Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1917, p. 4

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m Big Dancing and Chorus Hits! SCREAMING SUCCESS mmmm FROM ST. JEROME'S PARISH, CHIC A UDITORIUM, SUNDAY, THE fTHENKY PLAIlfDEALER BBLfSKEO EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER Office In Bank Building Telephone TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: *-Qm Ymmt Months. 75c . Three Moatfc* Me Thursday, July 19, 1917 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Vlw CMS aai Go Dates > VMk Si , :w V i G. Berner transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Thelen passed Saturday list in the windy city. , Dr. D. G. Wells passed Wednesday ' J* the metropolitan city. _ . . William Bickler boarded the Chica- ^ Hi0 train Tuesday morning. j pr • Miss Eva Stilling boarded the Chi- ,#g° train Monday morning. ^ Leo Stilling was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. F. O. Grans attended to business - ,'jftatters in Chicago Wednesday. 11 Mrs. P. A. Bohlander transacted : Ipusiness in Chicago Wednesday. 4 ?• i Miss Eva Stilling boarded the Chi- '"slfcpgo train Wednesday morning. F. A. Beller was among the Chicago ssengers Wednesday morning, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walsh spent Sunday with relatives at Huntley. Rev. Edward Berthold boarded the licago train last Friday morning. F. O. Gans transacted business in metropolitan city last Friday. Misses Katie and Isabel Niesen passed Wednesday in the windy city, f J. W. Smith was a business visitor the metropolitan city last Saturday. ./• Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Edinger and son, Bobby, were Chicago visitors Monday. L. I. Edinger was among the Chi- igo passengers last Saturday morn- Dr, N\ J. Nye was a professional itor in the metropolitan city Mon- Mrs. C. M. Bickler passed last week lis the guest of relatives at Kenosha, -Itis. " William Howard of Woodstock spent aday as the guest of McHenry ends. John Schreiner was among those board the Chicago train Wednesday ^ ' Ifiorning. Peter Frett was among those to board the Chicago train last Saturday O]porning. John R. Knox attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city * ' Wednesday. ^ Wm. Smith attended to matters of business nature in the metropolitan Tuesday. A Lawrence Huck of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks here and at Emerald Park. Miss Theresa Barbian passed last ^ursday evening as the guest Of - Woodstock friends. Miss Clara Degen and her guests, file Misses Riemann, were Elgin vis- Itors last Thursday. Mrs. J. C. Bickler and son, Carl, - * Were among the Chicago passengers A : |Mt Friday morning. S : Aft I Miss Anna Weber of Woodstock ^::-^;was a Sunday guest in the home of t father, Mathias Weber. . Geo. M. McCoy and Edward J. Bonner of Chicago spent the week end Jrt the home of Ben Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty left y morning for a short visit relatives at LaPorte, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. M. Degen of Kenosha, spent a day recently with the er's brother, Henry Degen. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carney of Ken­ osha, Wis., are spending the week as the guests of McHenry relatives. }Arthur Fitzpatrick of Chicago was : entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling the first of the week. Misses Vinetta and Loretto Free- of Hebron are guetss of the sses Granger at their home on Main eet. *. and Mrs. F. Schroeder motored out from Chicago last Sunday and passed the day with their son, "Butch," here. " Mrs. John Bolger of Woodstock spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs John Carey, and family at their home on Green street. Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, it the latter part of last and the of this week as the guests of ^ Chicago relatives. ^ Miss Helen Rennwald has returned -to her home in Chicago after a two K .. weeks' visit in the home of Mr. and =Mrs. Louis Oertel. f Miss Kathryn Lyons of Chicago, t|who has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs, iMath. Steffes and family, returned to her home Tuesday. Mrs. Jos. Schoewer and daughter, Ruth, Of Beloit, Wis., are spending the week as guests in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Schoewer. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blankenheim motored out from Chicago last Friday and are spending a weej^with Mr. and MUST OBTAIN LICENSE To Sdttdt War Aid or War In the Future An act of the state legislature, which became effective July 1, 19X7, provides that on and after that date no individual, society, club, association or corporation shall engage in the so­ licitation of any war aid or war char­ ity, with a certain few exceptions, without first obtaining from the state council of defense a license to make such solicitations and the authorities and officials of every community are instructed to acquaint themselves with the laws and enforce them. Forms of application for license to solicit funds and other property may be procured from the State Council of Defense, 120 West Adams St., Chica go, together with the general condi tions governing the bill. When an individual comes to our door, asking for war aid or war char­ ity, ask him to show you his license If he possesses such it will contain the name, age, sex, residence, business and occupation of the applicant using the license. If for a club or society it will be sworn to and signed by the president of said society. St. Mary's Church Notes The Paulist Choristers have re­ served July 29 for McHenry, provided enough enthusiasm can be mustered in McHenry to give the boys a bear­ ing. The earlier date promises to give the Choristers a better evening than they enjoyed last year. Whether they sing in the tent or the ball park has not been fully determined. A rumor is afloat that some Chicago company is anxious to lease the tent auditorium every Saturday and Sun­ day night in August for high-class vaudeville. This rumor has been part­ ly substantiated, but papers have not as yet been signed. After the stage has been fully equipped something im­ portant may happen. Those who missed the fifth reel last Sunday at the tent auditorium were rewarded with a six reel photo-play last Tuesday. Mr. Gracy, who has gone to considerable trouble in dig­ ging up superb moving pictures for McHenry, has received many com­ pliments. Rarely do we see better pictures anywhere. Last week's films were distinguished and eventful. They were much bigger than the posters could indicate. A grand proscenium, curtain and stage scenery is now the attraction for the splendid tent auditorium. The splendid work which embellishes the tent stage ihakes it the most conspic­ uous playground now for actors. A beautiful drop curtain with an Italian water scene greets the eye of the visitor upon entering the tent audi­ torium, and the artistic execution of the proscenium give a pleased surprise. The electrician is preparing effective illumination for this modern stage so that any show appearing on the boards of this tent will have a most distin­ guished setting and stage effect. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Wm. Bonslett was a Chicago visitor today. John Peterson of Chicago was a Sunday guest at T. W. Winkel's. Alfred Bonslett boarded the train for Woodstock Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Peterson of Chicago is spending a few days at T. W. Winkel's. Miss Ruth Bacon is spending her vacation with relatives in Lake coun­ ty. Mrs. C. Kii-wan of Crystal Lake spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Max Anders and chil­ dren called on friends at Wauconda last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Spencer and Mrs. Carrie Woodford of Chicago were week end visitors in the Wm. Spencer home. "Butch" Schroeder was in Chicago Tuesday, where, we are told, he had his measure taken for a new bathing suit. Henry Meisner of Kirkwood, Mo., is spending a two weeks' vacation with Martin Conway and family south of this village. Mrs. Al. Guthrie and little son, Howard, of Waukegan spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Groves of Chi­ cago passed the latter part of last and fore part of this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer. Mesdames Nick, Jacob and Ben Jus- ten and Henry Stilling of Ringwood spent Wednesday with the former's sister, Mrs. Ben Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Stevens of Elgin and Charles N. of Barrington Sunday guests of their grand parents, Mr. and. Mrs. C. H. Parks. Mrs. Robert Sutton and two chil boarded the train here last Thursday evening for Crow Wing Minn., where they are spending two Miss Clara Hiltenbrand of Naper villa spent Sunday at the home of Jier aunt, Mrs. F. A. Cooley. Misses Opal and Jennie Mae Cooley returned with her for a two weeks' visit. Mrs. John Walsh and sons, Robert and Raymond, of Ingleside visited rel­ atives here Tuesday. Her daughter, Genevieve, returned with them after a two weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Givens, and other relatives. Mr. and' Mrs. John Aylward of El­ gin, Mrs. W: E. Heaney and Miss Mar­ garet Aylward of Chicago are occu­ pying a house boat on Fox river, just south of this.village, since Wednesday. They expect to remain for a two weeks' outing. J. W. Smith was surprised Saturday by a visit from his brother of the Lawrence B. Smith Silver company of Boston, who made the trip from that city by auto, accompanied by his friend, Paul Wolfskehl, and from what the boys say it was one grand trip. TERRA COTTA Raymond Riley was an Elgin caller Saturday evening. t Leonard Hoeft of Dundee is acting as station agent here. Walter Conway of McHenry spent last week in this vicinity. Major Gates was a business visitor at Elgin Saturday evening. Miss Edna Phalin was a recent guest of Woodstock relatives. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago has been the guest of relatives here. Mrs. Ida Gates of Chicago is spend­ ing the summer at her home here. Mrs. A. Baebe and children spent Thursday afternoon at Geo. Nelson's. Rev. E. McCormick of Barrington visited friends here Saturday evening. Mrs. W- H. Grant was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday even­ ing. Ben Brown and son, Ray, of Wood­ stock were business callers here Tues­ day. Dr. John Stanton of Chicago spent Sunday with his wife and daughter here. ' % Rev; Callaghan of Buffalo, New York, spent Saturday evening at John Riley's. Misses Marie Foley and Josephine Herbert of St. Charles visited the former's cousins here Sunday. Misses Vera and Nellie Doherty and Paul Doherty of Holcombville spent Saturday evening with friends here. Misses Elizabeth and Florence Pur­ vey and Frank Purvey of Crystal Lake visited at Riley's Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox, son, Eldredge, and daughter, Eleanor, of Woodstock spent Saturday evening here. Mrs. Blend and daughter, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay for the past month, left last week for their home in Montana. Misses Mabel and Hazel McCauliffe, Ed. McCauliffe and Miss Allen of Woodstock were guests at the home of John Riley Saturday evening. Several from this vicinity attended the Stabat Mater concert which the McHenry £horal society, assisted by soloists from Chicago, gave at Mc­ Henry Sunday evening. Mrs. Frank McMillan and Miss Nel­ lie McMillan returned Friday from a three weeks' visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMil­ lan, at Valmora, New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley enter­ tained several guests Saturday even­ ing in honor of Miss Lillian Riley and Raymond Riley, Contests and guess­ ing games formed the chief diversion of the evening, and Miss Mabel Mc­ Cauliffe of Woodstock favored the guests with many vocal selections. Dainty refreshments, consisting of sandwiches, pickles, lemonade, cake and ice cream, were seryed. At a late hour all departed for their homes, as­ suring the host and hostess that they had spent a most enjoyable evening. OSTEND Cherries are ripe and quite plenti­ ful. Ed. Wallis has a whole car load of men at work on his new barn. Strawberries were not so plentiful as laBt year' on account of the late frost. E. C. Hammond and family of Alden were Sunday visitors at the Hobart home. Haying has commenced in earnest, but the frequent showers are a great annoyance. Hay is fine. Harry Brott and family of Wood­ stock were Sunday visitors at the home of his brother, Ernest. "Rural carrier No. 8 from Woodstock, who delivers mail thru here, by name Robert Springsteen, has taken unto himself a wife. Warren Francisco and sister, Earl and Clifford Sherman and families motored to Lake Forest Sunday and took in the sights. Frank Kaiser, wife and children and Mrs. Joe Harrer and children spent last Sunday at North Crystal Lake with Ray Thomas and family. The Greenwood grocery man, Mr. Harrison, made two trips Monday on account of the rain. He came early in his automobile and took' the orders then in the afternoon he made the de­ livery. He paid 32 cents for RIDGEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkins have a Ford. J. Oakroot moved to Woodstock the first of the week. • W. S. Rushton was a Woodstock passenger Sunday. Mrs. A. G. Levey was a Crystal Lake caller Friday. J. H. Slater returned Monday from' St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. Mrs. Ed. Anners was a Crystal Lake passenger Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martini visited the former's brother at Cary Sunday. Grace Conerty of Chicago is visit­ ing in the home ef her grandparents. Mrs. D. P. Bohl and sons, Ray and John, are visiting with relatives in Ohio. Mesdames Leroy and Arthur Skin­ ner were Crystal Lake shoppers Sat­ urday. . Mrs. J . Coates and Miss Ella M61Io- han were Crystal Lake shoppers Sat­ urday. Miss Perlie Dufield of Elgin visited in the home of Mrs. Bell Dufield last week. / Mr. and Mrs. D. Fitzgerald enter­ tained relatives from out of town Sunday. Miss Irene Keeler of Barrington vis­ ited with relatives here the first of the week. \ Mrs. John Merchant is visiting her son, E. W. Merchant, and family at Carpentersville. ' Mrs. E. W. Merchant of Carpenters­ ville spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents. Crystal Conerty was the guest of her cousin, Eva Merchant, at Carpen­ tersville- over Sunday. Misses L. Furaey and Minnie Moore of Chicago are visiting their cousin, Miss Elizabeth Furney. Aaron Kline and family of Chicago are visiting in the homes of D. Gib­ son and S. A. Merchant. JMr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch motored to Crystal Lake Thursday evening. Rev. C. H. Giessleforecht and fam­ ily of Milwaukee attended morning services here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins and son, Ralph, visited with their parents and other relatives at Marengo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Scaro were seeing Woodstock and McHenry Saturday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughters of Woodstock visited at the home of Mrs. R. Goddard from Thursday until Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed and son and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman and two children of Woodstock were Sun-, day callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed. SOLON MILLS Joe Lapolio spent Wednesday in Chi­ cago. Fred Turner of Hebron was a Tues­ day caller at W. H. Gardner's. Chas. Westlake returned from Avalon, Wis., Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson spent Monday afternoon at Ringwood. Arthur Bickler of McHenry was a business caller in town Tuesday. Miss Viola Aylward of Hebron is the guest of Miss Leona Cropley. Miss Hannah