to Make Tour Own Gift« Yo«t !-V * Wtoy Find m Suggestion H«r«K t- ^v' DOOQOOOPQQOOOOOOOOOObOOOOO 'A:**' For Boys "Over There" i. -3 ::x*SS 00Q0Q00CXXXXXXXX30CXXXXXXXX) a Toys for Baby #*<»**»##»»»» ' >•« Bach soldier "over there" is to be allowed one Christmas package from home, and only one. Here is a small, waterproof portfolio containing a writing tablet, envelopes and a pencil. The donor might slip a few unmounted photographs in It; too. It Is made of « long strip pf black oilcloth folded op at the ends and machine stitched down to form the packets. An extra row of machine stitching across one end makes a casing for the pencil. The portfolio is shown closed at the top of the picture. With oil colors bright roses or the flags of the allies or figures clad In khaki are painted on these portfolios. jpcyooooooooooooooooooooooo Christmas Bags S'&V Canton flannel, eiderdown flannel and plushes are used for the doggies, ponies and circus animals that prove absorbingly interesting and dear to his babyship. Patterns for them can be bought from any of the standard pattern companies and they are stuffed with sawdust. The doll pictured Van be made to go through many antics. She Is without a body and her coat is to be slipped on over the fingers of whoever undertakes to amuse the baby. She will bow her head, wave her arms-and dance. 000<XXXXXXXXX)0CXXXX>0000000 Something for Mother People Are to Ballot on Fonn of Rule That H to Be;® K - KC £i- jtr. AdflptfiA; Vi-.^ •• ;V ** '•* • KAROLYI HEADS TI Call* Election to Determine the Form; ^ ofGovernment Under Which Hun*. ^ jpriane Desire to Live--Crea- ^ tion of Republic Near Copenhagen, Nov. 5.--The Hungari an National council, headed by Count Karolyi, has ordered a popular vote to,determine the form of government under which the Hungarian people de sire to live* according to dispatches from Budapest. The creation of a Hungarian re public is anticipated. All Hungarian traffic toward Ger many has been stopped. This means that 50,000 cars* loaded with food will not be allowed to reach Germany. Two German divisions are reported proceeding fron* Roumahia to Hun gary. ' * v 'fpfw '-v » * A X* •* ,4 S VrtU-HOT mma H *Y f: «MMAiO DAILY BULGAfi KING QUITS THRONE Government Falls Into the Hands of a ^ Council of Peasants ami** : , ; Agrarians. - - *• • * London* Nov. 5.--Bulgaria has been proclaimed a republic, said an Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Ber lin by way of Copenhagen. King Boris has abdicated. Copenhagen, Nov. 5.--King Boris of fSulgarla, who ascended the throne on October 3, has abdicated. A peasant government has been es tablished at Tirnova under the leader- Ship o'f M. Stambullwsky, who has been the chief of the peasants and agrari ans of Bulgaria for some time. London, Nov. 5.---M. Stambullwsky, who is reported to be the head of the new government in Bulgaria, is said to be in command of a republican army of 40,000 men, according to a Zurich dispatch to the Central News. FLIGHT IS NOW STABILIZED Here is a pretty pedestal supporting a small basket to be used for bonbons or as a sewing basket or for table decoration, now that artificial flowers are a part of house furnishings. It is made of paper rope and is gilded. It is a very substantial bit of decoration, raited to almost any room in the house. oocooooooooocxxxxxxoocoooo To Wrap Baby Up In ,\ •CTfsfc Christmas wouldn't seem like Christ? mas without the lovely bags of all kinds that women delight In. Some of them are rich and splendid and others charm .by their daintiness. Here are two that belong to these extremes. The shopping bag is of black satin bro- caded with silver and has a handsome B^ver mounting. The other is a pow- 'r •' der bag of lavender satin ribbon with a : \ ' big ribbon pansy on the front of It. ? The petals are tinted with water col- /" ors, making a -blossom that looks very real. It carries a powder puff and a SJ|P little box of compact powdpr and a <r pmall mirror Is Incased in the reverse side. „ life ,f ,s tV v" QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ; Home-Made Do!! " IL*. - ' :,.v n • •• v "vA •- -.J- The baby can't kick out of this cosy garment when he is roiled out