Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1919, p. 9

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THE McHENRY PLAINDEAI.EK. McHENRT. ITAu ie mission f.¥t % h ••••""!»»"'4*' iwift & Company Swift & Company has become . one of the large businesses of the world through continuing to meet the growing needs of a nation and a world J • Society has a right to ask ^#bw the increasing responsibilities and opportunities fdr usefulness which go with such growth are being used by the men who direct its affairs--and the men have the right to answers; v -•-."•••'•To promote the production of live ^ stock and perishables and increase the food supply; To reach more people with more and better meat; v To make a fair competitive profit, in order to reimburse the 25,000 shareholders for the use of their capital, and to provide for the future development of the business; To reduce to a minimum the costs of preparing and distributing; meat and to divide the benefits of efficiency with producer and consumer; - To live and let live, winning greater business only through greater usefulness, with injury to nothing but incompetency, Inefficiency and waste; to deal, justly, fairly, and frankly with * all mankind. are the purposes and motives of the men who direct the policies and practices of Swift & Company. Swtft & Company, U. S. A. wiEEZiinrcBaas JoShckRuttr To N I G H I tonorfow Alriglit NR Tablets stop sick headaches, ftelieve bilious attacks, tone and regulate the eliminathre organs, make you feel fine. " Better Tkaa Pills For Uw Ills " Get m 26c. Box. Attention Agents! MEN, WOMEN, BOYS. GIRLS THE fastest selling, legitimate, profit maker. Make your hours profitable. Sample 25c stamps. ARMY & NAVY RECORD, 4tk & Maia St*., Los Aagclei, CaL MAKE $8 AND $10 PER DAY painting automobiles. 1 teach you by mail for only |6. No chance for failure. I guarantee to make an expert of you or return your money. Write for particulars. STANDARD AUTOMOBILB PAINTING COMPANT, Look Drawer 1567, Dallas, Texas. AGENTS #40 to $100 a. WecJK Men and women are making amazing big money during spare time. Attractive subscription proposition on well-known, national magazine. Live wires are given big salaried positions as District Managers. Write A. P. Collins, American Fruit Grower, Chicago. CAR-HO-DEKN remove® your carbon while yon ride; 60c, pint cans; af*nts and salMmen wanted. Car-Bo-Deen Mf*. Co.. St. Louts, Ma Baspender Brace combined, keeps you •rect, straight, comfortable; one operation ' releases trousers. Send $1; money returned If unsatisfactory. Jos. Bloe, 26$ B'way, N. T. Magnanimous. The Mayor--Have you beard. Mr. Roche, that our generous townsman. Mr. Hardlne. Is defraying the cost of a new promenade all round the townT We think a wealthy man like yourself might also do something for us. Mr. Roche--Well, what do yon say to my giving you a park of oak trees? The Mayor--Oh, you noblo-hearted philanthropist! Why do you really mean to-- Mr. Roche--Yes! I'll make the town a present of an oak forest. You have only to find the land and I will supply you with as many acorns as you may want for seed! Prefers Hot Pitch Soup. Hub--What do you call this? Wife--That's angel cake, dear. Hub--Well, if that's what angels are compelled to live on I'm going to resign as deacon in our church.--Boston Evening Transcript. Farms For Sale--Lee Co., good lands at moderate prices; good roads, elevators, creameries and co-operative shipping. Home- •e«kers write Tupelo Realty Co.. Tupelo. Miss. AGENTS for Secret of Beauty" toilet preparation. Buy to make large profits. Quick sales. Fine repeater. Sample aad terms free. Herop Co.. ~>ept. J7. Cleveland. Ohio. California Fig UMI "tOT Sale--Best paying fratt crop. Write for booklet. California Ftg Gardens. S28 £. Mills Bldg., San Francisco. Free oa must, pictures aad exceptionally Interesting lnfor. of world famous Texas OU Fields. Boom C. Coulsom Bldg.. Ft. Worthies. _A WhskMM. Cleasstof, • niir Belresblst sa4 MeaHss ^^a«a lC||m--Murine for Redness, Soreness, Granula- . tion Itching and Burning _ of the Eyes or Eyelids; ~ Drops" After the Movie*, Motoring or Golf will^mn your confidence. Ask Your Druggist for Marin* whan your Eyes Nwd Care. M-ll Mturtn* Ey« Remedy Co., Chicago W. N. U, CHICAGO, NO. 24-1919., KEEP