Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1918, p. 10

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' - I For Men and * *$•" v-" -'"L • .. f *r* I t 7 . . - « " •ft MrCHELS-BtAKE |^V;X > s4 * f j :< iA:$ ^ rf k r - k"-' 11 •"• V 1 * ,,!>, £ «"< S> 1,A f'v-* "WORKMANSHIP AND STYLESHIP are the# dominant features of our splendid line of Eastet^- Suits for men and boys. These Suits are welfe tailored and are cut from the best foreign and domestic woolens, guaranteeing to our Cloth* tog a superiority of which we are justly proud, v Don't let the talk of high prices discourage you. Come and see these Suits and the ex­ tremely low prices at which they are going. You will be correctly garbed if you wear one of these Suits and the price will not scare you. : V V>| M JOS. W. FREUND- WEST McHENRY, IIA. tH- : m: & H W - Just received a new supply suitable for all rooms at very reasonable . prices* Alscv some odd lots to close out s - :: ~ :: We have some odd lots of MEN'S HATS k left over from last year which we v will close out at_ _75e k worth up to $3.00 ----Odd lot of Men's Shirts and Drawers to close out at 39c NEW SUMMER DRESS GOODT are coming in every day. Make your selections early. ̂ :: :: A. Bohlander WEST McHENRY. DLL. X' y l/. f" f ' ' §r} SPRING Bit »r--; W*' will soon be here and with its coming you will feel the need of many things carried at this store such as Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains and various pieces erf Furniture. Our stock in these fines has been selected with the utmost of care thus assuring the public of the •ery best in the way of selections. We are Home Outfitters and know that we can please you both as to quality and price. Why not let us install a Kitchen Cabinet, one of the most useful things you can possibly place into your home? When once in your home your wife will Wonder how she ever got along without one. Call iiynd see them. McHENRY, ILLINOIS w. 5 1-2 Billions of Dollars / •>£. ̂ 1 . . f That's what the government figures todayisthe if ̂ irease in selling price of farm products for 1917 over 191|r How are you going to invest your share of the' -You can't do better than to put it into profit produce ing improvements that will take care of your greatfH 1918 crops, prevent jud permanenlly increase tip value of your plant We shall be glad any day to talk over building pldtgs and>prospects with you. Building costs are relatively low. There is a substantial advantage in building now. We can help you with practical suggestions that obligalU you not in the least. 1918 is going to be a big crop year. Buildings mutt be equal to the dropn» ̂:.;j ̂ IWM Wilbur Lumber Co. M West McHenry, QL 'Phone 5 •'*' ? "* " Ti- "A .*•> 4T i • f* t**- . i • The marriage of JOB. Michela and Miss Dorothy Blake was solemnized at St. John the Baptist churth at .lohnsburg Wednesday morning at nine o'clock. : Rev. Wm. Weber, pastor, performed marriage ceremony and also cele- ; bra ted nuptial high mass. Many friends and relatives were present to witness the marriage and assist at the mass. The couple were attended by Miss Susie Michels and Lonnie Michels. The bride and her attendant were dressed in tailored softs of blue serge with hats to match. The contracting parties were born and, raised in Johnsburg, where they were prime favorites. A lovely recep­ tion was tendered them at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Blake, at Sayer farm No. 2, Pistakee Bay. The guests were lim­ ited to immediate relatives and close friends. , Mrs. Michels is a charming young lady, possessed of many pleasing qualities of character, which have en­ deared her to all her acquaintances. She is a member of the Young Ladies' sodality of the'home parish. Mr. and • Mrs. Michels will leave for Chicago Sunday evening, where they will take up their future home. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels and has served as a faithful employe for a large grocery firm there the past year. A grand wedding dance was held at Smith's hall, Johnsburg, Wednesday evening in honor of the couple. LETTER FROM PERCY LODTZ Training for Field Duty After Serv­ ing With Marines Quantico, Va., Mar. 29, im Dear Dad--I just arrived here and will drop you a few lines. We have been taken off the ship and ordered to France. We are going to stay here few weeks for training and then go across. I expect to be put in the heavy artillery as we had a lot of big gun .training on the ship. We just came from Philadelphia. We were there two weeks and sure had a great time. This surely is some place. The largest marine training camp. It only costs a dollar and a quarter for a round trip ticket to Washington. I expect to go up there today, over Sunday. But Phil­ adelphia is the finest^ city I have seen so far. We are going to get new uniforms, full outfits, and I hope we will get to go across as soon as we can: You can hand thfs letter to Schrein- er if you want to and let the McHenry folks know I am still existing. So long, dad, will send my address, as soon as I know it. * Percy. SATURDAY, APRIL S a Mtrie .Doro f .*•« •• ' p%; Heart's Desire " h i 1 ^ ^ffUNDAY. APRIL 7^> ,̂ :/Vi$aii --IN-- The Girl at Home LOCALS WIN SPEEDY CONTEST Chicago All Stars Give McHenry a Close Rub Two New Homes H. J> Schaffer, the local contractor and builder, informs us that he has recently been awarded contracts for the building of two new houses, one The first half ended with the locals JgLone of the speediest games of the season the McHenry town team won % brilliant victory over the fast Chi­ cago All Stars at the high school gym here last Saturday evening. Score 25 to 19. The McHenry team appeared on the floor with a re-arranged line-up. 'Boley" Miller, who has been out of the game for a few weeks with an in­ jured arm, took his old place at cen­ ter, while Frett, who has been per­ forming well in the center position, was shifted to left forward. The change proved to be a good one, the McHenry outfit putting up a splendid fight against the speed artists from Chicago, who evidently came to Mc­ Henry with all sorts of confidence of getting our boys' "nanny." Playing at such great speed natur­ ally made the game look a trifle rough and this it was as when all was over our boys willingly admitted that they had been thru the hardest knocks of the season. Robison especially came in for some rough handling, but he proved himself equal to the occasion by coming thru with his average number of fast and accurate plays, getting six ringers for a total of twelve points. Miller also looked good back in his old position, while Frett and the two Justen boys put up an article of ball that pleased the howling supporters who were on hand to encourage them. The Chicago quintet put up a game that was characterized with speed and cleverness, but owing to their unfamiliarity with the floor and the smallftess of the gym they were un­ able to take the lead and hold it. in the village and the other in the country. One contract calls for the erection of a new home for Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Conway, which will oc­ cupy a site on the Ed. Knox property at the east end of Waukegan street, while the second contract is for a modern new home on the Peter Blake farm, a short distance outside of the village limits on the Ringwood road. The old farm house will be moved back, while the new structure will occupy the site on which the present home now stands. The house will be modern thruout with electric lights and a hot water heating plant. Mr. Schaffer has also contracted for the erection of a large barn over near Wauconda. All of the buildings are to be completed during the summer. Contractor Schaffer informs us that on account of the scarcity" of help he will be working under a big handi­ cap, but hopes to be able to complete all. three contracts. Sanatorium Opens The Dr. Carl Strueh sanatorium and health resort, located on the west banks of Fox river a short distance north of this village, officially opened the season of 1917 on Monday, April 1, with the following people regis­ tered: Frank Henkel, Heustiaford, Wis.; Mrs. Lucille Landers, Chicago; Mr.s. Irene Porter, New York; Alfred Decker, Chicago; Miss Emma