.r ,>£C • ?' V 1/1 4 >v ;. : ' C ' * < *jt\m; -Mh "••• ••' iilsiiS Buy your Drugs' at Petesch's ' Drug Store. Most everybody does, why don't yo# ̂ ̂ "f*vu afk » . . *• *....•*> . .**»»&[ t-5 'hm' V -w -v/.. ?* .y-< ^ f »t « ^ V * *\' \ ; C- ^ >' v "•> I",' v. f jti° > " V * S -yM* '* • « t rt,J > * * .T , , , 1/ ' f-A <? ' "V. V ,J^ •, f ' •_ Y ^ ' 1 ^*8 ? rCj ̂ ^pf- , . 7MK n-w N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST Hardware.. •mi,,! J -^y- -. •J-^;' i. ii;! Mtp f' •.. k v *9f Use a New Perfection Oil StoVeh*., >'i:; .and help save coal and wood.f # vJ|jto 4 burner 913.5# to $8^^ GARDEN TOOLS Spading Forks--J. l^.$1.25 and up Rakes_-_-__ 11.^1 .21 and up Hand Cultivators.. $1.25 to $l.fii Hoes -- :::i- M to .16 Lawn Mowers I4.S# to SiS.M Seeds, 2 packages for-^--- 5c r**^v3j '*i 'V», "̂ ~ V tft^X •'- \ * »* 5 \ \ '". .. ...„-, •i®*-' *> ^ t i ' f ' V t Remember, Uncle Sam is count- .!- ing on you to iielp feed the Sam-! >" ; 7 I.\ mies and otir Allies. . i'J&f PLANT A,REAL GARDEN ' 1.1 "V V' 1 •' ' .1 . " J. ' ' 1 . . • '• ' ^ 1 11 1 ' i McHENRY, ILLINOIS • J; I - i <- V ' V' -• m-" ^ - - •*•<> " ^ ^ ' #fce Sedan Is high-cfass in ,ance apd appointments. The seats are <*, .. restful and deeply upholstered with clopi i v |)f high quality. Large doors give con- '¥a,:. l enient entrance on either side; plate glass x • windows make it a closed car for inclem- ^f ent weather, and give fresh air when ^j ̂ pen. With high quality in appearance :jknd equipment there is the simple and Safe control in driving. A woman's car-r: ^ jp. family oar for every day in the* yasr. • i Pord Sedan, $695 f. o. b. Detroit. * " j I STAR CAR AGE ; . 'Phone 3t John R. Knox, Prop. McHenry j. ^ » •>' v, * • ' •> »' » ' i' /( > "^t*S * t - #> \4 - V-' *.* ; r* It is rather warm now to say anything about " "r ,v<r.s Blankets & Flannels lot if yw nfeefl titty for next fall, we have ^ ' a dandy line just in. Blankets--we have our allotment Out- 4 ing Flannels, white and colors, more now then we ever 1m4 ^ are we. ,5 ̂ Buy Now5" " £»;• Be Prepared SMITH BROS. WATER STREET QUALITY, SERVICE, LOW PRICES LARD As you all know there has been a sharp advance in the price of lard the last few days; further advances are sure to follow. We handle Kerber's pure lard in 50-lb. tin pails which we still offer at a very reasonable price. VAFFX STUET MARKET BOUSE Phone X Prompt Deliveries J0HN8BUBG A nice social dance was enjoyed by a large crowd of visitors and home people at Columbia Park pavilion, Johnsburg bridge, Thursday evening, ing of last week. The hall was beau tifully decorated in the national colors and in the center of the floor wis placed a pedestal bearing the number of flag for the boys gone from Johns- burg to serve Uncle Sara. The next dance at Columbia Park, the harvest dance, will take place on Aug. 14, 1918. Rain or no rain. All farmers are especially invited. r Come all. Come early. $./ C. 'Debrecht, Prop. * e Edwin Debrecht, formerly "of Johns- burg, who was married at O'Fallon, Mo., June 6, 1917, and four months later went to serve Uncle Sam, writes to his brother, Alfred, the following: By Dear Brother--No doubt you may be surprised to hear from me. I would like to have written before I left the good old U. S. A., but was kept busy. I am writing this some where at sea. So far I have enjoyed the exper ience very much. I hope I can truth fully say this after the war is over. I am trusting that Divine Providence will grant me that happiness, not alone for myself, but for all of Uncle Sam's soldiers. I think this trip will give me the wanderlust (desire for travel) more than anything that could have happened. I am planning upon' the trips I want to take after I again return to civil life, but God alone knows whether these plans will ever materialize. If they do I want to take another honeymoon trip, so that my dear wife may see some of the beauty of this old globe of ours, especially our own beloved country. The glimpse I got of the U. S. makes me long for more. And there is plenty of scenery and wonders of nature and art in the United States to be seen if we only will do it. How are you, Alfred T No doubt you have registered by this time. Well, the military experience in train ing will be a benefit to the manhood of America. What we need" is men of moral fibre, with high