Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1928, p. 6

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mm, CMMt«y garistf M Meet „' The HmMHhmI OMMtery society :4NU bold Me regular nenthly meeting at the fcome of Mrs. J. E. Wheeler «fe NMn street, on Monday afteraeon, May 7. Dues for the upkeep of lots may be paid to Mr*. E. G. Peterson, Mrs. Ony Wheeler or Mrs. JUBttaa Sayler. • . JsTtaika Meet 11M Juveniles <rf Rlverview camp R. N. A. held their meeting on Saturday afternoon. After the regular meeting games were enjoyed bf tha Juveniles present. The Juveniles will hold their next iumfthg on Saturday, May 12. A room to rent? Adverifaa it in Br classified department. Wouldn't it be grand if some genius could only cross the umbrella with a homing pigeon?" --Open Road. £ *ji psfv This Year- YouWanta LOBOCAKT WMOOTOOR D "The Lock wood Line for 1928 gives you a choice of three great Motors--at a price ranging from . , 9m1/4R0 ctoh i$t185. Each is an outstanding value. New y speed records p--*-- them to be the Fastest-Finest Ever Bnilt **AsteaJiMng fas their New Power and Speed" " Tkljkgtft-- A New Light Twin of Class A design, developing •» 7 H, P. on the brake and with tn official speed ' record of 21.163 miles per hour. A*rMaf~A New larger Clan B Twin,developing 10.8S " VHICl H. P. on the brake. Has an unequalled official •peed record of 53.543 miles per hour. AIM At FUBOCH Model T--Redmced in Friet GOOD HEALTH WEEK OBSERVED ZH SCHOOLS ?- Wv- The Popular, Speedy Family Motor--holder of world'* record for 2 year* -- continued with iu 15 great feature* mad reduced in price. _ All Lockwood Motors are equipped with the "Lockwood FBot"--the exclutive safety feature that instantly "t ' mH ci the Motor whea you let go." ForSaUby M« Engeln & Sou Phone 87-w Riverside Drive We Build Better Homes John P. Weber GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Ow Free Plan Service ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED Scholars Put On Inter sating Program In Auditorium Last Wethiesday McHenry, as well as many Other cities of northern Illinois observed Good Health week during the past week under the direction of the school nurse, Mirs. Joanne Rulien. "Good Health" was the slogan for the week, special programs were put on in the schools and altogether,Good Health week in this city was a big success. Dr. Elizabeth Buss of the State Department of Health, was here all week and spoke to all of the grade school pupils as well as giving a most interesting and instructive talk to nearly 100 mothers at the high school auditorium on Monday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon a very interesting and well-given. health program was put on in the high school auditorium by the grade school, with the pupils giving health plays, essays and songs. These little programs are of much benefit to the children as well as being of interest to the parent® and will impress the health truths upon the minds of the children as could be done in no other way. Thursday and Friday were dental days when clinics were held and each child's teeth were examined, the dentists giving their services. Previous to this over 300 grade children had been immunized with toxin-antitoxin, thus guarding them against diphtheria. The doctors gave their services for this work, also. Both the doctors and dentists have cooperated in every way with the (school nurses and have been very generous of their time and services which has been greatly appreciated. Mrs. Rulien, the school nurse, has also been very actively interested in the welfare of the pupils during her period of work in the schools and under her efficient supervision much has been accomplished in the health program. Every month the children are weighed and measured and their progress noted and this with her many other duties make the s,position of school nurse a very busy one. The subject of good health, although a very important one, has been more or less neglected in our schools heretofore and we have been very fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. Rulien, who, being most competent and efficient, is working out a health program of the yery best, which the patrons of the school should appreciate. Miss Helen Pries visited friends heaa Wednesday. Jasnes Quiim of Chicago visited his brothers here Thursday. Bidufrd Overton spent a few days this week at Pontiac, Mich. William Nye of Chicago spent the week-end with home folks. Frank Zuelsdorf visited relatives in Chicago over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Kane