Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1928, p. 4

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' v;.| * > „ , yv t* \V*^\ , THURSDAY, FIB. 23, 1028 \ THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER wz Published every Thursday at McHenry 111., by Charles F. Renich. £ntered a» second-class mattrr at the ;dvr the act of May 8. 187®. poetofllce at McHenry, IDn un- Iv ON Yeai .. SIk v '• - . I -• Sdbscripttaa B . .. $2.00 ... «..£L00 1# in " * ' ' • A H. MOSHER. Cditor and Manager f BittUijr Surprise . Mrs. John McEvoy was very pleasantly surprised at her home on Tuesday afternoon, the occasion being planned in honor of her birthday which occurred later in the week. All then journeyed to the home of Mrs. Peter Doherty, where five hundred, euchre and bunco were played during the afternoon. Mrs. N. J. Nye won the first prize in five hundred, Mrs. Thos. Bolger the first prize in euchre and Itrs. Thomas Wilson won the first prixe in bunco. A pair of embroidered pillow cases was presented to Mrs. McEvoy as the guest of honor prize. Those present were Mesdames John McEvoy, Peter Dohertv, Mike Knox, Will Burke, J. J. Doherty, D. A. Powers, Thomas Bolger. Mary Mc- Cabe. Mary S. Powers, John Miller, M. J. Walsh, N. #NNye, M. A. Sutton, Ed Sutton, Ed iCelter, George Frisby, Mary Carey, Anthony Blake, Thomas Wilson, B. Relihan, Ellen Bolger and Misses Etta Powers, B. Doherty, Mary Doherty, Kate McLaughlin and Nancy Frttby. A delicious luncheon was served, which ended in the serving of a birthday cake and a shower of birthday cards to Mrs. McEvoy. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CIRCUIT CLERK > Harvard, 111., Feb. 9, 1928. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Circuit Clerk of Mc- Henry County, Illinois, subject to the action of the Republican voters of said County at the primary to be held on Tuesday, April 10, 1928. I will appreciate the vote and support of the electors of McHenry County. r WILL T. CONN. rv ig. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS & ELMO SCOTT WATSON 'Sot Talra USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS FOB 8ALK Valentine Party Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Freund entertained a numbeT of their friends at a Valentine party at their home FOR ftOAD COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for road commissioner, McHenry township, subpect to the will of the voters at the election to be held on Tuesday, April 3, 1928. JOHN BOYLE. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of circuit clerk of McHenry county, subject tp the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries on April 10, 1928. Your vote and support will be appreciated. WILLIAM R. CAIRNS, FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER I will be a candidate for the office of Road Commissioner of McHenry township, subject to the will of the NEW FOX RIVER HOME -, On Riverside Drive, McHenry; two DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON years old' first house outside McHenry HAND limits; with 50 ft. river frontage, 1927 Ford Coupe $225 225 ft- deeP. on high grounds all 1924 Tudor Sedan 95 beautifully shrubbed and treed; a 1926 Dodge Business Sedan. 545 lar&e hou8« completely furnished, gas, 1925 Dodge Special Coupe 895 electricity and running water, concrete 1924 Dodge Touring 160 basement, furnace heat, plastered and 1926 Nash Coach .* 625 Painted; pier two boats; ready to 1927 Chevrolet Dump Truck 075move »n* Price Photos in International 1-ton truck 885 Chicago at Edw. Trostrud, 4010 North Easy Payment Plan Avenue. At McHenry, see Kent & We have a complete line of trucks Co., or Stilling & Son. 38-tf in * J2n *"d 10,1 in cIo8ed °* BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- ***" i^FSM^RROW * QHN ^ ^'°°° £oUr m°nths »*<>• Wil1 _ JAMES *ORROW &JJON. take $550 for all or will separate. McMeary, in. Beautjfui furniture of 4-room apart- FOR SALE--Two registered bul) ™ent. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, calves, high grade stock, one seven hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut dinmonths old, qne two weeks old. Ad- 'n£ room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 dress, Birchmont Farm, Ingleside, 111. P®* walnut bedroom set, complete with Tel. McHenry 632-J-l. 37-tf spring and mattress; library table; 5 ; pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of SALE--Some choice Barred silverware. Must be seen to be apcockerels, Thompson strain, predated. Will arrange for delivery. McHenry, Tel. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., 37-3 Chicago, HI., phone Sunnyside 6190. - 33-6. FOR Rock James Hunter, R-2, 617-J-2. FOX RIVER CHICKS Get our special early order offer FOR SALE--One team of geldings, east of McHenry on Wednesday even-j voters at the election on Tuesday, with each hundred chix, if your order 8 and 10 years old, wt. 2,500 lbs. On ittg of last week. The guests all April 8, 1928. Your support at the •» in before March 15th. Fox River the Peter F. Freund farm, 1% miles came dressed in Valentine costumes. | is hereby solicited and will bev Chicks are good layers and big pay- northeast of Johnsburg. 86-tf Cards an.i various other games were greatiy appreciated. I ers. How about a good brooder played to pass the evening. Prizes in | JOS. J. (BUTCH) FREUND. stove? See us about the Newton FOB RENT cards went to the following ladies: Brooder, the best brooder made. Ad- -- First, Mrs. Mary Cook; second, Mrs.J FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY jdress Fox River Hatchery for free. RENT-- Large, comfortable, Ann St. George; third, Mrs. Catherine Wagner; consolation, Mrs. Cora Molidor. Among the gentlemen the prizes I am a candidate for the Democratic circular. Phone 1587. nomination for the General Assembly Ave., Elgin, 111. S. Grove steam-heated room; near Centerville 37-4 business district. Inquire at Plainwent to Joseph F Unzen Frank St ^pectfullj solicit the support of HERE ARE THE BARGAINS OF -- went 10 josepn r. i^enzen, r ranK oi., the voterg at the primaries on April! u * \>t- t ivc ixt Tioun WAVTin George, Edward Cook and Frank Hir-1 joth ' ' BARGAINS IN USED CARS WAfHaJJ onimus. After cards, refreshments-j were served. A prize was given to Mrs. Edward Cook for the best dressed Valentine "gent" and Joseph Lenzen for the best dressed "lady" Valentine. Flashlight pictures were taken. THOS. A. BOLGEB. I These cars are priced so reasonable WANTED--Room and board, with -. fthat it will be necessary to get one flr,ge| tm ,, h ^ Xddre.B Married Forty-nine Years juickifyouwantone Look over the ^iam S^nan 1£x S'w^ Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen celebrat- ' ?"C c e8 0 a"d take a look at *e Henry 1925 Star Touring $185 88* ed their forty-ninth wedding anniver- __ ......... sary at their home on Waukegan ' }J^ U ^ street Sunday. Although the anniver- Ford Truck ... 50 hides and furs. If you have anything sary fell on Monday, the event was JJJ7 Chevrolet Truck 350 m this line to sell give us a ring-- j observed on Sunday when their chil- 0 ru McHenry 221-J. Wiednch & Brennan. Valentine Party A Valentine party, given by Mrs IL J. Schaeffer, was enjoyed by sev-1 ^ couW aH^Tith" them^A very |^5 Ford Roadster 15 38. eral guests on Wednesday afternoon j pleasant da was t b thia fam. 1925 Nash Truck of last week. The home appeared j ily gathering, the members of which £heXrole* CouP€ 200 350 WANTED TO RENT--House with most pleasant for the occasion and a I were^^r^and ^rs^™^Sutton^and 1927 Pontiac Coupe 450 conveniences. Phone 134-M, MM. luncheon was served at ver, | ^re"'^ »cHENBT AUT2, ^ 38 prettily appointed tables. The re- and Misg Varina Jugten of chicago Phone 8 Rivennde Drive DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash over^J the ^LyinTTfivr^undrS and Mrs" P M Justen of FOR SALE-6-hole kitchen range, hot Price» ^or dead animals Telephone ™ '!e..A'f., !: !th,s City. • water front, warming oven. Very Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l. Reverse i Li. tM A with the first prize being awarded to j _i-- charcres. Prompt service. 87-4* Mrs. John Powers and the second prize ; to Mrs. Henry Kinst*a. The guests j Daughters of G. A. R. The members of the James B. Perry warming oven. Very . reasonable if taken at once. Ray arge8, Page. Phone 201-R. 36-tf WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse who enjoyed the afternoon were: Mrs. I fortress of the Daughter of th; G A FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern Hides" Also 411 kinds ot RafiT®. Paper, John R. Knox, Mrs J Zimmer, Mrs. j R held a social meeting at the Wood- house on Green street. Will sell Magaziaes, Iron and Metal. Sam ve on» s- • ' r8, i man hall Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. reasonable in order to settle estate. Hirschman. Phone McHenry 173. ~"~s Powers Miss Etta Powers, John p and Winiam Bacon! inquire of Math M. Blake. Tel. 607- • Z' J r Mrt Clarence i ^ted af- W-l. 34tf James lilra u ""V. ! acted as hostesses and a pleasant Martin, Mrs. E. J. Kelter, Mrs. Henry tarnnnn „f , * p., . . p . I play and three tables of bunco. In Court Joyce' Kilmer No.T573, Cath-1 h r U"d A red K the first,P.r?fe was 7°n; » a • , . , . oy Mrs.