ttm MoHKTRY FLAmiflUB, r, (uu ;v"-' \ , Remove The Cause * *«.1? . -J; 1 ^/>v^TOfert'We so many cough remedies on ,4.ket that a selection is difficult to the one who ha*, f/; «an occasional or even an urgent need for a good :.!;.%^one. As a result of our experience in handling ' f ^scores of different kinds, we feel justified in oujr; .. claim that 0 . > ^ ' v WHITE PINE^AND TAlt is in a class by itself. It cures a cough by removing the cause. It cures stubborn cases. It r^-i ; lieves promptly and each bit of relief is a step t<* wards a thorough cure. At this season whe^ coughs are prevalent, some reliable cough rew£ ' «dy should be kept in every home* Let it hl# White Pine and Tar. Guaranteed. 25 CeoiMp/, - w N. H. PETESCH XOCCIST b': must be seen to judge their quality. Plain blue, pink and dark percales ^ . ,__.__S1.35 Ligbt percales and plaid at_S1 -25 The price of percales, calico, ging- Haftis, muslin, shirts and overalls, wool hose, flannel shirts, etc., are much lower now than two weeks •go/ . • iike on eggs and butter, the price thay change some more before you Jtee this. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Are what count in the long run--one price to all any day of the week. Prices quoted are my regular prices, no ypyjal one day or cut prices--just regular, that's all.. Rolled Oata, 5 pounds....Me Catsup, 10 oz. bottie 17c Salmon, fancy red Alaska.30c. Sardines, mvoil, l^sizey. 10c Sardines, in mufiuird, %. 17c Peas, Early June, 6 cans.96c Peas, Early June sifted..22c Baking Powder, guaranteed quality, 25 oz. can.25c Such Pancake floor. 16c None Such buckwheat.;• 4# Corn, Country Gentleman, .3 cans t.. .50c Corn, fancy Maine, 3 cans.63c Coffee, fancy. Central American blend, per "lb. 38c Coffee, high grades, per lb 30c, 33c, 35c ' Puft Pepper, H lb can . ,30c GWvmnic Soap, 4 barf,....26c \J JOHN STOFFEL aSC= Smoked Hams, any size, per pound Bacon, by the side, per pound.-,.-.., -- Bacon, sliced, per pound Bacon, squares, per pound. _. _ * - - Fresh Side Pork, per pound. _ » Home made Pork Sausage, per pound--. GROCERIES--- 3Sc JSC or -Ufr .m Sfc Navy Beans, hand picked and clean, lb llf _ U S. Mail Soap, lobars for ...... _ .8it . # Miked Cookies, reg. 25c to 35c sellers, 2 lbs.JSe -- Graham Crackers; per pound II® Oranges, per dozen...... ZSe, SSe, 45c, Me, Me .. If you are in the market for Potatoes cowt in. We can save >;bu some money, " ..THE STORE OF Quality and St# WM. PRIES, PROP. We invite you to see the five new styles in REGULAR*- RINGWOOD A. Lawrence was a McHenry visitor last Thursday. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at J. C. Ladd's. Miss Jones of Elgin wasthe guest of Lora Smith over Sunday. Miss Elsie Smith was a Chicago visitor Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Sarah Johonnott of Richmond spent list Thursday with Ringwood friends. M iss Hathaway gave a good talk on Japan and its people hem on Sunday evening. J. C. Ladd and wife and MUs Agnes Bigelow visited in Crystal Lake last Wednesday. Miss Winifred Bradley of Beloit spent the week end as the guest of home folks here. ' Mrs. E. C. Hawley visited Grandma Hawley at Barrington on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison of Crystal Lake visited in Ringwood Wednesday of last week. Mrs. H. A. Small of Lake Geneva, Wis., visited Mrs. H. M. Stephenson Thursday of last week. M iss Mary Smith went to Harvard Friday evening and remained to visit the Harvard school Monday. Miss Arline Harrison of West McHenry spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends in Ringwood. High test gasoline will pull that old boat over the roughest roads and the steepest of hills with the great-, est ease. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey attended the funeral of the little son of Edgar Thomas, who resides hear McH e n r y , l a s t S u n d a y . . , . The Miss Willard memorial meeting last Friday evening was well attended considering the stormy weather. The program was enjoyed by all. Dainty refreshments were Sjsrved.. • RIIKJEFIKU) F. _S. Mtfrse made a business trip to Chicago Saturday. -- Mrs. Nettie Levey was a Woodstock shopper Saturday. Fred Bockhus. was a business visitor at Cary Saturday ,* Mrs. J. M. Coates did shopping at Crystal Lake Saturday. < Carl Lilja is spending* the week with friends in Chicago.