Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1919, p. 10

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w , * jNf _ J^.rit"-': ,-"|;v). - iTrwMWi Bilaty tor on-tal( , ySr" ... ,> 1,126.00 fcv' $1,155.14 Respectfully suwmltted. this 4th day Of JUM, lilt. . LYNN RICHARDS, County Treasurer. State of Illinois, McHenry County, as. I, Lyon Richards, do solemnly swear • that the foregoing account is, In all i respects. Just and true according: to my best knowledge and belief, and that 1 ! have neither received directly or indirectly, nor directly or Indirectly agreed to receive or be paid for my own or another's benefit, any other money, article or consideration than therein stated, nor am I entitled to any fee or emolument for the period therein " mentioned, other than those therein specified. LYNN RICHARDS. Signed and sworn to before me. this 4th day of June, 1918. G. E. STILL, Co. Clerk. The semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff were presented and read by the clerk, and on > motion referred to the Committee on Fees and, Salaries for report. The clerk presented lists of Claims, : County Poor and Labor Fees and Sup- . piles against the County and on motion of Bupr. Harrison, duly seconded and carried, same were referred to the proper committees for report and the board adjourned to 1:30 p. m. for com > mlttee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK, P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, same members. The Committee on Claims (County ' Poor) made the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wlts Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, of the Board of Supervisor: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims present' ed to them, and recommend the pay 4 ment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to Issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as fol lows, to-wlt: St. Vincent's Ind. Sch., Bd. Helen A Edward Splelman A Harry Lilly I W-00 Dorr-- Haley A Behringer, mdse., Mrs. Jake Olson • • • Mrs. Geo. Grote, board, Mrs. Hunthauser ... Dr. E. Windmueller, care Mrs. Rogers F. A. Walters, wid. pension. May Anderson, Emma Eckert, Florence Sheehy, Grace Edinger, Delia Hurley, Mrs. Pope- . "Do exp. John Oakroot and wife Dr. A. B. Smith, serv. Louise Jaeger Seneca-- Haley A Behringer, mdse., John Smith Greenwood-- J. E. Harrison, pension, Mrs. Nichols lOO.Qfi. A-NH"dHale, pension, Mrs. Muffle v. Mrs. tGrant; coal, A. B. Conover • ••• W. E. Kroeger, mdse., L. L. Dodds 13.85 H. M Rosenthal A Sons, coal, etc.. Mrs .Heine Chicago Ind. Home for Child.. Bd. Skow A Fitahenry chlldren . 120.00 Hebron-- _ ' Dr. E. v. Brown, med. ser. Young family **.50 . Marengo-- D. M Wright care John Sheldon, Chas. Ward • •• l«-»* McHenry-- . . ». H Freund, exp. Doleshar Granger A Mrs. %ckwith.... M. M. Niesen, exp. Beckwith A C. Stegmann • •• Dr. D. G. Wells, serv. Beckwith Math. Miller, board Maria A Leo Miller •••••• Wilbur Lbr. Co., coal, Beckwith A Stegman Alden-- _ „ , Dr. E. V. Brown, serv. Marvin family Chemung-- _ -1 W. H. Ward, rent. Ruth Keeter; pension, sCora Plankey, Mrs. L. Hawlev; cash, Mrs. Richard Whaples . • Dr. C. C. Peck, care Mary J. Sulllvan • •• Mrs. Bertha Cunningham, care Mary J. Sullivan M.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. ^ j E HARRISON, H. E. WHIPPLE, W. H. WARD, F. A. WALTERS. The Committee on Claims (Labor, Fees and Supplies) made the following • report which was op motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: _ . Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to relK> rt that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the cayment of the following and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the county Treasurer to the Claimants ror th»* several amounts allowed, as follows, tO"Wit * p. F. 'Pettibone A Co., supplies, Co. Officers 5'?* Af erican Law Book Co., law book Chicago Tel. Co., rent of phones & war tax Dr Hyde West, com. ins. trial John Daly • • • Dr. E. V. Anderson, com. ins. trial „ . . • • John Daly .... • ••• • X>0 com. ins. trial Ellen Bascombe ••••• I*. C. W. Klonts, com. ins. trial Sfellen Bascombe • •• • • Bbirvard Herald Co., printing. Co. Off. •'"j." ' tawvers Co.' Op. Pub. Co.-, law bocks ... •••.. • • • City -,i Woodstock light and •water Expenditures Clerk Hire *1,460.76: Returned Docket Fee J.SO Miscellaneous 27.49 Clerk's .salary for half-yeir 1,000.00 33,490.74 Balance due the County 9 T92.M The semi-annual report of the Circuit Clerk being as follows, to-wit; CIRCUIT CLERK S&rnsd For Recording $1,303.60 For Clerk's fees in suits in Court...; For Miscellaneous Services For Attending Court ISO days at $6.00 6.38 13.00 4.00 3S4.00 13.00 8D0 41.99 Received fl.803.50 879.2$ 85.40 780.0* • •• 847.25 *3.40 .flj3«.16 ft,173.08 Total earning of tfcif* A. year ... ,7... .VY..f 3,048.11 Total receipts Expenditures Clerk Hire , $ 975.00 Refunded Docket ' Fees 35.50 Miscellaneous Expenses ........... 73,61 Clerk's Salary for • , half-year 1,000.00 Balance due the County....f 163.07 The semi-annual report of the Sheriff being as follows, to-wit: SHERIFF * Receipts Earned Received For Sheriff* fees in suits in Court....f 811.70 For Executions .... 161.18. For Other than court costs 908.00 Total earnings of half • year .,., v......,, fl,S7S.Sf. Total Receipts ...1 382.86 Expenditures V Livery liire f 800.00. 1 Miscellaneous ...... 146.4# Sheriff's salary for half-vear 700.00 fl.046,49 331.30 161.16 Mar 22--H. Barnes, taxi in Killeen matter Mar. 22--R. J. Stewart, expense in Ciraulo case to, Great Apr. 3--R. J. Stewart! expense on Thos. GorsM case . Apr. 5--Willis Jobe, taxi Apr. 5--Telephone for March... Apr. 9--Willis Jobe (Harmon Apr. 22--Sheriff's fees, Ciraulo case Apr. 22--Brown's fees. Ciraulo case Apr. 22--Sheriff's fees, Geo. Hapney case ' Apr. 22--Brown's fees, Geo. Hapney case . Apr. 22--Brown's fees, Barney Perlin case and Joe Echtle case Apr. 22--Sheriff's fees; Jas. Harmon case Apr. 22--Brown's fees, Jas. Harmon case Apr. 25--Paul Jaster (repoct on Crystal Lake meeting)*?,.. Mav 1--Telegrams May 1--Advance fee in Silver case to Appellate Court Mav 2--Telephone for April . • . May 4--C. T. Allen, expense to Richmond -- May 4--Gruenwald 4 Son, taxi to Union, Richmond and McCauley's May 24--Sybil Hendricks, testimony in McCauley case May 24--Frank Whaples, schoolhouse case May 31--Zion Inst. & Indus. (supplies) June 4--Envelopes June 4--Brjefs (Silver case).... June 5--Telephone for May..... June 6--Taxi, two trips to McHenry on , Hartley matter (Gruenwald) < June 6--Taxj.. to Harmony (Gruenwald) ................ June 8--Costs in People vs. Hinckley et al. .» 664.13 3.50 10.50 3.00 10,00 13.85 8.00 64.00 13.40 7.00 6.00 11.80 8.63 64.00 38.80 30.00 S6.00 4:73 38.00 131.00 7.50 23.70 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 ISJO 13. v J 187.18 c D. T. Smiley, exp. acct Associated Manufactures Co., mdse. sheriff JBrnest Ries, labor & mat. C. H.. JL F. Cashmore, labor C. H.. ... J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co., mdse. , sheriff Do Do «iomas Davis, Jr., load dirt. . ._. oodstock Pa"i nt Sto"re , paint. sheriff •••*••• Independent Oil Co., oil, sheriff. J. H. Gors. labor C. H JL H. Hale. spl. com. wk McHenry Co. Soil Imp. Assn., " ' salary Apr. & May -'V.JIj,. M. Shelton, extra comp. Apr and May • • • ft. L. Tryon, supt. roads, salary * v March & April 160.00 v> i; i* a. Cadwell, janitor, salary . s , April & May •••/.• V 150 00 8.00 17.78 19.34 2.00 15.85 8.60 1.50 3.06 7.30 70.00 13.40 386.66 150.00 _ May . - - Frank O'Brien, labor ft mat., Q JJ A. W. Wagner, mdse! sheriff ... Woodstock Sentinel Co., prtg., '• Sup. Sch.. Clr. & Co. Clk..... ,eo. J. Bartelt, mdse. sheriff.... has. H. Ackman, spl. com. wk.. _J. F. Kuecker, spl. com. Wk.... P. M. Wright, spl. com. wk. Belcher Bros., mdse. sheriff ... F A. Walters, spl. com. work.. Walters & Burger, coal W. F. Pierce, spl. com. wk 8. H. Freund, spl. com. wk...... SL G. Durkee, spl. com. wk..... K. H. Stanley, spl. com. work. 1. E. Harrison, spl. com. wk.. W. H. Ward, spl. com. wk...... jkerald Pub. Co.. prtg. for Co. • Tneas All of Which is respectfully faltt'Wl --" g. H. FREUND, - E. C. HUGHES. • i-1 W. F. PIERCE. N. H. STANLEY, 34.35 48.02 131.00 7.98 4.20 3.80 14.70 84.49 10.30 14.95 8.50 4.60 8.40 5.10 7.40 4.20 37.00 Balance due Sheriff Your Committee would report that on the sixth day of June. A. D. 1918, they met at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, and audited the respective accounts of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff, and find the same correct as shown by the foregoing reports. Your Committee would recommend that an order be drawn on the County Treasurer in favor of the Sheriff for the amount so shown to be due him in his said report. Your Committee would further report that thev examined the report of the Jailer for dieting prisoners for the past six months and find that there is due him the sum of fftur hundred twentysix (426) dollars, for which we recommend that an order be drawn on the County Treasurer in favor of the Jailer for said amount. All of which la respectfully sub- A. H. E1IA CHAS. H. ACKMAN, JR. N. H. STANLEY, D. M. WRIGHT, E. F. KUECKER, F. A. WALTERS, ^ W. H. WARD. The Committee on Elections made the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wlt:,-/ Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen Of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on 'Elections would beg leave to present the following list of judges of election as selected by the two political parties represented on this JBoard, together with the polling place for each district. Riley--Polling place. Town Hall. Judges, N. H. Stanley, Ralph Metcalf and Grant Anthony. Marengo (1st District)--Polling place, Wilson & Gray's Shop. Judges, James Cleary, John Kitchen and C. D. Carpenter. Marengo (2d District)--Polling place, Patterson Building. Judges, D. M. Wright, William Dunker and O. J. Mc- Keown. _ . „ Dunham--Polling place, School House in District No. 138. Judges, H. E. Whipple, L. M. Lilllbridge and John McCabe. _ ... Chemung (1st District) -- Polling place Herald Building. Judges, J. J. Shields, Eugene Saunders and T. P. Marshall. „ Chemung (2d District) --"Polling place. Engine House, Harvard. Judges, W. H. Ward, H. H. Me gran and J. A. Sweeney. . . _ Chemung (3rd District) -- Polling place, Conn Building at Chemung. Judges, Elmer falters, D. E. Little and S. F. Dean. . _ „ Alden--Polling place, Town Hall Judges. H. G. Durkee, Garrett Fltsgerald and Chas. C. Seefeldt, Sr. Hartland--Polling place. Disbrow s Store. Judges, E. C. Hughes, John Haley and Frank Sullivan. Seneca--Polling place. Town Hall. Judges, Edward F. Kuecker, Dan Kanale y and William Flanders. Coral--Polling place. Village Hall Judges, Charles H. Ackman, Jr., J. T Srill and A. S. Peak. Grafton--Polling place, Village Hall. Judges, John Conlev, H. F. Heinemann and Louis Baumgartner. Dorr (1st District)--Polling place. Room under the County Clerk's Office in the Court House. Judges, E. H. Thompson, D. F. Coakley and C. F. Renicti Dorr (2nd District--Polling place, Police Magistrate's Office in the City Hall. Judges, F. A. Walters, Joht) Bolger and L. J. Young. Dorr (3rd District)--Polling place, Room under the Sheriff's Office in vhe Court House. Judges, Henry Fisher, C, A. Stone and W. C. Bartelt. Dorr (4th District)--Polling place, Hartman's Shop at Ridgefleld. Judges, C. E. Lockwood, Fred Hartman and Walter Cobb. Greenwood--Polling place. Town Hall Judges, J. E. Harrison. Richard Burke, Jr. and Emor Doolittle. Hebron--Polling place. Town Hall Judges, H. M. Turner, A. W. Mathison and Vanus Begun. Richmond--Polling place. Memorial Hall. Judges, L. B. Covell, J. T. Bower and John Collison. Burton--Polling place. Town Hall Judges, W. /. Pierce, W. H. Cole and Robert Esh. McHenry (1st District) -- Polling place, Woodman Hall at Ringwood. Judges, H. W. Allen. C. W. Harrison and Peter Freund. McHenry (2nd District) -- Polling place. Town Hall in McHenry. Judges, John W. Kimball, Wm. J. Welch and Peter M. Justen. McHenry (3rd District) -- Polling place, Colby Building in