EFIELD was in Woodstock «... - r-- Check the Cold en you notice the finft symptoms, is easier to cure then, and also guards against more serious complications which may result from neglect. fs Pink Cold Ta 5/ i if taken in time, will cure a cold in twen ty-four hours. They restore circulation, promptly overcjpme congestion and 31op the feverish condition which usually ac companies a cold.. They are jteasant to ta^e and in no way harmful * ,v> : . ' • • ' ; . • • Price, 25 Cents so w N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST THE STORE OF Quality and Service Just Arrived A fine lot df Onion Sets. Also a nice supply of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. We will pay the high est prices for fresh eggs brought to this store. gy|p; Orders delivered promptly 'Phone 80-M . PRIES to C. G. Frett Easter Sunday Falls on the 31st of March Order your Easter Suit esily mi get the best of tailoring. We can satisfy every fancy and also your purse, prices ranging from. -$15.00 to $50.M In our two lines the old reliable International Tailoring Co. and the Scotch Woolen Mills a per fect fit always. - Our line of DRESS GOODS^is very complete in flwlk and woolen materials. * Shots in fancy and staple shapes and popular colors, ranging in price, per pair, up to $8.00 PURE, FRESH GROCERIES Finest quality of Tea and Coffee West McHenry. Goods delivered. 'Phone 63-R. M- J. Walsh WINTER GOODS' CLEARING SALE! Sale starts March 15 and continues for one week During this sale we will give you 15 per cent discount on all winter goods. Below you will find a few of the many bar gains we offer during this sale: 75c flannel petticoats $ iO 36c flannel petticoats..... .25 $1.50 night gowns,1.90 $1.00 night gowns........ .75 75c night gowns Js $1.25 men's -heavy under wear 1.90 $1.25 women's union salts. 1.M 75c pajamas ............ 29c' children tmdervreaJr.. 50c boys' waists 60c children's bonnets,.. 60c tdm o'shanter.... . . . . 15c Children's mittens.... 10c tullow tops, 2 for..,, - • 4~-» " • V vay went to Ciyatal a Woodstock business h*s. Will Morris spent Leroy Monday. Mrs. A. G. Lake Friday. H. Wille w caller Monday Mr. and Monday in Elgin. Miss Pearl Reed was' home from Seneca over Sunday. F. E. Howe transacted business at Ringwood Wednesday. J. H. Slater was a business caller in DesPlaines Monday. H. Nelson was a Crystal Lake busi ness caller on Monday Mrs. B. Fisher is entertaining her sister from Lake Geneva. Mrs. Belle Dufield was a caller at Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. Bockhus and W. Pederson drove to McHenry Wednesday. Wm. Rush ton was having dental done at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. Glenn Roderick of Woodstock spent last week with Mrs. Leroy Skinner. . Miss Lois Levey spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Herman Irifth, at Harvard. Mrs. F. Waterman of Woodstock visiteJ Saturday in the home of her son, Lou. Miss Dorothy Reed was at Wood stock Monday afternoon to take her lesson. Mrs. Byron Waterman and children of Woodstock visited with her parents h^re Sunday. Lyman Levey and family of Crystal Lake visited * Friday afternoon at Father Levey's. Miss Rhoda Locks of Sharon, Wis., is visiting in the home of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Knilans. Mrs. A. R.„ Yanke and Miss Lois Levey were Crystal Lake passengers Monday morning. Mrs. F. Wilkins and son, Ralph, were business callers at Woodstock Monday afternoon. Mrs. F. S. Morse and daughter, Elizabeth, were Woodstock passengers Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Cuddy and little son of Wood stock'spent Thursday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Glawe. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and family were down from Woodstock and spent Sunday with their parents here. The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid and Red Cross societies will be held at the home of Mrs. Henry Reed. Misses Rosie Peterson and Christina Erickson and Geo. Johnson were all home from Woodstock over Sunday. L. A Walkup returned home Fri day from an extended visit with Mrs. Walkup's mother and other relatives at Cooperstown, N. Y. Mrs. Herman Johnson returned to her home in Harmony Friday after a month's visit in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Wilkins. Harold Walkup spent Saturday night and part of Sunday with his wife and daughter at Woodstock, Mrs. Walkup and baby returning home with him. Mrs. J, B. Lynch spent Friday and Saturday at Elgin with her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Merchant. Little Bethel Merchant returned with her grand mother after spending the past two months here. TERRA COTTA (Last week's delayed letter) Mrs. Mary Grant was a business caller at Crystal Lake Saturday even ing. Ed. Conway and Edward Knox spent Friday last at Taylor's Lake. Edward Malone of Crystal Lake visited friends here