Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1918, p. 7

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ngfleld. oinas to sustained the state of have been the session assembly, last a»d to held to 2 " Sprlngfield.-^IUlnols Is to have one of tiie rehabilitation and re-education hospitals prqpeaedbf the government for wounded Midlers, according to hea^^ t̂MHrttiM kere, and the ques­ tion now confronting army medical officers is whether the Institution shall be lQ$a$ed in Chicago or in some less congest*# district. CoL Frank Billings, chief of the reconstruction service at Washington, D. C„ Is represented as doubting the advisability of setting down the hospital In Cook county. He favors a site where convalescing sol­ diers might have the best opportunity to live in the open. Offers of money have been made by the state of Illi­ nois to share In the expense of erect­ ing a permanent structure. It is stated, however, that it is not the present plan of the government to erect a per­ manent building. Word of the offer by the state was carried to Washing­ ton recently. The offer was contin­ gent upon an' agreement whereby the building would become the property of Illinois at the end of the way. Springfield.--Illinois crops for 1918 promise to set a record, according to the advance crop report issued by the state department of agriculture. Win­ ter wheat is 96 per cent, or an Increase of 27 points over last year. Winter wheat Is reported 94 per cent of nor­ mal In northern Illinois, 100 per cent in central Illinois, and 94 in south- era Illinois. There is air In­ crease of 52 per cent In northern Illi­ nois in an area seeded to spring wheat and the crop is 98 per cent of -nor­ mal. The stand of corn Is exception­ ally good considering the Inferior qual­ ity of seed. The outlook Is bright for a bumper crop. - Oats are 94 per cent of normal and rye is 96 per cent of , normal. Springfield.--The head of Abraham Lincoln will be on the obverse of the centennial half dollars to be coined by the United States government for the centennial celebration of the admis­ sion of Illinois into the federal Union. There will be 100,000 of these half dol­ lars coined. The Lincoln on the cen­ tennial half dollar will be the beard­ less Lincoln who was known to the people of Springfield before he went to Washington, ,D. C., to assume the pres­ idency of the United States. The re­ verse of the coin will have for its cen­ ter ornamentation the seal of the great state of Illinois---the eagle and the shield. These details were agreed upon by the officials of the United States mint apd Hon. Hugh S. Magill, Jr., di­ rector general of the Illinois centen­ nial celebration. ' ' 1 'Chicago.--Returns from the regis­ tration of emergency farm labor in Illi­ nois counties Indicate that 50,000 men will be listed in the compaign of the farm labor bureau of the state council of defense to help out' In the labor shortage. Some of these men are re­ tired farmers who will put In all their time, but the great number are men In other lines of work who will work af­ ter hours or during vacations. More than 35,000 have already been listed, wltjj McLean county leading. More than 3,000 have been listed there. Livingston county advertised a regis­ tration day, with the result that the men who undertook to list the names of emergency workers were obliged to keep offices open until late Into the night. This netted 2,500 men. Springfield.--With the increasing need for men to form a great army of democracy, fewer registrants are befttg rejected for physical defects, figures In the office of Adjutant General Dick­ son show. Ailments formerly consid­ ered grounds for disqualification now /ail to keep a man in civil life. No less care is being exercised by medical ad­ visory boards and local boards to de­ termine physical qualifications and/de- fects, but adjustment of the war ma­ chinery has been completed by the war department to utilize men physically deficient or to correct their defects. New standards o£ physical examina­ tion have come to Adjutant General Dickson and are being sent to all local boards In Illinois. Washington, D. C.