in the keen, wintry air or put to sleep by an open window, so that every one of his relatives will want to make him a Christmas present of It It is made of eiderdown flannel and has flaps that button up over the hands, and feet anil a hood that can be drawn up close about the face. 0OOCXXXXXXXX)OOOOCXXXXXXXX36 and Lace ****** ̂ ^•"rrrrrrrrr^crrcf r jjmg The dolls of yesterday--so beautiful % and so cheap--they are no more. It Is ! the war. But no little maid need be I without a doll, for it is the easiest thing ever to make one of heavy do- ;• mestic and paint a face w ft One can buy a pattern of any of the pat- / tern companies and make the body, which to to be stuffed with sawdust. Such a doll dressed and making her ppearance at (Christmas time will be s much loved as the most fragile axen\ beauty that over came from erseiw. " This combination or envelope che mise is so sheer and dainty that It Is just the sort of gift that one woman will like to give to another, It Is of flesh-colored crepe de chine, with in sertions of fine filet lace. Little flow ers in small French knots are em broidered on It In pale shades of £lnk and bine. The yoke is novel, simply four triangles with points joined fit the shoulder with little chiffon rosea. United 8tatea Plane Flies Twenty JMiiM la France Entirely controlled. An American Airdrome In France, Nov. 5.--An experiment recently con ducted by»an aviator revealed how thoroughly man's flight has been sta bilized. In midair the pilot released his hand and foot controls entirely and touched nothing for 20 miles, leaving his machine to fly itself until Just before landing. "You couldn't do that with an automobile," he laughed, after describing H>e performance«to fellow flyers. RAISE THE SUGAR ALLOWANCE Increase From Two to Three Pounds Monthly to Each Person Or- dared by Hoover. Washington. Nov. 4.--The sugar al lowance of two pounds monthly a per son for householders was increased to three pounds monthly by Food Admin istrator Hoover. The sugar regulations also are revised to permit the purchase of the entire month's supply ,Jtor a family at one time. < i TREATING SPANISH Tbe Influenza Germs Attack die *age*. When VapoRttb It Applied Over Chest, the Medicated Vapors Loosen the* Open the Air Passages and Stimulate (fie Membrane to Throw Off the Germs. In Addition, VapoRuh is Ab sorbed Through and Stimu lates the Skin, Attracting tile Blood to the Surface and Thus Aids in Reducing the Congestion Within. FIGURES ON LAST LOAN PEOPLE OF U. 8. OVERSUBSCRIBE FOURTH ISSUE $868,000,0001 More Than 21,000,000 Persons Bought < ; Securltie»--All Districts •»" %; . ; • Over Topi. • . _ * * * % • • » * « • - ' • • • • • . ̂ • • Washington, Nov. 4.--The fourth liberty Joan was oversubscribed by more than $866,000,000. Fined reports announced by the treasury show sub scriptions of $6,860,416,300. . More than 21,000,000 persons sub scribed. -y All federal reserve districts oversub scribed, the Boston district reaching 12(5 per cent of its quota, and standing first in the percentage column. Rich mond made 123 per cent and Philadel phia 119. Other districts' percentages were: Cleveland, 116 ; Minneapolis, 114; St touis, 113; Atlanta, 112; Dallas, 111.69; New York, lll.ll«t Chicago, 110; Kan sas City, 109; San Francisco, 105. Records by districts were as follows: District. Quota. 6ubscrlp. Boston % ea2.221.sso Richmond .... SSO.OOO.OOO 345,000,000 Philadelphia P00,'000»n00 B9S,5W,0M Cleveland $00,000,000 06.536,000 Minneapolis ....... £1*€00.000 239,616,000 3t. Louis 260.000,000 S95.117.900 Atlanta 192.000.000 ' 05,653.250 Dallas 126,000,000 140,?44,«00 New York 2,000,000,000 Chicago 870,000,000 969,529,280 Kansas City 260.000,000 284,968,350 3an Francisco ..... 