Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1928, p. 4

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iuj^,jv§sa » • ' t *'.<•*, &•* '* ' ""* ~.%sf: $ II^j jpjippiifj^„ M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, APRIL ' ^ & j?s fte< 'i ~ i <*%- * % V *f> :M5% a'« *L". fs/' *>* sS& &'-y& they aslc of brands TOE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PajbttdMd «my Thursday at McHenry, DL, by Charles F. Entered ti second-class wttir at tiw ds* the art of May 8. WTO. at X«Bwqr, BL, » OM Ymt .. Six Montis " thibacgiptt-- I •««-** ,*• * #••• •»*'•••*•'» •*••••*»••••• • • * * • ••• «gk •' »•*a#e%aa**« •* *»••*•»•*%'• • • • • •• • • •«$LM A. H. MQ6HSS, Editor aid Manager m » VH| Official figures of the state tax comadasiou announced a few days ago •bow a tax valuation of $8,420,000,000 Ml all property in the state, based for the first time on the fall property valuation. Collections for 1927 are being made at the present time. With a tax rate of thirty cents on the hundred dollar valuation, this will yield the sum of $23,997,000 in taxes, or approximately $2,000,000 less than 1925, when a total of $33,002,878 was proaatomobile driveia mast be Caagtit in adolescence Chicago West Park police believe. Accordingly, after Straggling with the national problem of motor accidents and deaths, they have adopted a policy of teaching instead of punishing offenders of traffic laws. Instead of being ordered to pay fines or sent to cells, they are sentraced to. "school" and enrolled as atadents in the violators' classes. This Is not a "stunt" ou the part of the boulevard police but a permanent routine resulting from a four years' trial of the experiment That It has been very successful is attested by the fact that in 1927 there were only 27 deaths In that district resulting from careless driving and in the last three and onehalf years only one child has been killed on the way to and from school although about 90,000 cross the boulevard system every day at least four times. The area embraced in the boulevard system where traffic is handled by education Instead of fear covers 50 miles of thoroughfares. The method of procedure is much the same as exists the country over, so that when tbe violators come to court they have their tell-tale cards of admission bearwitness to high speed, parking without lights, left-hand turns, turning In the middle of the boulevard or some other of the many prohibited acts. It Is a rather significant fact that among the violators of traffic laws age outnumbers youth two to one. The following contract awards have been announced by the state division of highways for pavement, bridge and grading sections: Eoute 89, section 128, Marshall ooanty, pavement; Hartman-Clark Brothers Co., Peoria, $118,721.02. Boute 6, section 29P, Jo Daviess coanty, pavement; J. F. Lee Paving Go* Dubuque, Iowa, $11,678.72. Boute 143, section 101B, Franklin coanty, bridge; W. H. 8boas company, Freeport, $10,952.80. Boute 143, section 104B, Saline coanty, bridge; W. H. Sboas company, Freeport, $14,81^.42. Boute 143, section OX, Franklin cpunty, pavement; Hamilton-Hoffman, Carbondale; route 148, section 104, Saline county, pavement, Haa^lton- Hoffman, Carbondale, $673,903.28. Beau 36, section 20D, Pike CZtn'ti bridge; Illinois St^ rtrfflfe company, 09,688.43. * "Route 146, section 111C, Johnson coanty, bridge; A. C. Woods company, Bockford, $7,585.1®. Boute 105, section 10tC, Adams coanty, bridge; A. G. Woods company, ltockford, $5,686.48. Boute 142A, section 102B, Hamilton county, bridge; 6. Prendergast, St Louis, Mo., $51,729.20. Boute 88, section 102B, Marshall county, bridge; A. P. Munsen. Marlon, Iowa, $20,048.23. An agricultural bulletin, now ready tsr free distribution by tbe state department of agriculture, has been announced by officials of that branch of State service. This booklet, formulated by the division of plant industry, under the supervision of O. T. Olsen, contains the text of the insect pest and plant disease act, anfl the regulations governing interstate movement of nursery stock. State and federal quarantine areas are delineated in the bulletin. The state tax commission has ordered a reduction In the tax rates of Stephenson and Champaign counties, to become effective at once. The rates In Stephenson were ordered cut 25 .per cent and in Champaign 20 per cent, according to announcement made by William H. Malona, chairman of Ills commission. Ten contracts for the constructs* of pavement and bridges In various parts of the state have been awarded by the state division of highways as fbllows: Route 76, section 101B, Boone county, bridge; Stevens Brothers, 8t Psul. Minn., $14,625.28, Route 149, section 105B, Franklin county, bridge; W. H. Shons company, Freeport, $27,024.17. I Route 52, section 521-1, Oook county, pavement; Chicago Heights Coal company, $15,008.