Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jul 1918, p. 5

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14 4 t . J. - ' ,. >-f Kjif ,\y . •^v v tf', * ww*" , **.**' «.* >| • <• -4 •' * * v 4 - > * . s 1 % v^ r tt«i! :. *?:>• f "*$*& **i>" • W * *1 i • , i - "%* t • k - "g j ^ " .,*, ':,; '„, C: . , your i 1-4~ Drug Store. Most everybody j. *£' ^ fc; H <>~ ** •>' vU%" & $ -ft ; *^'y ,-V *4S*r*%£ ' .' ̂ n' :<* ' 1 *<"•**-£. S- ^ , J „ . *mv> % • <f<;?v;n >*# .i, < ^ '* ,W ; * » ^•.Wj:^-,.^ - - W ̂ .< * t,, >1 n ̂ • **.- • *• ',s '^*' - $ ' ; VC^'^ 4^-5 1mmMN. H. ^ETESCH druggis* s?/f4 ', 1 ',2 to 4 1 iner. to $23.M fGAjtDEH:TOOLS Use a New Perfection Oil Stove - J; *"%•/'* "V*j ^.,. A„ and help save coal and wood. -sv ** r* • "'m'-:/' •••^--•-iliwjl to tUM '^.. ••%! : r * «,, ^ r Foite-^^--HJI -and $ * £ \ ^ « iUte.. ' 2/--. - JS.and upi j ^and Cultivators..-11^6 to ' \ Jl ' / ' ' .. M to J6.5li®|igi /.|l Jl to $15 Jl ' ,5c 4C H ^ ' < i " •fi: *' * *"»ft/W < ' Remember, Uncle Saip is counts, ~ ^ ing on you to help feed the Sana- jL L* i " i f m i e s a n d o u r A l l i e s . 53^^*'^ ^ <& %* x . -r»$ • ' ,r ?; Vs " PLA**T- A REAL ^ARDEN--?^. v " ^ ' ft • ••' <*tA\ ^ I. • •*"• '. * ' i, r v , r , # M 4; T.^^' ^eeds , ' Lawn Mowoi. i* a i >*> •*•':" ._•• 'Off McHENRY, 1LUNOIS . . • r:i 1 *V ' 'iM, .yV y:- \' car to us for mechanical attention that you get the genuine Ford service^--materials, experienced workmen and Ford factory prices. Your Ford is too useful, too val­ uable to take chances with poor me­ chanics, with equally poor quality mater­ ials. Bring it to us and save both time and money. We are authorised Ford dealers, trusted by the Ford Motor Com­ pany to look after the wants of Ford •<M m STAR GARAGE *P)mite 3t -••; lohnR. Knox, Prop.McH«iry ^ ' .• . i ; .. "fV ': . .^.t •. K% SMITH BROS. DO SELL *-u $" •' -.A"- * •• deii ver- aH twderi • before L9KM a. m. diwnor. AU Orders in before 4 % viQ»'l>yiire 6 : (tat-,- th'4 SjR-4"S ".P#* •pi 3^,3%, m per ptiti&a Our 25c Coffee it our best It is a good Coffee, SMITH BROS. 1 WATER STREET rket QUALITY, SCWICE, LOW PRICCS immurw~wrm LARD At you all know there has been a sharp advance in the price of lard the last few day*; further advances are sure to follow. We handle Kerber's pure lard in 50-lb. till pas* wbkb we still offer at a v«py reasonable t»rice. Baker and family San- At Woodstock. Mrs. Carrie <{q] HIN" **8 a Wood- k -shopper Wt»day. ' Mrs. R. L. Dufleld was a shopper •t Crystal Lake Tuesday. A. Kremer and family autoed to Bi«s Sunday afternooli. H. L. Eidiner was a business^ caller at West Chicago Wednesday. Bosie Peterson was home from Woodstock over the .week end. Mrs. Abbott and daughter, Dorothy, irtlfe Woodstock visitors Monday. Mrs. P. Hopsky and son, George, were at Crystal Lake Wednesday.' . Mabel Shepard of Delavan, Wis., is Viifting her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Knilans. Mrs. Leroy 8k|nner and sons were taMing on frieoda at Woodstock Tues­ day. Mrs. Rose Goddard spent. Wednes day night with her daughter at Wood­ stock. Mrs. Chas. Wheaton of Chicago vw- ftM Thursday last with Mrs. Leroy Sl^nner. "X'tS 1 • ' ' ;ii Mr. and Mrs. S. Read arid <&iugh ters of Woodstock were Sunday vis itors here. Miss Vernie Chord! and brother, Stanley, of Union called on friends here Sunda/. , Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth of Wood­ stock called at the home of Mrs. Mary Irish Thursday last. Mrs. A. R. Yanke returned home from Lake Beulah and Burlington, Wis., Saturday evening. Mrs. Bockhus and Mrs. P. Pederson and children visited Mrs. Pederson's people at McHenry^Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Loptien of Syca­ more called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Wilkins Priday afternoon. Amos Keeier was here from Bar- rington Thursday -and spent the day with his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefeld. Mr. and