F. G. SCHREINER lOCflMjn Bank Ruildinir T«l«plK>l»* W-W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTlONi OwYeer 91M lionth*. Tie 4 Thrc* Month#, Hf Thursday, August 22, 1918 my FOR SHERIFF [A ;• I hereby Announce myself as a can ;"4 v didate for the office of sheriff of Mc- l llenry county, subject to the decision ' the voters at the Republican pri fe v tnaries, Sept. 11, 1918, and respect- ully solicit your support and vote, i A. H. Henderson, St, \ " For Sheriff i; I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of sherifT, subject Jo the decision of the voters at the Republican primary, Sept 11, 1918. |i-tf, ,tl Roy J. Stewart. :~\r ; • MeCOLLUM'S LAKE Mh "~ Boyle spent Wednesday at the •; 1 anesville fair. vI James Fitzpatrick and family spent recent day in the John Boyle home. Mr. McGuire entertained several ^Chicago friends at his cottage here ' y •'! fcver Sunday; - Theo. Schiessle and family Have en- ̂||||oyed several outings at their summer W ' cottage here. ; ^ Howard and Hubert Swank were .Wednesday evening callers at the Kling cottage. I ? Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Blake spent *•* Sunday with the latter's sister atad ) *. family at Griswold Lake. , *, '4 Mr. Youngstrum and Mr. Gregg of * * ^Chicago spent the week end as guests --~«tf Mr. Kling and family. J . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson mo- *f/' ' to red out from Chicago Sunday and ; spent the day at "The Oaks." ' S' , Mrs. Johnson and daughter, Sonja, |i,i * . t ^eturne(j to their home Monday morn- •/-";*-frg after a pleasant outing here. > R. I. Overton and family, accom- ^ •>' panied by Miss Adelia Heimer, spent A.» • i Tuesday evening as s% k it Boyle and family. ^ "|| Mrs. Raymond Whiting and little || •> k daughter of Lake Geneva have been If. \ apending a few days with Mr. Whit- 'jC; tog's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. '0'f . • ifcfhiting. • "' IH Mr. Soft of Chicago came out from <r,t>c , l| Chicago last Thursday morning to £;•' . spend a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Christensen, who has been occu pying a cottage at the lake. Misses Anita Frtten, Alceta Schna- hel, Dorothy Walsh, Genevieve Bre- feld and Delia StofFel were members df a merry party who enjoyed a recent x. ,| Outing at McGoiium's lake. {% " r - <*» , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dalstrom and §£ ' their guests, Mrs. Borg, Mr. Hultberg v^and1 Miss Marian Dalstrom, spent a | * tecent day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Land 2 . Sit Mellin's hotel, Pistakee Lake. V - Misses Sonja and Grace Johnson/fand tired. ^ 7 Mrs. Borg, Mr. Hultberg and Charles £•*' Dalstrom motored out from Chicagp ";:y » Sunday and spent the day with the ^ tetter's family, who are summering • " here. , V Thomas Kane, our expert painter, guests- of John I'*: Vv » ' STEALS PONY NEAR WOODSTOCK* Is Apprehended Here By Officer Revor ' \1 Wednesday Morning * Carl Hill, aged fourteen, an Inmate of the St. Charles School for Boys, and who has been employed since early spring on the Samuel Banford farm near Woodstock, ga/e Officer Revor quite a chase here on. Wednes- day morning of this week. About eight o'clock that morning Officer Revor received a telephone message from Sheriff Wandrack of Woodstock to be on the look-out for a boy and pony. The message was re ceived at the village pumping station and within a few minutes after same had been take by the local officer the pony and boy were seen coming down Green street. Officer Revor ran out to stop the lad, but instead of obeying the command the lad whipped up the pony and started for the w6st side of town. Jumping into the John Carey car, which just happened along at that par ticular moment, the officer, with Mr. Carey, started after the boy in hot pursuit. The lad went as far as the railroad tracks and, seeing that he was being followed, turned the animal and started down John street. Turn ing ill on Center street he started towards the old driving park, where he found he could get no further. Leaving the pony near the entrance to the park, the lad started off across the country, but was finally overtaken after he had reached the Hanly prop erty west of the -railroad tracks. He was brought back to McHenry, where he was locked up in the village bastile. Sheriff Wandrack was then notified and came to McHenry to take the lad back to Woodstock. A Plaindealer reporter questioned the boy in the jail shortly after his capture. He told of how he waited for everyone to retire on Tuesday night and how he went over to the neighbors, a Mr. Peacock, stole the pony and started for McHenry, arriv ing in this village, shortly after mid night. From here he rode to Ring- wood