Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1919, p. 5

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• Wv*7*W': • y. ; ^. •". ;'.' .-4., n-./56'W;'^* -• __ :•'$?<. '" V ',' V ' * e- •-' I,". T FLAUTDVAXiER, . ILL "wm*wn.!r .Kit" U,WJ7;q MORTGAGE SECURITIES -i As CE TO GET DRUGS • v\ ffo one, we think, will question the states inent that we have an unusually conYplete Mock of high-grade drugs. Lar^e as it is, if M a constantly growing one, because it keeps pace with every advance in medicine or pharmacy. It is obvious that a store lik|t this one is a good place to get family drug!; Or to have prescriptions filled. Drugs here ale handled by competent pharmacists oL forge experience. You get ideal service at prices. :: k: • . :: - is" • 'vi&iE. iie= HONE M-W N. H. PETESCH dkucgist •• "I##" *VJ#i Men's work shoes will ^ay soft and be easy on your feet, the best we hpve are only. „. $4.75 ; B o y s ' heavy s h o e s , same l e a t h er as the men's- S3.50 and $3.85 Boys' army shoes, with the tip. - IS3.50 and S4.00 Try a pcfir next time if you .want to get a shoe for wear. . •."S f* > I , ' ........I. _L ;• - . 'a • ,• . - • . • U;. '• C vtsr.T >.. JSMITH BROS McHENRY, ILLINOIS A Perfect Burial Vault- At Low Cost * Can now be made by using the Automatic Sealing Burial Vault. Moisture can never enter; casket and corpse are perfe<5tly pfotetfed, FOREVER. Come in and examine the vault and see a demonstration of the wonderfully simple and absolutely certain automatic seal manufactured by the Standard Concrete Works S. O. GALVIN, Crystal Lake. 111. ' * Sold by McHenry Undertakers ow Detroit spoke to Portland °re* "This i» a lou'o Rose*--w hit roses yp)i have And Portland. v«»u have a right to boatt at v(»uf otnwiur Thanks, too, for YfMir salmon Much obliged for your export rntidc which v» helps inv manufacturers. And Portland made r«*pl\ while passing out t he I>e<roic. I think bt you and thank you «*vcrv dav Your automobiles give m\ \i]tixen« untold pleasure. Your stoves modulate snll more our miM winter I'm <n debt to you Let's have -Wither Owl " • , t • • • . M'lierever yoiTprT^ iad Owl aM#' White Qwl Cigars. All over the U. S. A., cities, towns Hid'* village* shake bands on the fragrance and J'ptuJjii/ity of Owl and Wk|c Owl When 'Vju try rhenv you «rili undfr* •stand why. "O? U>NORF..S !v .• -VV. t kite.OWL 8' T wo n F P | N D A B L K C I G A R S 1|ENERAU CIGAR CO., Rett dud RutaeU Mmmek : ...or*** - I ' r- JOHNSBURG Jos. J, Michels was a MeH«£r^ vis» itor Tuesday. Rev. Win. Weber attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Arthur M. Adams was It business visitor in the metropolitan city last Saturday. Misses Julia Thelen and Katherine Freund Were county Mat shoppers last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Diedrich of McHenry called on friends here last Sunday evening. Dr. Smith of Woodstock was a professional visitor in Johnsburg and vicinity Tuesday. Mesdames Fred Justen and John P. Weber of McHenry called on Mrs. John A. Miller here Monday. Leroy is the name of a bright, bouncing baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller last Friday. Fred Schaefer and Emil Debrecht of Chicago passed Sunday as guests in the home of their parents herfe. Mrs. Stephen H. Smith spent a few Hays last week >*s the guest of her sister, Mrs, Joe Freund, at Kenosha, Wis.- • • Mathias Freund, who resides northwest of this place, drove to town last Sunday in a handsome new Overland sedan. : Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Jos. Neuman at St. Mary's church, McHenry, last Sunday afternoon. Henry Hettertfiann and Wm. Tonyan and their respective families spent Sunday as guesta in the home of Henry Tonyan. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Freund of' McHenry were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrsy Jacob A. Miller. Mrs. Peter Williams passed a few days this week as a guest in th#home of her daughter, Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt, at McHenry. \ The water in the sloughs along the liver has gone down some, but the land owners would like it a great deal better if ihore of it would leave. There has beep too much rain of late to suit the farmers hereabouts. A little more sunshine would help them greatly in their spring work. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller and children of Zendtf, Wis., were Sunday quests in the home of the former's brother, John A. Miller, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Rauen and son, Arnold, of Spring Grove were pleasant visitors in the home of Mrs. Raugn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John II. Freund, Sunday. Our people were pained on "Tuesday onrfearning of the sad news telling of the death in California of Rev. M. W. Barth, one time pastor of St. Mary's church at McHenry. • Our local agent, Jos. H. Huemann, sold a Grant Six touring car to the Richmond Gazette, Which is offering same as its initial prize in a subscription getting contest which is now being conducted by that publication. Louis Adams, who has been spending the winter in Chicago, where he was employed in one of that city's large stores, spent Sunday as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams. Mr. Adams has entered the employ of the M. J. Walsh sVoi-e at McHenry, where he will be pleased to greet his many Johnsburg friends. The Johnsburg chapter at the American Red Cross society shipped twelve bags containing 470 pounds of old clothing to the New York headquarters on Tuesday of this week. This is more than the entire quota of McHenry township and the Johnsburg workers are indeed to be congratulated for the splendid results obtained during the recent drive for old clothing-. The members of the chapter wish to extend their sincere thanks to those who gave so generously and also'to the workers who solicited and gathered up the shipment. And om e more Johnsburg's charitable heai$#|^ been beautifully exemplilied,. ' TBRRA COTTA Mrs. Harry Frazer spent Tuesday with friends at Crystal Lake. Mrs* Leonard Beal was a Crystal Lake caller Monday evening. Mrs. G. P. Bay was a Crystal Lake caller Thursday evening last. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove called on relatives here Sunday. John Riley was a business caller in Crystal Lake Monday evening- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and family visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Walsh and sons of McHenry called at M. Knox's Sunday. Misses • Eleanor , and Edna Phalin spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago, Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry called on her sister, Mrs. M. Knox, Sunday. Lynn Richards and W. H. Wilber of Crystal Lake were business callers here Friday. •Fred Schroeder of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Thursday evening fast. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mason and family spent Sunday afternoon with relatives here. Mrs. M. Portman of Austin was the guest of her sister, Mrs, Geo. 8. Frisby, last week, " -Mrs. Will Wlngate, former resident of'this vicinity, died at her home in Crystal Lake Sunday morning after a long illness. Before herc marriage she was Miss Lillie Colby. Besides her husband she is survived by a daughter and four 8ons, namely, Mrs. Bertha Campbell of Woodstock, and Clyde, Clifton, Bernie and Ralph, all of whom reside in the vicinity of Crystal Lake* The funeral was held from Ber late home Tuesday afternoon, many old friends from here attending. Burial was in the Crys- a -.jar T YOLO ^fiss" ftuby Peterson spent Sunday in H7 r> Mrs. Ray Paddock was a Round Lake caller Saturday. * Mrs. John Brown is entertaining her daughter from Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hironimus and sons were Fremont visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld autoed over to Libertyville Sunday. Miss Ella Moore attended the Auxiliary meeting at Mrs. Ray Prior's in Wauconda on April 3. Mrs. John Engelit and daughter, Virginia, of McHenry are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Mis*; Martha Rossdeutacher has resigned her position at Ed. Lusk's and is now employed in the Globe store in Waukegan.* Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and daughter, Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and son, LaVerne, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock and sons spent Sunday-at Bert Paddock's., SPRING GROVB "Mrs. N. N. Weber was a McHenry caller last Friday. Adam Jackson of Ringwood was a caller here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben May and daughter, Arlene, spent Sunday at, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen arid son, Arnold, spent Sunday with relatives at Johnsburg. Miss Julia Wagner visited with her sisier, Mrs. Henry Heinle, at Itasca Friday and Saturday. " > Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Justen and daughter, Kathleen, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen. ( Miss Louise Stilling^ aind brother, John, of McHenry were Sunday visitors at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Etten. A large crowd attended the party at Schramm's hall Friday 'evening, which was given in honor of Harold Watts and Herbert Swensoti, who have recently returned from army sefrvice. * . OSTEND - Leslie Francisco