--Secretary of the 3Navy Daniels announced that orders bad been given for the immediate con­ struction of barracks at the Great Lakes naval training station to accom­ modate 12,000 additional men. The Extension plan, the secretaary said, contemplates facilities for training at the Great Lakes station 40,000 men daring summer, months and from 20,r to 25,000 during the winter. Building me barracks and the enlargement of the Great Lakes plant will approxi­ mate $4,000,000. Rockford.--Gov. Prank O.. Lowdeu, Illinois and Gov. E. L. Phlllpp, Wiscon­ sin and Maj. Gen. Charles R. Martin are expected to be principal speakers at dedication of the Red Cross -building «it Camp Grant. Date of dedication will be set soon. Many articles ot furniture for the building were made by pupils of manual training depart­ ment of public school* of i Rockford. •ad other cities. " ; -Chicago--Hotels and restaurants have put Into effect rigid restrictions on the consumption of beef and sugar in compliance with the order of the tftlted States \food administration. Roast beef, shot or cold, will be served only at Monday inidday meals; stewed, boiled beef or beef hash will be served only on Wednesday or Saturday at-the noonday meal ? steaks in any form will fee served on Thursday at midday meal and on Sunday. Tuesday and Friday BO beef will be served. Three pounds of sugar per month for each person "will be served. , » - ; , Camp Wheeler, Macon, Ga.--Seven thousand men from 30 Illinois towns tiave been pouring into Camp Wheeler to Join the Dixie division and the 5,000 men from Chicago who arrived here a month ago. There are now more sol­ diers from Illinois in this division than from any other state. The first train- load of men arrived from Kankakee. The. second trainload came from Lin­ coln. The third train carried men from Bloomington and adjoining towns. Each train was met by Y. M. C. A. men, who presented the selected jfoen with ail eGorgia peachoe they could eat. Lient. Gov, Auditor urer R Lewie G. casea. in*titot«a & Monro, aasalllng ̂ legislative expendi­ tures. The findings are against former former £ Brady, former Treas- Audltor Antfrew J. r Secretary of State _ - n. O'Hara is held to be liable fw |l3,63L52; Brady and Russel, $12,552.6?; Stevebson, ?!,- 577.2U; O'Hara is held jointly liable with the auditor and treasurer for ex­ cess expenditures on the senate pay roll amounting to $3,450. In the list of expenditures condemned by Judge Ferns, the item of $10,000 for expenses of the O'Hara 'Mce commission** is the most formidable. The senate rec­ ord shows that this money was paid out under a resolution introduced by Senator Edward Curtis, bat the irias- ter holds that Senator Curtis offered no such resolution! Springfield.--Registration of ' Hl|~ £<wr war work has com­ menced. Almost, every county in the state Is engaged in the work. It Is being conducted by the county medical societies. Registration signifies will­ ingness to enlist in the Medical Re­ serve corps. If an applicant Is rejected for the former he is taken in the lat­ ter. Commissions are awarded in both corps. In the medical officers' re­ serve successful candidates are sent to army camps or to the front, while In the volunteer corps they remain at home and perform communal servics. The latter means the treatment of sick will be confined to sections in dis­ tricts of state. The "family phoysician" will he a thing of the past. Instead, a central institution will house the med­ ics who will be assigned to cases by institution directors. This mobilisa­ tion of physicians has become neces­ sary, medical authorities here say, on account of the growing scarcity of doe- tors through enlistment in the military arms of the nation. Chicago.--More than 175,000 Illinois citizens will be deprived Of their Op­ portunity of voting at the fall elec­ tions unless' there is a hurry-up special session of the general assembly to en­ act a law that will take care of the pe­ culiar emergency that has arisen. The class that now stands disfranchised in­ cludes all the men between twenty-one and thirty-one who liave gone to the colors through the draft, as well as the men of the National Guard regiment! who went to Texas nearly a year ago and who are now In France and the thousands of volunteers in the regular army, the navy, and the marines. The crisis is precipitated by the order is­ sued by the war department authoris­ ing soldiers in France and in the Na­ tional army cantonments to vote, wherever the home states of soldiers have local election laws that prescribe a method of voting. Illinois has .no such law. Champaign.