Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1919, p. 4

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s •'S <?$)•* *<?**-. GOODRICH Akron TKirmtrPLAITOEALB muna EYE*Y NNMOAY tv F. G. SCHREINER OfftMln Hank Building TMaphoaa W-W ^Thursday, April 10, 191$ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Matter* , of Importance Disposed of by Village Oflcen I Freedom of v The Seas--ons Spr.-.^, summc.', fall, c winter any season , Vrr-yoti are free to > tjiotor when you please, where you please, if yoii motor • ; dn Silv^rtown Cord •' Tires. • t • * • " j ' ' • • : Uo matter what kind tit ~ . --Weather, what kind of road, Silvertowns will carry you through it.. F»r Silvertowns are ... America's touring tiros. They ^make a rough raid seem smooth. Their powerful, resilient cable - cord body, immune to ordinary punctures, has proved .its durability in the i •st going. Oain your Freedom ef The Seasons with Silvertowns-- the graceful tires with the Twin R»d Diamonds on the •idewall. f Goodrich Tir-- : '. UrommD^aJmr t>"( *€EST(INiTHE. tONQ' Rurr ^ i -Sold iS GARAGE ry, IUin^te , Council Room, April 7, 1919. file village trustees met in regular session with Pres. Chamberlin being absent. Trustee Stoffel acted as president pro tern. Trustees present: Dbherty, Heimer, Kamholt, Knox, Krause and Stoffel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee: McHenry Plaindealer, ptg.,.. .$ 3.45 H. Mueller Mfg. Co., ser boxes 22.05 Public Service Co., lighting ,st& .v ai>d jcity hall....... • . r . , . , . 1 03.40 J. J. Vycital, batteries . . * 2.28 Star Garage, batteriesi. 2.70 James Revor, police service... 75.00 John Walsh, marshal service.. 79.00 W. G. Schreiner, post & exp.. 2.04 I S t a n d a r d O i l C o . , g a s o l i n e . 23 00 Casper Bickler, gasoline......24.30 H. E Buch, lbr on ww.. 8.25 Ben Hiller, lbr on ww.. 2l70 Wilbur Lumber Ca, wood & | sewer pipe... .i... ..13.80 Geo. Meyers, lbr with team... 56.00 Joe Engeln, batteries 2.70 | Motion by Kamholz, seconded by Heimer, that Simon Stoffel act as president pro tern. Motion carried. Motion ^>y Doherty, seconded by Krause, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried.- ! Motion by Kamholz, seconded by I Krause, that the treasurer's and collector's reports be accepted as O. K.'d j by the finance committee. Motion ! carried. . J Motion by Kamholz, seconded by I Heimer, that the agreement between the Public Service company and our i attorney, A. J. Mullin, on old electric J light bill be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Heimer, seconded by Knox, that, the bills be accepted as i O. K.'d by the finance committee. J Motion carried. The village board appointed the j following men to serve on the election board April 1.5, 1919: Ben Bre- I feld, Chas. B. Harmsen, Theo. Schiesi sle, judges; John E. Freund, Wm. 1 Thurlwell, H. E. Buch, clerks. Motion by Kamholz, seconded by Heimer, that the annual meeting be I held on Thursday evening, April 24, 1919. Motion carried. \ Motion by Krause, seconded by Heimer/ that the anticipation note held against the village of McHenry by the West McHenry State bank be paid with the tax money due the village and the balance on hand now in the treasury. The note to be returned to the village for record. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Heimer, that the communication read to the board in regard to the new paved road be laid on the table until the new board is organized. Motion carried. Motion by 'Kamholz, seconded by I Doherty, that the village purchase 10,000 gallons of road oil at 6V6 cents per gallon, gravity to be between 50 and 60^>er cent. Motion carried. -The amount of money on hand in the village treasury at the beginning iof April 7 meeting was $1302.04. Motion by Kamholt, seconded by Heimer, that this meeting be continued until Wednesday evening, April 9, 1919. Motion carried.-- Simon Stoffel, Pres. pro tNn; W, G. Schreiner, Clerk. A" Council Room, April 9, 1919. fh# village trustees met in a continued meeting for the purpose o acting in regard to dram shops an other business that might come ut befor.e the meeting with Pres. Cham berlin presiding. j Trustees present: Doherty, Heimer, Kamholz, Knox, Krause and Stoffel. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Heimer, that the village charge $90 for the months of May and June for keeping a dram shop. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Heimer, that the dram shop ordinance be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Kamholz,, ,to adjourn. Motion carried. ^ R. G. Chamberlin, Pres. W. G. Schreiner. Clerk. From Corp. L. W. Mead j The following letter ywas received by Mrs. Robert Schiessife\from her grandson, LeOrr Mead, whol^f with •the A. E. F. in France: j Dannemoine, Mar. 15, 1919. , Hello'Grandma and allcof you folks: Have been getting The PI&MMWT > from you and it had me guessing who sent it until mother \frrote me. It sure has lots of familiar names in it and I enjoy reading it. Thank you. How are you enjoying yourselves ? Hope all of you are well. Glad to hear that Robert is doing so well. Tell him to stay with jt. One trade good beats many not so good. "*t "had some good luck too, I won first place in an elimination c on test for 36th division enlisted men with pistol, 45 calibre automatic, shooting at a five inch bullseye at fifty yards. ^Made 96 out of a possible 100. Then ; today the^ four best of us won first I army corps championship at Toninerre. We expect to try for first American army next. Well, will write more "next time. Men about to have a stag dance so quit. Hello to my friends. As «¥«r, » «• LeOrr. ENTERS UPON NEW DtTtratf Ed. L. Hayes la Now Connected With Farm Journal III introducing Ed. L. Hay^c, .former McHenry young man, to the leaders of their publication the Dakota Farmer, published at Aberdeen, S. D., in its issue of April 1, had the following to say: A "We are sure that many of our readers will welcome the announcement that, effective April 1, 1919, Ed. L. Hayes becomes poultryman for The Dakota Farmer. Mr. H&yes .will devote his entire time to editorial and service work along poultry lines. "Many South Dakotans need no introduction to Mr. Hayes, fle came to this state December 1, 1917, as a representative of the U. S. department of agriculture, to become extension poultry husbandman on the egricultural extension staff at S. D. State College. His duties have taken him to many sections of the state and thru bis talks at meetings, his demonstrations, his judging at poultry 3hows and other activities, he has come to know very many poultry, people in South Dakota. He has, ai- 60. during the past year written not a little for the poultry department of The Dakota Farmer, so that he is not entirely unknown to our readers in bther states. "Prior to coming to South Dakota, Mr. Hayes lived in Illinois, where he raised standard-bred poultry for 16 years. He has had experience with many breeds, but has put forth the greatest effort in breeding Barred and IWhite Rocks, White Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, White Leghorns and Black Orpingtons. Always interested in co-operative work, he has organized several poultry associations, has held every office connected with an association and knows why and how poultry breeders* should work together. As a poultry judge, Mr. Hayes has maintained a splendid record. He is licensed American Poultry association judge of all varieties and has judged for eight years with unusual success. He has judged three times at Chicago and at several shows in Illinois, Wisconsin and South Dakota. His South Dakota friends call him Judge* Hayes. "Of his work in South Dakota, it may be said he has absolutely 'delivered the goods.' He has worked with the poultry breeders for the upbuilding of the poultry industry and thru his good judging, wise counsel on poultry matters, his square "dealing and his splendid co-operative spirit, he has gained the resect and confidence of those who have come to know him ^ "Mr. Hayes will of course edit Hhe poultry department of The Dakota Farmer. Ife will at all times be anxious to answer poultry questions --to help with your poultry problems. He will spend time in the field getting acquainted, talking at meetings, holding demonstrations of one kind or another--and he will be available as judge for as many poultry shows as his time will permit. In other words, Judge Hayes is going to do all vi his po^er to build up the poultry industry of The Dakota Farmer Empire." Y GiveaJJp Position Miss Annabelle Heimer has given up her position at the M. J. Walsh store, where • she has been employed since the> latter part of last summer. Her place has been taken by Louis Adams, who has been employed in one of the big department stores in Chicago during the past winter. Here For Funeral Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Joseph Neuman here last Sunday afterfioon were as follows:' Mr. and Mrs: Jos. Neuman, *Mr. and JJrs. Anton Neuman, Joseph Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, Mrs. Theo. Ewertz, Mr. and Mrs. Math Rauei?, Mrs. Charlotte Pfohl, Mrs. Eva Cubie and sister, Mrs. Kate Wilhelm and daugther, Mrs. Margaret Meyer, Mrs. Elizabeth Deshman, Mrs. Elizabeth Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schaefer, Mrs. Jacob