Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1917, p. 8

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1 ' ' A ' V ' r - • / • , * .• ^ i : i . - % " THAT* " "r^'V £?' * Ef®S> ,"v«fes. Perhaps yoo have always thought you had to pay a tailor $35.00 to $40.00 for a suit that car­ ried a snappy appearance. That's a great mistake. OUR SNAPPY SUITS $19.00 to $35.00 are in many nobby'patterns, and all of the different shades are here to selecft from. If you want the biggesl value to be had iofa suit come in and see this line. Each suit has that "today cut and fit." JOS. W> FREUND WEST McHfclNltY, iiJu.. ' , .. The Family * Store! This store is the place where every member of the family can trade. It is filled with supplies for all. W CLOTHE THE FAMILY You will find here the cream of the market in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. We have Suits, Hats, Shoes, Shirts and Underwear for father and the boys. "We have a splendid display of Dress Goods, Shoes, Gloves, Stockings, Waists, Under Garments for mother and the girls and we also clothe the little folks. The quality is high. The prices are right The store with the selection. F. A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. ILL. Up-to-date Stock of..... Summer Furniture COMMANDS YOUR ATTENTION. We have ust stocked up with one of the biggest and moil complete lines of Summer Furniture ever brought to McHenry and we feel that we are now in a position to supply your need9 in this line in a remarkably short time. Is there anything in this list that you are in need of? Porch Swings Porch Chairs Porch Shades Lawn Swings Lawn Chairs Lawn Benches Hammocks % Jacob Justen McHENRY, ILLINOIS $ < OVAL WO KM LS i I N < < ( )P M I S JOHN STOFFEfc sox wffitftRiG comer Are Your Corsets the Right Size? JF you want your corsets to wear be sure they fit And for correct fitting, don't make the mistake of selecting a size too small. A smart, daintily con­ toured figure is never the result of crowd­ ing--but skillful designing such as you find in ROYAL WORCESTER corsets. The superb line shows the many impor­ tant innovations of the new mode, and such is the variety of models that every wearer may find the &yle her fancy didiates. Price, $1.00,11.50, $2.00 and $2.50 DEFEATED ROCKFORD SUNDAY 4 TO 1 B&RE SiHteff Pitches Pretty Gum tn ̂h Given Fine Support--"Pop" Jtetod- IwB Is There Witfi the Willow After several weeks' delay, during which time the loyal fans of McHenry and the surrounding country were kept on the anxious seat, the local baseball season was officially opened last Sun­ day afternoon. ' The L. & L. team of Rockford, which has proven a stumbling mock for the Sox during the past two seasons, opposed our boys. As on their former meetings the two teams were very evenly matched, but this time our boys came out of the melee holding the big end of the score and thus, for the first time in three seasons, the Rockford lads were forced to leave McHenry with a sting of de­ feat. The score was 4 to 1. Sahlberg was on the mound for the Sox and held the Rockford sluggers to four hits, one of which was a double. While he was performing this feat his mates pounded Clark off the slab in the sixth inning, sewing up the game right there and then with three hits and two rims. Miller, who succeeded Clark in the seventh, held the local outfit without a hit or run. The game by innings was as fol­ lows: First inning: Sahlberg struck out Warner Behind the Bat V/H05 COIN 'To 8tJ Trt'rtfcxt Victtrt ?1 Fanned! WEST MdBNRY the first three men Who faced him. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Bending out, Nordquist to Walsh. Comiskey was given life at first when Nordquist fumbled his fast grotinder. Cemiskey stole second and went all the way home when John­ son made a bad peg to first after cleanly fielding Brailsford's grounder down the .third base line. "Brailsford went all the way to second on the error. Seablom shot a hot one down to Nordquist, who forced Brailsford at third. Ahlstrom skied to Belding in left. No hits, one run. Second inning: Randall fanned. Ahlstrom fielded Clark's roller down past first, while Henson got to the bag just in time to take the throw for the out. Walsh walked. Higgins flew out to Bending in left. No hit§, no runs. McHenry: Beal out, Johnson to Walsh. Henaon skied to Nordquist. Warner out, Clark to Walsh. No hits, no runs. Third inning: Belding singled to left and was forced at second when Miller hit to Comiskey. Nordquist skied to Beal, while Seablom took care of Johnson's fly. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Sahlberg went out on a fly to McGraw. Bending doubled to center and took third on Comiskey's sacrifice, Nordquist to Walsh. Brails- ford shot a single between third and short, on- which Bending rode home. Seablom out, Nordquist to Walsh. Two hits, one run. Fourth inning: McGraw almost knocked Beal down with a hard line drive for the first out Randall was also killed by Beal and Clark went out on a fast roller to Ahlstrom at first. No hits, no runs. ^ McHenry: Ahlstrom walked. He was almost run to death between first and second when Beal fell down on the hit and run signal. Beal fanned. Clark just insisted upon getting our first sacker, so tried to catch him off the bag. Nordquist, who was to have taken the throw, was off the job and as a result Ahlstrom took third. With two narrow escapes to his credit; Ahlstrom was finally nailed at the plate when he attempted to score on Henson's roller down the third base line. Warner went out via McGraw to Walsh. No hits, no runs. Fifth inning: Brailsford tore in and brought down Walsh's fly. Bend­ ing took care of Higgins and Belding was given life at first on Comiskey's error. Miller skied to Brailsford. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Sahlberg skied to Walsh. Bending out, McGraw to Walsh. Com­ iskey out, Johnson to Walsh, Walsh getting all three put-outs Jn this inning. No hits, no runs. Sixth inning: Nordquist doubled over the left field fence. Johnson and McGraw fanned, while Comiskey and Ahlstrom killed Randall. One hit, no runs. McHenry: Brailsford flew out to Nordquist. Seablom was safe on Nordquist's error. Brailsford, run­ ning for Seablom, stole second, but a moment later was caught off the bag. With two dead and no one on, Ahl­ strom started the proceedings that sent Clark to the tall and uncut. Ahl­ strom singled past third and went to third on Beal's two base hit to left. Henson lifted a single just out of reach of Nordquist and the two men on the paths scampered homt. "fhrfeCWts, two runs, Seventh inning: Clark was retired by Ahlstrom unassisted. Henson and Ahlstrom took care of Walsh. Hig­ gins singled over the third base bag. Henson lost Belding's grounder. At this juncture of the proceedings the side was retired on one of the most freak­ ish plays ever witnessed or any dia­ mond. Sahlberg was given the sig­ nal to play for Higgins at second and his throw to the keystone sack found the base unguarded. Beal went after the pill like a shot and by a perfect throw he got his man at third by six feet or more. One hit, no runs. McHenry: Sahlberg slammed a single between first and second. At this stage Miller relieved Clark and struck out both Bending and Com­ iskey, while Brailsford skied to Walsh. One hit, no runs. Eighth inning: Belding out, Com­ iskey to Ahlstrom. Nordquist skied to Beal. Johnson walked. McGraw skied to Seablom. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Seablom walked. Brails­ ford, running for him, ..stole second. Ahlstrom was killed by Johnson and Walsh. Beal fanned and Henson skied to Belding. No hits, no runs. Ninth inning: Randall singled to center, but was forcedi at second when Clark hit to Beal. Beal tried for a double play, but- the runner inter­ fered with the throw arid the ball went wide of its margin, with the result that Clark went all the way to second. Walsh hit to Beal. Beal, in his anxi­ ety to get his man, made a bad peg to first, on which Clark scored and Walsh took second. Higgins skied to Bend­ ing, while Henson and Ahlstrom killed Belding. One hit, one run. The tabulated score: McHenry R H PO ^13 Bending, If...........1 1 ,8 0 0 Comiskey, 3rd b. «1 Brailsford, rf.........0 Seablom, cf.