ideals. We are all brothers and the more I get to see of this world the more 1 realize this. You know there is ever so much good to be accomplished in this world and if we live upright, honest and faithful lives we are bound to •Ren der to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's." I am . going to do all I can along this line. By helping others we are helping ourselves: I often feel that this experience is a means of leading me to a realization of what can be done and what I ought to do. I pray that God may grant me strength and also the light to see and do His will. I would like to tell you all about the trip, but will wait till 1 return. I hope it will not be long until I get to see you again in the good old U. S. A. In the meftn time I will write as often as time permits, love and kindest regards, I am, " Your affectionate brother, Edwin F. Debrecht. i' Headquarters Co., 354th Inf., Amer. Expeditionary Forces,' Via New York. > • ' ' ^nWEFIEUf" Sfr. fmit Mrs. Arthur Skinner autoed to Aurora Sunday. Borden's are shipping' the milk to McHenry. this week. Elmer Danneman was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jacobs spent Sun day at Crystal Lake. Miss Elsie Wille was shopping at Crystal Lake Monday. W. Levey was a Chicago business caller here Wednesday. Mrs. F. Wille of Elgin is here visit ing with her daughters. Leroy Skinner was a caller at Wood stock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott were up from Carey Thursday last. Mrs. J. W. Schaffer of McHenry was a caller here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Howe and son were Elgin shoppers Thursday. Mrs. F. Anderson was shopping at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. A. Kremer and family spent Sunday on the banks of tW river at Czry. Miss Pearl Reed was a guest Sun day ia the home of Mrs. Rose God- dard. Messrs. J. and A. Martini and wife of Cary .visited at W. S. Rush Con's Sunday. Mrs. Horsky entertained her two sisters and brother from Huntley last Thursday. Lyman Levey and family of Crys tal Lake were callers here the first of the week. Miss Doris Terwillager of Wood stock was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kremer. ' Mrs. John Carlson and daughter, Mabel, were visiting relatives in Chi cago part of last week. Mrs. J. B..Lynch and Mrs. L Ben nett and son, James, were calling on friends at Woodstock Monday. Miss Lois Levey was visiting in the home of her uncle, Lyman Levey, at Crystal Lake a part of last week. Station Agent Lynch, A. Kremer and R. Lynch made a business trip by auto to Crystal Lake Monday evening. Mrs. Herman Johnson of Elgin spent Saturday night and part of Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. F. Wilkins. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan at Marengo have been visiting in the home of their daughter, Mrs. D. W. Fitzgerald, since last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Skinner and two children have "been visiting in the home of Mrs. Skinner's grandmother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. Mrs. Esther Smith left here last week for Wausau, Wis., to remain un- \-„T " " " * ' " : ' - 3 tn after ihe hay feirir sertMt is over. Mrs. Elsie Harback of Michigan ac companied her and will also remain with her. \ . SOLON MILL& VVV Chas. Turner spent Saturday in Chicago. , Bert Sutton is the owner of a new Ford truck. Frank McAssey of Richmond spent Saturday here. Mrs. Geo. Turner catted on friends at Johnsburg Saturday. Mrs. E. S. Johonnott entertained friends from Chicago Sunday. A. A. Bennett of Chicago was^a week end guest at J. Pester's. Hale Mershon of Hebron called on friends here one day recently. Martin McGrath of Chicago spent Monday at Richard Aylward's.