spent the weekend with relatives at Antioch. Miss Loretta Steffes spent the week, end with relatives in Chicago. B. J. Frisby of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. B. Frisby, Saturday. Ross Wheeler of Freeport visited in the George Meyers home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Steffes and family spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Louis Hoff of Chicago visited in the home of his sister, Mrs. Henry A. Freund, Tuesday. Kenneth Howe of Fort Sheridan spent the week-end with his mother,, Mirs. Harriet Howe. I Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock spent Thursday evening with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lane of Shab bona, 111., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koeraer. Marvin Carney of Elmhurst has been spending two weeks in the fifcme of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and children spent Sunday in the home of Mir. and Mrs. A. W. Bickler at Chi- Paste Pot Philosophy Weekly Clippings From the Jokeeters' Columns Secretary of Ball Committee: The rule is quite plain. Men dressed as women are not admitted to the masquerade." Attendant: "But this bloke's rather a problem, sir. 'E seems to 'ave come dressed as a woman dresses as a man. --Punch. Phone 101-J McHenry McPherson: "Give me two pennyworth o' poison." Chemist: "We can't make up two pennyworth, sir. We can only make up six pennyworth." McPerson (after deep thought) 'Aw well, 111 not comnit suicide." American Boy. cago. Miss Nina Wheeler of Libertyville is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mirs. H. C. Sampson a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff and Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff of Johnsburg were Burlington, Wis., callers Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wynkoop of Woodstock were Sunday callers at Mrs. W. A. Sayler's. Mr. and M!rs. Harvey Baron and George Reynolds returned home Tuesday from a visit with relatives at Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. A. L. Purvey spent the first of the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Compton, at Woodstock. <* Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Fowler and A. P. Disbrow of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of Mrs. Emma Kennebeck. Mrs. H. F. Cannon and children of Waukegan spent a few days this week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mrs. Martha Conway and Mrs. Kenneth Paul of Ridgeway, Wis., were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. B. Frisby. Mrs. John Keg and daughter, Juanita, and Mrs. John Engeln and daugher, Virginia, were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Miss May me Aylward, Miss Minnie Conway and Jean Conway of Elgin visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mirs. Fred C. Schoewer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Young and little daughter and N. C. Klein attended a ^arty at Maywood Saturday evening. Mrs. Sesser of Blue Island, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meinung of Chicago were visitors at the home of Mrs. Henry Degen last Wednesday. Mrs. Andrew Miller is visiting in the home of her son, Ray McAndrews, of Woodstock, wham •!» is caring for her little granddaughter, Jane, who is ill. Leslie Bungard attended the junior prom at Hebron, Saturday evening. Mrs. Edward Brunker of Milwaukee, Wis., called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Olive Shedden of Elgin and Mr. Lennon, Mr. Stoner and Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd of Oak Parte were guests in the home of Mrs. C. S. Howard Saturday. Mrs. Harriet Howe returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, where she will visit for a few days. Mrs. Elizabeth Krause of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Lucy Reimann of Kenosha, Wis., spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Henry Degen. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Will Dewey spent Tuesday in Chicago. George Phalin, Robert Knox* John Bolger, Ed. Kennebeck and Richard Overton attended the K. of C. initiation at Notre Dame last Sunday. John Bolger was one of the speakers at the banquet held in the Oliver Hotel Sunday evening. Howard Phalin of McHenry is Grand Knight of the Notre Dame council. Bnpire Has New Radio Organ The Brunswick Orthophonic radio organ installed $y A. E. Nye in the Empire Theater is proving quite an added attraction. AH the latest organ and orchestra compositions can be produced by this instrument and cued to the picture. 