Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1928, p. 4

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'^•V^ck s'"^ The present-day postage stamp never jyym» J{> hno^ when It's licked. »•' ------ 1 1 •--»-- „ . r - It Is 90 In the shade above the ArSbd^rcfe. In the shade of what) No matter how fast Llndy flies, he •ever arrives ahead of his- welcome. Then there Is the occasional fno<? that 1? going to look like static by teleri ion. So the next great war Is to be with Insects. The last one, as we recall tf, Wasn't without insectk Tbe farmer seems to be keener than Ibis friends in distinguishing wb^t he wants from what he needs. "Twins Born at Mid-Ocean."-- Boston Post headline. Why not name therti Fore and Aft? Kings can no longer boss the work* as they once could, but we nam£ a few queens who can. could living costs no more than It used ta, If you Uve »8 people used to, if WW call that living.--Buffalo News. Earthworms think, says' a naturalist, thus further disqualifying them. In some sections, for duty .on the jury. We always imagine the victim felt much the same as the convicted murderer does, about not wanting to die. . About the only demonstration Trotsky is permitted to make is that of obeying immediately when told to move on. Crabs chew their food with their legs, we are told. Yes. and some men do their hustling with their mouths. --Detroit News. ^The average full-grown giraffe's tongue is two feet long," Just the light length to lick the Ice cream out of a freezer can. Duty on Swiss cheese has been Increased 50 per cent, so we may expect to see the holes made larger.-- Florence (Ala.) Herald. Some of our most energetic dema- Cegoes aren't really demagogues sifter all. Away back in the original Greek the word meant "leader." FOR CIRCUIT I'LKRK I hereby announce my I'sntllriary for the office of Circuit Clerk of Me- Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voter* of thia county at the primary to be held April 10, 1928, and respectfully aoliclt your vote and support. .. LESTER GRIFFING. USB THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS FOE BALI FOR CIRCUIT CLERK 'Harvard, 111., Feb. 9. 1928. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Circuit Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, subject % the action of the Republican voters of said County at the primary to be held on Tuesday, April 10, 1928. I will appreciate the vote and support of the electors of McHenry Comity. ' «. WILL T. CONN. ,. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of circuit clerk of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries on April 10, 1928. Your vote and support trill be -appreciated. WILLIAM R. CAIRNS. omiRTUNITY TO ACQUIRE A GOOD BUSINESS--Because of lack of time I wish to discontinue my weaving business. Tyo looms with full equipment. If anyone will take the business over I will FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter, like new. $50 for quick sale. Phone 170. tf FOR SALE--The CMalley Cement WMVltl_ Block Bungalow near Spencer's Mill, West McHenry. Ben Stilling A Son. 39-tf. make it my duty to fiilly instruct the BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- purchaser in its workings, without ex- Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will tra charge. Will sell very reasonable, take $560 for all or will separate. Mrs. B. Popp, West McHenry, 111., Beautiful furniture of 4-room apart Phone 162. 44 tf ment. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, .• hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut din EAST SIDE GARAGE FOR SALE--All cars in A-l condition 1927 Star Six Coup#. • 1926 Star Six Coach. 1924 Olds Roadster. „ 1926 Ton Chevrolet Truck. 1923 Ford Coupe. Phone 49 *44-4 ing room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. walnut bedroom set, complete with spring and mattress; library table; 5 pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of silverware. Must be seen to be ap.- preciated. Will arrange for delivery m m ni 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., McHenry,^ n. Chicago, 111., phone Sunnyside 6190. 39-6. FOR SALE--First class bed springs and mattresses; also good electric washing machine; very reasonable. FOB GENERAL ASSEMBLY Mrs. Baron, Phone SS-M }. 