*.... 0 Ahlstrom, 1st h . . . . . . . 1 Beal, ss 1 Henson, 2nd b. 0 Warner, c... Sahlberg, p. 0 0 4 6 27 11 R H PO A Rockford ftordquist, ss. <) t 2 Johnson, 3rd b ...0 "0 1, McGraw, 2nd b. 0 0 2 Randall, c 0 1 € Clark, p & rf 1 0 0 Walsh, 1st b 0 0 11 Higgins, cf...........0 1 .0 Belding, If..«.. * * 0 1-2 Rfiller, rf & p . . . . 0 9 0 1 4f4 10 3 Score By Innings R o c k f o r d . . * . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -- 1 McHenry 1 0100200 x-- 4 ' Left on bases: Rockford, 7; Mc­ Henry 6. Two base hits: Bending, Beal, Nordquist. Bases on balls: Off Sahlberg, 2; off Clark, 1; off Miller, 1. Struck out: By Sahlberg, 6; by Clark, 2; by Miller, 3. Umpire, Vogt. Next Ball Game Next Sunday the Elgin Athletics will hook up with the McHenry Sox at the local ball grounds. The Elgin team is headed by Jack Wicklund, one of the best known and most thoro baseball men in Elgin, and the fans may rest assured that he will bring to McHenry a team that will be cap­ able in every way <Jf defending Elgin's baseball title. The McHenry Sox are just as strong as ever and, as usual, will play to win. Sahlberg, who pitched such a splendid game against Rockford last Sunday, will again be on hand to dish up the fast ones to the visitors, while he will be backed up by the same outfit which assisted him so gallantly in the op­ ening game. The game will be called promptly at 2:30 o'clock and a good, fast exhibition is assured. General admission, 2.5 cents; children, 10 cents. NEW MAIt BOX RULING Two Sixes Prescribed by Department For Rural Routt* Postmasters are jji receipt of in­ structions from the head of the post- office department at Washington, call­ ing attention to the fact that on and after July 1 this year there will be two sizes of rural mail boxes. No. 1 will be 18% inches long, 6% inches wide and 7% inches high and will be used for letter and all ordinary mail. No, 2 will be 23% inches long, 11 inches wide and 14 inches high, and will be used for all mail including parcel post. These boxes wilj^ be manufactured under the supervision of the fourth assistant postmaster general at the place of manufacture. Each oox will be stamped "Approved by the post­ master general" and no box shall be erected unless it bears such approval of the postmaster general stamped on the inside of the box. This order pertains only to new boxes which are to be erected and to such persons as now have not stan­ dard boxes. All such must get new boxes to comply with the new law. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there IS at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is catarrh- Catarrh being greatljr Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the MUcous Surfaces of the System thereby de­ stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na­ ture In doing Its work. The proprie­ tors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. rf • Address: W. J. CHKNEY • Co Ohio. MA by all Drurelate, Tie. Give as your next order for en­ graved calling cards and mo what a put job v» ma pat ovfe Ur jm. OPERA HOUSE McHENRY >;> THURSDAY. JULY £2 Owen Moorp *N "The Kiss" w- -i- ^(SATURDAY. JULY 14 Owen Moore Bt. IN ' - • "Rolling Stones" - ? J ' l SUN DAY, JULY if., > *' Rossini's '•' Stabat Mater ' V TUESDAY, JULY 16 f Ann Pennington ;t\ ' IN • " Rainbow Princess TENT THURSDAY THE CLOUD with Jean Southern in ' leading role SATURDAY The Chaperon , Klein© Feature SUNDAY The Rainbow Beautiful Drama TUESDAY The Witching Hour * ; , 1 TUESDAY, JUWY 17 The Law That Fails L PROBATE NEWS 1100 1.00 .Woodstock .. .Peru, 111. [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers John J. Pitzen & w to Charles Lindquist. pt It 3, Co. Clk's plat, sec 17, range 9, McHenry, 2.48 acres $1.00 JosephMay & w Arthur C. Merrell, It 5, Reynold's addn, Ringwood i. William Lorimer, Jr., to Charles Hollenbach, Its 9, 10 and 11, Pistakee Cottage grounds, set 17, range 9, McHenry Mary Blomgren to Carl O. Carl- soft, lots 29 & 30, John B. Fes- tert's sub-div & lot 19, Co. Clk's plat, sec 20, all in McHenry.. Marriage Licenses Hugo ¥*< Nelson, 