402.000.000 426.000,000 "The great success of the loan is qew and convincing evidence of the determined spirit of America to carry on the war until freedom is assured throughout the world," said Secretary McAdoo. "But even with the highest purpose and patriotism on the part of the people, this great result could not have been achieved without intelligent direction and organization. "I wish to thank the Liberty loan committees, both men and women, the bankers and business men, farmers, wage earners, railroad officers and employees and every group of citizens who have so ably and enthusiastically eo-operated with the treasury in con ducting the campaign. "To the press of the country espe cial credit Is due for emphasizing through their columns and editorial pages the necessity for making this great loan successful. "In spite of the influenza epidemic, the unenacted revenue bill and other unfavorable factors, the American peo ple have consummated the greatest financial achievement In all history." KAISER TO QUIT, BUT-- EMPEROR SAYS HE 18 ALMOST READY TO ABDICATE. Declares Time Is Not Yet Rlpfi mWl Press Urges Ruler to » 'X -a Hurry Up. Amsterdam, Nov. 1.--The kaiser la willing t!o abdicate--but not yet. In an address before members of the reichstag, an excerpt of which was tel egraphed from Berlin, the emperor is quoted as saying: "The time Is not yet ripe for my ab dication. "Should the nation require it later, I shall abdicate without hesitation, In favor of Prince William (the crown prince's eldest son), under the re gency of the chancellor." London, Nov. 1.--Despair in the mil itary situation has seized the German press. The demand for the kaiser's abdication is becoming dally more in sistent and general. Vorwaerts, the socialist organ, says; "With the defection of Austria our frontiers are unsafe and further blood shed becomes, useless." Deputy Richard Kalkhof declared at a recent meeting of the centrist party that he was able to affirm that Em peror William would not cling to the crown', but would abdicate for Ger many's good, according to the Cologne Tageblatt. General 'Groener, the Prussian war minister, after an audience with the emperor, has gone to German head quarters as the successor to General Ludendorff, who resigned several days ago, according to a Central News dis patch to Copenhagen. U. S. TANKER WHIPS U-BOAT MANY DIE IN BONN AIR RAID Cologne Volks Zeltung 8ays Many Persons Were Killed by Brit ish Flyers. Amsterdam, Nov. 5/--A l*rg* tttim- ber of persons were killed and many wounded at Bonn by bombs dropped by British airmen, who carried out a raid on the railway station in the Cen ter of the town, according to the Cologne Volks Zeltung. 100 DIE IN M. Y. •%" WRECK Coney Island Train Smashed--Police Remove Bodies--Many Women ' Perish, Report. New York, No*. 2.--Police declare 1Q0 persons were killed when an ele vated train for Coney Island on the Brighton Beach line jumped the track at Lincoln road station, near Prospect Park. All Brooklyn ambulances were called to the scene of the accident. New Ace Downs Fifth Plane. With the American Army Northwest of Verdun, Nov. 4.--Lieut. Jacques Swaah of New York city is the newest American "ace." He downed his fifth German aviator, who fell within tlie American lines near Verdun. Price of Petroleum Raised, New: York, Nov. 2.--The Standard Oil company of New York today ad vanced the price of refined petroleum In barrels 1% cents to 17% cents a gallon. The advance Is doe to the In creased cost of Cooperage. Get Permanent Leave. Amsterdam, Nov.. 0. -- The naty department of the Austro-Hungarfan ministry of war has published an im perial decree permitting all men jho are not of South Slav nationality t4> return home on permanent leave. DRAFT CALL FOR 200,000 Men Are to Be Mobilized Id Large Numbers Early " 4 ,^,7 November. 'H' i: : Washington, Nov. 2.--Men of the new draft age will first be mobilized in large numbers early in November un der a draft call now In preparation at Provost Marshal General Crowder's of fice. It calls for the entralnment of more than 200,000 men qualified for general military service. They will be furnished in proportionate numbers by every state In the Union. Draft calls suspended during October because of the influenza epidemic have been re newed in sections where the epidemic has moderated, and entralnment of all men under the October calls probably will be completed before the November quota Is started to the cantonments. ROYAL AIR FORCE POPULAR British Government Calls Halt on Boy Flying Aspirants--Requires Birth Certificate. London, Nov. 4.