Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1919, p. 3

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ilWfl uk.' :,na%TV.-sfc"A r U'« it' . "* W: TV' STATE NEWS )t ir>; , AU stroking tobacco* use tome flawing. The - Encyclopaedia Brit&nnica say* about the manufacture of smoking tobacco, • . on the Continent find in America certain 'sauces' are employed... the |M of the 'lancet' i* to fl?™ur and luraiog qualities of the leaver J Tuxedo uses chocolate--the pui4»C moll WKOIBK **»« and <Jei:ciou» of all flavorings! Everybody |ke> chocolat©--we all know that chocolate added to anything as a flc.voring always makes that thing gtiil more enjoyable. That is why a dash of chocolate, Added to the most carefully selected and properly "Yoar No*€ Knowft Try This Test: Rub a tittle Tuxedo briskly in the palm of your hand to bring out its filll aroma. Then smell it deep--its delicious, pure fragrance will convince you. Try this test with any other tobacco and we will let Tuxedo or fall on your judgment-- "Y#vr Nose Know*9 Tke Perfoct Tobacco for Pipe aad OnNW /> . OmBn>«*4ly Astern Canada's "Horn of Plexxhr OflaslfcEMh" Mr m Western Canada for _ iii)ut4kdpcdtof(wa the --nfl <bcaameTeep<ma£ ~~ JTZ oil itycrfifftjduc lion «tiHr»»t»T»>onher. DUtlNfh prices for Grain, Catlteadi%Mp ttauie t» remain. prioectf land NaraChfcekwrtewahia. •Und capable yielding 20t»4S bush. Sb •* wurt to the mcrm can ba bad on easy IMIH* at trow $18 to S30 par sen-food cnriag land aft much lass. Many imam paid for from«ihi|li year*a crop. Raising . «ettle, sheep ami fcagsbrmRB equalioccess. TheftmnimHt •ancanragea (»rmh< ami Mock iidslm Railway and T --:nr~ffrr linn nl irliin urn mi la flmaii Quit Farms maypeatocked by Joansatmoeerateimerest. Western Canada offers tow taxation, aoed markets and ahipfan& ttree schools, torches and heakhf til tiliniate. m f* m 1m nAmd nlwi ntn. location of had. Baa* «M Iwiiun.mpply to9vpt- «f Immia., Ottawa, Can.. or CJ. fiaaAii, a*w4a,faW. kimm Stw«,<W«o, in.; _ B. •. HadaBMC.a VnMad iiaainit n< an A••t•o amnsie, nDta tAn|ijt<, Mnitcsk . lVilui|» All things come to him who wafts, trot there are many stblttge not worth waiting Sac. ; Good health cannot be maintained where there ia a constipated habit. Garfield Tea overcomes constipation. Adv. Self-'rigfeteousness may save _ degradation, but it wHl prevent ealattiness.-- Robertson. Weekly Health Talks AShgle Remedy Often Many Diseases BY VALENTINE MOTT, X. Dl It ia almost impossible to give a Hat «| ^he endless diseases that follow indigestion. J,' perhaps a whole column in this newapa- «>r would be required to print them alL ou eat to keep alive--to supply blood and --Ileeh and bone and muscle and brain. It vjfc easy to see that if your food is not digested and taken ap by tro delicate ort J§»ns and distributed where it is needed, a disease of some sort is sure to eome. Dyaftepsia is a common symptom, and so are - fiver complaint, loss of flesh, nervousness, J*d memory, dizzinesq, sleeplessness, no Sppetite. Maay times? -When neglected, in- J(pigestion results in coughs, throat diseases, • .-Satarrh. bronchitis and even more danger- #«* things. And all these disorders .arise vfecatue the food ia not properly digested - •» the stomach. It is plain even to a <||hild that relief and cure aae to be had anly by setting up a healthy condition m fhe stomach. Dr. Pierse. of Buffalo, N. n.i.j1')lr •; mw,ly y&arm «9a COSlbillM • nnmW |f vegetable growths into a temperance Jemedy for indigestion, and called it ©olden Medical Discovery. It is probably • P"e m<^ efficacious discovery ever made P medicine, for the list of people all over > the world who have had their countless ills tvercome by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical hscovety makes an amazing total of thousand*. I know of no advice better than this: Begin a home treatment today with this * food vegetable medicine. It will show Sou better than I can tell you what it will o. When taking Golden Medical Dia- ; sovery, you can rest assured of one very <• jpiportant thing--it contains neither ako- ;aol nor opiates. There is nothing in it ' %ut standard roots and herbs that possess aurative properties of a high order. A .safe medicine ia UMI only Had yon eta i afford to take. Old^olk's Coughs ' :JWl