I ¥ . U > SELECT s There is more satisfaction iij givinjf somethinjf that is practical tnd serviceable, and such ffifts are certainly more welcome to th« recipient. We have scores of si<eh pract ical ^oods and you will find no trouble in making selections {com our stock. • - .. \ - BRUSHES make excellent {fifts. We have a full line ©f brush es lor every purpose and in a variety of materials such as French Stag, Ebony, Fojswood, Ivory. Sterling' Silver. Etc. TOILET SETS are alwaysisuitnble as gifts. See our line of combination toilet sets--brush, ct>ml> aiid mirror--iu best qualities. MANICURE SETS are usejful and alwavH acceptable as a gift. We sell them in single pieces sets. - Some sets in handsome silk lined cases. | " PERFUMES are closely ass^iated with Christmas giving. We' • fcfiot sell special brands for! Christmas, but give the same high- * grifle goods that we sell the'year "round. In quantity or special Christmas; packages. Colognes, Toilet Waters, Sachet Powders, Atomizers, Etc., are also in this department and make excellent Sift®. ' v- We can cot enumerate jtfl our practical gift goods, but will add a few more suggestions: Leather Goods, -Stationery, Jewelry, Cat . Glass, Etc. Come in, look over our stock"! Many suitable gift-items will be suggested. phone sow N. H. PETESCH oroccist Our stock of Holiday Gifts in the staple and useful articles is very complete. We invite your inspect ion. HawJkhrohiefs in endlftw varied -5c to Me Neck Scarfs, Mufflers, Hockey Sets and-Caps, Sweater Gbate^n ^ *" 0»» Shoes andSlippei* are best money can buy. Prices to Suit every, purse. Sizes to fit. every all sizes. A fine line of Ladies' Collars in dainty effects 11c to $LM ~ : : ;----*tr M eft's Neckwear, newest stylls and popular silks. -> Mdn's and Boys' M«ckinaws and A'~, Yvt •• --v^. «: • , ]f Gloves and Mittens for the cold weather. • "" v*>{ We have some extra quality inch muslins at per yard . . tic Complete line of Groceries and Canned Goods. Tea and Coffee, the kind t^ alway^»lea»e«- ¥. % A- Telephone 63-R * • • * , .* Gooda delivered. . , WEST McHENftt M. J WALSH •v. • L-W : - I" *-• * High grade coffee, lb. .Me Baked Beans, No. 1 can. lie Celluloid Starch, pkg . Jle Condensed Soup, can Sauerkraut, can Golden Pumpkin, can. Cora Flakes, pkg. U. S. Preserves, glass Corn Flour, per lb.. . Navy Beans, per lb__^l$f Queen Olives, bottle. r__l#c Sweet Pickles, bottle. .We lOe ISe 15c 10c tie 8c Egg Noodles, pkg a Salad Dressing Santos Coffee, per lb./ Macaroni, package,... Lenox Soap, 4 for .... Kitchen Cleanser, can Japan Tea, per pound Bluing, per bottle .. .. Mazola, per can American Lye. . . Garton's Herring, can . Shelf Paper • lie 1* sic lie .4 At :S t ,6c •MI John Stoffel vc? : At THIS STORE :f^Ydtir$ace is nice and clean, e1 r-fis it should be." Words used by the U. S. jFood Inspector Monday of this week when he inspected our store. We try to Ikeep things right. Our prices stand com parison. ^Home grown Navy Beans, per lb_ 15c Cranberries, per pound 16c Heinze and Van Camp Baked Beans _20c Cider Vinegar, per gallon 43c Sweet Gherkins, dozen... . JlOc ; 1-oz. bottle Vanilla Extract. - - ---. - 12c , i 1-2 02. bottle Vanilla Eitract^-l-.-ISc :'-T M I ,s ' McHENRY, ILLi ,UV • v C' $ itS % ,'s * .J1*,, TU FT' SPRING GROVE Math. Rauen was a Chicago piissen- ger Monday. U Wedding bells will soon be ringing irt this village. Miss Anna Schaefer m a 3<&WS- burpr caller Sunday. Mrs. Graee Jackson of Solon w*s a caller here Monday. ' jiy Ford and Lyle Jackson were Rich mond visitors Sunday. Gilbert Howard was a Ktfnosha caller one day last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Wagner were Chicago passengers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brown and Lanr* May spent Friday iri Chicago. Miss Mae Keefe spent several days last week with relatives at Woodstock. Mrs. Howard Christensen and Miss Maytne Frett were Richmond callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams are the proud and happy parents of a baby boy, born Dec. 16. The Messrs. Arthur Oxtoby and Adam Jackson and son, Ford, were business callers at Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gallagher of Round Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brits. A shower was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Christensen in honor of Miss Mayme Frett and Ford Jack son last. Saturday evening. Miss Mabel Seigler accompanied Miss Mildred Newett to her home in Chicago Friday evening and remained over Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. Felix Weyer, Pope Haft, Joe Wajyner, Geo. May and Bruce Porter of Kenosha . spent Saturday evening and Sunday among friends and relatives in this vicinity. TERRA COTTA Mrs. Ray McMillan Is ill At fcer home here. Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Satur day last in Elgin. Mrs. Mary Grant spent Monday shopping in Elgin. Miss Eleanor Phalin was an Elgin Chopper Saturday. Miss Florence Knox was an Elgin visitor Saturday last. Major Gates boarded train here Tuesday morning. Mrs. Ed. Hollst was a visitor in Crystal Lake Tuesday evening,. Miss Alice Leisner was a business caller in Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and fam ily called on relatives here Sunday. Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby called in Crystal Lake Tuesday even ing. Harry Brantingham of Chicago was a guest in the G. P. Bay home Monday evening. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry was the guest of relatives here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chi cago spent Sunday at the McMillan homes here. Several from here attended the basket social at the Barreyille school Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daugh ters called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ma- lone at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Clara Miller of Washington spent the week end at the home of,her brother, Geo. P. Bay, and heir aunt, Mrs. S. B. Leisner. JOHNSBURG Michel* was a business vis itor in McHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klapperich passed the first of tije week with Chi cago relatives. Misses Margaret Smith and Clara Freund and Albert Freund were Woodstock visitors Tueeday. J. B. Hettermarm, John J. Schu macher and Wm. Althoff motored to Chicago Tuesday, returning in the evening. • Christmas will be observed in (lie usual solemn ^manner at St. John's church here next Wednesday and a big attendance is expected. S. H. Smith passed last Thursday and Friday in Chicago, where he at tended to business matters and visited with friends who are cottage owners at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Schumacher informs us that they have not heard from their son, Jacob, since the sign ing of the armistice. He is still lo cated somewhere in France and his parents are particularly anxious to hear from nim. Dr. Arnold Mueller is now stationed at Charleston, S. C., where he is be ing used as an expert witness in gov ernment cases. The doctor had re* cently passed a successful examin ation and was recommended for a captaincy, but the armistice came too soon for these new honors. Lonnie Michels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels, writes from some where in France that he is well and enjoying himself, altho the drilling is going on just the same as it did be fore the armistice was signed. While he is looking for an early return to the states, he was unable to state in his last letter to his parents just when this will be. niece, Miss Smith, from Oregon, part ef last week. Ifrs. Jennie Fry* who for the past year or more has been living at El nrfra, Mich., is visiting her aunts, Sarah and Bird Hodge. The services at the M. E. church here Sunday will be as follows: Sun day school at 1:30 and preaching at 2:80. All lire invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge at> tended the funeral of Mrs. Bessie Davison, daughter of Mrs. Nancy Lawson. at Park Ridge . _ dajt% i ... r^OSTBND ^ -f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell of Woodstock were callers at the Kaiser home her Tuesday. The two youngest children of Mr. and Mrs. .Frank Kaiser are sick and ont of school. Mrs. Frank kaiser and sons, Frank and John, attended church at McHenry Sunday morning last Little Joe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harrer, is quite ill with throat trouble. Dr. Hepburn was called. J. E. Harrison, the Greenwood gro cery vender, was around again Mon day, he having missed only two Mon days since early last spring. S. B. Kelley, a former resident of. Ring wood, but later of Allegon, Mich., with his two sons, Howard and Loren, are visiting relatives at Woodstock and Ringwood. . Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin received a card from their son, Loren, stating he was recovering nicely from the operation. He was operated on Dec. 10 and hopes to get home for Christ mas. McHENRY HIGHS DEFEATED The first and second, basket ball teams of the McHenry high school jitneyed to Wauconda last Friday, evening, where they met defeat at the hands of the township high school teams. - TJie second team played the first game of the evening. The McHenry boys started out well, but Wauconda, having better training and many of the players having been on the team last year, was successful in defeating our boys. At the end of the game the score was 13 to 36 in favor of Wau conda.^ The first team had a very rough game, Wauconda's first team having the same line-up as last year. The final score for this game was 15 to 81 in favor of the lake county boys. In the near future there is going to be a return game at McHenry and the home boys fee! confident that they will give them a race here, as Mc Henry will see that the game is clean and fair. Red Cross Notes Buy a chance on the Shetland pony for some boy or girl. Members will meet on Friday after noon or call for sewing. Societies will please assist with holiday sewing for girls overseas. Word from Woodstock today says to speed up the refugee work and appeals to the ladies to call for sew ing and instructions tomorrow after noon. Only dollar members are entitled to Christmas seals. Members join ing since Sept. 1 are entitled to wear the 1919 button. Your membership holds good until date of your receipt expires. The same committee appointed for soliciting members will continue the campaign this week. Every working member will be expected to assist. The Boy Scouts have volunteered their services, which is appreciated. The following soldiers who are now overseas will be recipients of Red Cross cartons from relatives at Mc Henry during the yuletide: Louis Zeman, Mike Degen,' Geo. Nicholls, Nick Meyers, R. L. Ferguson, Fred A. Caspers, R. T. Wray, John E. Nich olls, Henrj^ M. Weber, Coy L. Lowney, John Zens, Nick B. Balstam and Jos. M. Hoffman. r ; RINGWOOD Rev. Harrison and wife of Chicago m tww Henry Faber of Dakota is visiting 4iis cousin, Mrs. Lizzie Thompson. Mrs. Callie Rainey spent last Wed nesday with her mother in McHenry. Miss Kate Miller of Spring Grove was a caller at Ed. Bell's Sunday aft ernoon. The Red Cross had a very pleksant meeting at Mrs. Julia Carr's last Wednesday. „ The W. C. T. U, wiU meet Satur day afternoon of this week with Mrs. Mary Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. William Asyer of West Chicago visited at H. M. Steph enson's Sunday. . * Vbm. O. A, Wbor entertained her ADDITIONAL PERSONALS . Miss Genevieve Knox was a Wood stock visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander were Chicago passengers this morning. George J us ten and sister, Helen, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. ' Mrs. G. A. Himler passed a day last week as the guest of friends at Crys