Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1918, p. 4

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y"~ THE HcHBKBT FUnCDUUL McHENBY, U.L Butter at Market Price in bulk or prints Butterine Best Brands per pound 15 j| 8 Only the best, pure lard handled at per pound 29 l-2c In Tub Lots per pound 29c Quality, Service Low Prices Orders promptly delivered PEOPLE are anxiouly awaiting our widely known weekly specials, because they are aware of the fact that when we offer them specials they get nothing but the very best on the market at rock bottom prices. Having placed large future orders enables us to offer even better and mor6 bar­ gains in the year 1918 than in the past. Just arrived a neat little line of yard goods, consisting of ginghams, percales, muslins and flannels. FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY January 4th, 5th and 7th we Offer you both Goods and Prices which, as usual, by far surpass the LEAD GROCERIES Our grocery stock was never more complete than at present. Here you can find almost everything pertaining to fancy and staple groceries. Don't forget to try some of our good coffee this week, at per pound -18c No. 2 can sifted peas lie No. 1 can Beachnut beans --13c No. 2 can sweet corn : 11c No. 3 can hominy - §c No. 1 can peaches 9c No. 2 can blueberries- _ _ 9c Matches, per box 5c All Soaps, per bar.__ 5£c DRY GOODS In order to introduce our Dry Goods we have ar­ ranged to give you exceptional bargains in this line PERCALES Reg. 25c value, per yard 19c GINGHAMS Reg. 20c value, per yard 154c MUSLINS Reg. 17c value, per yard 15c FLANNELS Reg. 20c value, per yard 16 l-2c OUTING FLANNEL . Reg, 18c value, per yard 13c DRESS PLAIDS Reg. 22c value, per yard 19c HOSIERY All odds and ends in hosiery, per pair. J5c and 20c WATER STREET STORE & MARKET 'PRONE 26 ADAMS BROS. M'HENRY UAI P--MANY LINQ WAt Steak, per lb._. Sirloin Steak, per lb „ • Boneless Roll Roast, p< Beef Rounds, per lb Beef Hind Quarters, |w Beef Fore Quarter, pf' E MADE HO 13 12c Pork Chops, per lb ^-- Pork Loins for Routt - 25c 24c We buy the best in n|eits obtainable. None Better. C. C. Hams, per lb M. Ham, per lb Boiled Ham, per lb Bologna, per lb Frankfurts Calves, Hides atjd Piultry and not only give yot highest mar­ ket prices but alsc FUlL, HON­ EST, CORRECT WEIGHTS, no matter if itsj in buying or selling. \ 1 '?• , THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER in Bank Building Telephone «-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: OM Vmi $1JS <H| Months, 75c Three Month*. Thursday, January 3, 1918 BONDING PLAN ADOPTED (Continued from first page) less, to a point approximately one- eighth (1-8) of a mile south of the intersection of sections 10, 11, 14 and. 15 in Seneca township on said State Aid route No. 15, making a total of Six and seven-eighths (6%) miles more or less. Said improvement to v consist of constructing a 15 foot Port­ land cement concrete pavement with a 27 foot graded roadway. The esti- "~'f mated cost of said improvement tq be one hundred twenty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, ($123,- 78000. 3. Beginning at the north end of State Aid road as now completed on State Aid route No. 3, which is ap­ proximately three (3) miles north­ easterly from the city limits of Wood­ stock, thence north on said State Aid route No. 3 eighty (80) rods, more or less, to Thompson's corners, said .corners being the intersection of J&fc&te Aid routes Nos. 2 and 3; thence ex­ tending easterly a distance of six and a quarter (6'/4) miles, more or less, on State Aid route No. 3 to the west village limits of the village of Mc- Henry,-making a total of six and a alf (6%) miles, more or less. Said provement to consist of construct- * a 15-foot Portland cement concrete vement with a 27 foot graded road- y. The estimated cost of said im- vement to be one hundred and sev- ;en thousand dollars ($117,000). Beginning at the east village of the village of McHenry, i extending easterly a distance ee and a half (3%) miles, more s", along State Aid route No. 2 county line of McHenry ^nd' counties, making a total of three a half <3%) miles, more or less. ^'Uid improvement to consist of con- r.iitructing a 15 foot Portland cement Concrete pavement with a 27 foot , rgraded roadway. The estimated cost of said improvement to be sixty-three thousand dollars ($63,000). 