Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Apr 1919, p. 5

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A GOOD PUCE TO Gu iiPfPlfP mm ".-•^ j£!" •Ai 3f$^y St"'" • \«v ' 5i: !.:' *V--: W: No one, we think, will question the statement that we have an unusually complete stock of high-grade drugs. Large as it is, it is a constantly growing one, because it keeps pace with every advance in medicine or pharmacy. It is obvious that a store like this one is a good place to get family drugs or to have prescriptions filled. Drugs here are handled by competent pharmacists of large experience. You get ideal service at reasonable prices. :: :: :: :: :: J ••ifr?. •none WW N. H. PETESCH DROGSIST Who Was Right When we advertised we would not , < give stamps after Oct. 1, 1919, but sell cheaper? Many said we were making a mistake. Our customers have noticed the reduced prices during the past six months and our' sales have increased steadily since. We believe that most people like our way. Plenty of credit to those who are willing to pay every thirty days, at least, and low prices for good merchandise. We are still redeeming stamps given out by iis. SMITH BROS. ' McHENRY, ILLINOIS !p Ohicago talks it over with Seattle' Good mornmji. Western friend! How go those shingle «riills« chese days' It's your good red cedar rhat covers so many housetops here And vour oriental trade!1 is it looking up > Smoke an Owl. won't you? \ Thanks, replied Seattle, (or the Owl-- and other rhmgs Thanks for your fine fresh meats Thanks lor your iron, your steel.** And your railroads bring my ships many a fine cargo ~ # • • Great travelers, these two cigars. Owl and White Owl. Well known and well liked all over the old U. S. A. The reasons? Mellow fragrance and new dependability. YouU find pleawirr in rhc proving roxixRes SHAPK 7," -Kite OWL 8C * TWO D K •' «• SUABLE C I (i A K « , U GENERAL CIGAR CO.. ^ wra v«imt n*»in&UB. SCuOfi Mll*u3_ Wm. Frost of Round Lake)'Was a caller in town Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Aylwartl was a Lake Geneva visitor Monday. Wm. Sullivan of Marengo was a recent visitor at Geo. VogeTs. Miss Rose Aubert was a Ringwood visitor one day last week. Mrs. Victor Aim entertained company from Keystone Friday. Alfred Parker of Chicago was a visitor at E. T. Monear's Sunday. _Miss Floy Haldeman was a Richmond business visitor last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brennan and children spent Saturday at Marengo. Mrs. K. S. Craine is spending several days with relatives at Antioch. Miss Edith Wrwlerm of Richmond was a Monday visitor at E. E. Cropley's. Frank Patterson of Park Ridge was a Sunday visiter at falter Cropley's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krapple of Volo spent Sunday with her sisters here. Mrs. Geo. Nobles and children spent Friday with her father, Robt. Turner. . ' " Robert Turner, Jr., and lady friend from Aurora spent Sunday with relativeS here. Mr. and Mre. Geo. Westlake were at Darien and Beloit, Wis., several days the past week. Mrs. Joe Fillweber of Antioch was a visitor in the Geo. Vogel home part of last week. , Mrs. Wm. Fredericks and littl^, son of Spring Grove were Monday visitors at Henry Stut«'s. Miss Betty Sanderson of ^yilmette and Lee Aylward were calling on friends in McHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elder and two children of Brainerd, Minn., were callers at Richard Aylward's last Friday. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner were pleased to hear of their return to this village Saturday after spending the winter in Miami, Floridly Rlf>GEFlEI4> / Mrs. £>arah Wakefield visited in Crystal 1-ake Saturday. W. E. Dike made a business trip to Chicago last Thursday. J. H. Slater transacted business at Crystal Lake last Thursday. ' Nels Peterson was calling #n friends at Crystal Lake I£riday. Mrs. H. Wille did shopping at the county seat one day last week. D. L. Gibson and wife were county seat shoppers lats Saturday. " George Wheeler spent Sunday with relatives at Arlington Heights. Mrs. Walter Reed made a business trip to Woodstock last Saturday. Luretta and Grace Wagner did shopping at Woodstock Saturday. Miss Laura Bliss went to Crystal Lake Saturday on a shopping tour. Mrs. Ir- F. Burdiek spent Easter with her folks at Arlington Heights. Mrs. Geo. Irish passed last Friday i as the guest of friendi at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Carri§ Johnson was a Woodstock shopper on Wednesday of'last I week. Mrs. Sidney Reed was calling on friends in' Woodstock one day last week. J. H. Slater and D. M. Fitzgerald made an auto trip to ^Crystal Lake last Saturday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield came out from Chicago recently to visit her son, Arthur, and wife. -- Clarence Anderson attended to ; business matters at Crystal Lake last week Wednesday. Mrs. Lolo Bennett was called to Huntley Friday of last week to apt as nurse at the Costello home. Mrs. A. Levey, Mrs. Burdiek and i Mr. and Mrs. F. Bliss made business I trips to Woodstock last Friday. ' Mrs. Richard Reed, son and daughter were taking in the picture shows and shopping in Chicago Saturday. Mesdames W. F. Abbott, Wm. Glawe, Jr., A. Jacobs and Miss Marjorie Albee were Woodstock shoppers on Thursday of last week. Mjgya QUARTER OF A CENTURY n Item* Clipped From The Ptaiadeakr of Twenty-Are Tears Ago t: . April 18, 1894 We am now enjoying some fine weather