Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1918, p. 8

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*w»- • 321 REGISTERED THWRSIMlY (Continued from first page) fe of Men and 7-WC:' mzm •:? - ':wm. '4 i IWORKMANSHIP AND STYLESHIP are the ^dominant features of our splendid line of new %uits for men and boys. These Suits are wefl ^tailored and are cut from the best foreign and lomestic woolens, guaranteeing to our Clotl i *. |ng a superiority of which we are justly prou< Don't let the talk of high prices discourage you. Come and see these Suits and the e% v tremely low prices at which they are going; ( ?You will be correctly garbed if you wear on|« of these Suits and the price will not scare you. JOS. W. MEUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. , s-r - i ! " ^ I : - , Money invested in Home Comforts-- good furni­ ture-pays a better dividend than perhaps any other way you can invest it. Home cheer and comfort is a mighty help in equipping your fam­ ily for the battle of life. If you will take the ouble to inspect our beautiful line of furniture and Rugs ffte know you will pronounce it the finest ever. When you see it, with the very low prices we are making, you will know we are making a great effort to help you over the high price wave that is sweeping over the county. If you have not bought furniture here come and let us show you why you should do so now. All items of household furniture in a great variety of values and prices. McHENRY, ILLINOIS : •j!:r A Test of Time That is what this community has applied to this store and we have stood the test The reason have been able to bear this test is, We have pplied the same test to all the lines of goods we handle. Our Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, and even Notions jtach constitute a line of time tried and tested merchandise. In short, we handle nothing th?t we can not conscientiously recommend on its merits. TRADE AT THF TIME TRIER STORE 'JOHN STOFFEL J! a 'r. Save Stoves Re pair your Stoves and Furnaces, instead Of buying new ones. The Fuel Administration urges you to save fuel. The War Industries Board insists that you save iron. The Liberty Loan, War Savings Stamps, and income tax forces you to save money. The Department of Labor insists that all labor be employed to win the war. A saving of fuel, or iron, or money and labor can be accomplished by repairing your stove or furnace rather than hijy^r g HiW one. Make your repairs now. ^ m/i r • «u-»NOis~V >r i£ t" THURSDAY, SEPT. *9 FOX FEATUP&D June Caprice IN Miss U-S-A X M - - ' " 1" . .f " « It is thrifty people wltll bank accounts that buy Liberty Bonds, contribute ft* War Funds, keep the Country sound financially and socially in war time, ^ short help win the war. The possession of a bank account giv$fi SATURDAY, SEPT. 81 TRIANGLE FEATURE Wilson Old Loves For New SUNDAY. SEPT. 22 £ FOX FEATURE nia Markovs IN ^ " * - 8 ^ y an independence Which is an encourage* 4 j. ment of effort just re it k a A Heart's Revenge •J the future. t ?r: • ^ ̂ ' . . . . ' ^ ' BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT r <**• • - 4" -J -' * #*• • < . V. .... .. > . .... ' f. &"&< m&:m. ri :• - ) '.* -> . ' V 5~ v • t::±r £• John Koeber. Fred Carl Felt*. John Klyn. Robert Herman Floyd Seyller Cooley. William C. Whiting; Frank Stock. ... Edwin Hall. \ Peter N. Peterson.' Anton M. Schmitt. V John Peter Weber Edwin Freund. Matthew Arthur Geo. Shlausziz. Jacob Fred Adams. Martin Joseph McEvoy. Joseph M. Schoewer. Cherubino Unti. Henry Bernhardt Antholts. Henry Elmer Kinsala. William Roy Kimball. Otto Eugene Lun<k Joseph P. Schaefe|v Walter Frank Vo: Joseph Carr Hollj^:/ John A. Thennes. ^ William JSmifl|» Oscar Arnold^ :' ; " Jesse Wormley. Gottlieb C. Boley. Albert Fred Pui Chris Smith. Lester James Pagj&y Fred A. Oiethorn. Frank Joseph FrefUnd. Mathias Glossen. Marcellus Herman Meyers. Rev. Edward Wm. Berthold. ^ Henry Carl Nickels. Henry Wm. Cossnuui. Otto P. Johnson. Edgar Eugene Thomas. John Earl Boyle. William Thurlwell. Wm. A. Bishop. John William Neiss. Frederick William Noble. Steve Harvi. Frank J. Hughes. Paul W. Stoltzke. William George Schreiner. Fred W. Cossman. • John Arthur Montgomery. Emil August Wolff. Gabrial Hansen. Thomas McDonald. ^ Emil H. Voeltz. John B. Wirtz. r George Henry Meyers. Peter Wirfs. George John Buss. William