n* , & • • % iszsz*:; AT TTi£0JL £>J?0/%4/f A/?Crt Q? /Wftt/MA/X L&S &A//VJ • • •j&*: ' •**"*t? , «. * ̂ >.V m OWN upon a beautiful Fwndi descended a foreign military force, capturing; the place by storm, oc cupying It for eight days and then marching away, leaving the Inhabi tants cheering, and waving friendly adieux. For the foreign force was the first party of American permls- sionalres--soldiers on leave--and the city was Alx-les-Balns, the first American leave center in France. Here, the French saw the Americans at play and were satisfied. **Aix-les-Beans" the American boys pronounce tt»' at the Imminent risk Of the hatne beingrshort- ened to "The Beans."'* Aix--a jewel, clear-cut., With brilliant facets set in a frame of gorgeous moonlight and of wonderful opaline sunsets and sunrises. This is the beauty spot to which are sent the boys in olive-drab, wearied by months in trench mud, under bursting shells. And this is the story of the first permisslonalres to arrive in Aix--the American soldiers' Blighty. . On a certain bright Saturday a cosmopolitan Crowd gathered at the railroad station all in a high state of anticipation. One could easily pick out the persons of prominence, the mayor, the doctors, lawyers and others of small but as sured incomes. And it might be noticed that the older women kept watchful eyes on the jeunne fllles who, tense with expectancy, gazed up the iron road along which the first permisslonalres were to come. For who could tell what romance might not be on the way, romance 'excusing the fluttering: of eyelids and the extra nicety of > dress? As a special effort to make the Incoming Amer icans feel right at home, the crowd featured a- negro band and the local baseball nine, composed of small boys in scarlet jerseys and linen trous ers, with legs bare as only a French boy ever dares wear them. The lads had small American flags tied around their arms, and their teeth were rattling with the cold, for the snow lay on the mountain sides and a refrigerated wind blew flown from there. Is the crowds also were American officers and visitors, Y. M. C. A. secretaries, canteen workers Aid uncatalogued spectators. Before the Ameri- cans arrived a dozen British aviators on their way to Italy changed trains and, seeing the throng, asked the reason. On being informed, tfcty exclaimed with heartfelt approval: "Wish we were American permission*!^!* And well they might, for beautiful Aix, In the happy days before 191* had attracted the discriminating visitors of all nations, was in more than gala dress this day, painting the lily, while military and civil representatives had assembled there to give welcome , to the boys who had come from the west shores of the Atlantic to fight shoulder to shoulder with the French. ' These are the early arrivals of the American expeditionary force which landed in France last summer--regulars and volunteers. They had come from the trenches with scarcely an hour to pre pare. They wore their trench helmets, their packs we?e on their backs, their clothe* and boots cov ered with mud, their faces grimy, their hair dis ordered. Their tr^Ia was two hours late, but-the crowd has been waiting that time and the cold winds fyive not chilled the enthusiasm which greeted the appearance of the Yankees. •tflt certainly did make an Impression," sald one oW regular of this reception. "We didn't know what kind of a place, it was and some of us l$re sore because we couldn't go to Paris, while j^ialf of us didn't have the. money to see it through, or the right outfit. But I guess Uncle 8ajn bid an idea it would be just as well to let the French people know the American ttfbops Weren't kept lit bandboxes and tissue paper, but were In the light." • There was no doubt In the minds of those who watched the boys getting out of the cars that they had been at the front. They were hungry and tired, having been 90 hours on the way, with only one stop-over, where the Red Cross unit had breakfast ready for them. But they were too ac customed to discipline to resist speech-making and hospitality, so they listened patiently to the provost marshal's friendly admonitions to sji'un wine and women. No ban was placed on song, 'men--on witn the welcome I The negro band erupted into jane and raggy noises, taking the Americans back home in spirit at least, following which a French orchestra Swung gracefully into the strains of a "Suite de Massenete," and the permisslonalres were es corted to their temporary homes. They were led through streets flanked by flag-draped balconies, from which pretty girls cried with familiar greet ing: " "Vive l'Amerlque! Vive la France I Vive Oncle 8 a m ! " - . . . . . And that is how the first American permls- slonaries came to the A. B. F.'s Blighty, with a blare of trumpets, a waving of flags, cheers, •miles, sparkling eyes and welcoming speech. Be fore them lay eight days of clean, delightful recreation amid beautiful scenes and--probably best of all--unlimited baths. ••We've fed on mud," said one happy permis