-A. Krause and the second by oUc Daughters of Amenca, held their ^ Andrew E d bunco the annual pre-Lenten party on Friday ofifi_ot u u „ \ last week. MiSS Florence Carey «ld ' curk .£ - h-r u,»PO fL ^and the consolation by Mrs. R. MISCELLANEOUS her committee were hostesses for the evening. A valentine box with valentines for all caused much merriment. Cards and bunco were also enjoyed by the members present. Those who were lucky to receive prizes were Mrs. Ed Button and Mrs. Walter Carey in L. Howard. Evening Five Hundred Club Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer en-' Plwite 8 tertained the members of their Even- WHO WANTS THIS ONE? 1925 STAR SEDAN Fully Equipped 4 Good Tires, 2 Nearly New Motor in A-l Condition $50.00 good closed car for only half a hundred. McHENRY AUTO SALES Riverside Drive BUYING AND TRUCKING LIVESTOCK-- to Chicago. Call at my expense. Call C. W. Smith, Cary 52-J-l. 37-4* TYPEWRITERS Sales and Seryice. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf ing Five Hundred club at their home! CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE--One 2% McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR w«r__ n *#11 J „ Monday evening. The evening's hP £as°line engine, one pump pack, EXPRESS--We handle express to and Lwi^ Stoffelfo^ five hundred and amusement consisted of five hundred Meadows washing machine, one ^o™ Chicago.__ Chicago freigh_t de- Frances Niesen and Mary Bolger for banco. The committee served a most pleasing lunch at the close of a perfect evening of entertainment. with the first prizes going to Mrs. | Torrin^ton vacuum sweeper, one 4- Partment, 411 W. Superior St. Phone Nick Weingart and Jacob Schaefer I ^u^e Oriole radio receiver. Carey McHenry 213-W, 32-*tf" and the second prizes to Mrs. Mat Steffes and Nick Weingart. "jp?"Vii-': .1 WHY-THIS FOUR IS TRUTHFULLY CALLED a m'e RiCA-s Finest No car in the price class of Dodge Brotfcm Four is so RCX3MY. No car in tf>»« price class is so SWIFT. No car in this price class is so STURDY. No car in tf»«« price tdass is so SMART. No car m this price Haiti (Kfflfratfi fim^ 0 to 25 miles IN 7 SECONDS. f ca** *n this price class is so COMFORTABLE-- for none has so long a springbase. T^iese are FAO 1"S----readily verified--ar«r| explain the immmar popularity of Dodee JBrot^iers Four. No car at near its price offers so many ad- Vantages that Americans value foremost." 1 |fcnd no car at ANY price affords its owner, In greater measure, the satisfaction of knowing that for •very dollar invested he lias received a full dollar's return in honest value. y- 4-DOOR SEDAN "875 F.OJ. DtnaoiT Tutu in for Dolfi BrotWt Radio Pmpmi mmy Tkuradcy nifht. >> 7 to 7:30 (Central Standard Tim*. NBC R*d Nttwork) I " "- I ; James Morrow & Son . Waukegan and West McHenry Dodoc Brothers Four.' ALSO TWO IIWll OP SIXES--THB VICTORY AND THB SBNIOK Electric Shop, Green St., McHenry. 38 TUNE--and keep your piano tunea. FOR SALE--One oak buffet and one oak china cabinet. McHenry. Tuning makes your piano a musical Mrs. Matt Freund, "* t, gg H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf 1 Z~^7. HARNESS REPAIRING AND UP- I ALE--Two-sitore 1buildiing, wiith BOLSTERING--by Robt. Patzke. 38-2 °n St Cal1 No 7* Phone 99-M, West McHenry, 111., corner Third and Main streets. 