Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1928, p. 13

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*':> . -4 "WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS 07 A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Pl&indealer Reporters and Handed 1b By Our Friends M5ss Martha Anderson of Waukegan called on friends here Sunday. George Adams of Waukegan was ft McHenry visitor Sunday evening. Walter LaSalle of Desplaines spent the week-end with McHenry friends. Mrs. B. Costello of Elgin called on relatives here Sunday. J• W. Freund was a basinets visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Bernard Newman of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. Misses Calla and Olive Vasey ware Elgin visitors Wednesday* Robert Taylor was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. John Engeln was a visitor at Richmond Tuesday. ^ Mrs. Albert Vales was ft Chicago visitor Monday. . > : ' Mr. Miller and Mr. Anderson of Delavan are spending the week here working on the Julius Keg dredge. Mr. and Mrs.- Mat Fitzsimmons of Woodstock visited friends here Sunday.* Norbert Hollenbeck of Washington, D. C., was a week-end visitor in McHenry. Miss Mayme Keg of Chicago was & week-end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keg. Mrs. Mary Powers and daughter, Jean, were guests of relatives at Long Lake over the week-end. Miss Eleanor Hoffman of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of friends here. Miss Kathleen Powers was home from her school duties at Alden over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the William J. Welch home. Miss Lena Stoffel returned home Saturday from a week's visit with relatives and friends in Chicago. C. W. Stenger and sons, Carl and Jack, of Waukegan called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Henry Heimer spent a recent day in the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. M. Bradley, at Ringwood. Mrs. Paul Meyers spent a recent day in the home of her sister, Mrs. E. Thompson, at Ringwood. -Mrs. H. B. Schaeffer and children spent a few days the last of the week with relatives at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins and family spent the week-end at Aurora and Yorkville. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Beller and Mrs. John Niesen and daughter, Frances, visited at Kenosha, Wis., on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Meade of Elgin were recent callers in the W. A. Sayler home. Mr*. N. J. Nye, Mrs. W. E. Carey and Miss Lou Schneider were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mir. and Mrs. C. J. Rechansperger and children visited in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Isherwood at West Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and daughter Marie attended the funeral of Mrs. Vales' mother in Chicago Friday. Mrs. E. G. Peterson and son, Earl, left Sunday for Farmington, Mich., where they attended the funeral of the former's nephew on Mionday. Miss Lenore Freund of Libertyville spent a few days last week in Hie home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garner and family of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Garner's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hanrahan and Mrs. Patrick Hanrahan of Chicago were calling on friends in this city Sunday. Miss Cornelia Freund of Chicago spent the, week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. J. W. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cronin ami Miss Mildred Zuelsdorf of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr? John Engeln. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson, in company with Mr. and Mrs. H< M. Stephenson of Ringwood, motored to Chicago Sunday, where they attended the flower show at the Sherman hotel. >' T. a k ' : ' '*'• - f . r% THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, APRIL 5,1988 all, stand out as the brightest era of progress, prosperity and good government the state of nilnols has ever witnessed. These are the issues upon which Governor Small makes the pledge: And with the Constitution as my guide, liberty and Justice in Its fullest meaning must be safeguarded to every man, woman and child in our beloved commonwealth." Record Mast Be t*e Test The only answer Governor Small's opponent makes to these issues is that any other Governor could have built as many roads or more and could have built them as well and cheaper. The record on road building stands undisputed-- Small built them all--no matter what his opponent says about some other man doing it as well or better. The record must be the test. If you approve the record made upon these issues, if you desire that Illinois continue on its path of destiny to still greater achievements in public work and progressive government, you will respond tc Governor Small's appeal to the loyal men and women of Illinois with your vote and you will ask your friends to Join you with their votes for Ctorcravr Small Oft. April 10th. VIGORA--Specially prepared plant food for lawns, gardens, flowers, shrubbery and trees, for sale by Alexander Lumber Company. West Mc Henry. ) 44 NoW is the time to select your field garden and flower seeds. Erickson's Store, West McHenry, has just received a full line. Prices are right. V: CHARI ES H. FRANCIS (sot Chas. R.), candidate for Representative, Eighth District, Lake, McHenry and Boone counties, qualified, experienced, clean, capable. Can talk, knows when to keep stilL 44* A: *3$ .