Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1917, p. 4

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SP.J-wwsk t^'JM^?' "<t 2^%i-- ( ' * »« * feV*. • g ^ t*v **" ; I t' Shoulders All Baking Cares %^fts"---"v- •?;• • ; " ' When CALUMET comes in, all baking troubles take quick leave. You go right ahead and mix up bak­ ing materials, fcr biscuits-- cakes--anything without fear of uncertainty. Calumet makes you forget failure. CALUMET BAKING POWDER is the most popular because it does give most perfect results. It has the big­ gest demand because it is the most pendabi*. The fact that it is the big •est seller proves that it is the best Atrial win convince you that there ii one "just as Rood. Buy a can--if you are not satisfied take it back •and your money back. Calumet contains only such ingre- ditais as have been approved officially b\* the U. S. Food Authority : - . Tmw( vka?ti wr it. »N uit wlea foa csj it. >'-s ; ' HIGHEST QUALITY * t.'-fi . : *•$? <s>\ /*£ !&" •' <ni TE FTBEFFIY PLAINDEALOL nm IHIII l> EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER •Stasia BtakBalMtat Telephone »-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: •m Tear $1M «tx Moitfc*. 75c Three Month*. «c Thursday, October 25, 1917 $^0 4- - 4£ 1 " 111--1 *• , EXTRA PERSONALS 'f'4k ; C. TTnti boarded the Chicago train |;r Wednesday morning. " ""» J. E. Pufahi was a Chicago visitor ^ Wednesday afternoon. r^V "? F- A. Beller bonded the Chicago t ttain Tuesday morning. f!*;i ' % M. L. Worts transacted business in p. • ' » Hie windy city Tuesday. ^ - i*. Miss Elizabeth Thelen passed Wed­ nesday in the windy city. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton were |k * Chicago visitors Monday. W. C. Feltz was a Barrington vis- $*'*; '%'t, day last week. '4 "* John J* Barbian boarded the Chi- •f- ' «ago train Tuesday evening, v * P. J. Dorr was among the Chicago "v' passengers Tuesday evening. it F. O. Gans attended to business flatters in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. G. E. Schoel was a Chicago passenger Wednesday evening. J. C. Jolly of North Crystal Lake #as a McHenry visitor Sunday. , C. L. Page attended to business mat- ||>^3jSres «t the county seat Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Thelen were t- M i Chicago passengers Tuesday evening. ^ v . Misses Christina and Martha May Spent the week end with Elgin friends. - - Mrs. J. Green was among the Chi­ cago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. W. A. Sayler spent the week , #»d with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hanly, - Mi. TBI •_ IS s*t Auction Sale! Geo. Voge£ . Auctioneer 'H Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the Dr. H. H. Vaupell fayn, for­ merly known at the old Walmsley place, situated three, and one-half miles southeast of McHenry, on the river road, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1917 commencing at 10:00 a. m., sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 56 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --consisting of-- 25 Holstein Milk Cows 14 of these cows will come in fresh early, 6 three-year-olds, coming fresh; 4 one-year-olds, 1 bull. Horses 3 colts, coining three and four years old, 1 horse coming five years old, 1 mare nine years old. Hogs 2 sows and 13 shoats. Chickens and Gees* 100 chickens and 5 geese. Hay and Grain 60 tons of clover, timothy and. al­ falfa hay, 700 bushels of oats. ^ Machinery \ Manure spreader, Mogul tractor, set gang plows, silo filler, shredder, Lutz grinder, oat binder, corn binder, corn planter, 3-section drag, 8-horse disc, tractor disc, seeder, 2 cultivators, 4 wagons, bob sled, 26 feet of silo, some household goods and other small articles too numerous to mention. Plenty of Free Lunch at Noon Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable aotes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No perperty to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until set­ tled for with the clerk. Dr. H. H. Vaupell & Frank Zeimet, * Proprietor®. C. W. Stenger & Simon Stoffel, Clerks. Administrator's Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer VH fct Elgin. *V ' Dr. D. G. Wells and N. H. Petesch . tow the liberty parade in Chicago yes- ifcrday afternoon. Miss Erma Lauer of Sublette, 111., '.f ife spending the week as the guest of JlcHenry friends. / s v ' Miss Laura Krauae visited in the i.4 -^ome of her brother at Genoa Junc- |',1 lion, Wis., Sunday. / ' Mrs= Joe Ahrens of Riceville, la., - ;fc spending a few weeks as the guest §pft •:;^^;>;.