- Alfred Parker of Chicago was a Sunday guest at E. T. Monear's. Miss Vera Turner and Pvt. Gee. Yanke spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Adam Jackson of Ringwood was seen on our streets Sunday morning. Miss Leona Cropley is enjoying the week at Park Ridge in the Patterson home. Mrs. E. E. Cropley has been enter taining friends from Chicago the past week. Geo. Turner came home from Volo Saturday to spend Sunday at his home here. Arthur Doyle of Chicago is spend ing several days here as the guest of relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fay and her mother, Mrs E W Howe, spent Fri day here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay and son spent Sunday in the Anton Winters home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fay and chil dren are spending a few days at their home in McHenry. Mrs. Huff has gone to Rockford to be near her husband, Pvt. Ernest Huff, who is at Camp Grant. Mrs. Kirk Craine and daughter, Dorothy, are moving from the Vogel home to Kenosha this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aylward spent Wednesday evening in the home of the former's father, Richard Aylward. Misses Alta Went worth and Jennie Mae Cooley of McHenry called on friends here Thursday evening last. Chas. Hawthorne, Mrs. Nell Evans and Mrs. Trow of Hebron spent Sun day at the A. C. Merrell home here. Mrs. Johanna Raynolds returned to her home at DeKalb 'Friday after spending the past week itt the Geo. Westlake home. * Miss Marjorie Brigham returned home from Chicago Sunday after spending the past week as the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorite Mid son, Wesley, and a gentleman friend of Hinckley spent Saturday and Sunday in the Davis home here. Miss Mae Aylward returned home from Hebron Tuesday, where she had been spending a few days in the home of her brother, E. M. Aylward, and family. Fourteen new ' members were initiated into the Royal Neighbor camp here Thursday evening. The Richmond and Spring Grove camps were in attendance. Geo. Vogel shipped six horses to Janesviile Tuesday to enter the races held there. Messrs. Edwin Vogel, Leo Aylward and Wilbur Gutfteld accom panied them to their destination. RINGWOOD- Mrs. Emma Brown i* spending the week in Harvard. Paul Stephenson was a Woodstock visitor Thursday of last week. The W. C. T. U. elected their officers for the coming year last Saturday. The Ladies' Aid had a pleasant meeting at Ed. Peet's last Thursday/ Bert McCannon and family were Woodstock visitors Friday of last week. James Rainey and wife spent Sun day with Mrs. Alma Thomas at West McHenry. Glenn Esh, wife and little son of Spring Grove spent Sunday afternoon at Ed. Bell's. E. T. Chase was quite sick the lat ter part of last week, but is better at this time. William Thomas, son, Elbert and wife were callers at James Rainey's Monday evening. Mrs. Jay Hawver and two daughters of Woodstock spent two days recently in the Allen home. Mrs. Emma Matthews of Wood stock spent part of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Edith McCannon. Mrs. Edna Carr of Chicago visited her parents at Greenwood last week and the first of this week her sister and brothers at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Warren FOBS accom panied Mrs. Dora Williamson to Chi cago Monday and saw her started for her home at Paul's Valley, Okla. Mrs. Rilla Foss entertained a number of ladies at her pretty home last Friday in honor of her sister, Dora Williamson, several of them be ing schoolmates. All spent a very pleasant afternoon. Ice cream and delicious cake were served. Mrs. Williamson left Monday for her home in faul's Valley, Okla. SPRING GROVE Joe G. Wagner transacted business in Chicago Monday. C. C. Hunt of Hebron w%B a busi ness caller here Monday. Walter Carey of Wilmot was a bus iness caller here Tuesday. , Miss Daisy Schumacher is visiting in the N. N. Weber home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peterson of Richmond were callers here Monday. Miss Mayme Frett visited at the Great Lakes Naval Training station Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin J. Hendricks and children of Harvard were callers r,i F«c «i t* "tq. »*/ | & * L" ' JL- „• 1,'v *, \\ df & • ** + * i«v f ^ i **"V V J >'fl > „ '• Jt.'-'*• J ' bM?" " % .v- •*s V v! T \0 " ,# #!' -ah Vfc-y. 5)£j • '5? t' -j . v I, f * ' >J jf -j : •? ;•. ' J j J V • O » / • ^ • J i T * * * j, v * ' V ^ ^ y "v>^ * * t * LV are assured our farmers this year. Gen- mm d^j-M * \ 4X1 • * 1 'f «<, "d'-Sv, Si T7rlR,' H'i- -::d- H'i- •i';i V ,;r!Vi- w ri'M' -Y '.T,V ! • rule. Farmers who have been borrow- ers for years can now wipe out their debts. We are willing to help every farmer market his crops. Ask us how. I. J h'fi :i • "Jm'i J "" i' i' --^ - . <> -I 4. ~ V At ~ - ' vX ^ f HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS t( - y, V' \ , -,h (>' 'j. •• , .. .