Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1917, p. 8

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fci v1 •> , M'ft'A ** . , *>, V* .' &•. * H v- : , • *§" " " ' i- SJ» * ̂ * J, '-t 4^f!i|Sa V ',4 t, V ' ' #tf ' ("* V *W: V' •• ••*&."/' V?"\ ir^r'rV-(«• ;i •,.•-,*-?< ̂ j il'll I'WTS il" • jt- ̂ hw ̂ 6/*<v \'i",;? •V V" grV (i t ^ » iCii' ^ fn. .f' >}> t * * * . • £-fc ' ! Ill ill ®i f «i.3ii * •' «. 3 t>- -.. A \<>i » & ' * % av «* ?*?*.;•$$ *.r Ready Made and Made to Ordei f.V3h *fttr "*%c * V , !*>> 'V'«J?'-' v-fi ,„ ,.v&>< • '• -%• uus ran > f 5 1 i t w i l l p a y y o u t o b u y e a r l y , a s t h e s t o c k w e jJ'Vr have on hand was bought before the present • ̂ 1 rise in prices, «nd when our stock is depleted Hi'•• we must pay quite an additional price--so ft'*' while our present stock lasts we can give you S^1-" veiy attractive prices in clothing. Call early. life. > v:: •^..^wasr i^HENR¥^ttJu fv !h %-• 'y J- • uv r* * ^.h, ty- '•v- .1:-'• )A%. %his store is the place where every member oi ' the family can trade. It is filled with supplies for all WE CLOTBE THE FAMILY You will find here the cream of the market in jDRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. We have Suits, Hats, Shoes, Shirts and Underwear for father and the boys. We have a splendid display of Dress Upoods, Shoes, Gloves, Stockings, Waists, Under Garments for mother and the girls and we also clothe the little folks.. The quality is high. The prices are right The store with the selection Ft'M;: Bohlander •4" WEST McHENRY. ILL. *fSK* IIs. m\* Ps K i?i*, if'- '&*. St' •"< ̂ ffc . fV ,}f > Vv* • Jt* „ **2„ *" l & v i • . « ' ' ̂ ' 4 - :-i_ -y- \ %/-• !r s I ' > :4f • y*' * ' fe' * -J* t k y. ' e ^ J*%\A ' 'y» « r • % r"4' ml $?• • • is'Xfdi-k' A/'* mt .^Ijpi THE oruvpBywHKG You can do this by allowing iis to place a FREE Sewing Machine into your home. We* have a complete stock of these wonderful ma­ chines and will be pleased to demonstrate and explain the merits of same to you at any time. No home is' complete without a FREE Sewing Machine. May we not complete your home? mm- McHENRY. ILLINOIS Fall Goods! NOW READY FOR YOUR SELECTION UNDERWEAR--We have a complete line of Underwear in separate garments and union suits ranging in price up to $3.00 each. DRESS GOODS--in all wool, silk and wool and cotton mixtures at popular prices. SILKS AND SATIN--A nice line of Silks and Satins, black and colors up to $2.50 the yard. SHOES--for the whole family. Our line of girls and boys gfc Shoes in English Walking and Button up to $4.50 per , pair- A complete line of Children's Shoes. Ladies' and ^Gents' Shoes from $2.50 to $6.00 per pair. Correct ii&DE TO ORDER CLOTttlNG-Correct fit guaranteed Over 1000 samples to select from. Make any style you wish. GROCERIES--Pure fresh Groceries. Try our famous tea and coffee. None better. ̂ V Goods deOremLvLme J[» WALSH Do we Americans fully realize what delay in supplying the funds necessary to the conduct of the war would mean ? From time to time the various na­ tions engaged in this war issue lists of the number of their total men who have been killed, maimed, wounded and taken prisoners. The total in a single day is staggering. Soon our boys will be in the thick of the fight. They, too, will be sub­ jected to the inexorable results of war. We will be issuing our casualty lists. The figures will not be small and everyone of them will symbolize blood and tears, suffering and disease. Is there any American so callous that he would not make a personal sacrifice to cut down these casualties by a single day, a single hour? Our government does not ask any sacrifice. It only asks that We lend it our money--money that we do not need for immediate use--and for this loan it even agrees to pay as much interest as cap be obtained thru any other safe investment. Lend this money now--buying the liberty bonds tnd lending it in such overwhelming amount, and with such promptness and enthusiasm, as will make all Ger­ many realize that we are in this war heart and soul, with all our resources to the very bitter end, means shorten­ ing the war by many hours, many days, many months--possibly many years--for no one knows how long the war may last if we allow our energies to trickle in rather than to go in with the speed and force of which we are capable. i- There are thousand* of individual supplied needed to equip our soldiers and 'keep them equipped. All cost money and have to be paid for, and