McHenry. Judges, S. H. Freund, M. A. - Conway and Matt. Weber. . Nunda (1st District)--Polling place. Turner's Hall at Barreville. Judges, J. H. Gracy, J. D. FleiWng and James A. Nish. Nunda (2nd District)--Polling place. Town Hall in the City of Crystal Lake. Judges, F. W. Covalt, J. W. Wingate and T. L. Flanders. Nunda (3rd District)--Polling place. Odd Fellows' Building In the City of Crystal Lake. Judges, A. H. Hale, H. H. McCollum and John Pearson. Algonquin (1st District) -- Polling place, Village Hall at Algonquin. Judges, B. C. Getzelman, Henry Leesberg and Louis J. Lehky. Algonquin (2nd District) -- Polling place Crystal Lake Council Rooms. Judges, Paul Rosenthal, John Buehler and P. H. Leonard. Algonquin (3rd District -- Polling place. Village Hall at Cary. Judges T. H. Wulff, F. M. Abbott and Louis Jeltn All of which Is respectfully submltted. H STANLEY, Chairman. E. F. KUECKER, H. G. DURKEE, W. H. WARD. . W F. PIERCE f e - - i CHAS. H. ACKMAN, JR. Committee on Fees and Salaries made ' the following report which was 3»n motion adopted, to-wlt: ^[r. Chairman and Gentlemen of , the Board of Supervisors: ': Your Committee on Fees and Salaries to whom was referred the semi-annual reports of the County Clerk, Circuit Clerk and the Sheriff, for the half-year Jsnding th# thirty-flrst day of May, A. D. 1918, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters and things before them. . The semi-annual report of the County Clerk being as follows, to-wlt: COUNTY CLERK Receipts Earned For Probate Fees.. .81,097.86 For Clerk's Fees In Suits in Court ... 250.05 For County Services 632.00 For Miscellaneous , Services 4.203?fl . S': Reoelved f 196.86 150.65 1,471.(4 Total earnings of half year $6,183.01 Received of earnings previously reported: Probate^ > • > • • • • • Court Costs ........» Miscellaneous ,,>>/V« •» • • Total receipts ....* • . 398.01 60.00 5.10 . je,283.SS6 V. 8 Lumley, State's Attorney, mate the following report of the expenditures made by him from the moneys heretofore appropriated by this board for his use In the payment of the expenses of his office, which report was on motion approved, to-wit: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen--I Herewith respectfully submit a report of the expenditures made by me from March 5, 1918, to the present time: Htate of Illinois. County of McHenry, ss. I, Vincent 8. Lumley, States Attorney of McHenry County, Illinois, being first duly sworn on my oath, depose a.nd say that the several items mentioned below are just and true expenditures made by me in connection with the administration of my office, out .of the moneys set over to me by this Board for such purposes. 1918-- ° Mar. 5--Amount appropriated to my use f300.00 Mar. 13--Credit by money received from Clarence Herdklotz on costs 5.55 May 24--Amount appropriated to my use 350.00 • 3267.88 i-.-:.- .$187.67 S. LUMLEY, v state's Attorney. Mrs. Bangs of Chicago addressed the Board as to the need of the women of the County of a County Advisor in the matter of food conservation, stated that the Government endorsed and recommended the appointment of such advisors, that an organization had b$en formed in the County with a membership of about 260: that the U. S. Government would give 11,500 'per annum whenever a County would devote a like amount for this work. Mrs. D. T. Smiley, representing the said organization, which is known as the McHenry County Home Improvement Association, stated that the annual dues of the members of said association were $3.00, that there were now about 250 members, representing a payment of $750; that if the Board would aid by apprepriating the sum of $750 the organization would then be able to receive the $1,500 from the government. * Mrs. Fred McConnell, secretary of said association, spoke briefly of the importance of the knowledge of the values of various foods and food products. It was thereupon moved by Supervisor Whipple that the sum of $750 be appropriated and warrant drawn in favor of the Treasurer for same, as asked for with the understanding that the organization continue their work of organizing the County and all amounts collected for memberships over the $750 be refunded to the County, and that the roll be called on said motion. Said motion was duly seconded by Supervisor Ward, and the roll being called, the motion was carried. The Highway Commissioner of the Town of Hebron presented the following petition for County aid in building a bridge in said town, to-wit: County of McHenry, State of Illinois, Town of Hebron, ss. To the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, State of llli nois: The undersigned Highway Commissioner of the Town of Hebrdn, County and State afbrenald, would respectfully represent that a bridge needs to be erected over a creek where the same is crossed by the Highway leading from Hebron to Blo^fntifiold Township, Wisconsin, between sections 3 and 4, Township 46 North, Range 7 East of ird P. M.. for which said work the Town of Hebron is wholly responsible: that the total cost of said work will be $1,300, which sum will be more than twelve cents on the one hundred dol iars valuation, on the latest assessment roll of said Town, and the levy for road and bridge tax for the two years last past in said Town was in each year for the full amount allowed by law to be raised for all road and bridge pur poses, except for laying out, altering, widening or vacating roads, the major part of which levy is needed for the ordinary repair of roads and bridges. Wherefore, the said Highway Com missioner petitions you for aid, and for an appropriation from the county treaS' urer of a sum sufficient to meet one' half the expenses of said bridge or work, said Town being prepared to furnish the other half of the amount re quired. Dated at Hebron, Illinois, this 10th day of June, 1918. D. M. WBTER, Highway Commissioner, Hebron Township. State of Illinois, County of McHenry Town of Hebron, ss. I, the undersigned Highway Commis sloner in the Town of Hebron, County and State aforesaid, hereby state that I have made a careful estimate of the probable cost of the bridge to be 22 ft. long in the clear, 16 foot clear roadway, same to be of concrete and steel with cement abutments and wing walls according to State Division of Highways design, and I do estimate that the probable cost of the same will be $1,300. Witness my hand this 10th day of June, A. D. 1918. D. M. WETER, Highway Commissioner, Hebron Township. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, Town of Hebron, ss. D. M. Weter, Highway Commissioner of said Town of Hebron, being duly sworn on oath says that $1,800 dollars mentioned in the estimate to which this affdavlt Is attached is necessary, and that the same will not be more expensive than is needed for the purpose re- QUired' D. M. WETER, Highway Commissioner, Hebron Township. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of June, A. D. 1918. G. E. STILL, County Clerk. On motion Supervisors Covalt, Harrison and Durkee were appointed as a committee to represent the County in said matter. C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent of Highways, made the following report which was on motion approved, towlt: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: • Under Section 36 of' the Road and Bridge Laws of the State of Illinois, bridges on roads on county lines snail be built and repaired at the expense of said adjoining counties, and the cost borne by said counties in such portion as shall be equitable between the counties taking into consideration the taxable property in each, the location of the bridge and the advantages of each muA "(KnnomAn Rrlrire" over tlu a like report this day to the Boone County Board of Supervisors. , C. L. TRYON, County Superintendent of Highways, McHenry County. P"' Supr. Whipple introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, to-wit: Whereas, (he "Slnnamon Bridge over the Plscasaw Creek on the line between Section 18 of the Town of Dunham. McHenry County, and Section 13 of the Town of Boone, Boone County, is in need of 30 nejsv 16 ft. 12 in. x 3 in. plank for the floor, 4 posts 10 ft. long for the wing-walls and also 25 cubic yards of earth fllliftg for the approaches, and Whereas, the "Harmason Bridge over branch of the IMscasaw Creek between Sections 7 ofjthe Town bf Dunham, McHenry Counk', and Section 12 of the Town of B<fcne, Boone County, is In need of 10 njew 16 ft. x 12 in. x 3 in. plank for trie floor and also 25 cubic yards of earth filling for the ap proaches. T Therefore,'be it resolved that the County Superintendent of Highways of McHenry Copnty be hereby authorized to cause said repairs to be made, and that a sum money not exceeding one hundred three 85-100 dollars ($103.85) s hereby appropriated for said cost of repair or the above named bridges, said cost to be apportioned in the proportion of McHenry County nine dollars $9) to Boone County four dollars (!f4). Said motien to adopt was duly seconded and the resolution adopted. Said County Superintendent of Highways also made the following report as to system of auditing and account, ing by Township officers, to-wlt: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County: The change in the Road and Bridge Laws of the State of Illinois whereby each Township now has one highway con-missloner instead of three makes necessary a new system of accounting and fr-rm* for Township business. Under Article 2, Section 3, "General powers and duties," the State Highway Commission ds empowered to "Prescribe a system of auditing and accounting for all road (anc bridge moneys, for use of all highway officials, which system shall be as,nearly uniform as practically i:o.'if- Die. Said systein has been made up by the State Di\<si"»n of Highways and at a recent meeting of the Town Clerks gnd H'ghway Commissioners at Chicago, called by the State Department of Public AYorkb and Buildings, said system was presented and endorsed by said» mseting and the following resolution dnpted: :'i od further that we recommend that the Botrd of Supervisors of each Cuunt" furnish the necessary blanks prescribf.d by the State Highway Department t<j Town Clerks. Highway Commit-doners, and Township Treasurers of the Road and Bridge Fund, the expense to be borne by the County." 1 believe it is advisable that this uniform system of accounting be put in ty Mcl'enry County. I find that Where one order Is entered for the whole county a 15 per cent reduction of the cost will be made by the publisners. I have also been Informed that the neighboring counties whose Boards of Supervisors have met since the above r.ientijnt'l Chicago meeting have purchased thow«» forms for their counties. The price quoted by two companifes is $18 per township, while a third company quotes a higher price. A 15 per cent reduction for a county order makes the price $15.30 per township. Therefore the price for the county would be $260.10. C. L. TRYON, County Superintendent of Highways, McHenry County. Thereupon on motion of Supervisor Whipple, duly seconded, it was ordered that an ordtir for seventeen sets as Used by the Illinois Printing Co. of Danville be placed with said company for distribution to the various townships. Supervisor Stanley called the attention of the ||oard to the payment of $10 for service!