Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1919, p. 3

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.ALCOHOL'S MR <«** Sa6tteSioaidsart!*"*£ r?£3 Tbemf ChewfMlwtt**. SSMS :'....f' "" • . .N -J' CoftstipdloB^WanJJ®1 and Pwwwf® _ Lo«*orSWKP TBB OBWWOaCOHW® wBWYQRg Copy o« SOHj? Know That fimimff Castoria Bears thd Signature * ! In Use For Over Thirty Years CUSTOM fW MtRVMNi MV WMl WfV* COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent this loathsome Umih from running through your stable and cure all the colts Bu~ff ering wiitt!s y^JWken you b«fli^the treatment. No matter how you POHlf'8 COMPOUND Is sate lo use on any colt.' It°1a wonderful how It prevents all distempers, no matter how the colts or horses at any as* are "exposed." IPOHVI !• sold by your druggist. IPOHN MKDICAL CO. Me lUH, GMbts, M, Snapping It Back, "Hey J You, there, with the sorrel F* snarled a customer Id the rapid fire restaurant. "My order's been In. twenty minutes, and I don't want to wait all day for It. Seel"* "What you want ain't what you need V retorted Claudlne, the waitress. ~Yoti n<*N1 a book oa etiquette. f If manners had been raining down * from Heaven forty days and nights *, you'd still be a rebe. Try that on ; four canary T--Kansas City Star. ft takes Congress to settle a . but an unruly stoi--cfc to «Msed to <3artfeld Tea.--AdT. Eg"SUCKERS" ALWAYS « HARD Oaapite Their General Shrewdness, : American People Ar* Easy Vto. ' tun* of Confidence Cucmo. "Tte tree American is a Homy l®dl- J wtdnal," marked Sheriff <Cline the » / ' other day in .going «wr the -data -vt a .v ' petty swindle case. --:------- "Ob the osre !ual <w And them tn- > ; , ordinateJy clever and quick <t© think up : - V*/ schemes which a*e almost ^within the •t ^':*w taw' willie oo the hand, no mat- ' * ' ***** absurd tfre trick, there .are al- ..V- fir ways plenty •of gamble ipeople fo bite. • _ ' **lt wasn't UMwe titan .a week or ten ^I*.:-',days age when a man called hene and , * asked me if he eoold lodge a cona- •"• plaint. > , • f-r ***Whst 4e yon want'<•' OOtoplaki | abontf I askted Un. ; •i f e . " B y W * y o f r e p l y he plaice3 before I1"-- Be an advertSseiaent Which rend 1n- •••' g Jatructions on what *o do at the table.' 44 'I aent money f-era copy,' explained tiie mas, 'and in reply received a slip h. of paper on which was printed the odc - jr-j word •"Eat."' "--Los Angeles Times «• ' I V r Sortie Don't Know *. Here's a registration yarn which, though .late, stiH has H* tevgii; Louis Yvyno was born tn many ftaly. When he registered he was repaired to All information slip giving came and other personal tacts. Be was a bright boy and giade no mistakes until he came to the Un^ ^ i ' {parked "born," followed by a bluak I'" -?j (pace. In this Louis wrote down very * , ' o*atiy the one word, "Fes." i !*" ' :---- t Ter, Rafnlo, it Is far faster to let - ^.4 lialr- grow long than it is to write poetry. Terrible Suggestion. "We have a duck of . doctor." "Great Scott! You don't mean In say he's a quack 1" Qawos and Hats Shown in Paris .8(12 . ¥hisweek" Is s&etched a distinct novelty, which would certainly prove very useful for afternoon wear. It is a black ctmrnieuse dress which takes the form of au ultralong tunic, thrown over a straight fourreau of black and white broche silk. The dress Is exactly the same back and front and it Is in reality a throw-on dress, invisibly attached to the broche fourreau on the shoulders by pressure buttons. The dress buttons right down the back, and down the front from the point of the deep V opening, and the outline is quite original. The ceinture Is made of white skunk and the same far borders the high Medici collar and petal cufTs. This is the type of dress, writes a Paris correspondent, that all elegant women need In their wardrobes. It is sufficiently ornate to wear at a fashionable wedding, and yet it might with perfect propriety be worn at a restaurant tea, or for ordinary visit Ing. This Idea of throwing on a picturesque satin dress over a brocaded or striped princess robe is very popular in Paris Just now. We are In the midst of gaiety of one kind or another. Your splendid president has been in our midst and visits, of a ceremonious order, were the order of the day. Now for aurjti Crtarrhal Deaf nets Cannot Be Gorai by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the 8ystem. Catarrhal Osafn-- ts caused by an inflamed condition of the nracoes lining of the Eustachian Tub®. When thta tube la Inflamed i«i Ism a rambling