' >,v: m-M && -fM th*'* ** *£ V " ' f" *" ^ /*>" > •Vi - ' - "• ' " " "-XrC^- t . f . . .* , ' '*7^ ; s$ \ . t ^ i*,- • • . /iwi *-"4"®i- ""•*•"• Buy your Drugs at Petesch's ig Store. Most '{ does* why doa't you? J..; ^ - *•'t '^' * > ... ?"•1 •. #*'. h* ••'-.rrclk v *"<*»•: '"l.,. * ^ V A.- i'S;'- '. :^,V. - v ^ ' ' ' * •«< j • * k^'Z- ' JK< vi \ ?- , . ..„ . - . * 'Vk" ' x' • r* . v * -I1 ' • /V -t t*i " . *y i ^ ^ •miw 69-w N. H. PETESCH iidcciit ' T "V ^;. Use a New Perfection Oil Stove' ~;1* - help save coal and wood* Efllf-yZ to 4 bonier|..-4--I1J.M to $21.tihn . GARDEN TOOLS ; 5 "' Jl.ZSpa'ding FtorksK-f-Iirii-ll-ffi and upi '?? h '$k I *V-.. - t , »«*h~ 3s* '«J Rakes ^,1^.'. .25 and u %: us Hand Cultivaiors-l- 41.25 to If. .„..,r...,,..,., Hoes . Lawn MowersH.5i 16 $15J w ** Sectls*-2 puckajres/tor --«fj - ' - ""'/. , • ' • >:jy . ftemember* tlnele Sara is. count- j;- ry"; £y: ingon you to help feed the Sain-. £ niies and our Allies. PLANT A REAL GARDEN «-* •« ...̂ McHENRY, ILLINOIS i* If •„%<.<*. 't. , "'-j-V*.: ^ . :r* v^^." '-THREE-PIECE Bed Construction! -'®hfie^ec© Steel Beds are unquestiof^' ••*• pjly the lightest, strongest, most rigid ?iind serviceable ever produced. The re- 'J ;:; ^iiuced cost of this complete unit ovejr • formei types of Beds of the same style, ^ . fitted with the same spring, is due to the ^. elimination of side rails, lowered cost of ;y" jiandling fewer units and many other features. Gotpe in aud H us ^emoa- * ^trate. ' : ' •/ !i" 1 ' • . -- 1 * ' * ^ \ * > v '?v • ̂ 'PHONE 63.̂ 1. : A* * * w«-< * «r% FURNITURE WEST McHENRY, ILL UNDERTAKING 5» ^ tSf «^or ^ord ' ... ^ * •' *• * •«- '*y+^ - Th6 l^ord Coupel^t is the answet to 9f . aaand for an enclosed "Fort which is always ̂s? i. ready for all kinds of weather--sntttnaer^; ̂ j and winter; a Ford with more luxury inT' ^ upholstery and' other appointments than , Is found in the runabout. The Coupelet| has the regular Ford chassis with adi^" luxe body; permanent top, sliding plat f̂e;^" glass windows, with removable pillar,- large doors. A hattdsome car in every '-"' way--and Ford economy in price and t^per nAion. Coupelet, $505 f. o. b. Detroit. • • ' . . . • "t' 'Phone 3i John R. Knox, Prop. "McHenry II B. Lynch was in the city Sunday. Alvin Carlson was in Woodstock Saturday. " F. E. Howe, wife iuid son were ih the city Monday. Mrs. Ella Walkup was g ^ttter mt Woodstock Saturday. , - Miss Laura Bliss was a Crystal Lake shopper Monday. C. M. Keeler spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. , J. H. Slater was a business caller in Woodstock Friday afternoon. The Missionary society met last Tuesday in the church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anners of Wood stock were callers here Saturday. Mrs. J. M. Coates called on relatives at Woodstock the last of the week. F. Reed, wife and son of Wood stock spent Sunday with Henry Reed and family. « Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle and children of Dundee were caUing on friends here recently. Mrs. *M. Fock and granddaughter of Chicago spent the Fourth at the home of F.~S. Morse. Miss Margaret Briggs of Harvard is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Dike. S. A. Levey and daughter Were vis iting relatives and friends at Crystal Lake last Friday. Mrs. Sidney Reed and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Sat urday and Sunday. Mrs. E. W. Schoof and children of LaGrange are spending i few days with the ^forse family. Burton Seamon' and Mrs. >Addie Nolte of Woodstock were Ridgefield callers Friday afternoon. * A. Hanson, wif£ and children of Woodstock visited at the home of H. Bruell Sunday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid society and the Red Cross chapter met at the heme of Mrs, Blisp last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Irish, who has been very sick, is slowly improving. Mrs. Ellsworth f Woodstock was a pleasant caller at her home Friday. Mrs. F. S. Morse and daughters, Elizabeth and Ruth, Were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Anners at Woodstock Friday.' Mr. and Mrs. E. Colby and little son of Crystal Lake attended church hone Sunday and were entertained at (tinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed. Serg. Alvin Yanke and wlft re turned home from Columbia, S.