Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1918, p. 8

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ISJfS?3#SSi IBf % v * v *j $v. isjjft,; $$'V $ • , ' • » ^ ' fo-K V * S" •' * * T l|C"*fc' - -; sSlisSI V € V Men and Boy# n'". "\*v "t?:vn * ' ' „ """ 'S1 J**'" \ ,» > .» ' \ . * *""-4sjs.'> »». ^ » i - ' 4 i ' « , % tin *<v •• 1 **•.<"•. : <>.}, *; Ntai «, *< •• •<; ~o I»x r'.i (Sifw*. WORKMANSHIP AND STYLESHIP are thf dominant features of our splendid lifle of Eastef ̂s Suits for men and boys. These Suits are welt 4 f tailored and are cut from the best foreign an! g domestic woolens, guaranteeing to our Clothr V,V , kg a superiority of which we are justly proud. - 'M Don't let the talk of high prices discourager |>ou. Come and see these Suits and the ex- , \ tremelv low prices at which they are going; You will be correctly garbed if you wear one of these Suits and the price will not scare you. -: 1 : ••• fw.-:-. KX- w~ '*•> < JOS. W. FREUNE% WEST McH^KftY, ILti ^ ' "'-C "*/v/ * " t **' n Ai . • ' .0 >.r. f-v i ** » %»k 5 - . r-|<wf5 , > > Y ' 4f\y- " ^ » ' t- • f-Sfc • k&'/ r • f ' r V • I' * \v"'? sy - lust received a new supply suitable tor all rooms at very reasonable prices. Also some odd lots to«lose out A :: a :: :: We have some odd lots of MEN'S HATS left over from last year which we will dose out at... -- -- - -- -- -- -«^W * .-.J- -- - 75c worth up to $3.0(1 • ; 7 • -- O d d l o t e r f -- -- *¥%hirts and Drawers to close out at 3te NEW SUMMER DRESS GOODS ire coming in every day. Make your selections early. A WEST McHENRY. ILL. f' ' "lh ** c • ( • - ' r 1 *3* ^ ' lie v . }• 1 SPRING T ' .f: 's .•;? /IV" 1-* i . U % - 1' ; .. , . - • "'•* * / , st v 1 ' J • j *-+ , • A' ' . t '; 1 t s. %• Jy • ' will soon be here and with its coming you will feel the need of many things carried at this store such as Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains and varioup pieces of Furniture. Our stock in these lines has been selected with the utmost pf care thus assuring the public of thf| 4jfery best in the way of selections. WS #re Home Outfitters and know that we can please you both as to quality and price. Why not let us install a Kitchen Cabinet, one of the most useful things you can possibly place into your home? When once in your home your wife will fonder how she ever got along without ooe. Call in and see them. McHENRY, ILLINOIS ^ ^ J . ' iK ' i ' ' 'K'VJ • ,ir"" v» H m? f c > . 1% FJ /:K: 0y Vrv" •!-kv P$r • featw .*.*» * v Better jlfiat have that refined touch and cozy appearance, always have N. j. Justen & Son's Furniture in their rooms. Your ? ,,pleasure to see--our pleasure to show--- our new spring stock ? 'r " % • ,' r \ N. A JUSTEN & SON SATURDAY, APR!!- 13 Margaret Illington iiSA" t - %r. I J-& - ff' " 4 "Sacrifice tpt FimNiTlfRE^y-W fiS".. WEST McHENRY, UJ ̂ AS PICKED IflP REPORTERS What Peaiite Are Date* la lids Vtl Use and the ImmeAiaie Other Short Pan|nriv If you have not ordered your coal do it now. Have you purchased your liberty bond? If not, why not? Appropriate millinery for spring and summer at Miss Lillian Pouse's. New millinery goods at Mrs. E. W. Howe's each week. Call and inspect. Style and service in hats bought at Mrs. E. W. Howe's millinery par ­ lors. • t - The Mystic Workers will meet with Mrs. Jack Walsh Wednesday even­ ing, April 17. New addition to present choice stock of millinery every week at Mrs. E. W. flowe's. The annual meeting of the village council will take place on Monday evening. April 22, A card to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fay Wednesday announced that their oldier boy, Walter, arrived safely 'over there." No more personal news from Lim will be available be­ fore six weeks. .. '"v • The new elevator, which will be used in transferring automobiles from the main to the second floor at the Star garage, iq now being placed in posi­ tion. The work of installing this new convenience will require several days. The meeting of the K. of C. here last Thursday evening was very well attended and Rev. McCormick of Cary