Adams. Henry A. Von Rens. Peter Britz. Thomas Herbert Kane. Raymond Williams. William Elmer Claxton. Jacob Freund. George Albert Steinsdoerfer. Henry F. Pomrening. ^ ^ Kirk Leon Harriso: Carl Joseph Frei George S. Bishop. * Lewis John Pitzen " John W. Schaffer. Fred C. Miller. Henrv Justen. George Carl Voeltz. Arthur D. Hunter. Martin B. Schmitt. Viggo Rasmussen. Peter Emil Hanson. John Grasser. Ben John Adams. Nick S. Weingart. Casper M. Bickler. Louis J. King. Albert Schaefer. John P. Cronin. William H. Loeber. Michael J. Freund. Charles Carl Pomrening. John William Schaefer. Frank Thurlwell. Albert Mathias Barbian. William F. Cowen. Eber Edward Bassett. Simon Peter Michels. * Mathias U. Jung. Lewis C. Bishop. William J. S toff el. John Blake. William Quinn. Joseph Daniel Engeln. Michael Joseph Gonzakowslci. Henry Joseph Schaffer. William F. Rothermel. Louis H. Eisenmenger, Jr. „ James Cornwell. Chester Moran Goodman. Clarence Ray Draper. Charles Wayne Goodell. Peter Leo Engeln. Henry Kramer. Fred Justen. Peter Blake. Albert Krause. John Smith. Fred Ralph Eppel. Louis A. Wolf. Peter William Frett. John Francis Knox. . Leo Jacob Meyers. Martin Edward Conway. Ernest Henry Kamholz. Benjmin P. Wegener. Newell F. Colby. George Bernard Tonyan. Albert Johnston. Mathias M. Blake. John Edwin'Hanswirth. Richard I. Overton. Theodore Schiessle. Edward William Bonsletl. Joseph Henry Heimer. James Martin Cronin. John Albin Anderson. The Ringw««| Rtlt Joseph Nett. 0:' Fred W. Gibbs. ^ . William Bernard Tonyan. Chris L. Carlson. Michael M. Justen. Clinton Edward Fay. -1; William Hugh KeUey. George Brefeld. * ^ Jacob Peter Milled v :; John Nicholas Schmitt. '0 Samuel William Brown. Joseph J. Freund. . , , Paul ft. ^t^hensoiw * j". i Benjamin Smith. Frank Klapperich. Fred L. Walker. Leo Brunswick. Roy Coqulett. Alvin J. Harlin. Albert J. Pepping. Nicholas Jung. John Peter Schaefer. Michael Schaefer. Joseph N. Schaefer. Ben Tonyan. George W. Rossing. - George Stephen Roach. Edwin E. Whiting. Bruno T. Butler. John Lay. Arthur Kattner. Elmer Ross Carr. Ora D. Harrison. Joseph Michels. William J. Meyers. Warren M. Foss. Archibald W. Biggtfcs. John J. Thelen. * Raymond R. Harrison. Elmer T. Hopper. Mathias J. Smith. Lynn D. Hall. Joseph N. Jung. * Henry W. Hettermjmn. Harold D. Whiting, Albert John Huff. Samuel Boal. Henry John Stillingy ' Alec Anderson. Clifton C. Smith. Fred Schaefe^ ^ Joseph Smitlip . . Louis E. Bell.5 " i: ' William Hepburn. Louis B. Schroder. Ben «J. Schaefer. Mathias Karls. William J. Beth. Math. L. Welter. Howard D. Bell. John Joseph Zorich. Simon Schaefer. Joseph Frett. Lloyd Ray. Roy C. Harrison. Walter L. Krohn. Joseph Huff. James Rainey. Peter Freund, Jr. Chas. F. Krohn. Edward Peet". i Frank A, Hitch&riBVv Nicholas Nett. Eric Gustave Peterson. Edward Thompson. Edward Clarence Hawl Henry Norton Stephenson Mathias N. Schmitt. Peter F. Freund. Henry F. Wharton. Charles Peet. Jacob J. Justen. Henry E. Olson. Edward L. Krohn. Leslie C. Olson. Lawrence N. Baer. Ralph Smith. Joseph L. Lawrencf© William Thiel. John James B«tt. Fred Hoffman. " Otto J. Adams. Lewis B. McCftunon. ( Ben Justen. > " » • Ben F. Stilling* John M. Schaefer. John Huff. George L. Norton. , Peter Schmitt. Gustave Peterson* John James Rice, E£rank Mathieu. John E. Schaefer. % ; Robert Sqhaefer. 'i-? Ambrose H. Schaeii»/ PROBA TE NEWS Real Estate Transfers Christina Michels to J. Nett, It 33, Assr's plat, Johns- burg % 400.00 John Glossen per Exr to Ag- nes Watt, Its 1 & 18, blk I, Dr. C. H. Fegers' addn to » McHenry . . ̂ 1200.# Mary J. Stanton to Henry J. Schaffer, n 50 ft. It 10, orig plat, McHenry .$4460.00 Frederick Beller to Frank Kasmar, It 23,. Sunnyside, McHenry 450.00 Marriage LtcftyK* Dr. A. W. Swift, 58........Belvidere Flora B. Haack, 34 ...Belvidere Lawrence Farren, 33.........Chicago Ruth Lovin, 25 .Crystal Lake Edward Schroeder, 20.... Peotone, 111. Mamie Amborn, 24... Genoa Junction William C. Guse, 32... Marengo Flossie D. McMackin. .Garden Prairie Edward S. Gillispie, 22..... .Chicago Kathryn Smith, 21..V. 1 + Richmond Fred Paiil, 43.... t^ .. Chicago Christina Conn, 31.... ..Chicago Clarence N. Carlson, 26. ..Milwaukee Viola Schultz, Milwaukee Our Soldier Boys Lester Bacon, who is stationed at Camp Custer, Mich., has been pro­ moted to sergeant. While at Camp Grant last Monday afternoon the writer