* C., where Mrs. Yanke has been visiting since last March, stopping enroute at Canton, O., for a day's visit wjth his sister, from which place his mother of Honey Creek and brother, Harry, of Waterton, Florida, accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Yanke spent Sat urday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rose Goddard. Monday they left for a visit with relatives at Genoa Junction, Honey Creek, Burlington and Lake Beulah. Serg. Yanke will leave soon for Camp Jackson, expect ing to leave soon for France. TERRA COTTA Vernon Knox spent the Fourth with his cousin, Quintin Walsh, in Mc- Henry. , Mrs, Mary Grant was a business caller in Crystal. Lake last Wednesday evening. Arthur Shales of Chicago was the guest of relatives and friends here' .Sunday- Henry Bay and daughters of Chi cago spent last Thursday with rela tives here. Mrs. T. Bay of Chicago spent last Thursday with her son, Geo., and family here. Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Mason mid fam ily called at Ralph Wingtfte's out evening last week. Mrs. Stella Peck of Eftgin spent sev eral days last week at the "home of Henry McMillan: Mr. and Mrs. Merton Gracy of Honey Creek, Wis., spent Sunday with relatives here. P. H. Conway and family motored to Elgin Sunday and spent the day with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Malone at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colemah of El gin spent a few days last week at the home of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson and son, Melvin, spent Sunday evening at A. Gaebe's at Holcombville. Miss Hazel Halliday of Chicago is spending a couple of months with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Ensign. Mrs. Clara Miller of Washington was the guest of her brother, Geo, P. Bay, and family last week. Mrs. Marion McMillan sjfent sev eral days last week at the home'of her son, Earl, at Crystal Lake. Miss Maribn Shales spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family called at Jay Doherty's at Holcomb ville last Wednesday evening. Mrs. B. J. Shine and son, Bernard, Jr., of Chicago spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Riley. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Bay and chil dren of Chicago passed the Fourth at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay. Mrs. L. H. Cole, daughter, Florence, and Mrs. Earl Hyde of Crystal Lake spent Thursday last with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Anderson. Thomas Phalin, accompanied by the other members of the senior class of the McHenry high school, left Friday for Starved Rock to spend a couple of days. * The meting of the ladles oi the dis trict to sew for the allied relief fund will be at the Terra Cotta school on Wednesday afternoons ̂ thruout the summer. Behry Krueger and callers here Saturday./ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld were over to McHenry Saturday. Mr. and lirs. Reed Geary of Wau- conda were in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huson of Round Lake were recent callers here. Rev. C. N. Curtis and wife of Wau- conda were callers here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Frost of Ken osha are visiting at Mrs. Frost's. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Peterson spent Sungay in McHenry with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. F. Croaker of Liberty- ville were Sunday callers at Lee Hus- on's. Thursday evening, July 11, Prank Sherwood will speak in the M. E. church under the auspices of the "Will" ing Workers. Everyone come. Mr." and Mrs. John Walton enter tained on July 4 Geo. Walton and family of Area, H. Krueger and fam ily and John Hironimus and family of Wauconda and Wm. Dillon and family, • • OSTEND V f:*. bpim* and wife entertained a number of friends at dinner July 4. Mrs. Carl Mead and