m w v m < ! ? f F ¥ - ^ » ! n 5 - 5 ^ r * r ^ rr-'vr.r". • *-•*"* '••'** ••'"•"-»'• \.r*?* •ViSSffi ' *vfr7T/•«&£' Paint l:ns':r-- 311 PONT Prepared Paint Rely on du Pont Products Whatever the surface you inten4 to paint-- whether it be indoors or out, whether for an intensely practical purpose or for achieving the beautiful or decorative--you can rely, implicitly, on du Pont ,, finished products. * In the complete du Pont line oi finishes there is a paint, a varnish, enamel, or Duco, so honestly made, so skillfully 4 compounded, that it will produce results more satisfactory than any you have known before; * * We have just added the complete line of these well-known du Pont products. Whatever you plan to paint, come to us first; we have exactly the right product to do the job, and to do it just a little better than you thought possible before. GRAY n Du Pont Prepared Paint--for all side painting. Master-made through and through. Covers mon and covers it better. Duco for all home decorating. Easy to apply--dries fast and isonly oi 1 «• I Du Ponf Duco Easy to Use Quick to Dry Paints Varnishes 0U PONI I Put Your Painting Problems Up to Us The quick drying finish that never softens or becomes sticky in warm weather. It is easy to use. Even If you hjive never held a paint brush in your hand before, you can use Duco to brighten up the house in a hundred ways. Duco is offered in a variety of beautiful shades Mid colors. UWse • • for Your Floors and Stairs m Tou can give your floor a coat of Duco in the morning and walk on it in the afternoon--dry and hard. There is Only One du Pont Duco and Only One Place in McHenry to Get It-- at BOLGER'S For All Outside Painting Du Pont Prepared Paint Du Pont prepared paint covers more surface and covers it better. Master made thru and thru by exacting control of raw materials, and every manufacturing process. When you paint with du Pont, you don't guess, you know. Any reliable painter will estimate on your work with du Pont Duco products. warn msroounY WOSHES^FHISHES SUPREMIS Hoar Fk*h fca Every salesman in our store is qualified to give you intelligent and efficient service. Whether you want to paint a chair, or a table, or select the materials for a big job, he will take a real interest in your work, and you can depend on him to select the right products to bring you the best results. The following are a few leaders from our extensive du Pont stocks; . Du Pont Flat Wall Paint--the interior walls, ceilings and woodwork. Du Pont Floor and Deck Enamel Paint--made to walk on. Tufcote Varnish Stain--the varnish stain with longer Hie. Du Pont Varnishes-- Supremis for floors. Shipoleum for woodwork. Navalite for exterior. Ohi-Vo for rubbed effect. Flowkote Enamel--like porcelain--the finest enamel finish for exterior or interior work. Many other du Pont finishes for this type of woik. 10 PON 50-vo oemi-Paste White--a lithopone combination white in serai- £*ste form for outside painting. Snpremis--made by du Pont. The first varnish especially for floors and still a leader. Ihi Pont Colored Enamels-- for porch chairs, woodwork, radiators and a hundred other uses about the house. Fourteen beautiful colon. 4 Thomas P. Bolger Phone 40 "The McIJenry Druggist" Green St.