Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1918, p. 4

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-- MURRCB ETOY tMMMkT ST FGSCHREINER y% V- <*ltola Dank Buildta* Tlhpboiw »W hJ! TEAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I:' Oim Year ......... ,J* .tt»M0.*..75c .ttJI Three Months. siH" • Thursday, Jane 6, 1918 PROBATE NEWS NMNNMWMMMIIinillllini [Furnished by the McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illi­ nois. Office in Arnold Block, east side of public square. Abstracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 and 911.] Real Estate Transfers George H. Hanly to Geo. R. Martin, pc in sec 34, Mc­ Henry I Do to do, Its in Hanly's 1st, 2nd and 3rd addns to Mc- * Henry ................... 2000.00 Do to Do, land in sees 27, 33 and 34, & Its 2, 4, 6, 9, West % McHenry ,80,000.00 |, Margaret Sugg to Nicholas J. sA Schmitz & w, pt se% se% sec 24, Spring Grove...... 26.00 George R. Martin to Harry H. ^ & Geo. A. Hanly, all land ".v- /known as orig A. Hanly ^ mill pond in se% ne*4 sec ' 83, McHenry 1.00 Joseph J us ten & w to Otto "G. \h't & Amy L. Wagner, It 18, Sunnyside, McHenry 875.00 to Geo. J. & Christina If , Wagner, It 17, Sunnyside, * , McHenry 375.00 0$r\ Lola B. Walsh et al to Henry ijjjk* • '» .Wegener, pt It 1, Co. Clk's IK""' , " jplat of pt, of s% sec 26, IV McHenry 276.00 ft;*: E. H. Waite, M. in C., to Lola & - - ^ p. Walsh et al, Its 2 & 3, blk 2' % i of Owen's addn of out lots (w ofc Fox river) McHenry 1250.00 v John A. Neyer & w to Mary Stanton, pt It 10, blk 10, S «rig plat McHenry / 10.00 ^ f h Marriage License!; If V'v:*' Joseph E. Carr et al to Cfafeft. ^ 2 H. Carr, w% sw*4; se% sw I-'. * >" ik sec 52, Richmond; w 65 * \ a nw%; ne^4 nw%; e% M sw%; sec 5; e% e% nw J^^'it'sec 8, (305 a), McHenry..* 10.00 W.'- E. H. Waite, M. in C., to Jos. •» I ' May, pt nw% sw% sec 26, ,{4.54 a); pt e% se% sec g\ < - -|7, (20.38 a), McHenry.... 1775.00 ftf*-'*' Peter Joseph Lay, 32..Spring Grove % -i Marie Catherine Miller, 25.Johnsburg p;| Joseph Cerveny, 31..........Chicago ^5'. Rose Cerny, 21 i-..Cary j$!\ Lester A. Hawley, 2|. Hebron Harriet E. Benedict, SI..... .Hebron 'jfjp' Alvie Gustafson, 21....... .Riley Tp. iff',;: Clara Schauer, 22 ....Marengo * > Harold W, Graves, 2Q....... .Chicago Beatrice Loyise Hackley, 19. Marengo ^ •• Elmer Bernhardt, 21 Woodstock gk Florence Pope, 18.........., Woodstock Walter J. Bartlett, 21 Elgin f/jX Emma L. Smith, 21... .Crystal Lake i* Ernest C. Wills Clinton, la. L*& ? Evelyn Peters, 25 Harvard Arthur R. Adamek, 23. .Crystal Lake |J" » Mabel H. Sherrard, 23. .Sherrard, 111. if$i * Frederick L. Pearce, 24 Chicago Bertha M. Nester, 25.... .Woodstock ft Harry N. Matthews, 23. .Crystal Lake §f\ Mabel E. Darrell, 20 Wauconda Charles F. Elliott, 88 Chicago ^"V „ Mary B. Carnahan, 38. Chicago LEADERS MEET Interesting Session at Woodstock Last Wednesday * "! •' I 4 m 11 J On Wednesday of last week a meet* ing of the leaders of the Corn and Canning clubs of McHenry county was held at the court house in Woodstock to discuss the club work. Twenty-five were present. • " ^ They also formed a club of the leaders and will meet once a month. Fred Gay, Dunham, was elected pres­ ident; Harry Gile, Chemung, vice president; Mrs. Grant Anthony, Riley, treasurer; Miss Hazel Turner, Rich­ mond, secretary. During the morning plans for the year's work were discussed and com­ mittees appointed. In the afternoon session it was de­ cided to hold a meeting of all the Canning club leaders at Woodstock on June 20. At this time workers from the state will conduct a training class for the leaders. On the 15th of July they will have • , another training school at Woodstock for all the Corn and Canning club leaders of McHenry and adjoining .>• counties. At this time there will be workers from both the University and Washington. On the 16th of July all of the boys' and girls' Cannning and Corn clubs of McHenry county and all the leaders of McHenry and adjoining counties will meet in Woodstock. At this meeting some of the adjoining counties may *nd demonstration teams. t In the morning there will be a training class for the boys and girls, conducted by the state and national •^ror^ers and in the afternoon there will be a field day. \ Mr. Murray reported thirty-eight -Clubs organized with a membership of live hundred. ^ 4 It was also decided to give every jBlember of the boys' and girls' clubs $ sign with the insignia of the club |wrk on it. ' Miss Laura' Englehart of Harvard will be the demonstrator for the conn- ty during the summer months. Miss Englehart has taken a special course wider the state leader to prepare for - STANDS FOR QUALITY, SERVICE, LOW PRICES All kinds of Fresh Meats, Kerber's Lard, Smoked Hams and Bacon REMEMBER OUR 19c COFFEE! Equal to any 30c Coffee on the market We still sell the best Creamery Bulk Butter at 47c per pound Bring us your eggs. We pay you the top prices at all times WATER STREET MARKET HOUSE S Phone 2k Prompt Service C. J. HENDRICKS Republican Candidate for County Judge at the primaries on Sept. 11 If nominated and elected he will give his undivided attention to the duties of the office. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE COUNTY JUDGE FOR B. F. Manley r SCHOOL NOTES Items of Interest aa Prepare# la Our Institution of learning ' Wednesday, June 7, 1893 John Stoffel of Waukegan was on our streets Tuesday. Heimer & Engeln sold . two more lots up the river last week to Chi­ cago parties. There will be an Independence party at the McHenry House hall on July 4, 1893. J. J. Frett and Frank Masquelet of Chicago spent Sunday at their cot- ages up the river. The new steamer, the "Willard," belonging to the Fox river steamboat line, was launched today. H. Miller & Son, marble dealers, shipped two fine monuments to Hol- ton, Mich., a few days ago. Henry Colby, formerly of this vil lage, has opened the Hotel Webster, 315 East 63rd street, Chicago. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county judge, subject to the decision of the. Republican primaries, September 11, 1918, and respectfully solicit the sup­ port of the voters. If nominated and elected, the probate court will be open at all times for the transaction of business. B. F. MANLEY. valuable house plant from the resi­ dence of Page Colby a few nights since. Married--At Woodstock Thursday, June 1, 1893, by Rev. Father Glan- cey, Jacoh^Hauprish and Miss Lydia Bush, botn' of McHenry. At a meeting of the village board on Monday evening, Lew Holmes was appointed village marshal in place of G. S. Curtis, resigned. The Waltonian club, Elgin, will hoi J its annual opening at its club house at Fox Lake on Monday and Tuesday of this week. A large number of the club and their friends from Elgin were in attendance. The Price Baking Powder company . - Chicago, which is known thruout ffmntry superior e&eel- CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Seed buckwheat at the McHenry flour mills. 51-2t FOR RENT--Seven room flat.. All conveniences. Address The Plain dealer, McHenry, 111. 46-tf FOR RENT--The F. E. Granger house in West McHenry. Inquire of J. C. Holly, McHenry, 111. 42 FOR SALE--Square top extension dining room table in good order. Wm. Spencer, West McHfenry, 111. 50 FOR RENT--Nicely furnished rooms in modern house. Inquire at Colum­ bia Park hotel, McHenry, 111. Route No. 3. . 61-lt* FOR SALE--Four cylinder Paige touring car, in good condition. $300. Address G. W. Owen, 608 Center St., Elgin, 111. 48-4t FOR SALE--Two acre farm, situated at Johnsburg. Five room house, bam and corn crib. Inquire of Jos. C. Holly, McHenry, HI. 51 FOR SALE--Tomato, parsley and late cabbage plants at 10c per dozen or 50c per hundred. Inquire of Anton Schneider, Water street, McHenry, 111. LOST--Somewhere on streets of Mc­ Henry last Thursday, a purse con­ taining a small amount of money. Finder kipdly return to this office and receive reward. 51-lt* STOCK PASTURED--Fine pasture, water and shade for 25 h$ad of stock. Good fences. $1.50 a head per month. S. S. Rogers, West McHenry, 111. Phone 606-W-l. 49-lt FOUND--Pocket book containing a small sum of money. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. B. J. Adams, West McHenry, 111. 50 FOR SALE--Farms and all kinds of property sold at one per cent after sale in any state. Address the United States Farm Agency, Room 217, Parkway Building, Philadelphia, Pa.* 47-12t FOR SALE--A five room house, to­ gether with 4% acres of land, barn, (garage, workshop and chicken house. Set out with all sorts of fruit trees and fruits, which will bear this season. Located about 100 yards from Fox river. Would make a most desirable summer residence or could be utilized as a truck farm. A bargain awaits someone. Address The Flaindealer, McHenry, m. 42 lence of its baking powder, met with a serious loss on the morning of May 18, in the nearly total destruction by fire of its factory and office. jv , Meets With Serious Accidtiitft v A serious accident occurred at the Morton Grove school on Monday of last week. While engaged in making a war garden with other schoolmates RoVena Marshall, eleven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mar­ shall, was struck with a «hoe by a small boy, severing the tendons of her upper right arm. She was taken to Augustina hospital, Chicago, and will be obliged to remain there for many weeks. She is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers of this vil­ lage and her parents were also for­ mer residents of this. place. The sympathy of all goes out to the par­ ents with a sincere hope that the little patient may recover speedily T." m Model 90--the car that makes your dollar big. And here is why it does-- Full value or complete satisfaction In all these five points--Appearance, Per­ formance, Comfort, Service and Price. In appearance, Model 90v is unusually attractive with this big-car stylish design, correct ctlor scheme, qual­ ity finish and appoint­ ments. easure a Dollar by What It Buys £ '> * •* - -if. < » I • **>4'; •Cyl-,'4 ?