-M A room to rentT^Advertiae Jt fa Consistent our classified department. bring results. advertising la Silk Underwear and Hosiery Flowers and Cards ^ for Easter Agatha Shops Next Door to Postoffice Vote For RECORD FOR PER FORM GOOD RECORD IN OFFICE IS DECIDING ISSUE TWO BIG Easter Dances rj AT THE Antioch Palace 1 Mile South of Antioch < Highway 21. "A w A Real Place to Dance SATURDAY AND SUNDAY April 7-8 MUSIC BY THE FAMOUS Seattle Night Hawks BOWLING BILLIARDS POOL REFRESHMENTS GRILL DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Admission 25c Governor Has Record for Accomplishments Never Exceeded in Entire History of Illinois. Issues decide campaign. Reoords performances, accomplishments and achievements, things done, or not done, furnish the issues upon which the people will decide on April 10th primary campaign now waging. Governor Small has Issues upon which he is asking support by the people in this primary campaign. If his opponent has issues, they have not been presented in the campaign up to this time. As a master builder of highways and waterways Governor Small asks support of the loyal men and women of Illinois in his campaign for re-nomination. Highways and waterways are an issue in this campaign. "Highways are Happy Ways" and Small built them all. Illinois leads the world in paved highways. This is an issue. Economies Are Isiae Economies in State government fornish an issue. The United States government, in an official document, praised the record of Governor Small for economies in Illinois. The per capita cost of State government in Illinois is less than in any of the surrounding states. It is lowest in the United States with the exception of four small states. Reduction of thirty«one cents in the State Tax Rate during the past two years is an Ts&ue. Governor Small and his friends obtained In the last session of the General Assembly the only direct primary law which has stood up under court test. This is an issue of things done. . Progress in public works, constructive administration of state affairs, an uncompromising light for the people's rights make a record of achievement for Governor Small outstanding in Illinois history. These are amtint; the issues upon which Governor Small goes to the people for re-nomination. During Governor Small's administration, Illinois has been provided with the best system of hard roads in the United States, at a saving to the people of 112,000 per mile, or a total saving of $65,000,000. Illinois leads the world in paved highways. More work has been accomplished on the Illinois Waterway during 7 years than haa been done during 100 years of Illinois history prior to Governor Small's taking office. These are Issues in the campaign. Governor Small's policy that the people--not the Chicago Tribune shall rule in Illinois, is an issue. Under Governor Small's administration, Illinois has been the healthiest large state in the Union, wards of the state In charitable institutions have received luimane care, 267.537 claims for Adjusted Compensation have been paid to the sons and daughters of Illinois who served in the World War These are more issues in the campaign. The past 7 years, during which these things have been accomplished under the administration of Governor 1 Recommended By Legislative Voters League Successful Business Man For 38 Years Lee McDonough For Representative 8th Senatorial District Served as Lake County Treasurer from 1914-1918 and has established a reputation as an energetic, honest and reliable citizen. Lee McDonough favors EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT, HOME RULE and REDUCTION IN TAXATION. Mark your Ballot - - - fx] - - - - Lm McDonough FOE CAPABLE REPBESKNTAT30M r Primaries Tuesday, April 10th . ' See our attractive Spring Display of ACORN Ranges Tax Misstatements Won't Nominate Mr. Emmerson (Editorial Herald and Examiner) The per capita cost of running the state gov- capita cost is more than 50 per cent greater ernment of Illinois is lower than that in any than in Illinois. of the surrounding states notwithstanding The $43,158,525 expended by Illinois to the charges of Secretary of State Emmerson, run the state departments was at the rate of whose office is probably the most extrava- $6.04 for each resident. North Carolina, gant one in the state. Tennessee, Ohio and Alabama made smaller Only four states in the Union, namely per capita expenditures for the same pur- North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio and Ala- pose, but the figures for all other states were bama, made last year smaller per capita ex- higher. Indiana used state funds at the rate penditures than Illinois. The expenditures of $7.94 per capita for department operation, in all of the other forty-three states are high-. Missouri $6.90, Wisconsin $9.86, Michigan er per person than in Illinois. $10.42, and Iowa $9.03. . These figures are revealed by the De- The largest single portion of the $6.04 partment of Commerce of the United States, spent on behalf of every Illinoisan was $2.21 set out in the United States Bureau of Cen- used to promote education, of which $2.20 sus report, page 104, as follows: went to schools and one cent to libraries. Per capita co6t of government per year This per capita was also smaller than in a in various states is: great majority of states and the general Illinois y6.04 average of $3.57 for all states. This despite New York ....... ... 12.01 the fact that the educational system of the California . '• - , 14.48 state of Illinois, including the State univer- Wisconsin .... 9.86 sity, which gives free scholarships to thou- Michigan 10.42 sands of Illinois boys and girls, is the model Indiana 7.94 educational system in the United States. Missouri -- -- -- 6.90 The next biggest slice went to charities, Minnesota ...-- -- -- 12.34 hospitals and corrections, on which the state Iowa -- -- 9.03 spent $1.49 for every resident. For 1926, the last year for which the For the year 1927 the state fa*- was re- United States has finished its analysis, the duced by Governor Small 25 cents, with an cost of running the government in Illinois additional cut of 6 cents for the year 1928, was $6.04 for each resident, while the cost in making a total reduction of 31 cents for the Indiana was $7.94 per person, in Missouri two-year period. These give the official fig- $6.90 per person, in Wisconsin $9.86, in Mich- ures of the government of the United States, igan $10.42, and in Iowa $9.03. It will be They give the lie to the charges made by Mr. noted that in some of these states the per Emmerson and his press supporters. . * _ _ _ * J 'The Standard of Efficiency for 94 Years Save $10 on a beautiful New Gas Range! For a limited time only, we will allow $10 for your old range and accept it as a part payment on any new gas range you may select. One of these new ranges will not only help you keep your kitchen spic and span, but it will assure better cooking and baking results with less work. • Take advantage of this, liberal allowance offer NOW.- Call in TODAY and inspect our display of ranges with attractive enamel finish, oven heat control, and other modern features. Ask about our Special Spring Offer on UFRIGERATOU For Easy Spring Cleaning-- Order a F E D E L C O Electric Cleaner $29.50 Attachments, $5 extra Only $1.50 down W ESTERN UNITE Cas tad Electric Gonpany D C. B. Centos, Metric* 1*7

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