--Competition In the stî dents' annual live stock judging con­ test, held at the University of Illinois, May 9, was keen although the num­ ber of entries showed a decrease from last year's. The contest covered- the judging of beef cattle, sheep, swine and dairy cattle. Winners in the vari­ ous classes were given gold watches, and gold fobs were awarded the win­ ners of t̂he sweepstakes class. Follow­ ing Is the list of winners: Beef cattle* Edwin Bay, first, Aledo; Lester A. Rahn, second, Lanark; horses, W. B. Bunn, first, OIney; I. O. Copes, sec­ ond, Green Valley; Sheep, D. EL Creighton, first. Phoenix, Ariz.; W. E. Eichorn, second. Hound City; swine, R. A. Gale, first, Lincoln f T. B. Manny, second, Chicago; dairy cat­ tle, A. B. Lang, first, Urbana; W. B. Bunn, second, OIney. Springfield.--Women workers sup­ plementing men who have gone to war should not work for less than the men received. And the education of chil­ dren should not be retarded by such work. This Is the gist of a report complied by the state council of de­ fense committee on women and chil­ dren in industry, who met in Chicago a few days ago. The report outlines the activities of the committee for the summer months. ' , Washington. D. <&**-$Vhtte and col­ ored draft registrants numbering 124,- 525 were summoned to the colors for general military service in a call is­ sued by Provost Marshal General Crowder. Mobilization will take place at Intervals during the month of July, starting with the entrairiinent of 27,* 257 white selected men on July 5. There was no call for Illinois soldiers in the new summons. Champaign.--Inspired by the over­ whelming demand for trained men in war as well as in peace, the Univer­ sity of Illinois is conducting a state­ wide campaign to Induce high school graduates to continue their education. The college Of engineering at the uni­ versity, whose graduates are able to serve their country in such a specific and competent manner, 1s taking spe­ cial interest In the movement. Springfield.--Under an act passed by the last general assembly, the sec­ retary of state is required to furnish the attorney general with a list of cor­ porations which are no longer trans­ acting business, and the latter shall send the names of these corporations to the state's attorneys of the various counties to begin proceedings in the courts to annul their charters. The names of about 40,000 corporations which have failed to report to the sec­ retary of state have been furnished by Secretary dt State Emmerson to At­ torney General Brundage, who is send­ ing them to the state's attorneys. Champaign.--A campaign for horns improvement has been undertaken by the extension division of the depart­ ment of home economics at the Uni­ versity of Illinois. The United States department of agriculture, through Its war emergency fund, and the food ad­ ministration, are' co-operating in this activity. Experts in home economics will be employed to teach housewives the conservation of food, health, child Hfe and clothing, which are closely re­ lated. The project Is backed by the government, which gives dollar for dol- lar op to $1,500 to each county that «l> tabllshes a permanent association. / 1 v>.-- • nutjLi IHTil'L ii /I vrH%ir'i.t njurej Ucici tuine flow TuUIIIS 5? Military Age Are to Be CaHed to the Colon si ARMY OFFICERS SEE IT nm Capeule, 246, Drpwtt by tpry Baker, and the Rest Proceeds In Order--How New Regis- « trants Will B« Placed, • ./ r ' ---- * " HfttfiMngton.--The drawing num­ bers to determine the order in which yputh* of the classes of 1918 will be called into military service was con­ ducted here June 27 with much the same ceremony as marked -the great drawing of a year ago. The figures show you at ft glance ID what order your number is drawn. The registration numbers--"your num­ ber" comes first The figure accom­ panying it tells the order In which It was drawn and therefore the order In which you will be called for service. From 1 to M. 1--246. 2--1168. 3--818. 4--1001. 5--479. 6--409. 7--492. 8--154. 0-- 029. 10-355. 11--580, 12--740. 18-- 10. 14--599. 15---29. 1ft--210. 17-- 446. 18 305. 19--259. 20--1007, 21 --1153. 22--410. 23--298. 24-361 25--17. 26--328. 27--370. 28--74. 29--96L 30--836. 81--618. 32--188. 83--989. 34--1001. 85--322. 38-- 1195. 87--145, 88--787. 