Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1918, p. 5

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i J* •K **1* -yr .:; •- ti 5. %/ >> M;] {jjtij "t* ..*, • -'-^ t.-,"t.v " i 4"*" ".tir *** ,, &•* * >^'i^ i^'" Drug Store.' Most everybody ̂ does, why don't yw? . "'^ft'n ]L,:'•"»•> ^'r ̂ - '< > #' 5- '7 -A * *«. * ^Th ^|v. .Vv-ft ]% Jl-iK If * "*X *. * w - ^ ̂ V J T " * * ? ; , / yf-V »* _.• Jkjt t\, * « ;• ,b.!j.i' tAstUa. ,-V. V. iv *' i"i-V . hone te w N. H. PETESCH drdggist m * ; ,v :-p, •Mi It is important when your Ford car requires tuning up or repairing that Jyou place it in charge of an author- ized Ford dealer. Then you are * * sure of having repairs and replace- J V f ments made with genuine Ford- „ ^made materials by men who know all about Ford cars. Bring your i'X-^Ford car to its. Satisfaction is sure ^arukyou will receive prompt atten­ tion and right prices. S:" STAR Jdfcn R. Knox. Pro* f*** Phime~3t McHeory if S', '•-'%•*•, •' ,* , Sjig^s^-JUST ARRIVED OUR Fall of the famous International Tailoring Co. The f" snappiest line on the market today. fi-'jf III the best manufacturers. 'iM &>V >nng Collected from Our prices are very low compared with this season's tailoring. Call early and secure first choice. Also many good patterns from last season's line to choose from at extremely low prices. FALL DRESS GOODS in silks and wool and silk and wool poplins, ginghams, percales, beach cloth -• and khakis. SWEATERS AND UNDERWEAR in large :: iety. It's a wise thing to buy early as there wi V:':- surely be a shortage of good merchandise this sea- • son due to war conditions. •* •'; OUR LINE OF SHOES is now complete for early fall trade in black, gray and dark brown priced up to ..... 17,11 - ,r GROCERIES of the best grades always in stock. Tea, try our 60c, none better. Coffee, try our 30c. Sugar just as sweet as ever. We have supplied all 5 our customers up to date and lived up to U. S. Food ; Administration rules. Come or phone your order. Goods delivered. 1* WEST McHENRIT M. J. WALSH * 10UR V The average cooking efficiency of the ordi-fg nary kitchen range is only from 2 to 3 per­ cent. Think of the fuel waste--of the heat; waste--of the time waste. ijj The modem gas stove saves fuel. One 'burner or all, as needed, can be lighted and* the heat is applied only where it is COOK WITH GAS ~ SAVE ĵĵ WesteroUoited Gas aod Electric Company 'Mi': RIDGl Walter Cm passed Saturday in Woodstock. - A. Kremetir was an filgto vi»!tor last Wednesday. » " D. L. Gibson passed Thursday last in Crystal Lake. * Miss Etta Irish was an Elgin shop­ per last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kremer were call­ ers in Elgin Friday. Miss Lura Davis of Anstiii was a Ridgefield visitor Tuesday. N. A. Sunderlin of Woodstock was pleasant caller here Monday. Wilber Levey-1 was a Crystal Lake business visitor last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Abbott of $ary were Ridgefield visitor last Friday. Miss Etta Irish and Mrs. A/ Levey were shoppers- at Woodstock Friday. E. Wallis was a Racine, Wis., busi­ ness visitor Wednesday of last week. Mrs. P. G. Psderson and two chil­ dren were McHenry visitors recently. Mrs. F. Anderson and Mrs. H. Wille were Woodstock shoppers Wednes­ day. Miss Etta Levey and Mrs. Glawe and son spent Thursday last in Wood­ stock. Reubin Kremer of the Great* Lakes station spent Sunday with his par­ ents here. Miss Anna Morse and niece, Eliza­ beth, were Woodstock callers last Thursday.' Mrs. Rushton visited Thursday last with her granddaughter, Mrs. A. Mar­ tini, at Cary. Mrs. Wast. Abbott and; daughter, Dorothy, were business callers at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. J. Oakroot of Woodstock was calling on old friends and neighbors here the first of the week. Mrs. A. Kremer and son, George, were business visitors at Woodstock last Thursday afternoon. Several Ridgefieldites autoed to Crystal Lake Saturday evening and enjoyed the bathing privileges of Die lake. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Hartman and Mrs A. Peterson and daughter, Rosie, were Woodstock visitors Thursday after- noon. ' " Flora Wernoek of Burwin was, a visitor at the home of Mr» and Mrs. S. A. Merchant for several days re­ cently. Mrs. Kitty Banester and two chil­ dren returned home Suncbay from a three weeks' visit at the hofqe «t Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson. The Red Cross society and Helpers' class will give an ice cream social Fri­ day-evening on the spacious lawn at the W. E. Dike home.. Ice cream, 10c. Mrs. R. Reed and two daughter a, Peari and Dorothy, arid son, Clarence, and also Ray Lynch enjoyed an auto trip to Kingston Sunday. Miss Pearl will spend a few days visiting friends. RING WOOD jtfiss Agnes Dod^e arrived home last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rainey were Woodstock callers Sunday evening. . Henry Wharton and family visited his parents at Woodstock Sunday. Paul Stephenson has returned from the military camp at Lake Geneva Mrs. Bertha Esh of Spring Grove spent last Friday with her parents here. Rev. Collins of Yorkville, Wia., will preach at the M. E. church Sunday evening, August 25. Dorcas, Floyd and Wayne Foss vis­ ited in Harvard part of last week and attended the Chautauqua. Misses Margaret, Florence and Mary Harrison and Sarah Dodge spent last week camping at Lake Geneva. Miss Arline Harrison of* McHenry passed several days last and this week as a guest in the Clayton Harrison home. A W. C. T. U. conference will be held at- Harvard Tuesday of next week, Aug. 20.' All the Ringwood members are invited. ^ There will be no services at M. E. church next Sunday afternoon, but will be held in the evening instead, so the members can attend the Epworth league convention at Lake Geneva. Amos Smith accompanied Misses Mary and Bernice Smith, Berriice Harrison and Eleanor Dodge to Springfield, where they will take part in the canning contest at the state fair this week. .Word was receive# Monday,morn­ ing that John Lawson, a former resi­ dent of Ringwood, but now of Park Ridge, passed away suddenly Sunday evening. The bereaved family has the sympathy of all. SPRING GROVE Joe Blake of Ringwood waa • busi­ ness caller here Saturday. Mrs. Frank Petroskey of Solon vis­ ited with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Hay, Monday. Mrs. Agnes Hironimup and son, Chester, of Round Lake were callers here Monday. - The John Clark family is quaran­ tined on account of their daughter, Evelyn, having scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smitz enter­ tained their niece, Miss Mildred Kel­ ler, and a friend of Chicago over Sat­ urday and .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund, son, Clarence, and daughters, Julia and Frances, motored to Grass Lake Sun­ day to see the lotus beds. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seigler, son, Vic­ tor, and daughter, Mabel, and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil, motored to the Great Lakes Naval Training station Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber eater* tained the following at their home last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen, Miss Mayme Frett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan of Fox Lake, Mrs. Charles Michelson and daugliter and Daisy Schumacher of Chicago. Miss Esther Freund, the eldest who with a very day by falling down the hay schute, landing on the cement floor, a distance of about twenty-five to thirty feet. She broke one arm, sprained the other and bruised her head severely. We all hope that she will soon recover. TERRA COTTA Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Grays- lake. called on friends here Sunday. Frank Sprod of Chicago has been a guest at the Henry McMillan home. Ray Conway of McHenry was a caller in this vicinity Friday evening. E. Knpx and daughter, .Genevieve called on relatives here Friday even­ ing. Miss Dorothy Walsh of McHenry is spending several days with relatives here Miss Marion Shales is spending sev­ eral days with relatives at Crystal Lake. ' ' Miss Vera McMillan is visiting rel­ atives in:Elgin for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sund and chil­ dren spent Friday, avfcning at Geo. Lindohl's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Malone of Crys­ tal Lake spent Sunday evening with relatives here. Miss Anita Fruin of Chicago was a guest at the M. Knox home several days last week. A. Gaebe and children of Holcomb- ville were callers at Geo. Nelson's Monday evening. Miss Eleanor Conway of McHenry spent a couple of days last week with Miss Mary Conway. Mrs. Mary Russell and Miss Minnie Stanton of Chicago called on old friends here Sunday. Mrs. Philip Huffman was calling on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buss, in McHenry last week. Mrs. David Johnson af Chicago spent last week at the- home of her aunt, Mrs. John Riley. Ed. I^nox, daughter, Dorothy, and son, Walter, of Chicago called^ at M. Knox's Friday evening. Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby spent Sunday at the Great • Lakes Naval Training station. Mrs. Marion McMillan has been the guest of her son, Earl, and family at Crystal Lake since last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and fam­ ily of McHenry and Mrs. Chas. Fegers of Keokuk, If called in this vicinity Sunday. [ 's Misses Mary Conway and Florence and Frances Knox 'were guests at a dinner party at the home of Mrs. E. Malone at Crystal Lake Tuesday of this week. McCOLLUM'S LAKE. Mrs. Johnson and children w«re guests at "The Oaks" over Sunday. Mrs. Glean Robison of McHenry spent Wednesday with Mifs Elola Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Christenson and little son, Gilbert, are here for a two weeks' vacation. R. I. Overton and family of Mc­ Henry spent a recent evening at Mc- Collum's lake. ' 9 Miss Elola Boyle spent Tuesday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone at Crystal Lake; Mrs. Carlson and Miss Kling of Chicago are spending the week with the latter's father at his cottage here. Mrs. Louis Borg and two children, Lillian and Lester, are spending the week with the Dalstrom family at "The Oaks." Chas. Dalstrom motored oat from Chicago and spent the week end with his family, who are spending the summer at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Land, Props, of the Mellin hotel at Pistakee Lake, spent Monday with the Dalstrom family at The Oaks," McCollum's Lake. McCollum's lake is proving very popular as a bathing beach this year, many people coming from nearby towns to enjoy its bathing facilities. Cards announcing tKe marriage of Miss Ruth Randall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Randall, and Mr. Chas. Russell Jones of Detroit have been received here. Mrs. Jones is a niece of Mrs. Mary F. Ferguson and has paid many visits here. Mrs. Mary Ferguson received a let­ ter from her son, R. L. Ferguson, with the American expeditionary, forces in France, stating that he waa just recovering from an attack of that much dreaded Spanish influenza, which the medical forces have found so difficult with which to compete. Miss Myrtle Dalstrom was hostess to a merry party of little folks last Sunday in honor of her ninth birth­ day. Delicious refreshments were served by the little hostess' mother. A large birthday cake, topped with nine candles, which the guests were requested to blow'out, proved a de­ lightful amusement All departed voting Miss Myrtle a very delightful entertainer. • ' YOLO Dr.' L. E. Hughes of Waucdnda was over Friday. Reed Geary of Wauconda was the usual Sunday caller here. Mrs. D. Dillon qf Dakota visited at Chris pillon's the p&st week. Mrs. John Walton was on the sick list the latter part of last week. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry Was a professional caller here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stadtfeld of Round Lake were callers here Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and sons of Wauconda were Sunday callers at John Walton's. Miss Marion Huson of Elgin was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson the fiast week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon and chil­ dren and Mrs. Chris Dillon autoed ' ' * > » * 4 & ' ' * ** * / % * V'? ;̂ 'PS r? :T-Vf ' l * " • . V ' t i l ' ^ ; ' i V'-v* *VM T 1 HELP OUR BOYS M 4 If" J Wi • • i 4 St ' t 'Kt MONEY| A, FOOD MATERIALS '••3k \ < 'I - " * •*V-' ' * > '••• « ,.y%, j • 11 GIVE WM RED GROSS SALVATION Y. M. CL A* • t'c 'i' ' - ",'i 'v.* K OF cm"v* *-§Ji , !• %MSm> \ I ": ,* -f'* Hr*K " 9 V'./i , k * /j:# i ^ ff LIBERTY BONDS' "M?•" WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 'Ifr* THRIFT, STAMPS ̂ s. -."I-': s ,̂ -^;Obey the Fuel and Food regulations. Be loyal in thought, ~ speech and action to your country and the boys. I Uy . ; ̂JBe worthy of the sacrifice they are makingv- « « V ^ COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS 1 x ^ A * ^ A. J. MULLEN Attorney at Law At Wast McHenry State Baa* kvery Friday Home Ottce, :: s: Woodetock, III. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE CHEAP--A cement mix­ er and block machine and aboult 400 blocks. Inquire at this office. 7-tf FOR SALE--Full blood Beegle hound pups. Inquire of or address Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. - 9-2t FOR SALE--A self player piano. Cost $700 new. A bargain if taken at once. Arthur Adams, McHenry, 111. 