses and smaller buildings. This is quite a job, but Ray and his ef ficient gang of .workmen will, no doubt, nrove themselves equal to Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Jr., were given a charivari over on the West Side on Monday night. The Auto-Utilizer will run almost any piece of machinery manufactured. Wm. Simes sells them. Carpenters are busily engaged in finishing up the living rooms over the C. G. Berner store in Centerville. The next meeting of the Social Wheel will be held at the home of Mrs. Lydia Owen on Thursday, July 12. Mr. and rs, Jos. Freund have va cated the Karges cottage on Water street and moved to a farm near Spring Grove. The McHenry Military band wishes announce that it will hold its next, concert on the school campus Friday evening, July 6. Mrs. D. Woodburn has rented one of the flats in the C. W. Parks house on John street and will move from the Bonslett flat in Centerville this week. Make the automobile give you all the service of which it is capable. Util ize the power it has for all your power requirements. Ask Wm. Simes, Mc Henry, 111. The family of Rural Letter Carrier A. Granger is recovering from an attack of measles. The mother and every one of the children were down* at the same time. Paul Meyers, Green street, who has been engaged in the roofing business here, has moved with his family to Morton Grove, 111., where he has se cured employment with Pullman Bros., florists. In the school report of the McHenry public school given last week George Bohr, a fifth grade pupil, should have been credited with a perfect attend ance during the school year, a record which he may well be proud to possess. In spite of the threatening weather, large crowd turned out to listen to the excellent band concert by the Mc Henry Military band given on the pub lic school grounds last evening. Our band is becoming more popular with our people every day and the music last evening was thoroly enjoyed. The canning demonstration, will take place at the school auditorium tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. Mem bers of the club, with their mothers and any who are interested in the work, are invited to attend. Miss Hunt of the State University will demonstrate the canning of fruits and vegetables. McHenry was again "bone dry" last Sunday, thus giving the proprietors of the different saloons an opportunity to attend church services or go fish ing. The order for a dry Sunday was issued by Mayor Chamberlin some time during the week and from the tone of the letter sent out one would judge that our mayor means business. The children of the Volo parochial school held their annual entertainment at the Central opera house here last evening. The people of Volo turned out in goodly numbers, while a num ber of our residents also were present. The entertainment, we are told, was a credit to the children as well as the sisters of the school, who instructed them. The Chapel Hill Country club, the grounds for which are located on the Pistakee Bay road, just north of the little brick chapel, is out to increase its membership and the club is mak ing an attractive offer to McHenry golf enthusiasts to join them. An ad isement announcing the club's plans appears elsewhere in this of The Plaindealer. With a little effort on the part of our citizens and those residing in towns along the C. & N. W. right-of- way between here and Williams Bay, a theatre train may be secured we are told. While the theatre season is just about closed for the summer the mat ter could be taken up at once so as to insure such service thruout the winter Office Hours Telephone*: 9:06 to 12:90 a. m. Office 17 1:M to 4:30 p. m. Residence 51-W 7:## to 8:M p. m. A. I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon 5K?vSJSfG' WEST McHENRY OPERA HOUSE McHENRY ***** THURSDAY, JUNE 28 Blanche Sweet IN "The Storm" SATURDAY, JUNE 30 Pauline Frederick IN "A Woman in the Case" SUN D AY, Vl U LY 1 Beveridge Players WITH-- Band and Orchestra NOTE--Every Wednesday, be ginning July 4, Perils of our Girl Reporters and Vogue Comedies -L We are told that a number of the land owners just outside of the vil lage limits have made arrangements with the village board to have oil spread along the highways in front of their places. In a number of cases in this locality even the farmers are beginning to see the advantage of oiled roads and axe having oil applied Alford H. Pouse, Atty. State of Illinois) McHenry County) ss. In County Court to Augttest Term, A. D. 1917. Alford H. Pouse, administrator of the Estate of Carrie Brehm, deceased vs. Edward Brehm, Betty Swendson, Bertha Webb Sherman and Geraldine Webb. Petition for leave to sell Real Estate to pay debts. Affidavit of the non-residence of Betty Swendson, Bertha Webb Sher man arid Geraldine Webb, defendants in the above entitled cause having been filed in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of McHenry'County, Illi nois, notice is hereby given to said non-resident defendants, that on the sixteeth day of April, A. D. 1017, Al ford H. H$use, Administrator of the Estate of Cairirie Brehm, deceased, filed in#1 said Court a petition for an order to sell the following described real estate situated in the County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot Eleven (11) in River Park as ap pears from the Plat of said River Park on file in the Recorder's Office of Mc Henry County, Illinois, said River Park and premises being situated in the Northwest quarter of Section No. Twenty-five (25), in Township Num ber Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the third Principal Meridian, situated in th|| Township of McHenry, County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois, that there upon a summons issued out of sai^l Court against all the defendants, re turnable on the fourth day $f June, A. D. 1917. Now, therefore, unless you the said Betty Swendson, Bertha Webb Sher man and Geraldine Webb shall person ally be and appear before the County Cburt of McHenry County on the first day of the August Term thereof, to be holden in the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, County of Mc Henry and State of IUinois, on the sixth day of August, A. D. 1917, and plead answer or demur to said peti tion, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of the said petition. In testimony whereof 1 have here unto set may hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Wood stock, Illinois, this 6th day of June, A. D. 1917.' G. E. Still, Clerk. Alford Ht Pouse, Atty. for peti- 61-4t tor Don't wait until a steadily ad vancing market compels high er prices. My line of Work Shoes is quite complete and for a short time you can get them at practically before war prices. Increasing sales in dicate that my prices are be low others, but will be com pelled to advance prices with- ba shorttini& Don't Delay! Bay Nowl JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY -m 1776 1886 1916 We've Kept Pace With Progress ID The Delivery of Lumber and at the same time have eliminated the worry of when your lum ber would be on tEe job ready for use. The one big factor in our selling policy is SERVICE--service in the supplying with big value, high quality lumbej and building material; service in promptly fill ing and delivering all orders. Phone Us Your Rush Orders and we'll prove- by actual performance hqw quickly we will haff' your material at its destination. The proof of the pudding is in tip# eating-the proof of our service ir io Hhe trying. Tell us your needs today. , :: " °! Wilbur Lumber Co. Wedt McHenry, Illinois A" Ml line of safe and sane FIREWORKS to help .celebrate the 4th. We carry a complete line of FIREWORKS. VOGT'S DRUG STORE *TilE RECALL STORE' liiTifTiiihJj;i IN. mil