39--624. 40--470. 41--482. 42--777. 43--1154 44--1194. 45--988. 48--207. 47--617. 48--767. 49--692. 50--1117. 51-- 1078. 52--652. 58--1196. 54--817. 55 1071. 56--377. 57--447. 58-- 1012. 59--712. 80--555. 61--1174. 62--1111. 63- 226. 64--57. 85--885. 66--70. 67--1115. 68--830. 69--507. 70--1164. 71--268. 72--78. 73--122. 74--785. 75--1160. 78--688. 77--928. 78--279. 79--557. 80--516. 81--1200, 82--87, 88--742. 84--252. 85--209. 86--1025. 87--177. 88--923. 89--747. 90--199. 91--209. 92--4. 93--753. •94--778. 95--806. 96-820. 97--822. 90--859. • From 100 to m, 100--180. 101--500. 102--229 1016. 104--851. 105 1093. 106--1133. 107--897. 108--465. 109--1120. 110-- 1161. 111--809. 112--319. 113--70. 114--1069. 115--575. 116--108. 117-- 640. 118--357. 119--860. 120--414. 121--579. 122--589. 128--1125. 124-- 466. 125--792. 126--1107. 127--718; 148--820. 129--308. 180--302. 181^- 401. 132--1120. 133--28. 134--1088. 135--881. 136--89. 137--1147. 138-- 454. 139--151. 140--691. 141--087. 142 --787. 143--1067. 144--807. 145--867. 146--793. 147--800. 148--90. 149--294. 150--522. 151--65. 152--752. 153-- 1169. 154--411. 155--519. 156--125. 157--1035. 158--365. 159--825. 100-- 921. 161--829. 162--276. 163--1190. 164--45. 165--72. 166--570. 167--135. 168--1029. 169--275. 170--304. 171-- 212. 172--396. 173- J06. 174--61. 175 596. 17€<--234. 177--91. 178--743. 179 405. 180--1162. 181--51. 182--348. 18& 244. 184--63. 185--1198. 186--23L 187--708. 188--613. 189--1173, 190-- 335. 191--41. 192--974. 198--875. 194 --817. 195--1051. 196--446. 197--274. 198--84. 199--902.' .. From 200 to 299. 200--833. 201--367. 202--63f. 82. 204--66. 205--16. 206--299. 207--208. 208--210. 209-->112. 210-- 718. 211--548. 212--315. 213--984; 214--574. 215--957. 216--1090. 217-- 191. 218--153. 219--82; 220--580. 221--995. 222--1187. 228--427. 224-- 288. 225--147. 226--622. 227--762. 228--980. 229--801. 280--1048. 231-- 419. 282--55. 233--33. 234--56. 235--862. 236--285. 237--535. 288-- 689. 239--1042. 240--102. 241--714. 242--429. 243--816. 244--688. 245-- 48; 246--549. 247--206. 248--13. 249--254. 250--477. 251-^853. 252--3. 253--1104. 254--842. 255--321. 256-- 64. 257--924. 258--168. 259--567. 260--872, 261--198. 262--442. 268-- 137. 264--545. 265--776. 266--626. 267--297. 268--1118. 269--267. 270-- 694. 271--193. 272--155. 273--999. 274--548. 276--823. 276--1152. 277-- 216. 278--240. 279--992. 280--1146. 281--1083. 282--158. 283--985. 284-- 864. 285--865. 286--518. 287--1128. 288--638. 289--270. 290--11. 291-- 1130. 292--880. 293--552. 294--927. 295--69, 296--24L 297--464, SSOr- 885. 299--1004. From 300 to 390. 800--766. 801--35. 802-644. 808-- U8. 304-630. 305--976. 806--655. 807--676. 308--513. 300--869. 310-- 1084, 311--1183. 312--898. 313--62. 814--1014. 315--1100. 316--308. 317-- |S7. 318--895. 319--666. 320--964. 821--1163. 322--709. 323--843. 324-- 728. . 325--1122. 326--18. 327--1105. 828-819. 329--143. 880--462. 331-- 440. 332--223. 839--1086. 334--620. WORTH KNOWING' Minnesota is the latest stats to bar alien teachers. Congressman Nolan of California is a molder by trade. ' It is proposed to give Ldndon (Eng­ land) firemen an Incrsase of 15 shil­ lings ($3.75) a week until after the war. Harry McDonald two years ago en­ tered the Columbus (O.) prison weigh­ ing 200 pounds. When released the other day he weghed 840 pounds. Garbage wagons In a German city are arranged *o be drawn either by horses or electric tractors, the latter bering 86 p*r cent cheaper to oper­ ate. An electrically operated tremplo at­ tachment 4 ar stringed instruments has been Invented which produces the de­ sired effects when buttons are pressed. A PittffleM (Mass.) yeuag jnae started to move to another town. When he 'ooked r round for a hat to we»r up street %e found that every one he owned had been packed and •shipped to hifc new home. TffiiirlitTll $97--1151. BY-' 37T--188. 107£ SW 884--192; 245. 38*r^3$. 391--224. v 1155. 395-3^05. 396--' 398--114. 899-257. - From 400 «s 4ft, 977. 408--925, 409--498. 410--119. 411 --280. 412--1022. 418--886. 414--296. 415--952. 416--734. 417--1167. 418-- 80S. 419-852. 420--187. 421--1135. 422--512 428-818. 424--769. 425-- 160. 486--98. 427--882. 488--360. 429-- 632. 480--751. 431--909. 432--1098. 433--49. 434--695. 435--546. 436-- 1037. 487--979. 488-704. 439--1179. 440--942.441--857.442--482. 448--547. 