--Popularity of the Royal air force Is emphasized at the recruiting office here. The military age minimum is seventeen years and seven months. So many youths under that age have attempted to join that It has become necessary to require birth certificates with each applies tion. •» British and Norwegian Ships Run, but American Gives Battle--Out fights Pirate. An American Port, Nov. 1.--<A do and sliellfire attack by a German submarine on an American tanker, a British freighter and a Norwegian freighter, October 21, 700 miles from the French coast, in Which the Ameri can tanker stopped to engage and ap parently outfought the U-boat, was de scribed by the crew of the Norwe-1 gian ship, which arrived here* The three vessels were traveling to gether, the Norwegian crew said, when the submarine made Its presence known by launching a torpedo at the Britisher. The enemy then appeared on the surface and with two deck guns opened fire on all three ships. The vessels scattered and the Britisher, be ing the fastest, was soon hull down on- the horizon. The Norwegian ship, un armed, moved off In an opposite direc tion, while the American tanker, turn ing so as to present a stern target, opened fire and In short order made the U-boat submerge. CAUL A PHYSICIAN CO fO BED -- STAY QUflET -- DONT WORRY la IV* Oecasloa far Plain «m Itself Han a Very Lot* Perceat- -MK of Fatalities. Not Over Oae Dcatfc Out of Every Foaur Hnadred Cases Accord Iuk t* the N. C Board •( Health. The Chief Danger Mes ta Complications Arlufsf, Attacking Principally Patient* In a Rbd-Dowi Condition--Those Who Oon't Go to Bed Soon Enough, ar Those Who Gat V» Toe Early. Spanish Influensa, which appeared In Spain in May, has all the appearance of grip or la grippe, which has swept over the world in numerous epidemics as far back as history runs. Hippocra tes refers to an epidemic in 412 B. C. which is regarded by many to have been Influenza. Every century has ha'd- its attacks. Beginning with 1831, this country Has had five epideaalea* the last in 1889-1890. THE SYMPTOMS. Grippe, or influenza, as It is. now called, usually begins ..with a chill, fol lowed by aching, feverishness and sometimes nausea and dizziness, and a general feeling of weakness and de pression. The temperature Is from 100 to 104, and the fever usually lasts from three to five days. The germs attack the mucous membrane, or lining of the air passages--nose, throat and bronchial tubes; there is usually a hard cough, especially bad at night, and frequently all the appearances of a severe head cold. THE TREATMENT. Go to bed at the first symptoms, not only for your own sake, but to avoid spreading the disease to others--take a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing food, remain perfectly quiet and don't worry. Quinine, aspirin or Dover's Powder, etc., may be administered by the physician's directions to relieve the aching. But there is no cure or specific for Influenza--the disease run its course. Nature hersel throw off the attack if only yoi «P yo*r strength. The chief lies in the complications which arise. Influenza so weakens the resistance that there is danger of monla or bronchitis developing sometimes Inflammation of the ear. or heart affections. Fo? reasons, it Is very important tl patient remain in bed untf^ Strength returns--stay in bed si two days or more after the f^wer ,l^ft you, or if you are over 50 or strong, stay la bed four days or* _ according to the severity of the at . EXTERNA!, APPUCATICKS. *n order to stimulate the lining the air passages to throw off grippe germs, to aid In loosening phlegtn and keeping the air open, thus making the breathing SiSS** ler vrck's VapoRub will be found ii|% fective. Hot. wet towels should be ajlfi plied over the throat, cbest and haftt between the shoulder blades tO opeflt the pores. Then Vicks should t* rubbed In over the parts until theSkdt* Is red, spread on thickly and i mVW with two thicknesses of hot flannel cloths. Leave the clothing XooMb: around the neck, as the heat of the body liberates the ingredients Sn th# form of vapors. These vapors, in haled with each breath, carry the med# ication directly to the parts affected^-" At the same time. VapoRub is ab- , sorbed through and stimulates