Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jan 1919, p. 5

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" A ̂l̂ e threshold of die new year we want to express our appreciation of the good will and patronage ex­ tended to us during the past year. We have tried as never before to promote the interests of those who trade with us and we have substantial evidence that our efforts fcave not been in vain. " During ti^e coming year we shall maintain the high­ est standards of professional pharmacy, the highest qual­ ity of goods and the best possible service. In doing this we shall place the interests of our customers above our i % We wish to thank all of our friends and customers for favors shown and extend $o each our best wishes for HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ^ a tuoneww N. H. PETESCH druggist 10 Lbs. Coffee <V:I High grade coffee,$b.---S#c Baked Beans, No. 1 canlOe Celluloid Starch, pkg___Me Condensed Soup, can_.JWe Sauerkraut, can 15e Golden Pumpkin, caa.-ISe C o r n F l a k e s , p k g - l i e U. S. Preserves, glass,-10c Corn Flour, per lb.-„u;-.Se Navy Beans, {per Hk . -_c.15c Queen.Olives, bottle----tic Sweet Pickles, bottle . lie Egg*No°dles,ipy: Dressing. .1H Santos Coffee, per lb Macaroni, package . Lenox Soap, 4 for __ Kitchen Cleanser, can__ Japan«Tea, per pound-.. Bluing, per bottle _______ Mazola, per canb*Jwl _ _ - AmericanlLye.^ 1--l m 20c m 25c _5c 60c 16c 35c l©c Garton's Herring, can-__ 18c Shelf Papef - j 4 * 5 ft? -5c GOING DOWN! We are in receipt each week of a price * on most of the merchandise we sell. When you buy here you can be sure you get thfc lowest market price regardless of how much we paid for our goods. Some items on which prices have gone down some are: Men's Mayer Honorbilt Shoes, were $7.50 now!----,-- --- $6.75 ~ Men's Mayer Work Shoes, were $5.00, now $4.75 Men's heavy Overalls, blue stripe $2.1 Q Wool Oap Blankets, were $6.50, now - $5.75 Hand-picked. Nayy Beans, were 15, now per pound S-j- - SMITH BROS. McHENRY, ILL. V FOR NEXT SATURDAY Ofay Canton Flannel, per yard --T J®l ̂ White Canton Flannel, per yard#--.• --We Light colored Outing Flannel, per yard- .- SSc Dark colored Outing Flannel, per yard.----8k Apron Ginghams, per yard 27c Dress Ginghams, different patterns, per yard.-22c Dark blue Dress Prints, per yardi^^* . * tHONE 425-W-l JDHNSBURH, ILL TERRA COTTA Henry Shales of Crystal Lake vii- ited relatives here Christmas. Miss Florence and Harold Knox were visitors in Chicago Friday. Miss Elizabeth Liildle was a Crystal Lake caller a couple of days last week. Wm. J. JWfingate of Crystal Lake spent Friday at the home of his son, Ralph. Mr. Watt of' Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home ef John Liddle and family. Miss Frances Knox spent Friday evening and Saturday with friends at Crystal Lake. \ Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Christmas day at the home of Frank McMillan. ~ Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby were business caller in Crystal Lake one evening last, week. Mr. and Mrs, John Tarnow and son, Orville, were guests of out-of-town relatives over Sunday. M iss Florence Knox returned to her school duties near Cary Monday after a week's vacation. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago was the guest of her parents and sister here Thurdsay and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beal spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lock%voodx Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty of Elgin was a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Frisby, and family last week. Miss Mary Parsley, who has been very sick for the past three weeks, died at her home cast of here Satur­ day morning. Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin and Corp. Robt. E. Knox were in Chi­ cago Friday and saw "Happiness" at the Powers theatre. Miss Mary McCabe, who attends the Academy of Our Lady at Longwood, is spending the holidays with her par ents and brother east of here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergqnan, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner and Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago Were guests at the S. B. Leisner home Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson en­ tertained several relatives at dinner Christmas, among them being Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cole and daughters and Mr. and Mrs Earl Hyde of Crystal Lake. Friends of Mrs. J. C. Small were grieved to hear of her death, which occurred Sunday morning. She had been ill with influenza for several days. Her husband and daughter, Margaret, have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Word reached here Friday of the death of Horace Anderson, a nephew of Geo. P. Bay of this place, at his home in California. Influenza was the cause of the young man's death, which is doubly sad, as his only brother also died of'the dread disease about two months ago. RINGWOOD I Bert HcCannon was, a Woodstock visitor Sunday. Lester Carr reached home from England Christmas. The W. C. T. U. will meet Satur­ day of this week with Florence Smith. H. M. Stephenson and wife spent Sunday at Mr. Small's at Lake Gen- eva. Mrs. xAda Webster and children of Woodstock returned home Monday evening. H. W. Allen and wife spent Sunday with their daughter and family in Woodstock. J. C. Ladd and wife and iss Agnes Bigelow spent Christmas with rela­ tives at Crystal Lake. Mrs{ Avery Holmes and two sons of Palatine spent last Friday with her sister, Mrs. Martha Bradley. Charles Stephenson and wife ate Christmas dinner with her sister's family, Mrs. Alice McLean, in Wood­ stock. Fred Allen and wife of-Chicago and Robert Mansfield and wife of Green­ wood spent Saturday afternoon at Thomas Walkington's. Howard Smith of Champaign, 111., who visited his uncle, W. E. Smith, and family part of last week, went to Chicago Friday evening. Mrs. Florence Betl is in < Spring Groye helping to care for a little granddaughter that arrived at the home of Mr and last Friday. Mrs. Vivian Esh Miss Ellen Cooney Miss Ellen Cooney, eldest, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cooney of Chicago, passed away at St. Luke's hospital in that city on Thursday of last week, December 26, 1918, follow­ ing a siege of Spanish influenza. She leaves to mourn her early de­ mise her parents, one sister, Mrs. Frank Heckman of Fairbury, 111., and two brothers, Martin of Onaka, S. D., and Leo of YoungstQwn, O. McHenry relatives and friends also deeply regret the loss of this brilliant young lady, whose annual visits to the summer home of .the family at Lake Defiance were a source of delight. The parents and family have the sympathy of all in their sad bereave­ ment. Mr. and- Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock spent a few days last and this week, as the guests of relatives here. TelephoM No. 198-R SIMON STOFFIIL Insurance agent for all classes «f property in tha best companies WEST McHENBY, - ILLINOIS A. J. MULLEN Attorney at Law At West McHenry State Bank Erery Friday Woodstock, m. Pvt. Arthur Wrede is spending a few days in Chicago. • H. E. Buch was a business transac­ tor in Chicago Monday. J. C. Bickler was a business visitor in the windy city Saturday. Leo Thelen passed a few days this week with relatives at Elgin. Mrs. F. A. Cooley and son, Floyd, spent Monday in the metropolitan city. . Miss Bernice Bonslett was among the Chicago passengers last Saturday morning. C. W. Stenger and Miss Ellen Walsh assisted in the Cary State bank Tues­ day of this week. W. D. Wentworth visited relatives at Carpentersville and Belvidere Fri­ day and Saturday. Miss Cecelia E. Geary of Wauconda is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry J. SchafFer, this week. Misses Mary Burke and Kathryn Weber are guests of Mrs. Ed. Malone at Crystal, Lake today. Mrs. John Taylor and daughters of Elgin were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Thelen. Mrs. John Pettibone of Chicago attended the