®f relatives and friends here. ^ J a c o b M i l l e r o f Z e n d a , W i s . , p a s s e d So »' a couple of days this week as the K } guest of McHenry relatives. / . •' Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Walsh at­ tended the funeral of the latter's «ncle, Thos. Dwyer, at Elgin Tuesday. . , Miss Vera Doherty went to Chicago last Friday evening for a several weeks' visit with relatives and friends. • Wm. J. Stoffel of Warren, Mont., is Jiere for an extended visit in the home If, /of his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. k :' StoffeL €? Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bohlander of Chi- ca£° passed Wednesday as guests in "r ' the home of Mr. and "Mrs. F. A. Boh- k ' lander;'. M Joseph Scheid of Camp Grant spent p/ Sunday with his parents here. By all $ . ^ reports he is well satisfied and enjoys ^ iAi soldier life. In Wi. an<^ Mrs. Al. Winteroth and a,v Mrs. Louise Buckoltz of Forest Park were guests in the home of Mr. and ^jMrs. F. G. Spurling Sunday. _ * Mesdames Clara Starritt, Martha ;"jPage and Fannie Chamberlin spent j ti^Mondy night in Elgin, where they tt*£, "'Vere initiated into the mysteries of the White Shrine of Jerusalem. Frank Justen and Jacob R. Justen 'left Sunday in the latter's automobile U , for Cando, N. D., where Jacob R. will *n*ke l*is future home. While in the *r t "west Frank Justen will also look up fcsome land deals for clients of HayeB fit Justen, the West Side real estate The undersigned will sell at public auction on the John A. Smith farm, situated 2 miles east of McHenry, on the McHenry-Fox Lake road, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 19l7 beginning at 1 o'clock, sharp, the fol­ lowing described property, to-wit: 24 HEAD OF CATTLE 2 milch cows, 9 heifers coftiing in soon, 8 two-year-old heifers, 5 calves, coming one year old. 5 Horses One span well matched black mares, four and five years old, weight 2600 pounds; brown mare, six years old, weight 1000 pounds; black horse, eight years old, weight 1100 pounds, black mare, fifteen years old, weight 1300 pounds. 35 spring shoats and 180 chickens. Hay and Grain 4 tons alfalfa hay, 20 tons clover hay, 20 tons timothy hay, all in barn; 600 bushels oats, 300 bushels barley, 30 *cres hill corn, all in shocks; 2 acres fodder corn, a quantity of seed dorn, 50 bushels choice potatoes. Machinery Peering grain binder, nearly new; Deering corn binder, nearly new; Peering mower, hay rake, corn planter, 2 sulky cultivators, platform scale, new; 2 walking plows, fanning mill, 3- section drag, cutter, 2 wagons and boxes, set bob sleighs, 2 sets double harness, 1 single harness, hoes, spades, shovels, whiffle trees, etc., 20 cords of stove wood. Household Goods House, organ^ sewing machine, heat­ ing stove and other articles too num­ erous to mention. Terms of Sale: * All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes at seven per cent interest. No property removed until settled for. S. H. Freund, Administrator of the John A. Smith Estate. Jos. W. Treund, Recording Clerk. Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the Elija Coates farm, located' 4 miles west of Ringwood, 2 miles east of Greenwood and % miles south of the Greenwood road, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1917 commencing at 1:00 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 12 HEAD OF CHOICE COWS Three coming in fresh inside of a month, 1 heifer, 1 bull. 5 Horses One gray horse 4 years old, 1 road horse and 2 work horses. Wagons, Etc. Good farm wagon, 2 spring wagons, road cart, top buggy and all kinds of farm implements. Hay and Grain About 20 tons of wild hay, 4 tons of timothy hay, 8 acres of early corn in shock, about 150 bushels oats and a quantity of silo feed. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until set­ tled for with the clerk. ¥* & Edkerg. Simon Stoffel, Do you realize that hun­ dreds of thousands of Amer­ ican boys are going across the sea to fight that you may continue to enjoy your present liberties? Do you appreciate the im­ mensity of the obligation that devolves on you to help sustain a$d encourage them ? If you do you will help. You can be& do that now by buying a By the ad you lend your money to your Government to be expended in keeping your soldiers in the war- in winning the war. • t: . You£_ bank can give you particulars as to terms of payment. WimfouAdoptf lit THERE'S A REASON Why one hundred and seventy- eight families in McHenry are using INDIOLA COFFEE If you are not one of the Indiola Family, give us a trial order and you, too, will know THE REASON Satisfaction with each transac­ tion. Roy Hankermeyer AGENT McHENRY, ILL. SHARON, WISCONSIN Wednesday and Friday 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday and Monday By appointment only DR. CHARLES R. TREAT WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Shetland pony, buggy and harness. Inquire at this office.' 