and it was while on his return from that place that he was seen and later apprehended by Mr. Revor. In answer as to why he had taken the pony he stated that his boss told him that he would let him go the fol lowing noon and sooner than wait and get fired he decided to take this means of leaving. He had no particular place that he was headed for, his only thought being to get away from, his former - employer. He also informed us that he has been at the St. Charles home since nine years of age, last year being his first experience at work on a farm. I have been riding all night," he stated and his appearance more than showed it, as he was sleepy, hungry #' ;kas recently completed one of the fin est jobs of painting in this section of the country. The work was done on ! the new barn on the farm occupied by Bdgar Thomas. « f r The residents of McCollum's Lake % i are showing themselves tip in true ,< patriotic style. Two v beautiful new * Sags have been hoisted on the north V :«$de of the lake. A. M. Schiller was flie first resident on the lake to dis- the stars and stripes. Mrs. Kling and daughter, Myrtle, • .-'feft Tuesday morning for Chicago to , Meet the former's daughter, Mrs. Paul Esser and husband, who are here from ^ Philadelphia. Mr. Esser is superin tendent of the housing department of , v the Philadelphia shipyards under , Chas. Schwab. Mr. and Mrs. Esser J have spent their summers here for «u«y yews. fef' #.« Auditors' Meeting ~ J > Notice is hereby given that the ! ."Board of Auditors of the Town of Mc- Henry, County of McHenry, Illinois, , ^ Will meet at the Town Clerk's office ' In West McHenry, 111., on" Tuesday, c ; > the 3rd day of September, A. D. 1918, « rat two o'clock p. m. to audit any and all bills against the town. Bills may •" be left "with the undersigned or .with %, J $he Supervisor of the town. Dated , this 21st day of August, A. D. 1918. _Chas. B. Harmsen, Town Clerk. VtamTe is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases together, and for years it was sup- • jr:' to lie incurable. Doctors pre- - ^Jj'icribed local remedies, and by constant- . 'v-r * ly failing to cure with local treatment. ; , pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a t J/oemX disease, greatly influenced by con- StUutional conditions and therefore re- constitutional treatment. Hall's * r» Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. 3. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a consti- tattonat remedy, is taken internally -> }, i and acts thru the Wood on the Mucous . >. -i , 8nrfaees of the System, One Hundred ' ' "IS' Dollars reward is offered for aay case ftk»t Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to curs. Send for Circulars attd testiia&nialB. | F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Family Pills for constipation. < ?: jV ^ ; " Married at St. Patrick's j„ A qoiet marriage was celebrated at 1' ;8t. Patrick's church in this village on I' .; t Tuesday morning. • The contracting * T parties were Miss Loretta M. Feffer %' Bnd Bernard L. White, both of Wat- :Sseka, 111. The bride is the eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Emil t who reside at Barreville and ^are members of St. Mary's parish, y,- The best wishes of McHenry friends are extended the happy cojxpVl, Asks For Release ; ' Agnes Carey, who had |a contract to teach the seventh grade in the McHenry public school here has asked to be released from her contract, owing to ill health. The board met on Monday evening to con sider Other applicants for the vacancy •*' * -'- daughter 'Feffer, FOR SALE CHEAP--A cement mix er and block maehine and about 400 blocks. Inquire at this office. 7-tf mmmn T & T ̂ ̂r < -I / % FOR SALE--Full Mood Beegle hound pups. Inquire of or address Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. 9-2t FOR SALE--A self player piano. Cost $700 new. A bargain if taken at once. Arthur Adamsy McHenry, 111. 8-tf -A bay pounds. Lake Villa, 111. Crest farm. LOST- 1,000 mare, weight about Call A. J. Simpson, Phone 110-M. Cedar 10-2t LOST--Row boat painted green and white and marked Orchard. Oars marked likewise. Return to Orchard Beach hotel and receive reward. 10 FOR SALE--A 1917 Jeffrey six cyl- nder, seven passenger touring car at a very reasonable price. Come in and ook it over. Stilling's garage, Mc Henry, 111. 6 FOR SALE--Several 12, 16, 18 & 22 h. p. kerosene and gasoline portable engiiies, second hand in -fine shape. See F. L, Colby & Son at Crystal Lake. Phone 68-J.. 10-lt LOST--On streets between McHenry postoffice and St. Patrick's church, a brooch set with chipped diamonds. Finder please return to The Plain- dealer office and receive reward. 