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wille were*Crystal Lake visitors Saturday. F. W. Hartman made a business trip *to Woodstock Monday. F. W. Hartman was a business visitor at Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs. Frank Horsky was calling on friends at Crystal Lake Saturday. E. E. Knilans made a business trip to the county seat last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bliss were shoppers at the coanty seat Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Dike passed Monday as the guest of friends at Crystal Lake. Laureta and Grace Wagner were shopping at the county seat last Saturday. Mrs. Dike and Mrs. BriggsVwent to Crystal Lake last Saturday tb do some shopping. A P. G. Peterson attended to matters of a business nature at Woodstock Saturday last. About fifteen Woodstock people were calling on relatives and friends in this village Sunday. Messrs. J. B. Lynch, S. R. Heed, and Ralph Johnson were business visitors at Woodstock Saturday. ~ VOLO Chris Dillon is on the sick Hat. Ray Paddock was a Grayslake visitor Sunday. Miss Ella Moore spent the past week at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hinkle were Fremont visitors Sunday. George Vogel of Solon Mills was a caller in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hucklebury and son have moved into the Dan Richardson house. Geo. Rosing o^ Round Lake took dinner at Pete S^adtTeld's last Saturday. . Mrs. V«*ay. and sister are visiting in the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Vasey. Mrs. Jas. Kirwan will entertain the Ladies' Aid society at her home this afternoon, "Feb. 20. Peter Stadtfeld is having electric lights installed in his home and shop by Jansen & Co. of Round Lake. """"" Wm. Dillon- and family are all out again and the two trained nurses have returned to their homes in this village and Cherry Hill. OSTEND Miss Alice Richardson is gaining fast now and able to be dressed and down stairs. You are not doing justice to that car without using Valvoline oil. One trial will convince you.*" Miss Ammie Francisco has been suffering from a very severe cold, but is now on the mend. Alfred Richardson writes home folks that he is quite well and has an artificial foot. The family is looking for him home. The blizzard we read' of in the papers last week struck with terrific Force at Joe Harrer's and shaved every hair from his upper lip. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar "Thomas have the sympathy of the whole neighborhood in the loss of their darling little ten-year-old son, Earl, who passed away l»st Friday after several weeks' illness. James N. Sayler, ^ rural mail carrier No. 1 from West McHenry, had a slight break down Friday last when he reached C. B. Durkee's and had to telephone for help. He was all mended up Saturday ami drove his c*r with mail. SPRING GROVE Mrs. Marion Tucker, is on - the sick list. 4 Mrs. Geo. Wieland spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. t. D. Cole were Richmond callers Wednesday. May Keefe and brother, Edmund, were Sunday guests in the Seigler home. Mrs. Ford Jackson and Mrs. John Bowers were McHenry callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cairns and little daughter of Solon were callers here Saturday. The many friends of Haitold Watts will be pleased to hear that he is expected home in April. It's because you are not a Valvoline user that you are not getting the. power out of your car. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schaefer entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Math. Freund last Sunday. Richard Oxtoby left for Hope, N. D., Sunday evening, having received word of the death of his sister, Mrs. Ben Kersting. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Wagner of Stacyville, la., arrived here Thursday last for * a visit with friends and relatives in this vicinity. Frank Brown of Adams, Minn., arrivd here Wednesday morning. He came to visit his brother, Joe Brown, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at'the St. Mary of Nazareth hospital in Chicago Thursday. He is getting along nicely. TERRA COTTA" Geo. P. Bay spent Tuesday With relatives in Chicago. Miss Clara E. Frisby was the guest of friends in McHenry Sunday. Arthur C. Sewell was a Sunday guest of his mother in Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson and son spent Sunday at A. Gaebe's. Walter Conway was a guest in the home of his uncle, M. Knox, Monday. Mrs. Mary Grant spent Saturday evening with friends in Crystal Lake Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove is visiting at the McMillan home here. ' Dr. A. I. Froehlich of McHenry was a caller here ^several days last week. Mrs. M. Knox and son, Vernon, spent Saturday with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Geo. |J. Frisby and son, Francis, were business visitors in ~ Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, are quite sick at this writing. Howard Phalin 1 visited Crystal Lake high school on Monday, a guest of Harold Knox. Corp. Robt. E. Knox of Camp Grant spent Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives here. Several members of' the J. M. Phalin family were ill last week with influenza, but at this writing are all much better. M iss Eleanor Phalin went to Woodstock Friday evening and spent the week end at the home of John Bolger. Monday she, in company with the other teachers of the McHenry school, visited^ the public schools at HarvMd. SCHOOL NOTES Items