fHB ifeHEIEI PLAUTDEALER, MeHENBY, IL.L. "THAT ALWAYS HAS IT*,- rOING from store to,store in search of some rnew remedy, toilet preparation or other items asually carried by druggists, is not a pleasant ex- fterience. For years we have kept right up-fo liate regarding new articles which are constantly feeing placed on the market We stock all the ivorthy ones and usually have them on hand as quickly as the stores located in large cities. We fjealize the importance of service and constantly $trive to live up to the reputation we have gained. "The Store that Always Has It" tbone 6o w N. H. PETESGH »* uccist .NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY... Hot weather is good for crops and we all like it, but that is no reason why we should not keep as cool as possible. We have sport shirts in plain white and all kinds of stripes at 50c, 60c, #$1.00 and $1.15 each. Ladies as well as men wear them. SMITH BROS. McHenry, II). •Phone 79-J Spring and Summer Goods in new colors and weaves mm West McHenry, E Sport Voiles and Silks, novelty plaids and stripes in the newest creation for the smart dresser, jup to ____65c per yard A new line of Ladies' Collars «in voiles, silk? and georgetta crepes, plain and embroidered. Auto Veils and Caps Shirt Waists and Muslin Under wear. Shoes for the whole family at extremely low prices. New line of Men's Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Shirts, Spring Ties, Hosiery, Etc. Made-to-order Suits Full line of pure, fresh Groceries and Canned Goods. 'Phone 63-R Goods delivered IttE PLEASURE IS OURS AS WELL AS YOURS WHEN OUR GOOD GROCERIES CROSS THE THRESHOLDS OF YOUR DOORS OUR WEEKLY RECIPE WHITE SAUCE c ii>sp. butter 2 tbsp. flour 1 c. scalded mill i tap. salt Few grains cayenne Put butter in saucepan, stir until melted and bubbling; add flour mfxed with seasoning*, and stir until thoroughly blended. Pour the milk on gradually, adding about one-third at a time, stirring Until well mixed, then beating until smooth and glossy. / WI Sm THEINOREPIEftTS - 'tm 1 • --------•^ Phone 26 ADAMS BROS. McHenry RIDGEFIELD ^ Hiss Elsie Wille spent Thursday evening last at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Scavo were shopping in Woodstock Tuesday?7 Mrs. I. Ericson and Mrs. A. Martini were Woodstock callers Monday. H. Wille and son, Irvin, visited with Mrs. H. Wille at Harvard Thursday. Mrs. Herman Wille was a patient at Cottage hospital, Harvard, last week. Mrs. F. E. Howe entertained her mother from Chicago a few days re cently. • Misses Hazel and Helen Baker motored to Crystal Lake Monday aft ernoon. Mrs. A. G. Levey* and Miss Etta Levey were Crystal Lake passengers Friday. n , Mr. and Mrs. P. Wilki&ns and son, Ralph, visited relatives at Marengo Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Furney has been pending the past week with relatives in Chicago. Little Edwin TutUe has been very sick for several days, but is on the mend now. . Myers Levey of Rockford and Ly man Levey of Crystal Lake were Sttn day callers at Father Levey's.. Mr. and Mrs." Ed. Senne and son, MarCellus, of Woodstock visited Sun day afternoon at Father Wille's. Mrs. James and granddaughter, Pearlie Dufield, of Elgin were week end guesls of Mrs. Belle Dufield. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Colby and son, Lester, visited relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Lallypop returned to her home in Chicago Sunday after spending two weeks in the home of A. Anners. Mr. Lallypop came out on Saturday even ing and spent Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was Chicago passenger Wednesday morning, where she met her son, Ray, who was on His way home from Moline, where he ha;; been visiting his sister, Mrs. L. M. 'loddard. We'll rally round tKe hoe, boys, and .sin the ranks ofp&nil shouting the bat- :e iry of ' Feed 'Em!" We'll trail: i»< crops to grow, hay?, ttr, tillers ot .!