wmm mm PEACE TO st, .r , : .H, f • Ft"1 *r '-****? .. ,^,,.r,^,..s *?! *••3* ' - t * 1 f i y - -.^ r •• . / - &o one, we think, will question the statimentfthatSwelShavej. an unusually complefit Wock of high-grade drugs. 4,arge as it is, ll is a constantly growing one, because it,keept ? pace with every advance in medicine . pharmacy. It is obvious that a store lik# • this one is a good place to get family drug* or to have prescriptions filled. Drugs here "y.'-fre handled by competent pharmacists of> . large experience. , '¥©u get ideal (1 service tt|* reasonable pricey :: :: :: :: % •raoNE sow N. H. PETESCH dIdggist \ *• THE tlNIVERS'AX CAR These be mighty practical days and It's up to every man to keep on the eco- 'Bomicnl side of every proposition. New ; ®otor cars are scarce, so make your \X7 fit \r present car do. Well: Keep And your Fo»d r^.rl car will meet all I our rord demands if you Car Going have us keep it ® in good running order. Don't monkey with your car. It is a bit of valuable mechanism and ought to be handled by men who know it. Bring your Ford car to us for repairs when needed. > ^ STAR CARA.GE •i**" John R. Knox,. Prop. . 4 EAST SIDE •pi* A WE HANDLE BERBER'S Lard, Bacon, Ham and Sausages., Fresh Vegetables at all times. Orders promptly delivered. Try our sugar cured qoxn beef. Henry Heuser PHONE 57-M McHENRY, ILL. Young People Like Leath Home Outfits Our designs are distinctive and tMautiful. Every article is backed by a half a million dollar guaratee Customers tell us tbe > beauty and comfort of our furni- - , ture is worth 25% extra. Our ••*... prices are no higher than you pay for ordinary furniture. Says Leath's Furnishers of Beautiful He A. t^ath ft Gt. Mm ' Elgin. 7t-74 Grove Ave. Rockford, Opposite Court Home Dubuque, 57(-5M Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. Freeport, 1K-I0S Galena St. Waterloo, 312-314 E. 4th St. Beloit, U7-U1 4th St. Joliet, 215-217 JeffersonlSt. '<* Free Delivery By Apto Truck I, m NUKEI&OOttY Summer Breezes suggest lighter wear. Qur stock of summer goods already offers a very good selection and we are sure that we can please you both as to quality and price. Our line of Shoes is the best ever. : • ^ \ If i ; • ' John Stoffel, - West McHenry MNOWOOD C. D. Bacon is the proud owner of a new Everett. Floyd Howe and family of Ridgefield were in town Sunday. Irving Herbert of Richmond was a business caller in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were Chicago visitors last Friday. Mrs. James Bell entertained her brother from Spring Grove Sunday. Misses Elsie and Mary Smith were Chicago visitors last Wednesday. Mr. land Mrs. C. D. Bacon and Mrs. Martin Hall were McHenry visitors Saturday. George Stevens was attending to business matters in town the. first of the w&k. Mrs. Hulda Ingalls and two sons of Lake Geneva called on her sister, M rs. Emma Brown, Sunday. Math. Jung delivered one porker in town Monday that i brought $108.60. Who says hogs don't pay? Miss Dorothy Knox of McHehry spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Whiting. S. W. Smith, Eif. Hopper and Leo Brunswick attended a Woodman meeting at Harvard Monday night. Mrs. Fred Jackson started for Boston Monday morning. Her aunt, Mis. S. W. Smith, accompanied her as far as Chicago. Misses Dorcas Foss, Winifred Bradley and Mary Harrison of Beloit college spent the week end with tft«5ir parents here. Paul Stephenson, after having spent the winter in the west, returned home Friday night last. Everybody is glad to see him looking so well. *Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carr at Greenwood. | The people of Ringwood gave Miss Madsen a farewell party Friday night in the form of a surprise, which wa» thoroly enjoyed by all present. Our public school closed Friday with a picnic. Miss Dailey 'is to remain as the primary teacher, but the other teachers have .not been decided upon as yet. Memorial day services will IK; held at 2:00 p. m. Friday, May 30, in the M. W. A. hall. Rev. Harrison wiU be the speaker, assisted by Rev. J. M. RatclifF. " _ The Sunday evening meeting will be held with Mrs. W. A. Dodge. This will be the last meetiag before vacation, so everyone should make a special effort to attend YOLO p. McCormick of Waucoitd*. was a Sunday caller here Mrs. Rose Dunnilj" visited friends in • Round Lake Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld is entertaining her brother, Frank, from Wis consin. Mrs. B. Cushman of Round Lake was a Friday evening caller at Jas Kirwan's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krueger and sons of Wauconda spent Sunday at John • Walton's Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon - and daughter, Irene, were over to Libertyville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson of Elgin were Saturday and Sunday vis itors with Lee Huson and family. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. of Wauconda were here Sunday and held memorial services at the Volo cemetery, then marched to the Catholic cemetery and strewed flowers on' the soldiers' graves. Mrs. Charity Raught, formerly of Volo, and one of the original prohibition workers, one of the original W. C. T. U. women of Lake county, died at the home of her son, Charles Raught, West and Clayton streets, Waukegan, on Wednesday of last week, aged eighty-four years. Mrs. Raught was a wonderful woman, a fact shown forcefully in her act by whicfi she selected the pall bearers from among her relatives whom she wished to carry her body to its resting place. They were John Sutherland, Henry Sutherland, Neal Shultis, Clarence Shultis, Carl Atterbery and Robert Fulton. Mrs. Raught had been ill with hardening of the arteries for eight years. Since May 1 her condition had been very serious. Her passing therefore did not come unexpectedly. Mrs. Raught left a paper which she wrote herself in which she mentioned the pall bearers she desired and also made several other requests and gave facts concerning her life. For forty years the Raught family lived at Volo and none was better known here. Mr. Raught died thirteen years ago. For seven years past Mrs. Raught had resided with her son in Waukegan. » A friend, in spealcing of Mrs. Raught, said: "She was a wonderful woman. If the minister was absent at a service^ she could deliver as fine a sermon as one would wish to hear. Fact is, she was better than many ministers who have studied for the profession." Funeral was held at the house in Waukegan at 1:30 on Friday and at 2:00 from the M. E. church, Mr« Rompel officiating. The Easter Star of Grayslake, of which Mrs. Raught was one of the charter members, had charge of the services, at Oakwood cemetery* RIDGEFIELD Mrs. A. Peterson was a Woodstock caller last Thursday. Mrs. S. Mavis and children visited in Woodstock Monday. * Mrs. J. B. Lynch was a Chicago shopper Thursday last. W. H. Levey was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. I UTS. J. Oakroot of Woodstock was visiting friends here last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Pederson and children were Woodstock callers Friday. Miss Christina Erieaon of Elgin is visiting,this week with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Bylsma and children spent Saturday evening at. Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Allbee and daughter, Marjorie, were in Woodstock Friday afternoon. C. M. Keeler of Elgin spent Sunday here withvhis mpther, Mrs. S. Wakefield. J. B. Lynch, F. Wilkins and R. Lynch were Crystal Lake callers Saturday evening. Mrs. L. Bennett, Mrs. L. M. Goddard and daughter, Marjorie, visited friends in Woodstock Friday. Theo. Farney of Lake Geneva visited the first of the week with his sister and brothers on the farm. H. Iteed was at Woodstock Thursday and Friday, helping his son, Frank Reed, with sprinp gardening. Sunday, June 1, will be communion services and on Sunday, June. 8, ChildrenVdaj*' servicee wil! hi observed. • ; Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. Ormsby arid soh of Crystal Lake visited at E. E. Knilan's and Mrs. Anna Ormsby's Sunday. The Ladies'; Aid' society and Red Cross chapter meets this (Thursday) afternoon at the home'of Mrs. Richard Reed. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Kline and daughters. Ruth, Mable and Clare, of Waukesha. Wis., spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson. -Little Dorothy Abbott entertained ten of her little playmates at a birthday party Monday afternoon in honor of her fourth birthday. Dainty refreshments were served. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Peterson on Thursday afternoon, June 3. All interested in the cemetery are requested to attend to help keep the work going. Anyone who would like to help financially may send money to Mrs. C. E. Lockwood, Pres., Mrs. S. Merchant, Sec'y., or Mrs. Anna Ormsby, Treas., and it will be greatly appreciated by the society. Dorr township school exercises will be held at the Presbyterian church Monday evening, June 2, at 7:30. , Program Prayer .......Rev. N. A. Sunderlin Song America Schools and Apdience Recitation .The Best Way Ruth Pugh, Pleasant Valley School Song Selected McConnell District School Dialogue Bertha as Teacher Lucas School Song. There's a Long Long Trail Mabel Carlson and chorus, Ridgefield Recitation. . .Jennie's History Lesson Clara Mortensen, Gregory School Flag Drill.Room 1, Ridgefield School Song--Just a Bit of Cloth, but it is Red, White & Blue.Walkup School Dialogue Flea Powder McConnell School Song--For I Know She's Thinking of Me:... Lucas School Dialogue.The Woodman and the Tree Walkup School Sens Land of Mine Ridgefield School Dialogue.* Where's My Cake 6regory School Song Child's Gifts Leila & John Kelsey, Pleasant Valley Piano Duet.. .Marjorie Allbee and Mabel Carlson, Ridgefield School Spelling Contest SeoCM.