Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1919, p. 3

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• -' ;k 1 ' 'T;-' '-w THE McHBJfRY PT,ATNPEALEK, McHENHT, TVL. »'¥*. • BOW WIS. BOYO AVOIDED AN OPERATION • Caoteo, Ohio.--"I suffered from a jfamaw trouble which caused me modi Buffering, and twa doctom decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well. "My mother, who had been helped by LydiaE.PlBkham'B Vegetable Com* pound, advised me to try it before sobmi tting to an operation. It relieved me from my troubles . eo I can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who w afflicted with female troubles to give Lydio E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound a trial and it will do as much for them."--Mrs. MAKIK BOYD, 1421 5th St, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serioos conditions where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been cured by this famous root and herb remedy, Lvaia EL < Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after - doctors have ** that an operation was ! receBsary -- every woman who wants to avoid* an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeal. If complications exist, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice, The result of many years experience is at your service. OUTWIT GERMAN SPIES ,, ' "-i ;*raS?V InteTifgeiice Office Kept Huns Busy by Supplying Prepared FOOLED KAISER'S ADVISERS Most of man's friends are willing to become his enemies on the least provocation. Catarrhal Deafms Caoaot Be Cored by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafneu, and by a constitutional remedy. cts that Is by _ HALUS CAfARRH MEDICINE "through thn Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of ths mucous lining- of the Eustachian When this tube Is inflamed you hav« a rumbllnc sound or imperfect hearing, and when it la entirely closed. Deafness IS the result, ttalere the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many casea of Deafness are «a\ised by Catarrh, which Is &A inflamed condition of the Mucows surfaces. ONE HUNDRro DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhaf Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CAfX&RH MEDICINE, All _Drugglsta 1Sc._ Circulars flre«k J. Cheney * "Ce., Toledo, Ohio. Present prices should provide the seeded stimulus for a back-to-the-farm movement. Information Sent to Germany Which Mspt Hindentourg*s Staff Busy Protecting Themselves Against. Peril That Did Not Exist. London--Not the least of the many ironies of the war has been the outwitting in every direction of the much vaunted and elaborate German spy system by the English directorate ol special Intelligence, which. long ago wo»**the admiration of its -American co-workers. Had England been less indifferent to the German spy system which overran the country years and years before the war, she might have saved herself an immense amount of trouble; but what was done during the war In circumventing German treachery and cunning has been amazing. It would seem to have been a gigantic failure. And the explanation of that failure appears to lie in a very real understanding of the German miml on the part of the intelligence department. They realized that the German has not $*et been born who can resist a fact* Give a German one little fact to play with and it will keep him happy Iter hours. therefore, the industrious German •gents wwre supplied with facta, and the English intelligence department watched quietly while they played with them. The facts were entirely unimportant and sometimes they were not facts at all, but they served their purpose and revealed the Identity of still more members of the German service. Darktnatf Hun Counsels. There were occasions when they nerved an even greater purpose, for they wece sent all the way to Germany, or were allowed to go, where they helped to darken th® counsels of the kuh*>r'8 adviser and *et the German headquarters hard at work protecting themselves agulnst a peril which «dld not exist. Meanwhile the British intelligence 'department weal cheerily on with their real business, and prepared various little surprises for the Hun, and delivered thetn In due course, such surprises, for instance, as the tanks, of which the Germans knew nothing uutil they