thff- skin attracting the blood to the sur» face and thus aids In relieving the cob*\ gestlon within. HOW TO AVOID THE DISEASE. . Evidence seems to prove that thisfe Is a germ disease, spread principally'- by human contact, chiefly through coughing, sneezing Or spitting. Se avoid persons having colds -- which means avoiding crowds -- common drinking cups, roller towels, etc. Keen"' up your bodily strength by olenty of exercise In tile open air and good foodt * KEEP FREE PROM COLDS. Above all keep free from colds, aa colds irritate the lining of the air pa»» • sages and render them much betted breeding places for the germs. LTse Vick's VapoRub at-the very sign of a cold. For a head cold,. Sam a little In a spoon and inhale th«. va» t ; pors. or better still, jse VapoRub lo t benzoin steam kettle. If this available, use an ordinary. *-fret AN,' •; Fill half-full of boiling water, put !• .A half a teaspoon of VapoRub from fhPMK' to time--keep the kettle Just sljmlr* boiling--Inhale the sfe&m arising; Vick's VapoRub can be had in thrift sizes--30c. 60c. $1.20--at all drug|»fItifcj • 'HI. ,i ' nil 'I 'i' 1 • freyfoi "Wormy," that's what's the matter of 'em. and intestinal worms. Nearly as bad as distemper, you too much to feed 'em. Look bad--are bad. physic 'em tc death. Spohn's rn--pwail will <re: worms, Improve the appetite, and tone 'em U] and don't "physic." Acts on glands and bU* » directions with each bottle, and sold by ail druggletst SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Coihw, M, U. ft* 4L As Age Advances the Liver V{*.y« iitcasional in*' "*"I1hm» SmMtm, Does, SsmM Pries Bi Greet in its Good Week ' -iwi : • pf VlVET |mw % CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER CONSTIPATION NO ATTACKS MADE ON LINERS Old Fsith in Kslser Lost. Amsterdam, Nov. 4. -- Gertnanjp's widespread loss of faith in the kaiser is the most significant fact in the fn- therlnml at this moment. It meaQS that old popular superstitions arp go ing and the kaiser with them. Shell Kills French Deputy. Paris, Nov. 4.--M. Duire, member of the chamber of deputies for VaJ- eijciennes, who Insisted, upon accom panying French troops when they oc cupied the suburbs of that city, wiis killed by a shell, It Is announced. 2. Allies' War Council Begina. Versailles, Nov. 4.--Representatives of the allied nations began their de liberations at the supreme war coun cil here. General Bliss, representative of the United States, was the first del egate to reach the Trianon palace. 25,000 Are Shot In Russis. feondon. Nov. 2.--During the rule of General Ivrasnoff, the Cossack lender and former member of the staff of Al exander Iverensky, in the Don region, 2.5,000 persons have been shot; accord ing to a Russian wireless dispatch. Week Passes Without U-Boats Tor* t) pedoing Passenger 8hips, Navy > Depsrtment Announces. Washington, Nov. 4.--No passenger ships were attacked by Germuu sub marines in the last week, .Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt an nounced. While he would give no fig ures, he said that the total number of passenger ship sailings amounted to a considerable number. He was inclined to believe that the Germans have ceased attacks ob passenger ships, as they announced., Colorless or Pale Faces •*>«•* • condition which will be grsstly helped by DUTCH BAR HUN REFUGEES Hollsnd Will Allow No More Germans to Cross Over Belgian-Nether- lands Frontier. • Amsterdam, Nov. 4 -- German (author ities have been notified by the Dutch government that hereafter no refugees will be permitted to cross the Belgian- Netherlands frontier. Acid-Stomach Makes Millions Wert and " v v i •v. r- $?. . h t: . . .v Wot >NN daatfets have been telling ' As that it's add mouth that ruins the teeth, yet this acid thM is puwerftU enough to eat through the banier than bone iTiamei of the teeth and dec*/ them, 1B tasteless. Its presence van be detected only by chemical teats. No chemical test Is needed t(r tell yffl that you have acid-stomach. Indigestion, belching, heart ban, BOOT Ctomach, food-repeating, that miserable puffed up feeling after eating, intestinal pains, headaches, etc. These are all Nature's warning to you. They are •ure signs