/ THUB8DAY, 9,1928 Statm* Gold gold mined In the United a the Appalachians flrat gold shipped to the mint for from Southern states was _ North Carolina la 1804 ; In >9, Virginia and Sooth Carolina; 1890, Georgia; In 1881, Alabama :jiZ mu4 Tennessee, and In 1868, Maryland "V • shipped gold to the mint for coinage 4;: * Vacation Notice Mf office at Sharon, Wis., and Harvard, 111., will be closed from F«$. 18 to April 10. Patients having broken glasses may send same to American Optical Co^ Box 804, Chicago, I1L 35-2 DR. CHAS. TREAT. Our own labeled 46-volt "B" batter- 5, guawiteed at $2.65 each. Nye Radio Shop. 36 WEEKLY PERS0NA1S COMERS AND GOERS OF A IK OUR CITY utinil Homes ••it. ' V"" Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. let us give this name to our citj^ Many parts of it are already beautiful. Many homes already bear the imprint of loving eire and good taste. " " But with other homes therSe is-jjtel^ro&ui for ; provement. ' v j; ': , 'V.? < •r> ; " ,r-.; ... . .As lumber dealers, we take this oppoi jiedge our best efforts, our wide experience and ottr thorough knowledge of - building materials in making McHenry even more beautiful, an even pleasant er in which to live. m Aft Been By, Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends J. W. Smith waa a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. William Spencer was a Ohicago visitor Monday. < Mrs. Robert Thompson wa^ a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrsi Goggins of Waukegan visited friends here Sunday. Harvey Gascon of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrand visited at ; f-; ENRY LUMBER Quality and Service First West McHenry CO. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koerner visited relatives at Elgin Sunday. Richard Stenger of Waukegan visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey were Chicago visitors Thursday. Mias Ruth Whiting 6f Chicago spent the weelj-end with relatives here. William Carr of Lakewood, Ohio, is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith visited with relatives at Lake Geneva Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer and family were Elgin visitors Sunday. Miss Marjorie Phalin of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Mary Powers and daughter, Jean, were visitors at Round l>ake on Sunday. - Miss Katherine Walsh spent the week-end in the C. W. Stenger home at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArthur of Elgin visited relatives here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe motored to Chicago Sunday, where they visited relatives and friends. Mrs. George Mix of Chicago is enjoying a two weeks' visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Howard Phalin of Notre Dame spent the week-end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago spent a recent day in the home her son, C. J. Reihansperger. Jerome Sievert and Ivan Zuelsdorf of Chicago visited friends and relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Stanton And daughters, Emily, and Mrs. Charles Jorgenson of Long Lake were guests of Mrs. Mary Powers Friday. Miss Angela Petesch returned to the University of Illinois the first of the week, atfer visiting her parents for a few days. Miss Alice Miller returned to the University of Illinois Monday morning, after spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Miller. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. James Powers and family visited at Sycamore Sunday. • Dorothy Knox was an Elgin visitor Thursday. Mrs. Ray Conway waaan .Elgin visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sampson were Elgin visitors Monday. James and Joseph Walsh visited at St. Charles Saturday night. Mayor and Mrs. P. W. Frett visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Worts visited relatives in Chicago Sunday.' Miss Genevieve Knox of Elgin spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh visited relatives in Elgin over the week-ehd. Mrs. William Maifchall and sotn, Earl, visited at Forest Park Saturday. Mayor P. W. Frett and daughter, Charlotte, visited at Springfield -Monday. Mrs. Laura Kent and daughter, Ruth, were Waukegan visitors Thursday. Mrs. Ed Malone of Elgin spent one day last week*in the M. J. Walsh Miss Katherine Tron of Chicago was a guest in the Charles Rietesel home Sunday. Mrs. John S. Freund aiid daughter, Lillian, were Waukegan visitors on Thursday. Mrs. P. H. Weber visited her husband at the Augustana hospital in Chicago Tuesday. MrS. John Montgomery and family of Forest Park visited in the George Meyers home Sunday. Mrs. Eugene Matthews of Crystal Lake was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald Sunday. Mrs. Pat Moriarity of Chicago spent several days last week as a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. George Worts. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear, in company with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of Ringwood, were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and sonr Richard, of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rictcscl Mrs. Elizabeth Gruenfeldt and daughter, Mrs. John McMann, of Chicago visited friends here over the week-end. Misses Gladys and Pamela Rietesel of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietesel Miss Charlotte Frett spent several days last week in Chicago, where she visited in the home of her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Conley. Miss Katie Keefe and brother, Edmund Keefe, of Spring Grove were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox Tuesday. Thomas Bolger, district commander of the American Legion, attended the booster meeting for the Boy Scouts at Wcodstock Monday evening. Guests who spent Sunday in the E. Knox- home on Waukegan street were Anns' Knox, John Maher, William Donahue, Harold Powers and John Sutton of Chicago and Miss Georiana Donohue of Huntley. Edna Getat spent Saturday in Chicago. H. E. Buch was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Paul Brefeld was a Waukegan visiton Saturday. '7* 7 Miss Dorothy^Mianer visited In Chicago Saturday. . \ Miss Lucile O'Dwyer Was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Herman SteffeS was a Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Esther teller was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Miss Vena Fouids visited friends here over the week-end., Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and son, Rollo, were. Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dana McKnight visited relatives at Aurora over the week-end. Miss Cornelia Freund of Chicago Rpent the week-end at her home here. Richard Bishop of Chicago wfes a guest in the James Perkins home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Waukegan visited friends here Sunday. Franklin Lacey of Chicago was a -end guest in the James Perkins Mrs. Anna Muller of Chicago spent the week-end as the guest at Mrs. Martha Page. Mis. Robert Bracher returned to her home from St. Joseph's hospital at Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chicago visited with relatives here the first of the week. Miss Mary Brefeld is spending a few weeks in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Mulligan at Elgin. V ' *"• Miss Frances May of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. May. Mrs. J. AatingGi* and *on of Wauconda were recent guests of Ifr. and Mrs. Fred J. Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Glosson of Waukegan visited in the home of Mr. and MVs. Fred Karls Sunday. Edward J. Brefeld of Chicago visited in the home of his parents, MSr* and,! Mrs. B. J. Brefeld, Thursday. Mrs. Mary Dowell of Wauconda visited in the home of Mr, and'Mr«| Fred Dowell Oneway last 'weeK^ ; Miss Mary "McAndrews Wood* stock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J* F. McAndreWs. ' ,\ M^fand Mrs. "Will Thorsell #nd 4ai*i\ ily at Schaumbrtrg #p«*nt Sun<&iyjrv.the home of the former's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander at Hebron Sunday, • Mrs., R. Bracher of J Liberty viljjie spending a few w$eks in the home of her son, Robert Bracher and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son of Chicago visited in the Fred Kamholz home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Carr of Lakewood, Ohio, Mary Foley and son, Albert, of Ridgeville, Ohio, and Mrs. Cassie Harte, who have spent the past week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,M. | Phalin and other relatives Teturn^d to theii: homes the first of the week. ii'L v; -f * ^ y--'Vn -.. - a m-u ijjj Business Going on as. UsnalPitS •4 W', w: VJ;; •1 Thomas- P. Bolger 5 ; THE McHENRT DRUGGIST J : ' . adassified All for Quick Resilfs Phone 3 West McHenry JL AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS The steaks you get here as good as they look--- even better we believe you will find them. - Out the exact thickness you order from prime beef.^ We also can provide "you the Very besrt; in any' kind of meats--and groceries, too. j If; - i-r . FREE! J w FREE! FREE! GIVEN AWAY MAY 10, 1928 •'*•%• '%o". First Prize AT WATER KENT L-ELECTI RADIO CHIME CLOCK Sold Exclusively by Knox Motor Sold Exclusively ty Nye Both Prizes on Display at Wattles Drug - ^ • . " " k : ; ; Bf:'- • • ' Full Information as to the Giving A way of These Prizes ••> . Can be Obtained at This Store WATTLES DRUG STORE :• .'-I ;->V " • \- :'A.