5. Beginning at the intersection of State Aid route No. 2 and No. 3 run­ ning thence in a northerly direction on said State Aid route No. 2 to the in­ tersection of State Aid route No. 2 and No. 5 a distance of eight and a half (8%) miles, more or less, mak- 'ing a total of eight and a half (8%) miles, more or less. Said improve­ ment to consist of constructing a 15 foot Portland cement concrete pave­ ment with a 27 foot graded roadway. The estimated cost of said improve­ ment to be one hundred and fifty three thousand dollars ($153,000). 61 Beginning at the north end of $$*te Aid road as nofw completed on State Aid route No. 16, which is ap­ proximately two and a half (2%) miles northwest of the city limits of Woodstock, thencd extending in a northwesterly direction a distance of nine and a quarter (9%) miles, more or less, along State Aid route No. 16 to the south city limits of the city of Harvard, making a total of nine and a quarter (9%) miles, more or less. Said improvement to consist of con­ structing a 15 foot Portland cement concrete pavement with a 27 foot graded roadway. The estimated cost of said improvement to be one hun­ dred and sixty-six thousand five hun­ dred dollars ($166,550). 7. Beginning at the east end of State Aid road as now completed on State Aid route No. 8 which is ap­ proximately two and three-quarters (2%) miles southeast of the south city limits of Woodstock, thence run­ ning southeast on State Aid route No. 8 a distance of four (4) miles, more or less, to the northeasterly city lim­ its of the city of Crystal Lake, mak­ ing a^total of four (4) miles, more or less. Said improvement to consist of constructing a 15 foot Portland ce­ ment concrete pavement with, a 27 foot graded roadway. The estimated cost of said improvement to be sev­ enty-two thousand dollars ($72,000). The Marengo-Woodstock road de­ scribed in section 2 is not on the six­ ty million dollar state bond issue sys­ tem. There would not, therefore, be any refund for the section of road. However, this is on a State Aid route and would be subject to refund from future state aid allotments to the amount of fifty per cent of its cost. It is estimated tjiat McHenry coun­ ty will be refunded to the amount of approximately $530,000, which, to­ gether with future state aid, could be used for improving the following State Aid routes: 1. Beginning at the south city lim­ its of the city of Crystal Lake, thence extending in a southerly direction a distance of four and a quarter (4%) miles, more or less, on State Aid route No. 8 to the northwest village limits of the village of Algonquin, said im­ provement to consist of constructing a 15 foot Portland cement concrete pave­ ment with a graded roadway 27 feet wide. 2. Beginning at the southeast vil- age limits of the village of Algon­ quin, thetoce southeast a distance of one and a quarter (1%) miles, more or less, along State Aid route No. 8 to the county line of Kane and Mc­ Henry counties. Said improvement to consist of constructing a 15 foot Port­ land cement concrete pavement with a graded roadway 27 feet wide. \ 3. Beginning at the south end of the State Aid road as now completed on State Aid route No. 11, which is a point approximately one half (*A) mile south from the south city limits of (the city of Woodstock, thence ex­ tending southerly along said State Aid route No. 11 a distance of ten <10.) miles, more or less, to the north vil­ lage limits of the village of Huntley. Said improvement (to consist of con- .....;J, structing a 15 foot Portland cement concrete pavement with a graded road­ way 27 feet wide. 4. Beginning at the east village limits of the village of Hebron and extending east on State Aid route No. 5 to the west village limits of the vil­ lage of Richmond, a distance of five and three-fourths (5%) miles, more