Mrs. MacParland and two children of Crystal Lake visited Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. D, W. Pit«- gertdd. A ' Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed and son, Wei*- del, of Woodstock and Mr. Manahan of Elgin were callers here Sunday afternoon. H. N. Cooper and family and P. Wille and Miss Elsie Wille enjoyed a picnic dinner on the shores of Crystal lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albee and daughter, Marjorie, and Mrs. A. Kremer and two grandchildren spent Thursday last at Lord's park, Elgin. SPRING GROVE John Karls transacted business at Woodstock Tuesday. % Nick Etten of Kenoeha spent Sun­ day with his mother here. Mrs. Thos. Hodge and daughter, Edith, were callers in town INiesday. Miss Mae Keefe is spending a few weeks in Chicajgo, visiting friends and relatives. Quite a number of our young folks attended a dance j£ Johnaburg Wed­ nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Browit are the happy parents ctf a baby girl, bdrir Wednesday, July 17. Emil Smdhl and lady friend of Chi­ cago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wegner. Mrs. Nick Freund, who has been seriously ill for the past week, is slightly improved at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, son, George, and daughter, Julia, were Richmond callers Saturday evening. Mrs. Sarah Freeman and daughter, Dorothy, entertained company from Chicago over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, Mtas Mayme and Geo. May spent Sundar at the Peter Bowers home at Long Lako. .. ; Mrs. Ed. Stevenson •£ Hartford, Mich., arrived Thursday for a week's visit in the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Joe Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Winters and children of Twin Lakes were callers in the Fmnk Hay heme Monday evening. Pvt. Peter Huff of Camp Grant and Mrs. Huff of Solon Mills were callers in the Fred Huff home Sunday aft- ernnnn. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Kealin and Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Tula, Okla., Tuesday and Wednesday oflsst week. ' c-': - Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby and, Mr. and Mrs. James Oxtoby and Mrs. Kersting of Eargo, N. D., were vis­ itors at the Great Lakes Naval Train­ ing station Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young ang chil­ dren of Ringwood and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Delia, were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nimsgern Saturday" evening. TOW Miss Mary Raught of Libertyville visited with friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh­ ters were Woodstock visitors Sunday. Mrs. John Browne of Fish Lake entertained company from the city over Sunday. Mrs. John. Benwell and Miss Laura Ben well were callers at Mm. Rose Dunnill's Sunday. , Stanley Stadtfeld of {Round Lake spent the latter part of last week with his grandmother here. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Curtis of Wau- conda were Sunday visitors in the home of Miss Ella Moore. Miss Beatrice Small entertained a number of little frifends Saturday in hopor of her ninth birthday. Mrs. Ben Cushman and friends of Lake and Harry Kirwan of ere callers at the hone of Jas. Kirwan Saturday. 1 The Willing Workers and officers of the Volo Sunday school will t _ Chicago «n Mr^liyal GiWH spent Friday last at J, H. Gravy's. Miss Helen Welch spent Friday with her cousin, Miss Marj|(^i« Mlas Mabel Knox spent Friday of last" week with relatives at' Crystal T j > k e ^ , ; _ 4 - Mr. a»| Mrs. W. Jf. WeWi of Mo- Hou^y spent Friday with relatives and friends here. . ' , f and Mrs. J. M. Phalin were l^ness callers in Crystal Lake Wed* ncMfcy evening. Mr. and Mrs.»John Marshall of Hammond, Ind., visited at J. H. Gracy's Friday. Bessie Peck of Elgin visited Misses Eva and Neva McMillan a few days last week. V Miss Eleanor' Walsh of McHenry visited her cousins here a