BOWUSti LEJUTOES i • * vf • >v,>: *-• .'lite tMM of the Business Men's individual bowling league bowled their regular d Harrison gamfs on Wednesday evening of lastly Page .....1 week with the Mutual Life team hav-; H Bacon ing the hiphest total number of 2327 j T Bolder ... pins for the evening. Lester Page of p Schoewer the Mutual Life team had the high score of 199 for a single game for the evening and also the high score for three games with 506 pins to his credit. The Mutual Life won two out of three games with the McHenry Lumber Co., team and the Firemen won two out of three games with the Dodge team. The, scores were as follows: C. Freund 175 126 1S1 R. Thompson 117 172 150 H. Hughes 146 1®® 1^9 G. Weber -.*• 126 145 183 McHenry Lumbef Co. ..28,526 792.89 •. 27,476 763.21 i Total No. Av.per ,•/ pins games game .6,284 36 174.55 ...*,674 27 173.11 .......5,100 ...........4,534 ..:„......8,459 C. Freund. 5,845 J. Sayloi* .6,348 R. Page ..5,670 G. Weber ...6,820 2L W 119 182 152 432 439 473 454 453 Team J. Sayler \y. Richardson .. D. Harrison L. Page ........... T. Bolger .......... ^ 683 798 775 2251 *50 1-3. 130 151 124 405 151 146 136 423 192 141 170 503 152 199 155 506 159 184 147 490 lu S'off el .........4.503 E. Smith- 5,142 R. Thompson -- 5,751 H. Kreutaer „....4,764 W. Bickler 4,594 D. Granger .2,972 H. C. Hughes 6,619 H. Logenbach 5,394 H. Weber .... 5,491 J. Perkins 4,723 E. Kinsate 4,150 W. Richardson 3,594 G. Gunderson ....4,104 R. Weber L.3,214 30 27 21 «6 33 35 36 28 32 36 30 29 19 36 35 36 31 27 24 28 23 170 167.92 164.71 162.36 162.06 162 161.66 160.82 160.69 159.75 158.80 156.86 156.42 156.08 154.11 139.73 159.35 SLOCWTS LASS Grand totals 110,749 695 The first and second teams of the Page Smith spent Monday at Zion City. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were callers at Libertyville last Saturday. Claire Smith spent Saturday night with friends at Crystal Lake. . Arthur Wackerow and Rollin Dowell attended the movie at the Grove theatre Saturday. Hr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Elgin visited at the home of the former's parents here Sunday. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with relatives at Oak Glen farm. Chesney Brooks was a dinner guest of Mrs. Julia Broncheon at Wauconda" last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and 152.531 children spent last Thursday night at 152.35; £he home of IQr. and Mrs. Earl Con- 150.37 verse. 149.66 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler and 146.57 son 0f Waukegan spent Sunday with relatives at Ardelow farm. Mrs. H. J. Shaffer and Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry spent Tuesday at SfeBi&G GROVE Foresters bowling league met two j^e home of their parents f 784 821 732 2327 -. ^&nni Wage* 775 2-3. J. Perkins 108 176 187 471 D. Granger 131 162 184 477 W. Bickler 160 164 160 484 H. Schoewer 131 155 438 E. Smith . 152 14S 149 450 teams from Elgin lastw eek, with the following results: - Elgin. A. J. Westerman 173 P. Westerman 162 J. Danielek ...........155 C. Goedert A. ikies ten MVHeniy ' ..158 ..131 285 178 156 228 173 188 193 180 170 159 779 960 890 average, 773 1-3. H. Kreutzer 166 166 164 R. WTeber «... 142 141 108 H. Logenbach -- -173 14® 178 R. Page --.177 139 156 G. Gunderson 146 167 116 682 806 832 23201 Simon 496 391 497 472 429 E. Smith E. Freund ..... H. M. Weber G. Jus ten 153 ...137 112 .....*.....214 ............151 162 187 147 174 212 173 182 178 179 150 804 759 722 2285 fteam average, 761 2-3. Two thirds of the games of the Business Men's league have been played and the results of the first thirty-six games are as follows: - . Mutual Life won 26 lost 10. McHenry Lumber Co., won 19 lost 17. Firemen won 15 lost 21. , Dodge won 12 lost 24. H. Bacon holds the high score for a single game with 234 and has high evening score of 616. The Mutual P. Schmitz J. Danner ......... J. Hebeisen ..... B. Schmit* ..... E. Westerman 157 ..........114 203 J.. 157 „...148 1«1 168 176 147 155 Miss Sophia Roesslein of the flats spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Eatinger and three children and Mrs. Mary Dowell spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. » Mrs. F. B. Carr spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, called for her in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Rossow and son of Chicago were Sunday evening guests 137 jat the home of Mr. and Mrs.