<• soil, shouting the, battle cry c; -< " V. v. . . ,r t. do, boys, We'll gather on the spot, houting the battle cry of "Feed 'Em!" To duty we'll be true, boys, and till the vacant lot, shouting the battle cry of "Feed 'Em!" Nature, Jpnd mater, will aid in our need. DoWn with the tater, up with the week! So we'll rally round the hoe, boys, and train the crops to jrrow, shouting the battle cry of "Feed 'Em." SOLON MILLS Lawrence Santucci was a Chicago visitor Sunday. v ' Chas. and Robert Turner spent Sun day in Chicago. Miss Emily Pester is visiting at Lake Forest, III. H. H. Fay was a business caller in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buchanan spent Sunday evening at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner spent Monday afternoon at McHenry. Mrs. Wm. Cowen of McHenry was a Sunday guest of Mrs. Fannie Overton. Rev. and Mrs. Byron E. Horn were Sunday callers at W. H. Buchanan's. Mr. and Mrs. Kittle and family of Lake Forest were Sunday guests at J. Fester's. Mrs. Geo. Westlake is visiting at the Jas. McCannon home on English Prairie. Mrs. Georgia Van Deven of Milwau kee, Wis., is a guest in the Wm. Over ton home. Mrs. Chas. Haldeman and daughter, Floy, spent Tuesday .afternoon at Richmond. Glenn Wells and Albert Justen of McHenry were business callers here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dilley of Har vard were Sunday guests at Mrs. E. S. Johonnott's. Mrs. Stevens of Ringwood was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Jo- honnott, Friday. Mrs. Sylvia Cornish and ftrs. Robt. Hermann have been spending the past week in Chicago. Charles Whiting and Lester Page of West McHenry were Saturday evening callers here. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sanborn of Spring Grove were Monday callers in the R. R- Turner home. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Monear and daughter, Helen, were Wednesday and Thursday callers in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Imeson and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward of Hebron were Sunday callers in town. Miss Viola Aylward returned home Sunday after spending a few days as the guest of friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Yanke and son, James, and George, Lillian and Han nah Yanke motored to Harvard Wed nesday evening and attended the wed ding of Miss Lucy Wheelwright and Mr. Lee Van Vleet of Rockford, ill. ' OSTEND Carl Herdrick and family of Mc Henry were Sunday callers on rela tives here. _ Percival Thompson, son of Atty. and Mrs. L. W. Thompsoft of Chicago* is spending his vacation with relatives S. L. Lincoln, wife and daughter, Miss Clara, and son, Leon, of Harvard motored down and ate Sunday dinner with Henry Hobart and family. Frank Kaiser and family started out to call on relatives at Woodstock last Sunday afternoon and were caught in a heavy shower of rain when about a mile and half this side of town. At their own home not a drop qf rain felL C. E. Jecks was in Chicago one day last week and engaged a man for hay- jing, who promised to meet him at an oxmoint^d trnin hniL Ag is i often the case, the man failed to put in his appearance. Mr. Jecks is still wanting help,A A little son, Melvin Thomas, ar rived1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Belcher at Woodstock last week and Papa Bill is reported very much elated. If his pride exceeds that of Grandpa and Grandma Thomas it must be immense. A mink or weasel visited the chick en house of Henry Hobart last Satur day night and killed over thirty yountr chickens of different sizes. They were left strewn around with a little hole thru the head. Traps have been set in the coops every night since, but nothing seems to return their visit. ftelen Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harrison, who came here from Minnesota for a visit, is in Elgin in a hospital, where she under went an operation for appendicitis. She is reported to be getting along nicely. Helen was accompanied to Elgin bjr her grandma, Mrs. Clara Harrison. Mr. Cornwell| wife ; and three daughters, Gilbert Harris, wife and two young sons, Will Harris, wife and little Mary and Paul Sommer autoed to Lake Forest last Sunday to view the scenes in and around that beauti ful place. They were caught in a heavy rain storm and detained nearly three hours with many other sight seers, arriving home about eight p. m. VOLO Chris Dillon is visiting with friends in Chicago. Misses Hovelot and McAvery are visiting at Peter Stadfeld's. i John Walton and family spent Sun day with friends at Ivanhoe. Ves Wagner and family entertained friends,from Milwaukee, Wis., the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C-hancey Jepson spent Friday at Lee Huson's, returning to their home Saturday. Mr and Mrs Lee lluson and Mr. and Mrs Crocker oi Libertyviile * autoed over to Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. i'eter Stadtfeld and Wm. Hanson and lady friend autoed to Lake Geneva Sunday and spent th<' day. «• . iaiii. Ziteii-idorf and children of McHenry are spenuing wo a, guests in the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Hironimus. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS People. Who Ceme and Go During a Week Jacob Justen was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. J. D. Lodtz was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner of Ridgefield were McHenry visitors Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty of Elgin were Sunday guests of relatives here. Ed. Hoelscher of Elgin passed Sunday as the guest of friends in this village. Mrs. Ed. Brahan of Elgin passed Sunday as the guest of relatives in this vicinity. Misses Delia and Minnie Conway of Elgin passed Sunday as the guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sternberg of Elgin passed Sunday as guests of Mc Henry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fischer of El gin were Sunday guests in the home of Peter Thelen, f, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas of El gin passed the week end as the guests of relatives here. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander attended to matters of a business nature in Chi cago Wednesday. Miss Vera Adams of Elgin was a Sunday guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. J. Adams. Miss Mary Hanrahan of Chicago was a guest in the John Carey home on Green street Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Bacon and son, Junior, were guests of relatives at Volo the latter part of last week. Miss Mary Ellen Costello of Elgin is a guest in the home of her uncle, W. J. Walsh, since Sunday. Mrs. John Claxton spent the latter part of last and the fore part of this week with Chicago friends. Miss Nettie Deady of Chicago, an October bride-to-be, is spending a few days with McHenry relatives. Dr. D. G. Wells, F. A. Beller, Ben Stilling and Theo. Schiessle were Chi cago passengers this morning. John Sutton of Cereal, Canada, ar rived here Wednesday and is the guest of his sister, Mrs. D. A. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kelter of Chi cago passed the week end as the guests of relatives at Lake Defiance. Miss Lillian Neiss returned home Monday evening from a several days' visit with her sister* at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Varina Wentworth passed sev eral days this, week as the guest of Mr. and Mr. Jacob Wentworth at Bel- videre. Misses Avis and Myrtle Moore and Margaret Fitzpatrick of Chicago at tended the Boyle funeral here Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aebischer and n of Chicago were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoffel, Sunday. Miss Anna M. Knox of Elgin passed the week end as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mrs. Glenn Robison passed the lat ter part of last and the fore part of this week as the gueSt of friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner of Woodstock wejje Sunday guests in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. J. B. Frisby. Many folks during la& sum mer's sizzle cooked their meals on an TIED or an Electric Disc Stove or an Electric Chafing Dish and thus they added to the stifling atmosphere a mini mum degree of artificial heat. Electric Appliances use the heat developed where it is needed and rad iate off little. Public Service Co OF NORTHKRN ILLINOIS IiJ iW 1 Experiments Are Safe with EARLY RISER flour. You can try a . new receipe without fear or failure if you use EARLY RISER flour. Why? Because its qual ity never varies. Order a sack today. :: :: WEST tt'BENRY FLOUR AND FEED HILLS Miss Marguerite Knox s$ent Satur day evening with Crystal Lake -friends. Mrs. W H. Gaylord of Emmettsburg, la., is a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Jecks Richard T. Wray of Boone, la., is spending a few days as the guest of his wife and daughter here. Edward Nickels of Chicago passed several days this week as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickels. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowie and fam ily of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sut ton at Emerald Park. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Allen, Stanley Hart and Miss Helen Donnelly of Woodstock enjoyed a day's fishing at Pistakee Bay last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Meyers and children of Elgin passed Sunday as guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frisby and little daughter of Elgin passed the we?k end as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Ellen Frisby. Mrs. Henry Alberg of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Math Steffes and family. She was accom panied home by Miss Loretto Steffes Mr. and Mrs. John Young, daugh ters, Laura, Tillie and Genevieve, and son, Edward, visited Miss Julia Young at St. Joseph's hospital in Aurora Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Brennant and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McClintock mo tored out from Chicago Sunday and were guests in the home of Dr. D. G. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Strong of Troy, N. Y., are expected in McHenry to morrow. They will spend a week with the former's sister, Mrs. J. C. Holly, and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nerger and daughter, Jeanette, and Mrs. Emma LaMoitt motored out from Chicago Sunday afternoon and were callers at the home of Mrs. Mary Schreiner. Dr. F. J. Aicher has returned from a two weeks' vacation spent with rela tives at Washburn, 111., and resumed professional duties at his dental par lors over the telephone exchange. - Mrs. F. A. Cooley and son, Floyd, motored to Naperville Saturday, re turning Monday evening. They visited Lincoln park, Chicago, Sunday with a party of relatives from Naperville. Peter M. Justen and Frank Justen left Monday morning for Cheyenne. Wyoming, where they will enjoy "Frontier Days." They will also visit Denver before their return, which will be two weeks hence. A. B. Pratt of Chicago, publicity man for the Chicago Telephone com pany, and C. H. Conrath, district man ager for the company, were in town looking over telephone interests and shaking hand with friends on Wednes day afternoon. ^ •'"Harvard's Red Cross membership now numbers very close to 700. Our Legal Responsibility to our customers irfeures the safeguarding of your funds in this Batik. Our Personal Responsibility gives each member of the hank a friendly in terest in whatever business problem you may care tb discuss With us. If we can help, command us. HOY BANKING COMPANY Bank of McHenry • Bank of Rincjwood Your sheep, hogs* cattle, horses and mules are subject to deadly attacks of worms. These ravenous pests multiply by the miflionSi Starve your stock, keep tbem poor, weak,and out of condition*. • M Vft# fiwirf Mfom Destroy** *nd la a medicated Mock «a!t that will rid every animal on your place of wonna quietly an* keep them worm free and healthy. No pay If it fail*. No dosing, no drenchjn*. |u»t put it where all your atock can run to It freely. They will doctor themaelvea, thrive Mater, and put on money-making Sea h. 8«I-Vet ia not eapeneive. Wecury It la slf.riaaa fremTic up. Couve in tnd get t package to try* You will bs plctisd with tht results. Smtm i VOGTS DRUG STORE WEST McHI'-NRY, ILL .1776 1886 1916 We've Kept Pace With Progress ID The Delivery of Lumber and'at the same time have eliminated the worry of when jour lum* ber would be on the job ready for use. The one big- 'actor in our selling policy is SERVICE--service in the supplying with big value, high quality lumber and building material; service in promptly fill ing and delivering all orders. v ^ Phone Us Your Rush Orders and we'll prove by actual performance how quickly we will have -- * *-*• "ing is in the Tell us your your material at its destination. The proof of Ae pudding is in the eating--the proof of our service is in the trying. needs today. Wilbur Lumber Co. We& McHenry, Illinois Telephone No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in ' the best companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST Office in Telephone Exchange Bldg. Centerville McHenry* Illinois Telephone New 79-W Office Honrs 9:M to 12:M«. m :M to 4:3* p. m. :M to H:M p. m Telephone*: Office 17 . Residence M-W A; I. FROEHLICH Physician and Surgeon FOverNvUf. G WEST McHENRY SHARON. WISCONSIN Wednesday and Frida» 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday and Monday Hy appointment only DR. CH ARLES R. TREAT WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS Tueaday. Thursday and Samrday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Office in Spatildinn Bldg. * Mmmm ALFORD H. POUSB Attoney-atrUv We& McHenry, » >^BI. PLUMBING AND HEAIDK Experienced Workmen DON A VIN & REIHANSPERIJIR Give Us That Next Job