\;r r -V.*v/ •• *wp ___.. . ... "» !• '->• 'J - I »• ' • ..£' 4 ^ .' • ' ' %\"'*' y . ' . ;,iv PUlHDBiLIB, MaHlRBT, ILL. ~'fv ;p., ~#f% ^ ?> •£• v*>' ^'pr.pjp •' :^;j *f-W Remove The Cause •&?$*& -^Tliere are so many cough remedies on the nMHTket that a selection is difficult to the one who has - an occasional or even an urgent need for a good one. As a result of our experience in handling scores of different kinds, we feel justified in our claim that WHITE PINE AND TAR is in a class by itself. It cures a cough by Removing the cause. It cures stubborn cases. It relieves promptly ~and each bit of relief is a step towards a thorough cure. At this season when coughs are prevalent, some reliable cough remedy 3hould be kept in every home. White Pine and Tar. Guaranteed. Price, 25 Cents tboni: sow N. H. PETESCH druggist OUR PRICES fbr the last three weeks still hold good the following articles: * # Blue Otis Overall, each^V...,. $1.8# ^ Blue Wabash Stripe Overall^, each-$1.90 Plain Blue Heavy Overalls, each $2.10 fs^4 WorK Shirts, each S PERCALES Same Percales we always sold. Ydu - itaow the quality is good. . ' • • 56-inch Light Colored. 36-inch Dark Colored 27c 29c lluy Armour Plate Hose and save Hosiery expense. Prices subject to change without notice SMITH BROS a4'\ .-.fiL-ft: McHENRY, ILLINOIS WOULD YOU CASE TO SAVE A THIRD ON YOUR Th^n make it a point to see the special lot of al| leather, substantially built Work Shoes I am offering at the very low price, per pair----- -^-- $2.50 Because I contractedfor these shoes a long time ahead it is possible to sell them at this unusually low price. Better get a pair or two while the lot lasts. Other makes and grades at varying prices. JOHN STOFFEL. -:WEST McHENRY • free yourself from Bake da^ drudgery BARING AT HOME is anything but a pleasant job. Every housekeeper will admit that. Save yourself all that trouble and worry by buying your bakery Goods from your Home Bakery. Fresh every day. On sale in every store id town. • Try our large sii* loafs* 15c, more an4. better bread for less money. The McHenry Bakery SOLON MILLS Geo. Yonke was a Sunday caller in town.' ' Wm. Overton wms a Spring Grove visitor Saturday. , ... Mrs. Sylvia Cornish vu a rfrcent Richmond visitor. , Miss Rose Aubert spent part of last week in Chicago. Mrs. Lawrence Santucci spent one day last week in Chicago. Lee Hodge of Ringwood was a business caller here Saturday. Tom Cole of Spring Grove was a business visitor here Friday. Chas. Vogel spent one day recently at Twin Lakes, buying stock. Mrs. Victor Alms wasv a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Will Monear of Richmond was a Sunday caller at Ed. Monefr's. Miss Leona Cfopley was home from McHenry over the week end. Ben Watts of Grass Lake was a Sunday caller at Richard Aylward's. Edwin Vogel and 'Lee Aylward were Antioch callers Monday morning. Wm. Sullivan and family of Marengo were Sunday visitors at Geo. Vogel'S. ~ Mrs. Etta Ajrtnatarong ,'aftd: Miss Thelma Gibbs were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Vogel left Monday morning for Beloit, Wis., to visit her mother. Mrs. Hardy and little daughter rye at Milton Junction spending a few days. Dean! Thompson of Spring Grove was a Wednesday caller at Richard Aylward's. Mrs. Kirk Craine is here from Kenosha to spend the week in the Vogel home. Mrs. Lulu Herman .was out from Chicago over the week end to visit with relatives. Chas. Haldeman, and , daughter, Floy, were transacting- business at Richmond Saturday. Miss Ruby McCloon of Minneapolis, Minn., is here £or an extended visit with relatives. Math. Pester of Libertyville was a Sunday visitor with his brother, Jack Pester, and family. High test Valvoline is the only thing that will remedy your car troubles. Give it a test. Mrs. Oscar Yoilke and little., son of Spring Grove spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Chas. Vogel. Mrs. Jeo Fillweber .of Antioch was here to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Vogel, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowen were here -from McHenry to call on the latter's mother, Mrs. Fannie Overton. Frank McAssey of Richmond was a recent caller here with Mrs. E. S. Johonnott. - Mrs. Anna Huff wafi taken seriously ill Saturday evening at the Russell Turner home with an attack of appendicitis. Ford Hanford was here la few days last week, calling on his old friends before going to his home in Michigan. He was recently disehargetl from the arnfy. RIDGEFIELI) - '. W. Hartman passed Tuesday last at Woodstock. . Frank Bliss was doing business at Woodstock recently. *• Mrs. W. Glawe w^a a < WoodBtotk, shopper last Friday,". W. E. Dike made a business trip to Cary last Thursday. Mrs. W. Abbott passed last Thursday at the county seat. Mrs. Herman Wille passed Tuesday last at Crystal* Lake. Mrs. D. L. Gibson passed, Wednesday of last week at Crystal Lake. Mrs. B. F. Peck was a shopper at the county seat last Thursday. Mrs. Carrie Johnson passed Tuesday of last week at Crystal Lake. Willie and Anna Erickson were shopping at Crystal "'Lake Tuesday. W. E. Dike was calling on friends at Crystal Lake last week Tuesday. Chris Dennetnan transacted business at ^Woodstock one day last week. F. J, Wilkins made a business trip tot the county seat last week Tuesday. E. Knilans. attended to business matters at the county seat last Friday. neral at the county seat one day last week. F. Horskey attended to patters of a business natore Crystal Lake Friday. * „ J. H. Slater made a business trip to Crystal Lake last Thursday afternoon. Valvoline gasoline sold in McHenry by all leading dealers. Once used, always used. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Burdick were transacting business at Woodstock last Thursday. _ . . ..... ', Mrs. J. Lypch and son, Ray, made a business trip to Chicago one day last week. Mrs. Herman Will? and Mrs. Walter Reed were Woodstock shoppers last week Thursday. Mrs. C. Jacobs, Mrs.,. Buchanan and Helen Carlson passed last Satur day at Crystal Lak$. F. E. Howe and Herman Wille attended to business matters at Harvard Tuesday of last week, Mrs. Pederson, Mrs. L, Waterman, Mrs. W. Abbott and Mrs. C. Jacobs did shopping at Woodstock last Saturday, . Mrs, Claude Jacobs, Mrs. A. H. Skinner and Miss Helen Carlson did shopping at Woodstock last week Wednesday. Mrs. Lolo Bennett went to Huntley last week Wednesday to Care for the Elliott family, who -MB down with the flu. JOHN8BURG Father Weber was a McHenry visitor Monday. ** * v* Weather forecast*Bat Johnsbttrg: A long, dry spell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. P. Miller %«re in McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams were McHenry callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling were Volo visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund visited at Peter Niesen's Sunday. Miss .Barbara Smith was a Woodstock caller Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nett moved into the house last week Monday. Mertes and daughter, Chicago visitors last Mrs. John Helen, were week. Jos. H. Huemann, the local Grant Six agent, was a McHenry caller on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller were business visitors in McHenry Monday afternoon. •' Miss Caroline Miller Was calling on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, Monday evening. C. M. Adams has had his touting car repainted and one can scarcely tell same from a brand new one. Quite a few from this locality have been at McHenry during the past few days for the purpose of paying their .taxes. " • : Mrs. Swan Johns and. little son are visiting for a few weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes. Nick Miller and Jacob Thiel returned from France on Friday evening and everybody is glad to see the boys home agafn. Mr. and Mrs. Nick "Freund spent Sunday as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Freund, at McHenry. The wedding dance, held at the parish hall here on Wednesday evening of last week, was attended by a large crowd and everyone had a fine time. On Monday night the Mystic Workers gave- a chicken dinner in their hall. They appeared in coraiical costume and enjoyed a little card game afterward. Ash Wednesday services were held at the Catholic church here yesterday and the customary Lenten services will also be conducted during the Lenten season. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Blake entertained at a card pafty one evening ecently Messrs. and Mesdames J. B. llettermann, Jos. F. Freund, Math. Jungen, Jos, Mertes and all report fine time. , Johnsburg was well represented at the masquerade dance given by the McHenry Pleasure club in the opera house in that village on Monday evening of this weekr" A , few from here also attended a like event at Staffers hall on Thursday evening of last week. All report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller, who reside northwest of this village, entertained a number of neighbors and friends at cards last Sunday evening. The evening's honors went to Wm. Kattner and Mrs. Wm. Staines, while the consolation was awarded to Mrs. Joseph Kattner. Refreshments were served at a late hour and all departed foi* their homes assuring the host and hostess of a very fine time had. Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames Stephen Freund, Wm. Kattner, Joseph Kattner, William Staines, Nick Freund, Math. Schmitt, Nick Young, Miss Mary Mav and Nick Mav. ' RINGWOOD ~ Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at E. P. Flanders'. Mr< and Mrs. Alonzo Smith have little daughter, born March 3. Plin Hunt and wife of Crystal Laike spent Sunday at T. A. Abbott's. Miss Madsen and Miss Daily visited at Henry VogePs over the week end. . ^ , Our young-, attired in all the old fashioned clothes they could Arid, gave a party jn the hall Saturday evening."