444-25. 445--452. 446--1043. 447-- 480. 448--707. 449--288. 450-- 316. 451--991. 452--253. 458--657. 454--540. 455--58. 456-847. 457 --277. 458--12. 459--435. 460 --802. 461--34. 462--616. 463--849. 464--448. 465--488. 466--856. 467-- 677. 468--504. 469--554. 470--453. 471-- 661. 472--228. 478--296. 474--717. 475-- 149. 476--1045. 477--590. 478--420. 479--830. 480--430. 481--868. 482-- 584. 483--914. 484--930. 485--1077. 486--1080. 487--668. 488--112. 489-- 510. 490--812. 491--939. 402--948. 493-- 828. #4--423. 495-687. 406--& 497 --047. 498-̂ 1175. 490--768. From 500 to 800, 500--588. 501--1197. 502--247. 503 --202. 504--05. 505--918. 506-062. 507--412, 508--561. 509--1100. 511-- 77. 512--46. 513--1188. 514--309. 515--1114. 516--287. 517--758. 518-- 268. 519--248. 520--227. 521--& 522 --107. 523--1109. 524--718. 525-- 608. 526--392. 527--558. 528--93. 529--760. 530--658. 531--011. 532-* 426, 533--904. 534--701. 585-99. 586--402. 537--62a 538--841. 539-- 190. 540--131. 541--1127. 542--123. 543--631. 544--1191. 545--186. 546-- 847, 547--739. 548--800. 549--900. 550--629. 551--1011. 552--45L 553-- 1189. 554-481. 555--204. 556-508. 557--963. 558--871. 559--587. 560-- 120. 561--615. 562--194. 563--150. 864--1050. 565--781. 566--94. 567-- 148. 568--260. 569--577. 570--773. 571--265. 572--1033. 573--156. 574-- 970. 575--407. 576--67. 577--1026. 578--1165. 579--956. 580--786. 581-- 706. 582--1082. 583--805. 584--811. 585--770. 586--289. 587-1159. 588-- 40. 589--913. 590--182. 591--88. 592 --584. 508-882. 504--888. 509--1W. 096-795, 507-624. 008-608. 509-- 60& From 600 to 009. 600--1060. 601--647. 602-282. 000-- 638. 604--903. 605--754. 606--351. 607--1021. 608--621. 609=550. 610-- 959. 611--517. 612--868. 613--284. 614--565. 615--654. 616--804. 617--7. 618--27. 619--474. 620--929. 621-- 541. 622--251. 623--1057. 024--916. 625--665. 626--640. 627--1038. 628-- 1036. 629--415. 630--163. 631--1024. 632--576. 633--726. 684--897. 685-- 702. 636--1015. 637--250. 638--1158. 689--233. 640--550. 641--262. 642-- 853. 643--179. 644--1. 645-^52. 646-- 1170. 647--920. 648--1110. 649--6. 650--858. 651--1052. 652--1070. 653-- 812. 654--381. 655--456. 656--406. (857--219. 658--24. 659--597. 660-- 017. 661--14. 662--1193. 663--595. 864--1096. 665--165. 666--768. 667-- 602. 668--710. 669--610. 670--237. 671--471. 672--266. 673--1002. 674-- 416. 675--520. 676--1064. 677--572. 078--436. 679--944. 680--71. 681-- 887. 682--208. 683--662. 684--671. 685--178. 686--679. 687--896. 688-- 764. 689--798. 690--386. 691--336. 602--612. 693--19. 694--459. 695-- 230. 606-008. 697--1053. "ft ifti "w From 700 to TOOt ~ ' 700--818. 701--1046. 702--185. 708 --1062. 704--796. 105--562. 706-- 069. 707--842. 708--383. 709--698. 710--680. 711--439. 712--722. 713-- 1180. 714--635. 715--339. 716--990. Sit--022. 718--59. 719--505. 720-- 581. 721--506. 722--87. 723--1186. 724--487. 725--735. 726-364. 727-- 1184. 728--36. 729--1066. 730--68. 781--534. 732--741. 733--861. 735-- 1041. 736--949. 737--295. 788--784. 739--1023. 740--85. 741--755. 742-- 106. 743--417. 744--975. 745--592. 746--686. 747--716. 748--926. 749-- 428. 750--438. 751--329. 752--1005. 753--172. 754--161. 755--356. 756-- 1108. 757--88. 758--566. 759--1007. 760--905. '761--387. 762--472. 763-- 756. 764--623. 765--313. 766--1076. 707--44. 768--1172. 769--478. 770-- 116. 771--1056. 772--514. 778--138. 774--92. 775--343. 776--497. 777--658. 778--096. 779--164. 780--599. 781--903, 7g2--1044. 783--907= 784--733. 785-- 872. 786--1074. 787--973. 788--292. 789--181. 790--422. 791--1156. 792 1061. 703--1148. 794--382. 705--667. 706-586. 707--140. 708--885. TOO-- 22. The United States bureau of stand* Srds has developed a labor-saving de­ vice making color tests of cottonseed oil. Mrs. Rebecca Mayo, age ninety, still conducts a shoe store in Province- town, Mass. She has had charge of the business since her husband cHed, in 1875. All printers among thtf" Russian prh* oners In Germany are being kept busy on propaganda books in Russian, to popularise the kaiser and everything German. The flag pole on top of a tower on a New York hotel has been so mount­ ed that It can be lowered Into a tubu­ lar casing for painting -or repairing. Two Mt. Hoi yoke college girls, re­ cently hired as drivers of milk routes In South Hadiey, Mass., have proved so efficleni that they will be retained in their jtfbs. ' It is estimated that there are 20,- 000 tons of. coal, which can be ̂ .re­ claimed from the Schuylkill river' be­ tween Schuylkill Haven and Auburn. Pa. Several washerles take coal from the river b«4~ wlwtl|t weather per­ mits. * -- • • . - From 000 to B99. î Ofer-467.801--;099. 