gave the boys a rattling good talk. The service flag dedication services were appropriate as well as impres­ sive. Union Was the first town in the county to subscribe her full quota and go "over the top." Reports on Wednesday stated that $18,000 worth of bonds had been subscribed for the third liberty, loan. Her quota was $16,000. The east embankment at the mill pond'has been re-inforced with stone and other materials during the past week. We are told that the water will not be let *out of the pond this summer as has been the custom for several years. Hubert Schoewer, Theo. Schiessle, Jr., Frank Thurlwell and Emil and Robert Patzke began work at the Oliver typewriter factory at Wood­ stock typewriter factory at Wood- week. They are making daily trips to and from work. Walter J. Warner has accepted a position with the Keller Manufactur­ ing company at Grand Haven, Mich., and commenced duties there Monday morning. If the location seems fav­ orable to him the family will move to that place in the near future. According to the Hebron Tribune, village officials this spring are ex­ periencing considerable difficulty in having road oil delivered. According to that paper oil companies are un­ able to quote prices at this time and cannot agree to a delivery at any time. Ben Zimmermann of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmermann, for­ mer McHenry residents, is. now in ( raining at Camp Grant, where ha has !<een since last September. Ben has a number of friends and former school­ mates in McHenry, who will be pleased to know that he is ready and willing to "do his A meeting, of the Boys' and Girls' Corn and Canning clubs will be held in the public school Saturday even­ ing1 at 7:30 o'clock. Boys and girls with their parents or guardians are urgently requested to be present. It is hoped that all of last year's mem­ bers, together with any boy or girl who wishes to enroll for this year's work, will be present and help to take up the work of 1918. EXTRA PERGONALS ' M. L. Worts attended to business in Chicago Monday. Ray S. Howard boarded the Chicago train Monday morning. Wm. Pries was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. John Claxton and son, Will, spent Sunday at Hebron. N. H. Petesch was a business visitor in the windy city Monday. N. A. JHuemann was a business vis­ itor in Chicago last Friday. Mrs. P. Costello of Elgin is a guest of relatives here this week. Peter M. Justen transacted business in the windy city Wednesday. J. C. Bickler was among the Chica­ go passengers Monday morning. Gilbert Howard attended to business matters in.the windy city, Monday. F. J. Barbian attended to business matters in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Lelah Claxton spent the week end with Barrington friends. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a busi­ ness visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Geo. Meyers, Jr., of Harvard spent Sunday with his wife and family here. Mrs. Theo. Schiessle was among the Chicago passenges Tuesday morning. Everett Hunter attended to matters of a business nature ia Chicago* Mon* day. George Golden and Miss Ruby Claxton spent Sunday with friends at Hebron. Paul Meyers of Morton Grove spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry rel­ atives. Chris G. Burkhartsmeier of Chicago was entertained by McHenry friends Sunday. Miss Esther Miller is spending the week as the guest of relatives in the windy city. Mrs. C. C. Westfall of Chicago was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Si of tat week. SUNDAY, APRIL li||" Flora DeVoss Co. THURSDAY. APR. 18 House Peters&Louis Huff --IN . "The Lonesone Chap" PEOPLE SI0W PATRIOTISM (Continued from first page) ndtlw i i vv Frowning The Johnsburg officers and commit­ tees now working in the interest of the third liberty loan are as follows: Johnsburg Chairman, Alfred Debrecht; vice chairman, Jos. B. Hettermann; sec­ retary, Jos. J. Michels; publicity man, Anton M. Schmitt; committee mem­ bers, John Smith and Peter Smith, McHenry-Johnsburg road to center of town; John