Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1918, p. 10

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• V. f* . ; - , *fy NOTICE OF SALE 1>. T. Smiley, Solicitor te of Illinois, ) ss. County of McHenry,) In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, to the January Term, A. D. William Bonslett } Bill for Complainant ) Partition vs. . ) General Number Lolar D. Walsh, et al) 19292 Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree of sale made and entered by said court in the above entitled cause, on the 6th day of April, A. D, 1918, I, E. H. Waite, Master in Chancery of said court, will on Wed­ nesday the first day of May, A. D. 1918 at the hour of 1:30 o'clock in the aft­ ernoon of said day, at the east door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots Number One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Number Five (5) of the Town of McHenry, on the east side of Fox river, and situat d in the South East quarter (hi) of Section Number Twenty-six (26) in Township .Number Forty-five (45) North, or Range Num­ ber Eight ^8) East of the Third Prin­ cipal Meridian. Lots Number Two (2) and Three (§) in Block Number One (1) in Owen's Addition of Outlots to the Vil­ lage of McHenry, on the west side of Fox river, and situated in the South West quarter (lA) of Section Num­ ber -Twenty-six (26) in Township Number Forty-five (45) North, ot' Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat recorded in the Recorder's Of­ fice cf McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 59 of Deeds, page 265. . A part of the East half (%,) of the South East quarter (%) of Soction Number Tvventy-seven (27) in Town­ ship Number Forty-five,, (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded apd described as follows, to-wit: Com­ mencing at the quarter post at the North East corner of the South East quarter of said Section No. 27, thence West on the quarter line eight (8) chains, eighty-seven links, thence South One (1) and one-fourth (%) de­ grees West, four (4) chains and ninety-five (95) links; thence South, eighty-eight (88) degrees West three (8) chains and seventy-seven (77) links; thence South, twenty-one (21) and one-half () degrees West, eight (8) chains, Ninety-one (91) links; thence South Two (2) degrees West, five (5) chains Fifty-seven (57) links to the center of the road leading from McHenry to Woodstock; thence South Fifty-six (56) degrees East along the center of the road, five (5) chains Seventy-seven (77) links to a post in the road; thence North, Twenty-four (24) and one-half (%) degrees East, six (6) chains, Sixty (GO) links; thence North, Thirty-one (31) degrees West, one (1) chain Forty-four (44) links; thence, twenty (20) degrees East, one (1) chain fifteen (15) links; thence North, Forty-seven (47) de­ grees East, one (1) chain twenty-five t25) links; thence North, Seventy-one (71) degrees, East, one (1) chain Fifty-seven (57) links; thence North, Fifty-seven (57) and one-half (%) de­ grees East, one (1) chain Sixty-six (66) links; thence South, Seventy-four <74) and one-half (*&) degrees East, Five (5) chains twenty-four (24) links to the Section line; thence North on the Section line twelve (12) chains eighty-three (83> links to the place of beginning, containing 20.38 acres, more or less. Excepting and reserving therefrom the right of way of the Chicago & North Western Railway Company. A part of the North West quarter O4) of the South West quarter (%) of Section Number Twenty-six (26) in Township Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Com­ mencing at the quarter post at the North West corner of the South West quarter (14) of said Section Number Twenty-six (26), aforesaid; thence South on the quarter line nine (9) chains forty (40) links; thence North Eighty-five (85) a..J one-fourth (%) degrees East, two (2) chains twenty (20) links; thence North, Thirty-one (31) and one-fourth (14) degrees East eight (8) chains, thence North Fifty- nine (59) and one-half (Mb) degrees East, four (4) chains fifty (50) links to the East and West quarter line; thence West ten (10) chains to the place of beginning, containing 4.54 acres, more or less. A part of the North half (%) of the South West quarter (%) of Sec­ tion Number Twenty-six (26) in Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a post in the cen­ ter of said Section Number Twenty- six (26), thence West on the quarter line Twenty (20) chains eighty (80) links; thence South Thirty-four (34) and one-half (%) degrees East, two (2) chains and Thirty (30) links; thence South, Twenty-#ne and one- half (21 & %) degrees jEast, two (2) chains; thence South Four (4) chains, twenty-two (22) links; thence South Twenty-seven (27) and one-fourth (%) degrees East, two (2) chains; thence South, Sixty-three (63) and one-half (%) degrees, East two (2) chains Thh*ty (30) links; thence South Seven -(7) and three-fourth (%) de­ grees East, four (4) chains; thence North, Eighty-seven (87) and one- fourth (Hi) degrees East, six (6) chains and Forty (40) links; thence South, Tvventy-seven (27) degrees East, four (4) chains; thence South, Thirty (30) and three-fourths (%) degrees East, three (3) chains; thence South three (3) degrees East, to a point directly west of the southwest corner of Owen's outlots to