funeral of Miss Mary Parsley here on Tuesday. Everett Hunter, Sr., attended to matters of a business nature in the metropolitan city Monday. Miss Mildred Welch is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Glenn Robison, at Crystal Lake. Thos. KnoX of Chicago spent New Year's day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin and daughter spent New Year's day with relatives at West Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walter of La- Grange are guests of Mr. and Mrs Floyd Thompson this week. Misses Frances and Elsie Vycital and brother, John, were Chicago pas sengers last ^Saturday morning. Lduis Berner of Chicago spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley on Waukegan street. N. H. Petesch, C. Unti, H. J. Miller, M. J; Walsh and J. E. Pufahl were Chicago passengers this morning. John P. Schreiner of Chicago was a New Year's day guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Schreiner. Miss Blanche Christian of Chicago passed the week end as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon StofFel. John Brefeld of Kenosha and Ed. Brefeld of Chicago spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bon Bre» feld. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Groom of Evan- ston passed several days last and thin week with their daughter. Mrs. W. J. Vogt # Miss Msie Gomiskey of Woodstock passed the week end as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Mrs. F. H. Schau and daughter, Mabel, will leave for California Jan. C, where they will spend the winter months. ^ Miss Nellie" Grant and Mrs. John Feeley of Chicago were here to attend the funeral of Miss Mary Parsley Tuesday. , Miss Esther Stoffel of Chicago was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel, over the wfeek end. Miss Theresa Coleman of Kenosha, Wis., spent a few days last week as ft guest in the home Gi Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen. . Miss Vera Turner of Solon Mills was a guest in the W. D. Wentworth home on Waukegan. street the first of the weeek. - Mrs. Emma Fullintgon of Wood­ stock passed a few days last and this week with. relatives and friends in thfe vicinity. Walter Carey, who has been spend­ ing a holiday vacation with his par­ ents' here, returned to his school duties at Madison Wednesday. F. E. Boger of Chicago spent last week with his wife and family in this village, returning to the city on Mon­ day morning of this week. Sergt. John Conway of Paris Island, S. C., and wife of Fond du Lac, Wis., visited the former's father, P. H. Conway, and family the latter part of last and the fore part of this week. William Niesen of Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga., passed a few days last week as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen. William expects soon to be trans­ ferred to Camp Grant to be mustered out of the service. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pohle and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber, Frank Burkhart and Miss Elizabeth Ehlen of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries. Their visit came as a complete surprise to the McHenry couple, who were anything but pre­ pared for company. However, Mr. and Mrs. Pries, as usual, proved them­ selves equal to the occasion by enter­ taining their unexpected guests right royally. Those from out of town who attend­ ed the funeral of Mrs. Verne Lock- wood here Monday were: Mr.< and Mrs. Clayton Loomis of Beloit, Wis.; Milo Loomis of Niles, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lockwood of Gary, Ind.; Mrs. Otto Singer, Mrs. B. W. Wilson, Mrs. Wm. Babcock and Miss Mabel Kimler of Woodstock; Mrs. R. D. Cook and Mr. Pepper of Area; Mrs. Mike Schaffer, Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ober, Mrs McNish, daughter, Irma, and son, Glenn, and Wesley and Glenn Peter­ son of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson of Terra Cotta; Miss Esther Andrews of Richmond; Jos. Ober of Harvard; Mrs. Wm. Wright and daugther of Barreville, Mrs. Vic­ tor Rieke and Mr. and Mrs: A. D. Loomis of Woodstock, 'f, ^ ' i'I*- W % ̂T&t- -5 - l" I • i* ' ;Lj I t . • - g v- , i: v; in the it? 4 ^ - r rt" r-" • V ' k. • s£ ' . ' - i ' - V ^ ' . We figure interest from the first day ̂ *; of the month on all Savings Deposits A h :y: - • made on or before the tenth of the month Uv'J 'W?.