M. Schyiitt and Jos. J. Freund, North avenue road; Jos. J. Michels and Jos. B. Hettermann, from center of town eastward; Henry J. Klapperich and Peter Niesen, from Johnsburg creamery to township line and from Klein's corner to Nipper- sink; Jacob Schaefer, May's avenue; John A. Miller, Alfred Debrecht and Anton M. Schmitt,'east of Fox river. Ringwood Chairman, H. W. Allen; vice chair­ man, K. M. Bradley; secretary, H. F. Wharton; publicity man, S. W. Brown; committee, E. J. Hopper, L. B. Mc- Cannon and J. F. McLaughlin. Miss Agnes Bigelow, chairman of Women's committee. Honor Flag and Honor Roll System To the Publicity Directors: This new plan has received hearty commendation from all quarters. We believe it will prove of great assis­ tance in your campaign. The honor flag and honor roll sys­ tem is designed to accomplish the following results^ To stimulate individual subscrip­ tion by the distribution of insignia for window display in the homes of sub­ scribers. To exercise in behalf of the third liberty loan the additional pressure which comes from public announce­ ment and public posting of names of all subscribers on the honor roll. To stimulate community activity in behalf of the third liberty loan by the award to each community'-of an honor flag, when its quota is attained. The adoption of this honor flag sys­ tem .calls for the employment of the following equipment and insignia, all of which will be supplied as soon as received. 1. A specially designed honor flag, which has been officially adopted as the third liberty loan flag and which will be awarded to all communities to which a quota has been assigned upon the attainment cf that quota. 2. The small individual poster, con­ taining a reproduction of the honor flag and a blank for the name of the subscriber, to be awarded to each sub­ scriber for the display in the window of his home. 3. A large honor roll ,containing at the top a reproduction of the honor flag and the slogan "Help our Town to win the right to fly this flag," and below space for the names of all sub­ scribers for that community. This honor roll to be posted in a conspicu­ ous place in that community. 4. Each community, city or village, whose subscriptions exceed the quota allotted to it will be officially accorded the right to fly the third liberty loan flag by the treasury department, and the name of the town thus attaining its quota will be placed upon the honor roll at the capitol of that state. 5. Every subscriber to a third lib- berty loan bond is to receive as a re­ ceipt a window card representing the third liberty loan flag. The subscrib­ er's name is to be written on this card, preferably. byNa member of the lib* erty loan committee or the bank, or the name may be written in by the in­ dividual buying the bond, if he chooses.. The subscriber is to place this window card in the window of his home or store. 6. Trades or commercial groups or arge business concerns may have their own honor rolls, upon which will be recorded the names of subscribers and the amounts. Honor flags, how­ ever, cannot he awarded t6 trade groups. > Your very truly, Carl W. Stenger, County Chairman. Chas. Unti attended to matters of a business nature in the windy" city last Friday. Mrs. N. E. Barbian spent a few days this week as the guest of rela­ tives in Chicago. Charles Buss of Cicago passed Sun- mouMT, jan. ainimwi jnob. - Womanand Child p. Should Buy «- Liberty Bond and help our Governmentto WIN THE WAR * ' "4* H - " ' ' * " • .,4" li is your duty to do so--it is also your privilege. 'omr jJBBtnr BOND Today, Today our Country is at War with powerful enemies and to equip and maintain our Army and Navy our Country mu& have money--and we mu^t all furnish our share. No one is excepted, because if we haven't the ready money to pay for the Bond now you can buy one on the in&allment 1 JL ' ' \ '"7*" " '"s ^ iJ/W, r-. • navment nlan. " ̂ *" v.