Schaefer, Mrs. John Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Jr., and daughter, Mrs. Nicholas Steilen, Mrs. Agnes Martin, Mrs. Lang, IVJrs. Nick Kribs, Nicholas and George Wirtz and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, all of Chicago. Brothers Dissolve Partnership Henry Heuser is now the sole proprietor of the East Side meat market, he having acquired his brother's interests in the 'business the first ef the- month; The junior member, who underwent an operation for appendicitis some months ago, has never been strong since then and he plans togo south for a rest in the hope that he /will be able to regain his former strength and good health. He plans to go to New Mexico, where his mother and sister now reside. Robbers Pass Thru Here According to the Lake Geneva News, the men who robbed the safe of the American Brass company at Kenosha, Wis., boarded the early morning train in-that city the following morning. Thus the safe blowers and murderers passed thru McHenry without anyone being aware of it. OiSmED WTJUffHEHT FOR RENT--Garden place. Phone 25, McHenry, 111. 41<-tf LOSTRenry -A twenty ride Ringw<ood-Mcticket. .Finder kindly leave Grayslake Wins Again The Grayslake town basket ball team administered another defeat to the McHenry aggregation on Thursday evening of last week, this one coming right in the locals' own home lair, so there cannot possibly be any excuse this time. Grayslake has a mighty strong* team and the victoTy was clean-cut and well-ealned. Sells Seven Passenger Studebaker A new seven passenger Studebaker car was delivered to Fred B. Bennett of Woodstock on March 29. This is Mr. Bennett's third Studebaker, which proves the high regard he has for the Studebaker Corporation's ability to build cars that give real service. The car was sold and delivered by George A.'Stilling of this village. M. E. Church The services at the M.. E. church next Sunday Jnrill be as follows: Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. and preaching services at /ll:00 a. m. Subject of sermon, "A Triumphant King." All are welcome. S. J. Ha/risoa, Pastor. v Convalescing Gilbert Howard is again able to be -up and around after a severe illness. While he has lost considerable weight, he is rapidly regaining his strength and should be fully recovered within the next week or so. I 'Shoulders All Baking Cares When CALUME comes in, all baking troubles take quick leave. You go right ahead and mix up baking materials, for biscuits-- cakes--anything without fear of uncertainty. Calumet makes you forgtt failure. CALUMET BAKING POWDER because it does give k It hu the bigstst tffMmgjMcsuae it is the most at* fairfgfrlr. The fact that it wthe Mc tier prove* that It is r will convince you that rat seller proves the beat. Atrial TOO there >• none jostae good." Buy acan--if you are not satisfied take it back and Bet your money back. Calumet contains only such ingre d-ents as have" been approved officially by 1 hf U. S. Food Authoi ities Tm an wImi ;h bay it. Inw< wk» in in it. FOR SATURDAY Swedish CoffeeJCake and French Apple Cake. Alsgu^ full line of ' home-made Cookies, Pies and Cakes. If you have once tried our goods you will come back for mote. McHenry Bakery McHENRY. ILLINOIS FOR SALE--A number of pink eyed white rabbits. Inquire of John R. Vycital, McHenry, 111. 43 FOR SALE--% ton International' truck. Good as new. A. P. Freund, McHenry, 111. R. F. D.'No. 1. 43-tf FOR SALE--Single driving horse, single buggy and harness. Also pony. Ben Stilling, McHenry, 111. 42 FOR SALE--Good set of breeching harness; also five horse collars. Inquire of Wm. Blake, McHenry, 111. 2 FOR SALE--Ten tons choice timothy hay in barn. Price, $25.00 per ton. Wm. Bonslett, West McHenrjf, 111. gt WANTED--Men between 18 • and 40. Good salary 4©-start. Apply at office of the Oliver Typewriter Co., Woodstock, 111. ' 43 FOR SA LE--400 cement blocks and block machine. At a bargain if taken at once. Henry Ahrens, McHenry, 111. 43-lt FOR SALE--100-egg Old Trusty incubator and one 200-egg incubator. Also a bronze Torti turkey. Call phone 613-Rri: Swank Bros., West McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--A quantity of Marquis spring wheat for seed, clear from foul seed. Jacob M. Diedrich, McHenry, 111. Phone 631-W-l. 39-6t* FOR SALE--Your • choice of two trucks; onfe a Ford and the other a Republic. Both in good running order. FrankFreund, McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--The C. H. Parks house and property on the corner of John and Center streets in West McHenry. C. W, Stenger, West McHenry. 39-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--The Kelter farm of 120 acres situated east of the village of McHenry. Apply to or write C. W. Stenger, West McHenry, 111. 