->4 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT •WANTED--All the good customers and friends we can get. Smith Bros.' FOR SALE--House and1 two and one- half acres of land. Inquire of Wal ter Watts, Solon Mills, 111. 7-2t* FOR SALE CHEAP--A cement mix er and block machine and about 400 blocks. Inquire at this office. 7-tf HORSES FOR SALE--Twenty to thir ty head. Good condition. Apply to United States Brewing Co., 2619 El- ston Ave., Chicago, 111. 7-lt FOR SALE--A 1917 Jeffrey six cyl- nder, seven passenger touring car at a very reasonable priee. Come in and 00k it over. Stilling's garage, Mc Henry, III. & STRAYED--A yearling Holstein bull onto my premises, west of McHenry. Notched in right ear. Owner may have same by paying for this ad and feed. S. S. Rogers, West McHenry, 111. Phdne 606-W-l. . 7-lt FOR SALE--Having decided to move west, I hereby offer for sale all of my property, consisting of 22 acres of land and two sets of buildings, nine room house with modern conveniences. Ad dress Al. Pepping or see Ben Stilling, McHenry, 111. 9-tf A. J. MULLEN Attorney at Law * v At West McHenry State Baa^ Every Friday Boat Oiw, t: t: Woodstock, III. here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Huff of Wilmot were callers in the Nick Blake home one day last week. Miss Rose Laures of McHenry spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. Howard Christenson. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Welter and children 'of Ringwood spent Saturday pvpnincr in rti# Knma of Mr »nd M?S. Nick Roos. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christenson of Richmond spent Tuesday afternoon in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Scott Haldeman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huff and chil dren were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Frank Young, Sunday. Passes Away at Belvidere Mrs. T. B. Turner died at her home in Belvidere Saturday, July 27, at the advanced age of seventy-three years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joel E. Wheeler of this village and Mrs. Matilda L. Newton of Chi cago, also a son, Amos of Woodstock. Her husband preceded her. Mrs. Turner was, before moving to Belvi dere, a long time resident of this vil lage and the memory of her noble deeds of kindness and charity remain deep in the hearts of many friends here. Her death came as a great re lief after an illness lasting four months and she was perfectly resigned to His holy will. Burial was in Bel videre cemetery Tuesday. Arrived Safely Ovtreses McHenry friends have received word of the safe arrival overseas of Edwin J. Heimer, who until recently has been stationed at Camp Grant. Mr. Hei mer lias been in training at the Rock- ford camp during the past several months, having been called into (lie' service while out west. Outing at Pistakee Bay The girls from the freshman class of the McHenry high school, forming the A. W. B. club, with several other * t»*v ^ JST'.T ? * »T* ,i! ft* V. t • "-V £ £ *-5 \ They are distinctly eco^ nomical; their use of cur* ? v rent in performing the task set for them is shorty which means the quan* tity is small. As for their ' *,'/ * -a ,• ln 7 ' v*'? ^ , > 1 A ':yM j.- * *;*• W§ •>. -.PA f':-" <• v.. c anyone wno owns a toasts er, dr^ stove* m \ \ * • *»?V v j § } tt , * •(, • W* ̂ •«» , I* '* , ̂ ' w;,' ,• We Sell 'En » < ,r;' iVs ,• *t,ryr wr- i ^ ^ " • » U** f 'ti w ^ t {j* itf J vft' ^ 4 Hi U'AKl l&tA Public Service Company; .%.y 'wi OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS P H I L I P J A E Q E R OENERAL COnmlSSION MERCHANT ; p anouti ATTKNTION GIVBN TO TBB 8AUI OF ..,;^/'d ' f ' f ; O r a M « d B e e f , n u t t o a , Hags, Va«l, PMltrj, {0$ Hidea, Etc., Butter u< Bfgt This Is Ihe oldest house on the street Tags aad prioe Hate flinilsiwl fit: fet 0*J» «WUOB P«BB -J, CHICAdo; tLLtWWS: st«ii • a «. WHImli Marfcat. DR. F. J. AICHER DENTIST OAee la Telephone McHenry, !-s Blinois teiephoM N4. 7t-W rUMNRC m EATBHJ E. H. Waite Paul J. Dm*w| VA11E& BQH8VM L A W T B B S OCeea: Wooirtsck; BMnteai needsiya aad StfniQi Office Hours: 9:00 a. m." to 5:00 p. SIMON STOFFEL i property in (b bert WB8T McKBNBT, - Expcri^iced Workmwi DONAVIN ft RE1HANSPERGEB girl friends, enjoyed Ihe past ten days ITWy ww^^SSw in the Duffy cottage at Pistakee Bay ] Overton of Elgin mm