sound or Imperfect bearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness Is the result. TTnless the follainxaatton can be wdoced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, sMcli Is «n InflasMl conAMtm of the MOooos Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS «fer any one of Catarrhal Deafness thart «unrat be cared by HALL'S CATASJtS MEDICINE. AN Drugrgtsts TOc. CSrcatars free. I1, J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo. Ohln. US Lowe, Knows No Aaift, Vfce Utile girl from Texas sfesAy #dfc-, «1 the officer the day where Boh ert oooiWl be faaatd. Ae tod his picture wMh her. (Ml not the ttetttenant wi«(h to see It! No, Oh, fcmt in rlie picture 'Robert hM nukchime, "and everything." Well, yes, the lieutenant might tahe a look at It. The «fol reaUy was ««ry The lievtiemmt glanced at the ptetwe. Eol»ert was « big, good-looking fethnr. But what was this? Why, the fellow was leaning nonchateatly asafaMt the basket rif a lb&liooa. 13k .Jelepboae rang. Jtobert ha been located. 'Jlie eAoer detailed a guard to eecert the jwrnf her alllaxieed. They reached his •conipany. A his baek tamed, was outside the kitchen dour basily scrtffefhlug pans; of «ympathy ea«»e iaatte (he eyes of i gkrl wrtll--he tnraed. Htol>ertr And as Us urns ment aro--d her She never missed his audiiae.--F«t Omaha Om Bag. Floral toque covered with dull pink Bankcta roses. A thing of beauty and a great relief from the dark gray days. visits this Is the kiwi <of contume that •our smartest women wore. Something «niglnal, dressy -without being eccentric and rtch withal. The combination of Mack rharmcrrse and hroeaded tAk Is ImntensHF po^u'nr. Materials Are Favwro*. Worth is using these two materials with the hest effects; so Mme. Panuln and so Is Doacet. I saw, recently, In Doucefs fJhowrooms a model dress very «itnfh»T to that tdretched, -which was made Of deep pnrple pame over gray and Wack brocaded -siTk. the h»tl*T material being traced ever wfth sHver threads. <*n the nert frnd sleeves there were nar> row borders of «Me. There was a long -cape-wrnp to nc- ©rnnpa-ny the drees :.'nd fids was -also made of pnrple fianne, with an immense sable collnt frnd a lining of sllwr gray pewu de sole--*i trrtJy reiral toilette. The Parislennes fell In lcjve •with Mrs. Wilson. Kverywhere one heard of her Iwveiy smile" and--for ffYench women place great faith 4a a •pnnwt taste la dress--«tf Tier <eaceltteet taste in sartorial matters. For a long time back we have been satisfied with even frig dresses of severe outline, which one could hardly evtaing -gosnas «t aV. Now we are rapidly blossoming out. As if by magic tlie big "Maisons" have suddenly produced exquisite and elaborate evening toilettes, though the Parislennes insist that really decollete dresses will not come right Into fash- Ion until peace is really signed. Atl the same we are dancing gaily" along the road with leads to such frivolities.* Mirror velvet and panne may he said to be the favorite materials of; the present moment for afternoon dresses of elaborate order, and both' these materials are mixed with silk, jersey-cloth and with bands of hand-; some fur. Nearly all the more expensive models have rich embroideries on corsage or side-panel, and these embroideries are achieved in metallic threads, glittering beads, brilliant silks and chenille. I have often seen ail these combined on a single length of embroidery. Worth is* showing some lovely velvet princess robes which have richly embroidered, very high collars andt cleverly arranged draperies of fiue silk Jersey cloth which fall heavy and straight at the sides of the robe. One model which specially-plea^d me was In mole-gray velvet, with mole-gray silk jersey cloth side draperies and superb embroideries worked in sliver threads and steel beads. There was a high Medici collar, covered with embroidery and bordered with moleskin and the petal «leeves were very similar to thiyse shown in our sketch. This was one of those elegant, dignified toilettes which tre eminently suitable for women of "certain agesoft, rich dresses, which look so lovelj when combined with pure white hair, carefully arrauged. The Gay Floral Toquo. * Once again we have floral to<|fce« fti our midst. This is the best of good news, for the floral toque in earl.v spring. Is a thing of beauty and » real Joy to eyes wearied by the sight of gray, rather dreary, days and evenings. And then the floral toque is almost universally becoming) On/ a young and pretty girl, ot