of superacidity. A r. I.)t - >r»i n jijCS' tion and awlmllation, thus causing the blood to become thin and Impoverished as a result (ft which people become 8al- low-sklnned, emaciated, sick and bad looking. Acid-xtomach causes stomach and In testinal fermentation, producing polsona and toxins which, absorbed into the blood and carried throughout the system, cause autointoxication, Insomnia, nervousness, irritability, mental depression, melan cholia. diMinesa, vertigo a:i . oftemiuieS, Valvular heart trouble and heart failure. Acld-stuiuach causes irritation all along the Intestinal tract--Irritation SO •evere and aggravating aa to frequently result in catarrh and even cancer of the •iomach. What chance, then, has anyone tot tolmtt health, happiaeas or suceeaa u this acld-stoaiach la sBwm* to tear StafS and use up day after day year siraagtk and vitality faster than you caa get tt oat of food you eat. Life la indeed and dreary fur a person with ach. You crave health, strength, the _ and will to tkiak and act--doat -ftttf Tou want to fee] full of pep and aawgf. Sne- and lit, always eager lor wock ar pleasure. Then yon most rid your stomach of Its exc«*s acid. Yon can start doing It right now. A wooderfal modaKQ medi cine has made it pos?£ile to literalftp wtpe EATONIC. .It la made In pleasant t««t. Ing t&blets and you take them Jaat a bit of candy. ' And, my, how good EATONIC make* you feel! It acld-atewach mis eries like magic! Makes the stonMch cool, aweei and strong. Helps yam te get full •trength out of your food so that. In turn, your body and bra la are vigorous,, alert and keen. EATONIC is absolutely guaranteed, *» ; set a big 50c box froai your drtiggiat. If ft does not help you your money tO |S refunded. If your druggist dues not KATONIC, send your name and a idreaa w the Eatonic Remedy Compaay. MIS't Wabash Ave., Chicago, III., and they triS at once mail you a 50c box and yea ea§ Mi) them the water for it after ywi a# eetve U. • • Bavaria to Claim Throne. t London, Nov. 5.--The Bavarian pre mier has notified Berlin that the Ba varian r«yal family claims the impe rial throne in the event of Emperor William's abdication, according to the socialist Leipzig Volks Zeitung. Mil $200,000,000 More to Prance. Washington. Nov. 4.--A new credit of $200,000,000 established by the treasury in 'favor of Prance brought the total credits to that country up to $2,365,000,000 and the total for all allies to $7,732,970,608. Fire Damages .Chemical Plant. Bristol. Tenn., Nov. 2.--Fire, fol lowed by explosions, destroyed the chloride distilling building at the S.%- 000,000 government chemical plant at Kingsport, Tenn. The damage was estimated at more than $100,000. Republican Army of 40,000. London, Nov. 5.--M. Stambullwsky, who is reported to be the head of the new government in Bulgaria, is said to be in command of a republican army of 40,000 men, according to S Zurich dispatch to the Central News., Heidelberg Damaged in Raid. London, Nov. 4.--It is officially ad mitted in the German capital, accord ing to a dispatch from Berlin, that Kerious damage has been done to the City of Heidelberg, In BadeB, tytf an allied air raid. Wester* IM Where in tIS to $3® | f to 45 brute is to tfca acr* «C easy to figure die profits. P farmers (scores of them from the U. S.) have single crop. Such an opportunity lor 100% praflt as Mm* Md is worth investigation. - ( Canads extends to you a hearty terttatkn to settle oohsc | Free Homestead Laods of 160 Aorn a tay at ffcMk':] thst Witt i " MS Pawtucket Draft Board in First. Washington, Nov. 4.--Local board No. 1 of Pawtucket, R. I., is the first draft board ih the country to complete the classification of September 12, Provost Marshal General Crpwder an nounced. or secure some of the low priced Isnds in Alberta. Think what ysa caa «ak« wkh wheat at $3 a easy to get. Wonderful yields also of Oat^ larkj ami Flax. Mixed fatariag and cattle raiaiog. The dimate la healthful and afreetfal^namBP fa- ciiitiee exaxQent; good scfaoola andctanlKa eotttSeefc Write for hteratme and partkulan as to reduced <atea to&ipt Tmmigrstion, Ottawa. Canada ar to shafts; 8ru ̂afeWgrt Cmdin Government Asenta ,:C ImsImI and' iMd-'iiij