^ Mrs. i, Luella Stephenson, Mrs. Hitchens, Mrs. Martha Bradley and Eleanor Bacon attended a play in Chicago last Friday. Rev. Hewitt of Greenwood will show views of the Panama canal at the M, E. church Tuessiay evening, March 11. All invited. The Mystic Workers gave a very pleasant party at M. W. A. ball last Thursday evening for Bert McCannon's. All enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Rilla Foss went to Harvard last Friday to visit Mrs. Conway until Sunday evening, pn Saturday Dorcas came down from Beloit. There was a good attendance at the W. C. T. U. meeting last Saturday. The next meeting will be with Florence Smith on Wednesday, March IS, Bert '• A I •t w '""'ilK. ; INVESTMENT HOY BANKING McHENRY, ILLINOIS McCannon moved his' family to his farm near Woodstock last Saturday and Charles Krohn moved onto his. farm recently purchased of Bert McCannon. There will be a conrynunity meeting in Ringwood March 14, 15, and 16. There will be good programs by the school and gbod speakers on farm work and other topics. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, went to McHenry Sunday to help Grandma Mc Laughiin celebrate her eighty-second birthday. The other guests were Mrs. Tillie McLaughlin of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin and daughter, Kathleen, of Chicane, TERRA COTTA ' Miss Clara Frisby was ka business caller in Crystal Lake. Arthur C. Sewell spent Sunday with his mother in Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wingate vis \ To those who will have funds for investment in any Amount, we desire to state that we will * be pleased t6 have you consult us and we will assist you in procuring ^absolutely Safe Securities bearing an attradtive rate of - Interest. '• •' '-v' We have funds for investment in Real Estate Mortgages. .J The V* Iron Is Ready For Work h A Moment Or Two All that is needed is to connect it to any lamp socket in any rooip any hour of the day or night. Sold on Monthly Payments Ask any one <rf your friends who owns one about its convenience. She'll talk a good advertisement. The Iron Lasts a Long Tlflke Public Service Co. OF NORTHKRN H.UNOIS A (tian(e For farmers to Save 'IXTHEN you need ^ repair parrto yoir ; * * harvesting or haying machines, or some other machine you will use this year, you want it quick. With this in mind, we wish you would go over each machine carefully, making note of parts that might need replacing during the year, and send us the list. « • • • • This is the most opportune time to give your machines a thoro inspection. With the busy season at hand, your time will soon be 90 occupied that • you could not give this matter the attention its importance warraitfs. L - | This advance information as to your probable requirements will make it absolutely certain that you can get any part you need in short order. Please . let us have your list of repair parts before or during Repair and Inspection Week, March 3-8. MATH FREUND McHENRY, ILLINOIS ited at C. A. Mason's Sunday. Wm- Conway spent Sunday and Monday with his sister in Elgin. Mrs. Mary Grant and son spent Monday evening at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and son, Harold, spent Friday last in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family visited relatives at Holcombville Sunday. John Heffron of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMillan. Miss Florence Knox was the guest of relatives in Crystal Lake Sunday evening. ' Miss Eva* Davoll and friend of Woodstock spent Sunday at the former's-- home-near--here.-^-- Mrs. J. M. Phalin was a guest at the home of her niece, Mrs. Glenn Robison, at Crystal Lake Saturday and Sunday. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS iMrs. L. F. Newman spent Saturday in Chicago. , Miss Maude Granger of Chicago passed Sunday as the guest of home folks. Miss Clara Schiessle went to Chicago Wednesday for '^n indefinite time. C. G. Berner attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. Mrs. R. T. Wray was among Chicago passengers la« morning. Dr. F. J Aicher passed the first of the week as the guest of Chicago Chas. U Newman & Woodstock STOP AND SHOP AT THE. y Central Market si You Will Save Money--Specials For One Week lObars American Family Soap for 10 bars Kirk's W. Flake Soap for. .1 He 10 bars U. S. Mail Soap for - 10 bars Fairbank Jewel Soap for Sic Large package Kirkalin, regular 30c, for, . -18c ^ t Small package Kirkalin, regular 7c, for 5® Navy Beans, hand picked, at per pound_^-~tlC Bacon, sliced, per pound Jj® Bacon, by the piece, at per pound... -... He .We have a full line of Fish for the Lenten season, _ including Salt, Spiced and Smoked Herring, Smoked White Fish, Cod Fish, Bloaters aad Fresh .Fish. -- 8-lb. Pails Spiced Herring for H4® -jk . CENTRAL MARKET ORDERS DELIVERED PROMTLY PHONE W-M the Saturday spent Tuesday with his inother, Mrs. la. F. Newman. John F. Miller attended to matters of a business nature, in the windy city last Saturday. Mrs. John Young ia visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Schmitt, who is recovering from a successful operation in 8t. Joseph's hotpital, Chicago. Mrs. F. G. Spurling and Miss Laura #V..r Krause visited their nephew, Wm. Stewart, at Woodstock Sunday. Mr, Stewart had1 the misfortune to break his ankle. Mr. aftd .Krs. W. D. Weatworth and daughter/ Alta and Varina. spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ctaa. Lampher* at ga*P-- tersvillfc - \4