$, Route 149, section 107, Franklin county, pavement; Madison Construction company, Edw&rdsville, $288r 671.88. Route 140, section 108, Franklin county, pavement; Madison Construction company, Edwardsvlll*, $8$,- 953.35. Route 129, section 105, FrankUa county, pavement; Madison Construction company, Edwardsville, $170,- 457.06. Route 78, section 101, Boone county, pavement; 8. and H. Construction company, Milwaukee, $157,138.20. Route 164, section 118B, T axe well county, bridge; R. A. Calllnan, Tremont $7,885.08. Route 149, section 106C, Franklin county, bridge; A. C. Woods and company, Rockford, $25,061.68. An agreement has been reached by the Robertson Aircraft corporation, St Louis, and the American Express company for express service by airplane between St. Louis, Springfield, Peoria and Chicago. The express will be carried on the same planes which now carry passengers and mail, the aircraft firm announced. The cost of mail express will be 25 cents for each quarter pound with a minimum charge of $1.00. At the destination of the airplanes the express company will take charge of the shipments as It now does with consignments over rail. The service will connect with the trans-continental express now In effect through contract routes. In addition to the St. Louis-Chicago routes a line betwen St. Louis and g""" City Is being contemplated. Many of the bottomless mud-holes which travelers have found in the dirt roads of Illinois during the past winter are the typical "slick spots" now definitely recognized by scientists as a flaw In the soils in certain sections of the state, according t<} E. A. Norton, of i&e soli survey division, college of agriculture, University of Illinois. These spots vary in size from a few feet to several miles square and In some localities they make up ten per cent of the total soil area. When dry the spots become very hard and resist further penetration of water. When they are thoroughly wet however, they take on more water readily and seem bottomless. In this stage, the soli In them lias a smooth or slick feel--fro® wtawce the spots get their name. Wanton and thoughtless destruction of bubble bees may prove a real ^danger/* £»r. Theodore EL Firson, Systematic entomoloslat at tbe state USnxnri imtory survey, believes. Tbe danger, he declared, will outweigh temporary damage Inflicted upon the persons who destroy the bees' hives. It will be hindering the propagation of clover seed. "There has been much discussion," he said, "about other Insects pollinating red clover, but after all is said and done, the fact remains that most of the clover seed produced in most sections of this country Is due to the activities of the bumble bees." A veteran of two wars, Brig. Gen. James M. Eddy, seventy, retired, of the Illinois National Ouard, died at his home in Glencoe, a few days ago, Brigadier General Eddy was a lieutenant colonel of the One Hundred Thirty- first infantry regiment during the World war and saw service for a year overseas. During the Spanish-American war he was a major of the Third battalion, First Illinois volunteers, and later saw service on the Mexican border in 191& In Illinois a person la blind when his eyesight is so deficient that even with the aid of eye-glasses, he cannot do the ordinary things of life such as reading ordinary print Attorney-General Oscar E. Carlstrom has ruled. John E. Seating, state's attorney of Jackson county, asked Carlstrom's rul lng as to what degree of sight a man must possess or not possess to be entitled to the blind pension. PP • T*~' '• CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK RESULTS .»