10 FOR SALE--At a bargain, six room bungalow with hot water heat; also five room cottage, fine location. In quire at this office or write to Fred Karges, 118 Douglas St., Woodstock, 111. 10-2t FOR SALE--My store property on Water street, lot 152 feet with 92 feet front. Also cottage on Fox river. Call at my residence on Water street. Anton Schneider, McHenry, 111. Phone 91-M. „ 10-2t FOR SALE--One Papec 13 in., one Ross, 18 in. and one Belle City, 14 in. ensilage cutters. These cutters are in good conditio^ and will be sold cheap. Wm. B. Tonyan, McHenry, 111. Phone 636-M-2. 9-2t* FOR SALE--Having decided to move west, I hereby offer for sale all of my property, consisting of 22 acres of land and two sets of buildings, nine room house with modern conveniences. Ad dress Al. Pepping"or see Ben Stilling, McHenry, HI. 9-tf With Our Boys in'Khaki In publishing his letter in last week's issue we referred to Harry Niesen as corporal. He bears the title of ser geant. Mr. and Mi$. Michael Freund have received word that their son, Henry, who left with the Lake county con tingent, has arrived safely overseas. Lester Bacon has just written home from Camp Custer, Mich, giving his new address, which is 77th Inf., Co. 2. Like all. other boys in the service he at all times pleased to hear from friends. A letter received Saturday from Happy" Weber, who is somewhere in France, says that he was shot thru the left foot. He is now out of the hospital in a rest camp and expects to be back on the fighting line soon. Word was received here last week announcing the safe arrival overseas of George Schreiner, son of Mrs. Christine Schreiner of this village. George has been in training at Camp Custer, Mich., during the past sev eral months. W. J. O'Connor, formerly employed at the Martin B. Schmitt tonsorial shop on the West Side, writes that he has just left the hospital at Camp Fremont, Calif., after six weeks' con finement therein. His illness natur ally put him considerably behind in training and for this reason he was transferred to another company. He also speaks of Anton Schneider as also getting along very nicely and a complete recovery from his recent Al ness is now assured. A letter from Corp. Thos. E. Mul- doon, - mention of whom was'made in these Columns last week as Toeing se verely wounded, states that he was wounded in the shoulder by a bullet passing thru it and killing his com-! spending a couple of days as the guest rade back of him.. Not a suggestion ^ Miss Clara Miller. of complaint was written, only a de-1 Thos.^ Knox of Chicago spent Sun sire to be up and at them again. day 88 the guest of his parents, Mr. Muldoon is somevfrhere in Franc^» He 1®"^ Mrs. John Knox. D. T. Smiley, Solicitor for Com- )lainants. r'v"-*"-1 ; State of Illinois, ) jl{ J , / ? i County of McHenry,)itt * , In the circuit court of -McHenry County, to the May Term, A. D. 1918. John M. Phalin and Edward Knox, v . Complainants, • - vs. Jacob M. Freund and Elizabeth Freund, Defendants. Bill to foreclose trust deed. Gen eral number 19473. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree of sale made and entered by said court in the above entitled cause, on the 17th day of July, A. D. 1918,1, E» H. Waite, Mas ter in Chancery of said court, will on Saturday,, the 7th day of September, A. D. 1918, at the hour of ten o'ciock in the forenoon of said day, at the east door pf the Court House in the City of Woodstock, County of Mc Henry and State of Illinois; sell at public vendue to th.e highest and best bidder, for cash, the following de scribed real estate, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illi nois, to-wit: The East eightjNone (81) feet off of Lot One (1) in Block Five (6) in the Village of West McHenry. It be ing eighty-one (81) feet East and West and two hundred and sixty-six (266) feet North and South. Situ ated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. * Terms of Sale; Cash to< be paid to the Master on the day of siale, at which time purchaser or purchasers will receive the, usual Master's certif icate of sale. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 20th day of August, A. D. 1918. E. H. Waite, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. EXTRA PERSONALS Miss Anna M. Knox of Elgin is spending a few days as the guest of home folks here. Misses Julia Freund 4hd Alma Hitl er are spending the week with friends at Burlington, Wis. Miss Edna K. Sand of Chicago is was wounded July 21 and a letter was received by his mother^ Mrs. Marie Muldoon at l^hiting, Ind., Aug. 18. Notations from a letter' written by Geo. Heimer, who is at Camp Grant, to his mother here, are: We are quarantined for ten days. Can't even go to Rockford. The boys are leaving fast now for overseas, sometimes wish I was going with