26-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Modern 7- TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble room home on Court street; has 2-car to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repairgarage. Inquire at Plaindealer office, ing done on all makes. Also fluff and rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 13-tf WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends M. A. Conway was a Round Lake, visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dietz ware recent Chicago visitors. John Fagan of Chicago was a visitor here over the week-end. Mrs. Forest spent a few days the first of the week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Guinto were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonslett of Crystal Lake visited relatives here jJunday. Edward O'Callahan of Chicago was the guest of McHenry friends over the week-end. Richard Stenger of Waukegan was the guest of McHenry friends over the week-end. Miss Kathleen Powers was home from her schbol duties at Alden over the week-end. Mrs. Almy Wiswall and son, Austin, of Chicago spent a few days the past week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dtfwe and son, Charles, spent a recant day ^dth friends at Kenosha. V| Jacob Buss of Belvidera spent Wednesday and Thursday of the^ past week with relatives here. Mrs. Frank Strain of Kifhrnp^ !>«• been caring for hey daughter, Mn. C. W. Klonts during her illness. Thief to Thief" «C ®T a thief to take • thief--that ancient axiom may or mny not have been penned In the year 1696, but aa events in the Ufa of one Capt. William Kldd, turned out that's what It finally amounted ,t«. For Captain Kldd, the most famous freebooter In all history, started out as an avowed enemy of pirates. His becoming a pirate himself was an afterthought, and probably as much a surprise to him as It was to certain Influential friends of hie who were expecting him [to put rich profits In their pockets. I For when Captain Kldd sailed from fPlymouth for New Tort In the spring (of 1666 In the little galley "Adven tare," he bore the commission ot his * majesty, King William III, to go forth and take four notorious sea rbbbens. Captains Too, Ireland, Wake and Maze, "who dally comtntt many and great piracies, robberies and depredations upon the seas of America and in other ports and also all such pirates, freebooters and sea rovers, be- In* oisr own subjects, or of any other nations associated with them, which yon shall meet upon the coast or seas of America or in any other seas." The commission had been obtained for him by Earl Bellamont, the newly appointed governor of New York, a Colonel Livingston of that cblony, and several English noblemen who had formed a company to finance the en terprise. In addition to capturing pi rates and keeping whatever property could be obtained from these outlaws of the sea, Captain Kldd was also empowered to prtj upon the shipping of France, England's traditional enemy. Such prises, however, must be brought to the nearest British port and there disposed of by the proper authorities. Kldd enlisted 80 seamen in England and 80 more In New York. He had little difficulty In securing just the men for such an expedition. To some of them the lure of rich legalized looting was ample Inducement. Each man was to share equally In the spoils, after 20 per cent of their winnings had been deducted for the company. To others, whose past would not bear close Inspection, a voyage just at this moment was a blessing, and goln? aboard the Adventure was a matter of keeping two jumps ahead of the law, whereas remaining on shore meant the usual one jump ahead. So with his double-barreled commission and his crew of these choice characters, Captain Kldd cast off the lines of the Adventure from a wharf In the Hudson river and headed south. Madagascar on the east coast of Africa was his goal. No plrate-huntlng **npon the seas of America" for him. His commission also said "other seas and ports" and Madagascar, which came within that category, was the haven of the ocean highwaymen who preyed upon the East Indian trade*.. (•l ltM. W«at«r* Nawapapcr WM.) Card of Thanks I desire in this manner to express my thanks and appreciation to the members of the McHenry fire department and all others who assisted at the recent Are which destroyed my jewelry store. MORT RETT. Afternoon of Bridge Mrs. F. O. Gans, Mrs. James Bouril and Mrs. Julius Keg spent a social afternoon with Mrs. George Kuhn on Monday. Bridge was played during tha> afternoon. • ^ . r Evening Bridge Club Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer entertained the members of the Evening Bridge club at their home on Main street Thursday evening. Three tables of bridge were in play and high honors were won by Mrs. James Sayler and A. J. Schneider. A. J. Schneider was guest of honor as his approaching birthday was celebrated during the evening and he was presented with an appropriate gift. Refreshments were