sion aire. "The rats come and sit on the edges of our straw and give use morning salute. We haven't had a real wash for so- long that we've almost forgotten how It feels to have that sense of self-respect that comes with the morning tub." Aix, with its famous waters, baths and casinos, needs no Introduction to many men in the Amer ican expeditionary force. In the days before the war it attracted thousands of Americans each jq&pon, among them .the late J, Pierpont Mor- l/o. JGLWJf/lJf/y/TPO/fr OF T/fr mr/&wu mr/nmse wAGcusjijAinj Gp£/f//y<? upA/r/c£ cy?jrA/f ow&yr gun, who spent his birthday, April 17, there year after year., . Pictures and descriptions of Aix have been printed often enough for those who never have been there, but the picture which lives in the - memory of the first party of American permis slonalres Is more vivid and alluring than any Other. If you take a collection of clean, bright, well-built villas, with broad sidewalks and as phalted streets, such as are constructed in pros perous American mountain and lake resorts, deck them with charming French or Italian gar-. dens, place thein on the slopes of hills and the - edge of an emerald lake, frame the picture in - ranges of snow-capped mountains, through which run zig-zag roads, and you have an idea of the •lata awaiting the American boys. Several of the Americans were housed in the Hotel Lamartine, on the edge of the Lamartlne woods, where the celebrated author wrote " "Raphael." The philosophic, intellectual fighter , will be sure to flhd on the outskirts of Chanbery, • a suburb of Alx-les-Bains, "Les Charmettes." that , delightfully located home where Jean Jacques Rousseau lived a romance with Madame Warens, received royalty as his friends and wrote books. The permisslonalre cannot escape history In Aix, for he passes a crumbling Roman arch when he, takes his way to the great bath establishment, in which' special rates had been made for his plunge and shower. If he does not seek to elude but to study the past, our soldier may find plenty of Roman relics In the museums. There " also are relics of an era when a mountain top- * *' pled over, burying 16 hamlets and partly filling Lake Bourget, from whose depths the treasures have been retrieved. He can row across the lake to Hautecombe ab bey, which stands on the sole bit of ground in ^ this province still controlled by Italy. It con- tains 200 marble statues and the mausoleums of the dukes of Savoy. He will see where Han nibal, 21)0 B. C., started his passage of the Alps. He will walk where walked Charlemagne, Henry of Navarre, the khedlves of Egypt. Elizabeth of Aus tria, Marie Pia of Portugal, kings of Great Brit ain, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Spain and the kings of high finance. So much for the historic* and scenic features. 1 The permisslonalre, however, may be seeking less Classic relaxation on his leave, and it is in abun dance in Aix. Leave does not mean license to him, and among the many good things that may !>1 oe said to his credit--loyalty, amiability, good looks--let us not forget to give htm a good mark for this, aqd we have It on the word of the In habitants Of AlX. Temptation may follow close, and not always can the boy 3,000 miles from home resist, but to his eternal glory be it said that he does not seek It. Also to the credit of Aix and the department of Savoy be it added that all possible precau tions are taken to safeguard him- A few gam bling houses there will always be, a few women will follow' an army anywhere; there will, in a word, be lawbreakers ready to lure him and, in spite of warnings, there were grocers whe sur reptitiously sold bottles of liquor--not much, be cause the customer, rendered loquacious, con fessed the place of sale and the vendors were haled to the bar of Justice It la not the Intention of trying to represent the permlssionaires as Sunday school boys. But they are alive with health, quickened by the sense of liberty, and the paths of this lead- nat urally to sane recreation. Few of them cared to seek entertainment in dreary gambling places or illicit resorts when they could enjoy the beau ties of nature and the wealth of healthy enter tainment made available. The boys did not have to be herded Into the straight and narrow path, either. A few second lieutenants were sent with the men, but the offl- eers showed discretion • by not being obtrusive. The military police were equally wise. The Yan kee was on his honor and responded nobly. " By request of the mili tary authorities, the X. M. C. A. has had charge of the entertainment of the men, this, it was un derstood tacitly, not to interfere with the men's own ideas on the sub- > ject. To further this program, the Y. M. C. A. had leased the beau- tllful Casino, a veritable house' qf recreation, Its ?i' Spacious roof covering f ' « theater, a motion-pic ture hall, reading, writing, lecture and, vesper rooms, with a canteen where little articles can be bought at low prices. All entertainments excepting the theater