YOURSELF FIT I You can't afford to be laid up with •ore, aching kidneys in these aavs of high prices. Some occupations bring kidney troubles; almost any work makes weak kidneys worse. If you feel tired all the time, and suffer with lame back, sharp pains, dizzy Bpelle, headaches and disordered kidney action, use Doan's Kidnev Pills. It may save an sttack of rneumatism, dropsy, _ or Bright's disease. Doan's have thousands back to health. An Iowa Case M. A. Simmons, shoe merchant, Marengo, Iowa, says: "My kidneys were weak and my back ached constantly. If I lifted anything or bent over, there were sharp i Uus through my 1;. k. My head ached f! • quently. I cou <4n*t rest well at night and arose in the morning- feelinjr all tired out. I used Doan's Kidney rills cured the attack." Get Deea's at Aa? Stave, flOe m Be* DOAN'S "p'fJLV FOSTER-MILB URN CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. and two boxes Holds Itsff, All Year Season In and te&oon out the cap© flourishes In undiminished popularity. It is not often, declares a fashion authority, that a conspicuous fashion such as this, which quickly attained universal favor, survives for a single season, much less for the four wellrounded ones which the c&pe already has to its credit, as it enters on the summer solstice with a following as enthusiastic as ever. There are capes long and short, capes slim and straight or draped in voluminous folds, three tiered capes, reversible capes, capes in striking combinations of two materials in one color or of two colors In the same material, curious" and Interesting capes and cobwebby sketches of capes in georgette or tulle boldly accented with fur. One sees much less of the waistcoat in the summer cape models. It is bard to tell whether the almost total elimination of this feature in all except the strictly sport models is due to the fact that its added wannth is no longer desirable or whether it lias been simply done to death. v, < Collar Arrangements. - - The collar arrangement which wraps around the neck in many folds is still much in evidence,J>ut there are capes with Uedlci collars, capes with a fit- M Cape «f Wavy Blue and Biscuit Silk Poplin. ted yoke and high close-fitting collar and enpes with no more collar than a band about the shoulders. One of the most useful cape models has a very wide band of the fabric folded softly back across the front from hem to hem. This can be gathered snugly about the throat or allowed to fall In gracefully negligent folds around the shoulders as occasion demands. This cape is displayed at its best In two-toned combinations of one material or in different fabrics of identical color. It is handsomely developed in navy blue serge and satin or in castor trlcolette und duveteen. There is a peculiar smartness about the circular three-tiered capes, and there are capes on straight lines also with three tiers, the extremely wide cape collar,which falls well below the shoulder Une forming the upper tier. These capes are at. their best in Poiret twill or gabardine, but it is only fair to say that the useful navy blue serge cape has been relegated to the background which useful old friends are: so frequently required to grace. In dealing with the summer cape there la not much to be said of woolen fabrics except as they are used In combination with silken stuffs or in their unchallenged field, the sport outfit For Sport Wear. For summer sports the strictly serviceable tailored capes of English worsteds and tweeds may be passed over as year round standb.vs, but capes of homespun, dyed in soft fruity colors, have by reason of their light open weave a distinctly summery place in the sport outfit. Wool jersey still has a claim on the summer sportswoman and capes of this fnbrle are frequently seen, the most popular development of this garment being the detachable capo to be buttoned beneath the collar of a sleeveless sport suit. A white wool jersey sleeveless sport suit has a cape of navy blue wool jersey, with white facings Wuttoned back with pearl buttons. ittils forms a very useful aa well as an undeniably attractive costume. A sport cape which is comparatively new and which will Interest many women is fashioned of .channellette. This wool fabric, apparently knit by hand, but In reality