80®--10W. 606-- MS. 804--1142. 806--1176. 806--217. 807--1027. 808--371. 809--495. 810-- 1018. 811--782. 812--1009. 813--1157. 814--844. 815-533. 816--455. 817-- 197. 818--103. 819--79. 820--771. 821 822--485. 823--15. 824--1181. 825--1192. 826--1134. 827--625. 828-- 1100T 820--1139. 830--948. 831--*45. 833--141. 834--26. 835--110. 837--748. 838--1004. 839-- 841--786.842--729. 843-- 805. 844--794. 845--539. 846--400. 847-- 104. 848--651. 849--775. 850--912.851-- 1082.852--932. 853--542. 854--986.855- lSt. 056--31. 857--678. 858--890. 859-- 642. 860--1078. 861--627. 862--746. 883™ 1068.064--1088. 865-96.866--272. 867-- 989. 868--1144.869-837.870--876. 871-- 124. 872--845. 873--524. 874--034. 875 --490. 876--780. 877--314. 878--593. 870--256. 880--1094. 881--1070. 882-- 58. 888--48. 884--142. 885--846. 886-- 1141« 887--538. 888--391. 889--106. 890 --1020. 891--S74. 892--1065. 893--359. 894--248. 895--134. 896--765. 807-- 1003. 898--858. 890--840. From 900 to 99ft. 000--80. 901--715. 902--582. 908-- 500. 004--508. 905--201. 006--005. 007--127. 008--101. 909--744. 910-- 1118. 911--475. 012--159. 918--380. 914--781. 915--1177. 916--483. 917-- 965. 918--700. 910--170. 020--071. 921--582. 022--144. 923--23. 924-- 749. 925--850. 926--473. 927--832. 068--883. 029--573. 930-614. 931-- r250. 9X2--888. 933--569. 934--22. 085--487. 986--678. 087--1185. 938-- 1053. 030--646. 040--670. 941--585. 942--214. 043--656. 944--457. 945-- 21. 046--460. 047--180. 048--866. 049--1068. 950--839. 951--708. 952-- 699. 953--394. 954--286. 955--954. 956--1055. 957--75. 958--672. 959-- 1102. 960--282. 961--1000. 962--1101. 968--1161. 964--874. 965--038. 966-- 1047. 967--1006. 968--888. 969--854. 970-808. 971--568. 872--50; 973-- 908. 974--801. 975--484. 976--1075. 977--324. 078--47. 070--674. 980-- 1166. 981 126. 982--1132. 983--732. 984--1092. 985--86. 986--60. 987-- 788. 988--129. 989--1149. 990--799. 991--689. 992--273. 993--724. 994-- 659. 995--823. 996-805. .007--006. 998--821. 099--875. - . From 1000 to 1000. , ̂ 1000--1186. 1001--1148. 1002-^!m 1003--188. 1004--1010. 1005--52a 1006--831, 1007--73. 1008--1171. 1009--993. 1010--586. 1011--811. 1012 --1031. 1013--378. 1014--421. 1015-- 167. 1016--169. 1017--1129. 1018--307. 1019--675, 1620--946. 1021--884. 10221 --1116. 1023--826. 1024--759. 1025-1 780. 1026--461. 1027--515. 1028-- 111. 1029--824. 1030--175. *1031--491. 1032--458. 1083--1121. 1084--953. 1035--523. 1036--146. 1037--352. 1038 -1124s 1039--9. 1040--331. 1041-- 20. 1042--601. 1048--551. 1044--1081. 1045--1150. 1046-600. 1047--556. 1048 --827. 1049--720. 1050--1017. 1051-- 334. 1052--220. 1053--255. 1054-- 242. 1055--591. 1056--863. 1057--951. 1058--560. 1050--100. 1060--840. 1061 --486. 1062--910. 1063--115. 1064-- 877. 1065--399. 1066--291. 1067--408. 1068--892. 1069--326. 1070-634. 1071 --650. 1072--400. 1073--827. 1074-- 879. 1075--441. 1076--496. 1077-- 848. 1078--611. 1070--583. 1080-354. 1081--907. 1082--004. 1083--376. 1084 --100. 1085--996. 1086--878. 1087-- 249. 1088--281. 1089--261. 1090-- 215. 1091--814. 1002--950. 1093--5. 1094--290. 1095--1108. 1096-868. 1Q97 --468. 1098--875. 199--010. ' From 1100 to 1200k 1100--288. 1101--1030. 1102--166. 1103--779. 1104--117. 1105--1199. 1106--57L 1107--723. 1108--139. 1109--310. 1110--609. 1UI--188. 1112--105. 1113--42. 1114--2131 1116 --176. 1116--1059. 1117--393. 1118-- 235. 1119--117a 1120--55a 1121-- 870. :lt22--915. 1128--688. 1124-- 476. 1125--526. 1126--174. 1127-- 525. 1128--341. 1129--1080. 933. J131--190. 1132--378. 1133-- 711. 1134--606. 1135--987. 1136-- 598. 1137--345. 1138--300. 1139-- 889. 1140--1008. 1141--738. 1142-- 408. 1148--1010. 1144--968. 1145-- 1110. 1146--544. 1147--082: 1148-- 1018. 1149--425. 1150--502. 1151-- 1140L 1152--931. 1153--1182. 1154-- 614. 1355--121. 1156--901. 1157-- 444. 1158--725. 1159--774. 1160-- 221. 1161--705. • 1162--162. 1163-- 806. 1164--810. 1165--182. 1166-- 1128. 1167--488. 1168--981. 1169-- 041. -1170--788. 1171--960. 1172-- 449. 1178--418. 1174--804. 1175-- 118. 