were upon them. Undoubtedly the failure of the enormously costly German Intelligence system had much to dd with the ultimate defeat of Germany. They were beaten at their owj game. Brig. Gen. G. K. Cockerill, who has been director of special intelligence, has just disclosed some secrets in a farewell message to the staff, which numbers more than 6,000 persons. "The detection and conviction of enemy spies," he says, "has been your primary , business. It is satisfactory to note that in most cases the arrest of the spy has followed quickly on his entry Into this country. You have been, in point of fact, the chief agency in preventing the leakage of naval and military information. To mention but a few instances of your success, the withdrawal from GnlllDoli. the construction of 'tanks,' the preparations for the offensive at Cnmbrai, and also for the recent counter-offensives which destroyed the German armies, were all known to numbers of people in this country but were concealed from the enemy. There is, I am Informed on the best authority, no evidence that enemy^ubmarines have aver received information of the departure of shipping from British ports. Thanks largely to your efforts, no act of destruction or incendiarism has been committed by enemy apents In this country. This Is the more remarkable when the num-} her of enemy aliens at large is con- \ sklered. You have obtained information of incalculable value to the naval intelligence, the military Intelligence, and the war trade intelligence departments. •It will Interest you to-know that in practically every case bf contrahand which has been brought before the prize court, the evidence on which the crown relies has been furnished by you. The significance of this state-J s ment will be better appreciated when it is added that the estimated value; of prize cargoes, exclusive of ship^ Is over £30,000.000. You have, moreover,, stopped enemy remittances to the value of about £70.000,000, and you have completely destroyed the enemy's oversen communications, so flnr as they were vulnerable. I am conscious that there are many other activities of the directorate that I have not touched upon. Important decisions have been given in the realm of military international law, much trouble has been taken in the selection of Intelligence personnel for the field, and investigations demanding technical qualifications of a high order have been conducted. "As typical examples I may mention the highly skilled work of the staff of the chemical laboratory In connection with secret inks; of the photographic and code experts, and of the professors of uncommon languages. Much of the work has been so secret that no reference to it Is as yet permissible." - MAN CHILD'S: TIME IF SICK, CMSS, FEVERISH HURRY, MOTHER! REMtOVB POISONS FROM MTTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWfeLS. GIVE CALIFORNIA 8YRUP OF ^QS AT ONCE IF BILIOU8 OR .^CONSTIPATED. *«WidT VSAFE, GENTLE REMEDY CLEANSES YOUR KIDNEYS FLIGHT OVERSEA IS NAVY ORDER Washington---Navy aviation experts are .planning * flight acrofcs the Atlantic. Cowwander John H, Towers was order**1! to take charge of "the development of plans and assembly of material and personnel for the proposed transatlantic flight." Commander Towers baft been in charge of the naval reserve flying co(&s and Is considered an expert of service in this branch. Much attention has been given to the project by the tiavy and recent reports of similar plans by the British naval aviation service have lent great FRECKLES MMT Id tke Tia* to Get Rid of IWM Ugly Spot* There'S BO laager tbe altthtwt need of.'feellog Mtiamed of J»iur freckles, m Othto*--double •rrength--la gvkranteed to nmoje thwt homely •pots. Simply fft an onno e 'of Of*#»;<.--double *frenKtb--Tfbrn your drugftlsl., and «#»ly a little 'of it nlftit'and morning an# you stem id soon *e« j 'that the worst f reck Ins have fc*>gun to di»- j Appear, ^hile th* lighter Mes bar* vanished e>- j tlrely- *It la seldom that more titan one ounCTi1 In nlMM'd to completely rtear th* 'akin and eaibj a bcAUtlful ele*r completion. I assure to ask for th* double tf'rangth Othkre, I to Mia la mM nnder guarant« of moaw Mfk foils remove beck lea.