Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1918, p. 4

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• ' ® "un iff-i , >>* cv v ' ' *7 , $*>• -1 $ *s"' ^ 5 • i t 4 . :i%A - • P A^*~ i & • . . « ^ &( • •v:;.-l'i f"V,*; - * '̂̂ ,:V| r "s„ ^ *; ̂ ' • • " \(T £ < 1 |gf" 2ii V £ » "* *,x' \ •» "^ V v i^;:' *"•, • *>„ i'J v %•% *,' '• fcfei. . < g ^ * , *Jw. ,. > p^' :"t w •„ . •,»t V'v1' Vv. f-*v ' V : - <5 • l- "1 , < ' +ri< i' '.*£*.•'. * , 4^*: • 8, J *-X +?, c S , . I f-t\\ ••- k^ii » Profits may beconsidered from two anglest ivy^ IV: : If When , . * # l ' - r > : profits are \$;. f •• frfl %#i !,• ^ ̂ little effect on prices. small as compared with sales, they haw - • ' • > v«V - *'\ •> • 8l Company's profits are only a fraction of a cent |per pound on all products sold, land if eliminated entirely v$ 'would have practically* no & r • n * >t n*c effect on prices. : ̂ Swift & Company paid , . tper cent dividends to over 20,000 stockholders out of its 1917 profits. It also had to build " extensions and improvements "but of profits; to finance large ; : J Stocks of goods made necessary ^ tiljby unprecedented requirements r* of the United States and Allied t Governments; and to provide ff protection against the day <f| decUnins: markets, U it fair Id ca 7 S*; - profiteering ~ • -- • M- Swift & Company, U.S. A. ATTORNEY CALVIN J. HENDRICKS I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republi­ can nomination of County Judge of McHenry County Sod respectfully solicit your vote and support at the primaries Wednesday, September 11,1918. I fully appreciate the importance of the office of County Judge and if nominated and elected, I will at Jill times discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability and promise that the Probate Court will be Open at all timet for the disposal of business. CALVIN J. \v '"X ¥ v TEirEffltri nifLlIHGB BfBOT 1 K G . ORicf in BankBuikttHt TERMS OF StHKCUPIIONt OM YMU* - Stx Month*, 7Sc Tin-- Thursday, Aufnt I, 1»18 FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself m a can­ didate for the office of sheriff of Mc­ Henry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican pri­ maries, Sept. 11, 1918, and respect- ully solicit your support and vote. S \ S r . ' -,'H For Sheriff I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican primary, Sept 11, 1918. 5-tf Roy J. Stewart. QUARTER OF A CENTURY Items Clipped From The Plaiadealer of Twenty-five Years SMl fual i table Ellis Business College „ AND GREGU SHOk l HAND INSTITUTE New Building, Ideal Location, Electric f ' Fans and Modern Equipment Noted lor the earning power oI its graduates. Nearly 200 pupils enrolled during past eleven months, including nine­ teen public school teachers. STENOTYPE, the only suc­ cessful way "machine way of Shorthand." It is the method that got Esther Ross, Sidney Greve and Kathleen Bonnell positions at $1500.00 a year. Endorsed by all Elgin Banks and Business men. Nineteenth Annual Opening Seot 3 im Address ELLIS BUSINESS COU^^New Build­ ing, north of Post Office, Elgin, 111. | June 28, 1888 *uoi?tt38A jauiums joj »moq et '-ju '9ou9*) ys Surqsts^ uooq s*q oi(M 4Xa[s»g bjioq ssjjm Howard R. Perry, who has just graduated at West Point, was calling on friends* here the past 'week. The citizens of our neighboring vil­ lage have made arrangement to cele­ brate our national holiday in a rous­ ing manner. Jecks brothers, who reside west of this village, had it nice colt struck by lightning during the thunder storm last Tuesday. A large number of little folks as­ sembled at the residence of Mrs. E. Hubbard one day last week*and en­ joyed a very pleasant afternoon. D. S. Babbitt of Elgin has been vis­ iting friends here the past few days. He expects to get Ideated with his family in his cottage at Pistakee Bay this week. . Libertyville will celebrate the Fourth in grand stye. An attractive program has been 'arranged. Two local bands of music will lead the pro­ cession