- :v -v.,;.- Mi - - - I ^ ~ * u ; ^ > V -< *• V ^ U "i| \ 5»f.. V i « ' '•,? -V * We pay compound intereston all Sav­ ings Deposits. M /J, . J HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS «! SHUBERT PAYING EXTRA HIGH PRICES FOR MUSKRAT- MUSKRAT WINTER FALL 3.00 to MQ 2.50 to 2.25 FIKBMK MINK USUAL COLOR PALE, Llbtral AssMrtmMt BLACK SHORT NARROW BROAD N?L EXTRA URGE EXTRA 10 AVCRAut N?l LARGE CXTR*10«VfM«E H9 2 unvmtvmm AND Kirrs AT HIGHEST nummm 1.50 to U5 1.38 to .10 I.IOto JO IMtoW 10 to 1.80 1.88 to 1 JO 1.10 to |.4fl .58 to .40 JSto ifi liitoliS 1.15 to 1.88 1i8to .18 5.00 to 4.08 4.80 to 100 3J0to!J8 SJOtoSJB 4J8to2J8 150 to 2 J8 iTHESI EXTRE HIGH QUOTED FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPftCNT GOOD UNHIliC m TO vu XM«utr POOR UNPRINE NSI SHALL EnuntvnHi 2J8to1il lie to .is M8to Jlto JK .. 14.00 col2.00 11.00to §.00 ItolJO Nfl EXTRA LARGE € KTRA TQ AVC*»AOC 12.00 toliyQ 9.50 to 8.00 1.00 to 8.00 4.00 to 3.00 10J0to8.00 B.OOtoT.OO ?J8to8.00 N? I LARGE gXTIUTO >VCHftOC 8.50to8.50 6.50to4.15 3.0Qto2.50 1.00 to 8.00 6.00 to 5.00 5.00 to 4JO N? 1 MEDIUM gXTRATOAVOUOC 8.00 to 1.50 5.15to5i5 4.50 to 3.T5 2.25 to 2.00 IJOtoBJe 6.00 to 4.50 3.50 to 3 J8 1.18 to 1.50 5.58 to 2.58 4J8to2J8 3J8tolJ8 1J8to1J8 CATCH 'EM -- SKIN 'EM --SHIP 'EM We Want All the Northern Illinois Furs You Can Ship MUSKRAT, MINK, SKUNK and all other Pur-bearers 'collected In your section in strong demand. A shipment to "SHUBERT" will bring you "more money"--"quicker." GET A SHIPMENT OFF -TODAY. You'll tx» mi«hty you did. S M 1 r> > ( - 1 V • B S H U B E R T , , N C . THE LARGEST HOUSE !N THE WORLD DEALING EXCL u S fl t L V \ - ^ A M E R I C A N R A W F U R S 15 - 11 W . A u s t i n A v e . B E I S S I I I M i C h 1 c a q o . U S . A . USE EARLY RISER Manufactured by the MCHENRY Flour Mill Wc& McHenry. 111. WE HAVE SYRUP 'it-; f s i \ » ( in buft. A quart trial will convince you that it is worth tbe price, at per gallon-. .$1.8* We also received a Qew cask of Sauer Kraut, at perqt.!8e Per gallon 5Se Bring Pails or Jar» -i' fiiUifelifitfii JOS. i. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. Fremont Hoy of Crystal Lake was a business visitor in town last Satur- Ek {lay. Miss Tillie Robinson of Chicago is a guest of Miss Vera Doherty this week. Miss Ethel Krumpen of Hinckley, 111., spent last week with her par­ ents here. » Miss Bertha Wolff passed New Year's day as the gnest of relative* in Pvt. Ed. Conway of Camp Polk, Raleigh, N. C., arrived home Tues­ day evening. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin passed New Year's day with her parents in this village. Edward Young is spending the week end with friends and relatives near Spring Grove. * Millinery at eost at Mrs. K. W. Howe's on Friday and Saturday of this week. . WE WISH our friends for their liberal patronage during tbe past year and we assure them of much better service upem our release from the gover- meht service. One of (Mir calendars and map of Mc­ Henry County may be had by calling at Smithy's bar­ ber shop. Wishing all our friends a Happy and Suc­ cessful New_ Year, we re­ main, New Year, we re- ~ "t J" .1" 7** «•"! "V? ^ >1 '5 HAYES & JUSTW Real Eatate--lonnrMM^#^; WEST McHRNRY Large Eagle Near Here For the past several weeks a tatf* eagle has been making its home ia the meadows and forests adjoimnc F« river near Burton's bridge aad ia the vicinity of the Fleming far* mmt Barreville. Different parties have seen the huge bird in its ttight MNM the low lying land. Uh* far a® at­ tempt has been made to eapton?* ft. - -> ' • y- z i '"t.' " ' ...Jr •, . ' . J. ... .

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