Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1918, p. 8

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t v '* , v »i m f »-r#/'s) i\r> • ^Vh • Wi ' - , *: '•, ^ C Ê 0iy - "^7~ *Y ' ^ ^ U,' /?*"' ** ^ .-•' - ! v* * ~*i, * , %Sj, * '» * * • : - ! f - v , b£&:Hi f > ^ - ' J®.1;-" ••;.J-.T^)n.. ' S" KJ. "fl K.. • •H'V ' 5^c : v *£ ';•, "'A-*. -...•.- ."}f< ' : : ,• ;" •JfclS; m&-~ • v • Pi.: s ** t5«". ! «».' A., ,1 ̂ ' ̂ ; ̂ '•- ", »'<> ,t .. W: I ••., &-1. , K* ̂ ^r, f*' > - * ^?% ,'/s"% 1 J • &4 $•» / »;Wi" , v". • < i •7t u: » f,a#-w,/ ' ¥.-.6.r-p. & z **< v-* V« , •=-:» ;>•.?••. c j.- - p:'i , , •>. %-'y • \ • % W'-: aV. U* - rA K mi MM-- Vpfr^r fe v" '*'"'•" & < f J* . •• ?ik\ For Men and Boys fr-: > ^ ^ - iV-. : •- - 'a. n!^ *\rf ..{*.,4s,. * A.*' - r)",W WORKMANSHIP AND STYLESfflCP are the dominaiit features <rfoMr sjHendid of new Suits tot men and ttigi* Tliese Salts are well tailored and are cut fxttoi tbft best foielfB and domestic woolen ̂guiNrtiil»ing tO our Cloth­ ing a supS&riority erf which we are justly proud. Don't let the talk of high prices discourage yoy. Come and see these Suits and the ex­ tremely low prices at which they are going. You will be correctly garbed if you wear one r^V>4>" I "t* % %EST McHENRY, dMMlM BIS tftirfMMMMfc* may be best enjoyed by purchasing the things that bring comfort at this store. i|| We have a very complete line of the M- /̂ lowing Summer Goods: ̂rn^Wi ' Lawn and Porch Swings ̂ - r t > '• Vl sftarch Shades, t Porch Chauf, . r" lawn Seats, v*. Hainmocks^K':r#H ; ̂ r | Window Screens, •»' Awnings, Etc. We also carry a fine stock of Summer Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Window Shades, Croquet Sets, Push Carts, Wagons and Baby Carnages of various designs.r - .. McHENRY, nXINOIS JL MMyUMiiMUMi ' 44 • te . ^ ' «2f« o> \ fricM, SUM MMJ i-Vlif'h'. i *' 4yf >%• } ";-r: fMr̂ kfiiS WerfernUrjited Gas t&m&m THIS is one of the delights of select­ing ROYAL WORCESTER Cor­ sets. You have such abundant variety from which to choose. Style, size and price are yours to name. But whatever your selection of model, you are confident of correct fashion, efficient figure forming, com- 1 fort and satisfactory wear. All this is implied and assured in the world famous [name ROYAL WORCESTER. v"t r f <k\ , For Preserving Economy ^observation calls on you to preserve fruits, berries and vegetables. Yet patriotism demands that you waste neither time, materials nor fuel. IwJSweVen ^ °f th« Cabinet Gas Range £,!?!£ P,re8ervmg ^ U » available at the turn of a valve. iter Miss Kathrya Bttd^ wag a CMeafO visitor last Ben Stilling was a business visito* in the metropolitan city Monday. Rev. Jos. Lynch of Galena, III., was calling on friends here last Saturday. Miss Delia Conway of Elgin paased the week end as the guest of relative# here. Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen of Chi­ cago spent last week at T. W. Winkel's. Rev. Win. Wafcier of Johnsburg was Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jes. J. Sutton of Oak Park were Sunday guests of Relatives at Emerald Park. t" J. H. Miller and s<m, Henry, were business visitors at MsnteHo, Wis., one day last week. Miss Florence Conway passed a few days last week as the guest of her sister, Marion, at Elgin. Miss Mae Comiskey of Woodstock passed Sunday as the guest ofjJMisses Elizabeth and Clara Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nye of Alvado, , passed several days this week as the guests of relatives here. Mrs. Albert Anderson and daugh­ ter of Woodstock spent last week as the guests of relatives here. Miss Arline Westerman of Wood­ stock is spending the week as the guest of Mrs. Walter Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. N. Miller were interested visitors at the Great Lakes Naval Training station yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch and daughter, Helen, and Dr. A. I. Froeh- lich motored to Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. Barbara Engeln spent the lat­ ter part of last week as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. J. R. Smith returned from Adams, Minn., Monday, where he attended the funeral of his niece, Miss Anna Smith. Miss fda Adams of Elgin spent Sun­ day as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Christina Adams, here. Miss Rose Oertel of Woodstock was entertained in the home of her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oertel, Sun- day. ' • Richard -B. Walsh returned home the latter part of last week from a several days' business trip to Kansas City, Mo. Edward Brefeld returned to Ken­ osha after spending a few days in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.- B. J. Brefeld. Mrs. S. D. Muneh and children of Sioux City, la., are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Himler on Wau- kegan street. Mrs: Wm. Mead of Raymondsville, Texas, arrived here this week for an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Schiessle. Dr. F. J. Aicher returned home Tuesday evening from a ten days' vacation, which was passed at his old home at Washburn, 111. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Burkhartsmeier of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barbian. Mrs. Wallace Woolley and Mrs. Fred Bruno and son* Russell, of Chicago are guests in the home of Mrs. Ger­ trude Miller on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McAndrews of Woodstock were entertained in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller and son, Henry, and Mr. and Mrs.'N. E. Bar- bian motored to the Great Lakes Naval Training station Wednesday. Miss Kathryn Thurlwell of Rock- ford passed several days last and this week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurl­ well. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of El­ gin passed the week end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heaney at their house boat on Fox river near this vil­ lage. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of the for­ mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown. Mrs. Emil Schlosser, daughters, If AftllA anil ofii9 aan ITmil and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schneider of Chicago were week end guests of Mrs. A. Wolff and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Landwer, and Mr. and Mra. Irwin Landwer and lit­ tle son, William, of Barrington were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reece and children of Huron,' S. D., motored here Monday and were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin until Thursday. The Misses Carolyn and Carolyn Marie Miller spent the latter part of last and the first of this week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lenzen at Grayslake. Miss Gertrude B rough ton, Leo Vinkel, John Oeffiing and Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen motored to Rock- ford Sunday and spent the day with Pvt. Hehry 8chaef«r at Ciunp Grant. Atty. James F. 'Casey of Woodstock, candidate for county judge, was in Mc- Henry Tuesday in the interest of his. candidacy. While' here Mr. Casey made this office a pleasant call and informed us that he felt quite con­ fident of the result of the September primary. Al. F. Hock, manager of the Wood­ stock American, was a visitor in town Tuesday morning and paid this office a fraternal call. Mr. Hock is a pleas­ ing young man to meet am? while vis­ iting us imparted the new* that the new paper at Woodstock 4s doing nicely. This weak the paper starts a subscription contest, during -which a Ford touring car ami other valuable* prises are offered to contestants. THURSDAY. AUG. 1 p*\ A FOX FEATURE> George Walsh K \. IN- Mv. V"'" "The Ynkee Wty SATURDAY. AUG. 3 . ;; TRIANGLE feature fet M#ry Waa**"A . -••0 IN . I' .n, i ! ' SUNDAY, AUG. 4 A FOX" FEATURE Jule Carmen The Km|dom«f Love" LETTER FROM ENGLAND Correspondent la Son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scheid The following letter was written by a correspondent in England, Joseph Scheid, to his sister: Winchester, England, American Rest Camp, June 26, '18. Dear Sister Lily--How are you ? I am fine and dandy. Was glad to get your letter. Write often, as I get, all my mail regularly now. Did mother receive my insurance policy? We are not getting our tobacco here now. They have run out. Most of the boys have gone up town tonight. We expect a lot more boys here soon. Well, I have it easy here now. I went hunting Jack rabbits this after­ noon. When I come back you will never have to cook me any rice or po­ tatoes with the jackets on. I got two McHenry papers today, May 9 and 16. Hoping you afe well and happy, I am, Your brother, - Joseph. p , * ,/ Nurse Drive Postponed 'The following notice was received by the local chairman of the woman's committed here this week: "The state headquarters of the woman's commit­ tee has made all its plans for the en­ rollment of applicants in the student fturse reserve, beginning this week, July 29. However, word has just come from Washington that on ac­ count of delay in the government printing office and the mails, blanks and enrollment cards will not reach us for the beginning of the drive. Con­ sequently we shall not be able to get the enrollment cards to your unit in time to begin the drive promptly. We are asking you, therefore, to com­ plete your preparation and to an­ nounce in your local paper the post­ ponement of the drive untir such a time as the cards arrive in your hands. We cannot state at this writing just what day this week that will be." Mrs. Frederick A. Dow, yfoce Chairman, Woman's Com. Baseball Next Sunday Next Sunday afternoon the Mc­ Henry team will meet a picked team of players from the county seat. The game will be staged at the old driv­ ing park, where many a hot battle has been fought out on the baseball dia­ mond years ago. The McHenry team has shown a wonderful improvement since its organization a few weeks ago and the boys feel that they will be able to give the typewriter lads a good argument. The gatpe will be called at 2:30 and the general ad­ mission is placed at 25 cents. *'V ¥' f: * ^ :JV v: Vif'm SAVE NOW FOR £?. ;* f -<-yr {i. • -V.