the United States is no more justified in contracting debts without a cer­ tainty of having the means to pay than any prudent individual would be. It must have the money. It must have it at once. The liberty loan is to provide this money and every American ought to jump in and make this new issue an overwhelming success. The man or woman, girl or boy who has a relative in the army will hardly have to be told that we must not stint in supply­ ing everything that can shorten the war and provide the soldiers with the best and completest equipment possi­ ble. To hold back from him a single useful dollar would be like denying food and shelter to that son, husband or brother who is offering life and health in defense of his loved ones-- for that is what fighting for one's country really means. The sooner it is made clear that the second issue-of liberty bonds has been endorsed by a huge popular over­ subscription, the sooner will the kaiser realize that he is only wasting his men and his resources and the sooner will our boys come back from the fir­ ing line. McHenry Coi Medical Society Fee Bill Effective on and after Sept. 1, 1917: Office calls, minimum, $1.00. Office night calls, minimum, $1.50. Day calls, in city limits, $2.00. Night calls, in city limits, $3.00. Calls, outside of city limits, SO cents per mile plus city charge. Consultation, $5.00, plus mileage if out of the city. Anesthetics, $5.00, minimum. Life insurance examinations, $2.00 minimum. Vaccinations, $1.00. Certificates, accident, insurance, etc., $1.00. Ordinary labor cases, $20.00, includ­ ing two after calls. Complicated labor Cases, extra charge, $5.0frup. ~T"~ Labor cases outside of city limits, city charge plus mileage for case and two after calls; full charge for more than two after calls. Detention in labor cams, extra charge after four hours. Small pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, epidemic meningitis and infantile pa­ ralysis cases, 50, cents extra per call. Cases between 9:00 p. m. and 6:00 a. m. are night calls. An extra charge is made for medi­ cine furnished. D. G. Wells. A. I. Froehlich. A. F. Mueller. N. J. Nye. N •--•wssmiwimmHum ? I •nd, judging from the tiianher in which the work has been started, we feel quite certain that our people will see and .appreciate the seriousness of the situation and not wait to be can­ vassed, but walk right nuo either of the McHenry banks or the bank of Ringwood and make application for a bond. : The . work of soliciting subscrip­ tions will be carried out most thoroly, even in the schools,'where the children will be instructed and educated along these lines. It is a question that should be talked and discussed in every home, business house, on the streets, in the churches and every public meet aq? 'spjOM Maj « ?snf u| '30B{d 3m second liberty loan means our coun­ try's first big war drive and everyone is given an opportunity to share the honors of victory in this giant under­ taking. McHenry people will do their bit, of this we feel certain. The writer has been made the pub­ licity man in the town of McHenry and in connection with the work that has been outlined for us we wish to state that we have left lithographs in all of the business houses in the vil­ lage and it is the desire of Uncle Sam that these posters be placed in a most conspicuous place, the* front windows aren't any too good. Itvwould please us immensely if every business man in town would place these lithographs in his front window. In this manner it will keep the issue in the minds of everyone and will also tell the strang­ ers, who happen to stop or pass thru this village, that McHenry is doing her bit. Now let us all pull together for the good of one common cause and thus show the world that McHenry has not only done her bit in supplying men for the army and n'avy, but also in the way of subscribing for liberty bonds. Red Croes Notes McHenry branch has 21(^paid mem­ berships. The purchasing agents have been kept busy purchasing outing -flannel,\ muslin and wool. The new table installed was grate­ fully appreciated by the cutters. Prof. A. Edgar Nye will accept thanks for same. Interest plus enthusiasm was a marked feature in Friday's program. It was a banner week for completed articles. Six finished sweaters were turned in on Friday. ( Many more will be fin­ ished for the shipment, which will be made Saturday. The domestic science girls of the Woodstock high school held a candy sale in the park