at 9 o'clock. Robt. Richardson, Charles Jecks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wattles, Clifford, Sherman, Laura Thomas and Guy Harrison viewed the sights at tKe world's fair in Chicago last week. The Woodstock Brewing company will soon furnish H. F. Quigley witlf a new pop corn wagon, which will be the finest ever seen in this section. This company is working up a fine trade in this section and at the lakes. S. S. Shepard & Son are doin rushing business in drying blossoms at the dryer in thii and the prospects now. ar^ will get the full 200,0i vertised for. They ari Ohio and are putting amount there. This is business both for . Shepard & Son and surrounding country here, formed quite a number of people are making from |3 day. July 5, 1893 Fourth in McHenry passed off the most quiet manner. Ben Buss, Jr., is having the outside of his residence ^handsomely painted. W. J. McLeod has erected a hand­ some new iron fence in front of his | residence. John Heimer has been painting the front of his block, which much im­ proves its' appearance. A large crowd passed thru here for the lakps on Monday evening, where they went to spend the Fourth. H. E. Wightman, of the city livery, has just put in a new three seated surrey, the handsomest one in town. There were sixty couples at the party at the McHenry House on Tues­ day evening and all report a good time. Two hundred and fourteen numbers were sold at the Independence party at the Riverside House on Tuesday evening. . Died--In this village Saturday morning, July l,*of consumption, Es- tella M., wife of C. H. Ostrander, » J 4.1.!^ j-t . Miii^-uacc yeai'B, Married--At the Catholic church in this village on Wednesday, June 28, 1893, by the Rev. Father O'Neil, Jos. E. Frisby of this village and Miss Mamie Bowe of Chicago. Jbhn Evanson has commenced lay­ ing the foundation preparatory to building a new residence. It is ex­ pected that it will be one of the hand­ somest residences in the village. Barbian Bros, have been making some needed changes in their block, putting in an outside cellarway. The business of the firm is constantly in­ creasing and their cigars are gaining an enviable reputation on the market. A jolly party, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thomas of Woodstock and Mrs. E. M. Owen of this village spent vthe past week at Columbia cot­ tage on Pistakee bay. Among the party were Mrs. C. T. Dickenson and son, Harold, of Dallas, Texas; Miss George Crook Thomas of Fort Gill, O. T.; Miss Susie St. Clair of Wood­ stock, Lieut. Howard Perry of Wood­ stock and Miss Amy Owen of Me- Henry. Wednesday, July 12, 1893 We" are enjoying as fine wa/ther as the most critical could wish.1 The board of supervisors have been in session at Woodstock this week. Peter Freund rejoices at the arrival of a ten pound girl at his residence one day last week. The board of health of this village reports that the village was never in a more healthy condition than at the present time. Henry Poile was called to Wauke- gsn one day last week, his mother been severely injured fay fsll- i|r#wn stairs.' A. Huetaasui, secpfary of the Young Men's -Christian sodality, at­ tended theconvention at fcankakee on Sunday last. Married, in Woodstock, June 29, 1893, Henry Jackson of Spring Grove and Miss Minnie M. Stanley of Nip- persink, Lake county. Mrs.. C. V. Stevens, the efficient P. M. at the West McHenry postoffice, has been making some improvements by putting in a window on the east side and making other needed changes. Mrs. Celestia Bassett., who died June 27, 1893, was born in Geanga county, Ohio, in 1816, and married John Basestt in 1840. Mr. and Mrs Bassett came to Illinois in 1854 and were well and favorably known in Mc­ Henry county. July 19,1898 Mrs. Claxton ef Volo, a lady nearly eighty years old, died suddenly on Monday last. Frank1 Welch went to Elgin Mon­ day, where he has accepted a posi­ tion at the asylum. Wightrifan's bus, the lola, has just Come out of