Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1919, p. 5

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last Tues i," . "i »•>•'< : . **» i\ 4^JfeHI0T8 Thfi -flUSI ;i are so many cough remedies on the raaf-^ * v> L that a selection is difficult to the one who lias ||||%«an occasional or even an urgent need for n good •„/ W*<one. As a result of our experience;in handling fscores of different kinds, we feel justified in our ' claim that ' - • '=V HITE PINE AND TAR 1 ;lJs in a class by itself. It cures a cough by remov*-- ' ing the cause. It cures stubborn cases. It r^k..; • ; > -|ieves promptly and each bit of relief is a step tcfr^ _ •-c&jjwards a thorough cure. At 'this season wheft s ^fcoughs are prevalent, some reliaWe cough rent* ; f^lpdy should be kept in every home. Let it bj(0i" * Guaranteed.^ ; Price, 25 Cents raoME 6o»w N. H. PETESCH drogcist -'•••JL.-$* i ;V-. ..., tiki's, WE WANt our Trade We will exchange our goods for your mon6y or eggs and will try y our best to please you as wji 111 as ' save you money. j=^ All our light colored Quting Flannel now per yard,_- - 20c Home-grown white Beans, you nede not pick them ovpr aslheyare clean, per pound onlyir«;-^V-^?-12© SMI TH BROS, "!' McHENRY, ILLINOIS i-M . f ' * T , V ; Truease FOR WOMEN WE ARE selling agents for Truease Shoes for this district. Truease Shoes are of MXJpp Ivpf I the sort that give the desired /or lcnuer 1 ct'l: comfort for tender feet. They are quality merchandise. The best of materials are used in their construction and the highest grade workmanship gives them a Style and fitting quality seldom found in other makes. Tfii iurtyAa«omv CkjKruAuAvCo Kuaovvvp pvoff^naKu lished for themselves a good name/"'We have them in high or low cut. Try a pair. JOHN STOFFEL Am i- *£ Watci this smce for anwounccwoits ^ ^eli^itie you to attend ihe of worship at the *0 Community Methodist Chun NEXT SUNDAY ISM - ltraro a. m. - Morning Worship - 11 KM) a. m. v Subjed: "Milestones in Time" . I&NQWOQD SERVICES: f School at 1:S0 p. m. ^Public Worship at 2:30 p. fa. You will find a Hearty Welcome SAMUEL J.HAR V * PASTOR George Johnson; day in Woodstock. Mrs Burdick did shopping at Woodstock last Wednesday. Mrs. Buchanan wasa Woodstock shopper last Thur&ay. ? * Mrs. P. S. Morse was * Woodstock shopper last Saturdiy. Mrs. Emn- Wille passed last Wednesday at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Nash did shopping at the county seat Friday last. Mrs. Claude Jacobs and son visited at Crystal Lake Saturday. C. M. Keeler of Elgin spent Sunday with his mother here. F. W. Hartman transacted business at Woodstock last Saturday. Sam Mavis was a Chicago Visitor on Wednesday of last, week. Mrs. W. F. Abbott made a business trip to Woodstock last Friday. Sanford Bliss was calling on friends at Crystal Lake last Thursday. Mrs. Frank Bliss made a business trip to Woodstock last Thursday. Mrs. B. F. Peck and son were county seat shoppers last week Tuesday. Mrs. Rushton and Mrs. Erickson were visiting in Egin last Saturday. Lyman Levey of Crystal Lake was the guest of relatives here last Tuesday. F. E. Howe, wife and son passed last Wednesday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. P. G. Pederson was a shopper at the county seat on Thursday of last weefc ^ Hans Nelson attended to matters of business nature at Woodstock' last Saturday. 1 JVfr. and Mrs. Walter Reed were calling on friends ;vtt ' Crystal Lake Saturday. ' *" Mrs. Dike, Mrs. Nash and Miss Ashton did shopping'at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Sidney Reed and family of Woodstock spent Sunday as guests of Mrs. R. M. Goddard. Mrs. Fred Bockhus was calling on relatives at the county seat on last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ganc*r of Woodstock passed Sunday as guests in the J. M. Cosies home. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Waterman of Belvidere were Sunday guests in the home of H. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed passied Monday as the guests of friends at theVounty seat. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Jensen of Woodstock, spent Sunday as guests in the home of A. Peterson. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch were taking in the picture showfs in Chicago last Saturday evening. Mrs. A. Jacobs, Mrs. C. Jacobs and Mrs. A. Skinner made a business trip Elgin last Thursday. F. W. Hartman attended to matter?? of a business nature at the county seat last Wednesday. Mrs. W. F. Abbott and Miss Lois Levey were taking in the picture shows at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Inga Martini and Christina Erickson of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eritiksw. in this village. f x % RING WOO|)~ Miss Elsie Smith, was a recent Chicago visitor.