-The Star Spangled Banner School and Audience Supt. of schools, A. M. Shelton " ~ JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser were McHenry callers Sunday evening. Joe, Henry and Frank Nell are the prdud possessors of a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hettermann wire Burlington visitors one day last week. Mrs. Jos. Kfcttner of Spring Grove spent one day last week with Mrs. Jacob Miller. Mr. and Mrs! John Lay of Spring Grove were Sunday guestff at Mrs. S. F. Smith's. Mrs. John Pitzen of Volo passed Saturday at the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. Mrs. Jos. Michels and daughter, Mrs. Peter Oeffling, passed one day last week with Mrs. Chris. Blake. Miss Lena Klein and girl friend of Woodstock were pleasant visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Klein Sundays, Mr. and Mrs. John Freund of Ringwood were pleasant visitors in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Stephen Freund, Sunday. Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt and little daughter, Wanda, of McHenry visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams, one day last week. Mrs. Stephen F. Smith has returned to her home here and her many friends are sorry to know that she1 is not improving in health as was expected. Celebrates Birthday Little Agnes Fox celebrated the sixth anniversary of her birth at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Nell, at Columbia park recently by entertaining a number of her little friends. Many little tokens were left by the guests on this occasion. At an appropriate fy>ur ice cream and fake were served. Those present were: Bernice Weber and little sister of McHenry, Rosemary, Elmer and Frederic Huemann, Martha and Marie Miller and Anna. Fox. , Entertained * Postmaster and Mrs. T. J. Walslt entertained Mr. and Mrs. John F. Claxton and Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Covell, An latter of Portland, Ore., S^'WHY Y00 CAN BENEFIT THROlMfflS. BANKING WITH US We take care of your funds, either large or ^vfmali in amount, pay you good interest on your Savings and when you get ready to invest your turplus we stand ready to give you unprejudiced dvice as to how to put it out to the best advange. , r; ;,v. , ~ 't ^ "v.-T This bank maintains connections with as good 7; legal talent as can be had in McHenry and Lake . Counties. If you have necessity for legal advice V Or work of any kind, such as pertains to Wills, ' . Estates, Leases, Land Titles, etc., We will gladly 'r. Suggest the mo& economical course to be pursued and, if necessary, will put you in touch With our »Own attorney, in such a way as will result in a saving of expense. We invite you to participate in these advantages. •#i - * r, HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS 90o a/if- ifo&r-round soft drink The fin( mam drink was water and grain. Bevo is th? highest refinement oi the ruitural drink ot primitive man-* Uje accepted drink of modern America* abevera^e with real food value.- A healthy and substantial drink at the soda fountain,or with lunch at the restaurant, a comfort waiting for y*m in the ice»h0X at home* SoftmeryBter*- FamJin by m" Ksiton arv invited /• int/xrcf out- ftfmmtT* • ' * J jkNHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS JtoWonl Coca-Cda Bottling Ct. .Wholesale OiMnbuium ROCIvFOR||, I|J_ i . E. Freund 1-oeal Otot'ibvtor McHENRY, tUm 5-L m PAINT! How about your painting and decorating this spring? We have the largest and!best assortment of Paints, Kalsomines and Varnishes thane ver before. The prices range from $3.00 per gallon up. J. 1. VytiUI McHENRY, ILL. The Simplicity of (ookintj on a modern labor-saving Cabinet Gas Range is astonishing, particularly to the housewives who are using an out-of date solid fuel range with its numerous and constant demands on time and temper. PURCHASE A NEW STYL^l CABINET GAS RANGE Free yourself now from the vexing necessity of contmually tending fire and stove. Win leisure for yourself --secure a cook kitchen now before the summer heat ia liere. Come in and see our various styles in ranges. ^j^*WesteroUnited Gas yjiy » and Electric Company O' -Mi Dl M. WORKMAN. District Mmm|*t PLUMBING AND KEATING -BYExperienced Workmen DONAVIN & REIHANSPERGER on Monday of this week. * Mr. and Mrs. Covell have been visiting in this vicinity for some tine past and b®- fore retarnimr to thatr home i» PHILIP JAEGER OENERAL COJIMISSION MERCHANT •PKCIAL ATTENTION OITXN TO THK 8ALI Of ft • ' ' ' ' l y DiuMd Beef, riuttoa. Hogs. Hides, Etc., Butter and Effs This ie the old*! how <* the eteeel. Tegs aad prioe IMi taataMA ea *PPU0*a°* GOLD STQKAPB HWB CH1CAQO, ILLINOIS. West expect to visit relatives end friends in the East. dAak • k^iy. ffjrl imfi silAAMid tkg, home of John J. this (Thursday) morning. Join i» bearing up bravely under the streie • mm i; ^j. mx- '•iL iJ J? " t t*