~Henry 195 j Winkler at Ardelow farm. 2331 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and 158 Dick Fleming of the Knox agency of - McHenry has \fcen exhibiting a new Ford on our streets the past week. Our hustling Oakland age^t, Joseph Rauen, has delivered three Pontiacs the past week. - Among those who -• attended the auto show at Chicago Thursday were, Joseph Rauen, Joseph Brown, Paul Weber and Albert Brits. Mrs. Charles Behrnes as a Chicago passenger Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and sons mo'.ojred to Wilmot Thursday and spent the day with Mrs. Wagner's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Nick freund and two daughters motored to Fox River Grove Sunday to spend the day with their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner and son, Vernon, of Chicago spent Friday at the home of Frank Wagner. Mr. and .Mis. William Baueman are enjoying the new Pontiac just purchased through the Oakland agent, Joseph Rauen. 'Mr. and Mrs. James Oxtoby and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cornish motored through the adjoining lake region Thuisday on a pleasure trip. Mts. Charles Behrnes was a Walworth passenger Thursday. Miss' Francis Britz of Willmette was a Wednesday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brits. Miss Edna Sweet spent Friday af- Ic noon at the Wade Sandborn home. _j4- • Id Tales Interesting Bits of News Taken >m the Columns of the I'iaindeater Fifty and Yeam ; „•« .. $• Ago •*-i February, 1878 The_Chicago markets quote prices on the folowing: flour, choice winter, $6.50; wheat, No. 2, spring, $1.04%; corn, No. 2, .39%; hogs, live, good to choice, $3.71. A gentleman from Cork, with one of those melodious instruments called a Scotch bagpipe, has been entertaining our citizens for a few days; Since his departure the boys have been pinching pig tails, in order to get the same sound and it is the opinion of many that they succeed admirably. The Greenback club met at Riverside hall on Monday evening last in pursuance of call, and elected permanent officers as follows: president, A. II. Hanly; vice-president, J. W. Kimball; secretary, M. Kelter; treasurer, Homer Wattles; standing com Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby spent a: mittee, Messrs. Smith, Searles, C. V. pleasant evening in the home of Wm.lStevens aiuj E> Griswold. Representative to district committee, H. Wattles, Esq. The ice company are still at work C. Freund ... A. Justen ... J. Weber J. E. Freund H. Weber 784 ,.^m...137 ..209 ,„_...170 .158 ..174 807 183 119 156 190 161 Volbrach1; of Wilmott and enjoyed an oyster supper. Armor Burke, Miss Florence Beck cf Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Walter i on the pond and have a large portion Gabe and son, Richard, spent Thurs- }t already skimmed, and unless it day evening in the home of J. J. j pgain freezes will soofl be obliged to Wagner. j discontinue for want of ice. They Grandma Ross passed away at her j have shopped shipping and are now 167 son of Crystal Lake accompanied by home Wednesday morning, after an|fiHjng their large homes • iff- Tnpidly -- i Mrs. Clara Smith visited at the home illness of many weeks. Funeral was!ag p08Sjble. 890! 0f Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks Sunday. ' held Saturday morning from St. 163 I Mr. and Mrs. W. E.. Brooks and son,! Peter's Catholic churchy At the time 156; Chesney, attended the funeral of Mrs. of her death she was seventy-nine 1961 c. W. Stenger at Waukegan last years of age. 179 • Tuesday. 1361 Mrs. Harry Ma'thews and son, Robert, spent last Thursday evening 830, at the George Blackburn home at Wauconda. February, 1903 M. Engeln will soon have a patented She leaves to mourn! 8Prinklin* device which wil1 of her passing, five children, three | «ie,at value to farmars and gardeners, brothers and one sister and hosts of other" relatives an'd friends. 848 809 Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner and The teams of the Forester's bowling ~ , . league bowled Thursday evening withj Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday at Johnsburg eaily Wednesday and at Life team have high single game °i ;resu]ts as follows: Ed Freund made j the Joe Dowell home. ' tended the funeral cf Mrs. Eva Frett. 