Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1919, p. 5

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i -£ Jft yfi -A"**#* 9^$ * •** A COOB FUCE TO GET- % "\r >r *i »1 *t. ^v,> * ",V'* •L*.^. 's^V . No one, we think, will question the statth ment that wc have an unusually compleUr . . . /> stock of high-grade drugs. Larjre as it is, it it a constantly growing one, because it keei ^wce with every advaoce in medicine ojf pharmacy. It is obvious that a store like this one is a good place to get family drugs or to have prescriptions filled. Drugs her* are handled by competent pharmacists of large experience, You get ideal service at reasonable prices; :: :: " :: s •now: mi N. H. PETESCH dkucgist -rirSj . THE" ft|H. I.YM'SWt CA'I } ^ jfcecause of its all-around utility, ' {the Ford one-ton truck-r-with worm t' drive--rhas made itself an absolute - ^usin^ss necessity. It's so dependable in service wherever placed, flexible and sure, in control and low cost of operation and maintenance and possessing that vanadium steel strength,\it has become the want in ev- •'•yUry line of business, from retail mer-^l; r Chant to manufacturer, from engin-r ?ierto contractor, from corporation to farmer. Let us tell you details * and give you a demonstration. < STAR GARAGE ford Truck Your Need EAST SIDE (ASH MAW! & WW WE HANDLE KERBER'S Lard, Bacon, Ham and Sausages. Fresh Vegetables at all times. Orders promptly delivered.Try our sugar cured corn beef. PHONE 57-M McHENRY, ILL. Our Auto Truck Delivers Out Your Way > * We try and deliver everything1 to out-of-town custodiers • 'Jbf Auto Truck. We like to place the furniture right ia your home. Leath furniture It all guaranteed--it must please you *gd five satisfaction. 3b** ^ ^Says Leath's ||inii|k«i| of Beautiful Homes A. Leath ft Co. Stone £lgin, 79-74 Grove Ave. Hockford. Opposite Court HoaM Dubuque, SK-JM Main St. Aurora^31-33 Islmiti Ave. Fretpon, l«-l«5 Galena St. Walton. SU-JH E. fchSt. BeloH, *17-421 4th St.' , JoHet. 115-217 Jefferap* St. ¥ • r • tvw--. v , k • GROCERY ECONOMY Santos Cbffe, per lb. S3e Ivory Soap Flakes.. lie Kitchen Cleanser, 6 lot. .15c Lady Elgin Tea, per lb..lie Yoban Coffee, per lb. 42c Ma/olo Oil, per can ..SSc Spaghetti, No. 1 can--lie Early June Peas or Limft Beans, per can 15c Navy Beans, per Ife . ..lie Cent. Am. Coffee, lb He Fancy Red Salmon. --JJc Galvanic Soap, 4 bars- -25c Fancy Pumpkin, No. 3 -lSc John JJtoffel, . West McHenry RfBMHSLD S. Bliss has a new Overland car. Mrs. M. W. Ward was a recent Chicago visitor. i Mr. Bliss was a bualneescaUer at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Herman Wilie visited in Elyrin one day last week. R. M. Lynch hiked to Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mrs. A. Anners was a Crystal Lake caller one day last week. Mrs. J. B. Lynch made a business trip to Chicago Monday. Miss Cora Lockwood was home from Dundee over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Buyer were Chicago passengers Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reed and children spent Sunday in Elgin. W. S. Rushton attended the union meeting at Harvard Sunday. Mrs. P. Pederson and children spont Saturday in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs." F. M. Peck of Chicago were callers here Sunday. Mrs. F. Boskhus was a business caller at Woodstock Friday afternoon; • Mrs. H. N. Coeper and children of Elgin spent Sunday at Father Wille's. Misses Etta Levey and Etta Irish were Woodstock callers Thursday of last week. H. Slater was called to Allentown, N. V., Friday by the death of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith entertained out-of-town relatives Sunday and Monday. Mrs. All^ee and daughter. Marjorie, were shopping, at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Mrs. W. Abbott and daughter, Dorothy, were Woodstock shoppers Monday afternoon. W. R. Walkup and Mrs. Anna Mollohan autoed to Crystal Lake' last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilkins and children spent Saturday and Sunday at Marengo arid Harmony. Mrs. Geo. Baker and daughters, Hazel and Helen, autoed to Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Abbott entertained his mother, brother and sisters from Belvidere Sunday.1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dike moved to their new home at Crystal Lake the latter part sot last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ellsworth of Woodstock were callers in the home of Mrs. Mary Irish Sunday. Chauncey Stephenson has returned from overseas and arrived at his home here Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abbott were up from Cary and spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed, Mrs. Ctnrrie Johnson and daughter, Bessie, visited Sunday in the home of F. Reed at Woodstock. M. Becker and family arrived here last Wednesday evening from Three Oaks, Mich., and are occupying the tenant house on the Tate farm. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Merchant and sons spent Sunday afternoon in the home of W. Merchant at Solon Mills. Mr. Merchant's mother returned home with them for a short vipit. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch spent Saturday night and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. L. M. Goddard, at Moline. Mrs. Goddard and little daughter, Marjorie, returned home with them for an extended visit. Rev. Sunderlin will preach a me morial sermon next Sunday and the Woodstock male quartet will sing for us. There will be no Sunday school as the children are to the cemetery after church services and decorate the soldiers' grave*. ~ RINGWOOD Mrs. Ed. Peet has been entertaining her brother. Richard and Frank Lawaon were callers in town Sunday. Joseph Jung entertained a large circle of friends Sunday. Allen Collins was a Sunday guest at the home of C. C. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon called on relatives at Antioch Sunday. S. A. Rife and family of Grayslake called in town Sunday evening. Mrs. Mattie Walters of Woodstock was in town Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merwin visited the former's si&ter in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hawley spent Sunday as the guests of Elgin relatives. The school exhibit and program last Wednesday evening were ve*y good. The next Sunday evening meeting will be held at the home of A. W. Smith. Mrs. Adelaide Coates spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coates. Mrs. Merrill of Solon Mills called on her sister, Mrs. Schroeder, Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen of Woodstock spent Sunday at Ray Merchant's. Mrs. Frank Fay entertained her sister from New York and niece from Batavia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent Sunday in the Bennett home at Cherry Valley. The W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Jennie $paulding on Saturday, May 24 Miss Sarah Jane Dodge of Clucago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Covell spent Tuesday with Woodstock friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eckert and Mr. and Mrs. Simes of Hebron called at the Wm. McCannon home Sunday. An unexpected township exercise was held at the Woodman hall Toesday night. TkB program ww very good. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kitchens and Miss Martha Dailey motored to Milwaukee Sunday. Mrs. Ray Barthoif and daughter, Beulah, of Richmond sprat Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. TERRA COTTA ! Miss Clara Frisby was i Witness visitor in Elgin Saturday. Mrs. Fred Trudell was a Crystal Lake business caller last Thursday. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry called in this vicinity Sunday evening. * Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock spent Sunday evening with relatives here. Miss Agnes Frisby . went to Elgin Saturday, where she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaebe and family of Holcombville spent Sunday at Geo. Nelson's. Mrs. T. E Schneider and sons of Crystal Lake were callers in this vicinity Sunday. > George Phalin, Walter and Leo Conway spent. Friday and Saturday at Notre Dame, Ind. Mrs. J. M. Phalin, daughter, Edna, and son, George, were business visitors in Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family called on friends near Burton's Bridge Saturday evening.: Miss Florence Knox closed her school in the McManaman district near Cary last Wednesday. Howard Phalin and Harold Knox attended the McHenry county track meet at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry were callers here Sunday evening. Mrs. Fred Rose and daughters, May and Esther, of Crystal Lake called on friends here Sunday. Marion Shales and Eva McMillan, Robert Knox and John Grant passed the final eighth grade exams successfully at Crystal Lake last Friday. Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby, Florence and Frances Knox spent Friday at Crystal Lake with their eighth grade pupils, who were taking the final examination. Pvt. James L. Burke, who recently returned from overseas with the 117th ammunition train of the Rainbow division, called at the home of his aunt, Mrs. M. Knox, Sunday evening. SPRING GROVE Rudy Simanek motored to Racine Tuesday. Mrs. N. N. Weber was a McHenry caller Saturday. Mrs. Nick Klein is spending a few days in Chicago. Miss Frances Freund of Johnsburg was a caller in town Friday. Misses Mae Keefe and Mabel Seigler motored to Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jag. Foulke and sons, Lawrence and Lowell, spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Barbian of McHenry were callers here Thursday afternoon last. The Misses Mary, Anna and Christina Schaefer called on friends at Johnsburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' Bickler and children of McHenry were callers here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling and children of Johnsburg were Sunday guests in the Ford Jackson home. Mr. and Mrs. John Hay are rejoicing over the arrival of a son at their home on Sunday, March 18. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J us ten of Ringwood spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen. Our baseball fans motored to Ringwood last Sunday and the score was in favor of our boys, 15 to 17. Very good boys. Hr. and Mrs. Geo. Wirfs and children motored up from McHenry and spent Saturday evening in the Nick Klein home. Jos. G. Wagner has installed in his business place, known as "The Owl Confectionery/' a new soda fountain. The fountain is one of the latest and is of white marble, being equipped with an electric carbonator. Mr. Wagner has put aside his pool table so as to enlarge hifi ice cream parlor. . VOLO Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld was in McHenry Wednesday. Mrs. Kaiser was a Chicago visitor on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daughter spent Sunday in Libertyville. Several from here attended the dance at the Oakland at Wauconda Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stadtfeld of Round Lake were guests of relatives here over Sunday. Messrs. C. Cox and Wm. Dillon attended the meeting at the township high school Friday evening. Miss Martha Rossdeutscher ^of Waukegan passed Sunday as tnfe guest of her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock, sons, Robert and James, and daughter, Doris, were Sunday callers at Wauconda. Rev. E. C. Palmer and family, Robt. Blackburn of Wauconda, Mrs. G. Case, Mrs. M. Smith and son, Robt., of Roseville were visitors at the home of Miss Ella Moore Sunday. Tipped Over While returning home from Richmond last Saturday noon, after having delivered one of the company's phonographs to that city, Everett Hunter, Jr., driving a Ford touring car, momentarily lost control of the machine and tipped over, badly dam '"i ',*> ' "1 . * ... ; J •. -v * ' * i / '" w W, > < " , « •' * J* A . ' f r - ' .X:*"' 1-, • IS STRENGTH UNITED UNTED FHANOSt McHenry people want McHenry to Grow, Tm- ^ |>rove and Prosper. We are asking ourselves what we can do to assist in bringing these condi- Jions about. We want to help. Permit us to sugfcest that it can best be brought about by everyone boosting and pulling together for anything and x Everything that will build up McHenry. Let us all Work in harmony for that purpse. Concentration • Of effort and finances is necessary. Each person , fcan be of some help. We invite and urge you to do your share by systematically adding to the fi- : Dancial strength of the community, through de- .; |K>siting all surplus funds with McHenry Banks. WE SOLICIT SUCH DEPOSITS v • *' ' i ft • . • ' w ? HOY BANKING COMPANY I*** ••• * v McHENRY, ILLINOIS SPECIAL NOTICE Good things come in small packages ALTTY, not quantity, counts. The difference between the size of our Bevo bottle and the beer bottle used by others is two ounces--one swallow. A S This slight difference ia quantity is their only talking point. Many copied our bottle, others tried to Imitate our label and name, but none have succeeded in producing the quality of qk&us PAT of TJU-E BFAt PA(.L Bevo is classified by the U. 3^ -. Government as a soft drink. ANHEUSER-BUSCii ST. LOUIS PAINT! How about your painting and decorating this spring? We have the largest and best assortment of Paints, Kal somines and Varnishes thane ver before. The prices range from $3.00 per gallon up. • n J. J. Yytitil V McHENRY, ILL. PLUMBING AND IE&TDK -BYExperienced Workmen DONAVIN St REIHANSPERGER aging the right front wheel, smashing the top and otherwise damaging the car. He escaped injury. The accident took place outside of the north village limits, near the home of Mrs. Jos. H. Justen^ J. C. Bfckier was among those to board the* Chicago train Tuesday ttorn&fe ' Bell System Sometimes a telephone subscriber will call a number and if he does not get an almost instantaneous response, will hang up the receiver and try again. Had he waited a few seconds longer, the call might have been answered. Hanging up the receiver prematurely means that your time and the time and work of the operator have been wasted. If the called party answers after you have abandoned the call, the operator must come on the line and ex* p l a i n,"Apartycalledyoubut they navchuiiiJ up- Excuse it, please. Please allow the person you are calling a reasonable time in which to answer before abandoning your call. . , CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY Telephone Na 1M-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all rlassaa eC property in tk* best pewpaniea WBST McHBNKT, - ILLINOIS The office force of the Woodstock .new Typewriter company moved into their addition m x , factory list A. J. MULlJBf Attorney at Lav 4* Ww* McHenry Slain Ivwy Tridaj :: ::

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