a product of the knitting machine, can be purchased by the yard in a variety of gay and lovely colors. It is 36 inches wide and Sufficiently expensive, but as capes of this type are cut very scant and straight a large quantity of the fabric is not required- Narrow bands of Angora knitted wool may also be bought with which capes and sport coats gf channellette are bordered, collared and cuffed. A cape has been designed for country wear of heavy, soft linen crash, lined with bright gingham, which has a certain bizarre charm of its own but comes dangerously near being aa eccentricity. Silk, Satin and Wool. Capes of silken weaves for dfiytlme wear spell summer in every lustrous length of trlcolette or satin and In the crisp and sprightly folds of moire or taffeta. Satin is often used In combinations with wool, either duveteen. gabardine or wool jersey. The upper part of the cape Is usually of satin with a broad band of the woolen fabric at the lower edge. Often the collar is of wool, but frequently of fur. A delectable cape of this type has the lower half of beige wool jersey, the upper half of brown satin and the collar of summer ermine. Satin as well as taffeta is sometimes reduced to the severe cut of the three-tiered cape, but It is at Its best In the more suave and gracious lines of the draped models. One very lovely cape of double-faced satin hns a long scarf front and Is gathered at the shoulders with a small upstanding frill. The soft, dull blue of the under side Is turned back In a wide fold at the neck and down the, front over the navy blue of the exterior. Attractive satin capes in henna, black or blue show the plainness of their surface (broken by roundabout gathered inserts of georgette. Capes of tricolette, often gathered Into wide bands of duveteen or gabardine of the same shade, have a great deal of distinction. Both the plain and fancy weaves are employed, and in the latter case the trimming of,wool fabric Is frequently omitted, while a FOR BLONDES AND BRUNETTES Gave Himself Away. "There goes one fellow who will never complain of the service here again," remarked the head clerk of the Seaview Inn. "What makes you so sure of that?" "He came rushing up to the desk just now as mad as a hornet and demanded to see the *warden.'"--Blrming^ am Age-Herald. . , s Not Real. ' MrS. BScon--I see in a new drama just produced a young man falls in love with his mother-in-law. Mr. Bacon--But you must reu'ember. dear, the young man was only acting. --Yonkers Statesman. Expert Declares Brilliant Colors Do Net Accerd With All Dark Cpm* v pie*ions--For the Fair. All beliefs to the contrary, an expert declares that brilliant colors, such as red and gold, do not accord with all brunettes. To brunettes with a delicate complexion and brown eyes pale blue, periwinkle blue and Chinese rose are much more advantageous. When the skin is tinted more with orange than yellow it can be made roseate by neutralizing the yellow tinge. Yellow, especially maize color, produces this effect upon the blackhaired and chestnut-haired types and in this case suits only the brunettes. Blondes, hpwever, should avoid all yellow tints that more or less resemble the color at their hair. To the lighthaired girl all blues, from navy to the. lightest shade, are eminently suitable. To the maid with golden blond locks or sandy hair the Intermediate colors, such as dark violet and ruby red are becoming. Their .complexions are generally so fresh that the juxtaposition of these colors with their fresh tint produces a most effective contrast. Blondes with flaxen hair and delicate complexions will enhance the charm of their appearance by dressing in gray, pale blue and similar dainty colors. Light chestnut hair is set oil by the same tint as is the blond hair. - As for other colors not mentioned, a delicate green looks well with all fair complexions that are pale, but It Is not becoming to complexions that are more red than rosy nor those that are at all sallow. To the last mentioned cast of skin a dark green will, be less objectionable than a delicate one. Fashion Forecast. Parasols will he a distinct 'eature In the summer costume. They are made 'n alternate colors In the most vivid contrast, or In one-tone effects of taffeta. in brilliant shades. Per Summer