Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1919, p. 8

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(Continued tram flni Si P«-3Pi<r'»U * ' •" iVvA * V MattNRY. ILL. #*••&>•-sr^ f.0j* :t 73$l : $V« m >#- • t - i'r ^ • P Pi ^•r v •.•$•;: >¥ j".?. i.r.-,. v:Vl . fc-% h &yz V iv :" f < : •{ V * 4 •'**. «» f.. ' »• f " *" * <*%&« '** W ^ "4 T!:'*r£'iSave~ $10.0ra ^ -'f-^. .*• •; 1 • tT-f" ; # :- •- a. •* ^ • TfK* y : «» •W*; %,>.** .*. • Sf , , .'•.)»• We can make you a saving of $10 on a Suit if you buy of us before the present supply is sold. These Suits were bought at a price so we can sell them for less then we will have to pay for a new supply--so do not delay your purchase until too kite. Call and we will be glad to show you our stock of Suitsaiui let you judge of the saving we will make lor you. \, FREtTNTD WEST McHENRY, ILL. C O M F O R T S FOR SUMMER Let us assist you in making yourself comfortable during these hot summer days. We herewith produce a partial list of our big stock: Awnings '% ; V; * .. Hammocl#^ Ice Boxes Porch ShadaB > • •<*£> v Porch Furniture flndow ShadiH Lawn Seats and Ghaire Porcti and Lawn Swings JACOB JUSTEN ; ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS :i r A desire for aerviee has animated ut in the Wing of our perfectly matchless line of General Merchandise--Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Etc. It, is a good sized job to keep .up a stock In condition to meet the wants of all the people, $Hit that is just what we are doing. We are papered at all times to give you the best of the market-- clean, fresh, satisfying groceries of every description. Try us next time and we'll make good. "JMso see our line of samples from the famous infernational Tailoring company. The snappieit mn m- *••*$ Telephone yf&fl Gooda delivered. WEST McHENRY M. J. WALSH \i- - •• ' •-If. %*•' -• *4-' nt.Kte0$y COUE TO McHENRY July 4th ttans are made to make this 4th of July a day to be remembered. Parade, Dinner, Sports, Music and Dancing. trodden nations of the president of the United States p: the young manhood of the 00Q(|* try that in the event of their going in «rd winning the victory, he would see to it that no nation, no matter how weak, should live under the domination of any other nation, no matter how strong. The president of the United States pledged to the mothers, broken hearted at thenparting with their sons, the same thing. He pledged the fathers that if they opened their purses and ga<fo unstintingly he would see to that same thing. "Our boys went in and the finest army that ever donned a uniform crossed the seas. They fought the war. They won the war. The English say they didn't. The English say they came in at tfyb eleventh hour when the war was won and there was nothing for them to do when they got there. That's the report of field Marshal Haig. When the continental congress looked around for friends, where did it find them? In England? Huh! France came out and Ireland came out. France has been paid a thou 3and fold for what she did for America. When General Pershing1 stood at the head of his men at the tomb of Lafayette and saluting said,' "Layayette, we are here," he brought the noblest hearts that ever beat under a uniform, the noblest men that ever carried a gun or drew a bead on an enemy. He paid the debt. From the North Sea down to Switzerland, all along the western front, there, are little mounds and a THUltiibAY. JULY 3 Lee Kidt g "SMILES' FOX COMEDY * ; I. A Son of a Hun* [ •Wfp---. /jjili-.ifcfr W;?FRK>AY. JULY'* *•'* Tom Mix ^ 2 --IN tflfcfeg of tfee taw A Western Feature SATURDAY. JULY B A Royal Democrat --and-- A Clever Comedy Maggie's First False Step UNDAY, JULY 6 m. Famurn --IN & W'h AND Tom Mix -INA Roman Cowboy evening, the wedding bans having , _ . , . (been read by Rev. Edyrard Berthold, cross at the head, and^ our American| ^ .ttiWd in . navy boys tetany. >" «or«gn soil. Th«y and wore a hat to sleep. They d,ed because the P™Hmatch ^ ,Ilo carrie<l a bo„.,uet dent of fte^United States promts* l( sweet ^ 1(. „ere st. them thatif th.yn»d. the supreme Mr Md Mrs. ^ Mcsacnlice the small nahons of the Andrewil of w^toclt, the l«t.r a earth would be free, allowed to choose ,ife friend .of ^ bride. the,r own form of 8»«™^nt, and tam^iaW ^ ^ ceI.em01w because they^ loted hberty. couple Irft for Crystal Lake they loved the flag, they wnted tflk th a tr>in for , nations to have the nght to choosel hort ho ooD after which they as they had the right to choose the 1 ^ Woodstock> they form of government under which they I m,k, their fature home. l'«d They died for that principle, The brjde js onc of McHenry's daughters «.d has always have broken f a i t h witt the dead that lade ^ her home. ^ sleep on Flanders Fields will ever L t eteht ye.ra she hu h«n hear the mockmg voices of the dead, in ^ ,ocal exctlange of a, who in the night, in th. day, •» «« chi Te,ephone company, where puet hours, ««^say to them You L servic(.s hm<, >lways ^ h(iId have broken faith with us who Lvaluable Dorfng Ox last two and •4.4»:> The 4th of r '^V;' I f - /V ^ " gi. v-;x ,, ... ... ... ^ , iv *• r- ~ means more than the flare erf rockets and the roll of dramg--W symbols of our patriotic celebrations. For this Ay commemfj orates the birth of a nation--of a "Government of the people^ by the people, tor the people,** which stand* today a leader on the earth. • »• ^ Each generation has streng&ened the greatstructureof Americanism founded on the ideals expressed in America's Declaim ation of Independence-ideals to which today the world aspires. With'thankful hearts and a fitted purpose to be worthy atoncjl of those gone before and of tasks ahead, we will celebnw t^ia glfrriftiwi • Pay of lit--,-- Z"/A II« ut >«' Q" THE BEVERAGES and ther,e.f ore . we can not slee.p ,„ tho .one-half years of her employment poppies blow in Flanders Fields. 1 Applause interrupted the' sP«ker|operlitor ^ her" ever cheerful hom' disposition »d amiable manner she the truths that he del.«red with such LJ ^ ^ ^ high magnificent eloquence Many were of a multitude of tricnds astonished to hajr of the English ^ m ^ made ^ county atrocilM M not know to, re- home fw aeyeral year8 ^ pnt of thetttee delegates, Wabh, reMnt| returned ^ Ryan and Dunne, and hence to them ta Prance, where lie ,t came as a revelation that th. lor himself d. a toglish^overnment h^,been branded ^ ^ „ g army Prevlous hrfore tte world with th. rf hjs ^ he wa8 «,e murder of men, worn.* »d chiU l of the 01iTer trpe. dren who have beei, done to d^th ^ ^ Woo4rtod[> „here ,n the most atrocious ways by that he ^ ^ loyed for a nwlhet government And this not He will return to his forcentunes ago, but now, for even at m ^ ^ 01ivet 0„ the present moment the finest typeal^ ^ Woodst()ck of scholarly Irish men and women McHenry friends extend to than languish an^ie ,n loathsome English Lheir congratulations. dungeons. That the great majorityl do not know these things only shows I Sells His Farm the malignant propaganda that thel MathiaB Freund, who resides be- British government is and has been I tween Johnsburg and Spring Grove, carrying on in these United States I sold his 100 acre improved farm on and the closeness of the English I Monday morning of this week for censorship of the news. I $250 per acre to Jacob J. Freund of If the English atrocities were blaz-1 Spring Grove. The farm is one of oned on the bill boards as were thosel the best and most improved in this of Germany during the war, thel section. The sale also includes all world would stand aghast at the un-lof the equipment, farm machinery paralleled brutality of England and land dairy, consisting of 23 high grade its monumental hypocrasy. IHolsteins. The former owner is The senate, the congress, the I considered one of the most successful American Federation of Labor know I farmers in this section and being these things and knowing them are I great admirer of good cattle he has opposing with all the power of an I assembled a herd second to none in enlightened and awakened public I the country. The purchaser has enconscience the attempts to saddle!gaged the services of the former America, the land of the blest with!owner to manage the place for him the curse of English serfdom. Amer-juntil such a time as he can make ica is awftkening, of that there is | arrangements to move, which will abundant evidence, and in that!probably be within the next few awakening lies the hope of freedom I months. for the people of Ireland, who have! Frank Freund Sella Out with a unanimity unknown in the who during