the paint shop and pre­ sents a very handsome appearance. Simon Stoffel is having the wire fence around his residence handsome­ ly painted. L. D. Lincoln is the art­ ist. Twelve losses under policies secured by Simon Stoffel have accrued since May 1, 1898, alone amounting to $2,874.51. The carpenters have commenced work on the new residence of John Evanson on the hill opposite the resi­ dence of Isaac Wentworth. A. C. Matthews had the misfortune to hurt himself quite severely while lifting a cake of ice on Sunday morn­ ing and has been confined to the house since. Fred T. Colby and wife of Engle- wood rejoice over the arrival of a fine nine pound boy at their residence on the morning of July 12. Fred is happy and the grandparents... in this village are as well as could he ex­ pected. • F W. J. McLeod, R. A. Howard, Geo. Hanly, A. P. Baer, Harry Fuller, Thos. Laughlin, Harry Holmes, Ed. Grang­ er, Ashael Stevens, Ellis^oyce a!nd Miss C. Parker wer^m^gg the world's fair visitors Sunday last. McHenry siness call* Evelyn caller T S W autoed over to Mc- iday. rs. Cox entertained eom- fe past -week. Paddock and family autoed to in and spent a day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon enter­ tained company over Sunday. Miss Martha Rossdeutscher spent Sunday with friends in Wauconda. Geo. Barker of Oak Park is spend­ ing this week camping at Fish lake. Miss Laura Granger of Chicago is visiting'her sister, Mrs. John Braeme. Mrs. Alice Geary and son, Reed, of Wauconda were callers at Ed. Lusk's Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daugh­ ters, May and Ruth, were Sunday vis­ itors in Libertyville. -- : -«>*»• *, , OSTEND * c* Arthur Jack of Madisoft, wfe4 was calling on friends in this neighbor­ hood last week. Myron Francisco, wife and daugh­ ter, Miss Corla, spent Saturday night with relatives here. Miss Clara Lincoln and brother, Leon, of Harvard, were over night vis­ itors with relatives here last week. F. R. Eppel wife and little son, Glenn, were Sunday vistors at the home of Mrs. Eppel's parents at Franklinville. .Some of the threshing machine com­ pany are getting very anxious to commence threshing, but there are sev­ eral that are not thru cutting oats. We were very grateful for a light shower of rain Sunday afternoon. Farther north they report a regular downpour, "accompanied by wind slrung enough io bend uie cum uuuiy and small grain is blown down some­ what. / ADDITION AI PE ICSON ALN Mrs. F. G. Spurting was a Chicago visitor Monday. Alden Reser of Chicago is spending the week at the J. F. Claxton home. Miss Lelah Claxton spent Satur­ day and Sunday with friends at Bar- rington. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson and sons of Woodstock spent Sunday at J.'F. Clapton's. "Miss Pearl Claxton returned home Friday evening after a week's visit with friends at Waukesha. Misses Harriet and Marion Chapell of Chicago are spending a few days as guests of Miss Fannie Granger. Marion L. Woodburn of West Mc* Henry passed several days recently with Mrs. Rollin Babcock at Pistakee Bay. Mrs. Harry Alexander went to El­ gin Monday evening, where she has secured employment in the watch fac­ tory. F. A. Cooley and son, Floyd, J. C. Bickler, Louis Adams and John Stof­ fel were Chicago passengers this morning. Mrs. E. Klain, Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts and Will, Louis and Joe Rob­ erts of Burlington, Wis., spent a re­ cent day in the home of Mrs. Eliza­ beth Buss. Miss Mary Bitrka accompanied l!r.