Garments. ' VoITe and georgette, with organdie playing a close second, for very stilt and ruffled summer dresses are the favorite materials for hot weather garments. LITTLE GIRLS LIKE RUFFLES Youngsters, Large and Small, Bedecked With Decorations From Waist to the Hem. Afternoon dresses for little girls are made of sheer organdie and batiste. They are frequently made with a sash tied in a stiff bow In the back. Ruffles from the waist to the hem are a favored style of this type of dress. They are seen on dresses for the tiny tot, and for the older girl, too, on thin white organdie dresses, a distinctive feature which is frequently seen Is the hem of colored material. Sometimes these hems are straight, but more often they are scalloped of cut in squares. To match the colored hems on these dresses similar bands of the same material are used on the cuffs and yoke or collar and sash. Sometimes the edge of a white dress Is trimmed with colored ruffles, which are repeated on the sleeve* and at the neck. '• For "party" wear llttl*lnet dresses which are worn over colored slips are in vogue. These little dresses are . A often ruffled and combined with lace and are ribbon trimmed. White Serge in Limelight. th® lineup of fabrics, white se^ge is playing an important part. It is used for very smart tailored frocks, sometimes with a touch of black or bright color appearing in the trimming, and again the garment will be all white. Braid and embroidery are two much used trimming touches, and •bine dressmakers find heavy wool lace desirable as a trimming for a white eerge or broadcloth dress. Model Gown in Black Satin. Black satin brocaded in dull green, night blue, and the edges alight with small crystal beads, is a supreme fabric for evening gowns. One example with this foundation is made in straight lines from the shoulder to border, with the effect of two widths secured at the sides with buckles incrusted with the beads., This to worn over a slip of lilac silk voile. Afternoon frocks show elbow*length sleeves. FRECKLES mm Is ths TIM to Gst W T1*M Ugly Sprtt , l"ll«Vi no longer the slightest need of feellnc •Shamed of your freckles,' ail Othtn«--double strenftta--la (urutead to nssosi these bomelj Simply **t owe of Othtne--doable i Tfroni 7<mr ™<1 «PPly • little 75 " end morning end yon nhould loon see taet ettn the worst freckle* heee begun to die Sppear, while the lighter ones here Tenlahed ea ™*ly. it u a*Mom that nor* than use ouacs li needed to completely clear the skin and gals * „ *u,"u' clear complexion. Be eure to aak for the double strength Othlae, es thla la eold under guarantee of moaaj task m t falls to remove trecklea--idi . pThe following sign Is to be feen Over a small basement restaurant in New York: "Cup of coffee and a roll downstairs, 15 cents." Freshen a Heavy 8Mn With the antiseptic, fascinating CntK cvra Talcum Powder, an exquisitely aeented convenient, economical face, skin, baby and dusting poirder and perfume. Renders other perriimes superfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum).--Adv. Turkish parents punish their naughty children by hitting them on the soles of the feet. Three Out, All Outf "Might I ask how my three-act drama is coming on, sir? Has it been accepted?" questioned the young dramatist eagej-ly. "The three members of the reading committee have read it," replied the manager, "and I think It will do with one act cut out." *T am glad to hear It la no worMb sir," said its author, breathing a sigft of relief. "But,** continued the manager, fortunately each one wants to out a different act,"--Harper's zine, .. Sympathy wanting; all to wanting* The Effects of Opiates. HAT INFANTS are peculiarly susceptible to opium and its various preparations, all of which are narootic, is well known. Even in _ smallest doeee, if continued, these opiates cause changes in the fumy Hons and growth of the cells which are likely to become permanent, causing imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for aloohol or narcotics in later liftok Nervous diseases, such as intractable nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying powers are a result of doeing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiei In their infancy. The rule among physioians is that children should never receive opiates in the smallest doses for more than a day at a t^rnA l and only then if unavoidable. J The administration of Anodynes, Drops, Cordials, Soothing Syrups and other narcotics to children by any but a physician cannot be too strongly denied, and the druggist should not be a party to it. Children who are ill need the attention of a physician, and it is less than a to doee them willfully with narootics. Castoria contains no narcotics if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Ktniiat Castoria always bean the signature HOW MRS. BOYD AVOIDED UN OPERATION Canton, Ohio.