woman, this is an ideal toque for earl.v spring wear. It may be covered with any small flat flower, but roses, violets, hyacinths or scarlet japonicn blossoms are perhaps the best of all. The model was covered with dull pink Banksia roses, and very lovely it was. This style of toque must be pressed close down on the head so that the hair at the back Is almost covered. No fringe shows on the forehead, but coquettish curls are allowed to straggle forward over the ears. A toque of this kind made entirely of dark purple violets would be lovely; or o' I*arma violets mixed with dull blue hyacinths; or again with mos* roars and soft green rose ieaves. For Correct Combination. > The "correct thing to combine with frcicfc a toque as this is a large sqoanr throw-over vefl made of taupe gray Russlau «ret, with the border eenter**Wl ered In silver llrreads. These twopecolored veils are extremely heosnaing to bright •complexions. They tawk remarkably smart when worn with an all-bln^k hat or toque. TV>r early -spring wear Lewis ts al •ready showing very arge Itat-fertmmed hats made entirety' of satikn and trimmed with flat bows of velvet rib- ,'bon, the latter being ptaoNI at one Side near the back. Everyone says that the spring season wi® apen exceptionally early this year <^f 1010. It is to be hoped that the <1erk of the weather will rememoer tlurt we shall badly need a great deal Of brilliant simshine. What Is a fete without sun shine"? And this year Paris <wiil enjoy long fetofc WEAK-KIDNEYS MEAN " J " A WEAK BOI small bottle of "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy a and wavy. ^ / ' -- Removes all dandruff, stops Itch- Irq scalp and felUf# . . ,j(/ •" hair. ,v v' particularly true with elderly people. It you only know how, this creak a more niow and deliberate. "Not so young as I used to be" is a frequent and unwelcome thought. Certain bodily functions « upon which good health and good spirits BO much depend, are impaired. The weak 4K>t is generally the bladder. Unpleasant symptoms show themselves. Painful and annoying complications in other organs arife. This ' ' * trouIb le can be obviated For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving the inconvenience and pain due to advancing years. It is a standard, old time home remedy, and needs no introduction. It is now put up in odorless, tasteless capsule*. These are easier and more pleasant to take than the oil in bottles. Each capsule contains about,one dose of five drops. Take them just like you would any pill, with a small swallow of water. They soak into the system and throw off the poisons which are making you old before your time. They will quickly rdms jomtt*. that tnakaoh* rtta» o. sciatica, call ust," etc. lacy far a* dfceasss liver, *BBMfcraa4j those matism. gravel, "brick effective bladder, OrgftBA* GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Ofl Otpsola cleanse the kidneys and purify the blood. neys. They have a beneficial effect, often completely cure the dfeaans ef bodily organs, attied with the bladder kidneys. ^ If you an tnmMed with soreness the loins or with "simple" aches and p in the back take warning, it may hs WAISTCOAT STILL flf Easily Olaccfsel "I «ee In your hand dark obstacles to your happiness." "Oh, I know. They are the loads of «oal f am hot going to get this fctetor." Downtrodden Aristocracy. "Jinks Is walking on his uppers." "What! Has he joined the bolsl \ifcir* .. :• jh> 2- \% r:sipj The Same ueucious | Satisfying Drink Uaed for years instead of, coffee bgr• - families who value hcaitffc?" fiarmcnt That Is Detachable P/ove* Mors Satisfactory From Sialyl'; * jMint of Eponomy. " Tests appear lie the nrajorlt^ of softs for spring. This naturally will stimulate a demand for the separate vest. When the vest Is made an actual part of the suit. It Is not iwsslble, of course, to send the vest to the cleaners without sending the entire suit and inasmuch as vests are always of some lighter colored material Than that employed for the suit this necessitates unnecessary expense. Decidedly the host plan Is to have a number of detachable 4vests so that the suit may at all times be equlpi>ed with Immaculately fresh accessories at as trifling expense ns possible. s The straight panellike set continues to be a favorite. Such a vest is very easy to make. Satin, crepe de chine or a heavier silk crepe is usually the material selected. A vest of this type is made of a single strip of material of the desired width, sloped out to fit the neck and fastened In the back at neck and waistline With an elastic hand or ribbon ties. The straight cut, boxlike, suit coat promises to he the favorite for spring and nearly all of them are cut to fliire open in front, showing a vest of light or bright-colored material. Hip length or a trifle longer is the popular suit coat length and skirts for spring ara generally ankle length ami narrow. Approximately one and one-half yard* to the popular width. 