Oswald, Chicago; Herbert Roedenbeck, Chica­ go. This resort has shown a won­ derful growth during the past few years and indications now point to another very successful season. - Appeal From Washington The government at Washington is appealing to the public in general to let up on writing to departments for nformation that may be found in the thousands of bulletins sent to every postoffice in the United States* to all libraries and many other officials. Consult these files and there will be need of writing letters to Uncle Sam. Hundreds of clerks now an­ swering correspondence will be en­ abled to give their time to essentially important war work and a patriotic service will be performed by ̂ public. ' leading 16 to 9. The Chicago team was able to make up one point during the second half. ' The line-ups and scores follow:, , ' McHenry (25) £%icago (19) Robison R. F. * : Huber Frett Miller F. Justen A. Justen Field thows: L. F. C. R. G. L. G. Volz Carlson Linsky Eisenberg Celebrate Easte^:'-:--':i-i;^ Mr. and Mrs. Will Powers enter­ tained several gue&ts at dinner Easter Sunday at their beautiful farm home Crystal Lake road. In the evening many young friends of the newly wedded couple were invited for a social time, which they heartily en- ' Robison, 6; Frett, 2; Miller, 3; T] Justen, 1; Huber, 3; Volz, 1; Carlson, 3. Free throws: Miller, 1; Volz, 1. Referee, Vogt; timekeepers, Stilling *' and . Frett; scorer, Bickler. Meeting at Crystal Lake A meeting of the chairmen ap­ pointed by the women's committee of the Council of National Defense will be held in the assembly room of the Crystal Lake high school on Friday afternoon, April 5. All of the chair­ men and assistant chairmen of the council of this village are urgently requested to attend. Their names ap­ peared in these columns at the time of their appointments and they should make an effort to attend. The meet­ ing is in the hands of efficient women war workers of the county. Music Teacher Married McHenry friends this week received announcements of the wedding of Miss Vera Thompson of Woodstock to Lieut. Royal Henry Bosshard, which was solemnized at Springfield, Mass., on Saturday, March 31. Until a short time ago the bride of this happ£ union taught a class in music in o".r village and in this manner she won the admiration of many of our citi­ zens, who extend their heartiest con­ gratulations. Notice Having signed contracts with the Harvard garage to act as distributing agent for Buick and Oakland automo­ biles, I wish to announce that I am now able to demonstrate these makes of cars at any time and will be pleased to explain the merits and give you prices. J. B. Hettermann, proprietor of the Central garage and repair shop, Johnsburg. • f Lady Flagman Miss Laura Krause of this village has shown her patriotism and willing­ ness to do all she can in assisting the government by taking a man's job and herefater will act as flagman at the north crossing of the C. &. N. W. Ry tracks in this village. She commenced duties this week and thus far has proven herself capable of holding the Job. • • -yov. Row immr fVW HAD oman a pd Child - r*r* Should Buy .fc and help our government to WIN THE WAR £*:: < . , ̂ . i ' |s your duty to do so--it is also your privilege. Today our Country is at War with * powerful enemies and to equip &nd maintain our Army and Nayy our Country mu^t have money--and we musft all furnish our share. No one is excepted, because if we haven't the ready money to pay for the Bond now you can buy one on the installment payment $50 $100 $500 ̂ 31,000 $5, ' v *£ •V $10,000 Liberty Bonds are issued by ttae United States Government and are the safest investment In the whole world. They pay interest at 41 per cent semi-annually. • This is your opportunity to show' your patriotism in a practical way; to show ' that'you have kept faith with those who are risking their lives for Liberty an|| Freedom; to prove that we are heart and soul with our Country in this war ufK til it shall end with vidtory for us. Come into our bank and buy your WEST McHENRYSTATE BANK The modern (efficiency lamp has lowered the cost of electric lighting t^v,, the customer " 1 • "f'i Tungsten Lamps multiply light val ­ ues while reducing 7 current consumpj ̂ir ioiL v Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS JUST RECEIVED A NEW UNE OF LADIES' ? 