* „ v „ ' «>,- - > $50 $100 $500 $1,000 $5,000 $10, ! Liberty Bonds are issued by Hie United States Government and are the safest investment in the whole world. They pay interest at 4i per cent semi-annually. This is your opportunity to show your patriotism in a practical way; to show . , ; that you have kept faith with those who are risking their lives for Liberty anjl* 1 ;i*v Freedom; to prove that we are heart and soul with our Country in this war un> ~ « . * t i l i t s h a l l e n d w i t h v u f t o r y f o r u s . C o m e i n t o o u r b a n k a n d b u y y o u r b o n d * ' WEST McHENRY STATE BANK it The modern high efficiency lamp has lowered the cost of electric lighting ill the customer Tungsten Lamps multiply light valt ues while reducing current consumpt­ ion. Allsizefc Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF LADIES' izes '36 to 44' Prices $1.15 and $2.25 Also new patterns in Voile Dress Goods. Grey, high heels, at _$6.00 Dark brown, high heels, at_ $5.50 Dark brown, med. heels, at .̂ $4.50 SMITH BROS. 'Phone 63i-R-2 IABIET I. LDTBR Nursa UNDERTAKING V*' Schneider We& McHENRY* r-'-pj;.-.?! Si&.J; i 'vk-yk WHOLESALE Meats R E T A I L Government inspection for your protection The Market That Leads in Quality and Pru?* . •% ; Our Motto, Price Tells and Quality Sell® 191& Altho Meat Is Going Up •rmm 1873 I can continue giving you these special prices for the reason that I have a small place, small expenses and small profits. Also my large refriger­ ator, 12x15 feet, holding 8 tons of ice. keeps my shrinkage down by the sanitary and fresh condition of this cooler at qjl times. Public inspection of same is welcome at any time. Some of our specials in meats and gro. ceries for Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13, are: Native Chuck Roast, perlb..l8*« Native Boiling Beef, per lb...lie> Sirloin Roast, per lb Uie-v Fancy corn fed rolled roast ' beef, no bones, no waste, > per lb...... 25Jc Virginia or Georgia Bacon, ? per pound S4ic™ Also all cuts of fancy lamb and veal roasts, chops, etc., at the lowest prices. --fe". Pork • / " Pork loins, shoulders, steaks, chops, spare ribs at lowest prices .< to compete with any. . PURE LARD Edelweiss, Arnold Bros.'^4e-- -- Hetzel's Holly brand. Anjr tff ; these leading and well known - brands, per lb 274c ~ BUTTERINE I /^ Those popular brands sucfy a* Jelke's Good Luck, Swift*i Premium, Armour's Veri- * best or Cream of Nut, per j pound only ttjc Creamery Butter We sell the well known Holland, creamery butter. Cheeae - * Fancy brick or Americcii»nv cheese, per pound only J§4c Sausage and Corn Beef We have home made sausage and also a full line of Oscar F. Mayer's Edelweiss and Hetzel's Holly brand sausages, hams and. bqcon. Those popular and well known brands that have the taste that satisfies and the -low price, that gratifiies. Corn Beef Try our home sugar cured corn beef. Boneless briskets, .rumps, etc. The corn beef that like corn beef. Our Grocery Special ~ 3 bars American Family soap.tte Prem. soda crackers, per lb,. 194s Henry brand peas, per can . 14c Sweet corn, 13c per can. 2 for-21c Plums, large can t§c Monarch pork and beans, per ean lie Fancy head rioe, per pound..lie Matches, 2 boxes Blue Tip.,.He Compressed Yeast . Wp/Sell Fleishman's <xh»pressed . """ yeast , «i ».!•!) ... li ' - " ... Seed Potatoes I ean supply you with anything in the line of seed potatoes at low­ est prices. Also onion sets. We have at all times a full line of fresh vegetables and fancy fruits- Caives, Poultry, Bides, Etc., bought and highest market prices paid. Open Sundays Till Noon Orders Promptly Delivered •Pfaon. S7.M EAST SIDE MARKEI'mchenM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL L. H. F.ISpNMENGER, JR.. PRpf. The Market That Leads mm WHAT ?l£ASt ta Bond the children m store when 70U grocerie#,^ fI CHILDREN. ? ^ TOU Will $09% ftf; good service aa if yoi* ,,;. were to come yourBelf- ? Resell to everybodjpilf" the same HONES fA PRICE; and this price is the AWAY--101H pric^, c $or the AWAY-UP, al»ay# fresh kind of grooarief •. we sell. Ve will WELCOME pILDHEM. M. ... . - . '*1 - • ,*r- * • •*? j ' • v -"'*6 •M I ' i" ' , hi, mv

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