1 . " Necklaces of Coral. ' " In the retail jewelry trade there la a rtrisk demand for white and pink coral necklaces that retail from $5 to $15 apiece. These articles are very popular with the Palm Beach trade. Reforts from various sections of the country are to the effect that jewelry is selling much better this season, es- ]«citilly sterling silver veil pins, the demand for which, seems to be almost unlimited. £or Sake of Novelty. Mi. BWe serge is sometimes hand*drawn and hand fringed for the sake of novelty. - To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff is merely • matter of using a little Danderine. It Is easy and Inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get ft •mall bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now--It costs but a few cents--all drag •tores recommend It--apply a little fts directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance freshness, flufllness and an incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair--fine anfi downy at first--yes--but really new hair--sprouting out all over your scalp --Danderine Is, we believe, the only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and cure for Itchy-scalp, and 4t never falls to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and •oft your hair really Is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully dram- it through your hair--taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will, he soft glossy and beautiful in just • few moments--a delightful surprise •waits everyone who tries thl* Adv. Ah-ah-ah-oh-oh-oht . "Is your daughter taking staging leasons?" "That's what you heard, all right 1 I hope you don't think tor a minute that I had started beatiag my wlte.*-- Buffalo Gxpres& .• preliminary indications of some Of malady which can be warded off1 si? if taken in time. Go to your droggist today sad of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Money refunded if Three sizes, GOLD 1 original importeJ 1i A ccept .N'y Substltutes.- -^r -Adv. The Wise Chief. Reporter--••'What started the blase, chief?" Fire Chief (In a whisper)-- "Spontaneous Insurance." A man carries domestic eeonomJr;lto extremes when he stops the clodtf at night to save time. Keep yoor llrer ittlw, your bowel* elcss by taking Dr. Pierre's Plcaoant Pellets sad ra'II kssp BMlthy, wealthy and wiae.' Adv. Often the apology Is worse than the offense. Amateur photographers are willing to take anything except advice. Opportunity knocks on your door; and Opportunity's nickname is Luck; Particulars. "I hear that young Speedlt to lng under." , "Very much so. He Is either his automobile or under « ciom Stay t)t« Pain. apptled.^3t* heals --®P The hurt of a burn or a cut. Cole's Carboltealve is Quickly without scars. ~ 2Sc and SOc by all druggims. For free sample write The J. W. Cole Co., Rockford, 111.--Adv. More married couples would be toppy If the husband was deaf and the wife blind. * Sometimes you meet an at driver who needa a new inner' in his head. ~W. N. U., CHICAGO. NO. 12-1*11. Out of Pain to Comfortl Proved Safe by Millions 1 mm For Pain Headache Toothach|e Earache Rheumatism Lumbago r Colds. Grippe Influe Colds Stiff Neck Joint Pains m GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Has beea vsed- for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and tnactiw Kfrer, such as side headache, oanstipattee, sour stomach, nerroas todfcgestfcn, fermentation of food, patpitarteo elf the heart caused by gases ha the stomach. August flower ts a gevtle taxattve, regulates digestion both la Ktemach and Intestines, deans aod sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the hile and impurities from the Mood. Sold in all civilised nwntiim Otoe It * trial.--Adv. Sia has many toots, but a lie to. the jhaodVe that fits them all.