tal Lake. Mrs. Henry Berkercher is spending several days as tile guest of relatives in Chicago. Miss Genevieve' Knox is spending the week with friends in the metro politan city. Henry McCabe of Chicago passed the week end with home folks near this village. Miss Dorothy Knox passed the lat ter part of last and the first of this week with friends in Chicago. Miss Sarah Geary of Wauconda is a guest in the home of her niece, Mrs. H. J. Schaffer. M. J. Walsh and Wm. Smith attend ed to business matters in the metro politan city Wednesday. Miss Kathryn McCabe passed the latter part of last and the first of this week in die metropolitan city. Miss Mae Keefe of Spring Grove was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway "Friday and Satur day, Mr. and Mrs. Allen DeVoI of Plain- field, III., are guests of the F. A. Cooley family oil Waukegan street this week. •St. Mary's Church The masses for St. Mary's congre gation on Christmas day will be read at St. Patrick's church at 7:00, 9:15 and 11:15. The high masses will be at 7:00 and 11:15 and the 9:1S mass will be a low mass. The last mass wilV 6$ Without • • .• r -iK i ,y;V> rv:-r. We shall be pleased to have everybody become a member wyif i % Affords an easy and sensible plan for systematically saving mbney for Chritmas or for other purposes. By depositing small sums of from ONE CENT and UP to any convenient amount, a fund of money may be easily accumulated that will come in very handy when you get it back in a lump sum, plus interest, just before Christmas. By becoming a member you wiU| .-.i things that are unnecessary, and when Christmas comes you will be just that much ahead. * „ s- f * * ' MM JOIN YOURSELF GET YOUR WIFE TO JOIJ* HAVE THE 'CHILDREN JOIN Let us all get the Saving Habit. It means much to the individual It means: McHENRY, ILLINOIS m-.: Our quality, prices and ser- vice are always righfcS lito m'ti.i'i ir -> mn raihtntlfer Hintsfor W$ Let us help you in selecting your Christinas Gifts, gifts that will satisfy both you and re cipient, carrying as they do the assurance of quality and correctness. Among somaot ft* beautiful gifts we have in stock are: £ : f l J u l l l i ' ' . Ware, Nickle Plated Copper Ware, Carving Sets, Razors of all kinds, Ait Guns, Shot Guns, Universal Lunch %Boxes, complete with vacuum bottle, .. .... 3 v S" |s ler Skates, Electric Flat Irons| Hifles, Sleds, Pocket Knivea, Shears, Embroidery Scissors, Ladies' 3-piec* Scissor assortment, Crumb Trays and d rapers, Flash lights. Skates, *Boys* flTool Chests. . •' -i\ ( Kf. % ' 1<A R<F ' < H '/A WEST McHENRY, IIJU. SHUBERT PAYING EXTRA HIGH PRICES FOR MUSKRAT N«l MEDIUM IXTIMTOAVMAOt H9I5MAU. UTMioanMt N?l LARGE N? I EXTRA UWCt EXTRA TO AVCRAGC ©!9I8ABSInc «TMTOAVMME -//J v r - Ui! MUSKRAT WINTER FALL FINE 1MK NINK usualcolor PALE UNmlimn-eBl BLACK SHORT NARROW BROAD 3.00 to 2.60 2.50 to 2iS 14i»to12.00 11.00 to 9.60 9.00 to 1.50 N? I EXTRA URGE MOtoZ.OO 2.10 to 1.80 10.00to8.00 i00to7.00 IJJOtoB.OO N?lLARGE i miwATp HJOtoliOO 9.60 to 100 UOto Ml lOOto 3.00 8J0to0.S0 IJNItoLQO §.50to4.7S 3J0to2i0 1.10 to 1.60 UOto 1.40 1.50 to 1i| liOtoMN) ?4)0 to fi.00 6.00 to 5.00 5.00 to 4.00 iuntocoo 4J»to3J0 3J0to!i(H N?t MEDIUM I HSI SMALL tXTHA TO AVtHA^t | JIM TO .VOXOC «S TO SMt« VMXt* B.00to].50 5.T5to5i5 4.50 to 175 ZJStofJI TJI0 to 6.00 64)0 to 4.50 156toJJ0 IXTOM H9 2 UOtoltt 4JWto?iO M*OIM GOOD UHP®H£ uflto M 4iflto?JB IN to lit ubltoiji H9 3 Hn> .40 &TO & r. MTO\M 1.T5to1J0 lis to .i POO® L'.WBSE wiywygw Wto US lift to Ulto » Mm JS smmmsmi and Kins ATHIGMCSr MMMM . ^ 'i i EXTREH Stt6» IHMEOtAl CATCH 'EM-SKIN "EM-SHIP 'EM We Want All the Northern lllineie Purs You Cmn SMp MUSXRAf, MINK, SKUNK and all other Fur-bearers collected in your MCtion in strong demand. A shipment to "SHUBERT" will bring you "more money"--"quicker.* GET A SHIPMENT OFF -TODAY. You11b«ml*tr «KlyM«L • ^ I (VI E R » ^ "*7 NV ^ • . •JSSM y- r; v >•--»- Vs • i'S J