1176--681. THIEF SHUCKED BY SMOKED Ketchup Bottle in Hand bio Lady Aids in Rot • ? ttout "SPOfRT" ALsol^srfrs Hound Distracts Bandit by Taklnf " Mouthful of Hia Person--The Diversion £fvet Ladiea Chance to AeL Chicago.--Well, sir, after what hap- pened the other day Orln Dunning of 350 Englewood avenue Is beginning to believe fate indulged in a mirthful fillip when he was named. Orln is large, loose, and shambling md a soulful look, adorns his Ethiop­ ian phis. On the day in question he provided himself with a portentbns six-gun and laid a course for the deli­ catessen of the Miles. Agnes and Alice Crane, young women of his own race, at 6651 South State street, It being Orin's notion to provide hims&f with i free snack of victuals. Now, Agnes and Alice keep store with the aid and encouragement of a nondescript hound called Sport. Sport does not take kindly to strangers, nor did he now relax his vigilance when he beheld a sad and nervous king of the Congo poking a revolver toward Miss Agnes Crane. He slid quietly round the end of a counter and quickly and ^xpertly took a mouthful of Orln's per­ son. 8watl 4 Ooea the Halibut. Thus distracted from the business at robbery, which until this moment had been most important in his mind, Mr. Dunning opened his capacious mouth and gave vent to a shriek which might well have been heard out at One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street. Miss Agnes, being neither dull wit- ted nor slothful, seized this intervtU with great happiness and dealt Mr. Dunning a powerful swat with a smoked halibut, this being tha only 1177--271. 1178--07. 1179--825. 1180--721. 1181--832. 1182-236, 1183--645. 1184--1054. 1185-^870: 1186--380. 1187--834. 1188--850. 1189--610. 1190--171. 1191--46f. 1192-601. 1198--527. 1194--568. 1195--750. 1196--152. 1107--684. 1108-600. 1100--086. 1200--224, All youths whose numbers were drawn will be assigned to the various five classes on the basis of Information furnished In the questionnaire now be­ ing mailed nut. New registrants will be placed at the foot of the list In each class In the order their numbers are drawn. Indications are that all new regis­ trants placed In Class 1 will be called before the end of the year and that Only a few months will elapse before those' whose numbers' are dgiwa test Will be called. Invention Constantly improved. The storage battery or electric ac­ cumulator of Faure was first exhibited In London 87 years ago. Since then the invention has been greatly im­ proved by Edison and others, and Is now successfully applied to the opera street cars and other uses||| ̂ Steady Hand Imperative. # f - • A ̂steady hand in military 'affairs li more requisite than in peace, because an error committed In war, may prove Irremediable.--Bacon.- ft Expertly Took a Mouthful off Parson. weapon convenient Mr. Dunning dropped his revolver and Miss Agnes snatched It up with amazing celerity, thrusting the muzzle Into Mr. Dun- nlng's .midriff, which Is a terrifying 1130--/thing to think upon; "Come here, Alice," said she to her sister, "you take this smoke wagon and keep it aimed at this gentleman lessen he gets fresh whilst i call tha police." < Orin's Tactical Error. * Alice did as die was bid. But she must have been nervous, for when Agnes returned, Mr. Dunning had re- summed possession of the revolver and now it was Alice who stood stretching her hands aloft. This was where Mr. Dunning erred. He should have loped away and not remained to gloat. Miss Agnes, returning, was annoyed beyond measure. She grabbed up a bottle of ketchup and let It fly with such zeal that the bottle bashed Mr. Dunning abaft his nigh ear. spatter­ ing him with the rich, red condiment and stretching him faint and helpless upon the floor, bathed In the gore of preserved tomatoes. Then the police came. Orln abides in the Grand Crossing Jail and Miss Agnes wants to know who is coming across for the price of a bottle of prime ketchup. was in a run down wndMwi, Two at our best doetors failed to do me any good. I bead so much about what Vegetable Co®. tried it and was cured. I am no loagar voBSa am ywHtfattji ftnd in health. I beBovs the Compound witt core any female trouble."