are £rfe, find for a franc a soldier may reserve a theater seat in the orchestra, which is reserved for the military. The first night of his arrival the American permisslonalre Is admitted free to ;the theater and the canteen privileges, 'M'hen the American staff selected JUx as the Wave center (his i^ar, the Y. M. C. A. officials by vigorous work In- of the largest hotels ration for'the Araer- protests that it ey might suffer permlsslon- upporters ef- by went to the disced the pro; to open their- lean soldiers' was not the " financial loss. One prodigal son aires voiced a sentfrn among those tired, car-ci feet that he did not intend the hand while on leave. tegtor paid a handsome tribute arrangements. The truth is, that hours haid passed the permisslonalres phorlcally speaking, come and put their bf taken, willing to be led anywhere deemed best. * "This development showed not only apprecla tldn but practical sense, for all the arrangements hdd been made by the association and whatever there was to be done in the way of entertain ment could be done with less trouble and expense 4>y taking advantage of the preliminary Y. M. C. TL program. Every j pteasant morning squads of bicyclers •tart out Automobiles are requisitioned to make ttsits to Chanbery and Chailes-les-Eaux, the aux iliary leave centers. Boating on Lake Bourget attracts many. The negro band plays twice a week In the public square, and, in company with til® happy villagers, resembling those in musical Comedy, who always are ready to drop work and assist at the dramatic moments, the soldiers sits and suns himself, listening to his favorite melo dies. After darK, in addition to the program mentioned, he gives some of his own, wonderful stunt nights, costume balls and amatenr the atricals. Then, there are diversions which never could be put on any set program, because they are spontaneous, springing from the generosity of big hearts. Listen to bits of conversation in the Ca sino and you will get a sample. A smiling lad in ^Uve drab is telling what he had been doing. I've been having the time of my life," he ex- ptained. "Three of us fellows went down Into the . yillage and we bought up a little shop of cahdy and truck and took it up to the schoolhouse. Wish you could have seen thqse kids when we dis tributed the stuff. You'd have thought we were giving them something. And you ought to hear *«» sing!" One hears stories of dugouts, of communicating trenches, of lonely outposts, of sallies Into No Man's Land, but most of all one heard among the first permisslonalres violent references to That Hill which faces the sector Into which they first were sent, And their promise was, "We are SOitta to get it If It takes every one of us." ' Soft beds, baths, meals one ordered personally, theaters, concerts, rides, climbs, a general relaxa tion of the mental and physical strain--so went the glorious eight days of the first American per- misslonalrles, Then came the day to leave, and the words of appreciation were voiced by the men whose business Is fighting. "We came here with a grouch because we thought we ought to have been allowed to go to Paris," said an old regular. "It's been the great est experience we ever had--not a dull*moment You treated us like home folks. We've lived like kings. This Is the most beautiful place God ever made, I guess." "Has It been a good timet" echoed a younger permisslonalre, one whose years Detray that he has not been long from the parental roof. "Too darn good! It's Just like leaving home again I" There are other speeches of farewell delivered til-feubdued tone. '^You're sure that you're engaged? If yon you ain't, will you let tne know?" A shrill whistle put an end to the farewells, A shavetail shouted "AH aboard!" which was bet ter understood. The men crowded IntS the cam, and waved furiously from the windows to the hospitable townspeople as the train whirled away carrying them back, backs to fight with renewed strength after a week In America's Blighty. Artpyilakes WfjpplMeat Purchase. Chicago.--The lasrlfest single order for bacon and meats in the history of the worlds--wsi.frfiO.OOO fwvjnds t* bacon and 134.0UMW0 pounds of canned meat^air|iu$t^ei|i placed *»y the Qiiartertpast*'s Department. U. S. A., Tor the AmslMaep&rmy over seas. Louis F. Swift, in commenting on this today, said the order will take the bacon from approximately 1,900,- 000 hogs, and If other work were dropped^ to produce it, would be equiv alent to the total bacon' production Of the five largest Chicago puckers for nearly five we«»ks. However, six months will elapse before delivery Is to be com pleted. Mr. Swift said: **At the current prices on the day. laat week, when the purchase was made, the packers would pay the live stock producers about $8Q.OOO,QOO for the necessary hogs and over S50.000.000 for about 900.000 cattle required. The cattle will cost us twice as much, and the hogs two and one-half times as mnch as In the pre-war period. The whole order will be made up be fore the first of the