39-tf FOR SALE--Seed grain. 500, bu. Iowa No. 103 oats, 300 bu. Oderbrucker barley, 50 bu. Wisconsin pedigree* barley, 25 bu. seed corn. Also 50 bu. of Marquis wheat. Wm. Bonslett, West McHenry, 111. 42-2t LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN--A female beegle hound from my farm at Lily Lake. Anyone knowing her whereabouts will confer a great favor by notifying me. Reward. M. L. Worts, McHenry, 111. 43 LOST--At Woodman hall, West McHenry, on Tuesday evening, April 1, a brooch, star and crescent set in rubies. Valued as a keepsake. Finder leave >%it this office or notify Mrs. D. G. Nellis, N. Crystal Lake. 43 TO SETTLE ESTATE--Will sell at reasonable price, the Anton Engeln property, consisting of barber shop, hotel building, two vacant lots adjoining property, also one at Emerald TO THE Public! Not being abfcfito sell my business I will C©a* ~ tinue as before and will take care of my customers to the very best of my ability." I wish4 to thank all my friends for their support and hope to keep their patronage in the future, I /• SfcHENRY, ILL. Park. Address Helens Smalley, 33fi Lake Ave., Woodatqalc, 111. 40-4t ** . , Village Election Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 15th day of April next, at-the village hall in the village of jnvnciuy, Cuunty uf mtlicniy fiiiii state of Illinois, an election will be' held for the following officers: One village president to serve a term of two years; also three trustees to serve a term of two years each. Said election will open at 7:00 o'clock in the morning and will continue until 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Given under my hajid at McHenry the 7th day of April, 'A. D. 1919. Wm. G. Schreiner, Clerk. Biggest variety of paints and varnishes may be found at Vycital's. BORDER 'NOW J bet us do -your " Hatching!- in our mammoth 3600-egg I n c i i b a t o r ^ « E.G.Peterson Phone-62S-M-1 .JOHNSBURG, ILL. Portable Comfort That is what you get from one of these convenient little Gas Room Heaters. Wherever there is a gas-cock in the house, there you may have the insti^ t heat and ready service of A Gas Room Heater *$» Thg^jtfe ideal for the days of spring and early summer when the furnace fire is out. You will find one invaluable to drive out the chill of night and morning and to assure a comfortable temjperature at 'ill times of the day. See the different sizes and )tinds of Room Heaters at our office. /jjVWesterr)Ui)ite<J Gas < <J&.aod Electric Company D. M. WORKMAN* District Maaagar £ Says Leath's Furnishers of "Home Is Where We Love"' C; I mm --and all of us love a pleasant Home, with p.retty new furniture! More and more out- .'•"^of-town' people - a re eotajng in to sefejjfie un- , usual and attractive . offerings ut death's. They know we have beaut|ful furniture at • mddernte prtoefc, u A. Leath & Co. Stores Elgin, 79-74 Grove Ave. Rockford, Opponiir Court Dubuque, 576-584 Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. Freeport, 103-105 Galena St. Waterloo, 312-314 E. 4th St. Beloit, 617-621 4th St. iollet. 215-217 Jefferson St. niafa "HlEWi I VERS AL CAR -Ford service for owners of Ford fcars i» oae of the important elements of the great Ford organization, Ford owners can get real Ford service only by eepiing to the authorized ^ Ford Dealers, where there are at all times Ford workman, genuine Ford materials and the standard low Ford prices. If you want to get all there is, and the best there is, in" your Ford car come to us with it for the genuine Ford service. Pj^mpt attention every timfc : '4-5^ ... Honest 'Ford Service STAR GARAGE John R. Km*. Rkre grace of lines'and mechanical excellence characterize the new STUDEBAKER CARS and set them apart from other cars without their price range. Each new model offers its own distinctive individuality. STUDEBAKER manufactures completely in its own factories its bodies, axles, motors, transmissions, steering gears, springs, tops, fenders and cuts its own gears and other vital parts, thus eliminating middlemen's profits. Only because of these manufacturing advantages-and large quantity productions is STUDEBAKER able to offer • such sterling high qualit^cars-a^ their respective prices. The Big-Six „ -12125 Delivered The Light-Six. $1695 Delivered The Ught-Fott' " -- -$1325 Delivered Ride in and drive the modfel you are interested in, then compare it with other makes of even higher price and you will find that STUDEJiAKERS are real high quality Cans at moderate prices. ^ 'now OS WRITE m DEMONSTRATION'! 'Phone 28 Stiffing sitfcHENRY, ILL.

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