them. Just eleven months since we landed here. I may leave here soon. If I am on the listy which is to be posted soon, I will call you up and you can drive over to see me, but you can't come to camp. I can meet you at the Hub. The sergeant just told me that 500 new men just came to the hospital tonight. That will keep me busy for awhile. " George. Jas. Hunter tenant on the F. A. Cgpley farm southwest of this village, reports a yield of 2589 bushels of .oats from twenty-eight acres. An CANDIDATE FOR ongressman * k*' ,' ' •% -•t . Copley . f ' ld * ik, £'*"20 v v . ' ,*• ,• s *U- 16 means oi -!v 'kit*:- 1 take tnie means or, annount to the voters of tke Elevenl Congressional District tKat I shall again ask the Republicans of thill splendid District in their Primaries" on September 11 to nominate for the high office of Member of ; Congress. My platform will nave one plan^WI^;^ Isr. ' ' \ V ^ As a means to this end, i| nominated and elected, I shall con-% tinue to uphold the CommanderM; in-Chief of the Army and ' of the United States, without reference to his personality or politics. I believe this to be the plain duty of every American citizen|| ' " - ' - ' i ^ 1 also pledge myself to do everything possible to protect loyal Americans and to punish traitors and traitorous profiteers. ^ v - ^^espectfuniy submitte Q« CQPLE^I' , fer a: CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE McHenry, ID. SUNDAY, AUG .25 -ONE NIGHT ONLY- ^ The Big Musical Comedy Event of the Season OH JOHNNIE OH" ;f-;4 . TWO ACTS A SONG PLAY OF REAL MERIT jM: wm --WITH A CAST AND COMPANY OT_«*; A " -• ' 25 ARTISTS FEATURING --/ - THAT FAMOUS RAINBOW CHORUS , , , -tT New Costomes, Scenery Effects, Always the Best • • • •. 35, 50, 75 Cents Don't wait, order seat now at Petesch's Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klein of Chica go are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sohoewer. , R. J. Walsh of I*Splar Grove'was the guest of his mother, Mrs. fiften Walsh, here Wednesday. T. W. Sterne and C. Shade of Will iam Bay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Spurling Sunday evening. Miss Loretta Stelfes has returned to her home here after a two weeks' visit with relatives at Libertyville. Miss Frances Elick of West Chi cago was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Spurling. Mrs. Geo. Garrity of Chicago is be ing entertained in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoewer. Miss Helen and Emmett Kelly of North Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox one <day this week. Vote for J. F. Casey; for county judge, He is an able and honest awyer and well qualified to fill that office in every respect. Republican ] primary September 11, 1918. A twelve pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Justen at Ring- wood Saturday, Aug. 17. :s-;- ,,,y ^ aver- s A ti'L y.i The pillow donated to the Rod Cross by Mrs. J. W. Fay netted $15.00 and waa won by Mrs. Walter Warner* 13 tacky nwmbm. f '• " ' - A ' ' 'V . ' : i . % , 'S' J <• A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoelscher at Elgin Wednesday morning. Mrs. Hoflscher was for merly Miss Adah. Carey of this vil lage. ' • R. I. Overton, Wm.' Cow«% and Leonard Frett left last evening for Toledo, Ohio. They will make the trip there by rail, returning with three new automobiles. Arthur D.Wiseman Editor of The Hebron Tribune REPUBLICAN CAÎ DIDA'fE •'•V1' FOR--- "i'. V- COUNTY TREASURER Primaries, September 11*1918 Visit the McHenry county fair at Woodstock Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Aug. 27, 28, 29 and 80, Briitg yo*r exhibits and At tend each day of the fair. H you have not ordered your coal da it imr> - • r. Telephone Art country O industry in the larger measure the remarkable electrica^ progress of this age than the Bell Telephone, ; I System. Improvements in the telephone art ar& - 'being made constantly by Bell engineers, both- ^ through scientific discovery and experience) "y* i gained in solving every-day operating problems." " . •• • . Ever since audible speech was conveyed over * the wire in the Boston machine shop forty-three> p years ago, it has been theoretically possible tor '-•v'h" ' talk from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Until a few:« ^ ^ ^ years ago, however, no candid telephone engi~% - neer would have predicted the accomplishment of such a thing. But it is being done everyday. The Bell System gives the same painstaking attention to the smaller problems of the tele-* phone business,, assuring its patrons that the ;<! most approved operating methods will always •Z $be employed. "i CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY; - ' -*lC." It*1^' 'v < ^ 5 •:V^' ik/AV/ M ' ' : w v.it