44x I am a candidate for the Democratic FOR SALE--Two colts, 1H yrs. old; nomination for representative in the j grey mare, 5 yrs. old. Anthony G. General Assembly and respectfully Wegener. R-l, McHenry. 43-2 solict the support of the voters at the DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON •HAND 1924 Dodge %-ton Express primaries on April 10. THOS. A. BOLGEB. PERSONALS 1925 1924 1924 1925 FOR SALE--Work horse; also ten 1922 yearling ewes, due to lamb in April, fornia top 150 Truck ...$485 Ford 1-ton Truck ... 200 Dodge Business Sedan 325 Dodge Touring . 150 Chevrolet Coupe 250 Studebaker Touring, Cali- Robert Vogt. Phone 632-W-l. 43-2* That government employee who has raised 20 children on $85 a month Might to be moved over to the budget -department.--Detroit News. If the law of supply and demand Is operative In a family of seven, as elsewhere, the extra quarter of pie at tinner ought to bring $1,500. Geruiany has^Jeft many valueless paper marks distributed through thV world as souvenirs of the human obligation to forgive and forget. If the navy were as vulnerable In tl«ses of war as it is just now, the 8wi6S could perhaps defeat us On the sea.--Louisville Courier-JournaL Frank Zuelsdorf visited in Chicago Sunday.. William H. Altholf was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Alma Thomas was a recent visitor at Ringwood. Roy Kent was a business 'visitor at Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. George Kuhn returned home Saturday night after spending a few days in Chicago. Mrs. Minnie Miller returned home last week after visiting friends in Decatur and Chicago. George Hanly and J. Troyke of Elgin were business callers in McHenry the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler and family of Woodstock were callers in the W. A. Saylor home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler were Sunday guests in the home of their son, F. W. Sayler, and family at Woodstock. Mr. and MTS. David Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutson of Woodstock were recent callers in the W. A. Sayler home. Miss Cecelia Cushman, state supervisor of nurses of this district, was visiting Mrs. Joanne Ruelein, school nurse, Wednesday. ^ Miss Angela Petesch arrived Wednesday evening from the University of Illinois to spend her vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Stanley, of Ringwood were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith Sunday. FOR SALE--Good grain binder; laying hens, $1.40 each. M. H. Detrick, West McHenry. Tel. 613-W-l. 43-tf. \ hypocrite has been defined as a an who pretends to believe what yota tell him when he knows you're lying.--Mineral Wells (Texas) Index. ' t ' it What ever b eaine of the old-fasi- Jened inflated youth who dldi7t have to consult,a high-priced psychoanalyst to discover that be was in love! Hawaii's "Aloha" means hello, goodau re voir. 1 love you, and half a dozen other thing*. In fact, it ha* the all-around versatility of Hawaii's one tune. 1925 Dodge Business Sedan .... 525 International Truck 385 1927 Chevrolet Dump Truck ...... 675 Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks in % ton and 1 % ton in closed or open body types. JAMES MORROW & SON, USED CARS AND TRUCKS Phone 186 , West McHenry, m. 1926 Nash Coach $550.00 1922 Buick Touring 175.00 FOR SALE or RENT--The Lily Lake 1923 Buick 4-cylinder Sedan .... 150.00 Inn, lunch and refreshment stand at 1926 Big Six Studebaker Sedan 575.00 Lily Lake, fronting on cement road. J. D. Lodtz, Phone Crystal Lake 127J. 42-tf 1-Ton International Truck with - Cab 300.00 2-Ton Diamond-T Truck 250.00 1927 1-Ton Chevrolet Truck with cab and box 500.00 OVERTON & COWEN T , „ .. . Phone 6 McHenry °' M,Ul M B1»ke FOR SALE -7- Seven-room modern house on Green street. Will sell reasonable in order to settle estate. Tel. 607- 84 tf FOR SALE--Gfcod clean clover seed, pnn hut? rw , t . „ 30c per lb. John A. Miller, R-3, Mc- Henry. Phone 655-M-2 43-tf. J™* 1° ^ 2-600 1 "»• °n , the Peter F. Freund farm, 1% miles FOR SALE---Good clean clover seed, northeast of Johnsburg. 86-tf See Nick M. Justen, R-3, McHenry. ~ Tel. Richmond 472. 43-2* WANTED FOR SALE--Red June clover seed, WANTED--Wbman or girl to do free from foul seed. J. M. Diedrich, light housework by "day or week. Ad- R-l, McHenry. Tel. 646-M-l. dress "F," care McHenry Plaindealer. 