4 ™ ? Doctor: "Don't you ever any exercise?" Patient: "Well, Zur, sometimee Oi stretches." --Punch. ^ ^ As the campaign advances, #e ate sure to hear the wets are responsible for the foods. --Shoe and Leather Reporter. What Mr. Hoover would like to do is to make a clean sweep.--Exchange. Farmers is A carload of Brewers' Dried Grains will arrive at our plant the latter part of the week. is a cheaper and better feed than Bran. White'Diamond Hone Feed for Sale.* We just received a shipment of German Millet and Canadian Field Peas. A bushel of field peas and a bushel and one-half of oats, per acre, win make an excellent crop of hay. •J.' • , .7 ^ t - Don't Miss Our Bargain on Seed Corn. SPECIAL ON BARB WIRE, FENCE AND P08TS All Next Weak. IfeaVy Hog "Wire, per 100 lbs. 80-rd. Cattle Wire, per spool Steel Posts, weight W2 lbs., eaoK Lots of 100, each 34c. 26-in. Woven Wire, per rod 32-in. Woven Wire, per rod „..„$4.35 $3.50 _J55c * staples Free with $10 Purchase, ^pnr Service Will Please Yon .40c j*8c McHenry Co. Fanners Co-op. Assn. Phone 29 v Old but True. Put down the year of birth How old are you now ........ Year you were married .... Add and result will be 8864 Singing Her Lay. "What makes that hen in your yard cackle so loud?" "Oh, they've laid the corner stone across the street and she's trying to make the neighbors think she did it." --Boys Life. Some of them say MGet thee behind me, Satan" so as to get a good backing.-- Brandon Sun. 'Did you know that the French drink their coffee out of glasses?" Yes, and the Chinese drink theif tea out--of--doors."--Boys Life. JOHNS-MANVILLE Rigid Asbestos Shingles are now offered to you in a variety of beautiful colors, in shapes and sizes to fit any architectural design, in prices to fit any pocketbook. They are everlasting, fire-proof, easy to apply, economical, and, withal, the most beautiful covering that you can put upon a roof today. Roof or re-roof w i t h J o h n s - Manville Rigid Asbestos Shingles and you a r e through with roof expense forever and you are forever certain of complete roof Johns- Manville Rigid Asbestos Shingles Mf HENRY LUMBER PTI JL A ^ Quoatv and Service1*§'^ W68t McHenry We saw one man speeding to gal the latest model home before it became obsolete. --Toronto Mail and Empire. In Animaltown Duck (to Dr. Rabbit): "D--D-- Doctor, give me some medicine quick! I swallowed a frog and I'm afraid I'll croak." --American Boy. Foresight is what a man geta credit for when other people build a town around his old patch. --St. John Times--Globe. Suggestion: The new aircraft car rier "Saratoga" should get out a salty sea going paper and call It the "Saratoga Chip". --Our Navy. Summer Boarder: "Why are those trees bending over so far?" Farmer: "You would bend over too if you weve as full of green apples as those trees are." --Exch. Dealer: "This engine will develop 60 horsepower without a vibration." Customer: "And how much With one? I want the best money can buy." --Implement Record. Anyhow, the 29th of February gave us one extra day before paying the income tax. --Southern Lumberman. "We got a new baby at our house." "Did you turn in the old one?" --London Farmers Advocate. Now if Mr. Burbank had tried crossing the asparagus and the cabbage, he Blight have evolved a ready made cigar. --Kingston Whig*-- Standard. SNIFF Why Have Gelds, Hay Fever, Flu or Headache? A few drops of Sniff on your handkerchief will last for hours and instancy breaks up head colds. Sold at all Drug Stogaa 85c a bottle or order direct. Paris-American Corporation, 64 W. Randolph St, Phone Central 2801* Matthews-Tony an Company General Contractors Phone 152 TO BUILD THE BEST--is the silent creed of every reputable contractor or builder. TO MAKE THE BEST--is the ever present driving foroe that h* maintained contractors or builders leadership and supremacy afi these years. 1?SE THE BEST---is becoming more and more the order of the trail#? ing fraternity because they not only realise the futility of "or equal * but economy of the best in every material and labor-making for rapid turnover-satisfied ownership. We will try to comply with the above on any building operations that you might let us do. from Our Books Before you make any definite plans regarding your new home, spend a few hours here looking over our plan books. The many beautiful homes, ranging from the inexpensive to the more costly, await your choosing. And we can tell you just what thf ®aterialswill cost. Phone 5 Lumber Co. West McHenry

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