977 and also high evening score of ^ record for the evening with two! Charles Tegtmier of Crystal Lake Alf ei Richardson, N. N. Weber and ! bcth as a labor saver and from the standpoint of economy. Pure cream is now beiAg put up in son, Vernon, of Chicago motored to one-half and pint bottles at the Borden factory, a move that is much appreciated by McHenry people. John H. Freund this week announce^ 2708. Team games of 223 each.. Total pins av. per game, B Smith 155 Mutual Life 29,909 830.811 j Freund .T.....125 Firemen .....128,561 793.36jjj jsjye ii,iii-- 125 jW. Meyers 169 McHENRY GRAVEL Ik |G. Justen 125 EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished on Request ' High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 654-M-2 McHenry 186 125 125 162 125 his candidacy for re-election to the the f'lnoraT'cf kTsTstengTr at~Wau-1 °ffice highway commissioner. Mr. Freund will no doubt receive the solid Mrs. Leon Van Eavory and two chil-1 !uPP°.rt of the voters who use the new j 699 723 jL. Smith 127 156 1 M. Steffes^ :...139 141 G. Freund 95 166 G. Boley .......125 125 E. Freund 223 156 658 H. J. Weber F. Rosing ..... x C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. • • ' Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Oflee Hoars--8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 4 and H. M. Weber L. Heimer . P. Freund . J. Weber J. Williams 709 744 721 ...128 157 136 ...148 138 114 ...109 134 121 ...155 167 132 ...145 178 182 645 773 691 ...168 168 152 ...146' 133 149 ...:147 146 137 ....125 125 125 122 174 168 j spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Math Rauen attended 157 j Mrs. W'ayne Bacon. 125 • Miss Lillian Winkler spent Sunday kegan Wednesday. 125 j with Miss Fern Nichols at Roseville. Mrs. Leon Van . T , , ... ... .. . 126! Miss Myrtle Darell of Crystal Lake drcn, Miss Dorcthy and Allen, spent I ° +r It, was .th^ou^h 125 spent the week-end with home folks. Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Jennie; fiTfof e,project was Mrs. Jennie Eatinger and children Oxtoby. and Mrs. Mary Dowell visited at the Mr. and Mrs. Jess Emmerick of 126 Ray Dowell home'last Thursday even- Wichita, Kan., arrived here on Wed- 101 ing. nesday for an extended visit to their 1461 Willard Darell attended the^ annual mother. They made the trip by auto 1251 meeting of the Life & Casualty Co.," and report the roads good. 223 j of Chicago .in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Ida Westlake and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse ahd Westlake of Solon Mills were Saturdaughter, Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. callers here. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby were 708 744 731 (William Meyers is the lucky winner 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment! o{ the five dollar prize offered by the Office at Residence, Waukegan Road Will Davis spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. _ Mrs. Raji Dowell accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of Wauconda to Highland Park Monday. 1 Mrs. Raymond Lusk spent last Wed- 1491 nesday at the Blomgren home. She accompanied Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and spent the afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case. Miss Ethel Eatinger visited with her cousin, Dorothy Dowell, frcm last Thursday until Sunday night. ( Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews at- Phone 181 McHenry, 111 WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer Oflee with Kent & CoaMMf f McHenry, DL Thomas Garvin at Wauconda Jlonday Sunday morning. Palace bowling alley for the week. He tended their Euchre club party, enterwon it with a score of 252. Mrs., tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Weber won the ladies' prize of a two-pound box of cand with a score of 177. On Monday evening the teams of the Foresters bowling league bowled their regular games with H. M. Weber having the high single game score of Geneva City callers Friday. Mrs. Davey is spending a few v e»ks in Chicago with frien(fak Mis. Ida Castle is spedning a few^ weeks in the home of C. L. Stevens. The lecture given by Mr. Miller, a Missionary from Peru, on the life of the Peruvians. The Rev. Boli brought Mr. Miller wi'h him. Rev. Boli will be w?tn us a^ain next Sunday instead of h is usual two veeks. Everyone should come out and meet the Rev. Boli.' Winn of Chicago and Arhtur Winn of Bristol, Wis., called on their sister. Mr a. J. J. Wagner. Saturday a*tf>riorn, Dondal remaining until first launched. The McHenry Pleasure club now has forty members. There will probably be more applications for memberships before the first of March when the initiation fee is advanced from $5.00 to $10.00. Joe Blake will soon be sporting a new covered milk wagon which is now being built by Peter Schoewer. The running gear is almost as light as that of a carriage but it it well ironed and will stand rough usage. Northwest Conference •last Saturday evening. at Wauconda Telephone No. 106-R. Stoffel & Reihanspefger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOI8 fWne 126-W. Reasonable Sates A. H. SCHAEFBB Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS evening. Mrs. Matthews received the second prize. Mildred Hoffman was a dinner guest at the home of her sister at Crystal Lake Tuesday. 