Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1928, p. 5

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? ?^w? .!-• • T -IU.-t .:-** -~ _.••:-•** *1,. £ J*1 " V.m •jl-/' ' ; t -• , v-1"'-." v. - " v^'"-"'*1' ' "*' *" • *-' ' '• *"'"' W ; fpy#.. ^s&r^- •"" >., - PBS *v iMiiiuf, 15, 1928 Your Own Home • - each fnonfth yon ana simply admitting that your landlord is a th«j <;U-' Smarter man than you am. He owns the taight just as well belong to yon/ life hate a plan of home financing that mnb*m it ag «&sy to own your own home that in a short space of tim® there would be no excuse for living on another man's property. % Put away a little each month and before long yon will be surprised how near you are to a home of your own. Let us explain details without obligation. and Loan Association UNDER STATE SUPERVISION M. J. Kent, .Sea Phone 8 Spring Opening ANTIOCH PALACE •» A REAL PLAGE TO DANCE" The most elaborate Ball Room in Northern Illinois-- 1 mile south of Antioch on Highway No. 21. -I;* •A1'1 '*# 11>f MUSIC BY Seattle Night Hawks Harmony, Rhythm, Syncopation, Jaw ., A Melodious Melee of Musical Madcaps ST. PATRICK'S DAY Saturday, March 17th PLENTY OF FUN AND FAVORS FOR ALL PARK PLAN DANCING Duncing Every Saturday Night 1 Admission 25e wfflay pbsoiwis COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindeal«r Reporters and Handed Xb By Our Friends C. Unti in m Chicago visitor Tnwdiy. v, L. F. Newman was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. George Meyers visited in Chicago Sunday. Laurence McNeil of Ingleskhi was a McHenry visitor Thursday. Mrs. John Dreymiller was a Wattkegan visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Benwell visited relatives at Ridgefleld, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 01 fen were visitors at Ring-wood Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Goodell was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mayers ware Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. Henry Foss was a Wauke gan visitor Thursday. . - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Vincent Martin of Wanconda was a McHenry visitor 'Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Schreiner were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mrs. William Marshall and family visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. Arthur Peterson of Grayslake visited in the Andrew Eddy home Sunday. John Fagan of Chicago visited friends here Saturday evening. Edward O'Callahan of Chicago visited friends here Saturday. Miss Ellen Frisby of Elgin spent the week-end "at her home here. Miss Rose Ahrens of Elgin spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Laura Michels of Waukegan spent the weeek-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey were Chicago visitors Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard of Ringwood were recent McHenry calleite. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hettermann spent Saturday and - Sunday in Chicago. Mrs. John Walsh and son, Ray, of Fox Lake called on McHenry relatives Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman vi9i$ed in the George Eddy home at Elgin Thursday. Albert Woll, of Chicago, was a week end guest in the home of Mrs. Mary Carey. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson of ! Spring Grove spent a recent evening I at McHenry. | Miss Marjory. Whiting spent a few days last week with relatives at Nor- I wood Park. i Mrs. William Welch and daughter, Mildred, were 'Woodstock visitor* , Wednesday afternoon. ! Mrs. Ellen Ensign spent several ,days last week in the home of Iter : sister at Barrington. ! Mayor and Mrs. P. W. Frett and daughter, Charlotte, were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Mrs. Lawson of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of her son, Leo Lawson and family. i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff of Joh'nsburg were Sunday guests of Mr. and MJrs. Simon Michels. Father Charles Nix recently returned home from Florida, where he spent several months. Misses Rovena and Dorothy Mar-' dance shall spent Sunday as guests of Miss I Union on March. 14 Hairy Fay of Elgin was a McHsnry visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Hh. Ray McGe* were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen visited relatives at Richmond Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry K&mholx were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Waukegan visited in this city Monday. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klonts were visitors at Richmond Thursday. Miss Floribel Bassett visited friends at DesPlaines over the week-end. Mrs. F. E. Cobb and daughter were Elgin visitors Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and daughter, Mrs. Henry Foss, were recent Chicago visitors. Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins and family visited at Woodstock and Barrington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Peterson visited their son, Bob, at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Sunday. Miss Gertrude Kish of EvanBton was a Sunday guest in the home of My. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mrs. Fred Kamholz and Will Detmore attended the funeral of Mrs. Elbert Gehrke at Union Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns and son of Oak Park visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoffman and little son, John, of Chicago visited in the home of Mrs. Helena Heimer, Sunday. <Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamhols and sons visited in the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. George Kamhols, in Chi? cago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Friday. Mr. and MTS. Joe Michels of Johnsburg were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels. Mrs. Philip Peterson and daughters of Marengo were week-end guests in the home of the formers sister, Mrs. Andrew Eddy. Mir. and Mrs. John Brefeld and daughter, Norma, of Waukegan were Sunday puests in the B. J. Brefeld home on Green street. Mrs. Ed Brefeld and daughter, Katherine, of Chicago spent a few days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs.- B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and daughter, Theresa, spent one day last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld in Chicago. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Irtd., spent a few days the last of the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. Richardson Overton left the last of the week for Flint, Mich., where he. will drive back an automobile . for Overton & Cowen, Buick dealers. Mrs. Henry Heimer, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bradley of Ringwood, motored to Chicago one day last week, where they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stucker and family of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Engel and son, Paul, and daughter, Murleen, of Washburn, 111., motored to McHenry where tWy spent the week-end in the home of their brother, Dr. and Mrs.) A. J. Aicher. • The members of McHenry Chapter O. E. S. are invited to attend a meeting of Woodstock chapters on Friday evening, March 16, and a given by Union chapter at Mrs. J. Keg .was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. Ifr. and Iftrs. Arthur fVrede of Austin spent the week-end with the former parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Moulton of Chicago were week-end guests in the home of the tatter's sister, Mrs. A. Krause, and family. Mrs. F. J. Aicher and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Engel, son, Paul and daughter, Murleen, of Washburn, 111., were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. Pat Graham, mrs. Jason Renehan, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham and Mrs. J. Graham attended the burial of Mrs. CBoyle at St. Patrick'ss Cemetery, last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler and little daughter, Dorothy Ann, of Chieago visited in the home of Mrs. Butler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer, Sunday. Mrs. Butler and little daughter remained for a Week's visit with her parents. Mrs. Fred Kamholz visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gumbrecht at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. At this time the children and •relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Gumbrecht spent the evening with them in honor of their fortieth wedding anniversary. Kenneth Howe of the 12th brigade, Fort Sheridan, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Hattie Howe. NOTICE Please take notice that on April 6, 1928, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the Chicago & Northjwestern Railway Company will sell at public auction at its freight station at McHenry, 111., 8 cartons Printed Sales Tickets, shipped by The Wirth Sales Book Co., from Chicago, 111., consigned to J. C. Thies Co., West McHenry, 111., shipment having been held the required length of time in accordance with the State Laws of Illinois and disposition furnished The Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. By W. C. Johnson t Freight Claim Agent. TAXES The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here. West MicHenry State Bank. 41-tf Wisdom of Children "I hnd rather take a walk with a wide-awnke child thnn with the wisest man that ever lived," said the philosopher, "for the questions of the child brlntr out things an older person would never think of."