--"I suffered from a female trouble which caused me much suffering, and two doctors decided that I would have to go through an operation before I could get well. "Mymother, who had been helped by LydiaE. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, advised ma to try it, before submi tting to an operation. It relieved me from my troubles •o I can do my house work without any difficulty. I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound a trial and it will do aa much for them."--Mrs. MARIE BOYD, 1421 5th 8t, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious conditions where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand eo many women have been cured by this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was Decessary--every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to such a trying ordeaL • If complications exist, write to Lydia E. PinkhamMedicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. The result of many years experience is at your service. Some of the old-time military thrills have been obliterated, They have no bounty-Jumpers now. ' -------- -1 COCA-COLA WniK BE USED TO CHRISTEN ENGINE Practical Illustration. "Why does your husband growl Ml and swear at you when you open UM library' door?" "He says I disturb him when hefe writing articles on how to bring snap, shine Into other people's lives." Kill All Flies 1 DISK ASS** NEW SOUTH WALES INFORMATION BUREAU Sister Bsfldhnt. 1** Bfotdway New York City Will be pl*&*t»<S to wild UoTerrmient Bnlletins or answer any inquiries regarding opportunities for farming, stock raising, fruit growing mining mid InTM&tment In New South Walei- A U S T R A L I A Fortunes for Fishermen. The news that a Fleetwood (England) fisher lad has drawn $155 as his share of the value of a fortnight's catch need occasion no surprise. Owing to the war, the North sea has had a rest which nothing else could have given It, and it now swarms with splendid fish. The result Is seen in phenomenal catches. A few weeks ago an Aberdeen trnwler's cargo sold for $13,300, and there were scores of Instances where over $5,000 was realized under similar circumstances. Such catches mean that each member of the crow receives $250 to $500, in addition to what they make by the sale of the livers and roes from the gutted fish. ~ Turnlno Otis Into Fitt"""""™"*' A very Interesting method of converting liquid oils Into solid fats which has recently come into rather general use is known as h.vdrogenatlon. In this hardening process reduced nickel is employed to effect the combination of hydrogen gas and the liquid glycerids. Program Will Feature Exercises At Fire Hair on Wednesday. (Prom Nashville Tsnnessean.] Ann Dallas Dudley, the new tire enfine at the Waverly-Belmont fire hall, will be christened on Wednesday afteroon at 2 o'clock with appropriate exercises. Mrs. Guilford Dudley, for whom the engine gets Its name. Is one of the state's pioneer suffrage workers and it is due to her untiring work that partial suffrage was given the women of Tennessee. Mrs. Miles Williams, a resident of the twenty-first ward, is chairman of arrangements, and also s pioneer suffragist, and little Judith Winston Folk, the 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reau Folk, also a pioneer suffragist and the youngest member of the Nashville organisation, has been chosen sponsor. Miss Folk has selected as her maids the following young girls, daughters of prominent suffrage leaders: Travanta Dudley, Lenore Kenny, Kate Barksdale, Harriet Ingram, Mary Sue Cantrell, Jane Davis and Elizabeth Smith. At the christening not champagne but a bottle of coca-cola will be broken and thetmalds will shower the engine with yellow flowers. Speeches will be made by Mayor William Gupton, Commissioner Tompkins and Chief A. A. Rosetta. Mrs. Dudley, a member of the national suffrage organization, and Mrs. Reau Folk, chairman of the city organization, will be-honor guests of the occasion.