< and Mf8. M. Knox of Terra Cotta on' a motor trip to the Great Lakes San- day. They visited the latters' son, Edward, who entered training there Vote for J. F. Casey for county judge. He is an able and honest lawyer and well qualified to . fill that office in every respect. Republican primary September 11, 1918. a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Walsh and chil­ dren and Miss Elola Boyle visited rel­ atives in Lake county Sunday. On their return, wit;h almost impassable roads, during the rain storm, the driver lost control of his car and ran into an embankment. The only dam­ age was a demolished wheel, which was replaced by garage men from here, who came to their rescue. Red Cross Notes The work for Friday afternoon will be boys' suits. The work will be ready for stitching. The room is always cool and pleas­ ant and workers will be as comfort­ able there as at home. ^ Little Pernet Peterson sent a dollar, asking his name to appear on the Red Cross quilt. Many thanks. Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer donated a very pretty hand bag to the Red Cross. Her kindness is appreciated. A donation of fifty cents each from Paul and Fred Kamholz, Jr., was greatly appreciated by the local branch. Mrs. Frank Schnorr of Oklahoma, who is here visiting her mother, Mrs. E. M. Owen, assisted with the work at the last two meetings. Several of the ladies met on Mon­ day afternoon and completed twenty comfort kits besides 7making several bed jackets to complete a rush order. Mrs. John W. Fay gave a pillow to the'cause. She is selling numbers on same at 15 cents each and expects to raise $15.00 to buy wool for our home boys. - Injured on Hand Car Last Saturday evening an accident ocurred on the railroad tracks be­ tween here and Ringwood. When the section gang, employed by the C. & N. W., were returning to their head­ quarters here at McHenry with three or four handcars the handle bar of the head car broke and the second one rqn into them, overthrowing the car and injuring three of the employes so badly that they were taken back to Ringwood and from there to the Woodstock hospital. Reports from them are to the effect that are badly injured, but Will recover^ Sells Home on Elm St. Mrs. Alice Simpson has disposed of her home on Maple avenue. The home residence Was sold to Ben Weg­ ener this week for a consideration of $1500.00. Mrs. Simpson will accom­ pany her son, Wm. E., to an adjoin­ ing town, where he expects to embark in business. From there she will go to Denver, Color, for an indefinite stay with her son, Gene, and family, who moved to that city about a year ago and are nicely settled th«ffe A Social Afternoon J ' Mrs. C. S. Howard was hostess to a party of friends in honor of Miss Margaret McDonald of Highland Park, who spent a recent vacation here. The following ladies were invited to spend a social afternoon with the hostess and her guests on Thursday of last week: Mesdames Geo. Buss, Geo. F. Lindsay, John McCarthy, Math. M. Schaefer, Mary Adams, Oscar Arnold and R. S. Howard. Delicious ripe watermelon was served. Mrs. Freund's Demise ~ , lifts.. -T/tltn noooa/1 fliVNlV""ftt. her home on the Peter Wagner farm near Spring Grove Tuesday evening. She had been in ill health for sey- eral months. Deceased leaves a hus­ band and three small children. Her funeral will / be held at St. John's Catholic church /at Jol^nsburg Friday morning at ten o'clock. > Entertained For Red CrdMF Mrs. Walter Warner entertained in the Red Cross series Tuesday evening. Names written on the block were Mrs. Mary Green, Mrs. Chas. Givens, Mrs. C. W. Stenger and Mrs. Henry Schaffer. Supper was served and the jolly hostess entertained her guests right royally. In the guessing con­ test Mrs. Stenger won the honors. Have Returned Blocks The following ladies have returned blocks for the Red Cross quilt the past week: Mesdames Simon Mich- els, Theo. Winkels, Geo. Frisby, Jos. Schneider, Math. Thelen, John Mc­ Carthy, Clara Starritt, J. J. Frett, Jack Walsh, J. J. Rothermel a^d, Ml^s Anna Powers. : '*'• Big Crowd at Fox Reports from Fox Lake are to the effect that the popular summering place entertained unusually large, crowds during all of last week. The crowds on Wednesday and Saturday nights are said to have been the larg­ est seen at the Lake in many years. Who Owns the Shawl? Sameone left a red crochet shawl on the lawn at tKe home of Mr. and Mrs. £ames Revor last Friday