* of W. C. DeWolf, County Judge of Bebne County, which had been made by uhris Eicksteadt for an inquisition hlld in the matter of the insanity of h a wife, and asked that same be returnee to him by the County. Upon m< ion of Supr. Wright, duly seconded, t e matter was laid over until next mi ting. Supr. Ha > offered the following resolution and|noved its adoption, to-wlt: Be It t lolved. That the Board of Supervisor payment crows' he; year endin amounts, of McHenry County, Illinois, do he iby authorise and direct the bounty on ground hogs, and crows' eggs for the July 1, 1919, In the same .nner and form as provided in the acts of the General Assembly of the year 1§>7, for the payment of such bounties. Said reallution being necessary to comply wil » amendments to said Aits, made by t e General Assembly of the year 1909. The motion to adopt was seconded by Supervisor > Wright and the resolution unanimously adopted. Supervisor Harrison stated that from letters, received by the Superintendent of Highways, it appeared that the said Highway Department was not inclined to dress the gravel, state aid roads in this county1 with oil as requested by the Board by resolution adopted at former meeting, and moved that said Department be again requested to comply with the request: of this Board in said matter. The following named persons were selected to serve as grand jurors at the September Term of the Circuit Court of this County and on motion the list was approved and ordered certified to the Clerk of the Circuit Court: John Stockwell, Riley: Henry Btgelow and 0. J. McKeown, Marengo; Thos. Davidson Jr., Dunham; F. E. Beck and T. A. Marshall, Chemung; Wm. Nolan, Alden; J. F. Hallisey, Hartland; Fred Selchow, Seneca; R. F. Austin, Coral; F. C. Beekert, Grafton; Frank Brown and Frank Green, Dorr; Bert Anderson, Ureenwood; Ed Lines, Hebron; Wm. Motley, Richmond; L. H. McEvery, Burton; Ed. Bell and Peter Niesen, McHenry; Claude Colby and H. B. Wilcox, Nunda; Christ Franke and S. W. Bond. Algonquin. Thereup«n on motion of Supervisor Wright, duly seconded by Supervisor Ackman aid carried, it was ordered that this Board adjourn. Thereupon said Board adjourned. p. M. TURNER, Chairman. Attest: G<! E. STILL, Clerk. $456.55 Mar. 8--^telephone for Februarv I li" Mar." 8--John Purvey, fees in gun case 6.00 The "Sinnamon Bridge" over 4the Piscasaw Creek on the line between Sections 18, Dunham Township. McHenry County, and Section 13 of the Town of Boone, Boone County. Illinois, is In need of 30 new planks 16 ft x 12 in. x 3 In. for the floor, four posts 10 ft. long to hold plank backing for filling of approaches, and also 25 cubic yards of filling for the approaches, said approaches having been recently damaged by high water. The "Harmason" Bridge over a branch of the Plscasaw Creek on the line between Section 7 of the Town of Dunham McHenry County and Section 12 of the Town of Boone, Boone County Illinois, Is In need of 10 new planks 16 ft. long x 12 In. x 3 In. for the floor, and also 25 cubic yards of earth filling for the approaches. I estimate the total cost of said materials and labor to be the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), and reccommend that McHenry County pay nine thirteenths <jf the cost of said repair and Boone County pay four thirteenths of said cost of repair. Said proportion being approximately the ratio betwetn the assessed valuation of said counties. Suerlntendent of Hight-- ' Proceedings of the Regular September Meeting, 1918 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of MoHwfry County, Illinois, met in annual sttsion at the Court House in Woodstock, on Tuesday, the 10th day of September, A. D. 191«, at 10 o'clock a m . The was called to order by H. M. Turner, Chairman, and the roll being called, the following members responded to their names, to-wit: D. M. WriRht, k, E. Whipple, W. H. Ward, H G. Durkee. E. F. Kuecker, Chas. H. Ackman, ir - John Conley, F. A. Walt'Ts. j. Harrison, H. M. Turner, L. B- Covell, W. F. Pierce, S. H. Freund an«l A. r Hale, constituting a quorum. The miautes of the last preceding meeting read and approved. w E Wire of Hebron appeared bef,, rp the board and stated that at a meeting composed of the various looal chairmen and the County Chairman ap- P"intMi to make the drive for the Ko"rth Liberty Loan, held in Woodstock last evening, he had been ap- P°lnted as a committee of one to Intervif, w the board for the purpose of as- (f'rtaininj if necessary fixed expenses of tf>e drije, describing them as those items of ,gpense such as renting a hall, printing necessary cards for index purposes, etc., necessary to the prose- < ution of the drive, stating that no. expensten to be incurred for adver- ,lsine might not be paid by the Coon- ,y '"stead of one or two persons as had f,n <lon» in the past, and presented the foil "• To 'wing resolution, to-wit. the Hr,mnr».ble Board of Supervisors f McH«ry County, Illinois. ;.ntien2£-l-At a meeting of the loT The County suermtenaent or High- 'rhh/»i rn»en of ttnhee ™Fo urth Liberty county, Mr. ways of said Boone County will submit ^ k \v^ ^ Hebron, was appointed a committee of one to advise with your Honorable Body relative to making a reasonable appropriation for the purpose of defraying apme of the necessary expenses connected with the forthcoming drive. We feel that the financial burden of this work should be carried equally by the whole county and not fall upon the shoulders of a few who, however willing they are te give of their time and money, should not be required to bear the entire expense. Respectfully submitted, CARL W. STENOER, County Chairman.*- tSl--""'# B. VHITTEMORE, ? T, " Marengo Chairman; - « JP. S. SMITH. - Alden Chairtaani*~JcS' , T. J. WALSH, McHenry Twp. Chairman, - H. A. DEAN, > Crystal Lake, CHAS. F. RENICH, . Woodstock.» . M. R. COLE, Richmond. I WALTER F. 1VOGT, McHenry, ® ALFRED F. DEBRECHT, » * Johnsburgi • LEWIS A. KELLER. Harvard^ «. • -J H. W. ALLEN, .v • Rlngifoodai : It was moved by Supr. Hafe and seconded by Supr. Wright that the resolution be adopted, with the understanding that such bills as mentioned, be itemized and after being OK.'d by the said W. E. Wire, be presented to this board for its consideration. Said m,otion to adopt was seconded and the resolution adoDted. N. A. Sunderlin, fuel administrator^of the county, appeared before the board and stated that the appropriation heretofore made for the payment of the actual expenses of himself and assistants had been exhausted and that there were now about $60 expenses incurred for which thev had not been reimbursed. H was thereupon moved by Supr. Wright, duly seconded and carried, that there be appropriated and the clerk instructed to draw an order on the treasurer, payable to said fuel administrator for the sum of $100 to cover the expenses Incurred, and to be incurred by his said office. The clerk presented the certificates of the various highway commissioners of the county of the amounts necessary to be raised by taxation for the proper construction, maintenance and repair of roads and bridges in their various townships, and upon motion of Supr. Harrison, said certificates of levy were approved. The clerk presented lists of claims against the county and on motion of Supr. Wright, seconded by Supr. Ward, same were referred to the proper committees, without reading for report, and the board adjourned to 1:00 o'clock for committee work. 1 Colook V. X. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Same members responded to their names at roll call. The committee on Claims (County Poor) made the following report whlrf? was on motion adopted, to-wlt« Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the 'jliowing, and that tne Clerk be direr yd to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows. to-wit: St. Vincent's Train. Sch., board H. Lilly, E. & H. Splelman.. 90.00 Jesse F. Hannah, Overseer Poor, care Willard Harrison family 88.81 Dorr-- F. A. Walters, pension Barbara Pope, Emma Eckert, Delia Hurley, Florence Sheehy, Grace Kdinger, May Anderson 371.00 Do exp. Kennedy, Mrs. Oakroot & Leona Walters & mother 37.86 Dacy Lumber Co., coal John Oakroot 10.69 Haley & Behringer, mdse. Mrs. Jake Olson 18.90 Marengo-- J. W. Usborne A Son, burial Mts. Orien Tyler . 60.00 Chemung-- W. H. Ward, pension Mrs. Lee Hawley, Cora Plankey, Mrs. . Fred Utesch, cash Mrs. Richard Whaple, Bryant girl A Chas. Rabendorf 864.48 Carr Ambler & Co., mdse. Clara Cretchet 4,67 N. G. Allen, mfise. Chas. Rabensdorf 1.5S S. E. BejUwr. ambulance Do and .burial James Mason ......... 60.00 Hoge & Guetschow, mdse. Paul Zickuhr 21.T0 Algonquin-- Mrs. Theo. Bohl, care Louis Bohl 40.00 G. H. Dike, mdse. Mrs. Billows 9.08 Hebron-- Dr. E. V. Brown, serv.'Fred Carlson's boy ' 20.00 Do serv. Dorothy family .... 3.00 W. M. Merry, medicine Young family 4.66 Nunda--. A. H. Hale, pension Mrs. Muffley & Grant 800.00 H. M. Rosenthal & Sons, coal Mrs. Heine 84.13 Geo. H. Pfiueger, serv. Mrs. I* L. Dodds, Mrs. Lena Heine, Mrs. Wm. Walt 17.76 H. D. Hull, care Christine Deering " 76.00 Schueneman Bros., mdse. Mrs. Deering 20.00 W. E. Kroeger, mdse. L. L, Dodds 28.62 Meier Bros., mdse. Mrs. Jeskie, Heine & Smith 103.14 Alden-- E. C. Hammond, carrying water ft groc., Marvin family 11.25 W. W. Fleming, mdse. Floyd Marvin , 81.71 McHenry-- M. M. Niesen, mdse. Geo. Beckwith family .1. 88.08 S. H. Freund, exp. Dolester Granger & Mrs. Beckwith 60.00 Greenwood-- J. E. Harrison, pension Mrs. Nichols 160.00 All of which is respectfully submitted. J. E. HARRISON, H. E. WHIPPLE, W. H. WARD, F. A. WALTERS. The Committee on Claims (Labor, Fees and Supplies) made the following report whi6h was on motion adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that tne Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: P. F. Pettibone & Co., Supplies. Co. Officers 618.48 Callaghan & Co., law books 7.50 Illinois Printing Co., prtg. 8upt Hys. & Cir. Clk. 261.60 Lawyers Co-Op. Pub. Co., 'law books ............ . •••........ 6.00 Harvard Herald Co., blanks Co. Off 18.60 McHenry Plaindealer, notice, color of ballots .66 City of Woodstock, light & water 90.77 Wm. Desmond, Clerk Board of Review 355.00 John H. Hlggins, member Do... 355.00 Fayette Thomas, member Do. i.. 355.00 ... M. Turner, chm. Do 355.00 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., supplies Supt. of Schools 12.82 A. M. Shelton, expenses of office 63.67 American Coal & Supply Co., coal Court House 480.68 Dacy Lumber Co., coal Court House ....*. 24.85 Do coal Court House*...... 6S.6S Peoples Supply Co., coal Court House 8.88 Germo Mfg. Co., mdse. Sheriff.. 79.39 Associated Mfg. Co., mdse. Shff. 81.68 Western Un. Gas Sc El. Co., washing machine & piping 135.70 J A. Cadwell, cleaning boiler... 10.00 H. A. Stone & Son, mdse., Shff.... 29.90 John Conway, mdse. Shff 6.12 S. E. Cunningham, screens C. H.. 68.10 Geo. Moncur, lawn seed Shff.... 8.80 Thos. Davis, Jr., sifted sand.,.. 2.25 Ben Stupfel, mdse. Shff 1.80 F. T. Ferris, repair clock Treas. 1.00 Roy J. Stewart, salary Dep. Shff. June, July & Aug 866.00 A. M. Shelton. extra comp., June, July & Aug 886.00 J. A. Cadwell, salary Janitor. June. July & Aug. 225.00 F. T. Ferris, repair clock, Shff... • t.00 Fayette Thomas, burning ballots 3.00 Fred Kimberly, burning ballots.. 8.00 McHenry Co. Soil Imp. Assn., Appr. June, July & ^ug 649.99 Stahl & Falts, grading road 14.85 C. * N. W. Ry. Co., freight on _ coal 180.08 Do Do 97.21 £><# \ Do 151.83 Chicago Telephone Co., rent of phones & war tax (6.80 Crystal Lake Herald, notice color of ballots 2.00 Ernest Ries, labor A material,' C. H •• • • •• • • 142.50 A. J. Walters, auto delivering ballots 7.50 Ceo. J. Bartelt, mdse. Shff 14.84 Harvard Herald Co., printing ballots 271.86 Woodstock Sentinel Co., printing Co. A Clr. Clks 169.60 Daisy Moore, clerk Board Of Review A H. Hale, spl. com. work F. A Walters, spl. com. work... 8. H. Freund, spl. com. work.... W. F. Pierce, spl. com. work... J. E. Harrison, spl. com. work... p. M. Wright, spl. com. work.. All of which is respectfully 84.00 17.70 10.50 12.80 4.00 18.10 32.M submitted. 8. H. FREUND, W. F. PIERCE," CHAS. H. ACKMAN^ JR. The Committee on Education made ihe following report which was on molion adopted, to-#lt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Vickers, Hon. Thos. E. Graham and the Board of Supervisors: r Hon- R B" Swift' Supr. Wright presented the foilowia* resolution and moved its adoption, to- Whereas, the per diem allowed by the Statute for members of the Board sf Supervisors at the present time Is o£ $3.00 and, * Whereas, the services required necessitate the leaving of other business to the financial detriment of said member, now, therefore, be it ; Resolved. By the County Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, llli. nois, i" annual session asseoiuleu, tnst the members of the Legislature from this District be requested to use their best endeavor at the coming session of the Legislature to have the said per diem increased to the sum of $5.00. Be it Further Resolved, That a copy Of- this resolution be presented to «« H6n. E. D. Shurtl^ff. the Hon. J. W •- Your committee to whom was referred the matter of examining the record. books and papers Of the office of the County Superintendent of Schools, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. 