*. WHERE'S THE MAN WHO CAN USE THIS TRUCK? It's a NASH . Two-Ten 4 Nearly New Tires Dual Drive Express Body and Cab . .Motor in A-l Condition, ONLY $108 jfecHENRY AUTO SALE§ 8 FOR SALE CHEAP--1925 model, Federal 1-Ton truck; stake body, cab, 38x5 wheels, 8 tires. Inquire Sam Hirschman, Jus ten's Hotel, McHenry. 46 FOR like 170. SALE--Woodstock typewriter, 960 for quick sale. Phone tf FOR SALE--The O'Malley Cement Block Bungalow near Spencer's Mill, RivemMe ftrfo West McHenry. Ben Stilling * Son. • • 39-tr. RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mia. Herman Schaefer have moved from their home on Riverside Drive to occupy the Matt Steffes house in the north end of town. The house vacated by Mr. and Mtrs. Schaefer will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. George Obenauf, who are moving1 from the Math Steffes cottage on Fox River. Highest cash prices paid for dead animals. Telephone Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l. Reverse charges. See ad each week in Classified section. 46 Hie usher was passing a collection box. He passed it to a man who shook his head and refused to give. Take some, then," said the usher, "it's for the heathen!" -- Recn^t. Getting a husband is like buying a car, one has to consider Hie trade in value.-- Hie Sample Case. , FOE SALE $525 ..... $350 DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND 1926 Dodge Business Sedan 1925 Dodge Coupe 1924 Dodge Sedan 1924 Dodge Touring ....... 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 1925 Ford 1-Ton Truck 1922 Studebaker, Calif. Top 1923 Ford Coupe Easy Payment Plan FOR SALE or RENT--The Lily Lake Inn, lunch and refreshment stand at Lily Lake, fronting on cement road. J. D. Lodts, Phone Crystal Lake 127J 42-tf $300 FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern $150 house on Green street. Will sell $250 reasonable in order to settle estate. $200 inquire of Math M. Blaka. Tat 607 $150 W-l. 84tf $60 ^ FOR SALE--One team of geldings, We have a complete line of trucks 8 and 10 years old, wt. 2,600 lbs. On in % ton and 1% ton in closed or Peter F. Freund farm, 1% miles open body types. northeast of Johnsburg. $6-tf JAMES MORROW & SON Phone 186 West McHenry, 111. FOK UXT EAST SIDE GARAGE FOR RENT--Modern heated, furnish- FOR SALE--All cars in A-l condition ed rooms. Call 175 46-3 1927 Star Six Coupe. 1926 Star Six Coach. 1924 Olds Roadster. 1926 Ton Chevrolet Truck. 1923 Ford Coupe. Phone 49 McHenry, 111. *44-4 FOR RENT--Double garage on Waukegan street. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 45-tf WANTED USED CAR PRICES THAT ARE CUT TO THE LIMIT If you can use any of these motor vehicles, don't pass them by for they never will be less. 1924 International IVi-ton truck; 5 WANTED--Anyone who has feeding pigs for sale please call McHenry 632-R-2 or Round Lake 14-J-l. 46 WANTED--German Catholic wants to buy 40 to 60 acre farm near McHenry, on a highway or a good gravel Please give full discription in first letter. Answer at once. Owners only need answer this ad. Address new tires; motor A-l mechanical condition. A real buy at $237.50. 1926 Star Touring; good condition; _. . a. _ . good paint ."d tim,. MoW 1678 "aiwrnood St. D»FUlne», mechanically perfect. Price $185 111. 45 1927 Reo Flying Cloud Brougham. WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse A car that is almost new and sold Hides. Also all lHiyl« 0f Rags, Paper, at a great reduction. Can be se- Mng«>Tin»ff; ln>n and Sam cured for $1,300 Hirschman. Plume MtcHenry 178. McHENRY AUTO SALE8 3^ ^ Riverside Drive Phone 8 * v ' USED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY LOST LOST--100-pound sack alfalfa seed, One rebuilt 12-20 Twin City Tractor, between McHenry and Volo. Finder return to Alvin Case, Wauconda, 111. Reward. Telephone 31-W-2. 46 MISCELLANEOUS One 12-24 Hart-Parr. One Fordson Rebuilt. Fordson Tractor Plows. Three-bottom E-B Tractor Plow. E. J. SHELDON, Pheae 110 Grays Lake, DL NOTICE--To all Stockholders of W. *2"^ L. Howell and Company, whose office •nrv:te is located on Pearl street, in the city of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: A special FOR SALE--Carload No. 2 Oats. McHenry Flour Mills. 