fee relieved promptly by PWa. Stops v ' throat tickle; relieves irritation. The remedy tested by more than fifty years of nsc ia PISO'S Mixed Word£. "I txmsfct Sriilth's tRKtoess to." "TLIAT^ QNEER! SOMEBODY TEUI y«B bought hint oat." OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLO OA CATARRH How Ta Get Relief When Htai < I and Nose ire Staffed Up. ^ \ County fifty! Your coM In hexd or catarrh disappears. Your closured »*»• trlls will open, the a!r passajtee of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache ; no struggling for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your .druggist and apply a little of this fragmnt Antiseptic cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or Inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed-up and nateeraMe. Relief is sure.--Adr. Sounds Like It. "The poet speaks of that regal indolent air she had." "I see. An ode to his cook." WHY WOMEN DREAD OLD AGE lhn't "Betty about old age. Dont wmiy about being in other people's way when Dare getting on in years. Keep your y in good condition and you can be M fcaie and hearty in your ola days as yon were when a kid, and every one will be glad to see you. The kidneys and bladder are the causes of senile afflictions. Keep thent clean and in proper working condition^ Drive the poisonous wastes from the svstem and avoid uric acid accumulations. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and you will find that the system will always be in perfect working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, your muscles made strong and your face have once more the look of youth and health. New life, fresh strength and health will come as you continue this treatment. When your first vigor has been restored continue for awhile taking a capsule or two each day. They will keep you in condition and prevent a return of your troubles. There is only one guaranteed brand of Haarlem Oil Capsules, GOLD MEDAL. There are many fakes on the market Be sure you get the Original GOLD MEDAL Imported Haarlem On Capsules. They are the only reliable. For sale by all first clasa druggists.--Adv. ^ One may learn what Is la the fenman heart br what oomei oat at Ur- Swlnbarne. ncaMtwiaceceectwK Chicago.--The saloon issue will not be contested by the drys at the may* oralty election, It was announced by leaders of the dty federation. Jerseyville.--A strawberry shortage to predicted here. Farmers say the hat winds last summer killed 95 per «ent of the plants. This Is a strawberry center. Qulncy.--The federal office here has been closed by United St«tes Marshal Dallman at Springfield. Deputy Marshal L. Rose Moore has been sent to the Rock Island office. Rock Island.--Col. Hftrry B, Jordan, commandant at the arsenal, has submitted plans to the war department for an administration building pt the arsenal to cost $200,000. .# Bloomlngton.--Mrs. Janet W. Reld, •fed one hundred and two, Is de&d at her home in Case county. She came here from Scotland In 1855. One daughter resides in Chicago. Batavla.--A community cannery, for the use of all the housewives of Batavla, will be established next summer. It will be conducted under the direction of the Heine Improvement association. Carllnville.--Each day sfees .many men come to this dty searching for Work with the Standard Oil company, bot It has few positions to offer now •nd many men must go away disappointed. Springfield.--Influenza claimed up. wards of 100,000 lives In Illinois in 1^18, according to conservative estimate* fixed by the state department of public health. The country's total' to estimated at 583,135. Dixon.--Dr. *H. B. Carriel. director •of the Dixon colony, has .*ent out notices to Illinois county officials announcing that the Institution is ready to receive voluntary applications for admission to the institution. Touloe.--Stark county residents •re so good they fail to provide work for the police, sheriff, or courts. When the granfl jury convened the other day the judge was surprised to learn not a single Indictment had been found. Chicago.