was an over Sunday guest of Clinton and Loren Martin. April showers make May flowers, but so many of them hinder farmers in sowing grain. Mrs. Daisy Jecks enjoyed a visit last week from her uncle, Henry Gaylord, from ^fmmettsburg, la. Earl Sherman has three horses sick with influenza and under the doctor's care. They are thought to be on the mend. Frank Kaiser, wife and children of Woodstock were Sunday afternoon callers at their farm and at the hom£ of .Joe Harrer and family. We wish some of the boys that are wanting jobs would turn painters and paper hangers. There is such a lot of work and no help to be had. Wesley Davis and children arrived here recently from North Carolina. On account of the death of his wife he was obliged to break up house keeping and bring his children among friends. •he McHenry Boy Scouts.> SCHOOL NOTES IteMs of Interest From Our Educa- - . tional Institution Miss Carey is substituting in room five during the absence of Mrs. Wray. Howard Vogel and Lyle Brunswick were visitors in high school Monday. The senior class play, "Camouflage of Shirley," will be given at the school auditorium in the near future. The class is working hard to piake this a success. Watch for the date. The junior class is working on the year., book of the McHenry high school. They are going to call it "The Foxe." Everyone is hepling the class in their effort and for this they are very grateful. Honor Roll High school--Gladys Van Natta, Louis Young, Mary Pender Walsh, Arlene Harrison,^ Mildred Kinsala, Lillian Doherty, Margaret Adams, Lelah Bacon, Andrew Hawley, Florence Kamholz, Adelia Heimer, Sue Harrison, Vera Buss, Leo Heimer, Thos. Frisby, Genevieve Carey, Jennie Mae Cooley, Mary Smith, Frank Doherty, Kathleen O'Reilly, Blanche Meyers, Elsie Vycital. Eighth grade--Eleanor Dodge. Seventh grade--Pamela Rietesel, Gladys Rietesel, Leone Givens. Sixth grade--Elizabeth Vogt, Harold Bacon, Angela Petesch. Fifth grade--Genevieve Bohr, Adell Pufahl, Violet Vycital, Frank Page, Kenneth Peterson, Donald Harrison. --Fourth---grade" • Bernard Willard Thurlwell, Walter Vogt, Jas. Fay, Theo. Miller. Third grade--Ruth Schoewer, Roselind Nye, Elwood Winfield. Second grade--Lois Bacon, Lucile Helm, Ann Wright, Robert Edinger, Stanley Geier. . First grade--Margaret Kinsala, Bernice Weber, Julia Williams, Ford McDonald, Able to Be Out John McEvoy, father of Rev^M. J. McEvoy, is again able to walk down town, where his many friends were pleased to s&e him the first of the week. Mr. McEvoy, it will be re membered, underwent a serious oper ation in a Chicago hospital several weeks ago and has been home from that city only a short time. Get your estimates for hardware, plumbing and furnace work at Yycital's. * ' -* • • ' ft V" v TF you have funds, in LARGE or SMALL amount, for which you would like a five year investment, we can provide such, ^Jhrnfp^inor vnnr inva^mant Kv -'it. *• 4 - v DOUBLE SECURITY A good rate of interest will be arranged; higher than is ordinarily paid by bankers. We would be pleased to have all who have Such funds call and let us explain this form of Security, which is based upon Real Estate Mortgages of the highest class. 3 HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS I r-:fQa J GLANCE OVER THESE PRICES TH£NBE YOUR QWN JUDGE Smoked Picnic Hams, per pound-...- 25c il>moked Bacon Strips, per pound. 35c Pure kettle rendered Lard, No. 3, per pall -80c Pure kettle rendered Lard, No. 5, per pail. $1.50 l^ire kettle rendered Lard, No. 10, per pail. $2.00 Your choice No. 2 can Tomato, Peas, Corn or String Beans, 3 cans for. No. 3 can Tomatoes, per can. .. Coffee, per pound _T7-_.. Lenox Soap, 10 bars. lJ. S. Mail Soap, 10 bars American Family Soap, 10 bars... Bring in your eggs, highest market prices paid in trade Frett's Sanitary liW. FRETT, Prop. Phone 3 Electric Light The Be& No question about that. No modern house is built without it. If your house is not equipped for it why - We Wire Houses There is no difficulty about it--no inconvenience to the occupants --no damage to premises. < Payable in ' 24 Monthly; Payments Fuh detail* on Public Service Cot OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS USE EARLY RISER FLOUR Manufactured : by the Hi?'* Market McHENRY, ILLINOIS Just received a new line of Men s If you need a new •» , Easter--Bonnet it will pay you ta get our prices before youbuye|sewb^ JOS. 1. MILLER McHENRY. ILL. McHENRY Flour Mill West McHenry, III. ' A. J. MULLEN Atteney at Lav At Wwt McHenry State Bnk Every F*r"Fi»d ay » li WnM; flL PLUMBING AND EATHK BY t Experienced Workman DONAVIN C MIHANSPttCH - • • - \ * "x », w"

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