,.„7- oUR-^--%v <*• pfr&i: p.; ; VK?r£ # £ *J V J 5' xyf 4^1 i f j # % j r i ;̂ ̂4;f v ̂ - We handle Chapelt's ;< " 5, Ice Cream, the creamy**" -i. j1 r?" / /'4, ,n «i •¥ "" « ^ &« 7 * ^2* is again at your service. • •* t*' ' w 4 *. •*„ J? ̂ > with a real flavor. , <fV *fV* V. f. :*' i? 3t;Uv -v^il 7.'"^ .s?.'" • -t , . ,"*• I •» > '** ,'i : fv' J *$ p, ^ ^ < ".. *i" »<ws *.* • , ^ .. . %» -_•» <m< . ?: •••••••••••. w * * 3 s N/ - .** • * <v Hi V" 1 t ^ •aoME »-w N. H. PETESCH druggist s -. •>•,. >£ Use a New Perfection Oil Stov# sS^'* t . help save .jpil and .' 3 to 4 burner to $BSJI r ">X>Vr •$ • "\ <.;> v ? GARDEN TOOLS A ifv^> Rakes •&; .-$1.25 and u$ , w . .25 and up .'-2^ -_V Hand Gidtivatoil£.,.$1.25 to |l ̂^;*V* ,.̂ .̂ Hoes --»--. .4$ to .95 llil§pfif>*'; Lawn Mowers -$4J># to $15.M r :, * Seeds, 2 packages for 5e • 1 ' • ,w~ ,• ••.•? •_ \ * w Remember, Uncle Sam is countlfgiiM ::/%;tr1! '•..- :" .. ' > .1 V v '»• =.• ^ s#£ ing on you to help feed the Sam-r ̂*. • ̂ mies and our Allies. w î: ILANT A REAL GARDEN I)> J McHENRY, ILLINOIS mm: 'm One year ago the greatest improvement ever made on X „ Porch Shades lie New Vodor Self Hanging ̂ ' m ||See our fine line of Goixl' ( ̂ ̂ ̂ Hammocks and Easy u* * tf> v * aa ' *" 's|pS:|̂ M.Chairs. Let 'us make your • /̂ orch the mosi comfortable \ ̂ place of the house. r. - ? j >• *\ v *•? % ' ̂ . J. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE WEST McHENRY. ILL UNDERTAKING m-u J?" "THE STORE OF ?>? •7 ^ tv; .f, .;«* -Mfci #*I -H- », ' • t? v' '- h; • ̂; ;• We wish, at this time* to call to your attention the fact that we are not taking in as many eggs ,s. as we would like and as a special inducement we offer CASH AND THE HIGHEST MAR- KET PRICES few all ^gs delivered to us in f; ̂ the future. '• ji, We also wish to remind you once more that we r̂ | cure and smoke our own Bacon and Ham and, i therefore are able to offer you attractive prices. * f| A fineatock of Picnic Hams and Smoked Butts p ;j| always on hand. . ii ̂complete line of Fruits and Vegetables ̂ . I' T-&^ 99m McHenry, 01. , > r WM- PRIES work on a Fred Mueller died Tuesday after noon at the homefof his soil, Dr. Ar- nold Mueller. Mrs, Jos. Freund had a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rothermel of Springfield are visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. Ben Jus ten. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes of Mc Henry called on Mr. and Mrs/ Fred Diedrich one day last week. Miss Gertrude Williams of Spring Grove called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams Sunday. Emil Debrecht started farm for Martin Freund near Ingle- side Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schaefer of Chi cago visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, Sunday. Mrs. Jos. Rothermel and children of McHenry visited with her mother, Mrs. Catherine May, one day last week. Miss - Margaret Huemann of Mc Henry spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Misses Helen, Catherine and John Freund of McHenry spent Sunday aft ernoon with their grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth May. The Red Cross workers of this vil lage are very enthusiastic over their assigned work and are devoting much time to the heroic cause. Edwin Debrecht, formerly of Johns- burg, who married a year ago the 6th of June at O'Fallon, Mo., sent word to his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. J. .C Debrecht, "that he has landed safely overseas. Johnsburg school children, with their respective teachers, held their annual picnic at the close of school Tuesday. Teachers and pupils are welcoming a vacation after a ten months' school session. A nice little crowd of Johnsburg children approached the communion tabl& for the first time Sunday, June 23. The sanctity of the hour was most impressively felt by the large attending congregation. The entertainment given by the school children of Johnsburg was well attended and the children were highly applauded for their clever perfor mance. Much credit is due the ven erable sisters, teachers of Johnsburg school, for their untiring efforts, of which Monday night's program gave ample proof of their capabilities. Instead of a solitary brooding over the departure of some more heroic from the village of Johnsburg, who were tailed to the flag, a fare well dance was given in their behalf at Stubby's hall and with gleeful hearts for the victory, which the boys are to help bring about, the crowd moved about in the happiest of moods, dancing rhythmically to the flow of the music. All join in wishing the boys "good luck." Preparations are under wjas to make the Fourth of July at Columbia park, Johnsburg bridge, an enjoyable one. Matinee dancing at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Soft drinks and re freshments of all kinds are to be had grounds all afternoon and even ing. Luncheon and hot coffee will be served to all desiring same after five o'clock p. m., picnic style. The reg ular Fourth of July dance, that jolly time dance, at nine o'clock p. m. A good