last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Stacia Knox of McHenry spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beal visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lockwood, Sunday. Miss Lillian Riley came out from Chicago last Wednesday evening and will spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago was a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner, last Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay and daughter, Nancy Alice, are guests of Elgin rela tives for a few days. Mr. Bay spent Sunday in Elgin. Walter K. Conway of Holy Cross seminary, Notre Dame, Ind., spent a day last week at the home of his uncle, M. Knox, and also' called on other relatives and friends here. \ TERRA COTTA Arthur Sewell spent Sunday with his mother at Huntley. T. R. Anderson was a business vis itor in Chicago Monday. John Bolger of McHenry was call ing in this vicinity Sunday. John Flanagan of Burton's Bridge called on friends here Sunday. Earl R. Hyde of Crystal Lake spent Monday evening at Robt. Anderson's. Mrs. John Liddle was a business caller at Crystal Lake one day last week. Adelbert Portman of Austin was a guest in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby, several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cole and daugh ters of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Anderson, and family. SPRING GROVE Mrs. Sarah Freeman sppnt Friday in Chicago. Martin Weber of Grayslake was in town Sunday. Lee Aylward of Solon was a caller in town Friday. John Clark moved his family in the Mrs. M. Thelen house. Mrs. John Waspi is quite sick with lagrippe at this writing. Rev. Wm. Dommermuth was a Chi cago passenger Tuesday. Miss Mabel Seigler ' spent Sunday with her friend, May Keefe. Mrs. T. D. Cole is entertaining company from Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christenson were Richmond callers Friday. Miss Tillie Traver visited relatives at Ringwood a few days last week Joe Say, who has been sick with quinsy the last week, is again able to be out. Edmund Keefe and Ben Stevens went to Woodstock Monday to be ex* antined. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinle are the preud parents of a baby boy, born March 8. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgern an nounce the birth of a baby girl, born March 10. ^Misses Mayme and Coletta Freund of Johnsburg visited at the home of Joe Kattne* Friday. Mrs. N. H. Weber, who has been on the sick list for several days, was seen on our streets again. Misses Mayme Frett and Agnes Weber spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britz. Mrs. Martha Blanchard and James Pierce were quietly married at Wau- kegan Wednesday morning. Mrs. J. J. Freund and Mrs. H. Christenson spent Wednesday after noon with Mrs. August Hoflf. Wm. McGee and sister, Florence, and Miss Nellie Keefe of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Keefe home. Misses Bertha Pella and Esther Andruss of Richmond visited with our telephone operators Monday after noon. A farewell party was given Tues day evening at Schramm's hall for Mrs. Martha Blanchard. A large crowd attended and presented hqr with a nice rocker. She will make her fu ture home at Wheeling. OSTEND Our school has two more pupils, jthe two little Mead girls.' Carl Mead has moved with Mr. Rogers to the P. S. Martin farm. Farmers are very busy since snow melted getting up wood for sawing. Ernest Brott moved to McHenry and is spending his time at Borden's. Rural carrier No. 5 from Wood stock delivered mail in this section March 4, the first since Jan. 5. Miss Mabel ^Campbell has returned home from the hospital, where she went- for treatment for appendicitis. Mrs, Cornwell had the misfortune to sprain one of her ankles recently, from which she is suffering tensely. « Mr. Rogers and family moved last week from near Crystal Lake to the Martin farm here, which he has pur chased. Carl Herdrich moved last week from West McHenry to the Ben Brown farm in Cherry Valley district, which he and his brother will work this season. Mr. Campbell and family moved from the farm known as the P. S. Martin farm across the Greenwood line and will farm the coming season on the farm known as the Sam Clark farm. Cherry Valley has at last been successful in finding a teacher. The young lady that commenced the term is quite seriously ill and unable to finish the term. The board of di rectors were successful in hiring Miss Julia Freund of McHenry. Mrs. Mark Hutson and two eldest children are back from Belleview, Fla., and are with relatives at Wood stock. Mark, his mother and the other three children will be here about April 1. Mark had some work to do before he could leave. They have rented a farm in Bull Valley. A promiscuous shower was given Paul Sommers and bride Saturday night, Mar. 2, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cornwell. A goodly number