--<*.dT. Saw a fellow the other day wtort'1 cut out Tjis Bad habits all at He was Tiding slow lyirg down. PLANE FOR TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT Gufifeld Tea, taken Cegularly, will'COP not both liver end kiftney disu*4ei*.- Adv. r Scarcely anythlnr outlives »tsiperlo l of -ftsefulness soontfr than thevfttoge on a face. Feel Lame and Achy? '•Cold* ;iin k'V leave tiiiauatnds with "weak kidneys fad achmg iMcks. The kidneys have t« do moat udf tthe work of 'fighting off ary germ <dawase. They ^weaken--slow Mp, and you feel dull, irritable, or »;rvou8--Save headacuee, disflneu. badkache, msejNftnts and irregular kidnty action, llaen the kid- : neya need prompt h^lp. Uw Doaua Kidney Pill* Thousinitki lip raise Dasa'a ' for quick, rttisfactoc^- ircwlta. An I(mtOue Charles D. RasaH, • 132 ^NORTH SECOND; Albla, Jowa,' "Doan's Kid- ^ ^ «ey Pills cured me of 'lameness In my • bat.-v and other ^eytnptoms of kift-j im9y trouble. Wh«r>- l «ever the opportih- 9 J :ntty has occurnai], ^ X' have recommendthiB medicine, i'for I know that 'it oean be relied upon tto bring -relief. 1 ffiave had no ineefi of loan's KWtiaey Pills for the last few sears fort they permanently ourafi me." , CatDyiilHI/Hi/ ilan.Wtea^fca DOAN'S "SSSS5>* POSTER-MIBUVm CO, BUrViUQ.iN.1K. This huge pes [Wane is being built by the \yitteman-Lewls Aircraft coiapaay. nnd is to be piloted by Capt. Hugo Sunstedt. a Swfjdlsh «viator. for a {transatlantic flight for the $50,000 Lord Northcllffe prize. The plane when rrggeti will have a wing spau of 100 feet and n l»oat length of 72 feet. The iboat 'is to he inclosed to protect against the cold and will carry three passen- ;gfrn 'besides the pUoC Ita apeed to W Miiles per hour and it Is of tba posbar Hwpa. impetus to the wort on thts side. The navy department during the war developed a monster seaplane equipped with three Liberty motors, giving It about 1,200 horse-power. This machine has as its body a substantially built boat and has curried as high as flftyone persons In Hights of considerable length. It has been tested out along the Atlantic coast with great success within tne last few weeks. Land tb Land Trip in SO Haw, AVhen the project of a transatlantic flight was urged here by MajorGen. Brancker of the British air service last year It was brought out that the shortest distance would be from Newfoundland to the Irish coast. This i is approximately 2,000 miles, and given a plane capable of a sustained speed of 100 miles an hour It could be made in twenty hours. So far as known, however, no plane has yet been built which couhl make the trip without stopping for refueling. The route most generally favored In naval circles, however, is by way of the Azores, ttith a stop at these Islands for fuel and oil. This would make the first leg 1,300 miles nnd the final lap 700. Some officers favor a halfway stop at sea to refuel from n destroyer if it is considered impossible to make the trip in a single flight. In a general way it has been said heretofore that the crew of any plane attempting to cross-the Atlantic would be composed of at least Ave men, two pilots to provide relief at the levers, two mechanics to care for the engines and a navigating officer, to chart the course. Conditions Ripe About Juna. As to the weather it was said that probably not before June would ,conditions become stable enough to warrant an attempt. Another quiet period occurs In early fall. It Is regarded as doubtful that all preparations could be mnde by the summer period, although this Is one of the things Communder Tower will have to determine by careful study. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated. It is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bo vela needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act naturally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, five a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of tba little bowels without griping, and yott have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this hnrmless "fruit laxative ;** they love its delicious taste, and It always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all nges and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt.--Adv. A bad habit Is a moral burdock--* has to be dug out by. the rooft. Cuticura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap laily and Ointment now and then as seeded to make the complexion clear, | scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio.--Adv. with Cuticura Gearg Dandruff Daft Rom Your r^nwa 'Mating • Refused Afterbirth J1*-* cum 41* trat aoiraT «n mined h» anok DR. OAV1D -ROBERTS' Cow Cleaner Mai1* Mud after freshening. II will l»eltl»fly prevent and OT6*» CSV «"«•» this trouble. At ourdealen * Foatpaid SI.M. Consult Da. DAVID SOBEKTS ABOUT &U Ailmentti, Information free. Bend for prioe list of _ --»<Uefc>e« mkI fret a FKKK •aqpy of The Gattto Srwciaiist" *ith fmll inforanar- l«VP «>n Cows. DR. DAVID ROBERTS VETERINARY 9pL, Ave.. Waokcaka. Wa, Henryetta, Oklahoma irt of >» Healfamtaf ooniuit* vh«rt > FAMOUS HENRYETTA COAL la mined. sra wonderful opportunities for investment. heart tfee •ffera Investment. Sniroaoded by oil and gu well*, coal mines, ameltera and refineries and an abendanoe « brick shale tor high grade pottery and brick. Investigate; wrlM Chamber of HwiyrtU.Okh, . •••&• ISSSaeresmooth productiveMockaadgrain faim; aearlf TOO seros for cultivation, m screi now la wkes', balaaee aaUve «rass psstnres sod meadows write to TIKFI81 eoaK.HablebnllUdilUacIsO s n&d wSOelNl ,f enWoeadlk. eIrf, InlUteraessoteud] . , MgUsb vndicate has for sale retail or otherwise at reason- Die prices Hi,000 acres raw land in the famona Ooost •rrits for particnlars tu Klnderslei Lindsay Bide-. Winnipeg, Manitoba Westena Oanadlan Wheat Lands-Thla lifUab 6rn<lica(« hu (o • I M M I M I M I I H H H M M I War Souvenirs Bomb U. S. Home Port Chester, N. T.--E*r>Wv shlves from the Harne battleheld ^Tecloed the bed roots «r Sergt. Joseph Hamilton and Private Italph Hamilton, renamed soldiers of the American expedi- 1 tlona-ry force, a1 the home of ; their wle, <3«©rge H. L<m*au here. The Hamilton brothers "brmtjslit bnek as souvenirs from France a naraiber of hand groaades, a 1 German helmet, a pistol and ! niartilne pm cartridges. One of fhe grenades, under a bureau, expioded, tearing a two-fwt -tole 1 thronjfh the bedroom floor and ! «etftag off many of the machine j gun cartridges. Mr. Ixvwden and ! Ms nephews narrovrtty escaped j death or injury. I is at all tinea wiae.--Pliny, TRAPS BANDIT GANG San Frawiooo--Ml*s Alice Herald Llwdsny, celetwated English bAuty of Johannesburg, South Africa, and famed on three continents as the girl who discovered the cache of the celebrated FosteT gang of thieves and desperadoes, Is ia San Francisco, after a visit fhrtragh India and China, In ,which she met with adventures as thrilling as those that first brought her into international prominence. Miss lAndsay. who Is not yet out of her teens, is the daughter of a prominent diamond Exporter and commission merchant of Kensington, n suburb <of Johannesburg, and it was near her home In that city that she stumbled <rver the cave In which the Foster band, which had been terror- Izfrir the community for many months, ha(f secreted some of their snoll. ,e young girl was out walking with ompanion when the* spirit of adture induced them to enter what med merely an abandoned cave in of boots near the entrance Of the dugout. and Investigation disclosed that the.v were splavhed with blood. Immediately It dawned upon her that she had unwittingly entered/^he cave of the Foster gang, and, /Tightened, she withdrew, not any (oo qulckry, for later It was discovered that two members of the band returned to the care very shortly afterward. Hie entire gang eventually was captured. In India, where she spent the last six months, Miss Lindsay was winner of an International beauty contest, held In the city of Calcutta. She also tells of her experiences elephant hunting. As guest of the party, she was permitted the first shot at the elephant, and succeeded in sending home the shot that ended his career. She also had several exciting experiences hunting tig;ers in the Indian jungles, nnd has brought here as a trophy a luxurious tiger skiq from an animal which was brought down in one of Mllaide. She tripped overj^pale the hunts In which she was engaged. Making^ New Face for Boy RESURVEY MAY BRING RICHES WiUon EC«t«mM,Wul n.D.C. Books f Lad's Physiognomy, . : ft! Sleigh Wreck, Beina Restored. Winnipeg, Can---Winnipeg hospital physicians are making a new face for 9-year-old Edgar Forbes of Rathwell, Man. The boy's face was reduced to pulp