the past annals of Watery ™Pudia^ three years has been engaged in the more, and for ever the nationitha| draying and transferring business in has merited the execration of a jthig vinage) s-/id out the business the Hberty loving P«ple_ E of ^ w^k to William and At the close of ^ ^d^8 . Herman Schaefer, who have already Reverend Father MeEvoy proposed it over. Schaefer Bros, are that a rising vote of thanks be given ! ^ ^ knQwn to ^ people to the speaker. It was given with I ^ an introduction, cheer by as fine an audience as I t t want to make it known that ever greeted a speaker in this vi-l^ ^ ^ on ^ job eyery min. cimty* , . , ute and will set forth their very best A resolution was unanimously!^ to their patron8 the very adopted to thank Senators Borah, I q{ seryice at all times. Mr. Walsh and Congressman Mason, who wishes to exffio ati-tjoat-'tound so/t Rome -was not l>iiilt in. BPVO'S popularity be* came countrywide in diree months because • of five years prepay ation in perfecting the hevera»e. v S*td v*9tfwkof - Famitlet supple b, drufihtamJ Vistfpes aro inritodio inspect 9urpl*ntT ^ 4|#4HEUSER-8US<SH StLOUP ^ XRockford Coci-Crta Botfltafl C§. WholMil* Distributor* ROCKI'ORD, IT' *1 SMITH BROS. • ' '• "• 41 •' 4"W Tl McHENRY, ILLINOIS loyally stand by the fundamental principle of our Declaration of Independence, in voting for the recognition of the independence of the Irish Republic. This resolution was dispatched by night letter to the three gentlemen mentioned, and the meeting closed with veryone filled with a new enthusiasm for the prosecution of liberty for all people, the Irish in eluded. --Rev. M. J. McEvoy. POPULAR COUPLE WED Miaa Theresa BarMaa Becwi of Glaim S. Shale* BrMe Miaa Theresa Barbia®, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian, highly respected citizens of this village, and Mr. Glenn S* Shales of Woodstock were united in marriage at St. Mary's parsonage in this village it 7:80 o'clock- last Saturday Freund, who retires, wishes to express his thanks to the public for the patronage accorded him during the three years he served them and trusts that all will give his successors the support to which they are entitled. " Home Improvement Meeting At the meeting of the Home Improvement association at the school building in McHenry on Wednesday afternoon, June 25, the subject of "Planning of Rational Diet," or "Food in Relation to Health," was discussed. This was an open meeting of the McHenry Township association and the large crowd of interested lis teners proved the force of Miss Blair's work, and the enthusiasm evinced by each attendant after the meeting was certainly a compliment to our clever, helpful agent. Members have found these meetings of so much asi8tance that they ask all AT HONEST PRICES jyf" ; j is the secret of our success and for this very same reason our business keeps right on growing. Our constant aim is to give our patrons 100% value for every dollar expended with us. Our line of staple and fancy groceries is always complete. M. M. Niesen McHeary Phone M-W EAST SIDE (AStl MABffl & Mr • WE HANDLE KERBER'S Lard, Bacon, Ham aad Sausages. Fresh^ Vegetables at all times. Orders promptly ^ delivered. Try our sugar cured corn beef, "Henry'Heuser fM*, PHONE 57-M McHENRY, 114- meetings, dates of which will be noted in The Plaindealer. A Fine Musical Treat The fourth annual pupils' r«eital, given by Miss Kathryn Buch at the McHenry school auditorium on Monday evening of this week, proved a delightful occasion for those who availed themselves of the opportunity of listening to the splendid program as presented by Miss Buch's pupils in music. The program, according to those who heard same, was the most pleasing ever presented by this talented young lady and her large class of pupils and those who failed to turn othacs who en do m to attend Jntwftj ^ , missed an exceptionally fine treat. P H I L I P JAEGER GENERAL cormissioN MERCHANT Jf*"* .. SPBOlAli ATTENTION GIVWI TO TH* SA.LB OF teased Beef, rttttton. Hogs, Vaal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and EgfS Tlilals the oldest home on the street. Tags aad pries lists famished «gi STORAGE FREE ~ ; "T;}' Stall . •- CHICAQO; H.LINOIS; WkdMSli Mcrkat. - L IjlJ

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