afternoon \. - "y i. * ' ' v . - - - . ' , V 10m v«' ' ~ \lX < 1,L T •! •' V" S V . * #V Effective BEGINNING, MONDAY, July-29th To aid in conserving fuel for war purposes* the United Fuel •Administrator has ordered the restriction of out-door and display illumination. Effective July 29th, and until further notice, Monday and Tuesday nights of each week will be observed as ILightless Nights." On these nights out-door illumination of advertisements, announcements and signs, and external lighting of buildings for ornamental purposes, are to be \ discontinued. * T|ie use of light for illumination or display in shop windows and store windows, or for signs in show win­ dows is to be discontinued from sunrise to sunset every day as well as on "Lightless Nights." *; Copy of the order of the United §|ffI States Fuel Administration may be obid tained from our general office, Ghicagcr Public Service Company A' i „> f' IIP NORTHERN ILLINOIS t t ̂ \ ?' iVf'i ::v#5 1 Arthur D. Wiseman Editor of The Hebron Tribune fcftPUBLICAN CANDIDAT$ t FOR COUNTY TREASURER Wimaries, September 11.1919 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE ̂ v , COUNTY JUDGE : r t 5bu»„ ̂ R F, Mauley REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOI CODm TREASURER McHENRY COUNTY v , respectfully solicits your support ̂̂ and vote at the primaries, Wed nesday, September 11; 1918. ing. U t ; . • ' -'*jl hf vj V'v M Ma} - " Aj. .. • *. 'it ' i r*. *• v ; / a •i \ X .,[ K- ' if. -t.; announce myself^lift^Sk candidate for the office of county judge, subject to the decision of the Republican primaries, September 11, 1918, and respectfully solicit the sup­ port of the voters. If nominated and elected, the probate court will be open at all times for, the transaction of business. B. F. MANLEY. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cored by local applicaUoBs. M they cannot niA tiw OwnA portion of fho to omly «u wmr to euro catarrhal SM* Uuit la by a coaatttuUonai r«m«djr. Catarrhal Doafneui is cauM« b3f. flami eoadlUon of the muoouii Hnl« o* tb« Sutacklu Tube Wfcw thl» tuba » lnflam«4 rou have a rumbanr •ound or Imperfect bearing, and whoa it l» entirely closed, Deafnesa >• the reeult. pnlew tha Inflammation caa bo reduced »ud thtt ttw restored to Its normal Will be destroyed forever. Many caswi of dsatesM an rsnsnil by catarrh, which U an Inflamed condition of the mucous Ball's Catarrh Cure acts thru the on the mucous surfaces of the sya- Dollars for that oanMt Cure. Ciroulara COc, Toledo. O. We vtll (ivo One Hundred any case of Catarrhal Deafness bo cured by Ball's Catarrh Cur free, ah Pnimrits. TSo. All T. X The members and friends of the Ladies' Aid society spent a pleasant day at the Qlaxton home on Wednes­ day. of last week. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, afternoon, Aug. % at the-home of Mrs. A. A. Landwer. A. H. HENDERSON, SR. % Republican Candidate For SHERIFF ~OF McHENRY COUNTY •; • ^ respectfully solicits your support at I J the primaries, Sept 11, 1918 vl! Met at K. of C. Hall The Altar and Rosary soc|etjr of St. Patrick's church met at the K. of C. hall on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mary G. Doherty, Mrs. John Mc­ Carthy and Mrs. A. Edgar Nye were the program committee and the soci­ ety never enjoyed a more pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Peter Doherty had charge of the meeting. Mrs. Chas. Unti, Mrs. Ed. Sutton and Alios" Knox won special honors. s " ' Pistakee Man Fined John Stillson, who conducts the bar at the Ben Stilling resort at Pistakee Bay, was arrested at that place one day recently and on.his appearance at Woodstock was found guilty of oper­ ating a blind pig and accordingly was assessed a fine of $200 and cost* the total amounting to $237.65. ̂" r'-j'r.V; • Vi;>. V ' Jle ^ ». • v'i £ » • * ,.'V s ' * it ,t... .'!3s,». 1' • '-J, ^ •> r % tv..'."- ^ Ml* •' ' l\: .l,v 'm' .J'?... .+ '&• • ' >-

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