served with a brightly lighted birthday cake in honor of the occasion. Mat Laures was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Neil Doherty, who is attending college in Chicago, spent the weekend at his home, south of town. Clifton Herschman of Indianapolis, Ind., spent the week-end as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koerner. William Martin of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Martin. Miss Varina Justen of Chicago was a Sunday visitor in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and son, Quentin, were guests in the home of Mrs. Edward Malone at Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Marum of Evanston spent the week-end with the latter'8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton and children of Chicago were the week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. John Givens and Joe Hettermann spent Monday evening at Aurora where they attended a meeting of the Chevrolet dealers. Miss Lillian Doherty, who is attending college in Chicago spent the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koerner, Miss Edna Geist and Clifton Herschman of Indianapolis, Ind., were visitors at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey attended the funeral of Miss Ruth Ryan at Evan ston, Friday. Mr. and MrB. W. J. Welch, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Robert Knox returned the first of the week from a trip to Staunton, where they visited relatives. Party At Williams Home Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams entertained a few friends at their new home on Center steret on Saturday evening. The main part of the evening's entertainment was devotd to music and dancing and a pleasant evening was enjoyed. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Masquelet and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing: Hikers' Club Mrs. Minnie Miller was hostess to the Hikers' club on Tuesday afternoon. A pleasant afternoon was spent at bridge, with the first prize going to Mrs. Julius Keg and the second prise to Mrs. John R. Smith. Five Hundred Party Several friends were entertained by Mrs. Mat Steffes at a party at her home Thursday evening. A pleasant evening was spent at five hundred and the first prize was won by Mrs. H. L. Ritter, the second by Mrs. M. Freund, the third by Mrs. Mat Steffes and the fourth price by Mrs. Ben Hiller. Consistent advertising la mm-. bring results. Albert Woll spent the weekend at Carey. NOW ENJOYS EATING THANKS HIS WIFE "Fbr years I suffered with stomach trouble. Then, my wife got me t<* take Adlerika. Today I feel fine and eat what I like."--Wm. Opp. Adlerika relieves stomach gas an<| sourness in TEN minutes. Acting oil BOTH upper and lower bowel, it re* moves old waste matter you nevet thought was in your system. Let Ad-, lerika give your stomach and bowel* si REAL cleansing and see how muclf better you will feeL It will surprise you! ** Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. Silk Crepes Rayons iCOKTtCttif DR.E5S SILKS All the new and staple shades for yon to choose from for. that new spring dress. Cwpe, $1.75 P«r yi. Bayou, $1.50 SATIN KO-RAII Next Saturday 4 U>s. of Sugar ... 25* 4 bars American Family Soap ;r __„23^ f Inn Fels Naptjia Soap 37^ " "I'T A Home Owned Store I HOT NEW. His friend didn't know that the suit wasn't new. And so there's another customer made for our cleaning and pressing service. * --lb. Before and After "Gleaning and Dyeing Service at Tour Door" 4 Mrs. Anna Howard CLEANING; PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143-W Located over Bolger's Drug Store Basket Ball! at the Community High School Gym Sunday Afternoon, Feb. 26 Commodore Barry K. of C. of Chicago vs. McHenry K. of C. McHENRY ACES VS. HARVARD CARDINALS Admission, 50c • ' ' * ' V; : Electrify Your Pump CULLMAN ELECTRIC PUMP DRIVE Deep or S h a l l o w Wells, Push Button C o n t r o l . A few r e a s o n s why you ihould use it: Can bv installed on the pump you now use. Works indoors as well as outdoors. In emergency can be arranged to be operated by hand or gasoline engine. Prices from 166 to $135. Thousands of farmers do their water pumping with the Cullman Electric Pump Drivel You are invited to caJJLaad Jet us explain this Outfit. V' * Carey Electric Shop tireen Street. McHenry ife.

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