5 FOR SALE--Cook stove. In good condition. Inquire of B. Katz, Mc­ Henry, 111. 17 FOR SALE--Parlor coal stove in good condition. Jos. W. Ffeund, West Mc­ Henry, 111. 18-tf FOR SALE--A quantity of cabbage.- Inquire of Henry Buchert, West Mc­ Henry, 111. Phone 613-R-2. 19-4t* FOR SALE--Must sell at once, good piano, nearly new. Mrs. F. En­ sign, West McHenry, 111. 19-lt* FOR SALE--A quantity of squash. Inquire of H. E. Clemens & Son, West McHenry, Hi. Phone 613-W-l. 17 FOR RENT--The Rollin Waite house. Lease given until April 1,1918. West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry, lii. ; ' 18-tf LOST--A bar pin, set with small blue and green stones with cameo in center. Return to Vogt's drug store, West McHenry, 111. Reward. 19 FOR SALE- piano. Cqs|# Swank Bryt/ McHenry^ 111. Julius Bauer Upright >0. Sale price $100. Hanly homestead, West Phone 613-R-l. 19 FOR SALE--No. 413 ' Noble-Penin­ sular base burner. ' First-class condi­ tion. Call 71-R or at residence. C. B. Harmsen, West McHenry, 111. 17 FOR SALE-t-Good black mare, wt. about 1100 lbs. Good driver or fam­ ily horse. Also surrey and harness. Call on M. J. Walsh, West McHenry. FOUND--In McHenry, an overcoat. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Ben Stilling, McHenry, 111. 19-lt WANTED--Position on dairy farm. Have had twenty years experience. Can do anything. Address A. L. Noo- nan, 4232 Carroll Ave., Chicago, 111. FOR SALE--The Schnorr homestead and store property in McHenry. Reasonable prices and oh terms to suit. If interested in any of them write F. J. Schnorr, Savings Bank Bldg., Council Bluffs, la. 10-tf FOR SALE--One brand new Sears- Roebuck l' % h. p. stationery gasoline engine equipped with Webster mag­ neto. Price, $32.50. One new gear pump jack. Price, $4.00. One double action force pump, capacity, 500 gal­ lons per hour. Price, $8.00. Wm. Koeppe, Orchard Beach, McHenry, 111. •z r* FOR SALE--On very easy terms, the 99 acre highly improved R. H. Richardson farm at $175 per acre. Small payment down, long time, 5 per cent interest. New $3000 modern barn. Three miles from McHenry on main road to Woodstock. Other farms for sale. Simon Stoffel, West McHen­ ry, IU. 10-tf HafodsftUr ads bring rsraHs. It Isn't the Best Policy" to let your car go without attention until a general break­ down occurs, and then have to lay up for extensive and ex­ pensive repairs. "Discretion Is the Better Part of Valor" and it is much the better plan to have your car inspected periodically, which will result in keeping it in good condi­ tion thruout the season, at a minimum expense and with but littlfe loss of time. v > LWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FO EXPERT REPAIRING ^ACETYLENE WELDING - BATTERY CHAR6IN® -- TIRES-GASOUNE-CHLS -- SUPPLIES-ACCESSORIES FORD SERVICE STATION AUTO LIVERY-QUICIT SERVICE mil STAR GARAGE JOHN R.KNOX, PRO PR. PH0ME30 MS HENRY HI. Your Government wants you to buy a 4 per cent Liberty Loan BtfnT Let lis Serve YOB in the Following If yo^ want to buy a farm sop us. If you want to sell your farm see us. If you want a good investment see us. If you want a life insurance policy see us. If you want a fire fnsuranee policy see us. Let us sell you a .good farm from 80 to 200 acres. Small payment down; balance, long time. • • "... If you are going to sell your farm property at auction, see us, we can save you money by listing your prop­ erty, putting up your sale bills and clerking your safe. •Let us insure your automobile against fire and theft. f ? Let us sell you a lot in our subdivision on* the Pox riv#r near McHenry. Small payment down, balanee monthly. ^ ILLINOIS UrE INSURANCE C9. GREAT AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. HAYES & JUSTEN Phones: 54-J, lll-R, 105-R WEST McHENRY, ILL. >»>» - - •= * i.: ; f. - * V • 1 J . J . / "A* „1 'McHenryf lllinalft * ' i v . % -- -- in ft, nrfwi npi„ii)iu m j. j • J 4 | | . . ! • . i l l .. .