8-tf FOR SALE--A 1917 Jeffrey six cyl- nder, seven passenger touring car at a very reasonable price. Come in and ook it over. Stilling's. garage,' Mc­ Henry, 111. 6 FOR SALE--One Papec 13 in., one Ross, 18 in. and one Belle City, 14 in. ensilage cutters. These cutters are in good condition and will be sold cheap. Wm. B. Tonyan, McHenry, 111. Phone 686-M-2. , 9-2t* FOR SALE--Having decided to move west, I hereby offer for sale all of my property, consisting of 22 acres of land and two sets of buildings, nine room house with modern conveniences. Ad­ dress Al. Pepping or see Ben Stilling, McHenry, 111. m 9-tf •i- over to Waukegan Sunday. The officers and teachers will hold a business meeting Friday evening, Aug. 16, at thV home of Ella Moore. Mr. and Mfs. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Wiltire spent Sunday in Chicago," Mrs. Wiltire and children, Beatrice and Malcolm, left that night for Ni-. agara Falls and other places. Do not forget the social on the lawn of Ed. Lusk on Tuesday evenin'g, Aug. 20. The proceeds will be used for the purchase of war savings stamps. Come hear the Great Lakes jackie band. OSTEND P. E. Martin, wife and Mrs. Frank Going were calling on friends at Union Sunday last. E. C. Hammond, wife and daugh­ ters, Gladys and Lenore, of Alden were Monday callers on relatives here. Mrs. Frank Going and little grand­ daughter of Chicago were over Sun­ day visitors with Mrs. F. E. Martin and family. Myron Francisco, wife and daugh­ ter of Wauconda were Sunday after­ noon callers oi? the former's brother and sister here. The Richardson family is very anxious to hear more about Alfred. No news since the report hie way wounded "over there." Atty. Lavern Thompson and family and their nephew, Vinton Thompson, motored out from Chicago Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Thompson's brother, R. H. Richardson, and fam­ ily. Mrs. Fannie Still Spencer of Cen­ tralis, 111., and nieces, Mrs. Millie Greenly and Mrs. Carrie Floyd, of Woodstock were Sunday afternoon callers on Mrs. Delia Hobart and Miss Ammie Francisco. . Miss Anita Fruin of Chicago is spending the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mrs. C. Brefeld and chilrren have returned from an extended visit with her sister in the country. Cal Heagle of Chicago, formerly of Green Bay, Wis., was a guest af- C. W. Stenger hare Tuesday. .... T •• !t"' •1 ;'v: ! ATTORNEY CALVIN J. HENDRICKS I hereby announce my candidacy for the Republic can nomination of County Judge of McHenry County and respectfully solicit your vote and support at thft primaries Wednesday, September 11» 1918. -A I fully appreciate the importance of the office at County Judge and if nominated and elected, I will at all times discharge the duties of the office to the best o| my ability and promise that the Probate Court will be open at all times for the disposal of business. CALVIN J. HENDRICKS. * •il Ellis Business College AND GREGG SHORTHAND INSTITUTE Beautiful New Building, Ideal Location, Electric Fans and Modem Equipment / ; . •; vft i Noted for the earning power of its graduates. Nearly 200 pupils enrolled during past eleven months, including nine­ teen public school teachers. STENOTYPE, the only suc­ cessful "machine way of Shorthand." It is the method that got Esther Ross, Sidney Creve and Kathleen Bonnell positions at $1500.00 a year. Endorsed by all Elgin Banks and Business men. Nineteenth Annual Opening Sept. 3, 1918. Address ELLIS BUSINESS COLLEGE,,. New Bi ing, north of Post Office, Elgin, 111. ' - f S*-: 'is Electrical Service Compuy SKILBECK ELECTRIC 68. ih, .ikL i,4 , ROY A. SCHBOEDER, Mgr, . (Successor to G. L. F<waat) > Crystal Lake, I1L " v " - We are equipped to handle all kinds of Electrical Work, and will appreci­ ate your patronage. Estimates cheerfully • famished. All worlt guaranteed. Miss Vera Buss is. spending the week as the guest of her sister* Mrs. U. L. LaVelle, at Rochtfle. Miss Varina Wentworth has been the gveet of Miss Dorcas Foes at any We are equipped, to all kinds of electrical For an estimate an 1MM Qxturea, a poatal card ar phoM will bring ua. No charge far mates. We audi motw repairiag. GRATSLAKE, Ringwood since Tuesday eveniog. Frank Smith, Geo. Freund and Joa Weber leave this evening for Coado, N. D., for an indefinita stay at tiba Jai>ob B. Justen farm. .

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