45-4 -••**«vAn order announced by the Illinois «0»jperce commission directs the Chics (P & Alton, Chicago it Eastern IDlnols, the Illinois Traction and other lined of the state to reduce rates for shipment of coal from Westville a&d other points and from the Spring fold group of mines to Hoopeston. The rrfllroad companies also are directed to prepare reparations as asked in rate cases which have been pending before tbe commission for some time. The rate, it is estimated, will be reduced five cents a ton. FOR SALE--Buff Rock- Eggs, direct meeting for the purpose of voting for from National prise winners, $1.00 for qr against the proposition of dissolv- 15, $5.00 per 100. Charles Alvers, mg the aforesaid corporation shall be Antiodi, III. Farmers telephone line, held in th<? the aforesaid 45-2*' Corporation at the aforesaid location, '* -- ----' on Friday, May 11, 1928 at 7:30 p. m. OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE A HARVEY NYE, Director. GOOD BUSINESS--Because of lack HERMAN NYE, Director, of time I wish to discontinue my WALTER CAREY, Director. weaving business. Two weaving srsfcrrr--: -- --r TTT looms with full equipment. If any- NOfaCR-I wall not be responsible one will take the business over I will any contracted by anyone make it my duty to fully instruct the but ®ut«de of groceries »nd purchaser in its workings, without ex- mea^- Fred E. Boger. tra charge. Will sell very reasonable. NOT PUT ON THAT ROOF Mrs. B. Popp, West McHenry, 111., NOW?--Let me give you an estimate Phone 162. .. 44 tf on yOUr house, bam or garage. Roofs „„r „ of all descriptions. All work guaran- BAR^m FOR YOUNG COUPLE- ^ G P. Neuman, Phone 89-W. Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will 46-tf. take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture for 4 room apart- TRUCKING LIVESTOCK and POULment. 3-piece silk mohair parlor TRY to and from Chicago. Coops for suite, hand carved frame; 8-piece poultry furnished on request. Call walnut dining room set; 2-9x12 Wil- Cary 52-J-l and reverse charges, ton rugs; 4 pc. Walnut bedroom C. W. Smith, Cary, I1L 42-8 set, complete with springs and ~~ mattresses; lamps, chest of silvef* ware; library table; 5-pc. breakfast ' set. Must be seen to be appreciated. TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Stpaired and Rentals. . . . . 0 0 0 t 1 -j Prompt attention to phone calls. Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland 549. L. JOLTZ, Woodstock Ave., near Sheridan Road, phone Sunnyside 6190. Chicago, 111. 46-6 t . T c „• u • T McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash EXPRESS--We handle express to and prices for dead animals. Telephone Chicago. Chicago freight de- Mierrick's, Dundee 810-J-l Reverse parent, 411 W. Superior St. Phone charges. Prompt service. 46-tf McHenry 213-W. 82-tf With the completion In September ff the new $1,500,000 highway bridge ^ -<>(rer the Mississippi river at Cape Girardeau, Mo., a new and shorter Mmte into the Ozarks will be opened to tourists of Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana and other states east of the Mississippi river. The new bridge, tlie only vehicular causeway over the Mi>s*iK'*ippI between St. Louis and Memphis--excepting the one directly opposite the Intter city--also will af- ** ford a new short route from Chicago tlimngh Memphis to points in the leatb and Southwest. Frequently It is asked to what extent occupational therapy is effective In the treatment of the insane patients at the Chicago state hospital. Those wbo are Interested wlU be pleased to know that the results obtained in the occupational therapy department are very gratifying Indeed, as evidenced by the fact that an average of one hundred and twenty patients a year ago sre so far able to •leave tbe Institution to return to their homes. The weekly health report Just Issued by Dr. Isaac D. Rawllngs, director of tbe state department of health, shows 167 cases of dlptherla, 829 cases of scarlet fever and 228 cases of lafl 11 aw is under qaaeantine. FOR SALE--Making a change for TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Baby Grand piano, offering beautiful Tuning makes your piano a musical upright piano, bargain. For particu- instrument. Phone 274-J or write J lars write Mrs. Lillian Johnson, over H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf Johnson Electric Shop, Woodstock, HI. 46 HARNESS REPAIRING AND UP HO LETTERING--by I SELL FARMS, I sell lakes and Phone 99-M, West rivers. Dan Quinlan, Woodstock, 111. corner Third and Main streets. 