Yanke is spending several weeks at Beloit and Janesville. Miss Sarah Dodge of Ringwood was a business caller in town Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Brink and chil­ dren of Waukegan spent Sunday at E. T. Monear's. Mrs. E. S. Johonnott, Mrs. McCor­ mick and Mrs. Black were Chicago vis­ itors .Friday. J. C. Horn, wife and. son have re­ turned to Chicago after a week's visit at E. E. Cropley's. Mrs. Robert Sutton, son*. Roy, and daughter, Florence, aire visiting at Crow Wing, Minn. Bernice and Evelyn Bell of English Prairie spent a few days the past week at A. C. Merrell's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Santucci are enter­ taining Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lapolio and daughter of Chicago. Mrs. Robert Hermann, Mrs. Sylvia Cornish and daughter, Lorraine, spent Saturday and Sunday at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson and son, Arthur, of Chicago are visiting the former's brother, Carl Anderson. The McCormick and Black families of Terra Haute, Ind., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jo­ honnott. Mr. and Mrs. Will Schroder and daughter, Evelyn, of Chicago are vis­ iting at the E. E. Monear and Jas. Jackson homes. Mr. and Mrs. Major Town and granddaughter, Hazel Ketchem, of West Chicago spent the past week as guests of relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Wm. Davis returned home Fri­ day after a few weeks' visit at Hinck­ ley, 111. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorne and son, Wesley, who spent the week end here. The McCormick and Black families of Terra flaute, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Johonnott and son, Sheldon, Lyman i ' i i m' kjk . . lU". *: To every who read per: You're going to buy, sooner or later, a milk? ing machine, if you have 12 cows ormore. If you have a milking machine now, and it isn't the right one, you're going to discard it and get the right one. The milking- machine is the next step in fa I'm progress. # We've secured the agency for the right milking machine The Calf -Way Milker, It's right, because the principle is right It milks the calf-way; a soft rubber downward squeeze. It satisfies the cow; it gets all the milk; finishes the job; don't require pail-stripping. Don't buy a milker; or be satisfied with what you have until you see this one. We're ready to show it to you* HAYES & JUSTEN, Weft McHenry, 1 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FUR SALE--Shetland pony, buggy and harness. Inquire at this office. 5 FOR SALE--Gas stove, only used a short time., Mrs. C. Brefeld, West McHenry, 111. 5 WANTED--Girl to work in office. One who has used a typewriter pre­ ferred. Apply at this office. 4 FOR SALE--Two buggies and har­ ness. AH in good condition. Apply to Gilbert Howard, McHenry, 111. 62-tf FOR SALE--John Glossen residence in north end of town. Inquire of J. H. Kennebeck, executor, McHenry, 111. 45-tf FOR SALE--House and two lots lo­ cated on Waukegan street. Inquire of Mrs. M. K. Schaefer, McHenry, 111. 3-tf FOR RENT--The late Mrs. John M. May house and barn at Johnsburg. Write or inquire of Peter M. Freund, route, 2, McHenry, 111. 6-3t* FOR SALE--The SchnQrr property in McHenry and on the river at reason­ able prices and on terms to suit. If interested in any of them write F. J. Schnorr, Savings Bank Bldg., Council Bluffs, la. ' 4-tf FOR SALE---One 209 acre farm, known as the John A. Smith place, two miles east of McHenry; one 145 acre farm at Lake Defiance, also one block containing 12 lots with good, improved house, located east of Fox river bridge. Apply to or write S. H. Freund, Administrator John A. Smith estate, McHenry, 111. 41-tf Johonnott of Chicago and Miss Lois Dilley of Harvard spent ®at»wd§£ at Lake Geneva, Wis, y ' < $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will oe pleased to learn that there Is at lewit one dreaded disease that scie£ce been able to cure in all its stages, ana that is catarrh. Catarrh being influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is t»ke,i,l and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de­ stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na­ ture in doing its work. The P*°P**®T tors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they ofTer One Hundred Dollars for any cure. Send for list ASK US! ASK US!! ASK USD If there is anything you want to know about your automobile and its care, about repairs, duplicate parts or supplies, or about anything in the line of accessories , FEEH AT LIBERTY TO ASK US! Our charges are nil for information and advice atid for repairs and supplies, ju$ a moderate price. LWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FO EXPERT REPAIRING ^ACETYLENE WELDING-BATTERY CHAR6IN6 - TIRES-GASOLINE-OILS -- SUPPLIES-ACCESSORIES FORD SERVICE STATION , AUTO LIVERY-OUICK SERVICE STAR GARAGE JOHN R.KNOX, PROPR. PHONE SO . I MT HENRY ; ey ofTer One Hum se that it falls to testimonials. P H I L I P J A E G E R ^JiSERAL COriMISSION MERCH^pJ GIVEN TO THE BALE OP f)re*fled Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggt This to the r COLO STORAOE FKKB il­ ia CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. . I.C. *41 i S

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