there on Saturday, the proceeds of which will be used for the purchase of yarn to knit sweaters for the soldiers. Thirteen large • warehouses have been established by the Red Cross in France for the storage of the supplies for the American troops and hospitals behind the firing lines. Six of these are in Paris. Approximately fifteen thousand tons of materials are dis­ tributed monthly from these ware­ houses. Youngsters, Take Warning Unless the youngsters in the village take more precaution in crossing from one side of the street to the other, some one is going to get hurt some of these days. It has come to our notice on several different occasions of late that the little folks and even some of the older ones, who should know better, start crossing a street without look­ ing to see whether or not they are in danger of being rim down by an ap­ proaching automobile. While most of the drivers use every precaution while passing a crowd of children, there are occasions when he is obliged to watch an approaching machine or vehicle as well «§ avoid running over children, who, thru thoughtlessness, attempt to cross the street at the same time. A number of narrow escapes have come to our notice and we believe that if parents will instruct the little folks as to the danger in crossing or at­ tempting to cross the * street in front of approaching machines it will un­ doubtedly avoid accidents. We have also noticed that some of the young­ sters about the village have grown so bold as to run right out in the center of the road and stand there while the driver of the machine is forced to tturn to the side to avoid an accident. This has happened the Writer on two differ­ ent occasions. PROBA TE ,NE WS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing*. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and pay­ ments to suit borrower. Phones 684, 903 and 911.] Real Estate Transfer* Jay E.* Waite & w to Max E. Felt- zer & w, Its 23 & 24 of Orchard Beach, McHenry $1.00 Jacob Schaefer to Wm. Me- Innes, It 4 Sunnyside Beach sub-div, McHenry $375.00 E. H. Waite to Jacob R. Juste*, /; prem in ne cor se frl sec 1$, l McHenry »,j\ Do to Do, sw% se% sec McHenry Marriage Licenses Peter Hanson, 22,... r-v.. .Woodstock Martha K. M. Quass, 20.. .Woodstock Clifton Du Voll, 24 Rockford Bernice Bailey, 20 Walworth William Justen, 25..... .tf>. .McHenry Gertrude Ratten, 19.... .Spring Grove Samuel Ward, 44. .Marengo Mrs. Anna Brown, $4....... .Marengo SteiBdMtar idi briny Catch Slacker and Get Reward A reward of $50 is payable for the delivery at the nearest army camp or post of a deserter. This reward is full satisfaction of all expenses in­ curred in said delivery. A person who fails to report to his local board for military service at the times specified in his order is a deserter. It is highly desirable from every standpoint that an effort now be made to round up all persons who are delinque^ in report­ ing for military service. We shall have a great force of police officers and even of individuals interested in bringing delinquents under military control. If after \such persons are brought to a military authority it ap­ pears that their delinquency is not willful they will be forwarded to a mobilization camp and their local board will be given credit If it ap­ pears that the delinquency was wilfull they will be prosecuted before the court martial as deserters. In either case the reward is payable. Astonishes McHenry. The quick action of buckthorfntalrtt, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, the appendicitis preventative, aston­ ishes McHenry people. One spoonful of this remedy relieves sour stomach, |M and constipation at once, f, f. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24 ; Dorothy Gish GretchentheGreenhofi Ford Sterling .. IN- ' VHis Lying Heart 1 • vivil>UJRSDAY, OCT. 18 Bessie Barrisca le ; --in -faff* Home ^ w Dewolf Hoppw • --IN--' Puppets * ^ /A/; ^SATURDAY, OCT; gO " Wallace Reed and Anita King •fv? ^ Ifj L The Golden Fetter SUNDAY, OCT. 2*/. ; i • George Bebakt IN_ His Sweetheart \7 THE EAST* SIDE MARKET The place that saves you money and gives satisfaction. ^LoQlt^At^.. these prices for Friday and Sat­ urday, Oct. 19 and 20: * Native pot roast, per lb... 16 Boiling beef, per lb.._.....14%c Native boneless rolled roast beef, no waste, per lb... .22Vic Best Edelweiss lard, per lb 28'/jc Oscar F. Mayer's Edelweiss . V smoked ham, every ham | : i guaranteed, per lb.... r .3<p|i| Boneless