saw Chas. J. Rei- hansperger. The writer was passing in an automobile at the time so didn't have the opportunity of talking with him. However, a wave and a smile suggested to us that all is well with him. Lewis McOmb#*, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McOmber of DeKalb, for­ mer McHenry residents, is now en­ rolled with the blue jackets at the Great Lakes Naval Training station, having entered that institution last week. Lewis enlistfci early in Augikt. Gilbert S. Howard, who since join­ ing the colors has been stationed at Camp Fremont, Calif., writes home that he has just been transferred from th^ infantry to the Home Guards. This <meand that he will not see over­ seas service, much to his, disappoint­ ment, as Gilbert was one of the local young men who was particularly anxious to go across. Among the McHenry young men who left with Mr. Howard only a few are still at Camp Fremont. Besides himself he mentions the names of William O'Con­ nor, Anton Schneider and Peter Neiss. Alfred Bonslett, who is in training at the Great Lakes Naval Training station, was promoted *from appren­ tice seaman to yeoman for overseas service. On Wednesday of last week he was transferred from Camp Dewey to Camp Luce, an out-going camp, but the following evening was taken sick with several hundred other jackies from his regiment with the Spanish grip. A letter to his mother states he is some better. His present ad­ dress is Camp Luce, 17th Reg., Co. 18, Barracks 1736, Dispensary Unit 1705, Great Lakes, 111. v Corporal George May, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May of this village, whj enlisted his services in the national army at Toledo, O., last. July, and who during the past several weeks as been in training at Fort Sheridan, spent Sunday in McHenry. Altho but nine­ teen years of age, George has devel­ oped wonderfully since his enlistment. He has grown about three inches in height, while he has also taken on considerable weight.. While here he informed the writer that he has seen considerable country since leaving McHenry last May. Aftier leaving this village he went to Toledo, where he entered the Overland automobile factory, where' he was employed at the time of his enlistment. Since be­ ing in service he has made several trips to various camps in company with prisoners. On one occasion he was sent to a camp in New Jersey; on another to a California camp and another time he, with eight others, accompanied twenty-nine prisoners to Camp Grant. Corporal May is well pleased with army life and speaks most complimentary of the treatment he has received from superior officers. He expects to leave Fort Sheridan next Friday for North Carolina. Notice to Hunters You are hereby notified that hunt­ ing and trespassing on my premises are strictly prohibited. Signed, Geo. W. Colby. No Hunting or Trespassing "Notice is hereby given that hunt­ ing, fishing, walking across and tres­ passing are hereby strictly prohibited on my lAnd water at McCollum's Lakef Chas. A. Dulstro*. v* The New Store •Mi*-': We are now located in our new place of business on Pearl and Water streets with a general line of mer* chandise and invite your inspectioii, of our stock. „ We will keep on ad£ ding to our stock until every de* ' partment offers you a complete se* ^ lection. Having decided to droi the Hardware end of our busines we are able to offer you some verjj^ attractive prices in this department;. V S MV !|top if Todayi • _/---V "»t4 Jos. J. Miller McHENRY, ILLINOIS T p . > It is important when your Ford car requires tuning up or repairing that you place it in charge of an author­ ized Ford dealer. Then you are sure of having repairs and replace­ ments ,made with genuine Ford- made materials by men who know all about Ford cars. Bring your! Ford car to us. Satisfaction is sure* and you will receive prompt atten­ tion and right priceis» STAR Plipsie 3| |Joha R. Kapx, Fmpp*- " ' • " > v ; • QuALltV The ona reaton vhj oan give jwg 4 HIG9 QUALlTYv of groceries for a LOW PRICE *s thif | fe sell .so aany gr<**: cerieg that we oan buy in big quantities, an<J buying in big qiajntU j: " iea we get the littl#^ v price. ' " As we get the llttl9| price, ve oan GIVE tlj| l i t t le price. Schneider Bros., - Wfe^t BffcHteiiry ::§S- - •j4 n %• :"h • ' '"Si-

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