43-2* 44 STOLEN CAR RETURNED On February 11 a Buick car was found abandoned." in front of Joe Karls' place in Johnsburg. It was reported later. to Motorcycle Policeman Phil Guinto, who, with Police- FOR SALE--Two brood sows, due to WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse farrow in April. P. J. Brown. Phone Hides. Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, 614-J-l. 43-2* Magazines, Iron and Metal. Sam ' "• Hirschman. Phone McHenry 173. REDrCED TO $158 * 31-tf. 1924 -- NASH TWO-TON TRUCK New Tires Dual Drive Express Body and Cab Motor Fine Tires Alone Worth $250 MISCELLANEOUS LOST--Red Scheafer pencil in or near National Tea Store, valued as gift. Thi. i. . real b«rg.i„. If ,wi ne«t G' A' St""nB and receive a truck of this size, better hurry! 1 M'HENRY AUTO SALES TRUCKING LIVESTOCK and POULPhone 8 Riverside Drive TRY to and from Chicago. Coops for -------- -- -- ; poultry furnished on request. Call FOR, . .SA LE. .--. 100_ c.h oice varieties C--ar„y 52-J-l and r e v e r s e Gladiolus bulbs. Price reasonable. C. W. Smith, Cary 111. . , H. M. Stephenson, Ringwood, 111. man John BarnfiS, located the owner | Phone Richmond 682. 42-3 at Waukegan, John Zapenuke, who charges. 42-8' received his stolen machine the next day after the report was made. Little Willy heard father speaking last night of an "open letter" and wanted to know whether that meant when you left a note in the rtiilk bottle. . A Miunettiwlls parrot, by repeated! > yelling, "Get out of here!" routed two burglars from a home. The bird Is thought to have mistaken them for door-to-door agents. BARBECUE STAND TO OPEN Thompson's barbecue stand will open Saturday night of this week and continue throughout the summer season. East end of old bridge, McH e n r y . . 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Leisen and daughter. Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Misses B. and Mary Doherty on Green street. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mix in Chicago. While there, George Mix in Chicago. Fred Ferwerda motored to Champaign, 111., on Wednesday and his son, Charles, and James and John Fay will return with him to spend their Easter vacation at their home here. Those from out of town who attended the funeral services of Mrs. Arminda Colby on Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Addie Webster, Mrs. Mlay Campbell and daughter, Franees, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Newton Matters, of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowley, of Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mfs. W. E. Colby and sons, Frank and Zell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colby and daughter, Amy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colby, of Waukegan; Mrs. Elmer Francisco, of Woodstock; Mrs. Gus Ehrke and Will Stevens of Solon Mills; Mir. and Mlrs. F. W. Smith and daughter, Lillian, Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mrs. George Young and Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd of Ringwood, Fred T. Colby, of Burlingame, Cal., and Mrs. Nicholls and Mrs. William Mereness, of Walworth, Wis. Juveniles Install Hie Juveniles of Riverview Camp, Royal Neighbors of Ahaerica, held their installation of officers at the R. N. A. hall on Saturday afternoon. At the close of the installation ceremonies a good time was enjoyed at games after which lunch was served. WARNING All automobiles are required to have two headlights and one tail light at all times. Violators are liable to arrest. The motorcycle policemen are looking for cars which do not have proper lights.. ---- NEW DISCOVERY PRAISED HIGHLY Stops Pain in Five Minutes--Absolutely Harmless L. W.-8 Club Miss Harriett Boger entertained the L. W.-8 club at her home last Tuesday. The afternoon was spent playing five hundred, with first prize going to Ruth Phalin, second to Virginia Engeln and consolation to Marguerite Johnson. At the close of the games a delicious luncheon was served. USED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY One rebuilt 12-20 Twin City Tractor. One 12-24 Hart-Parr. One Fordson Rebuilt. Fordson Tractor Plows., Three-bottom E-B Tractor Plow. . E. J. SHELDON, Phone 110 Grays Lake, 111. 