time in view for all. Naturally, due to the cool, airy, spacious place to dance in, good floor and enchanting music. Come all. Come early. RIDGEFIELD Jacobs spent Friday in Mrs. A Chicago. Miss Lois Levey spent the week end at Cary. Mrs. J. Kresl was a Woodstock caller Friday. . Mrs. Abbott spent Friday and Sat urday at Cary. •• Mrs. Leroy Skinner returned home from Elgin Friday. ' - Mrs. A. Kremer and grandson spent Monday at Dundee. F. Wille and Miss Elsie WUIe Were Elgin shoppers Friday. Mrs. P. Pederson and children spent Monday at Crystal Lake. W. S. Rushton was a Chicago pas senger Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins were business callers at Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Benson and Hugo and Marie spent Sunday at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kremer enter tained out of town relatives ^ver Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike enter tained out of town guests over Sun day. , Mesdames F. S. Morse and A. G. Levey were shopping at Woodstock Monday. The Ladies' Aid society and Red Cross chapter meet this week with Mrs. R. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike attended the funeral of Israel Kline at Wood stock Wednesday. Mrs. J. W Schaffer of McHenry vis ited here with her mother, Mrs. E. M. Stephenson, Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martini autoed up from Cary Thursday and spent the day with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Blanche Conerty, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkins and son, Ralph, spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. H. Johnson at Harmony. Miss Hettie Brown has finished her course at business college in Elgin and will spend these two weeks with her parents. Little Margaret Jeanne, daughter uf Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallcup, was baptized last Sunday at the Children's day services. Mrs. L. Bennett and son, James, visited with friends at Genoa Junction and Richmond from Tuesday until Sat urday evening. L. J. Gibson is a visitor this week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs D. L. Gibson, and also his sister, Mrs. S. A. Merchant. The young people of the Helpers* class and C. E. society held a party in the church parlors Wednesday evening. Ice cream and cake were served. ^ t « i s®. t' SPRING GROVB " James Keefe of Chicago is a visitor in the Keefe home here. Howard Christensen transacted bus iness at Twin Lakes Mondays 1 ^ John Bell of Hartford, Mich., is vis iting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christensen were callers in the Haldeman home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Justen of Ring- wood were Sunday guests in the Mike Rauen home. Misses Anna Schaefer and Mayme Frett were McHenry callers Wednes day afternoon. Quite a number of young folks from Johnsburg attended the show here S u n d a y e v e n i n g . " Mr. and Mrs. Joe May and children of McHenry visited relatives in this Vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber and Miss Mame Frett were callers at the Hal deman home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber and Miss Mame Frett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt and chil dren of Johnsburg- were Sunday guests in the August Huff home. Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Weber enter tained Mrs. Stephen Justen and chil dren of North Dakota last Sunday. Mrs. Math. Welter and children of Ringwood spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Roos. Quite a few attended the ball game between Johnsburg and Spring Grove Sunday afternoon. The score was in favor of our boys. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund and daughters, Frances and 'Julia, and Miss Anna Schaefer motoraHw £l§h raond Saturday evening.*. > . %$ lUNGwooii Mrs. William Kelley is numbered with the sick. ^ Mrs. Jennie Bacon returned from her visit to Iowa last Thursday. Karl Bradley went to Elkhart, Ind and drove home an auto Friday last. Darline Hawver of Woodstock is spending the week at Grandpa Allen's. The W. C. T. U. will meet Satur day of this week with Mrs. Abbie Martin Mrs. Jay Hawver and children of Woodstock spent Sunday at H. W. Allen's. Mrs. Jessie Trow of Hebron visited her daughter, Mrs. Schroeder, Thurs day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow drove to Brodhead, Wis., Saturday, remaining with rela tives until Monday. Mrs. Emma Matthews of Woodstock spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Edith McCannon. John W. Bell of Hartford, Mich., is visiting his son, James, and brother, Ed., in this village. Mrs. Irma Richards of Woodstock visited Lewis Schroeder Wednesday and Thursday of last week. James Rainey and wife, Mrs. Alma Thomas and daughter, Mrs. Ella New man, spent Sunday with Elgin rela tives. George Stevens and wife of Bar- rington came home with Martha Bradley last Saturday. She had been visiting them for a few days. W. E. Walker entertained his moth er, brother-in-law and wife from Rock Island from Friday until. Mon day. His mother Is ninety-three years of age, OSTEND Little Elma Sherman spent several days last week at Grandpa Hobart's. Mrs. Edna Hutson of Chicago was a Sunday guest of her brother, C. B. Durkee, and wife. Warren Thomas and wife came over from Woodstock and spent Saturday night and Sunday at their farm home. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, ate Sunday dinner with their niece, Mrs. Ethel Davis, and family near Cary. F. E. Martin and wife are making extensive improvements on their farm house. Will have to wait some time before we can tell of all the changes. There are several farmers in this neighborhood who would like compe tent farm help, but have no use for the kirfii some advocate, those who never worked on a farm. Their own time is worth too much to spend it teaching someone else, as we hear they wa#t big wages while learning. A man, claiming to have been sent out from Chicago to inspect milk houses and milk utensils, was calling on farmers here. He very politely in formed them that WE are not going to ask the farmer to build, because they can get neither material nor workmen. All we are asking is to keep clean. And the farmers thought personal cleanliness fully as neces sary as clean milk houses and utensils. An unhaven face, a badly soiled sweat er and trousers that received their last brushing anri pressing last year did not speak very highly for the one giving advice. It's well to practice what you preach. Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Brien and children and Miss Anna Meagher of Gilberts spent Sunday with Mrs. Ben Wegener, Jr. Ludwig KaufS of Chicago, who was employed at the Petesch drug store last summer, was shaking hands with friends in town last Sunday. He passed the week end at Dr. Carl Strueh's resort on Fox river. *' < -.ft'1 'C' !: • • «• .. . "L ,.5r* .* .<* ; * yi - : U - r I '-V *s;v. vr •r-* Pi <: " " " " a mtr w"' ' > L »r fcfi --M required us to save food and materials of all kinds to aid in winning the war. We can do a little more by saving our -it f money. We pay 3 per cent •,,y '\v^ SAVINGS ACCOUNTS compounded semi-annually. • V" m -;4; ' * i&L % BANKING McHENRY, ILLINOIS % -•£ .' [-?* YOU CAN COOK J- r? By Wire 3?® s The Electric Grill Will broil, toast, t: fttew and fry. It * * Is an all-around - device and morej than one opera-} tion can be per formed at a time,, inaking its use ec- • onomical. Disc -*,* stoves can be'used • for anything that can be done with any kind of hot plate; only ordin ary flat bottomed ;iitensU§.:,j^K.^ quired. - We Sell ̂ Them $ % Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Water Street STANDS FOR- QUAUTY, SERVICE, LOW PRICES All kinds of Fresh Meats, Jlfrber'g Lard, Smoked v ' ̂ Hams and Bacon " REMEMBER OUR 19c COFFEE! Equal to any 30c Coffee on die market We still sell the best Creamery Bilk Butter at 47c per pound Bring us your eggs. We pay you the top prices at all times WATER STREET MARKET HOUSE Phone * Prompt Service MakeYourAuto DoYour Haulin I SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE v iHtyi-: BJe th li#lfVith a load of milk in as little time as it takes to there on pleasure. , CHICAGO TRAILERS Economise and make that machine do more work by using a trailer behind it. Absolutely will not injure machine in feny way and will haul milk to the factory, stock, produce to town--in fact anything that requires hauling. The Chicago Trailer is a simple, easily at tached equipment--for any make of car. Positively no trouble to connect. Saves your car and carries the load. Carries easily 1,000 pounds. Size of body--44x80. Wheels--32 inches high, 1% inches hard rubber tires or interchangeable with Ford front wheels. Send for prices and full descriptiin, , % -M'* ;; rs 2811 SJKichigan Ave. Chicago^Hl^ iK^7 >; Nearly every one knows that all cof fee can be spoiled by making it the wrong way. Some coffee is more eas ily spoiled than others. We know our 25 cent coffee can be made most any way and still be good. Try it * fkr SMITH BROS. MEATS 7 Government Inspection far , your protection ,, u'lrn'jyj AT THE EAST SIDE MARKET AND GROCERY The Market that lead* in mU price. Our Motto: "Price telle ead Quality «elto." - SPECIALS : Friday ud Sitird^r I sell absolutely nothing but government inspected meats, guaranteed fresh at all tames. My large sanitary refriger ator, holding eight tons of ice, assures you meats fresh at al| times. You are as sured of saving money when trading at this market or grocery. There's a reason: Small place, small expenses, small profits. Calves, poul try, hides, etc., bought and highest market prices paid. Orders proaaptly (Wiukfi East Side Market L. H. Eiscnmencer, Jr„ Prop. 'Phone 57-M McHenry, I1L PHILIP JAEGER MERCHANT * COriMISSION SPHJIAI. ATTENTION OITBN TO «U BAU OT GENERAL V.i Dressed Beef, notston. Hogs, Veal, Peattry^ Hides, Etc., Butter and Bgge Mrs. Hettie Leach and daughter, Lura, are now occupying the Jos. W. Freund flat on Main street While I getting moved and settled they made - • rs- " > v-f-H !*•; v MUD SltWAOB mm v CHICAGO,