--Adv. '>•> Placed anywhere I-AISY FLY KILLER attrart* aj kill* &1! Neat, e'eaa, ornamental, eooveniant i ehaap. Laataalla c'•aonn'.t sMpialdl oe rotfi pkmov «r| will not toil or tatam anything. Guaranteed FLYD AKIISLYL ER 6 by EXPRESS, orapaaidt. JOSOI T25 d. ealer or ^ HAROLD SOMERS. UO Dm Kalb Ave.. Brooklm, N.& •A HAIR BALSAM a toiUt prapaimtiaa of merit. Help* to eradfoat* dudnl _ For Rastoriac Color aad Booatr toGr»» or Fadod Hair. tOa and llBf at Dmmn HEARTBURN Caused by Acid-Stomach Thnt bitter heartburn. b»!ch!a repent inif. indigestion. Most nfter eating--• all are caused by acid-stomach. But tlM^ are only first symptoms--danger Biftnab warn you of awful troubles if not stopp«a Headache, biliousness, rheumatism, sciatle^ that tired, listless feeling, lack of enargfc dinlness. Insomnia, even cancer and litems of the intestines and many other alls are traceable to ACID-STOMACH. Thousands--yes, millions--of peoplo oaght to be well and strong aro mere lings because of acid-stomach. They starve In the midst of plenty because do not get enough strength and vitality : the food they eat. Take EATON'IC and give your stomach a chance to do Its work rlRht. Malce it etroM. cool, sweet and comfortable. EATONIO brings quick relief for heartburn, belcl»l*B» Indigestion and other stomach miseries. lm~ proves digestion--helps you get full strengtfe from your food. Thousands sajr EATONIO Is the most wonderful stomach remedy la the world. Brought them relief when tiling else failed. .. Our best testimonial la what EATONM will do for you. So get a big B°c bo* SK EATnNlf tnrtav from vour drtursriftt, us*,* flve riot pleased, retwra and *ot vou> • back. fM T Many a friend In need Is allowed t< remain in that position. IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS V traced back to the Kidney disease is no respecter of persona A majority of the iUs afflicting can be _iney troublei The kidneys are the most important organs of the body. They are the filterers of your blood. If the poisons which are swept irom the tissues by the blood are not eliminated through the kidneys, disease oI one form or another «ill claim you as a victim. Kidney disease ia usually indicated by people today can aidi weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, pain in loins and lower abdomen, call stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica '.J '"SIBS'O. ***A11 these derangements are nature's signals that the kidneys need hdpn Tou should use GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules immediately. Thai soothing, healing oil stimulates thv kidneys, relieves inflammation and de* stroys the germs which have paused it* Go to your druggist today and get • box of GOLD MEDALHaarlem OO Capsules. In twenty-four hours should feel health and vigor retu After you feel somewhat impro continue to take one or two ca each day, so as to keep the first condition and ward off the danger other attacks. Ask for the original imported GOl MEDAL brand. Three siaea. Monev funded it they do not help you. County Game Preserves. The Pennsylvania game commission wants to create a game preserve in every county. At the present time preserves nre established only on state forest lands-*-and then only with the permission of the bureau of forestry. Why He Chose Her. "May I have Just one more dance?* "Well, this must be the last. Peopl* will think you're in love with me." "Oh. nothing of the sort--Ifs merely that you're the only girl here I know.* --London Opinion. Health Insurance .! One of the distinctive qualities of food baked with Royal Baking Powder is wholesomeness. This is health insurance of such vital importance that millions of women bake at home just to be sure that Royal Baking Powder is used. Remember the adage--"Bake it with Royal and be sure." DAVA T BAKING KU X IXmj POWDER Absolutely Pure Made ta Gnwa of Tartar derived from ' » Royal Containa No Alum-«X , v--v -leaves Wo Bitter Taste .4

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