* • H. W. Allen and wife were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at W. E. Smith's. > Alec Anderson, who has been quite sick, is reported improving. Prof. Priest and family returned from Milwaukee last Thursday- Floyd Foss visited at August Walters' in Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs. George Stevens of Elgin spent the last of the week at Walter Bradley's. Valvoline will give your auto the "pep" that has been missing so long. Try it. ' The young people had a pleasant party at the Woodman hall last Satutdy evening. Mrs. Emma Matthews of Woodstock spent last week at Bert McCannon's and H. W. Allen's, Rev* Hewitt of Greenwood was present at the afternoon church services, also Rev. Ratcliff. Th W, C. T. U. had a very pleasant meeting at Mrs. Buckland's last Saturday. All enjoyed the fine music on the victrola- E. P. Flanders was pleasantly surprised last Friday by a number of Ms friends coming in to spend the evening with him". The Miss Willard memorial meeting will be held at Mrs. J. ~C. Ladd's Friday evening, Feb. 14. Miss Agnes 6igelow, leader. Mr. and Mrs. H. If. Stephenson went to Chicago Friday morning and remained for the lecture Sunday given by R. A. White. attended tfle fraeral of Mrs. Miller at Johnsburg Monday. , - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petrosky a!^d children of Solon last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Aftton Sch&efer are rejoicing over the arrival of a twelve pound son at their home here on Wednesday. Joe A!lw6iler returned to his heme her® Saturday from A valor, where he has been working for the WtdUind Dairy company. r SPRING GROVE ~-- ; Joe Brown spent Friday in Chicago. • Miss Dorothy Freeman *ls on the sick list. " * Miss Bertha Schramm spent Sonday in Richmond. John Karls was a business caller at Woodstock Monday. ur Oxtoby was a business caller svlile Friday. HaiJ>ld Kelly of Richmond was a catTTEr in town Saturday. r * Albert Freund of North Dakota Was seen on our streets Friday.' Walter Carey and daughter of Wilmot were calling in town Friday. Peter F. Freund of Johnsburg was a business caller here Saturday. Couldn't make the hill, eh ? It's because you are not using Valvoline, the real automobile gas. Miss Frances Freund of Johnsburg was a visitor in the Nick Freund home here last Thursday. Quite a lumber of people {rom here VOLO v Arthur Dillon is on the sick list. Mrs. Ray Paddock wa» a Round Lake caller Wednesday, Miss Ella Dowell was a Barrington caller one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Peterson passed Sunday as the guests of relatives at McHenry. Miss Zella Dowell of, Wauconda was a Sunday caller in the home of R. Paddock. Mrs. Cora Dowell and .Robt. PaddoclTwere Fremont visitors Thursday of last week. The community meeting held at the M. E. churclw on Wednesday of last week was well attended and a good time enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon, Lee Huson and family and Mrs. Cox attended the farmers' institute^at Wauconda last Thursday. fe. C. Palmer holds services at'the M. E. church every Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. All should try and come out next Sunday. < The A. I. S; class will have a box social in^ the M. E. church on Friday, Feb. 7. ' Ladies bring lunch for two and gentlemen please come and buy and help the young ladies pay for the piano. * TERRA COTTA Miss Clara Frisby was an Elgin itor Saturday. Miss Florence Knox spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. ' - Miss Helen O'DonaM spert^ Saturday evening with friends heiV Mrs. Leonard Beal called onXrelatives at Holcombville Saturday. John Flanagan of Burton's Bridge was a business visitor here Saturday. Mrs. Mary Grant was a business caller in Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. Miss Frances Knox spent several evenings last week with McHenry relatives. Rev. E. A. McCormiek of Barrington was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley Sunday. Corp. Robert E. Knox of Camp Grant* visited Relatives and friends here over Sunday. Lieut. Wakefield of Montana spent several days last week at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Geo. P. iBay, and family. Carl Bergman of Chicago, who recently received his discharge from the army, spent several days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Liesner. WWMf. '•/$>' "n 'M OSTEND Lqre» Martin is a victira ef- influenza. j?** School again this w^ek and the children are happy. Mrs. Jos. Harrer and Mrs. Carl Herdrick spent several days last week in Chicago. Lizzie and Theresa Umathum of Woodstock visited Sunday, with their cousins, Mrs. .Kaiser and J8e Harrer, and families. - , • Little Frankie Kaiser was quite ill Monday and fears entertained for another case of influenza, but,it proved' to be a severe cold. The Richardson family is improving, but Miss Alice has a severe cough that does not yield to treatment. Dr. Hepburn of Ringwood attends the family. , Something vety troublesome entered the lumber camp, located not far from here, 'Sat Saturday *tiiu tuuacu a great disturbance. The sheriff came out Sunday morning and took the suspect to Woodstock. TERRA COTTA [Last week's delayed letter] Mrs. Leonard Beal was a Crystal Lake caller Monday evening. Miss Frances Knox spent Saturday with relatives at McHenry. Arthur Sewell spent the week end at the home of his mother in Hunt- .»