--Mm Audi EELUKB, Christopher, Hi Nervoosness is often a symptom oC weakness or some functional ment, which may be overcome famoua root and herb E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Come ttmaanda of women have t experience. " If complications exist, write Lytis & Pinkham Medicine Co.. Lynn, Mass., tm suggestions in regard to your 1 " The remit of its long atyoarservka. f1 fniillm tttai . - *a dwatia. *r--ndtet >whM TiitnH* MBtas of TyeftaM •» e--MIL h« Hi rim Tj IISIIH CHI«I> fwtolK vmhw Ml »iwiM*rg. S. Uwj tk« C«tt*r umtqr. MM*. Cat, CHitii U *1 1 f. Itching Rashes -- Soothed-- With Cuticura UmAtwul '<ilnn.>iW.».fcna.» Mtf--ti Mi kltta ailfties. hjan • OX "i \ ~ : i H • HOW HE WAS EMPLOYES Colored Man Jgxplained r4 Jparke Exactly Hia ^ Wit|| the RallP0>A ^ • vr, -- . An all too fast disappeariî genera­ tion of older railroad executives ai* accustomed when recalling Gen. James C. Clarke, for many years before his death president of the Illinois Central, to speak of his stately courtHiisst the warm Southern tinge of Mi hospitality and the depth and breadth of his per* sonal charity, which ever kept him In lean purse. But the general, says the Wall Street Journal, was also a live railroader, no respecter of mere cue- ̂ torn, and well to the fore in the era which transferred Chicago from a ' | Lake Michigan port to the largest ln» 1 terlor continental city in the world. General Clarke was fond of telling how In the posttfellum days an order was Issued from the head office of one J Southern system that no more per­ sonal valets should be carried on the pay rolls, and that the name of the | bureau of which it was part should be painted on the door of each room. f Shortly after the president, on * ̂ personal Inspection tour, opened the . / door of a very small room and con­ fronted an ancient negro of eminently respectable and respectful mien, SwM the president: . "You black rebel, are you still here?* 'p "I shoa Is,** he bowed. -:1 "And what pay roll are you on!" ; "I doan't know what pay roll, glte 2 ̂ oral, but I bresh de colonel's coat, >y black his ahoes, comb his hair and sech. He says to me jes like dls: 'Ma- Jor,' he says, 'ef dat damned fool old glneral come roun' hyar axln' what j yoah air doln' hyar jes tell 'lie," aiias ydah honah's pardon, Tm in de depai£*5§ ment of accidental superfiuousness.* ̂̂ i "A BEAR HOLDS EXPRESS CAR Bresks From asngsr Hie Corral Takes to Heels. and His Keep Cheerful. Ton find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people; why not make ernest efforts to confer that pleasure on others? Tou will find half the battle is gained if you will never allow yourself to say anything gloomy. Thousands of Ants in Hill. - An ant hill two feet In height eon- tains about 93,000 ants, according tc the observations and counting, extend ing over two years, carried I well-known aaturaliat, . > > * • VlckSburg, Miss.--Breaking from his crate In an express car, a big black bear being shipped from Shreveport to an Alabama point had complete pos­ session of the car all the way irom Slireveport to Meridian--a BOOmile ride one Sunday. When the bear broke loose the mes­ senger scurried from the car aud bolt­ ed the door. It was not until Meridian was reached that ah Improvised bear trap permitted the capture of the ani­ mal. On the Journey the bear had a pleasant time, eating a crate of chick­ ens and three five-gallon buckets of tea cream. • -I' ̂ Carries Out Oulclde PI Si*. *• Lebanon, Pa.--After being closely watched for thirteen yeers John Runkle, a retired Ironworker, finally eluded members of his faally and hanged himself. Ever since the death of his wife in 1905 Bankle threatened t» commit suicide. Brazil Filling Up. Tbst Dninher of Immigrant entertn# Brazil during the period of 1008 fffr 1910 totaled 926.282. Their national­ ity was principally as follows: Ger­ mans, 33,578; Austrlans, 21343; French, 9^07; Spaniards, 190,767; Italians. 158.050: Japanese. Portuguese, 354,820; Busslana, 40,471V | and Turco-Arabs, 481,334. : • - -- : •- AH In the Exprteelan. , *&bbe8 in a fight? Why. 1 tbongftt̂ he was a pacifist." "Yes; only he calls It A paas-a-Ust,* A defective stomach keeps more pe«» pie awake than a guilty conscience, v Better say only half you think to think only half you say. Ever/nmelCat BST ISTIES (NmOrOMtn) Blows Himself to Death. Qpanellsvllle, Pa.--Tying a stick of̂ dynamite to his waist and igniting the fuse was the method used to commit j suicide by Frank Lohmau, Perryopolis. ̂ wt*s,, ii, *r?f P' X l&ii . -X

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