27...... .Woodstock Emma F. Knaack, 22. Woodstock Howard V. Billings, 33... .Woodstock Marie F. Wickham, 26........Hebron Arthur G. Sahs, 27.... *.. .Woodstock Maud'L. Schwamb, 287..Woodstock Ernest C. iReimer, 28,.... .Algonquin Irene Schutte, 22... i,.., 1.. Algonquin J a m e s K i t s o s , 2 7 . . . . . . . Mary Niedzwiecki, 18.. Nathaniel Willis Adams, 26..Chicago Florence Genevieve Brown, 24 Chicago Raymond R. Marshall, 21. .Woodstock Eva Viola Johnson, 19... .Woodstock David Hutchinson, 26....... .Harvard Marjorie Louise D^vis, 523.. .Harvard Martin Jensen, 25- .Woodstock Lillie Nelson, 25. . .Woodstock Oskar Thorvalsen, 30....... Rockford Clara Marie Gabrielson, 23 Greenwood Edward H. Ziehlke, 39...... .Chicago Anna May Hendricks, 31... .Chicago Lewis Adsufts, 24.,,,. >.,,, Johnsburg^ Clara Pitzen, 20.... -'.Pistakee Bay; Clarence R. Foss, >22..... .Woodstock! Agnes A. Eckstrom, 18 McHenry; Benjamin Franklin Price, 32....Elgin Sadie Cannon, 31.. • • »,< • «•«• Elgirifl Jesse W. Skinner, 2L»»» •. ••• £» • Elgin. Eva E. Brush, 18... •. . .i» »•-Elgin Fred A. Spies, 39 Chicago? ~ Frances W. Hayford, 29 Chicago Field Glasses For Captain The Rover III., owned by the Rover Outing club at Pistakee Bay, came very near being sunk at the railroad^ bridge at Nippersink one day recent-* ly. Her captain, while making a fun to Fox Lake, suddenly became near, sighted and before his deck mates, could come to his assistance the bridge^ supports were struck with such force, that the craft all but capsized. The ship's crew, we are told, are now tak­ ing up a collection with which to pur­ chase a pair of field glasses for the W WHEN YOU JOIN OUR. ; This is how you can join! Come in to our bank with the amount you want to £art with, 5c, 10c, $1, $2 or more, and we will make you a member of the club and give you a bank book showing you have joined* You make payment* weekly or in advance. v"-*' This is all there is to it. You mate the SAFEST IN­ VESTMENT in the world; you pay a small amount each week, which you can easily earn from extra effort; you will NEVER MISS THE MONEY; you won't have to draw one cent out of the bank. Wetfl carry the bond for yott un­ til you <can pay for it. " ^" West McHenry M M West McHenry, Illinois. v MiMfe&i We've Kept Pace With Progress Io The Delivery of Ltunber an* ^ and at the same time have eliminated the worry'of wheti^o^n^' ber woukl be on the job ready for U6e. The one big factor in our selling policy is SRRVICE--service in the supplying with bie value, high quality lumber and building material; service in prom^tly fill- ing and delivering all orders. \ Phone Us Your Rush Order* f - p K f , and we'll prove b|f actual performance how quickly we will hive your material at its destination. The proof of the pudding is ip the eating--the proof of our service is in-the trying. Tell us your needs today. :: :: y :: & • • /• k . i"" Wilbur Lumber Co. We# McHenry, mkllUllMtlmHm fr?* Illinois MiMM Your sheep, hogs, cattle, horses and mules are subject to deadly attacks of worms. These ravenous pests multiply by the million*, itarvd you£ gS9tik* keep them poor, weak, and out of conditioa* The Gtvai Worm Destroyer and ContBtione* I. a medicated «tocfc i«lt that «rlH rid mtj animal M your rtaea ot qulefciy and LwthTrt worm tree and healthy. Nopay Iflt Mta. Wo «"? hte«.. ,«?« ft where all your etock can run Altfr^ly Tbay will out on money-making flesh. Sal-Vtft la Ut aaftataaiva. W« P**nr it I; MB auaa Croat 7Sc ™ Coat* in and get a package to tryOVou will bepleaaed with U>« raaulta. Wo guarantee It Ctfj* IryMBHBiaaaiBMHHBM YOGT'S DRUG STORE WEST McHENRY. ILL. ^ J*0* fhen you buy groceries you riot pnly biiy things to eat, tout ftifp sat* ncs. fe flelX you good gro­ ceries and render you quick, reliable de­ livery eervice." Lots of ADULTERATIOlf, even in the face of our pure food lava, remains in the Spice business. You are guar­ anteed against getting impure spices or gro­ ceries of any kind, vhen you buy thea froa US. Schneider Bros., w We t̂ McHenry \ U. Hi • • 1 • i-V w 'A-*' . /

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