!<• THIS BANK has provided such accommodations for THIRTY YEARS. WefsolicitHjou: to connect yourself with this ba and assure you of safety satisfaction coupled with court- •eous treatment at all times. i HOY BANKING McHENRY. ILLINOIS - ley. ,, Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove spent a few day§ recently with relatives here. Corp. Robert E. Knox of Camp Grant called at the home o# J. M. Phalin Saturday. Mrs. Stella Peck of Elgin wtfs- a guest in the home of Henry McMillan Saturday and Sunday. Miss Irma Lock wood and friend of Crystal Lake visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson Saturday. \ Several from this vie (pity attended the McHenry-Crystal Lake basket ball game at "Crystal Lake Friday xevening. ~ JOHNSBURG Peter 8inith was a business visitor in McHenry Tuesday afternoon. If you are not getting the power,' don't blame your machine. Try Valvoline and you'll soon note the difference. Frank Mathieu went to Chicago yesterday, where he is filling a two days' engagement a't the .auto truck show at the coliseum. Mrs. Emil Simon, who has been a guest of relatives here, went to Chicago last Friday, from which city she left for her home at St. Louis. Mrs. Frank Mathieu Went to (Chicago last Friday and was accompanied home by her father, Theo. Meyers, the following day. The latter had passed a.;ii^ c«go rtiftifiM. . .-v • Cleaner It cleans--it deans ahso lutely--it draws out dust and dirt and particles you don't want there from rugs, hangings, upholstery from anything you bring iey&s aggressive notice. DMt't you want to own onaV W»a household institution. WB SELL THE Federal Vacuum Cleaner on, mgnihly naiimAn 1a. Public' Service Co OK NORTHERN U 1 INOIS Bread? What Kind? Bread that is baked right in your own town fresh every day in a modern s a n i tary bakery, Bread that is s h i p p ed in from some out of town bakery two or three times a week Be your own judge McHenry Bakery McHENRY, ILL. EARLY FLOUR Manufactured 'f\\ i. *%••• »« 'jM ' % tbe McHENRY Flour West McHenry, III. f LOCAL NEWS ITEMS "It now looks as if the old two cent postage rate will again become effective on July 1. Did you hear that healthy bark f/om "Cap's" oil truck? Valvoline does it.' The real motor gasoline. The Willing Workers will meet with Mrs. N. H. Petesch on Thursday afternoon of next weefc, Feb. 13. Guy and Lester Bacon and George Stoffel went to Woodstock the first of the week, where they entered the factories in that city. Let "Cap" fill your tank with his high test gasoline and youll never use any. other. The gasoline that gives you real service and power. The members of the Ladies' Aid society are requested to meet with Mrs. L. M. Sayler on Wednesday afternoon of next week, Feb. 12. Election of officers will take place. McHenry dealers who handle the Valvoline oils: Donavin & Reihaus perger, Overton & Cowen, John Stuf fel, David Woodburn, Smith Bros., M. M. Niesen, Wm. Pries, Jos. J. Miller and Joe Engeln. ^ The Central opera house moving picture show re-opened last Saturday night, giving shows that evening and Sunday night. The Shows, according to Manager J. W. Smtih, will be .continued as long as the patronage warrants sane. The Brook street plant of the Borden Milk company at Elgin was closed last Friday. The company has maintained a factory at Elgin for fiftyfour years. A year ago the concern gave employment to over 150 hands, while at the time of its closing barely half a dozen employes were on the company's pay roU. >., WE HAVE A FULL LlNl U: U jy a # in l H C d l d -ANDGroceries We also buy eggs and pay the highest prices. All orders promptly delivered HEUSER BROS. Phone 57-M McHenry, III. DO YOU livo In Fit? Lift Uf LIlU The point is, no matter why you eat, you want ,4he best. We sell die Best Teas and Coffooa Purest of Lards ., Highest Patent Floiprs | Fruits in Season . * Best Canned Good and the best general line of groceries of all kinds to be found in this town. We know we can satisfy you. M. M. Niesen McHenry Mkmm *-W Young People! Leath's i If you are gping to be m this spring you'll enjoy visiting Leath's Februasy Sale of Furniture and Rugs. We deliver free when you are ready. Come over tbe afcaps nearest your home. » ,. 4 Elgin. 71>J4 Grove Av«. ' ' >Rockford, Opposite Cowt Hqm» Dnbnque, M-SM Mtin'St. Aurora, 31 -13 HUnJ Ave. FcMport, 1S3-193 Galena S«, Waterloo, SU-iH t. tth Si. Beloit, 117-421 4th St. ioBet, fli-217 JeffwMM S*. Beautifuf Furniture at Old Prices nmma m heatdig!^-^^ Insurance agent for all rlsss-- «t Experienced Workmen | ^ the best compart* km

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