family moved last week from the S. S. Rogers farm. Ben Brown has a new cement silo erected on his farm occupied by Carl Herdrich. ? Nearly every family in'this neigh borhood was at Woodstock July 4 to help celebrate. Peter and Wesley Pederson of Crys tal Lake are in this neighborhood whitewashing dairy barns. Lester Howe is ^reported very sick and under the care of a physician and trained nurse. His niece, Mrs. Goldie Howe, is at the Howe home. Mrs. , Umathum and daughter, Mary, and little son of Woodstock spent several days last week with her cousin, Mrs. Frank Kaiser, and fam ily. Frank Hutson is still at the home of his son, George, and no visible improvement in his condition. He has been tapped ten different times and the attending physician gives the family no encouragement. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund Were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Earl R. Walsh spent several days last week with relatives in Elgin. C. M. Buel of Elgin passed Sunday at his cottage, on Fox river near this village. • Miss Belle Carey of Elgin has been the guest of relatives in and around McHenry. N. H. Petesch, tWm. Pries jwd Dr. C. H. Fegers were Chicago visitors Wednesday. John Brefeld of KenoBha spent Sun- aay with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Homer M. Harper of Urbana spent Sunday " calling on friends in and around McHenry. Edwin Dwyer of Huntley has been visiting his sister, Mrs. falter J. Walsh, since the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Justen and son, Elmer, of Ringwood spent Sunday in the home of Peter M. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John I. Story of Chi cago passed the first of the week as the guests of McHenry friends. Miss Rose Oertel of Wodstock spent the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oertel, in this village. Mrs. F. A. Schn'orr of Spencer, Ia.» i^ill be the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. M. Owen, for an indefinite time. Mrs. Edwin Jenks and daughter, Mary Harriet, passed a few days last week as the guests of Elgin relatives. Miss Gertrude Porten of Chicago spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oertel. Mrs. W. J. Welch visited her daugh<- ter, Mrs. A. I. Froehlich, at St. An thony's hospital, Chicago, Wednesday. Miss Marion Conway of Elgin spent the Fourth as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Con way. Theo. L. Grot of Ottawa, 111., was a business visitor here a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. J, Schaffer and son, Stanley, motored to Elgi^t Sun day and spent the afternoon with friends. C. H. Gardinier of Crystal Lake passed last week Tuesday as a -guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. Alice Simpson, Mrs. Jacob Bonslett spent a few days recently as a guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter J. Freund, at Woodstock. Mrs. Alice Simpson and son, Wm. E., in company with Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Pederson and children, spent the Fourth at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blade af Chi cago passed the Fourth as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. ^nd Mrs. Henry Block. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Musser of Elgin were guests in the home of the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiting, over the Fourth. Messrs. Phil and Joseph Walters and Miss Elizabeth Walters of Des- Plaines spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Misses Blanche Meyers, O'Reilly and Louise Meyers spent the week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chesnut at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Alice Simpson and son, Wm. E., passed severaPdays last week as guests in the home of the former's daughter, Mrs,- P. G. Pederson, af Ridgefield. Messrs: Joseph, Raymond and Cyril Lambert of DesPlaines motored to McHenry Sunday and spent the day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. W. F. Gal la her of Chicago was in McHenry Sunday, bidding his friends on the eve of his departure for New York City, where the family 3 ifcrtes • ' • ' A . 