9HA .j., | Many from this community attended M foblws: I the basketball tournament of the H. J. Weber F. Rosing . A. Schaefer J. P. Weber H- 2d. W#her 772 L. Srtrftfc 158 M. Steffes 125 G. Freund 140 G. Boley E. Freund ... liswe-Ii Sure-losnnBtt WITH Wm.G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phnne M-R ' McHENRY, ILL ...162 112 ...139 ...159 .200 ....125 ....208 133 .151 Ml-.* Clara Raum. who has spent the last three months at Antioch, is home for a week's visit with her par-* ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen. She expects to spend a few weeks with Mrs. James Carey at Twin Lakes. J. A. James of Rockford and Emma Barrows of Beloit were Sunday caller! at R. D. Carr's. - -• Expert ".J ^ About the only person wn» *en wtW* ly make a living out of these guessing rontestr In the man In the weather •Mireau.--Kl Pipw Tliuf* - * - For BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION BETJTER SERVICE See DR. HENRY FREUND Pnes Bldg. McHenry, Illinois. Hours: 7 to 9 p. m. except Saturday; Wednesdays 9 a. m. to < J 9 p. a. » Phones: OfjSee McHenry 182 Beafdenoa,^lidcLuaj 176. ^ w • H. Schaefer ... P. Weber H. Simon N. Meyers, ... J. £. iffeund ^ ; 712 A. Justen 125 M. Baur 125 C. Freund 160 T. Shelton JL 145 H. Freund .T!.. 121 " 776 733 709 On Tuesday evening, Feb. 7, /the Dutch put it all over the Irish by winning two out of three games with a total of 127 pins to the good in their bowling match at the Palace Alleys. Thomas Bolger was the Irish champion with 589 pins and an average of 196% while "Stubby" Justen was the champion of the evening with 645 pins to his credit and an average of 215. The 1 games were as follows: Priea T. Bolger H. Bacon .... E. Sutton .. J. Bolger .. E. Conway S. Justen H. Simon .... J. E. Freund 187 193 209 ...146 182 162 ,1.145 146 110 ..-.171 149 180 ....:.158 125 144 589 490 401 500 427 t-To« &n«v • w 1M.» . . 1241 a.T#e«Krllad*> ISM **<«w«rff) - ih* 'Sstsia K>Tm PbmI DtMnrf . Cm (Compht.) $7* tnit) Faster!.... More speed! e.... It is the demaod of business* Graham Brothers Trucks and Commerial Cars Vi provide business with the desired Speed--and with safety and economy--the speed that means more trips per day, more money earned. t The Sign The little things you do Indicate your fitness or unfitness to do big things. The little things make you or betray you. * " • '• " %,v Add Mixed Metaphor* fliMUicial paper: "WheB It was found that the market .was In this condition^ the bears drew tn their 'horns.'"--Boston Transcript a *,.• Baving money for the rainy days of old age # misfortune is-an admirable faa^t.' ^ feut it's just as worthwhile and a lot more interesting to lay aside for the sonny day when -, '^ opportunity comes knocking at your do<NT« -r • you haven't begun already, you'll Wanf Id ,*tart now getting ready for that sunny day Uy J»ving regularly. w v. A Need Tires? s-.' ^ .• If you do need them now or Will in the near future, bujr right away as tires are the cheapest they have been and the market looks like an increase. You can buy Standard Tires here tsfcittp fh iprftee as the mail order houses sell the ordinary kind. Let us . *. '"V-1 ' V, : _ ^ All Vulcani»ng anarantee^ Tires and Tubes and AcceSsdfM, Ckr B&tteries, all sisds, Radio A, B and C Batteries WALTER J. FREUND . Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanising, Battery Charging and Repairing West McHenry/ Illinois 807 795 805 2407 235 195 215 645 .*....151 141 167 .172 168 164 H. Schaefer 159 146 141 A. Meyers ......155 136 189 459 504 446 480 872 786 876 2584 Some Cetue to Live According to a contemporary R. L. Stevenson advised "Live dangerously from Saturday to Monday." The Monday mornjng newspaper reports show that a lot of people are following his advice. Business men, alert far profit, buy more than $65«000,000 worth of them a year* James Morrow Sc Son Waukegan and West McHenry X, *' -..Tv _ ' ^ That youthful bloom can be kept fa their cttl^ks if you use reasonable care in the choosing of their diet. By all means include a good cereaJi in each day's menu. McHenry Flour Mills-- , All Wheat Breakfast J^ereal is one of the best foods you can buy. It is riot made from ebeap grautt* l>ut it is the very heart of the wheat (with the germ left in) and nothing else. And it is just as healthful-and, appetizing to the *lder people as to |he youngstere. This food is put up in generous five-pound bags (no extra cost for fancy packages) and will be found on sale at nearly all the grocery stores in McHenry. Directions for cooking will be found printed on each bag. You'll find the cost a^reat deal lower than for any similar food on the market. / \\ "Made in McHenry" ^TRUCKS IMcHENRY FLOUR ^ JProp, ILLS ^i^IcHenty m-M