--The balloon has been cut loose, according to experts, commenttog on the unfixed hog price. Packleg house officials say they expect Immediate advances in live hog prices to set marks far above the $20 record set last winter. Camp Grant, Rockford. -- Ninety thousand soldiers have been dls- «#mrged at Camp Grant since demobilisation was begun shortly after the Signing of the armistice. This Is the «qulrn1ent of more than three fullymanned divisions, each the numerical tetTength of the •"Blackhaxvk" division which was trained at Cam{> Grant. Discharges here will pas* the 100,000 laa-ris by March 18, according to estimates made by Capt. Earl B. Stone, <amp personnel adjutant. Urbana.--Arrangements have been •completed for the state 'nigh school basketball tournament to be held at the University of Illinois, March 13, 14 and 15. The council of administration rerently granted the University Athletic association permission to bold the annual tournament under Its auspices. The university gymnasium, Where fhe games will be staged. Is one of the best basketball floors in the state. Fast tennis have been developed by all of the cities In fhe tournament and an Interesting meet Is predicted by sport fans. Urbana.--Foreign stndcnts at the tfrflversity of Illinois total 136 this •quarter wlfh 23 different countries represented. The representatives here from Burma and Nepal nre the only ones in this country. Chi.m lias more foreign students than any other country. Her number Is 39. Japan is next wi#h 18. Russia, third, with 13 Brazil has It*; Canada and India. 8 earti; Mexico, 6; England. 4; Chile, Philippine Islands and Norway, 3; Peru, South Africa, Poland and Finland, 2; Hawaii, Panama, Greede. Burma, Bulgaria. Turkey, Porto Rico, Nepal, Germany and Armenia. 1; There are three women fni-n England, two from CTiile, two from Canada and aae from Russia registered here. Springfield.--The department of pub- He health has taken action to stop the spread of "sleeping sickness" in Illinois. Director C. St. Clair Drake in an order telegraphed to his aids through, out the state made the plague a reportable disease and ordered isolation of all cases. Unofficially the department heard that 15 case» existed in Evanston and other North shore places. Dr. 6. S. • Winner, district health officer, was ordered to Evnnston to make a complete Investigation. "Five cases are now under Investigation In the state," Doctor Drake said. In each case there appears to be a previous history of Influenza infection. One case is reported in Springfield, one at Toluca and one at Alton. There also have been two deaths, one at Alton, and one at Marseilles. Rock Falls.--Nobody seems to care for office here. Under commission form of government. thW is the year to elect a mayor and four commissioners. Mayor A. A. Thome has filed bis petition for renomination. but there are no candidates for commissioners. Springfield. -- The Illinois State Farmers* institute, In annual meeting here, elected officers for the ensuing year and selected Carbondale as the place of holding the nwrt meeting. Waukegan.--William Scott Keith, dead millionaire, left $1900 for his pets. A horse, dog, two cats and several birds are the recipients. Chicago.--Chicago may face a big shortage in Its Ice supply next summer. This winter has been th£ mildest in 31 years In the lakes region of Wisconsin from which most 6f the city ice is shipped, and It is said that not a single pound has been cat within 100 miles of Chicago. Litchfield.--Farmerspredlct a bumper Montgomery county wheat crop. They say the crop has weathered the winter. At least one-third more acre* age was planted in wheiit this year than last. Farm experts %ay wheat needs a dry April. In which case com* plete success of the crop is assured. IN WATCH TOWER Merr Stage Fight as Hundreds Stand Helpless. DROP FROM WEAKNESS Beetles Men Were Mauled and Hacked In Almost Unbelievable Fashion, and Their Clothing Was l|i Shreds. Chicago.--Mike Smith, a Slav, climbed the ladder leading Into the Chicago. Milwaukee ft St. Paul railroad tower at Erie and Kingsbury streets to relieve Domlnlck Gigontl, an Italian. The men watch the crossing over many tracks and switches, and lower and raise the gates. There has been hostility between them for some time. Mike, as he stuck bis head inside, saw something that fired his anger. He said: "Who drove that spike hol$ through that galvanised bucket?" Scene of the Battle. Hot words followed, and the men squared off. The site chosen for the battle was in a little room four by six feeb^. It was glassed In before the fight and on top of a tower maybe 15 feet high. Mike chose an Iron bar and s short plece^of chain. 