brisket corn beef, ̂ f guaranteed the beat, our ̂ own cured, per lb •22,/ac , Try some of our home-made sau­ sage, which we make ourselves. We know that everyone can af­ ford to eat meat at these prices. It is the amount, the quantity, we sell that ^nables us to kell at these prices. Fresh oysters received daily. We also buy calves, hogs, hides, chickens and all kinds of poultry, etc., and pay the highest market prices. -,*« • :i ̂ |« East Wholesale and Retail L. H. Eisenmenger, Jr., Prop. •McHenry, Illinois 'Phone 57-M GOOD Good FLOUR Cook means ** / Good Baking Good baking is not possible with­ out-good flour, but when Esi-iy Ris­ er flour is used even the experienced bride need have no fear about the results. Just follow the directions of any good cook book and you wil l have the lightest bread and the most delicious cake imaginable. Early Riser flour is best fo#either bread or pastry. Phone us for one sack.. This one sack in your home will be a better advertisement than wft CQttW possible write. .*• WEST N1ENRY FLOUR AND FEED MILLS THE- M o( foods With food prices in the skies, it becomes necessary to practice discrimination in the selection of food product*!, to make every purchase count. Food values must be studied- One must get a full returA ln autriment for one's money. ' \ THE HIGHEST NOT ALWAYS BEST Many articles of equal food values cost much less than others. We can show you a line of food prod­ ucts that will in a large measure offset the high prices on others. We can materiaHy assig* you in keeping down the prices.; M. M. ^Niesea McHenry Phone 86-W WITH more rou SERVE YOUR COUNTRY when you come to our ijank and join our LIBERTY BANKING CLUB and invent in a LIBERTY LOAN WAR BOND and also make tbe safe& investment in the world. And you do not have to draw one cent out of ihe tank. We will carry your bond for you until you can pay lor it. You make easy payments each week and you will NEVER MISS THE MONEY. , / ̂ PICK OUT THR PLAN YOU WANT in; get a Liberty Banking Club Book 5 Cent Plan , Gets $59 Liberty Bond Putin: _ t* .5 cents the 1A week cents the 2nd week 15 cents the 3rd week- . $ , • _ t Increase your deposit onl|r j cents a week for M weeks you have ' ? , S63.7S > ! ; .Enough to pay for your $50 U. S. Liberty Loan Bond and leave you $13.7S to your credit in our bank. Bond delivered when $6# is paid in. , $1.09 a Week Plan You put only One week for 50 weeks, deliver to you your Dolia#^; We then $59 U. S. Liberty Loan Bond . You can pay us in 25 weeks Or less time if you wish. Bond de« iivered when $59 is paid in. 10 Ceat Plan V 1 v Gets f M Liberty Boml ;•*" Pat to: - - • j 10 cents the lrft week ' 29 cents the 2nd w^c|t r I 39 cents the, 3rd week Increase your deposit only 19 cents a week for 99 weeks then y^u have $127.59 Enough to pay for your $199 U. S. Liberty Loan Bond and1 leave you $27.59 to your credit in our bank. Bond delivered when $199 is paid in. $2.00 a WeekiPlan You put in only Two Dollars a week for 59 deliver to you your • $199 U. S. Liberty Loan Bond You can pay up in 25 weeks or leas time if you wish. Bond delivered when $199 is paid in. Wejsjive our services to our government free; we m||c:e , «\i*o profit on Liberty Loan War Bonds r r;.;' West McHenry West McHenry, III. Your sheep, hogs, cattle, horses and, mules are subject to deadly attacks of worms. These ravenous pests multiply by the million ̂ttsrvs your Stock, keep them poor, weak, and out of condition. • - VOGT'S DRUG STORE WEST McHENRY. ILL. P H I L I P G J A E G E R sytfieNERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT^ SPECIAL ATTENTION Q1VKN TO THE SAUK OF Owsssd Best, rtutton. Hogs, Vsal, PMaltry* $ •'Ck,' Hides, Etc., Butter sod Eggs This Is the oldest house on the street Tags sad price Hets tarnished en application. 1 , ' " " - COLDSTOKMIBFRBE/. , chica" Stall » A 3, WholiHl* Markat. Vogt, druggist, West MdHenry, 111. Bead The Plaiadealer lad keep peel­ ed on local hspsitiina» ; Telephone Na 198-R SIMON STOFFEL * Insurance agent for all classes of property in the beet companies WEST McHENRY. - ILLINOIS PLUMBING MID BATING -BY- Experienced Workmen DONAVIN * RKIHAkSPEftGBIt DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST JMke in Telephone Knhnff Centerrille McHenry, Illinois Telephone Ne. 79-W Office Hoars 'ill to 4c3t p. n. 7«MtoS4Sp.«n. T«l*piH»o«K A. I. FROEHLICH ^ Physician and •WS WKSTMcH*N*Y > \ *S" ii ""J - - V.'̂ ̂"J

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