couple of days last week. Mrs. G. Lindah! and Mrs. John Pierson spent Thursday * with friends in Holcombville. Mrs. S. B. Leisner returned home last week after a six weeks' visit with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty* and family spent one evening last week with relatives here, Mrs. Chas. Cole fund daughter, Charlotte, of Crystal visited Mrs Philip Huffman Friday. Miss Margaret McDonald of Chica­ go spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Ctiauncey Starr of Belvidere called on Mrs. Marion Mc­ Millan one day last week Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and chil­ dren ftf McHenry called on relatives here one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Wingate and baby of Crystal Lake spent Thursday evening last at Ralph Wingate's. Mrs. Frank McMillan and daugh­ ter, Eleanor, are spending the week Vith relatives and friends at Spring Grove. * James and Ethel Gracy of Honey Creek, Wis., are spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs J. H. Gracy. Mis& Hazel Holliday returned to Chicago Monday morning after a few weekvisit with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Ensign. Edward Knox enlisted in the navy last week and reported for duty at the Great Lakes Naval Training sta­ tion on Friday Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodwin of Chicago spent a few hours recently with the 1 itter's cousin, Mrs. Marion McMillan. Mrs. Goodwin was for­ merly Mrs. Minnie Starr Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and family motordd to DeKalb Sunday and spent the day with Misses Fran­ ces Knox and Nellie Doherty, who are attending summer school there. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby was hostess to a few friends at a Red Cross luncheon on Friday. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all, at the close of which delicious refreshments were served. Those who enjoyed the hos­ pitality of the Frisby home were Mrs. J. M. Phalin, Mrs. Mv Knox, Mrs. W. J. Welch and Miss Mary Conway. , OSTEND Frank Herdrick is doing , farm work for Mr. Cornwell. ^ > Roy Hobart spent Sunday with relatives near Harvard. Mrs. Nina Sherman and family spent Sunday with her parents. Barley harvest is nearly" done and oatv harvest at hand. Some farmers have commenced on the oats. Ray Thomas and w\fe of Barring- ton were in this neighborhood one day last week, looking for a place to liye. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, ate Sunday dinner with their sister, Mrs. Julia Lincoln, near Har­ vard. E. C. Hammond, wife* Mid daugh­ ters, Gladys and Lenore, of Aiden were Sunday afternoon visitors at H. C. Hobart's. F. R. Eppel, wife and little son, Glenn, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Eppel's parents pear Franklinville. Early potato vines are looking badly. Every patch the vines have turned yellow and potatoes ̂not very large nor are they rig* : From R. S. Howard As I am a dog owner and interested in the dog controversy here in Mc­ Henry I wish in this way to give the public my opinion on the subject ami also give warning to the people of McHenry that there is a state law carrying a heavy fine for putting out poison anywhere where dogs or other domestic animals can get it. The putting out of poison or the encouraging of it is criminal. I think that $2.25 is an excess tax to pay over the regular county tax. If a person wished they could" pay $25.00 town tax on a dog which was a nuisance to the community and still let them run at large if there is no other way to stop such nuisance other than by high taxation. If there is a dog in town that is a nuisance to the puMie let it be known and if the owner does not take care of it the town officers have the power to do it. In case there are any who did not pay the town tax on their dogs they should be to do it at once. I will suggest that a list of the mes of those who paid the tax be put in this paper. Don't be a coward and put out poison for you are likely to get into trouble. Hoping these troubles will i: ; fi ; 1 7£ i i V,T " V # r • " A * % % # ' v * ... &v.W -J*. • •> 33j . * " • * . * * * - k • ' t ' V > / ' UK • -'m- efficiency and safety. Every transac tion is viewed from the standpoint of good service to our* customers. We inf vite your business with the assurance that it will be handled efficiently and courteously.