7« /R V V Y •* - ?*« ifPf mmm «t«r? in your pocket does no work for you or any one else. JVIoney in the bank Works for you, helps build up your Community and helps our country win this war. ! Start an account with us now. Our Savings Department pays 3 per cent compound interest ;.jfc A - 5 ' . < : .». ' 4.. .. .. • K \ v 0, -1- > »sf.-sV-'i /'•"V ftfi < '4" * ; :.r } .'4.. " > Tj 'A." »?> •' it* W+t ' ,y |i', -l ,--4M . ' v.... • * wMkiMM. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Water Street STANDS FOR QUALITY, SBMCE, LOW PNCES All kinds of Fresh Meats, Kerber's Lard, Smoked f Hams and Bacon* v • : RfiMRMBER OUR 19c COFFEE! Eqî J toany^Oc^Coffee 00 We still sell the best • Creamtfy Bulk Bitter > at 47c per pound V; ' ' ; , f\j- " Bring us your eggs. We p$£ you the top price? at all times . ; WATER STREET MARKET BOUSE Phone tk Prompt Service will make its future home. Capt. John Larsen of Camp Caswell, N. C., was shaking hands with friends in town last Sunday. The captain was on his way to Phillips, Wis., where he will spend-a short furlough with his parents. Mrs. Adam J. Millef, sonrLeo, and daughter, Agnes, Mrs. Stubenrauch and daughter, Mrs. Andrew Miller and son, Mrs. Louis Smith and daughter motored to Woodstock last Friday, where they passed the day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. RayjpouU J. McAndrews. i i Priest on Rifle Rang# •V; Chaplain J. M. Lonergan, formerly priest at Crystal Lake and Cary, and well known in this village, how sta tioned at Camp Grant, where he has been during the past few months, is now learning to shoot the army rifle. He made his first trip to the rifle range on Monday morning of this week and, according to the Elgin Courier, he is quoted as saying: "It is not probable that I will be ordered to shoot when we get over there. There won't need to be any orders of that kind when the regiment gets in to a tight place." The chaplain has given a number of sermons in Mc Henry while at Crystal Lake and Cary and thru these visits to this village has endeared himself to many of our residents, especially the parishioners of St. Mary's church, where he ap peared on various occasions. ViflM -JH *i •/•VW,- HR . Lecture Well Rendered t The lecture, given by Dr. joftin S. Hamilton of Chicago, under the state council, at the Central opera house last Friday evening, was one of the finest war lectures ever given in Mc- ' -*5 ̂ V ' ^ ' y 1 .Gleaning wiii i 'h -** J">" } ' #"*• " * ' . • »a-"' * ~ ft All in a single day -/V-rWI . Housework needn't be spread over the whole week. Mo^l of your routine tasks* can be done ip a sii lor then Electric Vacuum Cleaners Electric Irons lengthen the hours. Every lamp socket in the wired house yields power to run these and nu- comfort bringing appliances,, on Mootuly Payments i' '!KXr Public Service Company IDF NORTHERN ILLINOIS PHILIP JAEGER MERCtU^T 'J J; QgNERAL COriMlSSION - SPIOUL ATTENTION OIVBN TO TBM ULK OP . Orcsaed Beaf, flutton, Hofa, Vial, PMiltrjr, -v: tildes. Etc., Butter «nd Bfg» Thtolsthe oldest bow on tb« rtmfc Tagsaa4 pries B*s fwiahsl •• a t̂tcation. COLO STORAQB PRBB CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Henry. His subject was "Kaiserism Unmasked." H»e speaker was ably introduced by Carl W. Stenger, town ship chairman of the C. N. D. Th$ assembly gathered, tho small, was deeply appreciative. . ., Move to New York City Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gallaher, who with their family resided in this vil lage for a number of years, but of late years residents of Chicago, have just gone to New York City, where they will make their future home. Mr. Gallaher, who has been employed in the tJ. S. railway mail service for many years, has succeeded in getting a transferment to the eastern metrop olis. They have made the change so as to be with their daughter, Mrs. Belle (GallaheV) Wooster, who has' achieved wonderful theatrical ' •> si:® A steve with no wfcks, m odor. Guaranteed to fin or your money cheerfully M. Engein & Son. :: . * t