7\Ve have audited the books and accounts of the above office and find the game correct, as follows: INSTITUTE FUND . Receipts-- Balance on hand July 1, 1917,.$148.95 Received from examinations and certificates and other sources. 446.95 $695.90 Disbursements-- Incidental expenses, two meetings $ 6.97 Balance on hand June 80, 1918.. 688.98 . \ - 9695.90 ' ' DISTRIBUTIVE FUND Receipts-- » Balance on hand July 1, 1917. $1,461.06 Received from Auditor, School Tax Fund 19,247.07 Received from Auditor, Interest on School Fujfc|l 828.76 $81,036.89 Disbursements-- To Township Treasurers.... .$18,712.50 Cash on hand July 1, 1918, _ held for distribution 1,823.89 Cash on hand July 1, 1918, apportioned-, tn^t not distributed 999.00 $21,036.89 SUPERINTENDENTS' AND PRINCIPALS FUND Receipts-- . • - Cash on hand July 1, i®lf,.$7.95 Disbursements-- ( --- - Transferred to Institute Fund and account closed permanently .$7.95 All of which is respectfully submitted. F. H. O. L. B. S. H. KUECKER. Chairman. • DURKEE, COVELL, ' FREUND. The special committee on Armsby Bridge in Hebron Township made the following report which was on motion approved, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of constructing a new bridge at the site known as the Armsby Bridge, in Hebron Township, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That they met with the Highway Commissioner of the Town of Hebron at the Armsby Bridge on the 15th day of June, A. D. 1918, and decided that a new bridge was necessary, and instructed C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent of Highways, to prepare plans and specifications for a new bridge and to advertise for bids, said bids to be received by this committee on the 10th day of August, A. D. 1918, at Hebron, Illinois. It was also recommended by said committee at said meeting that the type of floor be changed from creosoted plank to reinforced concrete blocks, and that the span be 24 ft. subject to the approval of the State Department of Public Works and Buildings. The committee met again on the 10th day of August, A. D. 1918, at Hebron to receive bids for constructing said Armsby Bridge. The bid of Button Bros., of Hebron, Illinois, was the lowest bid received and the contract was awarded to said Button Brothers for the sum of one thousand four hundred fifty- five dollars ($1,455) complete, except piles if necessary at seventy-five cents per foot, additional. Whereupon said committee adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. All if which is respectfully submitted* rj. E. HARRISON, g. G. DURKEE. B. COVELL. «• The clerk read a communication from the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, relative to maintenance of State Aid Roads for the year 1919 asking that appropriation be made to cover the county's half of the cost thereof. Thereupon Supr. Whipple presented the. following resolution and moved its adoption, to-wlt: Whereas, The law requires "That when a gravel or macadam road Is con structed, the county shall pay one-half the cost of Its maintenance," and Whereas, The law requires that the maintenance of all State Aid roads Is under the Jurisdiction of the State Superintendent of Highways, and Whereas, It is necessary to pay promptly all maintenance bills to secure satisfactory and economical results; therefore, be it Resolved, By the County Board of McHenry County that there is hereby appropriated from funds in- the hands the representatives in the Legislature from this district. Said motion t9 adopt was seconds by Supr. Ward and the resolution adopted. The clepk presented lists of claiipsagainst the county, and on motion of Supr. Hale, seconded by Supr. Harri- , son, same were referred to the proper committees, without reading and* the board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock, p. m., for committee work. 1:90 P. *. The Board met pursuant to Adjournment. Roll call showed same members present . Supr. Harrison stated that In accofd-: ance with the talk at the last meeting and with a view of getting all information available relative to the /natter ' of using the hospitals of this couaty for the care of County Poor who were in need of treatment In hospitals, he had called on Dr. Johnson of the Cottage Hospital at Harvard, and also at the hospital In Woodstock, and Interviewed the managers thereof on the subject, that in response to that visit 'Dr. Johnson was present at this meeting and would explain their working plan. Dr. Johnson being called on stated that the rates in his hospital were $12 to $15 per week for wards and from $18 to $25 for private rooms, said that the ordinary 'charge for operation for apjpendicitis\ s?asr:'$65, other operations in : proportion, but stated that where a pa- ' tlent had a serious case it was sometimes necessary to charge more. He stated' that there were several ambulances in Harvard which could be used at any part oft the county and explained that the fee for such would Ve $4.00 for cases In Harvard, and a like fee in other places adding thereto 86- cents per mile for distance required to be travelled. It was moved by Supr. Whipple that the county hospitals above mentioned be favored by the various members In handling the cases from their various townships, but that each Supervisor should have the right to take his patients to whatever hospital might la his judgment be best, btit that in so doing should see to It that the charga of said hospital should in no case exceed the minimum charge for such services if" rendered by one of our loCal hospitals; Said motion was duly seconded and carried. The committee on Claims (County Poor) made the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen Of thf Board of Supervisors: Your committe on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims nresented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several [amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt:\ Nunda-- F. W. Kruegerrsroceries for Mrs. Schults $ 22.61 McHenry-- Dr. s. H. Champlln, operations on Willie Ahrens 75.00 Seneca-- Haley & Behringer, groceries for John Smith 35.10 Coral-- - v Whltbeck A Ranger, burial J. Slater $6.00 Marengo-- D. M. Wright, cash paid Dr. Pelton, Paul Kiester 135.00 Do cash paid Sherman Hospital, Paul Kiester 187.7.0 Dunham-- Jas. Cunningham, care Mary Jane Sullivan All of which is respectfully mltted. J. E. HARRISON, F. A. WALTERS. H. E. WHIPPLE, W. H. WARD, m R. HAEGER. The committee on Claims (Labor. Fees and Supplies) made the following report, which Was on motion adopted, to-wit: • Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims of the County Treasurer, the sum of presented to them, a_n d_ recommend the Three Thousand and no-100 Dollars payment of the following and that the ($3,000.00), or as much thereof as Is I Clerk be directed to issue orders on the necessary to defray the county's por- . County Treasurer to the claimants for tion of the cost of maintenance of State | the several amounts allowed, as fol- Ald road known as Sections G, H. I A J, for the period ending Dec. 1, 1919, and be It further Resolved, That the County Clerk is hereby authorized to draw orders on the County Treasurer In the payment of the maintenance cost of said road upon receipt of itemized bills properly approved by the State Division of Highways. The motion to adopt said resolution was duly seconded and the resolution adopted. Supervisor Harrison stated that the Committee on Claims for County Poor was in constant trouble caused by the fact that there was no uniform understanding as to the care of hospital cases; stated that he believed It to be advisable as long as there were two good hospitals in the county, supported In the main by county people, that specific arrangements be made with these Institutions for the care of such cases arising from time to time In the various towns so that the committee would be at all times advised of the expense being made, suggested that the members give' the matter due thought so that some understanding might be arrived at, at the adjourned meeting. He also asked the members to consider the advisability of making a levy for the constructidn of State Aid roads for the coming year although no construction had been done the present year, stating that in his opinion there would be a great amount of labor available upon the close of the war and that the county should have the fund In hand at that time so that no delay might take place. Thereupon on motion of Supr. Walters, duly seconded by Supr. Wright, !t was ordered that this board adjourn to Monday, September 28rd. Thereupon the board adjourned. H. M. TURNER, Chairman. Attest: Ok B. STILL, Clark. Proceedings of Adjourned September Meeting, 1^18 The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, met in adjourned .session pursuant to adjournment, at the Court House in the City of Woodstock, on Monday, the 23rd day of September, A. D. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. , The meeting was called to order , by the chairman, H. M. Turner, and the roll being called, the following members responded to their names, to-wlt: N. H. Stanley. D. M. Wright, H. E. Whipple, W. H. Ward, H. G. Durkee, E. C. Hughes, E- F. Kuecker. Chas. II. Ackmann. Jr., John Conley, F. A. Walters, J. E. Harrison, H. M. Turner, L. B. Covell. W. F. Pierce, S. Hi "Freund, A. H. lows, to-wit John T. Kitchen County Canvass ing Board John Buehler, County Canvassing Board tHW Wm. R. Burns, electrical labor and material Court House 9.65 C. D. Barker, repairing rug Court House \ $0 Arthur F. Cashmore, labor, sand and plaster, repair cistern and patch plastering 6.60 H. G. Durkee, spl. com. work, Hebron Bridge 7.60 E. Haeger, spl. com. work. Poor Farm Com 9.80 All of which Is respectfully submitted. S. H. FREUND. W. F. PIERCE, E. C. HUGHES, CHAS. H. ACKMAN, JR. The committee on Relief of the Blind made the following report which was on motion adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on the Relief of the Blind would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That the appropriation heretofore made for the relief of blind persons was exhausted on the first day of July. • A. D. 1918. We would therefore recommend that the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) payable quarterly, commencing July 1st, A. D. 1918, and payable October 1st, A. O. 1918, January 1st, A. D. 1919, April 1st, A. D. 1919. and July i8t, A. D. 1919, be appropriated for each of the following named persons. under the Statute, to-wit: Oeo. D. Williams, Johanna Rltt, Frank W. Miller, Ellen Boyle, Geo. C. Hansen, J. ' C. Voss, Swan Hansen, Walter Freund, Lynn H. Fillmore and Mary FrickeL We therefore recommend the total appropriation of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) for the relief of blind persons as above set forth. _ All of which is respectfully submitted. - R. E. HAEGER, " " ChlilEBAJL S. H. FREUND, W. H. WARD. JOHN CONLEY. " D. M. WRIGHT. The committee on Elections made the following report which was adopted, towlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Elections to whom was referred the election -expenses for the Primary Election held on the eleventh day of September, A. D. 191S. would beg leave to submit the follo.wrePort on the matters before them: Riley Marengo. 1st Marengo, 2nd Dunham Chemung, 1st Chemung, 2nd Chemung, Ird Alden ..... • Hartland Seneca Coral Grafton ...... Dorr, lBt ... Dorr, 2nd ... Dorr, 3rd Dorr, 4 th ....; Greenwood :., Hebron Richmond ... Burton .$ 49.10 48.20 48r20 48.40 48.8t) 48.20 48.50 48.20 48.80 48.00„ 48.60 48.80 42.01) 48.00 42.00, 47.0*) 47,70 48.20 48.60 49.00 Hale and R. E. Haeger, constituting a McHenrv," 1st V" V.*48.80 full board. ,•? » I McHenry 2nd ' * ' *g so J

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