42-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices for dead animals. Telephone Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l. Reverse charges. Prompt service. 41-4 ROOFING--The time will soon be here to put that new roof on your house, barn or garage. Roofs of all descriptions. All work guaranteed. Let me give you an estimate. G. P. Newman. Phone 89-W. 40-tf A writer to a heart-to-heart column. says that in 20 years of married life be has had only one spat, and one spat is about as useless a thing as tfeere Is except one glove. With scenario writers fettrlng at tte age of thirty, Edison at eighty «B.vs that he may perfect a workable Substitute for rubber In another eight years "If he works hard and is lucky." >vf' A chain of American hotels is now j| placing in every guest room a 500 C jpage volume of familiar poems. Ineluding, It Is assumed, the clerk's fa- Vorite, "Charge, Chester, Charge!" $n inspirational writer asks for sug l^stions on what Is the basic cause of War. Well, not to make too long •tory of It, It Is what happens when rjple get tired of doing whatever It they are doing. % _ The aviator who proposes to fly Jlroin Detroit to London ought to be - tfble to get some good advice from f ve or six men who have got across #»e Atlantic without complaining about Jbe filing station service. Wlu i w*. wonder about, a little, Is fprbftitw rtue United States Geographo P v.liich has found ri\ r. « *.'-w !ul;e and a new vol <*!«<*.<' le AUwfc* has much trouble at * to - HIGH VALUES AT LOW PRICES Not cheap cars but sold at a cheap figure. Here are some of the most exceptional buys in the used car market. Look them over, let us demon- TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone PhShe 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf After thorough tests on thousands of severe types of pain, a recent medical journal states: "The new prescription, A-Vol, is indeed a blessing to those who suffer from pain, it is absolutely harmless, safe for any&ne to take, as it does not.contain aspirin, acetanilid or any heart depressants whatsoever." If you suffer from severe, throbbing, bursting, nervous, sick headaches, have neuralgia, torturing neuritis, rheumatism of joints or muscles, toothache or earache, you should at once get a tube of 12 A-Vol tablets at your druggist's, the 25c size. Take two tablets at once and if you are not relieved of pain in 5 minutes, your druggist will refund your money. A-Vol is truly wonderful. It will check the worst cold very quickly. You owe it to yourself to try this remarkable new discovery. Just ask for A-Vol, the new prescription for pain. You will be. delighted. UILLEi THEATRES Woodstock's Beautiful Play House SATURDAY APRIL 7 FRED TOMSON in "THE PIONEER SCOUT"-' ALSO COMEDY On the stage Saturday and Silntfcay-- Devere' & Nelson, Radio Breeze -- Rutestrom's Family Band, 10 people. The World's Tmst The world demands a young man of dean hands and a pure heart, not because It cares about his morals, but because It wants a man capable of balancing the accounts correctly and honestly.--Exchange. Defended "Nullification" Senator Robert Y. Haynes of South Carolina in a tariff debate In congress delivered a speech on state rights and a defense of "nulllflcatlonM on January 25, 1830. This speech Is famous as the presentation of the question. strate and we are satisfied that a sale McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR will result. EXPRESS--We handle express to and Read These Prices from Chicago. Chicago freight de- 1923 Buick Touring; good mechanical Partment, 411 Wk Superior St. Phone condition; good tires. Price $75. McHenry 213-W. 32-tf 1927 Reo Flying Cloud Brougham; T1TNF. _ , v : like new. Price $1,400. iUNi^-and keep your piano tuned. 1924 Ford Coupe, perfect condition; ™alke!> y°°r P™0 » mimical only $188 mstrument. Phone 274-J or write J. 1925 Star Touring; $185 takes this Deih1' WoodBtock' I1L 27-tf 11992244 °"1?- ttoonn FFoorrSd Truck, cab and BOLSTKRJNRGE--PbAyI RING AND UPchassis. Only $100r Phone 99-M M'HENRY AUTO SALES ' Phone 8 Riverside Drive Webster's Masterpiece Senator Daniel Webster of Massachuse'ttk, delivered hie greatest speech, ob the Constitution of the ttaltAd States in its relation to "State's Rights," on January 26, 1880. It was in reply to Senator Haynes of South Carolina. Robt. Patzke. McHenry, 111., corner Third and Main streets. 