-n 4Ti SPECIMEN BALLOT Special Election, October 30th, McHenry County/HHnois. G. E. STILL, County Clerk. Q INDEPENDENT Q SOCIALIST For Judge of the Circuit Court in the For Judge of the Circuit Court in the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit (To FjUl Vacancy) Seventeenth Judicial Circuit (To Fill Vacancy) • ROBERT K. WELSH Q FRANK H, HALL 1704 National Aventy, Rockford 1706 6th St., Rockford MAKE MONEYTRAPPING "THE ART OF TRAPPING'! The Best and Most Complete Trappers' Gnl0e Ever NHUmI Will teach you how--hundreds of useful and valuable ideas--it gives an accurate description of the different Fur-bearers of North Amer­ ica; it tells how and where to trap; the best methods of making sets; th« right kind of baits and scents; the size of traps to us*; the cor* • net way of skinning and handling; the trapping laws of every state --beautifully illustrated--just the book you have been looking lor. Tkm *rlc« i* 25c stmmifss or cote. Smnd for yow --<erfa». A. B. SM7BERT, Inc* Dept. 439 25-27 W®st Austin Avenne, Chicago, 1). £> A. One IhoiisiiiHl Dollars A Year to Begin The Ellis Business College ju& received a letter from the Civil Service Office at Washington asking for as­ sistance in filling 10,1)00 shorthand positions paying from $1000 to $1200 a year from beginning. Two of our boys have already be­ gun at $1200. We need 200 more to begin training at once. .-Step lively please. TliEMLUS New BtttbHbs Opposite Bt*la PoA Office T In order- that you may expect efficiency from your horse you must give the animal a Har- . - ness built especially for it and during the win* ter months you must also see that it is given - proper protection from the cold. We have spent years in studying Horse needs and are in . a position to Harness your animal in a man­ ner that will satisfy. ^ A NICE LUC or 1LANKETSAND KOKSQN BAND IT'1' MFC A. Thelen --'-'-i- Wm* Mdfcaty I Attention - • A has been called to the remarka ble fuel saving secured with Cole's Original Blast Heaters. Coal prices are soaring--why be a# slave to an extravagapt heating plant or stove that is a demon for fuel.- Join now in the great army of satisfied users who have found relief from high fuel bills ; urith the great fuel COLE'S Original Hot Blast Heater tens cheapest coal dean and bright ItmaayM Everybody is searching for a way to save fuel and food. Here's your opportunity to eut your coal bills square in half and gain a perfectly heated home as well. Investigate now. Our Store is Fuel Savers Headquarters. •• r '".•'3 • 'f *' " "J/' ; • ; 1 -rft v- - i \ \ T NO.LU t ^ ^ • « '" ' i ' -:l ' - jj. « ^ ••*!? a A U. S. Bond Is Money Bearing 4 P<er Cent Interest ̂ Buy Liberty Bonds. If you have bought, buy more, and sell two more bonds to two other good Americans. Liberty Bonds put your dollars to fighting to make the world safe for Democracy, and pay your dollars for their privilege of fighting. Every spare dollar of every American home should turn itself into Liberty Bonds. Fairness and common sense demand it They pay 4 per cent interest and you can pay for them on installments; 2 per cent with order; 18 per cent Nov. 15,1917; 40 per cent Dec. 15, 40 per cent Jan. 15, 1918. t * \ Go at once and buy a bond, at your post office,-your bank, the nearest department store selling Liberty Bonds or send to the U. S. Treasury Department. ---^-7 You can buy bonds as small as $50, and pay for them by installments. But buy now and as often as you can_ Do all you can to make the world safe tor Democracy* BUY U. S' GOVERNMENT BONDS TODAY. SEC0W LIBERTY LOAN v.. I"';- r ft',.:' AND THINCS --^-Ilany seas 'and many lands contribute their best food stuffs to make ours the leading ° grocery store in this city. French waters supply us with sardines, Spanish seas give us mackerel9 the Columbia River offers saftionjn California donates her|& luscious fruits; India gives her dyes, Japan;' and Ceylon their teas, Arabia her coffees and^js dates--the whole world^S helps to mako ours the leading grocery. A visit to our atom will be a good geography"! lesson for the children. v^.v •! Schneider Bros., - WDT McHenry DURING OCTOBER ONLY- -P-tvi Electric Washing Machines $100. Machine » , - ^-.^*$78 $60 Machines . ... ..j ... ̂ .$48 Write Your Own 5 Year Guarantee # ' hsM^ ^ Phone or drop a postal for demons Geo. L Jorrest, Contracting Electric! eer msmn gfrt'Jft. •' J- CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS - -aJ

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