£ Hi ; i4 "IK '>• " mi hi* ' 4 v I;:", :m̂ sm Am -j'--1 V H l i t * "" "H 'U ? k \r* r- >>' i : > t ^ "%s"k $ McHENRY, ILLINOIS $ ; : t" \' J Arthur D. Wiseman Editor of TIm Habroa Triban* , . ItBrUBLICAN CAND®At# ---FOR COUNTY TREASURER . qf McH^nrjr Couiity Win appreciate your vote at the primaries to be held September 11,1918|| f CLASSIFIED MAAM LOST--A black fur. Finder leave at tikis office and receive re­ ward. ; 6-lt LOST--A bunch of keys. Finder will kindly leave same at Petesch's drug store and receive reward. 6-lt* WANTED--Woman to help in kitch­ en. Good wages. Inquire at the While Away. McHenry, III. Phone 77-W. 2-tf FOR SALE--Two cows, one with calf by side and the other will freshen in late fall. Inquire of FH C. Feltz, West McHenry, 111. Phone 71-M. 5 LOSjfT--Tire carrier with Firestone tire, lamp and number (221767 111.)' attached. Finder please notify The Daily Republican, Belvidere, 111. 4-St Washing Cleaning v * * ,v ^ & «->3 - - * • All in a single day f • ? I'- • I k'" rf ' " 1'U . Housework needn't be spread over the whole week. Most of your routine tasks can be done in a for the^ Electric Vacuum Cleaners Electric Irons |ig||si ' • 4\<\ FOR SALE--Farms and all kinds of property sold at one per cent after sale in aiiy state. Address the United States Farm Agency, Room 21?, Parkway Building, Philadelphia, Pa. . 47-12t lengthen the hours. Every lamp socket in the wired house yields power to run thes& and nu- meroqs other comfort bringing appliances- FOR SALE--A 1917 Jeffrey six cyl- nder, seven passenger touring car at a Very reasonable price. Come in and ook it over. Stilling's garage, Mc­ Henry, HI. 5 FOR BENT--A furnished house and cottage at Orchard Beach on Fox river. All modern conveniences, in­ cluding hot and cold water. Porches reened. Key may be had at Ben Stilling's residence. Also boats. In­ quire of or write Geo. Michel, 260 Rich Ave., Evanston, 111, or this of­ fice. 62 ions trouble, I am, Yours truly*, R. S. Howard. Bought Solon Mills Stock The Ginsburg company, the Chicago firm which purchased the F. A. Boh- lander stock here the first of the fireek, has also taken over the stock of the general store at Solon Mills, whicl| during the 'past few years has been- conducted by H. H. Fay. The work of packing the Solon Mills stock will W, gin today and it is expected that the entire stock will be removed by tomorrow. The goods will be shipped to Chicago. We have not been able to get in touch with Mr. Fay, but it is quite certain thaT he wffl not he idle long. _ , • Another of the Series Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby, who resides on the Terra Cotta road, entertained in the Red Cross series last Friday. Names appearing on the block were Mrs. John Gracy, Mrs. M. Knox, Mrs. Frank McMillan and Mrs. John Riley. pper was served and a social time enjoyed. Public Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS PHILIP .UGNERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPBCBAI* ATTENTION OIYStT TO W« &Af»* OT Dressed Beef, flutton. Hogs* ?•**» This is tiie oldest bowse oo the street, application. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. E. H. Waite Paul J. Donovan WAITE i DONOVAN L A W Y E R S p ; , 06cea: Woodstock; Richmond nesdays and Satardays Office Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. TUephaae Ma MH SIMON STOFFEL property in Hm best WKBT HeHJBUNBf, A stove odor. GrnmmMM «r M The Plrv'-uieeler for news«| ; •. .i-ss as

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