when he was run over by a sleigh. Every bone was broken. The experiment will be a success, according to the physicians. The bonea were reset and will mold, they say. Four dentists, after days of experimenting in the hospital laboratory, completed an' artificial palate for his mouth. When the boy was brought to the hospital his face was unrecognizable. Every bone was sunk In. Both eyes were sunken. The bridge bones of his nose were smashed In many pieces, and after an X-ray examination were found lodged in his throat The boy will be able to see again, although at present he is blind In one eye and scarcely able to distinguish objects with the other. Th« ejwbeti# not injured. ' , - BRUSSELS TELLS GRATITUDE Canfars Freedom of City oi Whitlock, American Miniate# to Belgium. Brussels--The municipal council formally conferred the freedom of the city on the American. Spanish and Dutch ministers to Belgium in recognition of their services to the city and country during German occupation. The address was made fcy Burgomaster Max. Brand Whitlock, the American minister replied, saying: "I am grateful that fate called me to share in the city's sufferings and Insults throughout the long nightmare of occupation, by an aggressor who,, vainly desired, to assassinate the tafe? tion's soul." San-Antonio, Texas, .Van Finds OH on Inaccurately Measured School Lands. San Antonio, Texas.--Inaccuracies In the measurements of school lands in Texas may bring a fortune to A. P. Barrett of this city, who has filed for oil and gas leases on 2,000 acres in tha Ranger and Burkburnett districts, it became known today. Mr. Barrett has arranged with a development company of Oklahoma City to take over the leases when they are granted for the, purpose of developing them. When the surveys were made """»y years ago rawhide tape lines were used In measuring them and in wot weather the line stretched with the result that tracts described as containing 640 acres really contain as hlgfe sometimes as 800 acres. In the port of London 5,664 tons ol unsound food .was condemned in 1918 ac compared with 8438 tons In tfu previous year. Know your business and mfbd It. FM^Ienturies GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been a standard household remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and stomach trouble, and all diseases connected with the unnary organs. The kidneys and bladder are the most important organs 6f the body. They are the filters, the purifiers of your blood. If the po»son8 which enter your system through the blood and stomach are not entirely thrown out by the kidneys and bladder, you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, hesdache, pain in loins and lower abdomen, gall stones, gravel, difficulty when urinating, cloudy and bloody urine, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago, all warn you to look after your kidneys and bladder. All these indicate Rome wetness of the Kidnevs or other organs or that the enemy microbes which are always present in your system have attacked your weak soots. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are what you need. They are not a "patent medicine," nor a "new discovery." Iter 200 years they have bee^ a standard -ousehold remedy. They are the pure, original imported lem Oil your great-grand mot tier used, aAi are perfectly harmless. The healing, soothing oil soaks Into the celln and lining ol i the kidneys and through the bladder, driving out the poisonous gsrms. New lifii^ »'• fresh strength and health «vill come as yo« continue the treatment. When completely restored to your usual vigor, contiooe taking a capsule or two each day; they wiB keep you in condition and prevent a raturn of the disease. < Do not delay a minute. Delays are eapecially dangerous in kidney and bladder t rouble. AH druggists sell GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refund ,i; the money if not as represented. GOLD <. MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported direct from the laboratories in Hoi- '}. land. They are prepared in correct q,uan~ V titv and convenient form, are easy to take J;; and are positiveV guaranteed to (jve prompt relief. In three sizes, sealed pack- & apes. Ask for GOLD MEDAL. Adv. - the original imported Accept no substitutes.