40-tf Robt. Patske McHenry, HI., 26-tf Planting Knowledge Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for as la advanced age; and tf we do not plant It when yoang, it will give us no shade when we grow old--Chester TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble FOR SALE!--Good clean clover seed, to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair- 30c per lb. John A. Miller, R-3, Mc- ing done on all makes. Also fluff and Henry. Phone 655-M-2x 48-tf. rag rug weaving. Phone 142. 18-tf Joe (moodily:) "And the worst of it is, she didn't say 'No,' till I'd spent all my cash on her." Tom: "Never mind, old boy, there are as good fish in the sea as ever were caught." Joe; "Yes, but what's the good of that when you've used up all your bait?" /-- Good Hardware. It is especially difficult to understand a wife's jealousy when you see newspaper portrait of her Sherbrooke Record. "So he's your little brother! Funny you are so fail* and he is so dark." "Yes, but he was born after mother dyed her hair." --Exchange. "The man who called me a cowcatcher made a mistake," reflected that part of the locomotive, just after having tossed aside the eighth flivver of the day. " He should have called me a can-opener." -- Case Eagle. I "What rent do you pay?" "I don't pay any." "What would it be if you did pay it?" "A miracle." -- Rutgers Chanticleer. Visitor: "I suppose they ask a lot for the rent of this apartment?" Hostess: "Yes, they asked George seven times last week."--Sample ILL! THEATRE. Woodstock's Beautiful Play HOUM SATURDA'S' "HOESKMBN 6F THE PLAINS" Also COMEDY ON THE STAGE SATURDAY and SUNDAY "DREAMS or DIXIELAND" A Scenic Production of the Old South, depicting the old Show Boat on the Mississippi, plantation songs and beautiful panorama, colored views of the Old South. Music that thrills, dancing that facinates. More real talent in 25 minutes than in a two hour play. 1 11 • -mtimmAmiliju--. SUNDAY and MONDAY Florence Vidor in "DOOMSDAY" Society Comedy-Dnuaa Also - Pafhe News and Cessedy TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY Jacqueline Logan In "THE LEOPARD LADY" Also CX)ME0Y Special Wednesday Sre. ELGIN COMMANDERY BAND OF 35 PIE0ES No Advance in Price f f HURSDAY AND :f*:. FRIDAY Wesley Barry and Raymond Ratton in "NOW WE'RE IN THE AIR" A picture that ie good for the blues. News and Fabiea Names "Alola," "Dearborn Club," stand for the best of their kind in canned goods. Best of all, the price of them is not as higlf some other brands that are not so When you want good eats buy here. A Home Owned Store kMiiltttli ./ We can give you famous Goodyear quality at a bargain price--a bigger < • bargain than you will ever get by ^' shopping around. Before you buy 3 any tire, investigate our prices on the pew Goodyear All-Weather Tread balloon tire---"The World's Greatest Tism'l • ;; Complete Stock All Sixes Tire and Tube Vulcanising Tires Sold on Time Payments WALTER J. FREUND West McHenry, Illinois 120-R Batteries Battery Charging and Repairing BUT XT IH McHXNKY Frett Bros. & Freund : ftASOX OONTEAOTOKS; "'•On - and v, > ^OINORETE BUILDING UKITS telephone McHenry 600-M-l or ACORN RANGE will make your kitchen your work easier Other Appliances to meet 8pring Needs Gis Refrigerators in Styles ^ and sizes tO suit every need Only 25 % do wn £ You will find the modern gas ranges now on display in our store leaves nothing to be desired in beauty and convenience. Attractively finished in enamel, theft* ranges brighten up any kitchen; their automatic oven heat control and other modern features also assure better cooking and baking with less effofi and less worry. Call in and see the unusual values now being offered in gas ranges. And take advantage of the special $10 allowance made on your old gas range. $10 Allowance on your old range TERN UNITED AND ELECTRIC COMPANY C. E. Cellist, District Manager Ttkphone 147 ^

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