year, despite the fact that, even before this purchase, one-fourth of the packers' facilities have been devoted to filling military demands. In order to get out the canned {roods the packers will find It necessary to employ night and day shtfts of canners. Notwithstanding the fact that the products are being rushed forward thus hurriedly, not a single complaint has been received on meats delivered to the armies abroad. five packers are now killing about 860,000 hogs weekly to keep abreast of martial tond domestic needs." Scenes of Will See It Through. They had been married three months, and they were having their first quar rel--which shows that they were a remarkable couple. "Evidently," she said idly, "you re gret that you have married me. The step is not Irrevocable, however. If you care to be release^ from your bonds--" "Naw," he Interrupted, impatiently. To no 90-day recruit I enlisted for the term of the v*ar." She couldn't think of any retort, 'so she maintained a scornful silence,--» Cleveland Plain Dealer. For Pimply Face#-, j To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cutlcura Ointment Wash off in five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. For .free samples, address "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mail. Soap 26t Ointment 25 and 50.--Adv. Sign of 'nteIHgenee. "And Is your dog Intelligent?! naked the lady. , "I consider him so," replied, the mere man. "And does he dc tricks?" "Oh, no; he's too intelligent for that." "Why do you consider him lntellt- it then?" Why, madam, when . the women around that dbg neyer opens OMEN DREAD OLD AGE worty when Don V Worry about old age. about being in other people's you are getting on in years. body in good condition a. >" bale and hearty in your were when a kid, and evei glad to see you. The kidneys and bladder of senile afflictions. Keep them in proper working condition. poisonous wastes from the systei avoid uric acid accumulations. Take MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodical ly and vou will find that "the system will always t»e in perfect working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, your muscles made strong and your face have once more the look of youth and health. New life, fresh strength and health will come as you continue this treatment. When your first vigor has been restored continue tor awhile taking a capsule or two each day. They will keep you in condition and prevent a return of your troubles. There is only one guaranteed brand ol Haarlem Oil Capsules, GOLD MEDAL. There are many lakes on the market. Be sure you get the Original GOLD MEDAL Imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are the only reliable, for sale by all finfedeai druggist#.--Adr. ^VjwaiWni VI ̂ The<ho#«i of U. & fanners who ffer to settle on s £?!2IlceVia!e been weU bountiful amps of wheat and other grains. Where you can buy good faraa land at inn it. !. ? you are bound to ma~ --that's what you can do in Western HOMESTEAD or ieo ACRES and other land at very tow prices. During many years Canadian wheat fielda have averaged 20 bushels to the acre--many vielda as huh aa 45 bushels to Wa^WooSrtl «up8 aisoof Oats, Barley, sad Flsot, weed Tarmlpg ia as profitable an industry as grain raising. Good schools, churches; masfcetooaavcaiaat. climate e«c«n«it. Write for fiteraftmaod particular* as reduced railway rate.to Sujtt. of Immigration. Ottawa, Caa„artO Canadian Government Agents This Wlil Merer Happ Another Bearing Goine Ball Bearings are all right in their place, but not front wheels of an automobile. pen if yon nit F. W. S. ADJUSTABLE ROLLER BEABMS have ten times the wearing qualities ol any ball bearing. May be installed by any one in a few minutes without cutting or changing any part of the hubs or axles. A Positive End to Bearing Troubles Ask your dealer or order direct, and we will mafl priipaM on receipt ol price; $10.00 per set tor both front wheels of Ford or Chevrolet 490 Cars. f. W. S. Eg THE BEARMCfflOP, 1400 S. BAlm Aw, OTCtCT SOLDIERS "ADOPTED" BY PIG Odd Mascot That History Records as Attaching Itself to Company of ̂̂ ' Kentucky Volunteers, v Th*!* is tn the history of tifcatftte of Kentucky an odd incident in con nection with the invasion of Canada by the Kentucky troops in 1812. A icompnny of volunteers, destined for Selby's army, assembled at Harrods- burg and formed a nucleus around which the military recruits of the country gathered on the march .to the Ohio. On the outskirts of the town named. so the story runs, the company saw two pigs fighting and delayed the march to watch the combat. When the march recommenced it was observed that the victorious pig was follow ing the company; and when the men encamped at night, the animal lay down near at hand. Of course the sol diers fed their plump recruit. The next day the pig followed them, and this tt did dally on the march to the river. Things within reach come quickly to those who wait on themselves, "AII out." ja l)ne day a rent collector knocked 'if? three times at a certain house, without even once getting a reply. Becoming: enraged, he went back a fourth time. I i and in response to h's knock an urchin opened the door. "Where were yon sit ? H day?" demanded the collector. "I was out," replied the boy. "Where is your father?" "He's out." "Where Is your « mother?" "She's out" "Well.