'Dominlck had a^ran cover for a shield and a heavy hydrant key for a weapon. With oaths the men j began to fight. Blood flew and the windows were demolished. People began to gather. The crowd swelled to dozens, hundreds, and then perhaps a thousand or two. Neighbors phoned for the police. Minutes passed and the battle went on. Otto J. Stolzenberg, chief of the railroad police, and Joseph Haggerty, city patrolman! were soon on the scene. They COUNT FIFTYl PAINS r AND NEUfiM-GIA COHt IsStfcM fWtfef I Hub this nerve torture & *nd misery right out wHh if | f«t. Jacobs Liniment." ^ Rub this soothing, penetrating Hal* ment right Into the sore, ihflamed narves, and like magic-neuralgia dinappears. "St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers pain. It is a harmless "neuralgia relief which doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Don't suffer! It's so needless. Get n small trial bottle from any drug store and gently rub the "aching heroes" and In Just a moment you will be absolutely free from pain and suffering. No difference whether your pain or neuralgia Is In the face, head or any part of the body, you get Instant relief with this old-time, honest pain destroyer-- It can not injure.--Apfe The Peace Job. The Army Mule--I suppose after Tm demobilized some darned cricket Will be holding my job as a kicker. .. CMUS' i ft-Go-. FREE INFORMATION £ FOR HQMESEEKER& The U. S. Railroad Administration has assembled information regarding farm opportunities in the n veral states, and wul furnish it to homeseekers free on request. The work will be done through the newhr established homeaeeken*" bureau, headquarters in Washington. "We are receiving about 1,000 letters 8 week from persons who wish to engage in farming," said J. L. Edwards, manager of the Agricultural Section of the U. 8 Railroad Administration. "The inquiries come from every state, asking about agricultural advantages in undeveloped territory. We furnish dependable data, and through our service many investors have been able to tind just what they were looking for. "Our information is put out in form t>f illustrated booklets, by states, sent to those sufficiently interested to write and tell ns what kind of a farm project they have in mind, and naming the state the opportunities in which they desire to investigate. Homeseekers can find in the United States productive land &t reasonable prices and on liberal terms, first-claw markets, excellent transportation facilities, a satisfactory climate, and ideal living conditions. Now that the war is over. I look for a revival of farm development beyond that of anv pre-war period." Correspondence from nomeseekers is (solicited. Address. Room 2000, Homeseekers' Bureau, U. S. Railroad Administration, Washington, D. C.-Adv. - An Ohio minister objects to skating on the ground that it has a tendency to promote backsliding. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. lb half p'nt of water add 1 oi. Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and M os. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can m»S it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come in each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossv. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky off and does not rub off.--Adv. Many School tMOTHER CRAY'S» SWEETPOWDERSlf • FOR CHILDREN < TUDI J" Pleasant to take and give satisfaction. A certain RUBeffar Feverishness, Constipation, Headache, Teething and Stomadk . Disorders and remove Worms. They tend to break up a eo&. in 24 hours, act on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels and intestinal disorders. Over 10,000 testimonials of relief. Read a few extracts from the hundreds of unsolicited 14ttetf 'r we receive every y^ar, the originals of which axe on file in oar offices: "I think MOTHER GRAY'S 9WKBT POWDERS FOR CHILDREN sro grand. Th«y were recommended to my sister by a doctor. I am giving tbem to my littif three yi-*r old frirl who was very pany, sod she 1* picking ap wonderfully." "I Teceired a sample of MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET roWDEBS FOR CHILDREN Mae time ago. I tried them for both mj bnb>«> and fonri-i thfm to be a great era* for worms. Tha babies lik* to take taem and cry for more. "Ism crag MOTHER GHAT'S fWFWP VOWIXBRS aa&trected, aad have no trouble Ummi by Wottwi far over rfhli <) yeam* 9e Nel Accept Aaj SSMIM* for MCTIEI GBAVS mm In giving them te the eihiVben se they aM" moch nicer to take thaa oil* or nynipa. I wA always keep them on bad." "We have used MOTHER GHATS BW*«T FOWDKKS FOR CHIUNUK at iHfliasat timr« tor past nine yeata,aiMlal<rajetMD4 them a perfect chUdraa'S Mdidae aai veqr satisfactory ia ersry case. "I thtak MOTHER ORATS SWJW1 POWDERS FOR CHILDREN arm fl» tost thinp i have ever nssd, aad say HtO»Sif has not Ud a stele spall ill 11 IhaisS , him tha P"'"l? - -i '-msi ~ y.:'. ;j>i "Out of Tornient and Misery to Comfort* f Headache Neuralgia Toothache Earache Rheumatism Lumbago >! Colds *' "i». • ' •* ^ Grippe 1 } -J Influenzal*" •" ~ coys, Stiff Neck "Proved safe by millions" ' " Adults--Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Asp!rinH arfH| water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after megfe* Holds the Faith of Medical Leaders! 20 cent Bayer packages--also larger Bayer peckfcges. . Buy Bayer packages only--Get original package. Dauer-Tablets Aspirin ThcTBayer Cross"on Genuine Tablet# Alalia is the trade mark of Bayer ICamfaetore of Menoacetfcacidester of SaBcjrBcarfB Suitable to the Part. "IIow was the heroine dressed In that screen drama?" "Oh, In a gown of some filmy stuff." Men who jump at conclusions usually go limping back to the starting point. Keep clean to side as well as oetsMs by taklag a ceatW Issatlte at least oocs a weak, sask ai Dec tar Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. i4r. He Is never without a dignity who avoids wounding the dighttjr oi others.-- Lord Lytton. TIM Battle Went On. were helpless, for the battle was going on In the tower, up a shaky ladder, and to stick a head up meant probable death. The men swayed and weaved and gasped. More minutes passed. Blood was everywhere. Under the blows they gradually weakened. Both Fighters Collapse. Finally they collapsed aijd the police reserves arriving, lowered them down. At the East Chicago avenue station examination showed that the men's bodies were mauled and hacked In an almost unbelievable fashion. Their clothing was in shreds. 4? Smith lias a wife and four children. Glgonti, a widower, also has four children. 5SSS68SM, Makes Plans for Burial Before She Takes Life Easton, Pa.--Miss Anna Innes, •07, before ending her life by the gas route, laid out all the clothing in which she wished to be burled, stuffed paper in the window and-door frames, wrote letters to her nieces and then fastened one end of a gas tube to ^ her mouth by a linen holder that she had made for that purpose. :b»33$S3SSC3SSS3SSSSS390S<Sg$$S$SgSC6lfe Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only or.e way to cure Catarrhal Deafr.sea, and that is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acta through th" Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which ia a>. Inflamed condition of the Mucous 8urfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot |e cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Drugifists 78c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney a Co.. Toledo. Ohio. The bell punch never scores a clean Jknockdown. ;'»? '•? ^ '«*- a Heavy tkto# ^ With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutlcura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented convenient, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perftime. Renders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum) .--Adv. The silver lining to many ctoude is nothing but moonshine. PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN & FOR INDIGESTION •CAT ONE TABLET! NO OA8ES, ACIDITY, DYSPEP8IA OR AKV ' STOMACH MISERY. Tool or Talisman? Mary Pert--"Thank goodness, I have a perfect complexion!" Kitty Katt--"But you carry a haresfoOt for luck?" . Truth is the root, but human kyl f.athy is the flower of practical life. Undigested food! Lumps of pain; belching gas, acids and sourness. When your stomach is all upset, heart is Instant relief--No waiting! The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsln all the Indigestion pain and dyspepsia distress stops. Your disordered stomach will feel fine at once. These pleasant, hnflmless tablets of Pape's Diapepsln never fail and cost very little at drug stores. Adv. Train up a should have seau. child gone In the way yoo yourself.