9, Sizes 36 to 44 Prices $1.15 and $2.25 'Also new pattern® . # Voile Dress Goods Grey, high* heels, at ? _ $ 6 . 0 0 Dark brown, high heels, at.̂ $5.50 Dark brown, med. heels, at SMITH BROS. Will Unfurl Service Flag At the meeing of the Knights of Columbus this evening Rev. McCor- mick of Cary will be the speaker. The K. of C. service flag will also .be formally dedicated with appropriate services on this occasion, while the meeting will conclude with the serv­ ing of refreshments. The members of the local council will receive com­ munion in a body at St. Mary's' Cath­ olic church ntaEt Sunday morning. ̂ , •Nfc WHOLESALE R E T A I L Government inspection for your protection * v- The Market That Leads in Quality and Price 187S * \ Our Motto, Price Tells and Quality Sells 1918 ; 1-1 Small place, small expenses, small profits and the benefit of my large re­ frigerator, 12x15 feet, holding eight tons of ice, assuring you the best quality of meats in fresh condition at all times. You also receive ray personal services for your wants when trading at this grocery and market. Some of our specials in meats and groceries for Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6, are: Native Chuck Roast, per lb.. 18 Jc Native Boiling Beef, per lb.._iSc„ Sirloin Roast, per lb ... Porterhouse or short steaks, per lb - ....--21£c , Home pickled salt pork, lb. _29c s VirginiaBacon, per pound..54Jc Rolled roast beef, no bones, no waste, per pound Also all cuts of lamb and veal. >; Roasts, chops, etc., at lowest : prices. Calves' liver, hearts, brains, sweetbreads and tongues. - Pork Pork loins, shoulders, steaks,' chops, spare ribs at lowest prices -" to compete with any. . __ pijRE LARD ^ Edelweiss, Arnold Bros.' or " Hetzdl's Holly brand. An# of these leading and well known brands, per lb B7^c? BUTTERINE Those popular brands such as* Jelke's (Mod Luck, Swift's - Premium, Armour's Veri- best or Cream of Nut, per pouna only 81 jc Creamery Butter 1 We sell the well known Holland creamery butter. ' 1 1 1 ' Cheese Fancy brick or American ĉ ee8e> Per P°u°d only 3>jc We have fresh radishes, green onions, cauliflower, leaf and bead lettuee, and cucumbers. Also all kinds of fancy fruits. Calves, Poultry, Hides, Etc., bought Mid highest market prices paid. Sausage and Corn Beef We have home made sausage and also a full Jine of Oscar F. Mayer's Kdelwelss" and Hetzel's Holly brand sausages, hams and bacon. Those popular and well known brands that have the taste that satisfies and the low price that gratifiies. Corn Beef Try our home sugar cured corn beef. Boneless briskets, rumps, etc. The corn beef that tastes like corn beef. Our Grocery Specials 3 bars American Family soap.ISc Prem. soda crackers, per lb. Kellogg's Toasted corn flakes, per package lie Henry brand peas, per can...tic 'Sweet corn, 13c per can. 2 for.2Sc Plums, large can Van Camp's and Monarch pork and beans, per can Ite Fancy head rice, per pound.-lie Matches, 2 boxes Blue Tip.--He Compressed Yeast JPe sell Fleishman's compressed • yeast • r-^aw^ih^iiTTTfil'il i i ' .. i i.. ^ Seed Potato®^' ' f can supply you with Anything fiif the line of seed potatoes at low­ est prices. Also onion sets. Open Sundays Till Noon Order* Promptly Delivered 'Phone 57-M EAST SIDE MARKKI'McmsNfiy WHOLESALE AND RETAIL L. H. F.ISENMENGFli. JR.. PROP. The Market That Leads x The dollar you *pen§ ia the dollar you've really GOT. Hoarding money is not havinf money. ̂ SPEND your aoney first FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT £ A etrong, healthy B0D£ ifi the first thing nec«* V ; ̂ tesary for your happi-K * few. , ' , • ' f . *' OUR etore iiiho placf „ "M- to get the good thing^ - to tickle your palate.Yv * The purity of our gro+l'y ceries insures thei%^ ; easy DIGESTION and you* ' * ' H GOOD HEALTH. , , ':Jx 's-'dj •- J, > i -.'I- » 1 "* » •

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