the Vil­ lage of McHenry; thence East to the southwest corner of said Owen's out­ lots to the village of McHenry; thence North on the west line of said addition to the northwest corner of Lot No. 2 in said addition; thence west two (2) chains to the southwest corner of a piece of land conveyed by Lola D. Walsh, et al. to Mathias W. Barth, by Warranty Deed, dated Sept. J, A. D. 1901, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, IliinQis, in Book 103 of Deeds, page 464; thence North three chains, thirty- seven links to the Northwest corner of said Barth's land; thence East on Barth's land and Catholic church property, six (6) chains, fifty (50) links to the quarter line; thence North on the quarter line to the place of beginning, containing 24.g5 acres, more or less, (excepting and reserving from the last described piece or par- eel-of land, all that part lying directly West of Lots Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine (9) of Owen's out lots to McHenry), all situated, lying and being in the County -of McHenry and State of Illinois. The north half of .all that piece or parcel of land that lies between Lot Four (4) of said Block Five (5) and lot One (1) of Block Eight (8) and lving immediately West of the West line of what is known as Fox street in the original plat of the Town of Mc­ Henry, in said County and State. All of -the heretofore described pieces or parcels of land being situ­ ated, lying and being in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Terms of Sale Ten (10) per cent of the purchase price upon date of sale, the balance in cash upon approval of Master's re­ port of sale and delivery of Master's deed. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 8th day of April, A. D. 1918./ E. H. Waite, Master in Chancer^ of the Cireuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. RIDGEFIELD - H. Slater was a Cary visitor Mon­ day. Mrs.* Glawe was shopping at Wood­ stock Monday. F. S. Morse was a Woodstock shop­ per Saturday. itfr. Horskey was a Crystal Lake visitor Wednesday. Miss Etta Levey was a Crystal Lake visitor Monday. Mrs. Roy Waterman was an Elgin caller Thursday last. Walter Cobb passed one day last week at Crystal f5Lake. Wilbur Levey was a business vis­ itor at the Lake Tuesday. J. H. Slater was a caller -ai^the county seat last Thursday. Mrs. Anna Brick and daughter re­ turned to the city Monday. Mrs, Eflatr called «n friends in Telephone Na 108-R SIMON Insurance agent for all -- property in the b«st companies WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS PLUMBING AND HEATING nv -- Experienced Workmen ,; ^ ? DONAVIN & RFIHANSPRRGEH Woodstock the ifrst of the week. Wm. Rushton arid mother spell Sunday with relatives at Cary. % Mrs. Bell Duefleld and Glenys Do- field took the train for Chicago Tues­ day. Mrs. C. H. Ormsby is visiting wilfi her son, Charlie, at Crystal Lake this Mr. and M$s. F. Backhus weW? " pleasant callers at Crystal Lake Wei* ' nesday. Mrs. Fremont Ellsworth of Woo<% stock visited. with Mrs. S. Wakefield Wednesday. Mrs. A. Martini of Cary visited with her grandmother, Mrs. Rushtc%; Thursday last. • Mrs. Sarah Wakefield and Milk i Nora . Skinner were Crystal Lake ; shoppers Monday. Henry Wille and niece, Miss Elsi#: Wille, were business callers" at the Lake Wednesday. . " Miss Clara EichkojF of Wt spent Wednesday at the nome Mrs. S. A. Merchant. ft Ray Lynch spent Sunday" at ; home of his sister, Mrs. E. W. Metf--" chant, and family at Elgin. - > Mrs. Dora Johnson of Harmony ir ; spending a few days at the home of jher daughter, Mrs. Frank Wilkins. Mrs. R. Goddard spent WednesdatJT ~ I evening at the home of her daugh* iter, Mrs. Sidney Reed, at Woodstock. Those on the sick list, Mrs. Nasj|,« \ ; Miss Ashton and Mrs. P. Wilkson, ; slowly improving at the preset *• j writing. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waterman enter* •tained for Sunday dinner her brot»» < ' jers, Frank and Sidney Reed, and fam­ ilies of Woodstock. • [ The Ladies' Aid society and Red Cross chapter met with Mrs. Walter Reed Wednesday. Mrs. M. M*. Bangs of Chicago gave a most enjoyable ad­ dress on "Food Conservation." Rev. Stephenson and wife of Cht cago will spend Sunday, April 21, : here. Mr. Stephenson, who has had charge of our church for some time, was ordained last Sunday and will hold comigunion services next Sunday^ ^ ~ - VOLO X Ves Wagner and famif^"" Wauconda Friday last. -- Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry w$H' -• a professional caller here Saturday. » Frank Rossdeutscher of CamfL Grant spent Sunday at his home her<&~ Miss Ella Moore spent Wednesday and Thrusday of last week in Wau­ conda. Mrs. EM. Heinz and daughter e£- Chicago are' visiting the former^ * parents here. Mr. and Mrs. JJ. Krueger and sort# . of Wauconda were guests at John Walton's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh­ ters and Mr. and Mrs. Crocker were over to Wauconda Sunday afiternooft. Mr. and Mrs. T. Crocker of Libefi tyville autoed over to Volo Saturday r and were over Sui^ay guests at Lea Huson's. , , .«• • Alvin Hanson, formerly of Volfll^p, but for the past two years a resident of Waterloo, la., has enlisted in thit •: aviation and is now in training v Dalas, Texas. w

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