-- aOH|y HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know that when you sel! or buy through the Sstea you have about one chance in fifty to escape SALS STABLED1STEXPGR. -SfOHNS* is your true protection, your only safeg-uard, for as sure as you treat all your . horses with it. you will soon be rid of the disease. It act* ^ they are "exposed. At all good drug-gists, horse goo<ir the maufacturers. • " ' SPOHN MEDICAL CO, ChrnUats, GMfcea, V, s a sure preventive, no matter fto* "W houses, or.delivered by Reduction of furniture prices is .one of the best things done thus, far for the returning soldiers. SAGE ANO SULPHUR DARKENS GRAT HAIR Ife Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Glosa and At 'tractiveneaa. Almost everyone knows that Sage" Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings bRck the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which Is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, Improved by thMjidditlon of other Ingredients, at irimall cost. Don't stay gray! Try It! No one can possibly tell that yon darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It nnd draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive.--Adv. Many a man's failure in small things la due to his being troubled $dth great ambitions. You all know that to warn a dlW bot to tell a secret W't sUrdty thaC it will be told. ~ ; Pure blood is essential to Good Health. Garfield Tea dispels / impurities, de»uaa> the system and eradicates disease. Ai*. April first oughta be birthday far •' |pt of oirds we kno«r. -- _ . . . . . . The hurt of a burn or a cut «^p*wfca# Cole's Carbolisalve is applied. It heaS "> quiekly without soars. 25c and SQE FEP all druggists. For free sample write TIm J. W. Coie Co.. Rock ford, 111.--AD*: Naturalists state tbat serpents ltve six months or longer wlthmt f Plenty of exercise, fresh aliv regular hours--is all the prescription you need to avoid Influenza--unless through neglect or otherwise, a cokt gets you* Then take--** once •m CASCARA Standard cold remedy far 10 jriar* in uMjj fiMiii --fa. wut, no opiiU.1 IMUHLS back if it fail* The bos I with Mr. Hill'* picture. At All Make Money with Gary W ^ w • Big Money for Investors Gary Real Estate has made for* --to those who ac •- -r."w.: "'wy* The tunes for small investors -- Gary industries are earning big money for those who have invested in them. Gary is the City of MOney Making --and the Gary Motor Truck Co. • offers to the large or small investor; an unusual opportunity for profits amount of Gary Stock for sale is naturally limited^the company Is growing so fast that additional capital can be used to advantage RIGHT NOW--later there will be no such need aad oo «uch oppop** tunity. * GARY, MOTOR Jfs- Factory bi Operafloa TRUCK STOCK Shipping Trucks Daily You are not asked to invest in a "prospect"-- here is a factory in actual operation, shipping Gary Trucks daily--with experienced, efficient factory and executive management--men who are honest and trustworthy--a company which has earned profits for its stockholders in the past and. Which is earning profits right now for its stockholders. ; J ^ The "Gary" is not an "experiment"--it is giving satisfactory sMvfce tM dozens of big concerns--the Gary Motor Truck line is complete, 1-ton, 1^2-ton, 2-ton, 2Vfc-ton and 3%-ton Models--it is being sold by some oC.;£ the largest and most important Distributors in the United States. Aj. least investigate. Get all the facts--then •• §• •• Hi Hi decide for yourself. Learn about the big profits you can expect from your investment in Gary Stock. Send in your Coupon now-- no obligation on your part--and we will also send you Free and Postpaid "The Essential Industry" containing facts about the motor truck industry. r Ask About Our EAST PAYMENT PLAN The Gary Motor Truck Co. £19 Broadway GARY, IND. I I S I I MAIL TODAY • Information CoiNi GARY MOTOR TRUCK CO. I 519 Broadway, Gary, hi • Tell me all about your G«ry Stock, Easy Pav ment Plan H and send 'mc FR£^£ "Tte 9 Essential Industry," no obit' gation on my part. . Name and Addrew^r ' ill Riferenoet:--Any Bank or Business House in Gtfjr. - f of The Gary Motor Truck Co. Plant, G»ry, Ind. It will tomr wb«D our a«cond bf* idMoa <Unfl IS) la MmM \ »-'* *, • J

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