or less. Said improvement to consist of constructing a 10 foot Portland ce­ ment concrete pavement with a grad­ ed roadway 24 feet wide. 5. Beginning at the south village limits of the village of Richmond, thenCe south on State Aid route No. 4 to the intersection of State Aid routes Nos. 4 and 4A, a distance of two and one-fourth (2%) miles, more or less, thence easterly for a distance of three (3) miles, more or less, along State Aid route No. 4A to the west village limits of the village of Spring Grove, making a total of five and one-fourth (5V4) miles, more or less. Also beginning at east village limits of the village of Spring Grove and extending southeasterly -one and three-fourth (1%) miles, more or less, on State Aid route No. 4A to the county line of McHenry and Lake counties. Said improvement to con­ sist of constructing a 10 foot Portland cement concrete pavement with a graded roadway 24 feet wide. G. Beginning at the southwestern village limits of the village of Mc­ Henry, thence extending in a south­ erly direction a distance of seven (7) miles, more or less, on State Aid route No. 6 to northerly city limits of the city of Crystal Lake. 7. Beginning at the intersection of the east line of section 34 in Chemung township with State Aid road No. 17, thence in a westerly direction two and one-half (2%) miles on said State Aid route No. 17 to the south line of Che­ mung township. Said improvement to consist of constructing a 10 foot Port­ land cement concrete pavement with a graded roadway 24 feet wide. Your committee would therefore recommend to the honorable board of supervisors of McHenry county that the following preliminary resolution, attached hereto, be passed and sub­ mitted to the department of public works and buildings for their formal approval. It is further recommended that a final resolution be considered for pas­ sage at an adjourned meeting to be called by the chairman at the earliest possible date. All of which is respectfully submit­ ted, J. E. Harrison. D. M. Wright. W. H. Forrest. Is Recovering Word from Lake Geneva, Wis., is to the effect that Miss Alice Waite, who has been quite seriously ill dur­ ing the past week or two, is on the road to recovery. She is now under the care of a trained nursfe. C. W. Stenger was a business vis­ itor at Cary Wednesday. ^ Ed. Freund of Chicago is tfee guest of his mother and sister here. • . _ • Auction Sale! Charles Leonard, Auctioneer Having purchased the Geo. Hutson farm and wishing to reduce his stock, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the Frank Brown farm, situated 4% miles southwest of Mc­ Henry, 8 miles northwest of Crystal Lake and 5% miles east of Wood­ stock, on MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1918 commencing at twelve o'clock, noon, the following described property, to- wit: 29 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --consisting of-- . 26 High Grade Holsiein Cows Five of this herd are close, spring­ ers, 9 heifers coming two years old; 12 good milkers. Most of the above ire fresh within the past three weeks. ' 3 Head of Horses Sorrel mare, coming five year old, weight 1150 pounds; draft colt, com­ ing two years old; one yearling colt. " Hay and Grain ' " A quantity of timothy hay ih barn ind 10 bushels timothy seed. Machinery, Etc. Narrow tire wagon, wide tire wag­ on, hay rack and box, double box wag­ on, heavy milk wagon nearly new, surrey, good as new; set of good drags, John Deere gang plow, hog rack, 2 hog troughs, nearly new; 7 milk cans, nearly new; set doublfe har­ ness, single harness, a number of horse collars and other articles too numerous to mention. FREE LUNCH AT NOON Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed'or possession of same given to purchaser until set­ tled for with clerk. August Rossmann. C. W. Stenger, Settling Clerk. Chas. L. Page, Recording Clerk. LOCALS WIN FAST GAME McHenry Fire Defeat Lake Geneva Here Friday 1 a In one of the fastest as *411 as clos­ est games of basket ball ever wit­ nessed on the home floor the McHen­ ry town team defeated the Lake Gen­ eva five 