--Rous- Garfield Tea. taken regularly, wfll ec*» sect both liver end kidney disorders. Adv. Never call a man a knew enough to resent fool; It. be may Important 1© MottUM Examine carefully e^ry bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of| In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Csstoris The wind has a great deal to do with making the weather-vane.' It Is Impossible to suppress the who thinks he can tell a funny «l FRANTIC WITH PAD! Long Saf feria| Fisa KMacf IMIi Nets Thta Waris Caa Dmrifci. {ni'I Brtigkt Beshk UllipfiUN. Mrs. Anna Thorson, 390 Sooth IL, Stamford, Conn., says: "I hadn't say more strength than a child, aad altar sweeping mv back hurt me taon aad more. My headachea were SO bed it i-ccmed as though my skull were being torn into shreds and I would finally lose track of everything and lie in a stupor for hoars. I felt I had to keep going or lose my mma and f kept up often when I trembled all over with weakness. Mr feet were swollen ana every bone in my body seemed to ache. I My fingers got almost as rigid M pieces of wood and the ka swelled. The kidney secretkma dark colored, scanty aad leilihlj burning. I suffered more then WWa can describe. I finally began Wna Boon's Kidney Pill» and I beheve with all my heart that they kept as out of the grave. I am well and Wppy after going through enough pain to drive me frantic. Doan'a saved my life." Sworn to before me this 13th day of Sept., 1915. BENJAMIN M. AYRKS, yotarg Public. Oat Peaa'a at Aar Store. SOaaBag DOAN'S V."V FOSTBMOLBURN CO, BUFFALO^ M. W. N. U, CHICAGO, NO. ll Politeness Is Painful Cleveland, O.--Solomon Grassgreen is going to be about the most unpolite person in these parts from this time on. Grassgreen was cranking his automobile when a policeman dropped off a passing street car. As. he alighted, his revolver dropped out Its holster, and Grassgreen, being po- < lite, stooped and picked It up for the officer. Tn doing so, the weapon was discharged and through the right hand. Use Van to Haul Away Loot. Chicago.--Depleted of all furniture, tapestries, linens, silver and rugs, the house of A. F. Smith was found virtually empty when the family returned from the theater. Burglars, armed with a moving van, had busied themselves during the hours of the Smiths' absence. Ridiculed Yank*, IS Year* In Jaft New York,--"We will not tolerate any man who ridicules our soldiers •nd sailors," said United States Judge Garvin in New York city, as he Imposed a 15-year sentence upon Morris Zuksr, a Socialist who was charged and convicted of that crime. Proof that Some Women do Avoid Operations Mrs. Etta Dorioa, of Ogdensburgv Wis* tayit f **I suffered from female trtrables which caused piercing pains like & knife through my back and side. 1 finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advisea an operation but I would not listen to it. I thought of what I had read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia £. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." How Mrs. Boyd Avoided an Operation. Canton, Ohio.--"I suffered from a female trouble which caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could ' get well. "My mother: who had been helped by Lydia E. Pint; ham's Vegetable Compound, advised me to try it before submitting to an operation. It relieved me from my troubles so I can do my house work without any^ difficulty, I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-V table Compound a trial and it will do as mucn / ^ for them.'™Mrs. MARIS BOYD, 1421 6th St., / /f J.i^j 3J. E., Canton, Ohio. j^j Every Sick Woman Shoibt t x. \: il. Steals Two Tons of Coal. Somerville, Mass. -- Two perfectly good and heavy tons of nut coal were stolen from Frank A. Teele, a local coal dealer. The unknown thUf drove Off with a eoal team. DfDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Before Submitting To An Operation] UTGiA E.KKKKAM MCBlClWe CO. LYMM.MAMb W&W.

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