- said M the collector, "I will Just go in and sit A J at the fire until some one of them re- turns." "But the fire's out, too." quick- *;s J ly responded the boy. is Had Well Remembered, v | Little Beth's mother had beenllan* tioning her little folks about taking risks of contracting sore throats or $ j contagious diseases from their plaj^.//: t mates last winter, and when a little freckled-faced girl from next door ran ' ' In munching a tempting looking and offered Beth a bite she head and sidled up to her motlMir,'S*p> 111 ing; "I don't want to take any of her apple, because I am afraid I might get freckles." .. If s man Is really In love with i frcckles are umaiblet In the Summer Time Hot smnbier days upset flu stomachs as well as weak forces reach their when the weather is 'hen the danger is Yes, Bafalo, our alphabet baS en dured for ages, though used only for a spelL Many a man's popularity Consists of never telling the truth unless It Is necessary. Y. and the long,1 any clian stomach, thai feeling, bel pains that claw bowels and an em stomach ills that mi erable are greatly afgra1 the hot weather. This year of all vital that we keep our and full power at work. The ex tra war work, change ol diet--all must be looked after bqpana t̂hey hit us in the stomach. And now It is flood newe to tell joa that tens of thousands are now xumm EATOHIO--for all stomach bowel ailments (tensed by tat much acidity with such truly weo- derful results that every ens should always have it in the house. EA.TOIfIC Tablets atop the causes! indigestive and dyspeptic ailments I# % the poisoeoas fluids, sdtyft Imply the result of HIM TTIiffrfil -- - . - : - - - - pain-nee end ready t proper work. Yot» can have a i weather to eat the things yoa Ike when yoa want them if yoa take or two EATOKIC Tablets meaL Soch gniek, WOE would seem unbelievable but tim i fsakthat thousands of suflicem < to him and he 1 stomach ̂ . f INTERESTING BITS ir teachers In the Pittsburgh public schools are to receive a $100 war bonus. When lack of funds prevented the erection of a new hospital at Balm Bench, four women started In and raised nearly $20,000 in a few daĵ The department of agrlcuJturjp and technical instruction for Irganff is said to have spent about $63W50O dur- ln& the past 15 months In the -pur- Chase of agricultural implements. ' It is estimated that Australia has cows enough to give each man, wom an and child In the island continent three each, while Argentina can do even better. There are five cattle to each inhabitant In the big South American republic. Rev. Antoinette Brown Blackwell, the first woman preacher In America and a pioneer of the equal suffrage movement, recently celebrated her ninety-third birthday at her home In Elizabeth, N. J. She was ordained more than 50 years aga Rich Fishing Qround. What are termed the reef waters along the north and northeast of Hon duras form one of the rich fishing grounds of the world. The region be gins about 100 miles east est Ceiba and extend? around some distance south of Cape Graclas Adios. This is all more or less shallow water, forming one great coral reef with a number of small keys extending up above the sur face of the water and forming small islands. It is thns an ldeal tah and turtle ground. . Take Time to Oo Good; It Is Indeed wise to take a keen In terest In one's llfework and to make every minute count, but we should not permit this attention to duty to cut us off from the great world around us. A time will come when our work shall cease and we shall leave behind us only - memories. While we still have time let us put ourselves in the back ground occasionally, reach out a help ing hand to someone whom we knW neede it and speed that person onward with a word of hone or cheer. >LCOHOL-3 PER CKNT. tinOtheStosadisafldBwWPr appetite in -"i&'v CAST0RIA f ThereLj...-- - r . CheeifWnessandBtetJjW [ MINERAL. NOTNABOOTK , AheljrfidaM f̂cr 1 And FeverfehwwsMtal JSSShS?* ftc-SmUeSiggZ* &0Lggf nV What is CASTORIA _ _ ••*§ is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, ' §> *] and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contain aeftiier Cfetan, » M Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its gugraatee. For more than thirty years it has been in coastal! use lor fba relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Tllsiihsss. allaying Fererishness arising therefrom, and by xegulatfiur tfc* , ,* • Stomach and Bowels, aids the asrimftatfoa «f Food; gjvim healthy and actual deep. The Ghfidrea1* riinrns Tit . : - Jfother** Friend. • ' . T* ̂ ̂ GENUINE CASTORIA if >Bearo the Signature of • ' r# In UseFor Over 30 Years Kind You Have Always THI aiNTAun CSMMNV, NSW VO«N wnk Copy of