of use ful presents were left them. They moved Monday, Mar. 4, to a farm near Greenwood, which they will con duct the, coming season. SOLON MILLS Lee Hodge returned from Aurora Sunday. Mrs. A. C. Merrell spent Sunday in Ringwood. E. T. Monear spent Thursday last in Richmond. Miss Rose Aubert spent the week end in Chicago. Miss Bird Hodge spent Wednesday at Spring Grove. Mrs. Emily Wellman was a recent caller in Richmond. Mrs. Geo. Turner was a Ringwood caller Friday last. Miss Bird Hodge was a Richmond caller Thursday last. Wm. Cornish was a business caller at Kenosha, Wis., recently. A. Lallinger of McHenry was a bus iness caller in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell of Richmond were callers in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner were Spring Grove callers Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Breman and Mrs. K. S. Craine spent Monday in Richmond. Mrs. E. E. Brigham went to Chi cago Wednesday for a few days' visit. Mrs. Wm. Cowen of McHenry is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fannie Overton. Mrs. Coddington of Milwaukee, Wis., is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. S. Overton. Mrs. James McCannon and children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westlake. Mrs. Alice Bell of Spring Grove was a recent caller in the home of her brother, A. C. Merrell. Harold Grice returned to Beloit, Wis., Thursday after spending several 'She Unite* State* fee* ri, following the assure shippers, and Job- ' no of and RELIEVE Deposit ffegutarly 'itpart of your iticome strong bank. By so doing you will not only be assuring your own independence, but you will also aid in husbanding our nation's financial re All transactions with this bank are con fidential and receive careful, courteous considera tion. Hoy Banking Co. Bank of Ringwoo McHKNKY, ILL. RING WOOD, JLL. In every wired house at every lamp socket a ready low cost set vant waits THE NEW YEAR Electric Power Delighted With the Pie and buy our Home made Bread. A full one-pound loaf of the best bread that can be baked. FRESH EVERY DAY For Wheatless Days we recommend our Rye and Graham Bread. The McHenry Bakery A. LALLINGER, PROP. Patronize your home bakery 'Phone 636-R-2 HARRIET J. LUTHER Nurse McHENRY, ILLINOIS days as a guest of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner went to Aurora Friday to bid farewell to their son, Robert, who departed Saturday for Camp Hancock, Ga. VOLO Ves Wagner was over to McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Peterson was in McHenry Saturday. Earl Paddock and family spent Sunday at Math. Wagner's* Mrs. Stilling of Pistakee Bay wa:? a recent visitor at Mrs, Miller's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vasey spent Sunday with Ves Wagner and family. Mrs. Rose Dunnill and David Park- erson are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Bohyne in Elgin. Miss Ella Moore attended the Ladies' Auxiliary at Mrs. M. Clark's in Wauconda last Thursday. Henry Stoffel announces the closing of his pool room. Having regained his health he intends to work at the mpson trade again the coming sum mer. M. E. Church The pastor, Rev. W. E. Grose, will preach at the M. E. church every Sun day afternoon at three o'clock. Next Sunday the theme will bq of special interest to those who are giving and serving for world betterment. We believe it will pay you to attend this service. Jeitt ft* Bed Oom. " ' Arduous labor done by hand can be done by the electric power. The washing for in stance, the cleaning and much of. the cooking. * We sell the elec trical appliances. Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS You can please your men- folks by using Early Riser flour lor the baking. It makes much better crusts than other flour. All floUF is made from wheat in a mill, but the difference in wheat and milling is what gives superiority to Early Riser flour. Order a sack today and be convinced. WEST NHERRY ! FLOUR AND FEED ARE YOU • SatlSilcu with the COFFEE you use now? If not, try our Coffee at 25c a pound or our 35c grade. Nothing in them but Coffee. SMITH BROS. Jl In order that you may expect efficiency from your horse you must give the animal a Har ness built especially for it and during the win ter months you also see that it is proper protection from the cold. We have spent years in studying Horse needs and are in a position to Harness your animal in a man* ner that will satisfy. A NICE UNT 01 BLANKETS AND ROBES m BAND M. A. Thelen West McHenry PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPBpiAL ATTENTION QIVBN TO THK SALK . Dnuol Bel. Hutton. Hot* v tlldu, Etc., Butter and Bsc* • it ' 'vi. ' *" • ' y This Is the oldest house on the street Tags and priooHsta furafchef sB COLD STORAQ6 FKBB CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. application. •tail 1 a s. Fiim lb Wlilmli Market. *T : Bottd TTfrt FliiBMte