--American Mftpazln?. BISHOP HOBAH TO BB INSTALLED HAT IS SOOKFORD, March 14--With Qeorge Cardinal Mundeleln officiating, the St. Rev. Edward P. Hoban will be consecrated and Installed as bishop of the Rockford Catholic diocese Tuesday, May 15, it was announced yesterday by the Very Rev. F. F. Connor, diocesan administrator. Aboard a special train over the Illinois Central, which will bear Cardinal Mundeleln and other members of the hierarchy, as well as a large delegation of laymen--some 400 In all Bishop Hoban will arrive in Rockford that morning. At the station, the Chicago churchmen will be welcomed by local Catholic clergymen and lay members of the diocese, SOOTM ef Priests to Attest They will be escorted to the place of Installation--which probably will be St James pro-cathedral, where they will prepare for the ceremonies to follow. v More than 1M priests of the Rockford diocese, together with the visiting clergymen from Chicago, will take part in the processional which will immediately precede the consecration of the Rt. Rev. Hoban as bishop of Roc^- ford's Catholic diocese. Banquet for Dignitaries That evening Rev. Fr Connor announced, a banquet and reception will be tendered to the new bishop, the cardinal and to other members of the hierarchy. Following his Installation, Bishop Hoban will make his residence in the bishopric at 1704 National avenue, where the late Bishop Peter J. Muldoon formerly resided. JWy Mfcf ef U--O Mm H4^i ,; op of Chicago sad vfear i. having been consecrated cember 21, 19*1. He Is « and was born in 1 St. Mary's seminary in ' 11, 1901, he went to Rone his studies. In 1906, he sistant chancellor of the Chicago diocese, and in 1910 was elevated to then cellor. Bishop Hoban was appelated vfear general in 1917. f¥» Is epfrttuaf advisor to the Holy Name Society, ffli last visit to Rockford was on Novsasber 8, when be officiated at soiesui requiem mass for Bishop Mtaldoes, Just one month after Bishop MuMoon's death. 11 Counties In Piseeee Rockford diocese, over which Blskep Hoban will hold spiritual guidance* includes Winnebago, J o Davleee, Stephenson, Boone, McHenry, Cfcrroll, Ogle, DeKalb, Whiteside, Lee and Kendall counties--ar area of c,99*r square miles. • m- Uapaved Are Due to the warm weather and rain the roads in this locality are getting bad and many cars are getting stuck in the soft mud. The roads to Terra Cotta were very nearly impassable the first of the week and on Tuesday the busses did not attempt to make the trip to Ten* Cotta. The men who are employed at the factory the train. Firsf Shakeapearetm FoKm The first folio edition of Shakespeare's pla.vs did not appear until after his death, it was published to 1623 by liis two friends. .Tohn Hemfng I and TTenrv Pondel! 26th. Annual Given by Grayslake Fire Department Opera House, Or&ysl&to, SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH IS Priies Given Music by Wightm&n's Gold " Coast Orchestra ----- PHONE US YOUR ORDER AND WE WILL DELIVER IT PROMPTLY Friday-Saturday Specials APPLES, Eating and Cooking, per lb 10^ PLUMS, No. 2 size can ..-L ; • „ 15* DILL PICKLES, per dosea COFFEE, regular 38c value __3 LBS. $1.00 PRESERVES, Savoy Brand, 4 lb. jar v,,f :99^ PORK SHOULDER ROASTS, per lb. , PO&K LOINS, per lb. .... ...... -%14 Riverside Grocery and Market Phone m Albert Barbian, Prop. Riverside Drive lit- I. :* •4$ 5 -j Ethel Bell at Richmond. Little Miss Rosemary Stoffel Miss Evelyn Hironimus of Volo was Wroclstock is spending the week with Vote for DR. C. F. BACCUS Candidate for McHenry County CORONER A Doctor's Job Republican Primaries Jipril 10, 192® ? the guest of Miss Laura Michels at her home here Sunday.. ^ Joe May of Fox Lake spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Miss R<rse Huemano returned home the last of the week, after spending several months in Florida. Mrs. Albert Purvey spent a day her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. [John Miller, while her mother, Mrs. ! George StofTle, is teaching school for I Mrs. Glen Robinson, whose husband I has been very ill at the Woodstock ' hospital. . | Mrs. Clarence Martin returned heme Friday after spending several days with her sister Mrs. Glen Robinlast week with her parents, Mr. and |d0n Woodstock. Mr. Robinson, Mrs. L. B. Compton, at Woodstock, jwho has been seriously ill at the Miss Laura Karls, of - Chicago, Woodstock hospital, following an spent the week end at the home of operation for appendicitis, is now her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls.! slowly improveing. A Helping Hand IN HOUSE CLEANING TIME \ A speeial rate will be given for the balance of ifaitdi on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for leather Beds '.J". J*L'"*MM Feather Pillows . .'v '•» Comforters and Quilts, each J%r^ „. V, -.36# Regular washes are as follows: -<m ?•* ' 4 'V Wet Wash ; TT Hydro •' .'•••nV-'Wi Wet Wash, dried _ Rough Dry, per IK Finished Work, standard price. • We guarantee our work. 20 lbs. $1.00 __H lbs. $1.0dhfif; -1254 lbs. $1.0db / .! Ifol ' ~ McHenry Laundry ! Phone 189 it? j • L. V. ADAMS, month V nhf.50iiom * Ajq electric toaster makes delicious, golden toast right at the tablet , During March we are offering wellknown toasters at only 50c down, balance "Little by Little" with your regular light bills. Came in and sdect yarn todayi PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY r OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St., Crystal Lais* - Telephone 280 - J. A. Schabeck District Manager on New Model A Have Started We have ju8t received a Beautiful Blue Roadster , This car has been delivered W W. P. Wood burn, proprietor of the Central Meat Market ' * 'Where ifotir Dollar Buy's Most*' KNOX MOTOR SALES Lincoln Authorized Sales apd Service Plumes 30 ami 31 McHmry IM JLfehi T* .'PI- ^ -- 1 U" ' >. "i'd 'rl •tf ^ 1 ^ m U

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