in this section. E. J. Hanly sold a three.year-old pacing mare last week to a Chicago party for $125. Lonnie Bishop, who fs attending the Metropolitan business college in Chicago, comes home once a month to visit his mother. Willie Schreiner, son of Mrs, Geo. Schreiner, had the misfortune to fall and break his arm abyut two weeks ago. John Helm, who has been our Algonquin correspondent for many years, passed away at his home in that village on April 14, 1894. Herman Boley, ^ brother of G. F. Boley, has accepted the position of bookkeeper at the Woodstock brewery and entered upon his duties on April 9. * At an election, held on Saturday last for the election of a township school trustee, W. A. Cristy was elected his own successor by a unanimous^ ote. The infant child of Carl Pomerening died on Thursday of last week and was buried on Saturday. This is the second death in this family in the past two weeks. The many friends of Chas. S. Owen of Chicago will sympathize with him ffltte low at his infant child, aged ten months, which died at their home in that city on Thursday of last week. Died--At the residence of her sister at Grand Rapids, Midi., March 12, 1894, Mrs. Clara McOmber of Chicfcgo, aged thirty-three years. Mrs. McOmber was born in McHenry in 1861 and was a daughter of Wm. Bugbee, who was a resident of this town for many years and is well remembered by the older settlers here. Her sickness was of short duration, being sick only ten days before death ended her sufferings. Her remains were brought to McHenry and entered in Woodland cemetery. The corporation election on Tuesday proved one Of the most exciting for years. Two hundred and fourteen votes were polled, the largest vote ever polled in the corporation. There were two tickets in the field, the People's and Citizens', altho they differed only in two names, consequently the only fight was between W. A. Cristy and Isaac Wentworth for president and John I. Story and Jacob Jus ten for trustees. .The result was the election of Wentworth for president by twenty-two majority and JIM ten for trustee by sixteen majority. The new board will now stand as follows: President, Isaac Wentworth: clerk, F. L. McOmber; trustees, R. H. Howard, Charles H. Granger, G. W. Besley, John Niesen, Henry Nordquist and Jacob ^usten. Miss Inez Bacon, who is teaching at Spring Grove, spent the week end at her home l&rf. TERRA COTTA Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson were recent guests of relatives at Peru. Mr. ana Mrs. Ralph Wingate are the happy parents of a baby daughter. Miss Lillian Riley o'f Chicago spent Sunday with her parents and sister here. Wm. Gruenwald of Woodstock was a business caller in this vicinity Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaebe and family spent last. Thursday evening at Geo. Nelson's. Mrs. Marion McMillan has been spending several days in the home of her son, Earl. Miss Bessie Rydquist of Chicago spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Earl McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sund and family of Holcombville visited at G. Lindahl's Thursday evening. Henry McMillan has purchased a new Studebaker touring car, which he and his family are now enjoying. Miss Lillian Sprague of Woodstock was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fred Trudell, the latter part of last week. Corp. Robert E. Knox of Camp Grant spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends in this vicinity. SPRING GROVE Leo Huff was a Chicago passenger last Friday. /Mr. and Mrs. Chet Reed of Richmond were callers here Saturday. Mrs. Grace Jackson of Solon was calling on friends here Sunday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Fraud are rejoicing over the arrival'of a baby girl. Jos. Etten of Chicago spent Satur day evening and Sunday* with relatives here. Miss Anna Pitges of Chicago spent the week end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Math. Nimsgern. Miss Margaret Freund of McHenry is spending a few days in the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben May. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jung and children of Ringwood spent Sunday in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Frank Jung. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. EMI, daughter. Ethel, and son, Harold, of Ringwood were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Hubert Eauen. Mis. Henry Heinle and little son of Itasca spent a few days last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. JOHNSBURG Miss Barbara Smith wa^ jit Chicago shopper Saturday last." - Martin Schmitt was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. Henry Nell of Woodstock passed Sunday as the guest of relatives and friends here. Mrs. Wm. Oeflting and daughter, Katherine, were Spring Grove visitors Monday. Miss Helen Adams attended to business matters in the metropolitan city one day last week Mesdames Jos. J. and John Mertes passed a day last week as guests of Mrs. Peter Schaefer. Rev. Wm. Weber attended to business matters in the metropolitan city on Tuesday of this week. The man who is getting the real power out of his engine is using Valvoline gasoline. Cap Bickler, agent. Jfiss Mamie Smith returned to Chicago on Tuesday morning of this week after a pleasant visit with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer very pleasantly entertained a company of relatives and friemis last Sunday afternoon. Misses Ella and Theresa Huemann of Chicago passed Easter as guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Miss Margaret Huemann of McHenry passed Sunday as a guest in the home oi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Miss Gertrude William^ of Spring Grove passed the- week end as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. Quite a number of our young people attended a dance at Solon Mills on Monday evening of this week. °A11 report a most enjoyable time- The Young Ladies' sodality will give a bunco party at the parish hall here next Sunday evening, April 27. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund of Kenosha, Wis., passed Sunday as guests in the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay. A large crowd attended the dance given by the members of St. Agatha court, W. C. O. F., at parish hall here on Tuesday evening of this week. The net receiptor were most gratifying. Jacob Schaefer and his gang of carpenters started work on the new theatre building in McHenry on Monday of this week. He employs his brother, who only recently returned from overseas service, Wm. Thiel and John Pitzen. Those who have not as yet called on t.h» local victory loan workers should do so between now and the first of next week. The workers may be found at Hettermann's garage each and every night this week. Unless you call the committee will be ohliowd to solicit you personally. Please do the committee the favor and spare them this unnecessary trouble of looking you up for the purpose of getting your subscription. Installation of officers was held by St. Agatha court, W. C. O. F., at the parish hall on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mrs. Katherine Freund of McHenry acted as installing officer and exemplified the work in a most beautiful as well as impressive-manner. At the close of the work she was presented with a beautiful bouquet of carnations. Mrs. Emma Mertee, past chief ranger, was also presented with a beautiful pin in appreciation for the efficient and faithful services she has rendered the court in the past year. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. * OSTEND Mrs. Eva Eppel is the victim of a severe cold and grip. Earl Sherman's horSes that were sick with influenza are very much better. Leon Lincoln, one of the Oliver force, was an over Sunday guest of his cousin, Roy Hobart Henry Eppel, wife and little daughter, Ida, were Sunday visitors at the home of his brother, F. R. Eppel. Miss Alice Richardson left Sunday afternoon for Chicago to be the guest of relatives for several days. Some much needed work was doseon the roads in this section Monday. The road grader filled many of the deep ruts. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, spent Easter at Woodstock with their nephew, E. L. Francisco, and family. John McBroom and wife have moved back to their home in the timbers, where John is preparing fuel for the Woodstock Supply Co. At the school meeting Saturday Fred R. Eppel was elected to succeed himself. The board now stands F. R. Eppel, C. C. Clark and Elbert *** ' -ai We will be pleased to have all who so desire make their subscriptions to the * • >> iJj ~ v \ jpy^ble through our bank "M M! HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS Electric ! Light The Be& \ yght No que&ion about that. No modern fcouse is built without it, If your house is not equipped for it why We Wire Houses There is no difficulty about it--no inconvenience to the occupants --no damage to premises. Payable in 24 Monthly *" Payments Full detail* on »(|u# Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS (A ( AT HONEST PKKB is the secret of our success and for this very same reason our business keeps right on growing. Our constant aim is to give our patrons 100/6 value for every dollar expended with us. Our line of staple and fancy groceries is always complete. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone H-W PLUMBING JU» EATING USE EARLY IffiER FLOUR Manufactured by the McHENRY Flour Mill Wetft McHenry, 111. Seed! We have always been lucky in securing good form seeds. We have good, home-grown Seed Corn on hand and samples of Learning Fodder Corns. Would be pleased to have you stop in and get my prices. JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. AT THE u Specal For Sunday Custard Cream Puffs Chocolate Fingers' and a full line - .'r^: of gOOd We close at 6:00 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each wtek. McHenry Bakery McHI-'NkV, ILLINOIS PAINT!1 'W How about youf painting and decorv ating this springfiy We have the larg»< est and best assortment of Paints, Kalsomines and Varnishes than ever beN*4 fore. The pricef^ range from per gallon up. '-'fe;' H Vytfol McHENRY. ILL. -BYExperieaced Workmen DONAVTN & REiHANSPERGER PICKLES •V s; i'tl Thomas. F. R. Eppel and family will take their outing in a new Overland and Fred will be the first in this neighborhood to deliver milk with a Republic truck. Last week Thursday morning, April 17, there was a light sprinkle of snow on the ground. Friday morning the ground was slightly frozen and on Saturday fanners were bmy sowing grain: CONTRACT NOW WHILE PRICES ARE Wm Vat run, $2.00 per 100 lb|. ~ 1 % Urge $1.00 lor lMftl Nubbins, 60c per 100 lbst. Contracts can' Also John Stoffel's Store C. F. Claussen & Son perience and tnkjdni in mwoltllim wixl M - -r

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