--Oliver WeoideN Hohaes. Ww men eshfhlt their bravery until jafter fhe flange# !s past. Adults--Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" wl® wat^r. Jf necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after ^ •m; Ask for and Insist Upm "Bayer Tablet* of i ^American owned--Entirely! . '»teuj Bayer packages onfy--Get original package. ^ Aspirin b the trs^e soarfc ot B«|w lisnn*actn«e at Moneacstkaddestet of t»llnl>siH Natural Procedure. "What do you think of that new gas schemerT "Oh, everybody is making light of it." FRECKLES Mew b ths TisMteCet ftilsf TImm Ufly Spets There's me loac«r tb* allfMcst meed ot filing Mbiun.'iJ ot roar frvcklea, as Olhlno--Joulile •trrngiii--to gnaMBtasd to Miort tbese bomelj •pots. Simply gtt an ounc* of Othlne--double strength--from your druggist, and apply a little of it and mi>ralnii »d you should soon se« tkmt the worst freckles have bt>ffnn to disappear, while tbe lighter ones hare vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce Is needed to completely clear the akin and gain a beautiful elear complexion. Be sure to ask for the dcnible strength Othine, as this is sold nailer guarantee of aMoey bsek It U falls to icsore freckle*.--Adv. Quite fee. Three little girls were the clubs their fathers befaog ta. father belongs to Mopaoa," ttiMy Mary. "My dad belongs to the Elks," nil'. Luclle. "My papa must belong to the tie phants. He's so fat and big." w» marked Lenore. . And mother, who waa Jlatenln(, tuM, to leave the room to laugh. One of the most satisfying assets in life is the ability and power to tell a carping critic just when and where be can get off. Garfield Tea is Nature's laxative sad ' blood purifier; it overcomes " and its many attendant ^CCBSt^attMt In Boston a rubber factory is called an Inquisitive plant. Marriage adds either to ft man's hap> plness or to his misery. Many & man works overtime li jhig to convince himself that he If ftiiwirt p * '* & f - '• •itf '"»»<> :• \ " . * -i%.& The Original HAT OF THE INDIAN TYPE POSTUM CEREAL Boiled Just liKe coffee -^15 minute after bofliag bcgm4- Rich in aipma. Pleasing in flavor* Exonomi^aL No table drink has ever taken the place of Postum* talUasan- Straightened Ostrich Tips and Paradise Qlve Immense Height to New _ Fi^ich Neidgcil^ C4 While America Is greeting the 'turban that Is fashioned after the Gallic cock, the victorious symbol of France, Paris herself Is wearing a bat that looks as though it were suggested by the headdress of the American Indian. This fashion was started a year ago, over there, and the credit was given to our forest tribes; but today there is a tendency to ascribe the source of this fashion to the ancient Asiatics. whatever the inspiration, the fashion itself Is significant. Wings not used to get this immense height that the new hats have; straightened ostrich tips and paradise give It. There will be a crown band of velvet for the street, and paillettes or crystal embroidery of ostrich feathers or aigrettes rising in straight lines for 12 inches, curling over at the tips, street hats made like this have brought to America, and they look strangely odd among our low turbans and broad-brimmed lace sailors. The French women are wearing crystal headbands with white or pale-colored tips with evening gowhis. and an American officer over there -says that the audience In a big Paris theater looks like a pow-wow of Indians; that he expects <he figures to rise any moment and dp a snake dahce. ;v • . . , *n Neck Frilling Again., ' nfi. -Frilling by th£ yard was the standard neck-and-sleeve finish at one time. Now it is quite prominent again on the neckwear counters, being used for the round-necked, collartess dress or t. It comes in white, maize and soft tones. With a fold of ble color it to worn as a fichu. Jet and Velvet Hats for Late Winter. For late winter wear thei'e are some very attractive little hats of jet and velvet. The Jet sequins are spangled all over with velvet, which Is then concocted into a becoming little hat with a puffed crown and a narrow brim. Some of these hats are cut wlti mltered crown, like a bishop's can. Bake More Save More and more, thoughtful women creasing the cost of living by increasing the Variety t>f their home baking. They have learned to bake the Royal way with fewer eggs. They have found that more baked foods mean less meat They have further discovered that their baking keeps iresh longer when made with Powdor Absolutely Pure it' X&je many recipes, only half as many eggs axe required, In $ome none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal powder Is used, about a teaspoooful in place of each egg omitted. ^ Royal Contain* No 4Uum-*j.' a >** 3 : , Leaves No Bitter Taste s!

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