- V ,V^ t -sT ' ' W" it i'Si This fall thefe probably will be another liberty Loan. sand all of us will be asked to lend our share. You may find it a hardship to subscribe as much as you should unless you prepare for it now by saving a little each day. If you deposit your savings in this bank you will he paid interest while waiting for the next Liberty Loan* McHenry State Bank "H y i- r :yh Ti*'" * * : i Vi to.,, 'j m: ;a: «'m, rt > jyf * >•> ̂.. , v ^ ! • .M j. * v ft ft, Cemetery Aid Society The Ladies' Cemetery Aid society will meet with Mrs. J. B. Perry Tues­ day afternoon. A nor g. **J not paid their dues for the season and unless the lot owners do so we will not be able to keep the cemetery in its present condition for the coming three or four months. Remember the date of the meeting and toy and be peasant with your $1.00. Mrs. J. B Perry, Pres Mrs. Ella Wheeler, Vice Pres. Mrs. T. J. Walsh, Sec. a*8- Arminda Colby, Tr<NNjb We are not making very much noise about it but when it comes to an abso­ lutely reliable stock of staple and fancy groceries this is the place to find same. Our lines are al­ ways fresh as well as com­ plete and our honest ser­ vice goes with each order. Otlr Chicken Peed egg producer. is an M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone *-W FLORENCE pu Cook Stove* ^ stove with no wicks, no smol% no odor. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money cheerfully refunded. M. Eagela & Son, :: McHenry, III. of this midst. • Will Move to Aurora Chas. G. Frett, who holds a lucra­ tive position at Aurora, will move with his family there next week. Wm. Pries, who took over the meat market and grocery formerly owned by Mr. Frett, will occupy the Center- viile residence here. McHenry resi dents deeply regret the loss estimable family from their That contentment and health may ac­ company them to their new home is the wish of their many friends here. Regular Boat Schedule The Hunter boat line wishes to an­ nounce that it has again established its regular summer boat schedule. The Gladene is again making daily trips along Fox river, Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake, leaving McHenry at 2:00 p. m. daily. Sunday trips at 11:30 a. m. end 2:00 p. m. Special boats for any size crowd at any hour, witb or without engineers, for charter. 6 The Hunter Boat line. Notice Members of the Boys' Corn club will meet at the school auditorium Tues­ day evening, August 6. Members and their leaders should be present at this meeting. Chas. Whiting, Pres. Enjoy Outing on Banks of Fox An impromptu party in the form of a wiener-marshmallow roast was held on the banks of the Fox river IThnrailay evening of last week. Sev­ eral games, such as "Here we come, where from," were greatly enjoyed by the company, to say nothing of the singing, which tones, lacking some­ what in harmony, were overflowing with mirth and merriment. "Watch­ ing the m-m-moon rise o-over the fa­ b-boat factory" proved to be a beau­ tiful sight and by its silver light be­ gan^ the ceremonies of roasting the aforementioned wieners and toasting of marshmallows. Those who en­ joyed this delightful outing were: Misses Elizabeth and Clara Miller, Lucile Steinbach, Louise Stilling, Es­ ther Matson, Mayme Ibsh, Lena Stor- fel, Trace Barbian, Bertha and J^sie Wolff, Heateaa Fer Bed Citsa Mrs. John McCarthy was hostess for the Red Cross circle on Saturday afternoon. The following ladies were present: Mesdames J. B. Frisby, W. D. Wentworth, Ellen Walsh, F. E. Cobb, Jack Walsh and Miss B. Doh- erty. One of the ladies present took this occasion to announce her engage­ ment. A wholesome chicken supper was served. In the contest Mrs. Jac1| Walsh won a pretty cup and sauce*. A merry time prevailed. The kaiser's picture in the home of Wm. Albold, a. Crystal Lake butcher, caused tine possessor a sound drub­ bing one evening last week. Grant E. McCollum, employed with the Pub­ lic Service company, and who-only re­ cently returned from a training camp, where he had been honorably dis­ charged on account of Ms health, was the man te hand out the beeettftti trimming. it u?=•!», ? ' V; Si? 3.• ' 1 : : I ' N AT LAST A TRACTOH erating in England and France for many months Fordson Tractors are now being distributed hi quantities in the United States. The war allotment for Illinois has been sold and: deliveries in McHenry and Boone counties have been completed. Fordson Tractors are now being sold and delivered' iiii a commercial basis. - We have been appointed authorized dealersior Fordson Tractors and equipment for MeHemy and Boone counties. We are maintaining Fordson Sales and Service & Harvard and Belvidere. The Oliver No. 7 Plow, the Roderick Lean Auto­ matic Engine Disc and the Oliver Pulverizer were each designed for use with the Fordson Tractor, and the Fordson will give the most efficient results when used with these implements. Orders for tractors and equipment will be delivered In the order tuat tney are received and entered »i fc factories* ̂ If you are interested we suggest that you * call on us,~ or write for information and prices. HARVARD, fhone 168 w ILL. BELVIDERE, ILL. Phone Main 290 needles# steps |iake a list one of the children for the groceries fou, need. A child oan buy in <^up store as cheaply ms « grown person. Ve put HONEST PRICKS on HONES? GROCERIES, and gua§» antee that everything we sell is not with any iapurity. Pay from UB. ; wi Schneider Bros., - We& McHenry Join the Bed Cn*>u tte Pl=:adealer ' ti? % ; >•{?

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