26-tf I SELL FARMS, I sell lakes and to B Ponn " Sewing MachUi"nleC trouble river.. Dan Q„inl.n, Wood.tock, m. in„ don/on .11 18-tf • UUHI. A1SO 111 40-tf rag rug weaving. Phone 162. ELEANOR BRICK DIES SATURDAY AT CHICAGO Uncle Eben •*VS*e give praise to de preacher, said Uncle Eben, "but we aln' neveiL. rlet him take as much mo^ey fUW eo^trfthition plate as de nrlse flgnt- « gits fum de gate."--Washin£on Star Many dollars are saved by reading the .ads in the Plaindealer each week*. Miss Eleanor Brick, 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Brick, of Chicago, passed away Saturday, March 81, a victim of pneumonia. The family of the deceased is well known here where several near relatives reside. Besides )the parents, seven brothers survive, Eleanor being the only girl among the children. Burial took place Tuesday of this week at Desplaines. No School Friday Tomorrow is Good Friday and tfiere will be no school sessions at the public or parochial schools on that day. The span of life now appears to be bridge---American Lumberman. Window Plants Never water window plants unless the roll looks dry. Then put enough water on them to wet the soil thoroughly. Too much Water will qttiLcklj rot house plants. Honors Limited Only five ldrd mayors or provosts In BnilMid are entitled to be cilled "Right Honorable"; these are the chi£f magistrates of London, Yorlo, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Belfastf Encourages initiative Heuristic is derived from the Greek heuretikoa, meaning ingenious. Heuristic method Is one which incites the pupil to find out things for hlmeelf «ttd use his own initiative. TBS M'HEKBY PLAIHDEALCR, THUB8DAY, ATKIL 5,1928 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER iumr, m. Special Features in entered as second-class matter the act ef May 8, 1879. at Mcflesiy, UL, •ad Manager CLASSIFIED ANNOUNCEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS SUNDAY and MONDAY APRIL » AND 10 NORMA SHEABKR in "THE LATEST FROM PARIS" Pathe Mews and Comedy TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY APRIL 11, 12 AND 13 Charles Chaplin in "The Circus" Alio Novelty Reels Herbst Tomboy Shoes --Specially. Treated Waterproofed Soles. --Flexible Soles. --Smooth Leather Innersoles. --Best Leather Counters. --Combination Last. "No Gapping at Sides." --Smooth Linings. --Best Grades of Leathers Only. --Newest Styles. SOLD BY 'A Home Owned Store' Tour Bi Farm Arc in OurTaid/ Greater weight for your hogs, Richer milk from your cows, More eggs from your poultry, Greater endurance from your horses, Longer service from your implements, Better prices for your crops, . All come from well-built, tightly constructed farm buildings kept in good repair. We have in our yard the right building materials at the right prices. And we shall be glad to show you some practical new designs in farm* buildings of every description. / Now is the time to build or repair. Get is touch with us. IVfrXTENRY LUMBER f f) JL v JL JL X - Quality and Service First • West McHenry Spring Tire Sale Now is the time to equip your car with new tires at Real prices--Read these carefully and judge for yourself 30x3 Vt '• • • $ 7.85 30X'/2 Oversize, heavy duty ------- 9.40 31x4 Heavy Duty ; 1 5 . 2 0 32x4 Heavy, Duty --~-- 16.80 32x4'/2 Heavy Duty ---- --20.50 30x5 Truck ..... --~-- ---- 24.25 29x4.40 9.45 31x5.25 -- 18.85 33x6.00 - 22.45 TUBES FREE WITH EVERY TIRE * On account of the low prices in tires, the prices on vulcanizing have been reduced in proportion, so it will pay you to have your tires vulcanized. All Vulcanising Guaranteed. Tires and Tubes and Accessories, Car Batteries, ftll sites, •: Radio A, B and 0 Batteries WALTER J. FREUND Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing, Battery Charging and Repairing West McHenry, Illinois "C ++ •»•»•»»»»• »• ».»•»»»»»H••••»>»»»*1 'I'•»• •»• •»•»•!"I' > 'I"I'I 1 'I"»"»•** Frett Bros. & Freund % MASON CONTRACTORS and CINCRETE BUILDING UNITS Telephone MoHenry 600-M-l or 8&Jt IMMMMIMIMMHIIMMMIHMHIIMMMMIMMMII

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