9 to 5 here last Friday night. Never before in local history has a game been played here between two teams where the score was kept so low and never before have the fans been treated to a more lively setto than was witnessed on this occasion. Altho quite rough in spots, the fans were well pleased with the exhibition and when all was over it took several minutes before the fans could come to a realization as to where they were. The closeness of the score and the fast playing of the two teams kept the crowd on its toes throuout CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Full blooded Duroc Jer­ sey boar. Inquire of or write P. J. Brown, McHenry, 111. Phone 614-J-l. FOR SALE--A thor-bred Chester White boar. H. E. Clemens & Son, West McHenry, 111. Phone 613-W- 1. 29-2t* LOST--Between St. Patrick's church and Casper Wirfs' residence on Wau kegan Rd. a pocket book containing a sum of money.- Finder pelase return to The Plaindealer office. 29-11* LOST--Somewhere between the Star garage and the home of J. J. Mc­ Carthy, a mackinaw containing two pairs of rubber gloves. Finder please return to N. H. Petesch, McHenry. FOR SALE--Full blooded Poland China boars. Sired by Chief Wonder and also some gilts sired by Wonder Joe, the 2nd. Inquire of Jas. Hunter, West McHenry. On the old Jas. Say- ler farm. Phone 622-M-2. 29 FOR SALE--On very easy terms, the 99 acre highly improved S. H. Richardson farm at $175 per acre. Small payment down, long time, 6 per cent interest. New $3000 modern •barn. Three miles from McHenry on main road to Woodstock. Other farms for sale. Simon Stoffel, West McHen­ ry, III. 10-tf During the first half of the excit­ ing contest only two points were scored, these by the home team, Miller getting two free throws. Not a single ringer was made by either side during this stanza. In the second half Miller, McHenry's speedy center, succeeded in caging two baskets, while Robison also came across with one ringer. Dickinson and Cobb were the point makers for the visitors, the former getting one field and one free throw, while Cobb is credited with one field throw. In spite of the speed and roughness of the game, comparative­ ly few fouls were made, the locals be­ ing charged up with six, while the vis­ itors had five. All in all, it was a fine ganie and the fans present had no complaints to make when it was over. The line-ups follow: Lake Geneva (5) McHenry (9) D. Colvin R. F» Hunter LeBarrfe L. F. Robison W. Colvin C-. Miller Dickinson R. G. Bacon, Wrede Stau/Ter, Cobb L. X*. Nickels Sub Justen Field throws; Miller, 2; Robison, 1; Dickinson, 1; Cobb, 1. Free throws: Miller, 3; Djckinson, 1. Fouls: Hunter, 1; Robison, 1; Miller, 3; Ba­ con, 1; Dickinson, 3; Stauffer, 2. Ref­ eree, Vogt. Timekeeper, Bacon. Dr. J. J. Schaefer, EYE SIGHT SPE­ CIALIST. Office at residence, comer Green •nd Broad streets, McHenry. Call phone 81-R for appointments. 25 Mrs. Jos. May and son, John, are spending a few days as the guests of relatives in Chicago. made at the National Bureau fct' Standards lijive proyeii niodern Gas Light economical above ajl others. The |ise of present-dayJ^as mantles find ji^ht-fiirfiisiiig glassware his made Gas JLights objects of real beauty as well ̂ of utility. i r Western United Gas /ife ar>4 Electric Compel)/ O YOURS TO PLEASE We are business Customers the stuff n the grocery to please our and we keep uOming in daily to io it with. Groceri ^ do not grow stale ir our atore, We -sell high quality e a t a b l e a . a n d k e e p the prices down. This mefves our gro-* , ceries dut fast and insures fr*esh, whole­ some goods to you when you buy from us. Schneider Bros., - Weil McHenry .1. pH I L 1 P J A E G E R qIeneral cohmission merchant I FECIAL ATTkntjon axvjpj TO TH* SAUE or brc«scd lufton, Mogp, Vs^l, Poultry, Hides, ptc., Butter sfifJ Bgjrp ^ Thia Is the old oat 0" the street T*k« and pjrfoa list* fnrniahed ea *ppllcatfc>n • '-.i/8'/ (4NLP STQRJMlfi FfltPE , _ . < Kill I A Pillion !ti, WkoltMla Market. CHICAGO, ILL <1 * M , f :> ' . V . V - j 1 V ; v;t$' *

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