of Interest From Oar Educational Institution Andrew Hawley is a ne# *liigh school pupil. Mrs. Holly visited roon two one morning last week. Everyone enjoyed a holiday last Monday, visiting day. . What was the source" of all the carnations Wednesday morning? ^Ve see that Opal got beak from Elgin safely, but she was a little late. „ Three Bacon children have > entered the first, sixth and seventh grades. < The McHenry basket balf team got. quite a write up in the Crystal Lake Herald. High school students are expected to stay in and study evenings. Do they ? Sure. Jennie Mae was absent from school several days last week on account of sickness. Mrs. F. O. Gans - and Mrs. Chas. Givens visited rooms one and three one day last week. The rumor is that the basket ball team will soon be dolled up in (wine new suits. Lucky > boys! ' Virginia Thompson, Lowell Nye, Adeline Vogt and Arlene Bacon vis ited room two Valentine's day. A course of reading in citizenship and patriotism has been taken up in all grades above the second for this semesters work. It is as follows Grade three--"Safety First." Grade four--"I am an American." Grade five--"What "to do? for Uncle Sam. Grade six--"Our Ancestors in Europe." Grade eight--"My Country." High school--"Citizen and the Republic." Modern Health Cruaade As a part of the "National Health Crusade," the schools of McHenry county will hold a tournament in Health "Knighthood" for a period of ten weeks beginning Feb. 24, 1919. To win honor and credit in this tournament e$ch boy and girl is given a list of "health tasks" to do. There are eleven tasks in the list-- some "daily**--some "weekly." For every "week" the boy or girl does fifty-four tasks they receive a credit. When they - have two credits they win the name of Page; when they have five credits they become Squires, and are given the "Squire Badge." This is the first award as a "Modern Health Crusader." When they have tea credits they ar» made ' v .x • * , * * • * ' ' ••• ' • * '*• *^1fjb ' Do not SACRIFICE ^ them ^ f or trade them for other securi- Jf 3 ties of unknown or unquestionable value. If you are forced i 4 to dispose of them, THIS BANK '£.% will purchase Liberty Bonds of any issue, paying full market Value for them. •* WNr; HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS .**/• j • ; \, -wwr. 4l •' • Vji It cleans--it cleans lutely--it draws out dust and dirt and particles you don't want there from rugs, hangings, upholstery--from anything you bring to Hs aggressive notice. ^ Don't you want to own one? It's a household institution. WE SELL THE Federal Vacuum Qtuer on monthly payments Public ervice Co. Ol NOKTHKKN ILLINOIS WE BUY OLD FALSE TEETH! We pay from $2.00 to $35.00 per set broken or not). We also pay actual yalue for diamonds, old gold, silver and bridge work. Send at once by arcel post and receive cash by return mail. Will return your goods if our price is unsatisfactory. MAZER'S TOOTH SPECIALff Dept. X, 2007 So. 5th St Philadelphia, . :: :: Pa- «MNPI y -i' ; 'a. $urtltmt Jiltnota Sobbing (En. West McHenry, III. SPECIAL Friday and Saturday feb 21 191* Heb. n - T< Soda Crackers, per pound-w-v. 17© Lily Sodas, per pound 1 ^ Graham Crackers, per pound.. 18c V ; J Crepe Toilet Tissue, 5 foiv_-- COHEAND GETflg flEW PRICES WWEICTSlBtt OH! That new premium room#** -7* Money back if not satisfied. Phon^ 4 ^ v" orders promptly attended tp. De-r i 7C liveries all day Saturday. Hankermeyer Phone 58-R Rothermel w'L -* ** ,*3r*v l- -.r. wL: m Knights and receive the beautiful silver Knight Badge. The school that has the largest numher of knights, squires and pages in the order named and in proportion to the total number in the school will be the winner of the tournament and will be given a beautiful "Modern Health Crusade Banner." ' No money is required jp *11 the supplies, blanks, badges, etc., will be furnished thru the county superintendent's office by the Junior Red Cross. If you are a Junior Red Cross auxiliary and have funds in your treasury, the chapter school committee sanctions your paying twenty-five cents for each pupil into the "Health Crusade Fund," Mr. Shelton, treasurer, to help meet the expenses of the tournament. i The McHenry school expects the j co-operation of all parents to carry j on this crusade. We are, sure that j if it is taken up in the proper spirit | it will have more lasting benefits to ! the community than a number of *te*i iting nurses could do. ~ j Valvoline gasoline and oils, are > sold by all the leading dealers of Mc- | Hanry. • k ,*_*! " 4-/ 5 . \'4 Do. not move the telephone Receiver hook up and down " ^olently when trying to get tli£ attention or to recall the operator. When the movement is v jerky and hurried the signal light before the operator does not respond and she does not get the signal. . ^ To recall the operator move the hook slowly gently and dowa. CQICACD TEUEPHONE tOMFpi •m '4j * <^J '• "••V m 4