-%T * '-V the stroiuL light chassift, perfectly balanced, mini­ mizes tire wear. With wide seats, deep up- hdlstery, spacious interior, cantilever rear springs, and scientific distribution of weight, It glides buoyantly over the roads relieving passengers from fatigue. No matter where you drive there is always acces­ sible expert Overland ser­ vice. The nation-wide Over­ land service facilities pro­ tect your investment in a Model 90 and guarantee continued satisfaction in your car. Its sweet-running, power- v The price of f tie Model 90 ful motor Is exceptionally is one of the most potent economical with fuel and factors lit Its favor. It is not oily what it does but how it performs that makes this Model 90 of greater valve. You enjoy this car while you employit. It represents the high mark of quality, com­ petence and pleasing ac­ commodations at the low­ est possible cost. Make your dollar larger by investing it in this Model 90 thrift car. ' It is as indispensable for the home as it is. for the office. What else works all day for business and then is equally 'Valuable for the family ? "What else has such end­ less work uses and at the same time affords recrea­ tion ? Order your Model 9® now. * Let the Willys-Overland dealer save you money. Appearance, Performance, Cwnjbrt, Service and Price Light Four Mode! M Touring Cmr MM . , Teltdo--Frlce tuhjtcl to chanf without noticu OVERTON & COWEN Distributors West McHenry, 111. Ill . MEATS! ; Government Inspection for , your protection AT THE - •"" • V EAST SIDE MARKET AND GROCERY The Market that leads In quality and price. Our Motto: "Price tells and Quality sells," v -SPECIALS-^r ' * Friday and Saturday I sell absolutely nothing but government inspected meats, guaranteed fresh at all times. My large sanitary refriger­ ator, holding eight ..tons of ice, assures you meats fresh at all times. You are as­ sured of saving money.when , trading at this market or grocery. There's a reason: Small place, small .expenses, small profits. Calves, poul­ try, hides, etc., bought and highest market prices paid. Orders promptly delivered East Side Market L. H. Eieenmenarer, Jr., Prop. 'Phone 57-M McHenry, 111. As in former years we are again mak­ ing a specialty of Seed Potatoes. We are again handling the Early Ohio and Early Rose varie­ ties and our guaran­ tee goes with them. # • Our Chicken Feed is an egg producer. M. M. Niesen Phone 86-W from her accident. •ISO Reword, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is catarrh. Catarrh bailiff greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de­ stroying the foundation of the disease, riving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na­ ture in doing Its work. The proprle- tortf have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. _ . _ Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all I>ruggt»U, Tic. I am now ready to do whitewashing of all kinds, tlas. Meehan, West Mo- Henry, 111. Phone 63-M. Remember the threshermen's con­ vention at the court house in Wood­ stock, June 8, * ~ than two million satisfied owmm . ; know from experience that the Ford car i^ ik real utility, an economical, powerful, al- r * i^ays-reliable means for increasing the v " profit in business or adding zest tp pleas-* 3 Ire. 'The Ford car meets the demand for prompt transportation in every line df • *£. human activity. The demand grows larg- ; i #r every day, because of the all-round use­ fulness of the car. Is a Ford not a necessity? Runabout, $435; Touring .Car, $450; Coupelet, $505; Town Car, $59i>; Sedan, $645; One-Ton Truck Chassis, $600. All f. o. b. Detroit. ^ STAR GARAGE 'Phone John R. Knox, Prop.' giiniiniiiiiiuni<iiinniininiiiiniiimiiiWHiiniui»mumi»tuiHiiminamnHtiii.'n»iii»wMMHWWntmHiifflwmtttttiiininwflHMiMtwwwn(imiM'w wmwmqmmwm Hie Little Ones Love Warm Water A Order your Gas Water Heater now and enjoy the luxury of a refreshing warm bath without trouble and inconvenience at the end of each hot Summer day. Pay a l i t t le each month with your light bills. Westerr)Unite<f<32®' •Dd Electric Company rL' PHILIP JAEGE . QENERAL COnMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THX SAUt OP D*M»ed Bert, riutton, Host, Veal, Poultry, Hid**, Etc., Butter and B|p / ̂ This Is the oldMt honM on the street Tagrf and prtos Bsti rnrolah«4 <* application. OWLD STORAOB FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. n

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